Does the doctor give sick leave if there is no temperature? What to do if the clinic refuses to provide a document on disability? When there is no temperature

Going to work every day, which, moreover, you may not like very much, frankly bores a person. And then he thinks about leaving her for a while and getting some rest. An employee can receive temporary leave, for example, by registering sick leave. However, it is issued only if the loss of ability to work is caused by illness, injury, pregnancy, etc. You have thoughts: how to take sick leave if you are not sick?

Is it possible to go on sick leave without losing your ability to work?

If an injury or illness results in a person being unable to work, then he is issued documents that confirm his inability to work. This all happens on legally and it happens in practice every day.

In some cases in employment contract it is stated that an employee can go on sick leave for 1-3 days even without presenting a document. In this case, it is best to ask for a replacement and then work the missed day. it's the same acceptable method, however, in some cases someone wants to “walk” much longer.

Registration of sick leave without official grounds

Don't feel like going to work?

At the same time, there is no reason to stay in the hospital or undergo treatment at home? With such intentions, workers often come to the doctor so that he will give them a false conclusion.

You can not just ask the doctor to do this, but do it a little more cunningly - feign some kind of illness, and then he will simply be obliged to issue you a sick leave. However, moderation should be taken here, because, for example, after visiting the same therapist, you can easily be sent to a hospital for examination. And then the entire “vacation” will have to lie in a hospital bed. How can you make sure that the patient takes the sheet, but stays at home?

  1. Give yourself an allergic reaction. This option is only suitable for those who know how to deal with this allergy, and if something happens, you will always have medicine on hand. Using this method, you can rest for several days, or even a whole week.
  2. Make an appointment with a doctor using electronic system. At the same time, indicate that you are seriously unwell, worried, or fainting. As a rule, by visiting the same neurologist, you can feign stressful situation, and he will issue you a certificate retroactively.
  3. Fake digestive problems. Like, you ate something wrong, and now you are worried about nausea due to poisoning - it will help you gain a couple of days.

However, it is not always possible to deceive a doctor so easily. Some specialists never issue any conclusions until tests and analyzes have been carried out. In this case, you may have the idea to simply buy such a certificate for yourself. However, it is better to never resort to this method - it is punishable by law. For such violations in connection with the criminal code, you can be imprisoned for up to 7 years. Agree that it is much easier to ask for a replacement or even go to work.

Alternatively, you can seek the help of a pediatrician. You just need to point out that your child has a common cold - they often go along and give conclusions. You, in turn, can apply for leave in connection with child care - again, you can win a maximum of a week.

Illegal methods

None now private clinic does not hide the fact that she is ready to simply sell a sick leave certificate to a patient. They post information about this directly on their website. All you have to do is leave your details and they will call you back shortly.

Afterwards you will have a meeting with a person who will give you a piece of paper in exchange for 3-5 thousand rubles, depending on the duration of the “vacation”. Of course, you may get lucky and even spend whole month further from work, but is it worth your freedom?!

Legal grounds for receiving sick leave

A person receives sick leave due to temporary disability. When might such a moment arise?

  1. During quarantine.
  2. Having been injured or sick.
  3. When there is a need to care for a disabled child or a child who is really sick.
  4. During pregnancy, as well as in the postpartum period.

Let us remind you that during sick leave the employee is paid in any case cash. In the first three days, the money comes from the employer’s pocket, and starting from the fourth, the Social Insurance Fund pays you benefits.

They scare us with bird flu, swine flu, or simply flu epidemics, its complications, etc. They say that you can’t carry a disease on your feet, that “at the first time you feel unwell, consult a doctor”...
But HOW to get medical help - if you cough, your nose is running, you feel exhausted for several days, but there is no temperature? Are you sick or not yet? After all, doctors don’t give sick leave!

There are 23 answers to this question. View »

Comments: 23 »

Is the document itself or the treatment important to you? If the document itself, then negotiate with the doctor, remind him about the epidemic and deaths, if it’s treatment, then immediately go to the manager and complain that the doctor is not providing full assistance.

If your symptoms are severe, your doctor must issue you a sick leave. In case of ARVI, sick leave must be issued when seeking medical help, because the patient can infect others. Unfortunately, in our medical institutions we have to prove that we are right.

