What is the average per capita family income. Average per capita income - how to calculate taking into account the subsistence level to find out about your right to receive benefits

Average annual population of the region in reporting year amounted to 2540.7 thousand people. Of these, 926.2 thousand people are employed in the economy. (V previous year 957.1 thousand people were employed. at total number population 2518.1 thousand people), the unemployed amounted to 25.4 thousand people. Among the unemployed people with higher education 3.0 thousand people, youth aged 16 to 29 years - 78 thousand people, women 18.4 thousand people.

1. Present the source data in the form of a statistical table.

2. Determine the relative magnitudes of the dynamics:

a) for the entire population of the region;

b) for the population employed in the economy;

c) draw conclusions by comparing dynamics indicators.

3. Determine the relative intensity values ​​for the employed population of the region for each year. Draw conclusions.

4. Determine the relative coordination values ​​for the employed population of the region for each year. Draw conclusions.


1. Let's present the initial data in the form of a statistical table.

2. Let us determine the relative values ​​of the dynamics:

a) For the entire population of the region: 2540.7/2518.1 = 1.009.

b) For the population employed in the economy: 926.2/ 957.1 = 0.968.

c) The population of the region increased by 0.9%, the population employed in the economy decreased by 3.2%.

3. Population employment rate:


The unemployment rate is found using the formula:


The results are presented in the table:

Conclusion. The employment level of the population in the reporting year decreased compared to the base year, and the unemployment rate increased.

Task 2. (sampling)

To assess the standard of living of the region's population, a 5% survey was conducted. As a result, it was established:


1) general average per capita income population (in the amount of minimum wage);

2) the share of the population with an average per capita income of 12 or more minimum payments labor;

3) with a probability of 0.954, the limits within which one can expect the value of the total average per capita income, as well as the share of the richest population (12 or more minimum wages);

Draw conclusions.


1) Move from interval series to the momentary one, taking the middle of the corresponding interval as the average per capita income.

Interval no. Interval Mid() Number ()
1 1 150 150 16 2400
2 3 650 1950 4 2600
3 5 850 4250 0 0
4 7 340 2380 4 1360
5 9 80 720 16 1280
6 11 70 770 36 2520
7 13 60 780 64 3840
Total 2200 11000 140 14000

We find the average per capita income using the weighted arithmetic average formula:

, - average per capita income in the i-th group, - number in the i-th group.

We get:

(minimum wages)

2) The share of the population with an average per capita income of 12 or more minimum wages is equal to

60 / 2200 = 0,027.

3) The limits within which one can expect the amount of total average per capita income are determined by the formula:


The maximum error of the sample average is determined by the formula:

The average square of deviations (variance) is found using the formula:

We get:

= 6,364.

Since 5% of the population was examined, then n/N = 0.05, n=2200.

Since p=0.954, then t=2.

We get:


We get possible boundaries, in which the average per capita income is expected with probability 0.954:

(5-0,105; 5+0,105)=(4,895;5,105).

The boundaries of the share of the wealthiest population are determined by:

, Where . Since p=0.954, then t=2.

We get:


Limits of the share of the wealthiest population:

(0,027-0,018; 0,027+0,018)=(0,009; 0,045).


The average per capita income is equal to 5 minimum wages.

The share of the population with an average per capita income of 12 or more minimum wages is 0.027.

With a probability of 0.954, the average per capita income is expected to range from 4.895 to 5.105 minimum wages.

With a probability of 0.954, the share of the richest population is expected to range from 0.009 to 0.045.

Problem 3 (dynamic series)

There is data on the intensity of morbidity with temporary disability at the plant (days per 100 workers)

To assess the level of seasonality

1. Determine the seasonality indices of morbidity per 100 people. working.

2. Identify the most important oscillatory processes using the harmonic analysis method.

3. Using the results obtained, make a forecast of the incidence rate by month of the next year.


, - monthly average, - annual average. The results are presented in the table:

Low-income citizens- these are citizens recognized as such by a decision of the authorities local government taking into account the income of each family member. The status of a low-income family gives the right to receive social assistance from the state in the form of certain benefits and subsidies, full list which depends on the region of residence.

Benefits, assistance, allowance and procedure for recording income and calculating the average per capita income of a low-income family. And the income of a citizen living alone to recognize them as low-income and provide them with state social assistance. Established in Federal Law of April 5, 2003 No. 44-FZ.

