What is a median on the road? Road markings

On this topic.

Below are the basic concepts and terms used in the traffic rules (section 1. General provisions), grouped by thematic basis. Please note that the explanations of concepts and terms are not given in the original language, but in a simpler and clearer way.

A strip of land (a system of structures) developed and used for the movement of vehicles. The road (red arrow in the figure) may consist of the following elements:

  • roadway (green arrow) consisting of traffic lanes (blue arrow);
  • tram rails;
  • curbs (orange arrow);
  • sidewalks;
  • dividing stripes (black arrow).

Roadway. An element of the road along which trackless vehicles move. A road may consist of one or more carriageways, which are separated from each other by dividing strips.

We need to understand the following important point. If the road has a dividing strip (see definition below), then it consists of several carriageways. If oncoming traffic is separated by a solid double line (marking 1.3), then the road consists of one carriageway.

Dividing strip . An element of the road, distinguished either structurally and/or using markings 1.2.1, which marks the edge of the roadway. The median strip separates adjacent roadways and is not intended for the movement and stopping of vehicles. At the same time, rails are sometimes laid on the dividing strip for the movement of trams. Again, we need to pay attention to the following important point. If tram lines are located on a dividing strip (a structurally designated section of the road), then, of course, trackless vehicles are prohibited from moving along them. But, if tram lines are laid in the middle of the road at the same level as the roadway, then vehicle traffic on them can be allowed.

Example of dividing stripes:

Beginners may have a legitimate question - how to distinguish the dividing strip marked by marking 1.2.1 from the solid double line marking 1.3. Indeed, in both cases, two solid lines are depicted on the road, located next to each other. Everything is very simple. Firstly, the marking lines 1.2.1 are thicker than those of marking 1.3. Secondly, marking lines 1.3 are located next to each other, while marking lines 1.2.1 are located at some distance from each other (compare the pictures above).

. Any of the longitudinal stripes of the roadway, marked (not marked) with appropriate markings. If the traffic lane is not marked with markings, then its width is assumed to be sufficient for vehicles to move in one row. For this reason, motorcycles can move in several rows on one lane, and this will not be considered a traffic violation if motorcyclists maintain a safe distance between themselves and other road users.

Example of a two-lane road:

Sidewalk. An element of the road that is intended for pedestrian traffic and is adjacent to the roadway, bicycle path, or separated from them by a lawn. Typically, sidewalks are raised above the roadway and separated from them by curbstones.

Roadside. An element of the road that is directly adjacent to the roadway at the same level as it. In this case, the side of the road differs from the roadway in the type of coating, or is distinguished using markings 1.2.1 or 1.2.2 .

The shoulder is used for pedestrian traffic, stopping and parking of vehicles. The shoulder cannot be used for constant vehicle movement.

The section of the roadway, tram tracks, which is indicated by signs 5.19.1, 5.19.2 and/or horizontal markings 1.14.1, 1.14.2 . A pedestrian crossing is designed for the movement of pedestrians across the road. In the absence of road markings, the width of the pedestrian crossing is determined by the distance between signs 5.19.1 and 5.19.2.

Please note that sign 5.19.1 is installed to the right of the road, and 5.19.2 - to the left. If the road has a dividing strip, then sign 5.19.2 is installed to the left of each of the roadways on the dividing strip. At signalized intersections there may not be signs 5.19.1 and 5.19.2 - pedestrians should only follow the road markings. If an intersection is not equipped with signs or markings, pedestrians have the right to cross the roadway at intersections along the lines of sidewalks or curbs.

Adjacent territory . The area directly adjacent to the road and not intended for through vehicle traffic. The adjacent territory includes courtyards, residential areas, parking lots, gas stations, enterprises, etc. The surrounding area is automatically always considered a secondary road. Therefore, when leaving the adjacent territory, the driver must give way to all road users on the road, even if no signs are installed. At the same time, leaving the adjacent territory is not considered an intersection.

Railroad crossing . Crossing the road with the railway paths on the same level. Railway A crossing is a section of the road that is intended for vehicles to pass through the railway track. roads.

A road marked with sign 5.1, on which there are carriageways for traffic in each direction, separated from each other by a dividing strip or road fence. The highway does not have intersections at the same level with other roads or railways. or tram tracks, bicycle paths.

Locality . A built-up area, the entrances and exits to which are marked with signs 5.23.1-5.26.