What kind of doctors do you have at the site? I rarely go to the clinic for sick leave, and every time I came just with a runny nose, they gave me a sick leave, no one measured my body temperature.

What kind of doctors do you have working at the site? I very rarely go to the clinic for sick leave and have never been denied it, even if I just came with a runny nose. It is better to contact the head doctor with a complaint.

To be honest, I don’t understand why you are not given sick leave if you have all the symptoms you listed. Any Doctor is obliged (if there are symptoms) to diagnose YOU with an acute respiratory infection or Flu, and send you for treatment. But not everyone has a fever; this is not the main indicator that a person is sick.

Glory. But how is it treated if you need to go to work? I also encountered this, they say that if there is no temperature, there is no sick leave. The conclusion suggests itself - the doctors want a bribe.

Temperature is not a mandatory criterion for issuing a certificate of incapacity for work; it is enough for the doctor to do initial examination and detect symptoms of the disease.

You shouldn’t be so suspicious, since you don’t have a fever, it means you haven’t fallen ill with anything serious yet. Treat yourself with tea and garlic, tell your therapist if you insist that the temperature rises in the evening and subsides in the morning.

I myself am one of this type of patients who rarely have a temperature or the worst one is 37.2.
I had no problems with sick leave. They always did.
Can be passed general analysis blood. It will be clear what type of infection it is.
Most extreme case- give a present.

This is very strange, I work in a clinic myself, this is the first time I’ve heard this. Always, if there is evidence, a certificate of incapacity for work is issued, even if there is no temperature. If you consider yourself incapable of work, and sick leave is not issued, you have the right to apply to the VC (medical commission).

If you do not have a fever, but have all the signs of a cold, you will be given sick leave. In the end, we can say that there was a temperature, you just brought it down.

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The right to sick leave (“Your Health Formula”, No. 44)

Right to sick leave

Text: Elena Antropova

The opinion that a doctor will not prescribe sick leave to a patient without a fever is quite tenacious.

Therefore, those who sneeze, cough, or have a runny nose, as soon as the cold sets in, courageously go to work, being carriers of viruses and bacteria. Does the presence of a temperature affect the issuance of sick leave? We ask this question to Evgeniy Aleksandrovich Shataev, a local therapist at city clinic No. 2.

-Evgeniy Aleksandrovich, does temperature affect the issuance of sick leave?

The opinion that you won’t be given sick leave without a fever is commonplace, and it should be changed.

Of course, temperature, as one of the signs of illness, affects the issuance of sick leave. But its absence does not mean that a person does not have other signs of disability. If we are talking about acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, not only the patient’s subjective impressions of his condition are proof that he is disabled. The doctor conducts an examination of the oral cavity, auscultation, percussion (tapping), and based on these data and the patient’s complaints, a conclusion is drawn about what kind of disease it is and whether a sick leave is needed.

— With the flu, ARVI, the temperature is often brought down by taking antibiotics and antipyretics...

Under no circumstances should antibiotics be used without a doctor's prescription. We try our best to treat patients, especially young ones, without antibiotics, because they undermine the immune system. There are times when the patient says that before going to the appointment he took antipyretics. In principle, this is better than going to an appointment with a fever. Moreover, it is recommended to take antipyretics at temperatures above 38. Why? At high temperatures, the immune system is activated, it begins to work hard and fight viruses. But you should also remember about the side effects of medications and read the annotations attached to them. For example, paracetamol and its analogues affect the gastric mucosa, causing gastritis.

— Can doctors register patients without fever as malingerers?

The absence of fever does not mean that the patient is not sick. If a person is sick, he will also have other signs of illness. By the way, there are people with the so-called low-grade fever, which, when sick, rises from 37 to 38, but not higher.

We asked the same question to Mikhail Sergeevich Konev, head of the insurance department in case of temporary disability and in connection with maternity of the Fund’s department social insurance RF.

— 90% of people think something like this: “Yes, I’m sick, but why should I go to the doctor if my temperature is normal? They won’t give me sick leave anyway.” Temperature is not always the main criterion when assessing the patient’s health status and, accordingly, the decisive basis for issuing a certificate of incapacity for work. Only after comprehensive assessment Based on the patient's health status, a diagnosis is determined and the issue of the need for release from work is decided.

