What is jurisprudence in brief? Purpose and objectives of jurisprudence

Legal legal activity currently covers the most different areas life of society. Used in the literature different approaches to its study and definition of its very concept. Let us further consider what legal activity is, the goals and objectives of the subjects involved in it.


Some researchers view legal activity as constant work on normative texts (court decisions, laws, literature). Within the framework of this approach, specialists involved in the field under consideration constantly overcome personal attitudes, show objectivity, and use professional terms such as guilt, competence, responsibility, etc. Goal legal activity this kind is to ensure regulatory protection public order and safety, respect for contractual relations, control of legality, justice, equality. Other researchers focus on the practical component. The authors emphasize that the basis of the work of lawyers is the law formed by civilization and aimed at establishing the appropriate framework for the behavior of the state and society. It is associated with the consideration and resolution of specific cases. The form of legal activity, according to researchers, can be both normative and non-normative. In the latter case, it is based on moral, social rules, customs, traditions, etc. In this case, legal activity ensures the achievement of general and normative culture. This, in turn, helps create order.

Social origin and conditioning

Legal activity is distinguished by its most important integrative properties. It helps bring all the components together normative space. This, in turn, allows us to highlight the main areas that legal activity covers. The goals and objectives of the institute are focused on satisfying public and private interests within the framework of the law. The social origin and conditionality of work allow us to talk about its necessity and practical significance. Thanks to this, many specific interests and needs of society, directly based on norms, are satisfied.

Institute structure

Legal activity has a certain structure. Inside it, elements and connections are located in such an order that ensures the integrity of the structure and its preservation objectively necessary functions and properties under the influence of various reality factors. Analysis of structure involves the study of practice in the dialectical complex of its form and content. The latter helps to reveal the totality of internal elements and properties, illustrating methods of organization and external expression. The components of legal activity are its subjects, participants and objects, actions and operations, methods and means of their implementation, decisions that are made authorized institutions and persons, as well as the results of the activities carried out.


They are everything that legal activities and operations performed by subjects are aimed at. The objects can be social relations, intangible benefits, specific behavior people, other phenomena and objects. All of them are included in the corresponding legal process and serve the satisfaction of private and public interest.

Participants and subjects

They act as carriers, managing “centers” of practical activity. Without subjects, the existence of practice is impossible. They act as carriers normative relations. For example, these include courts in relevant practice. Participants are individuals. To one degree or another, they assist subjects in carrying out operations and performing certain actions. In investigative practice, for example, the participants are victims and witnesses.

Operations and events

Legal activity includes externally expressed, entailing concrete consequences, socially transformative acts of participants and subjects. For example, this could be signing a document. A set of legal actions related to each other, united common goal, forms the operation. For example, inspection of the scene of an incident involves various behavioral acts.


They are methods, phenomena, objects permitted by law and used to ensure the required result. They form the instrumental part of the practice. The tools are used to identify and record facts, analyze events, make and formalize decisions, and ensure control over their implementation. All these tools are divided into:

  1. Public. These include, for example, moral and other social norms.
  2. Special legal. This category includes, in particular, treaties and normative principles.
  3. Technical. They represent a variety of tools and devices.

The same product can be used different ways. Together, all the tools form a legal technique.


It occupies a special place in practice. Legal experience can express both the total result of all activities and certain aspects of it. Its formation occurs in the process of selection in specific operations, results, decisions made of the most useful, advanced, expedient, general, possessing key value For regulatory regulation relationships and subsequent improvement of element practice. Legal provisions are the components of legal experience. They are fairly stable regulations, developed over many years, with a general focus. They accumulate stable and socially valuable fragments certain practices. Provisions can be law enforcement and law-making, explanatory and administrative, notarial and judicial, protective and regulatory, advisory and mandatory.

Carrying out legal activities

The structure of the institution under consideration is formed not only by the above institutions. A special place in the system is occupied by the form of legal activity. When considering it, you should highlight the outer and inner sides. The first is expressed in various acts and documents. They can be investigative, judicial, individual, notarial, regulatory, and so on. They record operations, methods and means of their implementation, as well as decisions made. Internal shape stands for procedural design of practice. It establishes the circle of subjects, participants, the scope of their responsibilities and rights, as well as the conditions for entering into legal relations and exit from them, the procedure for using means and methods, the time and timing of certain operations.