Let. A stationary object located in a traffic lane that prevents unimpeded movement in the lane. An obstacle can include a faulty or damaged vehicle, a defect in the roadway, foreign objects, etc.). Obstacles are not a traffic jam or a vehicle that has stopped in the lane in accordance with traffic regulations.

Parking. A specially designated (arranged and equipped if necessary) place that is part of the road or adjacent to the roadway (sidewalk), shoulder, overpass, bridge, or is part of the overpass (underbridge) spaces, squares or other objects of the road network, buildings, structures , structures intended for parking vehicles.

Once upon a time, in the old days, there were no roads that were familiar to us. From one settlement to another, people moved along forest and field paths. But gradually there were more and more roads and they took on an increasingly well-groomed appearance. The Romans in Europe and the Incas in America paved roads with stone and rubble and laid hard surfaces.

Roads in cities also began to be improved. In Russian cities, wood was used for their construction; in European cities, cobblestones and crushed stone were used.

Gradually the roads became the way we are used to seeing them.

So, road is an artificial structure specially adapted for the movement of vehicles and pedestrians. Roads in cities can be called differently: street, avenue, lane, line. All of them consist of three components - the roadway, the sidewalk, and the curb. If the roadway is separated by green spaces, the road is called a boulevard.

roadway- This is the part of the road intended for traffic. And it is called that because cars, buses, trolleybuses, trams and other vehicles travel along it.

The roadway is intended for vehicles only. Pedestrians are not allowed to walk on it.

But the sidewalk is intended for pedestrians. This word is French, and translated it means “road for pedestrians.” In cities, sidewalks are usually covered with asphalt.

The sidewalks are slightly raised above the roadway. This is done so that any pedestrian can clearly determine the boundary between the roadway and the sidewalk. This border is marked with special stones that form a curb. On those streets where there are especially many pedestrians and cars, sidewalks are separated from the roadway not by a curb, but by metal fences.

Pedestrians should only walk on sidewalks.

What kind of roads are there?

Did you know that roads can be very different, depending on how the traffic on them is organized?

If cars drive down the street in only one direction, then such traffic is called one-way traffic. This is not to say that there are a lot of such streets, but they exist. And you should know how to behave on a one-way street.

On most streets, cars drive in one direction or the other. This movement of vehicles is called bilateral. To prevent cars from colliding and interfering with each other, such streets are divided by a solid white line (one or two). This line divides the roadway and is needed so that some cars drive in one direction and others in the opposite direction.

Another feature of roads is the direction in which traffic moves along them. In our country, traffic on roads is right-handed. This means that all cars in Russia move forward on the right side of the roadway.

Driving on the right is also common in countries such as the USA, France, China and Germany.

In some countries (for example, in the UK, Australia, India), a different traffic movement on the roads is accepted - left-handed. This means that all cars in these countries move forward on the left side of the roadway.

Depending on whether traffic in the country is on the right or on the left, public transport is designed differently. In those countries where traffic is on the right, the doors on buses, trams, trolleybuses, and minibuses for passengers to enter and exit are always on the right.

In Russia, traffic on the roads is on the right.

Road is a strip of land or a surface of an artificial structure equipped or adapted and used for the movement of vehicles.
That is, a primer, if it was intended for vehicle traffic, is also expensive.

Road elements:

1. Roadway - a section of the road along which vehicles directly move. A road may have one or several carriageways.

Range of respect, that is, a useful area for regularizing the use of the surrounding area for infrastructure. An example to clarify the ideas is that part of the territory that is intended to accommodate the possible expansion of the road as a result of increased traffic flows. Corresponding lane, this area, partly internal or external to the roadway, where they can be placed, for example, in urban areas, cables, sewers, etc. headquarters, takes this name as the most paved infrastructure section, either on the embankment or on the roadway.

  • Road: Inside the road, in turn, is divided into lanes for marching.
  • Margin takes the field name for each road element.
Other elements included in the infrastructure and internal fields and boundaries may be.

2. Dividing strip - an element that is highlighted structurally (bump stops, lawns in the center of the road), or using markings 1.2.1 (Fig. 2). It is the dividing strip that divides the road into two carriageways. The second figure shows both types of dividing strip. That is, on each of the roads shown there are two carriageways.
Double solid (Fig. 1) is not a dividing strip, so there is only one carriageway on this road.

