Declaration of timber transactions form. Declaration of timber transactions: what data is required to fill out

As you know, the territory of each country is rich in resources given to man by nature. Many companies conduct activities that involve the use of the required resources. So, if companies made a deal with one of the most difficult to replenish varieties natural resources– timber, they are required to fill out a declaration form for established by law form. In this article we will talk about what a declaration on timber transactions is and list the data that needs to be included inside the document you are looking for.

In what cases is the declaration form in question filled out?

Unlike many other declaration forms, the declaration on transactions with timber, namely the standards for filling it out and other paper-related nuances, are not regulated Tax Code, in force on the territory of Russia, and the Forest Code.

According to the rules specified within it, companies concluding transactions related to timber resources may have the following organizational and legal forms:

  • be a legal entity;
  • be an individual, that is, an individual entrepreneur.

These organizations can enter into various types of transactions related to wood resources, their list also includes:

  • import of wood products;
  • export.

The declaration form is submitted for verification to the Unified Authorized System created by the state, which has informational in nature, which keeps track of turnover wood material, in addition, monitors agreements concluded between companies related to it. The completed declaration form is provided for verification directly through the operator service of the required accounting system.

Please note the following fact: the document is considered as it is prepared, not in in paper form, and in electronic, at the same time, he is in mandatory reinforced electronic signature head legal entity or individual entrepreneur.

Transportation of the completed form is carried out through various information and communication networks available to general use, in particular we're talking about about electronic network Internet. The procedure can be carried out using the Unified Portal of State Services.

Information included in the declaration

According to the rules established by law, certain information must be included in the declaration.

Table 1. List of information for the declaration

Paragraph 1First of all, it is necessary to indicate who was the owner of the wood involved in the transaction.
Point 2The second point inside the declaration form is to enter information about the persons representing the parties to the transaction. The following aspects must be indicated in the document:
  • full name of the company (for example, Timber Processing Company LLC);
  • it is necessary to indicate the organizational and legal format of the organization, that is, one of the forms (for example, LLC) of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur;
  • address of the company's location if it is represented by a legal entity;
  • if the organization is an individual entrepreneur, you must enter full details in the form of: last name, first name, patronymic, as well as all the standard information from the passport.
  • Point 3The following information entered into the declaration form characterizes the batch of wood resources participating in the agreement concluded between the companies. The following parameters are implied:
  • quantity of products transferred for further use;
  • its belonging to a species nature (the professional term is defined as “breed”);
  • wood composition is assortment.
  • Point 4Data is entered regarding documents accompanying the process of harvesting the desired wood. These papers play a special role - they are the basis for deforestation and the production of timber from it involved in the transaction.
    Point 5Must be indicated in the declaration and legal basis, according to which the exploitation of a specific forest area took place. It could be:

    Formal rental agreement;
    another paper confirming the transfer of a specific forest area for use.
    The following information about the required securities is included:

  • full name of the companies that are parties to the concluded agreement;
  • organizational and legal format of activities of each party; address for a legal entity;
  • data from the passport, as well as the name, patronymic, and surname of the individual entrepreneur;
  • the location of the part of the forest that served as a source for the procurement of transported wood raw materials is indicated;
  • the date when the contract was concluded;
  • Document Number;
  • temporary validity period of the document;
  • in what volumes the blanks were produced, according to the required paper.

    If, at the conclusion of the transaction, an agreement on the purchase of tree plantations was drawn up, all the same data from it must be entered into the declaration.

    In addition, the above list will also be valid for the agreement that is concluded for the acquisition and disposal of already harvested timber. The parameters will not change, as well as the formats of the contracts themselves; only minor differences are possible.

  • Point 6The next step it is necessary to indicate the place where the harvested timber, which is part of the transaction concluded between the companies, will be stored or is already stored, if such a place is implied at all.

    We have just reviewed the full list of information that is supposed to be included inside the declaration form related to transactions concluded with timber. As you can see, there is no need to enter any specific information that the parties to the transaction do not know, which makes filling out the document intuitive even for a beginner.