Types of legal activities: law enforcement

This area has the highest concentration of specialists. This is due to the fact that it is in the field of law enforcement that all kinds of sanctions (administrative, criminal) are used, and investigations are carried out various kinds disputes (housing, family, civil, labor, etc.). The purpose of legal activity is to ensure the safety of citizens and the safety of property belonging to them and the state. Sanctions can have a significant impact on the status of the persons to whom they apply. Often, punishment radically changes the very life of the subjects. In this regard, the application of certain punishments must be approached objectively and carefully, guided solely by the letter of the law. The legal activities of law enforcement agencies are strictly regulated by regulations. The main specialists involved in this area include traffic police inspectors, employees of penal institutions, prosecutors, judges, investigators, experts, investigators, bailiffs, etc.


All management bodies have special legal departments, which often employ many specialists. There are also advisers in local government structures. At the same time, in the Russian Federation, lawyers are involved only in the current work of institutions. They are engaged in the preparation of draft regulatory documents. Decisions of national or territorial importance are directly taken by politicians (deputies, president, heads of administrations, etc.).


Legal activities of an organization engaged in production, sales and any other economic activity, involves the signing of contracts, agreements, acceptance, fulfillment of obligations, etc. Currently, almost all large enterprises have a staff of relevant specialists. They provide legal support activities. The range of issues that such employees solve is quite wide. To effectively implement their functions, specialists must have a good understanding of land, financial, civil, labor legislation, legal proceedings. Entrepreneurial legal activity is quite common today. Many enterprises use the services of independent consultants and legal experts, trusting them to represent their interests in court and government agencies. Individual legal activity is regulated by law. Regulatory acts determine the conditions under which the subject is allowed to engage in it.

Social sphere

Lawyers in social security agencies are in great demand today. These structures are involved in the assignment of pensions and benefits to needy citizens. There are also lawyers in the employment service. Here on professional level issues related to unemployment are resolved. In particular, records of unemployed citizens are kept, their retraining is carried out, and benefits are paid.

Work specifics

Mutual conditionality of the development of all elements legal practice is provided by external, internal, reverse, direct, functional, normative and non-normative relationships and connections. With their help, information and work results are exchanged. They provide control over the implementation of the powers and functions of specialists. The legal profession arose much later than the state appeared. Quite a long time passed before these specialists became in demand in society. On initial stages they were the courts. They were involved exclusively in law enforcement activities in the field of application of state coercive measures. Over time courts In addition to imposing punishments, they began to consider various disputes between people. The entry of civilization into the industrial era and the formation of corporations gave rise to a huge number of economic conflicts. Nowadays, winning a case, even sometimes a simple one, is almost impossible without the participation of a lawyer. Enterprises cannot do without such specialists. Far-sighted managers recruit lawyers to their staff to avoid disputes with partners. All significant decisions are accepted only with their participation. Special meaning lawyers have in the political system. Their knowledge is necessary when developing legislation, deciding administrative issues and so on.


Legal activity is considered one of the most in demand today. The key direction of this work is to ensure the protection of the interests of subjects. At the same time, legal activity is focused on creating proper conditions for the normal existence of society and the state. The laws that are adopted today fix specific regulations, rules, and models of behavior. Rulemaking, as a type of legal activity, has a large practical significance. It is from the law that all guidelines that define the boundaries of what is permitted come from. The legal activities of economic entities are of no small importance. It includes concluding transactions, signing contracts, fulfilling duties and much more.

All these actions must be carried out within the framework of the law. Affects legal activities and the social sphere. However, as many experts note, currently its importance in the field public life underrated. Meanwhile, legally meaningful actions, such as the assignment of benefits, recognition of the subject as unemployed, resolution of a labor dispute, etc., have a significant impact on the lives of citizens. In this regard, in the social sphere, as in any other, representatives of certain bodies, when exercising their powers, must rely on the law. Recently, the question of increasing legal literacy population. This is due to the fact that citizens very often enter into various relationships regulated by legal norms. In fact, they also carry out legal activities. Therefore, it is important for subjects to navigate existing standards, could ensure the protection of their interests in any instance.