Banchina: part of the road, without any obstruction, between the edge of the roadway and the nearest of the following longitudinal elements: sidewalk, partition, pool, inner eyelash from the jacket, top of the scarlet in the surveyed. Sidewalk: A portion of a road, off-road, raised or otherwise demarcated. Protected, intended for pedestrians.

Parking: an area or infrastructure located behind a roadway for parking. Regulated or non-regulated vehicles. Restraints: An element that seeks to prevent vehicles from leaking from a platform or reduce its destructive consequences. It is contained within a hedge trunk or margin outside the platform. . The new Italian standard provides, by revolutionizing the first, the possibility of strangling the work of the road as a modular composition of elements that can be repeated.

3. Traffic lane - any of the longitudinal stripes of the roadway, having a width sufficient for the movement of cars in one row. Usually the stripes are separated by markings, and their number is easy to count. By the way, all lanes on the road are counted, not just in our direction. For example, if we call a road two-lane, then usually such a road has one lane in each direction. In Fig. 1 there are 4 lanes.
It happens that there are no markings on the road. Then we determine the number of lanes by eye, taking into account the dimensions of the cars and the required interval between them. The standard strip width is 3.5 m. However, it should be noted that if there is no marking, the number of lanes is always even. We divide the road in half.
For example, in Fig. 3 there are two traffic lanes.

A macroscopic example is marching lanes: the previous rule prohibited roads whose lanes overflowed in number. Now, thanks to this change, a road can be conceived as an endless series of lane elements that can be increased in numbers to increase the capacity of the infrastructure.

A good designer will need to adhere to these minimum values ​​to avoid legal penalties, but will also need to increase them in situations where the design requires higher values ​​for some quantities. The above points indicate what may seem like an "innocent" phrase in the publication of the standard: the dimensions of the road platform must be the same throughout the entire road, whether on a natural seat or an artificial seat. However, this concept has led to controversial debates, mainly related to galleries.

4. Tram tracks - there are passing and counter directions. (Fig. 4) We will not dwell on them in detail in this topic

5. Shoulder - an element of the road adjacent directly to the roadway at the same level with it, differing in the type of coating or highlighted using markings 1.2.1 or 1.2.2. That is, the roadside can be unpaved or hard-surfaced. You can only pull over to the side of the road to stop and park. Driving on the side of the road is prohibited.

The controversy was so controversial that the application of this rule was only required for newly built roads, which did not affect the adaptation of existing works. To ensure proper road design, it must be able to fulfill the fundamental goal of eliminating transport demand, that is, the volume of traffic consisting of vehicles of various types that pass through the infrastructure at a given speed, suitably sized. It is good to clarify overly expressed concepts.

This road has two carriageways!

Transport Demand: During the design phase, one talks about the transport demand as well as the average daily traffic that the infrastructure must handle. However, an infrastructure project with such an average as proposed would be an approximation. Thus, reference is made to the peak time value and even more detailed values ​​in 15 minutes worse than in one hour. Types of Vehicles: The infrastructure, in this case the road, must be designed to get rid of the transit of different types of vehicles, i.e. different types of users with interaction problems. The standard is divided into 11 groups of these utilities. . To accommodate design practice for one vehicle type, correction factors will be used for each but one of the typologies so that equivalence in numerical terms can be obtained with respect to the one type selected as reference.

6. Sidewalk is an element of the road intended for pedestrian traffic and adjacent to the roadway or bicycle path or separated from them by a lawn. (Fig. 4) Vehicle movement on sidewalks is prohibited. An exception is only if you serve retail or other businesses located directly next to these sidewalks or paths in the absence of other access options

In this case it should be: cars. To achieve this, the road must be suitably designed with the design speed in mind. or rather, as you will see with the speed range. Average Speed: The car's current will take you to a certain average speed. . From what was seen in the paragraph, you can, at the design stage, go to find out the values.

