What does deductible VAT mean - examples of postings and conditions. What is VAT (value added tax) VAT in examples

This article is devoted to perhaps one of the most confusing and difficult taxes to calculate - VAT. We will try to simply and clearly explain what VAT is, who pays it, how to correctly calculate VAT, at what rates, and some other nuances that will help you better understand this complex tax.
And now, first things first.

What is VAT.

So, the very name “value added tax” means that the tax is charged on the cost of a product (work, service) added exclusively by your organization when selling this product (work, service).

For example:

We buy.
We buy goods from the supplier at cost No. 1 50,000 rub.
On top he threw VAT No. 1 (18%) - 50,000* 18% = 9,000 rub.
In total, we bought the goods at cost including VAT No. 1 – 50,000+ 9,000=59,000 rub.

We sell.
We sell goodsat cost No. 2 55,000 rub.
We add VAT No. 2 (18%) – 55,000*18% = 9,900 rub.
We sell goods at cost including VAT No. 2– 55 000+9 900=64 900


That is, in essence, the difference between the cost №2 and cost №1 and there is added value. And VAT is calculated arithmetically from this difference.
VAT=(55,000 – 50,000)*18%=900 rub.

Who pays?

As stated in Article 143 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, companies and individual entrepreneurs using the general taxation system must pay VAT.
Conventionally, VAT payers are divided into 2 groups:
- taxpayers of “internal” VAT, which is paid when selling goods, works or services in our country;
- taxpayers of “import” VAT, paid at customs when importing goods into Russia.

The moment when the obligation to pay VAT arises.

The obligation to pay VAT arises in 2 points:
1. day of shipment
2. day of payment for goods (advance payment)
depending on which of the events occurred earlier.

Example 1: Moment - shipment.

March 15th

1. Dt 62.1 Kt 90.1236,000 rub.- goods shipped
2. Dt 90.3 Kt 68.02 236,000 rub.

It is on this day that we have an obligation to the budget to pay taxes.

April 18th

3. Dt 51 Kt 62.1236,000 rub.- the goods have been paid for.

Example 2: Moment – ​​payment (advance).

March 15th

Dt 51 Kt 62.2236,000 rub.- advance received from buyer

Upon receipt of advance payment from the buyer, the seller has 5 days to issue an invoice for the advance payment; VAT is charged on the day the invoice is issued, i.e. our debt to the budget arises.

Dt 76.AV Kt 68.0236,000 rub.- an invoice was issued for the advance payment, VAT was charged

April 18th

Dt 62.1 Kt 90.1RUB 236,000. - goods shipped

Dt 90.3 Kt 68.0236,000 rub. - invoice issued, VAT charged

Dt 68.02 Kt 76.AV36,000 rub.- VAT is credited from the advance received.

Tax rates.

Guided by Article 164 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, it is possible to determine the existing VAT tax rates.
18%. The basic rate is 18% - it is applicable for most tax objects.
10%. Some groups of food products, children's products, medicines, and books are subject to a VAT rate of 10%.
0%. Exporters apply a 0% rate, provided that the fact of the export transaction is documented by the tax authority.

The Tax Code provides for another concept, such as the estimated rate. It should be used when receiving advances or prepayments for goods. It is calculated as follows: 18%: 118% or 10%: 110%, depending on the category of the above-mentioned goods.

For example:

An advance was received from the buyer for goods taxed at a rate of 18% in the amount of RUB 118,000.
We calculate VAT at the estimated rate of 18%: 118%.
118,000*18:118=18,000 rub.

How to correctly calculate VAT.

In order to correctly calculate the VAT payable, you must first determine the tax base. The tax base is the sum of all income received by the organization during the billing period. This amount is equal to:

The calculation of the tax base is defined in Article 153 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.
The next stage will be the direct calculation of VAT. The formula for calculating VAT on the amount looks like this:

VAT = Tax base x Tax rate (%)

It should be remembered that if the company’s activities involve the sale of goods subject to different VAT rates, then the tax base is calculated for each category of goods separately.

Tax deductions.

At the beginning of the article, we examined the concept of “added value”. So, in order for the taxpayer to correctly calculate his “added value”, and accordingly the VAT payable to the budget, the concept applies -
tax deduction (Article 171 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

A deduction is VAT that you paid either to the supplier of goods, services or work in the course of your business activity, or at customs when importing goods, as well as VAT on amounts for goods received or work performed.

So what tax should we pay to the budget?

Let's return to our example, discussed at the very beginning of the article.