    Deadlines for submitting a declaration for verification

    According to the time frame established by law, the provision of a completed declaration on transactions with wood must be made no later than 5 working days that have passed since the conclusion of an agreement between the companies on the alienation of wood raw materials. As well as its changes, as well as when it receives invalid status.

    We are also talking about contracts related to the export of wood raw materials outside Russian Federation.

    Note! Time frames may be extended for last day before transporting the desired natural resource.

    All changes regarding the actual amount of resource transported to the destination that occur are made to the declaration form with data on the transaction at least once every thirty-day period, while the agreement concluded on paper continues to be valid. The agreement means the paper that served as the basis for filling out and submitting the declaration form.

    Who sets the form

    As in all other cases related to the establishment of documentation used on state level, the development and determination of the form is carried out by the Government of our state. Periodically, all documents prepared by him undergo changes necessary to maintain compliance with the composition of the form modern requirements. They should be tracked to avoid penalties for incorrect paperwork.

    Let's sum it up

    Declaration of timber transactions is a narrowly focused document used in specific area activities. Companies that have different organizational and legal forms and are also involved in activities in many areas resort to filling it out.

    The list of information entered into the document, as well as its type and form, are determined by the rules prescribed in the Forestry Code of the Russian Federation. The government has the right to include in the form any necessary changes. This point must be carefully monitored.

    Video – Webinar, timber transactions

    Now, without registering with LesEGAIS, it will not be possible to purchase, sell, or make any other transaction, even with wooden boards and firewood, which are lumber included in a certain list.

    What is LesEGAIS

    The need to register transactions with wood and formalize electronic declarations appeared back in 2015. From this period, when selling or purchasing forest, each of the parties to the transaction has obligations to provide electronic declarations to the LesEGAIS operator (Part 1, Article 50.5. Forest Code RF). This requirement does not apply only to individual buyers.

    LesEGAIS is a unified state automated information system designed directly for automation state control transactions with forests. Reporting to LesEGAIS is transmitted via the Internet to in electronic format, while duplicating and filling paper copies no reports needed.

    To prepare and send reports to EGAIS, the buyer does not require a separate special software. The declaration is provided in online mode via the Internet after registering on the website Step-by-step instruction The registration procedure is available on this portal.

    What changed in 2017

    From July 1, 2017, the list of types of wood that are subject to the requirements for mandatory declaration transactions. In particular, the expanded list includes products from primary sawmilling (lumber, firewood, beams, sleepers, boards, logs, etc.). Full list given in the Explanations of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 13, 2014 No. 1047-r.

    According to officials, expanding the list of primary sawmill products is aimed at proving the legality of its origin, as well as tightening measures to suppress illegal transactions with wood and lumber.

    Who provides the reporting?

    Organizations and entrepreneurs carrying out transactions with wood and lumber according to the lists send a declaration to the EGAIS operator. And it will spread this requirement and on retail trade with individuals.

    But citizens who buy wood or make other transactions with it, provided for by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, do not have to report anywhere.

    The declaration form and instructions for filling it out were approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 6, 2015 No. 11.

    When and how to report

    If an organization or individual entrepreneur who is a participant in the timber trade does not have access to LesEGAIS, they need to register in the system (receive a login and password). After registering on the portal, it becomes possible to submit declarations and register a transaction.

    The next step is to declare the agreement. To register the agreement, the transaction participant has five working days from the moment of conclusion of the agreement (or execution of an additional agreement to it), but no later than one working day before the moment of shipment (clause 3 of Article 50.5 of the Forestry Code of the Russian Federation).

    A separate declaration is completed online for each contract by all parties to the transaction. Those. the supplier, for its part, registers the contract in LesEGAIS, and the buyer does this at the same time. In this case, the declaration is drawn up on total amount agreement, even if there are several deliveries according to invoices, and they will be carried out on different dates.

