What is an employer trust certificate?

Are you here:

On the territory of the Tomsk region, the Department of Labor and Employment, together with the State Labor Inspectorate, is implementing a joint project, approved by the decision of the tripartite commission for regulating social and labor relations:

"Voluntary declaration of compliance of the employer's activities with the requirements of labor legislation in terms of compliance with the rights of the parties to labor relations"

Project goal: a step-by-step solution to the problem of creating healthy and safe working conditions, reducing social tension through the implementation of a social partnership policy, as well as increasing the level of competitiveness and attractiveness of organizations located in the Tomsk region.

Project object: employer’s activities to respect workers’ rights, including ensuring safe working conditions. Project participants have the right to apply the project logo to manufactured products, in advertising and print media. Receive all forms of consulting services on labor law issues free of charge; Carrying out (at the request of the employer) inspections of compliance with labor legislation (in this case, administrative measures, as a rule, are not applied). To participate in the project, it is necessary to send information about the employer to the State Labor Inspectorate in the Tomsk Region application No. 1

with a covering letter. More detailed information can be obtained on the website of the State Labor Inspectorate in the Tomsk Region: http://git70.rostrud.ru/

tel. 90-44-70, as well as by calling specialists from the Department of Labor and Employment of the Tomsk Region: 46-90-68, 46-93-30.


To the State Inspectorate

labor in the Tomsk region


on participation in the project “Voluntary declaration of compliance of the employer’s activities with the requirements of labor legislation in terms of

1. _________________________________________________________________

respect for the rights of the parties to labor relations"

2. _________________________________________________________________

name of the employer (enterprise) in accordance with the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (USRLE) (last name, first name, patronymic of the individual entrepreneur)

employer's address in accordance with the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (USRIP)

4. I hereby declare that I comply with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on labor and labor protection:

Item no.

(Not really)

Employment contracts are drawn up in writing.

Work records are maintained for all employees.

Internal labor regulations have been approved.

Each employee is provided with weekly uninterrupted rest of at least 42 hours.

The schedule of annual paid vacations for employees for the current year has been approved.

Tariff rates (salaries) of employees are not lower than the minimum wage established by federal law.

Work on weekends, non-working holidays, and night work is paid at an increased rate.

Salaries are paid in full on time (there is no arrears).

Employees who combine work with study in educational institutions are provided with all guarantees and compensation provided by law.

Social insurance is provided to all employees in the manner prescribed by federal laws.

There is its own labor protection service (the position of a labor protection specialist; for organizations with less than 50 employees, it is possible to conclude an agreement with a specialized organization for services on labor protection issues).

Employees are provided with all types of training and instructions on labor protection.

Managers and specialists have undergone mandatory training in labor safety.

Employees engaged in heavy work and work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions undergo mandatory preliminary (upon entry to work) and periodic medical examinations at the employer’s expense.

All employees are provided with certified personal and collective protective equipment at the expense of the employer under conditions not lower than those established by the norms and rules. The enterprise is working to introduce new means of protection.

Certification of workplaces is carried out according to working conditions ( Appendix - schedule for certification of workplaces, plan for implementing activities based on the results of certification of workplaces).

Occupational safety measures are financed under conditions and in amounts not lower than those established by federal legislation. ( The amount of funding allocated for these purposes last year and the planned amount for the current year are indicated.).

Head of the organization ___________________ (full name) ______________ (signature)

Date "___"______________

Project participants have the right to apply the project logo to manufactured products, in advertising and print media. Receive all forms of consulting services on labor law issues free of charge; Carrying out (at the request of the employer) inspections of compliance with labor legislation (in this case, administrative measures, as a rule, are not applied). To participate in the project, it is necessary to send information about the employer to the State Labor Inspectorate in the Tomsk Region application No. 1

More detailed information can be obtained on the website of the State Labor Inspectorate in the Tomsk Region: tel.

90-44-70, as well as by calling specialists from the Department of Labor and Employment of the Tomsk Region: 46-90-68, 46-93-30.

tel. 90-44-70, as well as by calling specialists from the Department of Labor and Employment of the Tomsk Region: 46-90-68, 46-93-30.


To the State Inspectorate

labor in the Tomsk region

3. number of employees - __________ people

Item no.