VAT payable = VAT No. 2 – VAT No. 1

VAT No. 2- tax accrued on the cost of goods upon sale.
VAT No. 1– VAT that we paid to the supplier when purchasing the goods, in other words tax deduction.

How to confirm VAT accrual and deductions.


According to the rules Art. 168 and Art. 169 Tax Code of the Russian Federation The main document for the purposes of correct calculation and payment of VAT is the invoice. It is in this document that the amount of tax is reflected.
The invoice is issued within five days from the moment (day) when we shipped the goods or provided any work or service, or during five days from the moment we received payment for goods that have not yet been shipped, that is, we received an advance payment or advance payment. We recall the section of this article on the moments when VAT obligations arise.

Sales book

The seller must take into account the invoices that he himself issued to the buyer in the invoice journal. Although today this is a right, not an obligation. But still, I recommend adhering to the old rules so that it is convenient to keep records, especially since this form has been preserved in many accounting programs. Next, it must be registered in the sales book. Now this is an important tax document! Based on these documents, you will fill out a VAT return. It may also be required by the tax authorities if necessary.
Book of purchases
In turn, to be eligible for VAT deduction, you need an invoice received from the supplier. Payment of VAT upon import must be confirmed by a document that records the payment of tax at customs. “Incoming” invoices are recorded in the invoices received journal and in the purchase ledger.
Subtracting the amount of “input” tax on purchases reflected in the purchase book from the amount of “output” tax recorded in the sales book is VAT, which must be paid to the budget on time.

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Matasova Tatyana Valerievna
expert on tax and accounting issues

When selling goods and services, taxpayers are required to charge VAT on the sale amount. Buyers pay for the valuables received along with tax. The supplier transfers the accrued VAT amounts to the budget. When making calculations, it is possible to reduce the tax by the amount of input VAT. Let's look at what it is VAT deductible and what does it mean?.

What are VAT deductions

When calculating, VAT payers must take into account the entire amount of tax upon shipment to the buyer. This part of the VAT is often called output tax. At the same time, when making calculations, it is possible to reduce the amount transferred to the budget by input VAT, which is generated when the subject receives goods and services.

Input VAT refers to VAT deductions. The full list of deductions is approved by Art. 177 Tax Code of the Russian Federation:

  1. Tax amounts presented upon receipt of goods. In this case, the acquisition must be economically justified. This includes raw materials, goods for resale, materials necessary for the continuation of economic activity.
  2. Amounts of taxes paid when importing goods into the territory of the Russian Federation.
  3. The amount of VAT paid to the budget on goods sold and returned to the seller.
  4. Transferred VAT on advance payments received.
  5. Presented VAT when carrying out construction and installation work.
  6. VAT amounts presented to the payer for construction and installation work or construction in progress.
  7. VAT amounts received as a result of business trips and entertainment expenses taken into account when calculating income tax.

Features of VAT deduction

The main volume of tax deductions for VAT is generated when purchasing goods and services, that is, when receiving input VAT. In this case, the supply of materials must be economically justified.

Example 1. An organization sells parts for machine tools subject to VAT of 20%. In the first quarter, sales volume amounted to 2,160,000 rubles, including VAT of 360,000 rubles. In the same period, raw materials for production were purchased in the amount of 1,320,000 rubles, including VAT 20% - 220,000 rubles. Materials for general business activities were also purchased in the amount of 76,800 rubles, including VAT 20% - 12,800 rubles. At the end of the reporting period, VAT payable to the budget will be: 360,000 – 220,000 – 12,800 = 127,200 rubles.

To obtain the right to VAT deductions, the following conditions must be met:

  1. Purchased goods are involved in transactions subject to VAT. The payer may claim the right to receive deductions if the acquired assets are directly or indirectly related to taxable activities. VAT is deductible immediately upon purchase of materials, without waiting for the moment when they are involved in the production process.
  2. Upon receipt of goods, there are correctly completed documents (invoices, primary documents). An incorrectly drawn up document serves as a reason for refusal to apply the deduction. Therefore, it is important to carefully check invoices and primary documents upon receipt of goods, and timely demand that the supplier rework documents in accordance with current legislation.
  3. The purchased assets are registered. The fact of acceptance of goods for registration is confirmed by primary documents, for example, receipt orders. Their absence may be grounds for denial of tax deductions.

A number of operations for obtaining VAT deductions have their own characteristics. Below are some of them.

For advances

How to properly deduct VAT from advances received? When amounts are credited to the supplier's account for the upcoming shipment, when allocating tax, a calculated rate of 20/120 or 10/110 is used, depending on the type of product. Then the seller needs to:

  • issue an advance invoice within 5 days after receipt of the advance payment;
  • record the advance invoice in the sales ledger in the quarter in which the payment was made.