The concept of jurisprudence and the factors determining its necessity. Goals and objectives of jurisprudence

Jurisprudence is a system of knowledge about law and the state, a system of sciences that study and develop this knowledge, as well as legal experience and practice developed in the course of legal activity.

The purpose of jurisprudence is to establish a regime of legality, ensure a stable legal order, that is, to achieve a state of society in which its members will comply with the current law.

Weave something else.

Historical development jurisprudence.

The history of the development of jurisprudence as a science of state, management and law began in ancient times. At that time, only some information about law was studied. IN Ancient Greece Judicial eloquence was taught to the Stoics in schools. During the times of Ancient Rome, jurisprudence became a separate science, but its study remained the privilege of the priests.

In the 1st century AD Sabin organized a private law society. Lectures were given there, debates were held, and legal issues were discussed. Already by the 4th-5th centuries AD. Several such schools were created in the largest cities of that time: Athens, Rome, Alexandria, Constantinople.

The history of the development of jurisprudence received its continuation in the 11th century - a law school was opened in Bologna. Soon it became a university, where in the 12th century Roman law studied by thousands of students from all over Europe.

The history of the development of jurisprudence in Russia began in the 16th century. However, for a long time her study was of a random nature. In 1703-1715, ethics with elements of jurisprudence were taught at the Naryshkin School; in 1720, a college of cadets was founded, who were supposed to practically study jurisprudence at the boards; in 1726-1765 it was taught at the university at the Academy of Sciences. And only 1755 is considered the beginning of Russian jurisprudence. Then Moscow University was opened. Separate lectures were replaced by the Faculty of Law, opened in 1764. Law was taught in all universities that were opening at that time.

Now in almost all countries there are law faculties at universities, or law schools and whole line legal specialties.

3. Legal education in Russia: organization, tasks, levels.

Legal education is a body of knowledge about the state, governance, and law, the presence of which provides the basis for professional engagement in legal activities.

In Russia, legal education includes secondary and higher professional education.

Legal education can be obtained at law faculties of colleges (SPO), institutes, and universities.

The list of areas of training is provided by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

List of secondary vocational professions:

1 Law and organization of social security (Qualification "Lawyer").

2. Law enforcement(Qualification "Lawyer").

3. Law and judicial administration(Qualification "Specialist in Judicial Administration").

List of training specialties and areas of higher professional education:

Jurisprudence (Qualification "Bachelor").

Jurisprudence (Master's qualification).

List of areas of higher education training in graduate school:

Jurisprudence (Qualification "Researcher", "Teacher-Researcher").

List of specialties higher education- specialty:

Legal support national security(Qualification "Lawyer").

Law enforcement (Qualification "Lawyer").

Forensic examination(Qualification "Forensic Expert").

The educational process is structured in such a way as to prepare a generalist lawyer who can be used in any position that requires legal education, and at the same time having deep knowledge in a certain area of ​​legal activity. Therefore, all students study, along with socio-economic, humanitarian and general education disciplines, a wide range of legal sciences.

A law student needs to decide in his first year where he will go to work after receiving his diploma. Is not required condition, but a recommendation. Also, from the second or third year you can look for an internship or part-time job. This will also help you understand in which area the activity will be more attractive. The list of legal professions is large. We propose to consider the features of the main ones.

Legal education

Being a lawyer is like playing chess. A lawyer must be ideally able to calculate actions several moves ahead, including the actions of his opponents. Such a specialist must have analytical thinking and prudence.

those who choose the legal profession must be specialists in one issue, one direction. It is impossible to know all the legal sciences and all the law, so universities ask students to decide on their future activities at the start. Some people choose civil cases, others criminal cases, there are lawyers who specialize in divorce or housing issues.

When choosing “legal” for admission, what profession to engage in in the future, you need to determine before submitting documents. Note that competition for such universities is high, 8 people per place or more. However, it is important not only to pass the competitive selection, but also to complete your studies with dignity. Today there are more than 1,200 law schools in Russia. After receiving a diploma, most graduates strive to go to work for foreign law firms, the civil service, or get a job in legal department corporations. All large companies now prefer to employ specialists in civil and financial law. The competition for admission to the institute is unusually high, and not every boy or girl is able to study law. Some, having already become students, quit their studies and leave the university already in their first or second year. This, of course, is sad, so applicants need to clearly understand what and how much they will have to study.