Design Speed ​​Range: The standard does not imply "a single design speed as you think, but a range." The maximum value is expected to safely signify the vehicle's commitment to the least constraining elements. However, the minimum value will correspond to the speed it assumes the car will take when it crosses the track's most compelling elements. The motivation behind the need to introduce such a criterion is economically feasible: if you define a Single speed such as a maximum for a project, it would inevitably be over-measured by some elements with a significant consumption of resources and the inherent complexity of inserting into the territory of the elements, hence the dimensions. This type of design is called rigid, flexibility: therefore, some elements are considered to intersect at a speed lower than the maximum, up to the limit set by the standards. In short, the fork between maximum and minimum speed must be limited. This third value is not, as one might expect, different from the two already introduced. In particular, it is related to maximum speed by a linear relationship raised by one factor. This regulatory choice, as well as the choice of minimum values, is perhaps a mistake, since this condition must be applied on a percentage scale.


the main road - a road marked with signs 2.1, 2.3.1 - 2.3.7, or 5.1 in relation to the one being crossed (adjacent), or a road with a hard surface (asphalt and cement concrete, stone materials, etc.) in relation to a dirt road, or any road in relation to exits from adjacent territories. The presence of a paved section on a minor road immediately before the intersection does not make it equal in importance to the one it intersects.

Drivers entering an uncontrolled intersection on a main road have an advantage, and those moving on the secondary road must comply with the requirement of the Rules to “give way”.

(Description of the photo)

1- main road

2- minor road

Passenger - a person, other than the driver, who is in the vehicle (on it), as well as a person who enters the vehicle (gets into it) or leaves the vehicle (gets off it).

A pedestrian- a person who is outside the vehicle on the road and does not perform work on it. Persons moving in wheelchairs without a motor, driving a bicycle, moped, motorcycle, carrying a sled, cart, baby stroller or wheelchair are considered pedestrians.

Motorbike - two-wheeled motor vehicle with or without a side trailer. Motorcycles are considered to be three- or four-wheeled mechanical vehicles with a curb weight of no more than 400 kg.

Moped - a two- or three-wheeled vehicle driven by an engine with a displacement of not more than 50 cc. cm and having a maximum design speed of no more than 50 km/h. Bicycles with a suspended engine, mopeds and other vehicles with similar characteristics are considered mopeds.

Bike - a vehicle, other than wheelchairs, that has two or more wheels and is driven by the muscular power of the people on it.

Trailer - a vehicle not equipped with an engine and intended to be driven in conjunction with a power-driven vehicle. The term also applies to semi-trailers and trailers.

Road train - a motor vehicle coupled to a trailer(s).

Route vehicle - a public vehicle (bus, trolleybus, tram), intended for transporting people on roads and moving along a set route with designated stopping places. Drivers of route vehicles are provided with a number of advantages (Section 18 of the Rules).

Permissible maximum weight - the mass of the equipped vehicle with cargo, driver and passengers, established by the manufacturer as the maximum permissible. The permissible maximum mass of a vehicle composition, i.e. coupled and moving as one unit, is taken to be the sum of the permissible maximum masses of the vehicles included in the composition. The curb weight of a vehicle is the weight of a vehicle that is fully filled with fuel, oils, coolant and equipped with driver's tools and accessories. It is indicated in the technical specifications of the car. M max of TC composition = M maxTC1 + M maxTC2+...+M maxTCp; The actual mass is the mass of the vehicle (vehicle composition) at a given time. M actual ≤ M max.

Organized transport convoy - a group of three or more motor vehicles following directly after each other along the same lane with headlights constantly on, accompanied by a lead vehicle with special color schemes applied to the outer surfaces and flashing lights in blue and red.

Rebuilding - leaving the occupied lane or occupied row while maintaining the original direction of movement. Before changing lanes, the driver is required to signal with turn signals in the appropriate direction. When changing lanes, the driver must give way to vehicles moving in the same direction without changing the direction of movement. When simultaneously changing lanes of vehicles moving in the same direction, the driver must give way to the vehicle on the right (clauses 8.1; 8.4). Overtaking is getting ahead of one or more moving vehicles, associated with entering a lane (side of the roadway) intended for oncoming traffic, and then returning to the previously occupied lane (side of the roadway).

Overtaking rules (clauses 11.1 -11.4):

11.1. Before overtaking, the driver must make sure that the lane he is about to enter is clear at a sufficient distance for overtaking and that in the process of overtaking he will not create a danger to traffic or interfere with other road users. 11.2. The driver is prohibited from overtaking in the following cases:

- the vehicle moving ahead is overtaking or going around an obstacle;

- a vehicle moving ahead in the same lane has given a left turn signal;

- the vehicle following him began to overtake;

Upon completion of overtaking, he will not be able, without creating a danger to traffic and interference with the overtaken vehicle, to return to the previously occupied lane.