From June 29, 2011 procedure approved issuance of certificates of incapacity for work (order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia No. 624n), and from April 24, 2012, order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia No. 31n “On amendments to the Procedure for issuing certificates of incapacity for work” came into force.

In accordance with the Procedure and Articles 59 Federal Law dated November 21, 2011 No. 323-FZ “On the basics of protecting the health of citizens in the Russian Federation”, the examination of temporary disability is carried out by the attending physician, who alone issues citizens a certificate of incapacity for work for a period of up to 15 calendar days inclusive, and in cases provided for by the authorized federal body executive power, - a paramedic or dentist, who alone issue a certificate of incapacity for work for a period of up to 10 calendar days inclusive. Extension of a certificate of incapacity for work for a longer period is carried out by decision medical commission. Neither a nurse nor a midwife has the right to issue a certificate of incapacity for work.

The doctor is responsible for the legality of the grounds for issuing it. However, sometimes the question arises as to who is entitled to receive this document.
A certificate of temporary incapacity for work, or sick leave, is legal document certifying absence from work due to illness.

37.2 is not an indicator.
There are times when you simply don’t know what to do. You call a doctor, and he tells you that with a temperature like yours (37.2), you need to go to the hospital and not call a doctor. In general, your condition is more like a simulation than a real illness. They refuse to help you, and you are simply in despair, you simply have only 1 choice and it is simple to buy a sick leave.

It happens that heat, you never get up, and with this, as the doctor recorded, you’re not even able to get out of bed...
Temperature is not always the standard. Doctors say that one person tolerates a temperature of 37.3 as if he did not feel it at all. The other half, at the same temperature, cannot get out of bed at all. Therefore, it is impossible to judge with what temperature a person should go to the hospital on his own, and with what temperature he should call a doctor at home. At the same time, if a person experiences symptoms of the disease and can come to the hospital even outside the local physician’s office hours, then, with the permission of the director, another doctor can see him.

Without medical care the patient should not leave the clinic, although it will be easier for him to buy a sick leave. Repeated examination - after five days, according to Order No. 455, ambulance doctors, blood transfusion stations, rest homes, travel companies. The basis for issuing a certificate of incapacity for work is the existing symptoms of the disease. Moreover, this is not always temperature. It is possible to determine whether a patient should be given sick leave or not only upon examination. The instructions are as follows: a single doctor has the right to issue sick leave for a period of up to ten calendar days. However, at the first inspection - for no more than five calendar days, with a subsequent extension to ten calendar days. After ten days of illness, the issue of extending the validity of the sick leave is decided by a committee. And after 30 days - through the central treatment and advisory commission (TCC). They also conduct a VKK on extending the period of sick leave to thirty days with notification of local therapists and heads of offices of narrow specializations. And the patient can resolve the issue with work privately or with the help sick leave sheet of a new sample buy retroactively.rf. It is his personal law- do not call a doctor and decide for yourself: to get treatment or go to work.

How to take sick leave without getting sick?

When visiting a therapist, you must be prepared to present compelling reasons for recognizing temporary disability.

And clearly understand that it is not always possible to see, touch and measure such evidence.

How to go on sick leave if you are not sick

Don't rush to slander yourself. For example:

  • If a child in the family falls ill.

One of the parents can safely receive parental leave. Sad, of course, but a completely legitimate reason to push work problems aside. Moreover, for the baby, bed rest can actually be extended: the immature immune system hastily goes into habitual rhythm it is dangerous to overload life;

  • Pregnant woman.

It’s easy enough for her to push the doctor to fill out a sick leave form. Or maybe in antenatal clinic and you don’t have to beg: an obstetrician-gynecologist will understand like a woman and will help eliminate an unnecessary source of anxiety - you can’t even call such a document completely fake. The antenatal clinic already has quite stable expression“to go on sick leave”;

  • Exacerbation of chronic status or infectious disease.

Your temperature has risen, but you feel fine? You can go to the clinic for sick leave. On the spot, the local therapist usually opens a sick leave without the presence of elevated temperature in cases:

  • flu, sore throat, colds, post-infectious inflammation;
  • allergic reaction;
  • nervous diseases, migraines;
  • pressure surges;
  • pinching of nerve endings in different parts of the spine and joints.