    After this, reports are prepared for the submitted declaration. They are filled out once a month, they need to show the turnover of actual deliveries that took place for the month, for all invoices. For example, the contract was concluded in July, deliveries will be carried out monthly from July to October. The declaration is drawn up for the entire amount of the contract, and reports are filled out monthly for the turnover of the month, as a result the system summarizes the reports of all months and they coincide with the amount of the declaration originally sent.

    Zero report

    Using the example given above, if in any of the months of the contract, say in September, there was no delivery, for that month it is rented zero form report. Then, having continued to ship or purchase wood under the declared contract in October, a report is provided containing data on shipments for this month.

    Agreements concluded before July 1, 2017 - transition period

    The buyer and seller must submit declarations on timber transactions to EGAIS for registration and receive from EGAIS the number of the declaration on timber transactions, which is entered in accompanying document for transportation of wood.

    Let’s assume that the contract for the supply of lumber was concluded in June 2017, and delivery under it began only in July 2017. The question arises whether it is necessary to declare this agreement? Regulatory acts do not provide a direct answer to this question. But in private clarifications, officials recommend that such a “transitional” agreement be declared and in the future indicate the number of this declaration in the accompanying documents.

    With “transitional” agreements, there may be problems with missing the date of declaration of the agreement (within five working days from the date of conclusion of the agreement). To avoid disputes with controllers, it is recommended to close old contracts by signing additional agreements to them. At the same time, starting from July 2017, draw up new contracts and report on them in accordance with the described procedure.

    Conclusion of an additional agreement to the contract

    An additional agreement is equivalent to the conclusion of a contract. According to the available clarifications, information about additional agreements to the contracts should be submitted to LesEGAIS within the prescribed period after signing additional agreement to the agreement.

    The need to provide accompanying documents during transportation

    The form of the accompanying document for the transportation of wood, as well as the rules for filling it out, were approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 21, 2014 No. 571.

    Form of accompanying document for timber transportation.

    The regulations do not establish the number of copies of accompanying documents that the participants in the transaction are required to prepare. From the literal interpretation of the rules, it follows that at least one copy of the document must be filled out for each shipment. Moreover, if there are several participants in the transaction, for example, several carriers, it is logical for each to receive a separate copy (Article 50.3 of the Forestry Code of the Russian Federation).

    In this case, an accompanying document will be filled out for each transportation, if, for example, there were several of them in a month.

    Types of transportation and accompanying documents

    An accompanying document must be prepared for any type of transportation (by road, rail, water or other transport).

    You can not fill out the document only when moving through the organization’s own territory within the same complex. If the owner carries his own cargo beyond one of his own structural unit to another or to a sawmill, then obligations arise to prepare an accompanying document for transportation, despite the fact that your own wood or lumber will be transported.

    Transactions with individuals

    Reporting to LesEGAIS is provided for all transactions with wood and lumber, including those concluded with citizens who do not have individual entrepreneur status (Part 9 of Article 50.6 of the Forest Code of the Russian Federation). This means that having carried out a transaction with an individual, it must also be declared. As a result, there is a need to ask the citizen for his passport information.

    Citizens who purchased wood for personal needs do not have to fill out an accompanying document for transportation, but if checked, they must present a document confirming the transfer of ownership of the forest or lumber.


    Administrative liability is provided for in Art. 8.28.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation for violations of the procedure for processing transactions with timber.

    Note, administrative punishment for all violations listed below and the amount of the fine is determined only by a court decision.

    Thus, in the absence of an accompanying document for the transportation of wood, the following will be imposed:

    • on officials in the amount - from 30,000 rubles. up to 50,000 rub. with confiscation of wood and (or) Vehicle, being an instrument for committing an administrative offense, or without it;
    • for legal entities - from RUB 500,000. up to 700,000 rub. with or without confiscation of wood and (or) vehicles that are instruments for committing an administrative offense.
    Responsibility for failure to submit declarations or knowingly submitting them false information, is also punishable by a fine:
    • for officials in the amount of from 5,000 to 20,000 rubles;
    • for individual entrepreneurs - from 7,000 to 25,000 rubles;
    • for legal entities - from 100,000 to 200,000 rubles.
    In order to avoid having to prove in court, for example, that the information included in the declaration was not knowingly false, it is necessary to approach the preparation of the declaration and accompanying documents responsibly, which will prevent mistakes in haste or carelessness.