(Not really)

Date "___"______________

Novgorod organizations that are guaranteed to respect the labor rights of workers will be awarded “Employer Confidence Certificates.” The decision to issue such a document will be made by a commission consisting of representatives of the State Labor Inspectorate in the Novgorod Region, the Novgorod Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Regional Association of Employers “Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of the Novgorod Region”, the Association of Trade Union Organizations “Novgorod Regional Federation of Trade Unions”. The certificates are planned to be issued within the framework of the project “Declaration of the enterprise’s activities to implement the labor rights of workers and employers.”

The validity period of the Certificate, according to preliminary data, will be 5 years. During this time, the Certificate holder is guaranteed information and consulting services on labor law issues, and restrictions on conducting inspections of compliance with labor law requirements. The provision provides for situations when the Certificate may be revoked.

A “Certificate of Confidence” from the labor inspectorate frees you from scheduled inspections forever.

The implementation of such a project will increase the authority and attractiveness of organizations and individual entrepreneurs of the Novgorod region in the labor market, promote more successful promotion of goods and services using the competitive advantage of manufacturers who have declared their work to implement the main provisions of the labor legislation of the Russian Federation. The project will also contribute to achieving a new high-quality level of protection of workers’ labor rights in the Novgorod region, expressed by responsible compliance by employers with labor legislation.

Organizations of any organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership, registered in the Novgorod region and operating for at least three years, and individual entrepreneurs can become participants in the project. They will need to send a declaration application in the prescribed form to the State Labor Inspectorate in the Novgorod Region.

It should be noted that in order to develop the economy and labor market, improve the standard of living of the population, achieve positive results in the field of labor protection and social guarantees, a tripartite agreement is in force in the Novgorod region. It was concluded between the regional Federation of Trade Unions, the Regional Association of Employers “Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of the Novgorod Region” and the Regional Administration.

Source: Press center of the Novgorod region administration, 2012.

Are you here:

On the territory of the Tomsk region, the Department of Labor and Employment, together with the State Labor Inspectorate, is implementing a joint project, approved by the decision of the tripartite commission for regulating social and labor relations:

Project goal: a step-by-step solution to the problem of creating healthy and safe working conditions, reducing social tension through the implementation of a social partnership policy, as well as increasing the level of competitiveness and attractiveness of organizations located in the Tomsk region.

Project object: employer’s activities to respect workers’ rights, including ensuring safe working conditions.

List of organizations in the Tomsk region that received a “Certificate of Trust in the Employer” based on the results of participation in the project “Voluntary declaration of compliance of the employer’s activities with the requirements of labor legislation in terms of compliance with the rights of the parties to labor relations.”

Project object: employer’s activities to respect workers’ rights, including ensuring safe working conditions. Project participants have the right to apply the project logo to manufactured products, in advertising and print media. Receive all forms of consulting services on labor law issues free of charge; Carrying out (at the request of the employer) inspections of compliance with labor legislation (in this case, administrative measures, as a rule, are not applied). To participate in the project, it is necessary to send information about the employer to the State Labor Inspectorate in the Tomsk Region application No. 1

with a covering letter. More detailed information can be obtained on the website of the State Labor Inspectorate in the Tomsk Region: http://git70.rostrud.ru/

tel. 90-44-70, as well as by calling specialists from the Department of Labor and Employment of the Tomsk Region: 46-90-68, 46-93-30.


To the State Inspectorate

labor in the Tomsk region


on participation in the project “Voluntary declaration of compliance of the employer’s activities with the requirements of labor legislation in terms of

1. _________________________________________________________________

respect for the rights of the parties to labor relations"

2. _________________________________________________________________

name of the employer (enterprise) in accordance with the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (USRLE) (last name, first name, patronymic of the individual entrepreneur)

Employer Confidence Certificate.

number of employees - __________ people

4. I hereby declare that I comply with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on labor and labor protection:

Item no.

(Not really)

Employment contracts are drawn up in writing.

Work records are maintained for all employees.

Internal labor regulations have been approved.

Each employee is provided with weekly uninterrupted rest of at least 42 hours.

The schedule of annual paid vacations for employees for the current year has been approved.

Tariff rates (salaries) of employees are not lower than the minimum wage established by federal law.

Work on weekends, non-working holidays, and night work is paid at an increased rate.

Salaries are paid in full on time (there is no arrears).

Employees who combine work with study in educational institutions are provided with all guarantees and compensation provided by law.