The procedure for determining the value living wage low-income family. Or a low-income citizen living alone is established by the subject Russian Federation. Taking into account the subsistence minimums established for the relevant socio-demographic groups of the population.

Note: . Who can receive a new monthly child benefit for the first child at birth in 2019 for care.

The procedure for determining the cost of living for a low-income family

According to Article 7 of Law 178-FZ "On State Social Assistance". The procedure for determining the cost of living for a low-income family or a low-income citizen living alone established by the subject of the Russian Federation. Taking into account the subsistence minimums established for the relevant socio-demographic groups of the population.

Also see Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation dated February 25, 2005 N 17. "About approval Methodological recommendations for organs state power subjects of the Russian Federation and local governments. To establish the procedure for recognizing citizens as low-income for the purpose of registration. And providing low-income citizens recognized as needing residential premises with residential premises of the municipal housing stock under social tenancy agreements"

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Which families are low-income?

The level of average per capita income for the poor is the main, but not the only criterion. To identify citizens in need of government support. It is also important that persons applying for social assistance live together and run a common household.

Who counts? low-income family? Such a family is considered to be spouses, parents and children, adoptive parents and adopted children, grandparents and grandchildren, stepchildren. And stepfathers and stepmothers, guardians (trustees) and wards. Right to priority receipt state support low-income families benefit from single-parent and large families, as well as families with pensioners and disabled people.

Childless married couple or a parent raising a child alone. Also, if necessary, they can submit documents to receive social assistance to the poor. But if a man and woman, living together, are not in a relationship official marriage. Or, on the contrary, if there is a registered marriage, they live separately. They have no right to count on help for low-income families.

Thus, low-income status cannot be assigned to families. In which able-bodied parents deliberately parasitizing or do not work due to alcohol abuse.

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Criteria for calculating the average per capita family income for receiving benefits for the poor

The average per capita income of a poor person is calculated as the total amount of all income of each family member three months before applying to social service. IN the specified amount hits not only wage, but also a pension. Alimony, benefits, royalties, income from property, as well as income in kind. (for example, products from private farming).

List of types of income taken into account when calculating the average per capita family income. And the income of a low-income citizen living alone to provide them with state social assistance. Established by Resolution No. 512 dated August 20, 2003. Download... (format.Docx 20Kb)

Subparagraph “g” of paragraph 1 of this List stipulates. When calculating the average per capita family income or the income of a low-income citizen. To provide them with social assistance, income from occupations is taken into account entrepreneurial activity. Including income received as a result of the activities of a peasant (farm) enterprise. Including farms without the formation of a legal entity.

The resulting amount is divided twice: first by three, according to the number of billing months. And then on the number of members of a low-income family. The result of the division is compared with the level. And if its value is less than the subsistence level, the family assigned low-income status.

The document confirming income is the income book. And to confirm the amount of income received reflected in the accounting book, it is necessary to submit the relevant source documents. These include pay slips, receipts cash orders and other documents. Written in the letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated October 28, 2016 No. 03-11-11/63166.

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Required documents to obtain low-income status

If low-income citizens decided to confirm their status as a low-income family, then, first of all, it is necessary to collect the following documents:

  • Passports, not only of the person who is involved in the registration, but also of all adult family members.
  • Birth certificates are collected for minors.
  • Family composition paper (confirmation that all people live together).
  • To receive financial assistance, a certificate of income of all members for the last three months is submitted.
  • Details, bank account to which payments will be sent.

In addition to the basic requirements, there are also separate categories citizens for whom additions are required:

  • if there are persons in the family preschool age, then you must present a certificate from the institution about the benefits provided for three months;
  • Certificates from schools and other educational institutions are also required;
  • pensioners present their work book;
  • individual entrepreneurs submit not only a work book, but also an income declaration;
  • single mothers confirm their status and provide information about received or absent alimony;
  • in some cases, a certificate of divorce or marriage is presented;
  • death certificates;
  • certificates of adoption of children, etc.

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Procedure for registering a low-income citizen

After collection necessary documents, the family just needs to submit them to the department of the Ministry of social development and wait for a decision. The problems here lie elsewhere: directly during the collection of documentation, you need to know where each important paper take.