Rules for oncoming traffic (clause 11.7)

1. if oncoming traffic is difficult, the driver on whose side there is an obstacle must give way.

2. on slopes marked with signs 1.13 “Steep descent” and 1.14 “Steep ascent”, the driver of a vehicle moving downhill must give way.

On narrow sections of the road, the order of oncoming traffic is determined by road signs 2.6; 2.7

Stop- deliberately stopping the movement of a vehicle for up to 5 minutes, as well as for longer if this is necessary for boarding or disembarking passengers or loading or unloading a vehicle.

"Intentional" - this means a cessation of movement planned by the driver. Stopping at the signal of a traffic controller, traffic light, or at the request of a police officer, as well as stopping in front of a pedestrian crossing beyond which a traffic jam has formed, is not considered intentional.

Forced stop - stopping the movement of a vehicle due to its technical malfunction or danger created by the cargo being transported, the condition of the driver (passenger) or the appearance of an obstacle on the road.

Parking - deliberately stopping the movement of a vehicle for more than 5 minutes. for reasons not related to the embarkation or disembarkation of passengers or the loading or unloading of a vehicle.

Night time - the period of time from the end of evening twilight to the beginning of morning twilight.

Insufficient visibility - road visibility is less than 300 m in conditions of fog, rain, snowfall, etc., as well as at dusk.

Limited visibility is the driver’s visibility of the road in the direction of travel, limited by terrain , geometric parameters of the road, vegetation, buildings, buildings or other objects including vehicles. On the road in places with limited visibility, overtaking a vehicle is prohibited.

Dangerous cargo - substances, products made from them, industrial or economic waste, which, due to their inherent properties, can pose a threat to human life and health during transportation, harm the environment, damage or destroy material assets.

Organized transportation of a group of children - special transportation of two or more children of preschool and school age, carried out in a mechanical vehicle other than a route vehicle. A populated area is a built-up area, the entrances to and exits from which are marked with signs 5.23...5.26.

Signs 5.23.1 and 5.23.2 are made on a white background , this means that the driver, when entering such a populated area, must comply with the requirements of the Rules establishing the procedure for driving in populated areas, namely: - the speed of the vehicle should not exceed 60 (km/h). - sound signals are permitted only to prevent a traffic accident, etc.

Sign 5.25 is made on a blue background , this means that drivers, when driving on a road marked with this sign, comply with the requirements of the Rules, as when driving outside populated areas, namely: - driving speed is no more than 90 (km/h) for certain types of vehicles. - sound signals are allowed when overtaking a vehicle, as well as to prevent a traffic accident.

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Roads in Russia are divided into certain types: federal, urban, rural. The main element of any road is the roadway. On highways and roads for cars, it is multi-lane, contains a median strip, a shoulder and pedestrian crossings. On some of them, roadways are separated by double continuous markings, and traffic lanes are separated by intermittent markings. High-speed routes do not have intersections at the same level with secondary routes.

According to the new edition of the traffic rules, the permitted speed on highways is 150 km/h. Modern highways have special lanes for cyclists; cars are prohibited from entering them.

Standards norms

The roadway is intended for the movement of trackless vehicles. Tram tracks can be placed on it. As a rule, they cannot be used by cars. The traffic rules contain clause 9.6. It allows access to tram tracks when making a U-turn or turning left, but subject to compliance with clause 8.5 of the Rules.

The road must be designed and maintained in conditions that ensure compliance with the requirements of the urban planning rules SP 42.13330.2011. The distance from the edge of the carriageway of the highway to the border of the residential development should not be less than 100 m. The standard obliges developers to install landscaping strips at least 10 meters wide. There is a lot of useful information in document SNiP 2.07.01-89, section 11 “Transport and road network”, paragraphs 11.1-11.4. The standard has a condition - high-speed roads must have underground and overground pedestrian crossings. It is prohibited to install overpasses on highways.

Movement is allowed

The boundaries of the carriageway determine the traffic lanes. They are distinguished by markings and signs (clause 9.1 of the traffic rules). Crossing broken markings is only allowed when changing lanes. If there are no markings, the driver chooses the lane width independently, taking into account the overall dimensions of the car and vehicles passing nearby. The interval between them must also be taken into account. Additional lanes are allocated on the roadway at the points of access to overpasses and special ones for public transport. The driver should not occupy the leftmost lane if the lane on the right is free.