Social insurance is provided to all employees in the manner prescribed by federal laws.

There is its own labor protection service (the position of a labor protection specialist; for organizations with less than 50 employees, it is possible to conclude an agreement with a specialized organization for services on labor protection issues).

Employees are provided with all types of training and instructions on labor protection.

Managers and specialists have undergone mandatory training in labor safety.

Employees engaged in heavy work and work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions undergo mandatory preliminary (upon entry to work) and periodic medical examinations at the employer’s expense.

All employees are provided with certified personal and collective protective equipment at the expense of the employer under conditions not lower than those established by the norms and rules. The enterprise is working to introduce new means of protection.

Certification of workplaces is carried out according to working conditions (attachment - schedule for certification of workplaces, plan for implementing activities based on the results of certification of workplaces).

Occupational safety measures are financed under conditions and in amounts not lower than those established by federal legislation. (Indicate the amount of funding allocated for these purposes last year and the planned amount for the current year).

Head of the organization ___________________ (full name) ______________ (signature)

Date "___"______________

Olga Lycheva’s train crew was among the first on the main line to win the “Passport of Trust”

Publication date:

Team spirit. Olga Lycheva’s train crew was among the first on the main line to win the “Passport of Trust”.

Where does Belgorod begin for city guests? For the head of the branded train No. 71/72 “Belogorye” Olga Lycheva, the answer is obvious:

- From our team! After communicating with the conductors while traveling on the train, passengers develop an opinion of Belgorod residents as good, kind, sympathetic people. The motto of our team is to serve the passenger conscientiously and efficiently so that he is satisfied and returns to us. “Belogorye” is the calling card of our city and the Federal Passenger Company.

The motto is supported by deeds: on November 7, 2012, Olga Lycheva’s team received the “Passport of Trust” number 43, and in the South-Eastern branch of JSC FPC it was fourth. For what merit?

“For the absence of complaints, ticketless transportation of passengers and excess hand luggage,” the train manager answers, “for the fulfillment of the revenue plan from the sale of tea, confectionery, and souvenir products, we have a very large assortment, and we sell press, in a word, everything for the passenger.” It is necessary to strictly follow the instructions and put your soul into the work. It’s easier to earn than to keep, just like in sports. We are coping, of course, not without the help of the employees of the car maintenance point and ServiceTransCleaning LLC, all in one bundle.

“This team is worthy of high praise, conscientious, reliable,” says Viktor Trembach, chief engineer of the Belgorod car section of the South-Eastern branch of JSC FPC. – If it has a “Passport of Confidence”, it means that there are no violations of labor and technological discipline, labor safety, the train is kept in excellent condition, the performance is excellent. The sign of trust for us is still the first sign, but two new submissions have already been submitted, there are many good teams in reserve.

Olga Lycheva was brought to the railway by... love. From the age of 12, I enjoyed helping my aunt, conductor Lyubov Zapolskaya, make beds and clean the carriage. After school, she graduated from the Belgorod Mechanics and Technology College, but still became a conductor in 1999. She continued her studies in her specialty at the Voronezh Railway College and MIIT. She climbed the career ladder to the sound of wheels: train crew instructor, head of the conductor reserve. The responsibility was off the charts: trains "Belogorye", Belgorod - Novosibirsk, Belgorod - St. Petersburg, Belgorod - Voronezh, children's transportation, hundreds of people under control... Life passed at work under endless phone calls, I had to completely forget about the weekend. For family reasons, three years ago I wrote an application for transfer to the position of train manager. And he doesn’t regret it.

About my team - only kind words:

– I can’t single anyone out, everyone is trying as one.

Lists: Elena Litovchenko, Angelica Niemet-Gambu, Inna Molchanova, Tatyana Novikova, Alla Shmigidina, Nina Nastenko, Nikolai Egorov, Oleg Shunda, Olga Sazonova, Tatyana Rogachevskikh, Svetlana Nerubenko, Olga Sumchenko, Irina Onishchenko, Olga Belyaeva, Elena Kotova. Many have long had more than 20 years of experience. The brigade team was formed when Nina Agarkova was the head of the train; everyone went through her school.

“Our successes are largely due to Nina Vasilyevna,” admits Lycheva, “with her, the foundations of labor and technological discipline were laid.” It’s easy to work with people who understand you the first time, without reminders.