After shipment of goods for which an advance payment was previously received, the supplier charges VAT, while simultaneously deducting VAT from the previously received advance payment. An invoice for sales is issued according to general rules and is registered in the sales book. If the receipt of the advance payment and the shipment occurred in different tax periods, then the deduction of VAT on advance payments is carried out at the time of shipment of the goods.

Example 2. An organization in March received an advance in the amount of 40,000 rubles towards the upcoming shipment of goods at a rate of 20%. The sale of the goods itself was carried out in April for the amount of 72,000 rubles, including VAT 20% - 12,000 rubles. In the 1st quarter, the advance amount will be transferred to the budget and reflected in the sales book with VAT 20% - 6,666.67 rubles. In the second quarter, after shipment, an invoice for the amount of 72,000 rubles will be registered in the sales book, including VAT - 12,000 rubles payable. A deduction for previously paid advance payment is also accepted - 6,666.67 rubles. Thus, 12,000 – 6,666.67 = 5,333.33 rubles will be transferred to the budget in the 2nd quarter.

When importing

Goods imported into the Russian Federation are subject to VAT. In this case, the supplier is paid for the goods themselves. Tax amounts calculated by the buyer of imported goods independently are transferred to the budget. The conditions for accepting VAT for deduction on imports require advance payment of import VAT to the budget and the availability of supporting documents.

Example 3. An organization purchased goods for resale in Belarus in the amount of 280,000 rubles. The tax rate is 20%. The goods were sold for the amount of 372,000 rubles, including VAT 20% - 62,000 rubles. The buyer transferred a debt in the amount of 280,000 rubles to the Belarusian supplier and independently charged VAT for payment to the budget in the amount of 56,000 rubles. When calculating internal VAT, the amount of output tax of 62,000 rubles can be reduced by 56,000 rubles (VAT on import) after payment and receipt of supporting documents.

Postings for VAT deductions

In the organization's records, VAT is taken into account using the following accounts:

  • account 19 – VAT on purchased assets;
  • account 68 (subaccount 2) – tax payments to the budget.

The amount payable to the budget after the sale of goods is reflected in the credit of account 68. When creating a deduction, the tax payable is reduced. If VAT is accepted for deduction, the posting takes the following form: Dt 68 – Kt 19.

Examples of transactions when calculating VAT:

Write-off of non-deductible VAT

In some cases, tax authorities refuse to deduct VAT. The reasons may be incorrectly executed documents or insufficient grounds for write-off. The following entries appear in accounting:

  • Dt 19 – Kt 60 (2,000 rubles) – reflection of incoming VAT upon receipt of goods;
  • Dt 68 – Kt 19 (2,000 rubles) – input VAT;
  • Dt 68 – Kt 19 (-2,000 rubles) - reversal.

How to write off VAT that was not deducted for previous periods? The posting is generated taking into account 91 accounts:

  • Dt 91 – Kt 19 – input VAT is written off as expenses.

The amount of tax reduced by an illegal VAT deduction is recognized as arrears. Accordingly, the organization is assessed penalties and fines. When calculating income tax, illegal amounts of VAT for which deduction was denied are not taken into account as expenses.

When calculating tax, VAT payers have the right to reduce the amount received by the deductions received. But at the same time, it is important to comply with all the rules for the formation of incoming VAT. Costs must be economically justified and documented.

In contact with

VAT - value added tax is mandatory for individual entrepreneurs, organizations and everyone involved in any commercial activity. This is an indirect tax, and all sellers, as well as those who provide services to the public, pay it. In this article we will try to understand VAT for dummies and novice accountants.

In some stores you can see price tags that indicate the price of the product with and without VAT. But not everyone understands what it really is, where all these numbers are calculated from and, most importantly, why.

This is a kind of duty included in the price of each product. We, as buyers, purchase goods with VAT already added. For all goods it is 18%. For some goods that are vital for the population, such as bread, milk, cereals, salt, etc., . If the product is imported - .

Who pays VAT? VAT payers are organizations and individual entrepreneurs in the main taxation system. In some cases, payers may be persons on the simplified tax system.

This video talks very well about VAT accounting in the simplest words, as they say, “for dummies”:

An example for dummies

Using an example, we will look at where this VAT is hidden. You bought milk at the store. It cost 30 rubles, the same amount you paid. The seller pays a 10% tax on this milk, that is, he will pay the state 3 rubles. But if he has an invoice, which states that he bought this product for .1, and the invoice already includes VAT, then the seller, based on the documents, does not calculate 3 rubles, but only the difference and pays 0 VAT. 39 rubles.

