Fire Service Day. They won't be left without work

Holiday "Day fire department Russia" approved by Presidential Decree Russian Federation No. 539 of April 30, 1999. This date was not chosen by chance.

In 1649, two documents were adopted in Rus' that were directly related to firefighting. Attempts legislative branch to normalize issues of preventing and extinguishing fires, although they made little progress in the fight against fire, they played a huge role in the history of firefighting.

The first of them, the “Order on City Decoration,” issued on April 30, ordered all wealthy people to keep copper water pipes and wooden buckets in their yard. Residents with average and low incomes were supposed to keep one such pipe for five yards, and everyone had to have buckets. All Moscow courtyards were distributed into slingshots (parts), and lists of people were stored in Zemsky order. This document established rules for the first time in Rus' officials responsible for fire safety.

The second document is “The Code of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich.” It also had a number of articles regulating the rules for handling fire. The Code introduced criminal liability for arson and established a distinction between careless handling of fire and arson.

Like a heavy cross under threat corporal punishment and imprisonment, Muscovites endured fire duty for century after century.

Although many people came running to the alarming sounds of the alarm bell, this was of little benefit. This was explained by the scarcity of fire extinguishing agents and lack of training in actions in case of fire. The residents did not know how and did not know what to do to tame fire element.

During the first four and a half centuries of its existence, Moscow burned to the ground 13 times and about 100 times in a significant part of it. No wonder, according to contemporaries, after many major fires the city became “like a field.”

The beginning of the 19th century was a turning point in the development and construction of fire protection. By the Manifesto of September 8, 1802, within the framework of the Police Administration of the Second Expedition of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, unity of command was organized over the ongoing work to manage existing fire brigades. Since the mid-19th century, fundamental documents of the fire department were developed and approved, such as the “Normal Report Card” for the composition of fire departments in cities, etc. Along with professional fire brigades, fire volunteerism developed.

The main contribution to the development of professional fire protection was made by the Russian Tsars Peter I, Alexander I and Nicholas I.

The creation of the Russian Firefighting Society in 1892 (since 1907 - the Imperial Society) played a major role in the development of voluntary fire brigades. An active role in the development of fire protection at the end of the 19th century was played by the selfless zealots of fire fighting, Count Alexander Dmitrievich Sheremetev and Prince Alexander Dmitrievich Lvov.

Only at the beginning of the 19th century did Muscovites breathe a sigh of relief. By a special decree of Tsar Alexander I of May 31, 1804, all city residents were exempted from reporting to a fire. At the same time, it was proposed “to form a special team of retired soldiers, incapable of front-line service, to send the night watch and maintain the fire service.”

This is how professional firefighters appeared in Moscow 202 years ago. Service in it was mandatory and lasted, like in the army, for 25 years.

By the time Moscow fell to Napoleon, there were already 32 fire brigades in the city. However, it took another two decades before the staff of the Moscow Fire Department was developed and approved in 1823.

Construction of fire stations began. At the head of each unit was a fire chief. The city was divided into parts and quarters. For each unit, the exact number of fire tools, convoys, horses and personnel was determined.

In 1857, fire legislation was concentrated in one document. This year the first fire regulations in Russia are being published. The charter set out the procedure for setting up fire stations in cities, interpreted precautionary measures against fires, the procedure for compensating for losses and rewarding fire workers involved in extinguishing fires, and also prescribed penalties for violations of the rules fire safety.

Since 1858, the military-police telegraph began to be used for firefighting purposes, and in the nineties - the telephone and electric fire alarm. It was also introduced new form clothing for firefighters. For the fire chief - a bronze helmet, gilded, with the army coat of arms, a ceremonial half-caftan of dark green cloth, double-breasted, with silver embroidery, trousers, boots, a belt belt, chrome boots, a sword. For an ordinary firefighter - a bronze helmet with scales, a semi-caftan gray, blue shoulder straps, trousers, boots, belt belt with a case for an ax.

The prestige of firefighters rises as their service gains special meaning in the eyes of the population.

In 1907, an event occurred in Moscow that was discussed by the townspeople for a long time. An unusual car rushed along Myasnitskaya Street. The fire chief sat importantly on the seat next to the driver; the firemen's helmets glittered behind them, one of them was ringing a brass bell. This was the first fire brigade vehicle. In the same year, a fire alarm was installed for the first time in Kitai-Gorod.

The numbering of fires in Moscow before the First World War was as follows: No. 1 - a small fire, one local unit responded to it; No. 2 - 3 units traveled; No. 3 - 6 units left, and signals were raised on the towers; No. 4 - 8 units traveled; and, finally, the famous No. 5, to which 10 units went, and the signals were amplified as follows: during the day - with a red flag, at night - with an additional red lantern.

The professional fire service of Russia has developed glorious martial traditions: love for one’s profession, manifestation of courage, dedication and mutual assistance in the performance of official duty. These traditions were based on remarkable features of the Russian national character: the desire not to leave comrades in trouble. Anyone who joined the fire department remained in it for many years. Entire families of firefighters were famous in Russia.