Traffic flows

Dividing strips are installed to ensure safe traffic on multi-lane roads in the opposite direction. On federal and interstate highways, they can separate traffic flows in the same direction. The width is determined by GOST R 52399-2005. The permissible width is six meters; a lawn can be located inside. If fences are installed (concrete or metal), then its width is 2 meters. Dividing barriers are not installed on two-lane roads of the second category. Roadways are separated by double continuous markings 1.3. The distance between solid 1.3 is equal to the width of each line.

On some city roads, the roadway has wide dividing stripes, visually highlighted by horizontal continuous markings 1.2.1.

Driving through them for ambulances and special-purpose vehicles is not punishable by fines; for others, the fine is 1,500 rubles (clause 9.9 of the traffic rules).


The shoulder is a part of the road that on modern federal highways is often asphalt. In particularly dangerous areas, the roadway is limited by a special barrier that prevents the vehicle from leaving the roadway. Roadways are separated from the side of the road by horizontal continuous markings 1.2.1 or intermittent markings 1.2.2. A white solid is often complemented by a yellow solid. Entry onto such a double continuous road is permitted only as a last resort. For example, a car malfunction is detected.

On highways of regional or local significance, the shoulder can be made of gravel, crushed stone, or sand. Paragraph 12.1 of the traffic rules allows not only stopping on the side of the road, but also parking. The main condition is “not to interfere” with other road users. The fine for driving on the side of the road is provided for in Article 12.15 of the Code of Administrative Offenses and amounts to 1,500 rubles.

Transitions and tracks

Pedestrians are considered equal participants in road traffic. For them are intended:

The paths do not cross vehicle lanes. Cars are prohibited from passing through them.

Transitions are divided into three groups:

  • ground;
  • aboveground;
  • underground.

Ground - sections of the road along which pedestrians are allowed to move. They are indicated by the sign 5.19.1. If the roadway has a dividing strip, then they are installed on it too. Signs are not allowed to be installed at signalized intersections. Markings, as defined in the first section of the traffic rules, may be absent in some cases.

Overground and underpasses are located in the area of ​​multi-lane roads and are indicated by signs. If after the construction of the overpass the zebra crossing is not removed, crossing it is prohibited by clause 4.3 of the Rules. But traffic police inspectors will not be able to fine a pedestrian. Road users are not responsible for violations of the rules for installing signs and markings.


When adjacent lanes are occupied, some drivers, violating traffic rules, begin overtaking on the median or shoulder. Often such maneuvers end very sadly. In this case, not only the offender suffers, but also law-abiding drivers. The offender is punished by the Criminal Code.

If the road and structures located on it are damaged, the norms of Federal Law No. 196 of 2013 are applied. The fine for individuals ranges from five to ten thousand. Damage to road markings may be considered a violation. For the destruction of the structural elements of the dividing strip, a legal entity, including an individual entrepreneur, will have to pay three hundred thousand. This penalty was in effect in 2016, but already now it is proposed to increase the amount of payment.

In recent years, the development of highways has begun to take on a civilized form. Modern overground and underground passages are being built. A new type of pedestrian crossings is being used - diagonal ones. The dividing strips are also being reconstructed: the height of the structural elements is increased. In particularly dangerous areas it is no longer possible to drive onto the side of the road - a high barrier will interfere. It is reported that road construction will continue.

Chapter 1

General provisions


2.15. road- a complex of engineering structures or a strip of land intended and used for the movement of vehicles and pedestrians in the established order;

2.78. road elements- one or more roadways, tram tracks, sidewalks, pedestrian and bicycle paths(except for bicycle paths located separately from the road), landing sites located on the roadway and intended for boarding (disembarking) passengers into a route vehicle, traffic islands, highlighted structurally or by horizontal road marking lines, medians, medians, level crossings and roadsides;

Road elements

2.55. carriageway - element of the road intended for the movement of vehicles and in cases provided for by these Rules, - for pedestrian traffic;

2.75. improved coating- road surface from asphalt concrete or cement concrete mixtures, from crushed stone, gravel, slag or other mineral materials treated with organic or mineral binders, as well as from piece materials: paving stones, cobblestones, clinker, mosaics and so on.;