In order for an organization to receive a deduction, you must also have an invoice for the goods for this invoice. Failure to have one document may result in full VAT payment.

Types of bets

According to Russian legislation, VAT is calculated at three rates.

  • Rate zero. In this case, the tax is not levied when exporting goods with further sale. The entire list of goods included in the zero rate can be found in the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.
  • 10% used for special types of products. Those you can't live without. Bread, milk, cereals, medicines, etc. The entire list can also be read in the tax code. During a crisis, the list of products increases.
  • Rate 18%, the most common. All other products and services are calculated at this rate.

How does it pay?

This tax is paid. In each reporting period, up to and including the date, a declaration is submitted and the accrued VAT is paid. You can highlight the dates on the calendar when you need to make declarations.

  • January - the declaration is submitted for the 4th quarter. last year.
  • April - 1st quarter current year.
  • July - 2 quarters of the year.
  • October - 3 quarters

If the day of the month following the reporting month falls on a weekend, submission of reports and payment of tax is extended to the first weekday after this date.

It becomes clear that VAT is paid quarterly. Timely completion and payment of all taxes saves the company from fines and penalties.

How is tax calculated?

VAT is calculated in two ways:

  • Sales revenue is taxed, and then, in fact, VAT is calculated from it.
  • Accrual takes place according to the rate. The rate consists of adding value to a specific segment of the product being sold.

The second option is more complicated, since separate records must be kept for each product. The first type of accrual is most often used. You also need to remember that there are a lot of subtleties that only a specialist can identify.

History of the tax

The tax was originally created in France in the early 40s. It consisted of a tax on the sale of goods, but had many inaccuracies, and therefore did not take root. Closer to the 50th year, a French economist developed an entire system that consisted of paying and refunding taxes. This was reminiscent of the current form of VAT.

In our country, VAT appeared in the 90s. The first steps were inept, the country was on the verge of disintegration and collapse, so initially the system did not take root. When deciding to bring the country out of a crisis situation, Yegor Gaidar again used this system, which is still in effect.

VAT are three letters that each of us has definitely heard. Even if you have nothing to do with business niches, the abbreviation can be found on any receipt when you go to a store. But not everyone knows what it is and why it is everywhere you look. And even if you ask this question, then a simple decoding of the abbreviation - “value added tax” may not say anything at all, except perhaps that this is again some kind of tax. Meanwhile, you need to know this. After all, VAT applies to absolutely everyone, even if you are a simple sales manager or an employee of an enterprise.

The simplest thing you need to know from the start is that this tax is imposed on any product and any service that is sold by a company at a price even slightly higher than its cost. In this option, VAT will be calculated based on the difference between the cost of the product and its selling price.

Where does VAT come from?

Almost a hundred years ago (the twenties of the twentieth century), the value added tax replaced the then existing sales tax. Before this, the tax was taken from all revenue. And it was difficult for entrepreneurs, because they had to make constant identical payments, which did not take into account possible income at all. They were based only on bare revenue, not profits. But on the territory of the Russian Federation, VAT was introduced only in 1992.

Today the tax rate in Russia is the well-known eighteen percent. It applies, with some exceptions, to most goods and services. But there are other options. Thus, a rate of 10 percent, for example, is levied on medicines, children's products and some food products. But the product for export (export) is not subject to this tax at all.

Who pays VAT

A scheme may be born in the mind of the average person, suggesting that this tax does not concern him at all. Well, the entrepreneur pays himself, and let him pay. But this is a mistaken opinion. Because in reality, the entire amount of this tax is ultimately paid by the buyer himself. To understand why this happens, let’s look at a simple example and see what stages the emerging value added tax goes through.

  • A certain company orders material from a third-party company to make its own product. This company, when it pays for the material, pays a sum of money to the company. And VAT will be imposed on this amount of money.
  • Next, the company produces a product from the material and sits down to think (figuratively) what the price of this product is. That is, how much money was spent on its production. VAT is not calculated here yet. We only know how much the costs cost. The tax amount is also calculated, but is recorded as a “tax credit”.
  • Next, the company needs to decide how much the product will cost the end customer. Here the cost of the goods is added up, excise taxes are calculated, the share that after the sale will go to profit is entered, and VAT is added. That is, it will already be included in the price of the product that the consumer will pay upon purchase.
  • When a product is sold in a certain quantity, the company sits down to calculate profits. From the money received, 18 percent of the tax that the buyer has already paid is calculated. And this money is spent on tax obligations to pay VAT.