For example, a certificate of composition is issued by the Department housing stock. If members live in different places, then there will be more certificates, and each of them is valid for only ten days.

The most expensive certificate is about income. Often people forget that it should show salaries before taxes. And it is from this amount that the level of income can be calculated.

After submitting the documentation, the authorities review it and make a decision. The timing here depends on the workload in a given period of time, but does not exceed two weeks from submission.

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Benefits for low-income families

In any civilized country there are poor, poor people (in our country). Typically, low-income families include families with 3 or more children, families with only one parent, pensioners and disabled people. Therefore they need additional support, receive the status of the poor. Benefits for the poor are aimed at increasing the standard of living and income of citizens.

Social benefits

  • allowance to pay for kindergarten. For the first child the discount is 20% of the average fee for kindergarten, for the second child - 50%, for the third and subsequent children - 70%;
  • payments to students from low-income families. When studying on average professional institutions Allowed 856 rubles, in universities - 2358 rubles. This minimum values payments, the amount of which is established educational institutions on one's own. Receipt of this scholarship is not affected by academic performance or use of academic leave;
  • pension increases. Produced at federal level(if the pensioner’s total income is less than the subsistence level in the region of his residence) and regional (if his income is below this indicator for the country);
  • additional material aid persons who find themselves in severe life situation. Available as Money, food products, shoes, clothing, hygiene items, etc.;
  • monthly allowance large families With low level income. Paid until the child reaches the age of 3 years. The amount of the benefit depends on the region;
  • monthly payments for a child under 16 years of age (if the child is studying at government institutions, then up to 18 years old);
  • receiving free legal assistance;
  • benefits for children when entering universities (if they receive at least minimum quantity exam scores);
  • food benefits. Children under three years old are provided with a dairy kitchen;
  • free breakfast at school, compensation for the purchase of school and sports uniforms;
  • children under 7 years old – discounted travel public transport;
  • special benefits for large families (provision of medicines, free or discounted monthly visits to museums, theaters, recreation parks, etc.).

Benefits for education

Along with others, applicants from low-income families can participate in competitive competitions on a general basis.

Support for low-income families when submitting documents to admissions committee The university is granted to the applicant subject to the following conditions:

  • the applicant has only one parent - a disabled person of group I or II;
  • when passing the exams, the minimum allowed number of points is scored, which is automatically recognized as successful completion;
  • The applicant's age is no more than 20 years.

Throughout the entire study period full-time department At this university, a student receives a state scholarship.

Tax benefits

Low-income families are not required to pay personal income tax on social benefits, which are transferred from the budget of any level.

Benefits for paying for housing and communal services

The benefit is paid for six months. Its value is calculated by regional standards and depends on the area of ​​housing and the cost of housing and communal services. The share that these expenses make up in total income families. Currently, its maximum permissible value is 25%.

  • Everyone non-working pensioners, whose total amount material support does not reach the pensioner’s subsistence level (PLS) in the region of his residence, a social supplement is made up to the pensioner’s subsistence level.
  • In Russia it is becoming more and more every year. Such people are entitled to certain benefits and allowances. Not too big, but it's better than nothing at all. The so-called average per capita income plays a huge role in obtaining the status of those in need. It is calculated taking into account the profits of all family members. Accordingly, the end result is a figure indicating exactly how much money, on average, a family has per person. If the indicator is less than the minimum established in the region, the status of a low-income family is obtained. But how to make the calculations correctly? What you should pay attention to? More on all this further! Maybe you have a chance to recognize yourself as a needy unit of society.

    Who can apply

    First, it’s worth finding out who can be included in the concept of “family.” It is very important. After all, income will be calculated taking into account the number of members of a particular cell of society.

    No innovations were found in this regard in 2016. A family is considered to be spouses with children, grandparents, stepchildren, grandchildren and granddaughters, stepdaughters, guardians, wards, stepmothers and stepfathers. Usually low-income families recognize those who have children. In any case, their presence has a really serious effect on the status.

    Benefits are also provided to low-income couples, even if they are childless. But in the event of separation of spouses who have officially registered their marriage, they cannot count on support. Such rules are in force in Russia at the moment.


    Pay attention to one more important factor: not everyone has the right to receive support from the state in the status of a needy family. After all, you have to comply certain rules. Of course, except for income per person.