The highest qualification - fourth class - is issued by special uniforms for conductors of passenger trains. But white gloves are a kind of calling card of Belogorye. Such a piece of clothing was returned at the suggestion of the head of the road, Anatoly Volodko, of course, not in vain. According to Olga Alexandrovna, she tells passengers about the ideal cleanliness in the carriages, like in an operating room. "You are so Beautiful!" - Belgorod residents and guests often admire, looking at the hostesses of the Moscow branded composition.

The “Passport of Trust” is not only a moral incentive, it also promises a substantial material reward: during the first year its holders receive an additional 60 percent of the tariff rate, and during the second and third – 80 and 100 percent, respectively.

Needless to say, the addition to the family budget is noticeable.

“We received such high recognition on the rise,” says Inna Molchanova, “we are trying to improve the culture of passenger service in order to justify the trust and maintain the bar.

“We have everything for this,” Tatyana Novikova supports her, “a very good train chief, a wonderful team, everyone is connected not only by official relations, but also by friendship.”

“The brigade is a family,” Olga Lycheva expresses the general opinion, “we spend most of our lives on the road, we know who lives what.” It is our custom to honor colleagues on their birthdays; we try to support each other in word and deed.

And Alla Shmigidina believes that she has found her calling in life:

– I like communicating with people, it’s always interesting: to listen to and understand everyone, because understanding and sensitivity are the most important thing in our work. And when we hear words of gratitude on the hotline or read in the Book of Reviews and Suggestions, this is the best reward for us.

The passenger is always right - a well-known axiom. And traveling by train is made by a variety of people: the elderly and young, small children, retired military personnel for whom “grass cannot grow,” officials and entrepreneurs, foreigners... There are also VIPs: the governor, famous political and public figures, famous actors . And we need to find an approach to everyone.

– It was not like the trip was repeated twice; you don’t know in advance who will come and how they will behave. We try to find a common language with passengers, smooth out conflict situations, explaining politely and intelligibly, says Olga Alexandrovna. – We have to calm down the noisy ones, it’s good that there is an escort, the transport police officers provide us with great help.

The ceremonial launch of the branded Belogorya train took place on January 7, 2004. Olga Lycheva remembers how she went on that very first flight as a conductor. A year later, at the competition of branded trains in St. Petersburg, already as an instructor of the conductor reserve, she represented the dining car and the SV car:

– It was hard at the Ladozhsky station then; all 17 Russian railways put out excellent trains. However, we did not lag behind and returned as prize-winners in two categories. The luxury carriage was equipped with an internet compartment, a children's compartment and a sports compartment. The authoritative commission especially liked how we demonstrated the possibility of purchasing an electronic ticket en route via the Internet.

Belogorye continued to move along the path of development. For several years now, his route has been tracked by the GLONASS navigation system. In the near future, the train will install coffee machines for passengers. And about one more innovation that will make life much easier for holders of tickets with electronic registration. Soon the train director will be armed with a computer and a printer, with the help of which he will be able to print out the statement himself, without wasting time before boarding a trip to the ticket office. Olga Aleksandrovna has already been trained to work in the new system.

How did the “Passport of Trust” affect the quality of work of Olga Lycheva’s team?

“Employer Trust Certificate” will no longer save you from scheduled inspections

Of course, it is positive; this is why a new project was conceived in the system of incentives and motivation for employees of JSC Federal Passenger Company. The responsibility is enormous and the demand is special. But there is always room to grow.