Of the one and a half million certified lawyers, only half work in their specialty. The rest find themselves in trade, banking and services.

Overview of professions

The list of legal professions includes more than a dozen areas. For example:

  • legal advisor;
  • advocate;
  • investigator;
  • tax consultant;
  • bailiff;
  • notary;
  • business registration lawyer;
  • world judge;
  • expert criminalist;
  • patent specialist;
  • international lawyer, etc.

The types of legal professions are clearly defined and related to the law and legal support. Let's look at the most popular destinations.


The services of a notary are always needed: people need to issue a power of attorney, transfer of inheritance, etc. Notary specialists are always at work. Although the work is not interesting from the point of view of intellectual effort, it allows you to earn money. Including the notary's assistant. In addition, you will have legal experience and gain practical experience. Then you can promote to a notary or lawyer.

Working as a notary does not depend on skills. You need to know the Notary Law, inheritance law and gain a client base.

But practitioners and scientists in the notary office will be bored, although for a young lawyer Notarial office may be a suitable first step.


Legal positions and professions are generally interesting and challenging. To ordinary people It can be difficult to understand the specifics of specialties.

Common people believe that a lawyer is good lawyer. However, in St. Petersburg, for example, only a third of lawyers pass the exam.

What are the advantages of a lawyer? It's easier for him to get a client. The client does not doubt his qualifications and competence. This is how tactical cunning manifests itself. Only a lawyer can protect your rights in criminal proceedings. However, there is a problem: becoming a lawyer is not enough. Must be good specialist. Otherwise, no one will use the services. People look for lawyers based on recommendations from friends and relatives, and study reviews on the Internet, if any. No one will advise a beginner lawyer, so he must try very hard and definitely win cases.

You can't become a lawyer right away. I'll have to work as an assistant lawyer. Although, if you do not want to wait a long time for a lawyer’s portfolio, then it is better to abandon such experience and look for another office.

Tax law

A lawyer in the field of tax law is in demand. But what will be the difficulty level of the questions? If this is registration of an individual entrepreneur, this a basic level of. Then you need to learn how to deal with taxes for LLCs that operate within the framework of the Unified Tax Code or the simplified tax system.

A tax lawyer must be able to save his clients’ money, but do it legally, because the very first desk audit will reveal fraud.


The structure of the Russian Prosecutor's Office is complex. Representatives of the legal profession “prosecutor” are responsible for overseeing the implementation of laws of all legal structures. The prosecutor's office has departments that monitor the activities of the authorities state security, control over the conduct of criminal trials, supervision over the implementation of laws by employees in places of deprivation of liberty, monitor the work transport police etc. There is a lot of work in the prosecutor's office. However, if a lawyer is attracted to science, then prosecutorial activity is not for such preferences. Here you will have to show clear knowledge. After the prosecutor's office it is easy to get into a commercial structure. In private jurisprudence, specialists who have served in the civil service are highly valued. These are people with good experience and useful contacts.


Work in films and books investigative departments seems incredibly exciting and unusual. But the realities are different. In fact, the peculiarity of the legal profession of “investigator” lies not in tracking down criminals and not in exciting chases, but in the fact that you have to fill out a lot of paperwork and formalize every procedural action.

The investigation has always been well equipped technically, and in this good advantage of this device in legal field.

What do you need to know? Criminal law. But formal knowledge will not be enough. The work of an investigator is a delicate knowledge of the criminal process. Any investigative actions strictly regulated. In fact, you will have to understand criminology in a broad sense. That is, various kinds of rules and subtleties, for example, how to correctly bring charges, how to conduct a confrontation, how to make a seizure, Personal inspection and detention.

Economic crimes will require more intelligence. Fraud cases and investigations by the FSB are on a federal scale and a special procedure.


As a result, you can build a career. The experience an investigator receives cannot be compared to that of any other legal profession.

The investigator is not required, but recommended, to have non-legal knowledge. For example, understand chemistry and psychiatry. You will have to know criminal law, criminal procedure, engage in forensic tactics, and understand a little biology and medicine.