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    Control over timber transactions will be strengthened

    Starting this year, it is planned to introduce a new procedure for recording unprocessed timber and monitoring its turnover through wood marking. In addition, they will create a unified state automated information system for recording timber and transactions with it (USAIS), which will allow tracking all actions with the forest: from cutting down to sale.

    The relevant law (On amendments to the Forest Code of the Russian Federation and the Code of the Russian Federation on administrative offenses No. 415-FZ) was signed by Vladimir Putin at the end of December.

    According to changes made, wood obtained through the use of forests and during the implementation of measures for their conservation, protection, reproduction, is subject to accounting before its removal from the forest.

    Wood of valuable forest species is subject to mandatory piece marking by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs exporting it from the Russian Federation.

    Transportation of wood will have to be carried out only with an accompanying document, which will indicate information about the owner, volumes and species composition of wood, points of departure and destination, etc.

    Thanks to special electronic system(EGAIS) it will be possible to obtain data on forest use reports or timber transactions and more.

    Vladimir Dmitriev, head of the press service of Rosleskhoz, spoke about what the timber accounting information system will look like:

    This system will contain information about legal entities and individual entrepreneurs engaged in timber harvesting. It will also reflect forest lease agreements, purchase and sale agreements forest plantations, declarations of transactions. In short, the system will automatically calculate and reflect the transparency of all transactions in this market. After the introduction of the information system, it will be possible at any time to check the accuracy of documents and establish the legality of timber harvesting. There will be special control over the felling of valuable wood species - oak, beech, ash.

    Users of the system will be all interested federal and regional bodies executive power. It is planned to submit information via Email and through the government services portal, Rossiyskaya Gazeta reports.

    The changes to the law provide, among other things, for improving legal regulation relations related to the use of forests. In particular, the rules for the seizure of illegally harvested timber, vehicles and other instruments of illegal timber harvesting are determined, and the following administrative liability is provided for violation of the requirements of the forestry legislation of the Russian Federation in terms of accounting for timber and transactions with it:

    For failure to submit or late submission declarations on transactions with timber or provision of knowingly false information, a fine is set from 5 thousand to 20 thousand rubles for officials from 100 thousand to 200 thousand rubles for legal entities

    For violation of the timber accounting procedure, the administrative fine will be 25-35 thousand rubles for officials or 200-400 thousand rubles for legal entities

    Violation of forestry legislation requirements regarding mandatory labeling timber will entail a fine of 30 thousand to 40 thousand rubles for officials and from 300 thousand to 500 thousand rubles for legal entities

    For transportation of wood without an accompanying document issued in accordance with the procedure established by forest legislation, fines range from 30 thousand to 50 thousand rubles for officials, from 500 thousand to 700 thousand rubles for legal entities.

    Andrey Sharov, deputy director for work with contractors at TsKK Vyatka-Les-Invest LLC, commented on the news:

    I have become familiar with the law. First of all, I believe that you need to wait for the system itself, where the accounting will take place, and then we will see. I understand that this system has not yet been developed and put into operation. I think there will be a lot of questions related to this law. And, most likely, the biggest question will be related to the fact that it is not yet known how wood accounting will take place. The point is that there is different systems wood accounting: there is piece measurement of wood, as well as, for example, folding. For warehousing and wood measurement, we use different odds. Both you and I, if we count separately from each other, we can apply different odds, and we will both be right, but the results will be different, because the coefficients have certain limits of values ​​(from 0.51 to 0.57). Regarding labeling, the law only specifies rare breeds trees, these are, for example, cedars, so I think that this is quite good - valuable wood should have individual marking. For example, in order to accurately determine where the wood came from. But how this will work is not yet clear. The most important thing now is to wait and see the software where you will need to declare all the wood. I have already read on the forums that beyond the Urals, where they have been working with a similar system for several months, there are a lot of problems.