Here is a simple diagram that shows that the price of a product in a store already includes value added tax. And if it were not taken into account, the product would cost less.

VAT calculation

To understand the whole process, let's look at an example again.

We opened a point where jeans will be sold. To sell something, you must first produce or buy it. In our case, we find a company that sells jeans wholesale. And we spend 100 thousand rubles on the purchase of a consignment of goods, where one pair of jeans costs 10 thousand rubles (the jeans turn out to be expensive, but for an example it will do). That is, we purchased 10 units of goods.

These 100 thousand rubles that were spent on goods already included 18 percent VAT. Since the sale of jeans to us was made by their supplier, who has already included this tax in the price, because he will have to pay it to the state for selling the goods above cost. Accordingly, we paid this interest for him.

We calculate this amount as an incoming contribution or deduction. And we will need to have evidence that we paid for the jeans with VAT already included. Therefore, it is important to have one of the supporting documents - this is either an invoice, or a check, or an invoice, where the tax amount is indicated separately. That is why on all such documents we can find a line with VAT.

Further, when we ourselves set the price at which we will sell our jeans at retail, we remove this amount of VAT from the price for the product. And the next VAT, which will be levied on our sale, will be calculated from the amount received. That is, we add up our costs for the goods (this will include not only the cost price, but also our other expenses that we incur during the organization of the sale) without VAT and add 18 percent to this amount.

VAT calculation formulas

Let us first note that the formulas for calculating taxes are not so simple, especially for a person who is not used to dealing with mathematical equations. Therefore, there is more than one calculator that will calculate VAT or the amount excluding VAT for you. You can find them on the Internet, on specialized sites. You don’t need to learn how to use it, everything is extremely simple - there are a couple of fields for entering the amount and that’s it. For those who want to understand the algorithm for calculating the tax percentage, let’s look at the formulas in more detail.

VAT calculation formula

Let’s take the amount we know and denote it by the letter “X”. To understand how much VAT will be, we use a simple formula:


That is, if our amount of goods is equal to 100 thousand rubles, then the VAT accrued on it will be equal, based on the formula, to 18,000 rubles. This is how much we paid when purchasing goods from a supplier in order to ensure that he paid his value added tax.

Once again, if we want to buy jeans worth 100,000 rubles, we will either pay 118,000 rubles, because we will also need to include VAT (this is done by the supplier), or we will pay 100,000 rubles with VAT already included, and in fact we will buy smaller quantity of goods. Because in fact the price will be 84,745 rubles, 76 kopecks, and another 15,254.24 kopecks. - this is the VAT price for this amount, which is already included in the invoice for us by the supplier. You can open any VAT calculator on the Internet and check the calculation, but for now we’ll move on to the formula that will show us why it turns out to be 118 thousand.

Formula for calculating the amount including VAT

Amount - X.

Amount with tax - Khn.

Xn = X+X*18/100


That is, from our amount of 100,000 rubles, the amount including VAT will be equal to 118,000 rubles. We have already described this above, that is, if we want to buy 10 pairs of jeans, we will actually have to pay 118 thousand, not 100, because the supplier will include VAT in the invoice.

Formula for calculating the amount excluding VAT

Amount including VAT = HN. You need to understand what the amount X will be equal to - the amount excluding VAT. To understand the formula, let’s remember the second formula, which calculated the amount including tax. And we enter the designation of the tax itself - it will be Y. Y, if the VAT is 18 percent = 18/100. Then the formulas will look like this:

Xn = X+Y*X

Xn = X*(1+Y)

From here we get that X = Xn/ (1+Y) = Xn / (1+0.18) = Xn / 1.18

We want to buy goods worth 100,000 rubles, but so that this figure already includes VAT, and at the same time understand how many rubles the true amount we pay for the goods, and not for the tax, will be. We use the calculation: Amount without VAT (X in this case) = 100,000 rubles (Xn) / 1.18 = 84,745 rubles with kopecks.

That is, if indeed one pair of jeans costs us 10 thousand rubles without VAT, then by paying only 100,000 rubles we will be able to purchase no more than 8 pairs from the supplier (there will be a little money left). Or, if we still spent 100,000 rubles and bought exactly 10 pairs, and VAT was already included in this amount, then a pair of jeans costs 10,000 rubles with VAT already included in it.

Tax credit and tax liability

We looked at the formulas, but how much should we pay to the budget for this tax, you ask. Let's finish off the topic with jeans and resolve this issue, and at the same time we will understand such components of the concepts of value added tax as credit and liability.