The experience gained in the investigation still cannot be applied everywhere in the legal field. For example, it will be difficult to retrain as a corporate lawyer. Here, a criminal trial is not needed, nor is knowledge of criminology.

Investigators involved in corruption cases are a special category. Admission is granted to people whose qualifications are not in doubt. They must be independent and experienced, know many people and their connections. Young specialists are not hired mainly because they do not have established connections. But with some effort and perseverance, you can get a position.

Where to go for experience

Students and young professionals don’t have much choice. Although, if you approach the issue strategically, you can choose a useful direction. For example, it is advised to choose activities related to office work. The choice must be based on one criterion. And this is not a salary. Look for a place where there will be a qualified person who will want to competently answer your questions and fill you with knowledge and practice. A lawyer should professionally draw your attention to the little things. Not for templates.

Competition in jurisprudence

What can those who consciously choose legal professions expect? Home and very valuable feature This direction is that there are no fewer vacancies. Why? This is explained by the fact that in Russia legal services can be provided by foreign companies that invite our specialists to work. The priority here could be our graduates’ excellent knowledge of the Russian language and Russian mentality.

The specialty of lawyers is one of the most popular in Russian universities. But not every university is capable of preparing a lawyer, and not every applicant is capable of becoming a lawyer.

Basics of the profession

A lawyer is a legal profession, the main subtleties of which are the ability to build cause-and-effect relationships and “make friends” with logic, as well as analyze judicial practice to offer correct solution to the client.

An experienced lawyer has tactics, tricks that he knows from practice.

How should a lawyer improve his qualifications? He is obliged to monitor changes in legislation and analyze them.

What to choose

The legal profession of a judge will require impeccable experience.

To be a criminal lawyer you need to work in investigative authorities or the prosecutor's office.

Every year, Russian universities graduate 150,000 lawyers. It is clear that not everyone will become good specialists.

Qualities of a professional:

  1. Fundamental knowledge of law.
  2. Oratorical skills.
  3. Perseverance.

Law students mostly want to get into investigative committee and the prosecutor's office. Although commercial lawyers, many of whom become media personalities or bloggers, are like tempters trying to disappoint young professionals in the civil service, saying that there will not be high fees. This is true. But legal consulting in this regard is also not always perfect option. Only well-known lawyers and well-known companies that have been on the market for several years earn a lot. But their stability is not as high as in the civil service. What can we say about small private offices? There is also a common opinion that the legal state system does not motivate achievements. But this is also a controversial argument; it is made by people who want to equate the worthy profession of a lawyer with an ordinary manager. The legal community does not agree with this position.

According to doctors, legal professions are one of the most harmful occupations for health. Working with a large amount of information leads to stress, and hence heart attacks and nervous diseases.

Ethics of the Legal Profession

From an ethical point of view, advocacy is of greatest interest.

This is a complex profession and a lawyer’s bread is not easy, but there is an opportunity for professional and human fulfillment. To be a good lawyer, you need to be aphoristic in court. The ethics of the lawyer-client relationship are also very important.

The legal profession is often criticized, but without it human society cannot exist. A lawyer educates citizens regarding their legally established rights, helps to analyze difficult situations from a legal point of view.

In criminal cases, a lawyer cannot refuse an accepted defense, including because of money. He does not have the right to terminate the contract. But the lawyer has the right not to accept the defense.

The client may not like him, but the lawyer needs a professional view of the case, not friendship with his client.

Advocacy is a state of mind. You need to feel it. You need to understand what it means to protect a person. We need decency.

A commercial view of the profession

Most students are attracted to legal professions by the opportunity to earn really decent money. But experts are saying more and more loudly that the legal profession may soon become the same as it is with doctors. There simply won’t be enough of them in government agencies. Basically, everyone wants to work in private business, expecting a richer life.

In Germany, law exams are taken not at a university, but at the Ministry of Justice. You can become a lawyer only after working for ten years in the prosecutor's office as an investigator or in related fields corporate lawyer. In Russia, everything is much softer; three years of work experience in your specialty is enough.

Chapter 4 Jurisprudence from the perspective of institutional study.

Concept, features, principles, functions, theory and practice


Jurisprudence translated from Latin (jurisprudencia) means jurisprudence; a set of legal sciences; legal system; legal activity. In general, jurisprudence (legal science) is a social discipline that studies law as special system social norms And various aspects law enforcement activities.