    Ravil Akhmadullin, Head of the Department forestry Kirov region:

    Penalties for illegal logging criminal liability- Article 260 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Changes to the Code of Administrative Offenses provide administrative responsibility in the form of fines for failure to comply with the requirements of the Forest Code documentation wood subject to removal from the forest, purchase and sale, marking and provision of information to operators of the relevant AIS. These actions are necessary to identify the legality of the origin of forest products. Accordingly, if you ignore them, the system will not work to its full potential. To ensure that persons carrying out timber operations do not shirk their responsibilities, provided by law, are provided administrative measures punishments for evasion.

    These circumstances may not be directly related to the commission by persons evading formalities, illegal logging. But compliance with the formalities provided for by the new law will help identify illegally harvested timber and illegal transactions with her.

    It is difficult to say how well the law will work. In particular, it is necessary to ensure high-quality adoption of a number of by-laws, as well as the development and maintenance of the AIS itself.

    This law will come into force on February 1 of this year. However, opinions are already being expressed that the measures proposed by the state are insufficient to solve the problem illegal logging forests in the country.

    We will monitor developments!

    Wood purchase and sale agreement

    Read: 2,606

    Wood purchase and sale agreement. Legal entities and individual entrepreneurs who have entered into transactions with timber, including for the purpose of import into the Russian Federation, export from the Russian Federation, submit to the operator of the unified state automated information system for accounting of timber and transactions with it, provided for in Article 50.6 of this Code, a declaration on transactions with timber in form electronic document signed with an electronic signature using information and telecommunication networks common use, including the Internet, including single portal state and municipal services.

    Timber and lumber (round timber, beams, boards, business slabs, etc.) must pass pre-sale preparation, which includes inspection of the goods, their sorting and sorting, checking for completeness, availability necessary information about the product and its manufacturer.

    The declaration of timber transactions shall indicate:

    The declaration on transactions with timber is submitted within five working days from the date of conclusion, amendment or termination of the contract for the alienation of timber, including for export from the Russian Federation, but no later than one day before transportation of the timber. Changes are made to the declaration on transactions with timber regarding the actual volume of timber transportation during the validity of the agreement, on the basis of which said declaration was submitted, but at least once a month.

    The form of the declaration on transactions with timber and the procedure for its submission are established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

    The seller must provide conditions for the export of forest and building materials buyer's transport.

    Wood purchase and sale agreement sample


    Moscow city, first of August _____.

    We, Melnikov Oleg Mikhailovich, residing: Tomsk, st. Gogolya, 3, apt. 34, and Tatyana Viktorovna Mashkova, living: Moscow, st. Chekhova, 13, apt. 76, concluded genuine contract purchase and sale of wood about the following:

    1. I, Oleg Mikhailovich Melnikov, sold gr. Mashkova Tatyana Viktorovna commercial coniferous wood in the amount of 10 m (3).

    2. The ownership of the commercial coniferous timber sold is not confirmed by documents.

    3. The specified industrial coniferous wood gr. Mikhailov O. M. sells to Mashkova T. V. for 130 (one hundred and thirty) rubles. what amount Mikhailov O. M. receives upon signing this timber purchase and sale agreement.

    4. Prior to this timber purchase and sale agreement, industrial coniferous timber has not been sold to anyone, has not been pledged, is not in dispute and is not under arrest.

    5. The costs of concluding this timber purchase and sale agreement are paid by gr. Mashkova T.V.

    6. A copy of this timber purchase and sale agreement is kept in the files of the First Moscow State notary office at the address: Bobrov per. d. 6, a copy is issued by gr. Mashkova T.V. and a copy of gr. Mikhailov O. M.

    Signatures of the parties

    Legal blog legal relations- WWW.RAA.SU

    Article 50.5. Declaration of timber transactions

    1. Legal entities and individual entrepreneurs who have entered into transactions with timber, including for the purpose of import into the Russian Federation, export from the Russian Federation, submit to the operator of the unified state automated information system for accounting of timber and transactions with it, provided for in Article 50.6 of this Code, a declaration on transactions with wood in the form of an electronic document signed with an electronic signature, using public information and telecommunication networks, including the Internet, including a single portal of state and municipal services.