Road with improved surface

Road without improved surface

2.50. lane - any of the longitudinal stripes of the roadway roads, whether or not marked with horizontal road markings and having a width sufficient for the movement of vehicles(except for single-track) in one row;

2.57. separation zone - element highlighted by horizontal road markings roads, separating adjacent roadways and not intended for the movement or stopping of vehicles and pedestrians outside specially designated areas;

2.58. dividing strip - dedicated structural element roads, separating adjacent roadways and not intended for the movement or stopping of vehicles and pedestrians outside specially equipped and designated areas;

2.10. lawn- a plot of land with natural or artificially created vegetation, mainly grass, cover;

It’s very easy to remember where the strip is and where the zone is with the help of a memory stick: Our zone is without a lawn, the strip is a mow!

2.72. sidewalk- a road element adjacent to the roadway or separated from it by a lawn, intended for pedestrians and cyclists in accordance with these Rules;

2.17. traffic- movement of pedestrians and (or) vehicles along the road, including parking and stopping within the road, and related public relations;

2.65. technical means of traffic management- devices, structures and images used on roads to regulate traffic, ensure its safety and increase traffic capacity roads;

2.45. crossroads - place where roads cross, join or branch at the same level. Intersection boundary defined by imaginary lines connecting respectively opposite, the points of curvature of roadways that are farthest from the center of the intersection expensive Are not crossroads intersections with bicycle, pedestrian and horse trails;

2.33. marked intersection- an intersection in front of which on a given road priority road sign(s) installed;

2.11. the main road- road, marked with road signs “Main Road”, “Intersection with a Secondary Road”, “Junction of a Secondary Road”, “Highway” or “Road for Motor Vehicles”, in relation to the one being crossed(adjacent), road with improved pavement compared to a road without such pavement, road with a gravel surface in relation to a dirt road, any road in relation to exits from adjacent territories or residential areas. The presence of a paved section (improved or gravel) on a secondary road immediately before the intersection does not make it equal in importance to the one being intersected;

2.79. overpass- engineering a structure for raising one road above another at their intersection, and also for placement at a certain height of a road that does not have exits to another road;

2.29. locality- territory, entrances to and exits from which are indicated by road signs “Beginning of a populated area” and “End of a populated area” or road signs “Beginning of the border of a populated area” and “End of the border of a populated area”;

2.32. road visibility- objective ability to see the road situation from the driver's seat;

2.7. road visibility - the maximum distance in the direction of travel at which road elements can be recognized from the driver's seat and technical means of organizing traffic in front of the vehicle and correctly navigating when driving it;

2.35. limited visibility roads - visibility of the road, limited by the geometric parameters of the road, roadside engineering structures, plantings and other objects, as well as vehicles;

2.63. Night time - time interval which begins after sunset and ends with sunrise;


2.77. road user- individual, located within the road in (on) the vehicle or outside it, except for the traffic controller And worker performing in due course on the road repair and other work;

Equated to a traffic controller employee of the Military Automobile Inspectorate Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus in equipment (high-visibility uniform with elements of reflective material, with a disk with a red signal (retroreflector) and a whistle) when ensuring the movement of organized transport convoys, which include vehicles belonging to the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the State Security Committee, the State Border Committee, other troops and military formations of the Republic of Belarus;

2.8. driver- physical a person driving a vehicle, self-propelled machine, with the exception of a person learning to drive motor vehicle , self-propelled vehicle(passing a qualifying practical exam for the right to drive a power-driven vehicle , self-propelled vehicle).

2.74. driving- impact on vehicle controls, leading to a change in its position relative to the original;

2.44. passenger - an individual not involved in driving a vehicle who is in (on) the vehicle, as well as entering (boarding) a vehicle or getting off (disembarkation) from a vehicle;

2.39. organized pedestrian column - group of pedestrians designated in accordance with these Rules, having a leader and moving along a specific route;

2.14. children - minor road users, whose age is known or obvious from external signs to other road users;


2.69. vehicle- device, intended for road use And for transportation of passengers, cargo or equipment installed on it;

Mechanical Non-mechanical
Cars Mopeds Motorcycles Trolleybuses Trams Wheeled tractors Bicycles Horse-drawn vehicles Trailers
Cars Freight Buses

2.54. trailer - a vehicle intended to travel in conjunction with a power-driven vehicle;

2.26. motor vehicle- vehicle, engine driven;

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