Good to know: problems in nervous system give the patient the right to restore working capacity for at least two weeks.

When a person needs a time-out at work, and as luck would have it, he is completely healthy, there are more risky methods:

  • Economical in terms of nervous costs: directly (or through friends) contact a doctor with a request to write out sick leave for a fee. Of course, the closer you get to know the therapist, the easier it is to do this. You can try your luck with a complete stranger. “More cynicism. People like it,” said the unforgettable Ostap Bender. By the way, his fate was very sad;
  • Realization of acting abilities: pretend bad feeling due to migraine/numb neck/lumbago in the back/unbearable joint pain. The talent to bluff alone will not be enough - you need to study the subject of simulation well.

Actions that are frankly dangerous to health may well lead from the intention to lie low to the need to simply lie low. And it’s good, if not in a hospital bed - but in your own bed and not for long.

How to extend sick leave if you are not sick

The decision to extend the period of temporary disability is made by a comprehensive medical commission. Avert the eyes of several doctors at once healthy person it won't work.

It is better to try to solve your problems within the standard 10-15 days allotted.

It’s another matter if the document was issued to care for a child - the pediatrician can extend the treatment if the little patient has not fully recovered.

All that remains is to exaggerate a little or invent residual effects of the disease. But the age of the ward is important here: A minor is given a longer period of time to recover than a teenager.

What to tell the doctor to get sick leave

Having attended an appointment with a therapist or opened the door to a visiting local doctor, you can start talking about yesterday’s evening rise in temperature. How my whole body ached and it was impossible to sleep all night.

How bad and difficult it is now: weakness, pain in bones and muscles, dizziness, insensitivity to smells and tastes.

A conscientious person does not go to work to infect others - but asks for time off; does not practice self-medication - but waits for the doctor’s orders. The conversation will logically approach the sick leave.

You can tell your neurologist’s office about unbearable pain in your neck, back or knee, or constant migraines. That the pain has been tormenting me for a long time, and today I had to resort to anabolic steroids to get to the doctor.

Is it possible to buy sick leave officially?

It is forbidden. Even in a paid clinic.

IN otherwise The line of people wanting to take time off from work while maintaining their salary would block the entrance to the hospital.

Offering and accepting money for filling out such a form is obviously illegal. So you can ask for a favor or be cunning - but not demand.

What to complain about to get sick leave for a pregnant woman

Fortunately, many women do not need to pretend: toxicosis can last quite a long time, and can even occur in later stages.

You can complain about morning sickness, intolerance to the smell of exhaust fumes or the aromas of bistro food, constant fatigue and mood swings.

But pressing – talking about hypertonicity or pain in the lower abdomen “due to nerves” – must be done very carefully: there is a risk of ending up in a hospital for preservation.

But in general, expectant mothers should listen to their intuition. It will help you understand whether a particular doctor should just tell the truth: there is banal and terrible stress at work or the situation at home is terrible - there is no time for work right now.

If the doctor seems like a loyal person, you can simply ask for help in a humane way.

Responsibility for purchasing sick leave

When buying paper, it is better to make sure that it is correct design on special formIt's very easy to spot a fake.

You can then refer to an error in a hospital or a private clinic issuing documents without a license. But the most logical conclusion would be: the sheet was bought - the employee skipped work.

Of course, you can agree with a loyal employer on compensation for damage voluntarily - in money or material assets.

But if relations with your superiors were already tense, a fake sick leave will become excellent foundation for reprimand, reprimand and even dismissal.

People leading entrepreneurial activity and those hiring workers should know how many days sick leave is given, who pays for it and how. How long can it hurt? employee, are there any time limits? In the past, strict limits were set on the length of sick leave. Now the legislation has changed somewhat, but restrictions in certain cases are present.

Reasons for receiving and paying sick leave

Some entrepreneurs sometimes even have no idea in what cases their employees may be officially sick. Such illiteracy can lead to dire consequences, including legal proceedings and penalties from several authorities at once. The latter can result in significant fines for the entrepreneur. That’s why you need to know the list of reasons that are valid for issuing a certificate of incapacity for work:

  • getting injured;
  • disease;
  • pregnancy and childbirth;
  • illness of a relative who needs care;
  • surgical intervention;
  • illness of a child who needs care.