Jurisprudence is divided into theoretical (dogmatic) and practical (analytical).

Theoretical (dogmatic) jurisprudence studies:

Dogmas of law (legal norms),

Subjective rights and obligations;

Legal guarantees;

- “right”, “law”, the relationship between law and law;

Legal facts;

History of law;

Comparative Law;

Mechanism of legal regulation;

Legal culture;

Legal system;


Legal consciousness, etc.

Theoretical jurisprudence is divided into a number of branches:

A). Historical and theoretical sciences(theory of state and law, history of state and law, history of political and legal doctrines);

b). Branch sciences(constitutional law, criminal law, labor law, administrative law, civil law, environmental law, criminal procedural law, civil procedural law, etc.).

V). Applied Science (criminology, legal statistics, forensic psychiatry, legal psychology, forensic Medicine and etc.).

G). International law.

Historical and theoretical sciences focus on the historical development of political and legal thought, her actual past.

The largest group is the branch legal sciences, which significantly influence the development of legal thought as a whole.

Applied Science, which significantly influence the development of legal thought in general.

Applied sciences do not fully relate to legal sciences, since they include data from natural, technical and other sciences in their content. For example, forensic medicine is the use of medicine in jurisprudence (in the activities of law enforcement agencies).

Practical (analytical) jurisprudence provides a branch of knowledge that “studies in practical purposes legislation, legal norms, rights and obligations, responsibility, rights and obligations, liability, others legal phenomena from the point of view of their inherent logic, systematics, legal features, connections and relationships, legal technology and analysts"

The degree of development of analytical jurisprudence affects the quality, efficiency legal work, legal perfection of legislation and level vocational training lawyers.

Jurisprudence is closely related to economic, demographic, cultural, socio-psychological and other scientific directions, which provide her with theoretical activity.

Thus, jurisprudence, on a scientific and practical basis, reveals the entire spectrum of state legal life and legal activities of society. The integration of jurisprudence and other scientific and practical areas allows the development of new branches of knowledge with the main goal of providing theoretical (legal) and practical (legal) foundations for the activities of law enforcement agencies.

In our opinion, jurisprudence identical to the concept of law. This approach to jurisprudence eliminates confusion and various layers in legal issues.

General theory jurisprudence explores the concept of “right”, “law”, the relationship between “law and law”, “principles”, “structure” of law, etc.

Russian word“right” means “really”, “in fact”, “truth”, it expresses the will, strength, power of individuals to act in a certain way. Currently, it is generally established that law is a set (system) of norms and rules emanating from the state and regulating the behavior of people using coercion.

Right– a multifaceted systemic phenomenon that ensures the self-development of society. Law is real because it is the will of power, embodied in laws, in the behavior of people who enter into legal relations(legal relations).

Legal science has developed many definitions of law.

"The right is specific social regulator, which is a complex system consisting of generally binding principles, norms (rules), volitional relations of individuals and collective subjects(organizations, groups) that express a certain level of socio-economic, socio-psychological, religious and cultural development of society. Law is a regulatory system determined by the nature of man and society and expressing personal freedom. public relations, which is characterized by normativity, formal certainty in formal sources and provision with the possibility of state coercion"

« It is the right in its original essence is an education arising from the lives of people, which is logically and historically destined to be institute, intended to organize freedom, give it certainty and security, and hence human content, truly human value»

There are other definitions of law in the legal literature. Thus, it can be argued that law is the most important category legal science and practices that reflect the content (concept), principles, functions, norms, system of law, features characterizing the mechanism of legal regulation, intellectual strong-willed character relations between the individual and the collective (organizations, groups), the provision of law with the possibility of state coercion.

The modern understanding of law is understanding it as the main means of implementation social justice and feasibility.

What is fair is socially due. Everything moral is fair. Immorality and arbitrariness are unjust.

Thanks to law, fundamental issues and tasks are resolved social development society. Law is the bearer of all the requirements of civilization.

The most important features of law are: normativity, intellectual and volitional character, provision with the possibility of state coercion, formal certainty, consistency.