Galina Mostipan


News suggested by user: Egor _Zheleznodorozhnik Germany

Submitting an application-declaration
Organizations and individual entrepreneurs that respect the rights of their employees and wish to receive official confirmation of this in the form of a certificate of trust in the employer have the right to participate in the special project “Declaration of the enterprise’s activities to implement the labor rights of employees and employers.” This project is carried out in all regions of Russia. Non-participation in the project does not entail any legal consequences for the employer. For more information on the benefits of participation, see the “Certificate Benefits” section.
Each region has its own regulations that regulate the rules for participating in the project and obtaining a certificate of trust. In general, these provisions duplicate each other, but may contain minor differences by region.
As a general rule, to obtain a certificate, the employer must fill out a declaration application in the prescribed form, indicating general information about the organization, as well as information directly affecting the labor relations existing in the company. In general, the declaration statement must answer the following questions:
. whether written employment contracts are concluded;
. Are work records kept?
. whether the necessary local acts have been approved;
. whether wages are paid on time and whether their minimum amount is observed;
. whether restrictions on working hours are observed.
In addition, other conditions may be taken into account, for example:
. presence of a primary trade union organization;
. existence of a concluded collective agreement;
. no strikes;
. compliance with labor safety standards and the absence of accidents at work.
You can get acquainted with the peculiarities of the regional situation, as well as find the application form on the website of the territorial labor inspectorate. As a rule, these documents are listed in the same section as the register of employers who have already received a certificate of trust. By the way, you can also familiarize yourself with the list of all Russian employers who have received certificates in a special rating on the portal “Onlineinspektsiya.rf ».
The completed application-declaration must be sent to the territorial office of the labor inspectorate by mail.
Decision to issue a certificate
After receiving a completed form from the organization and checking the data stated in it, the inspectorate makes a decision on the possibility of issuing a certificate of trust. Please note that the State Labor Inspectorate does not always verify the accuracy of the information provided. Thus, in some regional provisions there is a presumption of truthfulness. In practice, this means that the inspection will not conduct an additional inspection of the organization in order to determine whether the information provided corresponds to the real state of affairs. This principle, in particular, applies in Moscow and the Altai Republic.
In case of a positive decision, the employer is given a certificate of trust in the employer in an official setting and is entered into a special register, which lists companies that are guaranteed to respect the labor rights of employees. The specified register is formed by the State Labor Inspectorate of the corresponding region and posted on its official website. You can view the register of bona fide employers in various regions using the table

In case of a negative decision, the State Labor Inspectorate rejects the employer’s application to participate in the project, indicating the reasons for the refusal in writing. This reason could be, in particular:
. inconsistency of the facts stated by the employer with the requirements of labor legislation (for example, payment of wages below the minimum wage in force in the region);
. the presence of objective data on gross violations of labor legislation by the employer, for example, the presence of wage arrears to employees, the presence of industrial accidents due to the fault of the employer, cases of unlawful dismissal of employees and their subsequent reinstatement, etc.
If the organization can promptly eliminate violations of labor legislation that served as the basis for the rejection of its participation in the project, then it has the right to re-apply for participation in the project.
Benefit from the certificate
The presence of a certificate of trust is an official confirmation of the high status of the employer as a guaranteed respecter of the rights of its employees. Its presence can effectively affect the company both in relations with employees (current and potential) and in relations with counterparties (suppliers, customers, credit institutions, etc.). Such a certificate increases the level of trust in the organization as a whole and allows you to more effectively fill vacant positions and more successfully promote the company’s products and services.
The certificate of trust, in addition to its special status, gives employers the right to additional benefits provided for by regional regulations. Thus, employers who have a certificate of trust may be exempt from scheduled inspections by the labor inspectorate. In addition, they receive privileged conditions for the provision of consulting services on issues related to compliance with labor laws. In practice, this means that employers who have a certificate receive answers to their requests to the inspectorate in a shorter time than provided for by the general procedure.
Certificate validity period
A certificate of trust for an employer can be issued either for a certain period or for an indefinite period - it depends on the region in which the organization is located. For example, in Moscow and St. Petersburg, the certificate is valid for three years from the date of issue (see Regulations of Moscow, Regulations of St. Petersburg). In the Leningrad region, the validity of the certificate is five years. But in the Republics of Altai and Tyva, the validity of the certificate is not limited by a time frame. Moreover, regardless of the validity periods established in regional regulations, in a number of cases the certificate may be revoked.
Certificate revocation
A certificate of trust for an employer may be revoked in the manner and on the grounds established by regional regulations. In general, the reason for recall may be any gross violation of the requirements of labor legislation on the part of the employer, which resulted in damage to the labor rights of employees. The inspectorate informs the employer about the revocation of the certificate in writing, indicating the reasons for the revocation. If a certificate is revoked, the employer is excluded from the register and, as a result, he loses all benefits and guarantees provided to holders of such certificates. However, if desired, the employer can renew the certificate in the manner prescribed by regional regulations. As a rule, to do this, you need to fill out and submit the corresponding declaration application again.

Details Created 03/06/2013 10:28

At a meeting of the regional interdepartmental commission on labor protection in February 2012, the head of the Employment Center in the Labinsky District, N.A. Cherkashenko, provided information about the participation of organizations and individual entrepreneurs of the Krasnodar Territory in the project “Declaration of the activities of organizations to implement the labor rights of workers and employers.”