    The basic rule is that no one should be a parasite. That is, families where able-bodied parents are deliberately parasitizing cannot be recognized as needy. Similar status issued when the need arises due to circumstances beyond our control. For example, both work, but receive little income. After all, salaries in Russia are not always high. This means that if you work but have low earnings, you can count on help.

    Components of profit

    What else is worth paying attention to? Who and under what conditions has the right to receive benefits and benefits as needy units of society? The fundamental link is family income. What it is? What sources of profit are included in this paragraph?

    Family income is all the money received by able-bodied citizens. This includes wages, various benefits, and pension payments. Is it true, we're talking about only about officially issued funds. If you work under a “gray” scheme, only the salary indicated in employment contract. Sometimes such work really helps to obtain the status of someone in need.

    Family income is also profit in kind, products from personal subsidiary farms. Extremely a rare event, but it does happen.

    Please note that profit also includes money received for the sale of property. For example, from renting out real estate. In general, almost any declared official income will be taken into account. Anything received unofficially is a no.


    How is the average per capita income in a family calculated? First you need to calculate total amount profit received for certain period. In Russia, a specific period is established that is taken into account in the calculations. Which one?

    Three months. It is during this period that all income is summed up. No more, no less. This includes all sources of profit. This includes salaries, money from the sale of property, pensions, and already accrued benefits. As soon as you receive a certain amount, you will have to remember one more small rule. It will help you accurately calculate the average per capita income of a social unit.

    Receiving the amount

    So, we calculated the amount of money received by all family members over 3 months. What's next? So far the number is really high. And it cannot reflect the needs of one or another unit of society!

    Now it's a matter of small things. A little math at school level - and you will understand whether you can be considered a low-income family. It is necessary to divide the resulting amount by 3. After all, the period for which profit is taken into account is equal to exactly this indicator. But the calculations don't end there.

    Next, count the number of family members in your home. Ready? To get the average per capita income, you need to divide the amount obtained after dividing by 3 again. But this time it’s based on the number of family members. The amount received is the average earnings per person. It determines the level of need of citizens. It must be below the subsistence level. In this case, it will be possible to recognize the family as low-income. And she will be entitled cash assistance from the state.

    Design rules

    Now that you have independently decided whether you can qualify for the status of a needy family, you need to properly complete the registration this provision. This will require some documents. Which ones exactly?

    To begin with, you need the average per capita income. To show it, you need to bring documents confirming your profit (salaries in Russia are not the only source of money) for the last 3 months with full calculations per person. Don't forget to include your application for low-income status.

    Next, you will need birth certificates of children, passports, documents confirming marriage. Extracts from the house register are also necessary. Along with them, attach documents on ownership of this or that property. This is all. With this list you need to go to the social support service. There you are recognized as poor if all the rules are followed.

    Types of assistance

    Please note that the state in Russia provides various types of assistance to those in need. Not just as benefits. The poor are beneficiaries. They are given certain rights.

    If the average per capita monetary income of the population is low, the state will support in every possible way those who have the status of those in need. Firstly, there is the payment of benefits and compensation for housing and communal services. Secondly, the poor are provided with free legal assistance. Third, natural help This also happens in the country. Families in need can receive clothing, shoes, medicine and other essential items. Not a very common occurrence, but it also occurs.

    After all, the poor have a right to additional social support minor children. Already paid benefits to the poor are assigned with bonuses. Such families can also get on the waiting list to receive housing from the state.

    This Federal Law establishes the procedure for recording income and calculating the average per capita income of a family and the income of a citizen living alone in order to recognize them as low-income and provide them with state social assistance in accordance with the Federal Law of July 17, 1999 N 178-FZ “On State Social Assistance” and the Federal Law of October 24, 1997 N 134-FZ “On the subsistence minimum in the Russian Federation”.

    Judicial practice and legislation - 44-FZ On the procedure for recording income and calculating the average per capita income of a family and the income of a citizen living alone for recognizing them as low-income and providing them with state social assistance

    29. Total income family for the purpose of providing a subsidy is calculated in accordance with paragraph two of Article 5 and - Federal Law“On the procedure for recording income and calculating the average per capita income of a family and the income of a citizen living alone for recognizing them as low-income and providing them with state social assistance” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2003, No. 14, Art. 1257) taking into account.

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