1. Normativity provided by the state, guarantees the exercise of the subjective rights of citizens. The normativity of law expresses functional purpose– to be a regulator of people’s behavior and social relations.

The value of normativity lies in the fact that it gives orderliness, organization, stability to regulated social relations, and protects them from arbitrariness.

2. Intellectual-volitional character norms emphasizes that law is a manifestation of the intellect, will and consciousness of people. Law reflects and expresses the needs, interests, goals of society, individuals and organizations. Law is an expression not only of the intellect, but also of the will of people. Will is manifested in the social and legal claims of individuals, groups, organizations, which are implemented through the will of specific government bodies, as well as the consciousness and will of persons implementing legal norms.

3. Provision of the possibility of state coercion is expressed in providing protection subjective law, performance of duties, as well as bringing to legal responsibility and punishing the perpetrator. Thanks to the state, the spheres of freedom (law), its boundaries ( legal duty) and restrictions ( legal liability). Possibility of state coercion – constitutional feature rights.

4. Formal certainty indicates that the rules of law are officially enshrined in laws and other regulations and are subject to uniform interpretation, i.e. expresses the connection between law and state. The state gives form to legal content.

5. Systematicity emphasizes that law is a related systemic formation, which is divided into: natural law, positive law, and subjective law. In addition, law is divided into private and public, into norms, institutions, and industries.

In any study it is necessary to find out the main thing, the main thing i.e. the essence of the object.

Scientists are almost unanimous in general characteristics legal principles (S.S. Alekseev, V.I. Babaev, V.N. Sinyukov, O.I. Tsybulevskaya, etc.).

The principles are divided into social and legal ones.

TO general social principles include economic, political, spiritual. Economic the principles reflect freedom of enterprise, equality, all forms of ownership, etc. Political– these are the principles of democracy, separation of powers, transparency of activities political organizations etc. Spiritual principles include morality, justice, humanism, patriotism, respect for the honor and dignity of a person, etc.

Actually legal principles are divided into general legal, sectoral and intersectoral.

The most important social principles are:

The principle of justice;

The principle of respect for human rights;

The principle of equality;

Principle of legality;

The principle of justice.

Principle of justice expresses the correspondence between actions and the resulting consequences. The principle of respect for human rights emphasizes that human rights and freedoms are the highest value.

The principle of equality establishes the equal legal status of all citizens, i.e. equal constitutional rights and a common legal personality for all. The principle of legality is that the constitution, laws and other legal acts applicable in the Russian Federation must be observed by authorities, local government, officials, citizens and their associations. The principle of justice expresses guarantees for the protection of subjective rights in court. "Everyone is guaranteed judicial protection his rights and freedoms."

The principles of law (jurisprudence) are most directly related to the functions of law, which reflect the main directions the impact of law on social relations and people's behavior, and also allow us to give a public description of the work of legal norms.

Most of the functions of law ensure the necessary behavior of people, constantly regulate social relations, and purposefully influence the will, consciousness, and actions of the individual.

The impact is always related to psychology, because influence an individual or a team for a specific purpose without using psychological techniques almost impossible. The results of the impact depend on the skillful use of tactical and psychological means.

Social relations between people pursue the goal of achieving legal consciousness, legal culture, prompt and correct enforcement.

The main functional purpose of law is manifested in a number of specific functions:



Evaluation function.

Regulatory-static function consolidates, cements, stabilizes social relations (fundamental rights and freedoms of citizens, the competence of bodies and officials, legal personality of individuals and legal entities). Regulatory-dynamic function determines what people's future behavior should be (for example, fulfilling an obligation under a contract). Security The function is to develop in law qualities that are valuable for the individual and society: stability, detailed and clear regulation, clear procedures.

Evaluation function allows you to determine the criteria for the legality or illegality of someone’s actions and decisions.

Theoretical aspects of jurisprudence concern the relationship between law and law. “The distinction between law and law has a great humanistic meaning, because then law is considered as a criterion for the quality of the law, establishing the extent to which the latter recognizes human rights, his interests and needs”

Law is legal documents, written fragments that regulate reality, containing verbal information about norms, rights and obligations, guarantees, etc.

Law is primary regulatory legal act, adopted in special order, and touches on the main issues state life, directly expresses the state will, has the highest legal force.