    1) information about the owners of wood, parties to transactions with wood (name, legal form, location - for a legal entity, last name, first name, patronymic, identification document details - for an individual entrepreneur)

    2) information on the volume of wood, its species (species) and assortment composition

    3) information about the documents on the basis of which the timber was harvested:

    a) information about the lease agreement for a forest plot or about another document on the provision of a forest plot (names of the parties to this agreement, organizational and legal form, location - for a legal entity, last name, first name, patronymic, identification document details, - for an individual entrepreneur, location forest plot, date of conclusion and number of this agreement or other document, validity period of this agreement, volume of timber harvesting in accordance with this agreement or other document)

    b) information about the contract for the purchase and sale of forest plantations (names of the parties to this agreement, organizational and legal form, location - for a legal entity, last name, first name, patronymic, identification document details, - for an individual entrepreneur, location of forest plantations, date of conclusion and number this agreement, its validity period, the volume of timber harvested in accordance with this agreement)

    4) information about the agreement under which wood is purchased or disposed of (names of the parties to this agreement, organizational and legal form, location - for a legal entity, last name, first name, patronymic, identification document details, - for an individual entrepreneur, the date of conclusion and number of this agreement, its validity period, volume, species (species) and assortment composition of wood transferred under this agreement)

    5) information about the location of wood storage (if available).

    3. The declaration on transactions with timber is submitted within five working days from the date of conclusion, amendment or termination of the contract for the alienation of timber, including for export from the Russian Federation, but no later than one day before transportation of the timber. Changes are made to the declaration on transactions with timber regarding the actual volume of timber transportation during the validity of the agreement on the basis of which the said declaration was submitted, but at least once a month.

    4. The form of the declaration on transactions with timber and the procedure for its submission are established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

    ​USAIS or unified state automated information system, which is used to record wood and transactions made with it. To use the system, you must be a registered user, as an individual or legal entity, have an electronic signature (ES), and be familiar with the Forest Code of the Russian Federation.

    How to start working with the EGAIS system for wood accounting

    For individuals, legal entities, private entrepreneurs who lease forest areas with specific goals, it is imperative to register in the unified state automated system. This is done for state accounting the quantities of all wood resources based on reports submitted to a unified information system by all entrepreneurs in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

    Forest plots can be leased for:

    • timber harvesting for various needs;
    • creation of recreational recreation areas;
    • harvesting of secondary resources birch bark with stumps;
    • secondary forest management with the placement of apiaries;
    • hunting establishments.

    In all cases, a registered forest user (individual, legal entity) or a plot tenant must submit a lease report to the Unified State Automated Information System in accordance with Order No. 573 of the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources. Such a contract report is submitted to electronic form with a certified personal electronic signature no later than the 10th day of each month. It is easy to obtain a signature at the nearest accredited certification center, which can be found on the Internet.

    When you come to the legislative body, you need to have a passport with you, insurance certificate state standard for individuals. For legal entities you need to have accounting documents from tax office certifying documents of a legal entity. After registration electronic keys, the certificate will also be transferred to the owner at electronic media or flash drive. Electronic data makes it possible to enter a report into the state automated system. The next step will be registration in EGAIS on the portal itself using the TIN and username. In the column, the name is indicated in the format "User name. Without space. INN".

    Logging accounting and reporting

    To legally fell trees, you must have a legal or legal agreement. to an individual on the lease of a forest plot. There must be an acceptance certificate on hand with the subsequent transfer of the forest area for rent. The forest development project is confirmed by the authorized forestry authorities, a representative state commission. Decorated forest declaration for wood must be submitted to the Unified State Automated Information System. Must be approved routing on the development of forest allotment.

    For EGAIS it is necessary to submit reports to deadlines at all stages of logging from cutting to sale. When submitting documents to EGAIS, you must carefully familiarize yourself with the Forest Code of the Russian Federation. It is important to study the mistakes made by entrepreneurs by reading forums on the Internet. All mistakes with shortcomings result in fines that are unpleasant for anyone. The timber is harvested in stages, the first is measurement exact dimensions plots or cutting areas that are assigned in lease documents.