We still bought jeans for 118,000 rubles. Of which 18 thousand were paid as VAT for the supplier. We have an invoice from this supplier for our batch of jeans, where it is written in black and white that the price of the goods without VAT is 100,000 rubles, the amount of VAT is 18,000 rubles, and the total cost is 118,000 rubles.

Tax credit- this is the amount by which at the end of the reporting period it will be possible to make a tax deduction from the tax liability - that is, reduce the amount of tax we pay to the budget. And what we will have to pay to the budget is - tax liability.

In reality, we will subtract the VAT we have already paid from the amount of 118,000 rubles to form our price. That is, the amount will be the same 100 thousand rubles. Let's say, having included all other cost and expense factors, and adding the percentage of the desired profit, we got a price of 200,000 rubles. This is exactly how much our jeans will be sold for in our store to the end consumer. And it is from this amount that our tax liability will be deducted - that is, the tax that we must pay to the budget.

From 200 thousand rubles, according to the formula or calculator, it turns out that VAT is equal to 36,000 rubles. This is our tax liability. But! After all, we also have documents that confirm our tax credit of 18,000 rubles (that is, the fact that we have already paid 18 thousand in the form of value added tax). This means that we can subtract 18 thousand already paid from 36 thousand. In total, we will get 18 thousand rubles, which we will pay after selling all 10 pairs of jeans (let’s say this happened in one reporting period).

From 200 thousand rubles, 18,000 went to the budget from us in the form of tax. But we must not forget that our supplier also paid his 18 thousand into the budget, which he received from us when purchasing the jeans initially.

Types of VAT

As mentioned above, there are a number of goods and services that are not subject to this tax. Therefore, we can talk about the existence of a zero rate. These are exports of goods, products of the space business niche, gas and oil transportation niches and some other types of goods. Regulates the list of such positions of the Russian Federation.

There is also a list of trade names that are subject to a ten percent tax. These are mainly food products - meat, vegetables, dairy products. It also includes children's clothing, children's furniture and more. Again, the list is quite large; it is better to familiarize yourself with it in person in the tax code if this issue interests you.

Well, the rate of 18 percent is the most popular. You can meet her almost everywhere.

Transactions subject to VAT

  • Import of any product
  • Any work on the construction of buildings without concluding a contract
  • Transfer of services and goods for personal use, the costs of which are not taken into account when calculating tax.

Which processes are not subject to VAT?

  • The work of government bodies, which relates to its direct responsibilities.
  • The process of purchase and privatization of municipal and state-owned enterprises.
  • Investment.
  • Sale of land plots.
  • Transfer of money to enterprises operating on a non-profit basis.

VAT calculation methods

  1. Subtraction. In this option, the tax is imposed on the full amount of revenue, and from this amount the VAT payable for the purchase of materials for the product or service is calculated.
  2. Addition. In this case, VAT is imposed at a fixed rate according to the tax base. It is made up of the added value of each type of product sold.

So, while the second option is difficult to implement, because there are often very many such individual items, the first option is used much more often.

VAT reporting

It seems that it has become a little clearer what value added tax is, where it comes from, how it is calculated and who pays it. However, you still need to report to the FSN authorities for it. Let's figure out how this is done.

The first thing you need to know is that you need to report quarterly. Moreover, the deadline is until the 25th of the post-reporting month. Otherwise, ugly fines await.

Important! If you send a VAT report by mail, then take into account the filing date - this is the date that will be stamped on the letter.

Example: It took 10 days from the post office where you sent a registered letter with your declaration to the tax office itself. Sent on the 18th, arrived on the 28th. Will it be considered that you submitted the report late? The answer is no. After all, the 18th number will appear on the stamp of the letter.

Tax deductions

In the case of value added tax, deductions are considered to be the amount of tax that is presented for payment by the supplier of the goods. The tax that will go to the budget from you will be reduced by this figure.

But there are some nuances that you need to know and understand. This concerns the conditions for the tax authorities to accept these deductions. Three rules must be followed:

  1. The product itself, which you purchased for the purpose of subsequent sale, is subject to VAT.
  2. The company has all supporting documents, including a correctly executed invoice.
  3. The goods that were purchased went through the accounting procedure.

And only after these conditions are met, the company will be able to accept the entire amount of payments as a deduction at the end of the tax period. Naturally, if all procedures were taxable.


This document will reflect several amounts. Firstly, the cost of the goods without VAT. Secondly, the final amount includes VAT.

An invoice is provided for the goods sold to the client. This must be done within 5 days. All documentation is filed and noted in the sales book.