The project is being implemented by the State Labor Inspectorate (SIT) in the Krasnodar Territory together with the co-chairs of the Krasnodar Regional Tripartite Commission for the Regulation of Social and Labor Relations and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Krasnodar Territory.

The goal of the project is to increase the authority of organizations and individual entrepreneurs of the Krasnodar Territory in the labor market, more successful promotion of goods and services using the competitive advantage of manufacturers as holders of a “Certificate of Trust in the Employer”, who has declared their work to implement the main provisions of the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

The decision to issue a Certificate of Trust to any employer is made by the three parties named above. Representatives of these parties sign the Certificate and confirm with their signatures that the organization complies with labor laws:

Salaries are paid at a decent level and on time;

Labor relations are properly formalized;

All benefits, guarantees and compensation provided by law are provided;

Certification of workplaces for working conditions was carried out;

There are no accidents at work, etc.

State Labor Inspectorate in the Krasnodar Territory has developed a Regulation on the participation of organizations and individual entrepreneurs of the Krasnodar Territory in the project “Declaration of the activities of organizations to implement the labor rights of workers and employers.” Participation in the project is entirely voluntary. And of course, reluctance to participate in the project does not mean that the employer automatically signs for violations of labor laws.

Where to begin? From the submission of an application-declaration of participation in the project to the State Labor Inspectorate in the Krasnodar Territory for compliance of the declared facts with the requirements of labor legislation, and makes a decision on the admission (refusal of admission) of the employer to participate in the project. The decision is made on the basis of the employer's “presumption of truthfulness.” If the decision is positive, the organization (entrepreneur) is included in the register of employers who are guaranteed to respect the labor rights of employees. The specified register is formed by the State Labor Inspectorate and posted on the official website of the State Labor Inspectorate in the Krasnodar Territory. The validity of the certificate is not limited by a time frame.

Many employers may have a question: what does the Certificate of Trust provide? Why is it worth voluntarily attracting the attention of the State Labor Inspectorate?

First of all, the presence of a Certificate of Trust is taken into account when planning supervisory and control activities. This means that, according to the provisions, if an employer is rewarded with a Trust Certificate, he is exempt from scheduled inspections for the period of validity of the Certificate. Employers may also have a question: is an employer who has a Certificate of Trust insured against unscheduled inspections?

The employer is not exempt from unscheduled inspections in the event of, for example, employee complaints, since considering a citizen’s appeal and giving a written response to it is the direct responsibility of GIT officials. And then everything depends on the results: if, during the consideration of an employee’s appeal, gross violations of labor legislation and labor protection are revealed at the enterprise, the inspection reserves the right to revoke the Certificate. If the employee’s arguments are not confirmed, he will be given a written reasoned response, and the Certificate will remain with the employer.

In interviews, comments, and press conferences, GIT officials note that there is no need to check again and again those organizations where labor laws are observed: wages are paid within the period established by law; a professional risk management system has been implemented and is functioning; there is a healthy working atmosphere, there are no accidents at work, etc. Such enterprises can and should be freed from excessive supervision by the State Inspectorate, since they do not need frequent inspections.

And it’s no secret that there are business entities where a completely different picture is observed.

I would like to hope that Certificates of Trust will be issued to worthy enterprises, which will be trusted without verification during the validity period of the document. Dear employers! Assess your strengths and fill out an application to participate in the project!

Head of the Department of Labor Relations, Labor Safety and

interaction with employers GKU KK TsZN

Labinsky district V.A. Strueva

" № 1/2010

Labor inspectors are ready to give special certificates to good employers in the Moscow region. There, on a beautiful letterhead, it will be written that the company respects all labor rights of employees. In addition to the aesthetic, the document also has a practical component - its holders are exempt from inspections. True, only from the planned ones.

How does the “pre-certification” check take place?

The Moscow region is not the only region where “trust certificates” are issued. They will also appear in Moscow in the near future.

So, what should employers who want to obtain a certificate do? To begin with, take a declaration form containing 20 questions from the labor inspectorate (we have listed them on page 15). These include, for example, whether the company has arrears in wages, whether those employees who are engaged in harmful and dangerous work undergo medical examinations, etc. The organization applicant for the certificate must answer “yes” to most questions. With reasonable exceptions, such as the fact that, say, a financial services company is not required to provide workers with protective clothing.