The general theory of jurisprudence has developed six main features of the law: expresses the will of the people; regulates critical issues life of the state and public relations; is the primary legal act; has the highest legal force; expresses the state will which is not subject to the control or approval of any other government agency or public organization; accepted in a special procedural manner.

Juristic documents(“laws”) are named in jurisprudence sources of law.

To remember their essence, it is necessary to understand that the term “law” is quite meaningful. A law may be illegal if its content becomes arbitrary state power. The so-called formal law when it is the form, not the content, of law enforcement activities.

The nature of the relationship between law and economics can be judged by the formula “the state is responsible for the form of law, the economy is responsible for its content.” Economic processes are carried out on a legal basis - property rights, as a result of which they acquire a legal form and function as legal relations.

Legal psychology is a science that synthesizes various areas psychology and jurisprudence. Any area applied psychology implements the system and regulations general psychology in their appendix to various types human activity.

But any human activity in the sphere of public relations is regulated by rules. Rules required for certain group people are called norms of behavior.

Purpose and objectives of jurisprudence

The manual introduces the reader to the methodology of teaching students in the specialty “Jurisprudence”.

It reveals the structure, composition academic discipline and its main content. Specific recommendations are given for studying the proposed material and its information and methodological support.

The features of the legal profession are revealed, and extracts from the European Code of Conduct for Lawyers are provided, reflecting global requirements for professional behavior lawyers.

Jurisprudence is

(jurisprudence) The science of law.

Tasks of lawyers: to carry out a systematic understanding of the nature of law, its development; explain the principles on which it is built or should be built, incl.

and in relation to other institutions and norms, such as morality; and also to shed light on its own manifestation.

Law may be positive (operative), natural (hence the important tradition of "natural jurisprudence"), or even a regulatory code that is not part of the formal law. legal system.

Faculty of Law

In September 1998, a department specializing in “Jurisprudence” was opened as part of the Faculty of Philology.

For the first time, a group of students was recruited for full-time and correspondence form training with the qualification “Law and Cultural Studies”. The department of cultural studies and law trained students (the first head of the department was associate professor, candidate of philological sciences I.

Yu. Simacheva, later – associate professor, candidate of philological sciences N.

Diploma: goals and objectives

When the student is going to write thesis, he sets himself specific goals that it seeks to achieve by completing tasks. This mandatory requirement to the diploma.

Goals and objectives should be formulated in the introduction to the thesis. If a thesis is not on your list of important things to do, you can entrust writing it to us. We guarantee quality and timely completion of work, so you don’t have to worry about being late with delivery.

Political parties in modern understanding arose only on turn of XIX-XX centuries, when in legislation different countries provisions dedicated to political parties began to appear. Political parties in modern world play such an important role in the life of society that it is difficult to overestimate it. Legal status their activities are regulated not only by national level, but also international regulations and acts of judicial authorities.

Goals, objectives and functions of the public (state) service in the Republic of Armenia

In the field of public administration paramount importance has efficient operation public service. Moreover, from the point of view of the proper application of the levers of government and ensuring civil rights and freedoms, it is necessary to have a clear understanding of the main goals, objectives and functions of the public service. The main goal of the public service is to carry out the functions of power in order to satisfy public interests and ensure public welfare.

Purpose of jurisprudence

Our short material will tell you what the main goal of jurisprudence is, its purpose. So, it consists in developing the knowledge and skills that will allow a person to form and develop, taking into account the demands and needs modern society. In our material we will try to find out what the goals and objectives of jurisprudence itself are.

which the front ones are currently supplied.

How much does it cost to write your work?

Construction and development information society is recognized as the leading global trend of the 21st century.

which determines the need to form global information and economic spaces.

The new technological paradigm of the information society is based on electronics and genetic engineering, and its basis is Information Systems and technology. This paradigm replaces the paradigm of industrial society.

Legal magazine "Legal Insight"

I joined the company in October 2008. By that time, the structure of VTB Capital - the investment business of VTB Group - already existed, and most of The business team has already been working for more than six months.

From the moment I joined the company, the formation of the legal department began. I was faced with very diverse tasks. The company was already actively conducting operational activities, questions were accumulating, and the task of providing full legal support to our business was extremely urgent.

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