It happens that the audit makes a decision to cross out all calculated deductions and charge unpaid VAT. This can happen if there are errors on the invoice. And it’s not so difficult to allow them, because the invoice is issued by the counterparty, not the taxpayer.

Bottom line

Knowing what VAT is is important for anyone. Knowing how to calculate it is important for those who are directly involved in filling out documents and submitting reports to the tax department. Being unaccustomed to doing this using formulas is difficult and tedious. Therefore, to check yourself and your counterparties, there are many electronic resources where you can find a VAT calculator that will calculate it for you in two clicks. The main thing is to remember that attentiveness is an important component in the matter of VAT, and you cannot be late in submitting your reports to the tax office.

The article briefly and clearly shows VAT accounting for tax purposes, VAT rates, tax deduction, reviewed . The proposed material is intended for students of economic universities. Novice accountants. A general idea of ​​the mechanism of action is given. Payment and calculation of value added tax.

What are the VAT tax rates, tax percentage, what is the zero VAT rate

The basic VAT rate is now 20 percent. For certain goods the rate is set at 10 percent. Children's, medical, food, books and periodicals. Goods supplied for export, as well as export services, are taxed at a rate of 0 percent.

Upon receipt of prepayment. And in a number of other cases, the accountant uses the so-called settlement rate.

It is equal to 20%: 120%, or 10%: 110%, depending on the rate of the product for which an advance payment was received.

VAT tax increased to 20 percent

Problems of transition to a new VAT rate: answers to frequently asked questions

For which advances and shipments should the VAT rate of 20% be applied? At what rate should acts and invoices for services for 2018 be issued in 2019; What VAT rate to put on payments and checks when paying for 2019 shipments in 2018; How to pay VAT if the goods were shipped in 2018 and delivered to the buyer in 2019; How to issue an invoice for additional payment of 2% VAT; How to return goods from 2019

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The next “May 2018 decree” of the president will require enormous costs. To solve the problems posed in it will require about 8 trillion rubles.. This is due to the current economic situation and a number of sanctions. To solve problems, it is proposed to obtain funds through the following changes:

  1. increase in mineral extraction tax. True, if export duties on oil are abolished, it will give about 1 trillion rubles;
  2. placing federal loan bonds will help raise another 3 trillion rubles;
  3. will replenish the country's budget by 2 trillion rubles;
  4. raising the VAT rate to 20% will also bring about 2 trillion rubles.
The last 2 points on the list - raising the retirement age in Russia and increasing the VAT rate - have not yet been decided, but are actively being developed.

The State Duma adopted a law on increasing VAT

The money from the VAT increase will go. Allegedly, to replenish the pension system. For the needs of health care, education, and road funds.

Amendments to the tax legislation were introduced by the Government. It is expected that VAT will increase by 2 percent - from 18 to 20 percent.

Increasing the tax to 20 percent: options for changing VAT in 2018

At the beginning of June 2018, the VAT rate is 18%. Preferential rate - 10%.

  • The first option is a return to the 20% rate that was previously before 2004.
  • The second option is the abolition of the preferential VAT rate.

Due to the abolition of the preferential VAT rate, families with children will suffer the greatest damage. This will be associated with an increase in the cost of children's goods. To which this rate applies. But it is not important! Although, shortly before the start of the presidential elections in the Russian Federation. But after the elections, the state is trying to take completely different measures. Which, in fact, will make it so that people will be taken away from them what they were recently given.

According to the forecast of the Ministry of Finance, an increase in VAT from 18% to 20% on domestic and imported goods will bring to the budget:

  • in 2019 - 634 billion rubles;
  • in 2020 - 678 billion rubles;
  • in 2021 - 728 billion rubles.

Medvedev announced an increase in VAT from 18 to 20%

  • As a result of the VAT increase, the government plans to receive about two trillion rubles over six years, the Vedomosti newspaper wrote in May.
  • In May, Finance Minister Anton Siluanov said that taxes would not increase in the next six years. At the same time, according to him, the tax system will be “tuned.”
  • In 2018, after his next inauguration, Vladimir Putin signed the “May Decree”, which demands an increase in life expectancy in Russia, a reduction in poverty and Russia’s entry into the top five largest economies in the world (he has been wanting to enter the top five for 12 years, but remains outside the top ten ). It is planned to spend at least eight trillion rubles on its implementation.
  • State Duma deputies expressed a negative opinion about the idea of ​​increasing the VAT rate to 20%.