When the completed form is handed over to the Trudoviks, they begin to check whether the information contained therein corresponds to reality. This procedure is not too different from a regular inspection by inspectors. That is, based on the results, they may not only refuse to issue a certificate, but even fine the employer for identified violations.

If there are no serious problems, but there are minor flaws, the Trudoviks give instructions to eliminate them within two weeks. Then they come back to check and, if everything is correct, they issue the employer with a certificate. In total, from the moment of submitting the application form to the issuance of the certificate, it will take from a month to two.

Officials explain: the purpose of certification is to motivate employers to comply with the law. After all, many managers are not aware of even its basic requirements. For example, the fact that with a staff of more than 50 people, the company must have a separate occupational safety specialist.

Ireneusz Zawisza, plant "Danone Industry" LLC:

The audit of our company lasted about two months. There were no special comments. True, it was necessary to refine and update job descriptions and some work instructions on personal protective equipment (goggles, gloves).

Why do you need a certificate?

Companies that hold certificates are not included in the list of scheduled inspections. But the certificate does not save you from extraordinary events. If one of the company's employees writes a complaint to the inspectors, they will come with an inspection.

Vasily Kirchenko, Chief State Labor Safety Inspector of the State Labor Inspectorate of the Moscow Region:

If we receive a complaint from an employee or, worse, an accident at work, we will definitely check the organization regardless of whether it has a certificate. If there has been a violation of the law, the employer will be held liable. But companies that have received a certificate are not included in the inspection plan. I would also like to give an example - recently there was a situation: a crane operator fell out of his cab and broke his head. Emergency doctors determined that he had epilepsy. But a worker with epilepsy cannot be a crane operator at all! It turns out that the employer did not send the person for a mandatory medical examination when hiring him. He will be fined for this. Let me emphasize that in this case no “certificate of trust” will help.

At the time of writing this article, only three companies located near Moscow could boast of certificates: LLC SMU No. 3 - Podolia, LLC Danone Industry and LLC MOSOBLINVESTSTROY. In other words, there were few respondents in the first two months of the program. But the State Labor Inspectorate in the Moscow Region is confident that the popularity of the project will grow at enormous speed. According to her estimates, in a year about 1,000 regional employers will become certificate holders.

Questions that an employer must answer “yes” to

The questionnaire issued by labor inspectorates consists of 20 questions. Let's list them.

1. Employment contracts are drawn up in writing.

2. Work records are maintained for all employees.

3. Internal labor regulations have been approved.

4. Each employee is provided with a weekly uninterrupted rest period of at least 42 hours.

5. The schedule of annual paid vacations for employees for the current year has been approved.

6. The minimum number of employees is not lower than that established by the regional agreement, with the exception of employees of organizations financed from the federal budget.

7. Work on weekends, non-working holidays and night work is paid at an increased rate.

8. The duration of daily work (shift) is observed.

9. Salaries are paid in full on time (there is no arrears).

10. Employees are provided with all guarantees and compensation provided by law.

11. Social insurance is provided to all employees in the manner prescribed by federal laws.

12. It has its own labor protection service (the position of labor protection specialist; for organizations with less than 50 employees, the position of labor protection engineer is assigned to one of the enterprise’s specialists; it is also possible to conclude an agreement with a specialized organization for services on labor protection issues).

13. Employees are provided with all types of training and instructions on labor protection.

14. Managers and specialists have undergone mandatory training in labor safety.

15. Employees engaged in heavy work and work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions undergo mandatory pre-employment and periodic medical examinations at the expense of the employer.

16. All company employees are provided with certified personal and collective protective equipment at the expense of the employer under conditions not lower than those established by the norms and rules. The enterprise is working to introduce new means of protection.

17. Certification of workplaces according to working conditions has been (is) carried out (attachment - list of workplaces, list of workplaces and the results of their certification, summary list of workplaces, schedule for certification of workplaces, plan for implementing activities based on the results of certification of workplaces).

18. Sanitary, medical and preventive services for workers are provided.

19. Availability of a set of regulatory legal acts containing labor protection requirements in accordance with the specifics of their activities.

20. Occupational safety measures are financed under conditions and in amounts not lower than those established by federal legislation. (The amount of funding allocated for these purposes last year and the planned amount for the current year are indicated.)

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