The duration of the period of incapacity for work is determined by Decree of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 624n of 2011.

Sick leave is paid depending on the total insurance period employee, the calculation is based on the average daily salary for the last 24 months. According to current legislation, the social insurance fund assumes responsibility for paying for the employee’s disability. However, the employee must submit the sick leave certificate to the accounting department at the place of work.

If the employee has less than 5 years of insurance coverage, he will receive 60% of his daily allowance wages for the period of incapacity for work in terms of the number of days on sick leave. When more than 5 years, but less than 8 - 80% of earnings for days on sick leave. From 8 years of experience, disability will be paid taking into account 100%.

In case of an accident that occurs at work, 100% of earnings during sick leave are paid. Payments will be the same if an employee is found to have occupational disease. When he is caring for a sick child (under 15 years old) on an outpatient basis and has more than 8 years of experience, he receives 100% payment for the first 10 days. With 5 to 8 years of experience, 80% will be calculated in 10 days. If the experience is less than 5 years, the first 10 days of sick leave will be paid at 60%.

The ministry's order limits total days, which can be paid by the social insurance fund in some cases. When caring for a sick child under 7 years of age, no more than 90 days of sick leave are paid for calendar year. For children with disabilities - no more than 120 days a year. When caring for an adult, an employee has the right to receive paid sick leave for 10 days.

Allowable duration of sick leave

The Ministry of Health and Social Development regulates the recommended length of time for which sick leave is issued. In cases outpatient treatment For colds, you can be sick for no more than 5 days. Sometimes an employee feels bad, but the illness passes quickly. In such cases, if necessary, medical procedures, even if they take several hours, the doctor can provide a certificate of incapacity for work for 1 day. If there are complications, the certificate can be extended for 10 days (this includes cases of injury after receiving dental treatment). However, for diseases such as influenza, sick leave can last up to 15 days.

In a hospital, that is, in a hospital, treatment can take longer, up to 15 days. Such therapy can last, according to the law, up to 1 month, taking into account the extension of sick leave. In cases of medical examination The certificate of incapacity for work can be extended for 1 year during inpatient treatment.

Thus, there are certain recommendations on the duration of sick leave depending on the type of disease. Pulmonary tuberculosis will be treated for up to 10 months inclusive. Chickenpox - up to 3 weeks, this duration helps to avoid contact with other people in in public places. Doctors can treat a heart attack or stroke for up to 4 months. Various types of fractures are a reason to be considered sick up to full recovery. If an employee's appendix is ​​removed, he is entitled to 10 days of rehabilitation after the operation. Various types of surgical interventions and the period after them can generally last up to 4 months.

Special cases

A certificate of incapacity for work for pregnancy and childbirth is provided for 140 calendar days from the 30th week of pregnancy after undergoing the necessary examinations by a doctor. However certain factors may provide a legitimate reason for longer duration maternity leave women:

  • 194 days when carrying 2 or more children at the same time;
  • 156 days for complications during childbirth.

In some cases, entrepreneurs are faced with the fact that an employee brings 2 sheets of paper at once, which are issued one after the other. Without knowing when sick leave is given in this way, the employer may consider such leaves illegal. However, the legislation explains that this case It may be completely legal when an employee resorted to the help of doctors of different specialties or sought help from 2 different medical institutions.

If an employee becomes ill during the period next vacation, paid by the employer, and also if there is sick leave, the vacation is extended by the number of days that the employee was officially ill.

For an extension, a certificate of incapacity for work is sufficient; the employer’s consent is not required in this case. This human right is enshrined in law. Labor Code. However, to extend the vacation, the employee must provide the accounting department with closed sheet disability.

In your payment actions sick leave employer must be guided by current legislation, take into account the presence of an official certificate of incapacity for work issued by a doctor and understand that high-quality treatment, which is completed, is more important than an employee who has a disease, but strives to return to work faster. Such actions may have sad consequences for the health of a colleague and will only worsen the quality of his work.

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