    All visible boundaries in the forest are marked with sight lines (posts). The counting of plantings on a forest allotment is carried out quantitatively. Accounting for all types of species and the quantitative composition of trees should not be included in the report. automated system before using forest plantations in a transaction (purchase and sale). When submitting a report to the Unified State Automated Information System and counting the logs, the assortment must correspond to the list of wood species approved legislative bodies RF. IN total any standards for labeling valuable tree species (ash, beech, oak) in Russian legislation, on this moment, No.

    For large tenants using more than 2 forest areas, receiving additional personal accounts for reporting is issued at the discretion of the executive authority. In the case where the customer is kindergartens, schools, government agencies, a declaration with a report to the Unified State Automated Information System is also filled out.

    Reports to EGAIS for wood transportation

    For each transportation of timber through the forest territory or outside it, to the upper warehouse (primary storage room), the carrier must have accompanying documents. The contents of the documents include the full name, the person giving permission for transportation, the volume of products (species of all logs), the quantitative composition of the wood, and the destination.

    The form of the accompanying document is approved by law and is in reference materials on the EGAIS website. Anyone can check transportation documents authorized body Ministry of Internal Affairs (police), as well as forest protection. In practice, there are situations in which it is necessary to transport identical tree species (quantitatively no different from the previous order) within one day. Transportation is carried out from the overhead warehouse to sawing or to the loading platform. In this case, the LC RF does not prohibit the use of one accompanying document for each transporter’s departure within one day.

    Route sheets are issued with each carrier's departure (on a new day) after receiving the order. If wood is used for own needs, in this case no accompanying document is required, except for documents on ownership of wood. The rules of the Forestry Code allow for an error when reconciling documents for volume and quantitative composition in the amount of 8% (larger, smaller side). When transporting spruce, fir, and pine trees under new year holidays no accompanying document is required.

    Features of filing forest declarations

    In all transactions, the report to EGAIS is signed with a certified electronic signature. In case of failure to sign a transaction declaration using an electronic signature in information system the report will be moved to the drafts group. Any drafts do not constitute a true, completed report. Consequently, your report will not be registered on time and therefore not submitted.

    Anything that is incorrectly completed or not submitted on time will result in penalties. After each transaction (purchase and sale), it is necessary to submit a declaration on transactions with wood in a unified system within 5 working days from the date of conclusion of the transaction. According to the law, Article 50.5 of the Forestry Code, the transaction is declared by two persons participating in the transaction, after which a report is submitted to the Unified State Automated Information System by the parties involved. Even if one party to the agreement is not a forest user, but takes part as a reseller, he must also be declared in the Unified State Automated Information System.

    A report on transactions with timber, according to paragraph 4 of Article 2, must contain: volume of products, species or species assortment. When the information provided by two declarants is different or inconsistent, this will also result in administrative fines. In the timber report, in cases where the transaction is carried out with foreign citizen, which does not have identification number RF, this column is in unified system not filled in.

    Reporting or maintaining a log, as well as providing a paper report to at this stage no legislation required. There are cases where it is impossible to ship timber under an already legally concluded transaction. In this case, in a single state system the declaration is submitted with quantitative composition"0" units.

    If, nevertheless, the shipment was made, but not in full quantity, it is important to enter the correct amount of timber shipped in the declaration of timber transactions submitted to EGAIS. After each subsequent shipment of timber, it is necessary to correct the quantitative composition of the declared timber according to the submitted declaration. The most important link in this case will be a correctly written accompanying document with the quantitative composition and assortment of the transported wood. Various measurements about wood, all types of wood, are recorded in interstate standards.

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    You have entered into a relationship with a Taurus man, you feel strong sympathy for him, but it is too early to talk about love. Many women in...
    Stones for the zodiac sign Libra (September 24 - October 23) The zodiac sign Libra represents justice, the kingdom of Themis (second wife...