Situations with VAT when the rate is increased to 20% for the supplier and buyer

Situations that require increased attention from accounting in December and January are given. Reason - new VAT rate from January 1, 2019. Problems are possible, including simplified ones. Solutions for each case are given. To customize it for yourself, just answer one question. And the article will determine at what rate to calculate VAT in your case.

Who pays VAT?

  • All Russian legal entities (LLC, CJSC, OJSC, etc.).
  • All individual entrepreneurs.
  • Importers and exporters.

Who can receive VAT exemption

An organization or individual entrepreneur whose sales revenue excluding VAT for the three previous consecutive calendar months did not exceed a total of two million rubles.

Note: Exemption cannot be obtained for excisable goods and import transactions.

Exemption from VAT is a right, not an obligation. That is, a company or individual entrepreneur with revenue that meets the above conditions can continue to pay VAT. If the taxpayer decides to take advantage of the exemption, he should submit to his tax office a notification in the approved form and a number of documents (an extract from the sales book, a copy of the journal of received and issued invoices, and some others).

Note: These papers must be submitted no later than the 20th day of the month from which the release conditions are met.

You cannot voluntarily renounce the exemption until the end of 12 consecutive calendar months. Then you can either get it again or start paying VAT. If, before the end of 12 months, revenue for three consecutive calendar months exceeds two million, or the taxpayer sold excisable goods, he is deprived of the right to exemption. Then you need to start paying VAT for the entire month in which the excess revenue occurred or the sale of excisable products took place. Otherwise, this will be done by the inspector, who will also calculate fines and penalties.

Companies and entrepreneurs exempt from VAT retain the obligation to issue invoices. It’s just that they don’t need to highlight the tax; instead, make the note “excluding tax (VAT).” The same mark must be placed on invoices. Even after receiving an exemption, you must maintain a purchase book and a sales book, as well as a log of invoices received and issued. As for quarterly VAT returns, in general there is no need to submit them.

When is VAT charged?

For transactions recognized as an object of taxation. These include:

  • sale of goods, works or services;
  • free transfer of ownership of goods, results of work, provision of services;
  • transfer of goods, works or services on the territory of Russia for one’s own needs, if expenses for them are not accepted when calculating income tax;
  • construction and installation work for own needs;
  • import of goods.

When VAT is not charged

For transactions not recognized as subject to taxation:

  • operations not related to sales (transfer of the organization’s property to its legal successor,
  • contributions to the authorized capital, etc.),
  • sale of land plots and shares in them,
  • and a number of others.

Why can the VAT deduction be greater than the tax due for transfer?

There are many reasons when the refund amount is greater than the amount of accrued VAT. The main one is when more expenses were incurred including VAT than were sold including VAT. For example, the organization purchased more goods than usual or repair work was carried out. There is only one principle: costs including VAT are greater than profits.

Transfer deadlines, when to transfer VAT to the budget

At the end of the quarter, in equal installments no later than the 20th day of each of the three months following the expired quarter. For example, based on the results of the third quarter, the taxpayer must transfer VAT in the amount of 90,000 rubles. Then he should make three payments of 30,000 rubles each. each (RUB 90,000: 3). Transfer the money no later than October 20, November 20 and December 20, respectively.

Importers pay VAT during the customs clearance of imported goods according to the rules established in the Customs Code of the Russian Federation.

How and when to report value added tax

At the end of the quarter, submit it to your tax office. This must be done no later than the 20th day following the end of the quarter. Please note: all organizations and entrepreneurs that are taxpayers (that is, in particular, not transferred to a simplified system or payment of a single agricultural tax) and are not exempt from VAT must report on value added tax. If there are no accruals and deductions, a “zero” declaration must be submitted.

VAT on export

Exporters are required to confirm their right to apply the zero VAT rate. To do this, they are required to present to the tax office a list of documents related to the foreign trade transaction (contract, cargo customs declaration, bank statement on receipt of export proceeds, etc.). The papers must be submitted no later than 180 days from the moment the goods are placed under the customs export regime. If 180 days have expired and the package of documents has not been collected, the taxpayer is obliged to charge and pay VAT at a rate of 18 (or 10) percent. But this does not mean that the right to a zero rate is lost forever. The exporter can prepare the paperwork later and return the paid tax from the budget.

There are also special rules for deducting VAT on export transactions. At the time of purchase of goods, the taxpayer has the right to deduct tax. But then, when the goods are shipped to a foreign buyer, the previously accepted deduction must be restored (that is, cancelled). You can re-accept the deduction after you have collected a package of necessary documents confirming the zero rate.

Payment of VAT under special regimes is simplified - simplified tax system and imputed - UTII. How to write off input VAT without invoices.
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