After the revolution, the decree “On the organization government measures Fighting Fire", published on April 18, 1918, was the first in the history of Russia legislative act, in which the task of fighting fires was given national importance. The decree provided for the implementation of a complex fire protection measures: from the development of fire safety rules, training of fire specialists, production fire equipment, improving the living conditions of firefighters, publishing literature on firefighting and the rational organization of fire protection in the country.

With the development of industry in the country, new technical means of fighting fire began to be supplied to the fire department. The creation of the domestic automobile industry made it possible to completely re-equip the Russian fire service. IN combat crews pumps and tank trucks arrived, and special service vehicles appeared.

In May 1926, the All-Russian Conference of Firefighters developed and submitted to the Government a draft regulation “On the organization of State Fire Supervision in the RSFSR,” which was approved on June 18, 1927.

With the creation of the State Fire Supervision (GFS), the systematic implementation of preventive measures. All major industries and enterprises began to carry out fire technical inspections. Fire safety issues have become the subject of widespread agitation and propaganda. In workshops, enterprises, and the residential sector, special cells were created to prevent and combat fires. In Leningrad on the basis of the Institute of Engineers municipal construction The Faculty of Fire Protection Engineers was formed.

Since the beginning of the Great Patriotic War The capital's firefighters, fulfilling their duty, made a worthy contribution to the defense of the city. No matter how hard the enemy tried to set fire to Moscow from the air, he failed. Warrior-firefighters, with the active support of Muscovite volunteers, nullified all the enemy’s efforts. The main burden of eliminating the consequences of fascist air raids on Moscow fell on the shoulders of the firefighters, and they passed this test with honor.

In order to improve public administration in the field of fire safety, increasing readiness of the unified state system prevention and liquidation of emergency situations, pooling of forces and means, when organizing and conducting priority rescue operations related to fire extinguishing, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1309 of November 9, 2001, the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation was transformed into the State Fire Service Service of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Affairs civil defense, emergency situations and disaster relief.

Today, the State Fire Service (SFS) is a powerful operational service within the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations, with qualified personnel modern technology, which has developed scientific and educational bases.

According to statistics, the majority of fires (72.4%) are registered in the residential and industrial sectors. The main reasons for their occurrence are careless handling of fire, including by citizens who were in drunk, violation of fire safety rules when operating electrical equipment and household appliances.

On April 30, Russia celebrates Firefighter Day. Taking into account the historical traditions of our country and the merits of the fire department, its contribution to ensuring fire safety of the Russian Federation, President Boris Yeltsin in April 1999 issued a decree according to which the day April 30th began to be officially considered professional holiday firefighters - Firefighter's Day.

History of the Fire Department

What better time than on this April holiday, on Firefighter Day, to talk about how it all began.

In Russia, the fire service is one of the oldest public services. Back in 1504 in Moscow, during the reign of Ivan III, a fire watch guard was formed.

Ivan the Terrible in 1549 issued a decree concerning fire safety. This document obligated residents to have fire extinguishing means in every home.

On April 17 (new style - April 30), 1649, Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich signed the decree "On the City Deanery", which laid the foundations for the creation of the first Russian against fire service. The document established a strict procedure for extinguishing fires in Moscow, laid the foundations for a professional fire department, introduced permanent duty, and gave fire patrols the right to punish residents of the capital for violations of the rules for handling fire.

For the first time in our country, standards were established for officials who were responsible for ensuring fire safety.

Second similar document was the “Code of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich,” which detailed the rules for handling fire. For arson was introduced criminal liability. In addition, it identified the differences between intentional arson and actual careless handling with fire.

According to the decree “On the City Deanery,” a bypass fire service was introduced in Moscow, led by the bypass head Prince A. A. Makedonsky. Clerks and archers were assigned to assist the service. Urban residents were involved as watchmen during the day and night. The guards were equipped with spears, axes and water pipes. Clerks, archers and street watchmen were supposed to put out the fire. The leadership of extinguishing fires was assigned to a bypassed head.

The “mandate” also provided for prohibitive measures (the first fire regulations). They ordered ordinary people not to heat huts and bathhouses in the summer unless absolutely necessary, not to keep a fire in the house in the evenings, and for blacksmiths and artisans who need fire to go about their business away from buildings.

Peter the Great, during his reign, created one of the first real fire brigades in the history of our country. The threat of serious fires constantly hung over the country. For this reason, Peter I was forced to organize permanent fire brigades. At the same time, the Admiralty decided to create the first fire station in 1722. The fire brigade of that time was armed only with buckets, filler pipes, axes and hooks.

Since then Russian ships of all types began to provide all the tools that firefighters needed.

During the reign of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov (father of Peter I), important documents were adopted - " Cathedral Code" and "Order on city deanery", which regulated the rules for handling fire, established responsibility for arson, organized monitoring fire safety condition in cities and actually laid the foundations of professional fire protection.

On November 13, 1722, the Tsar ordered the construction of shallow cargo ships equipped with fire hoses to begin. Their main goal fires were put out river boats and in coastal buildings.

The Senate in 1740 approved the rules for providing military units fire equipment. Each regiment was equipped with fire equipment. In 1747, such equipment appeared in all government agencies.

In 1853, another significant step was taken in the development of fire protection. A document entitled "Normal report card for fire brigades in cities" defined staff fire brigades, the number of fire equipment, streamlined organizational structure fire protection, including standards for providing fire stations for cities. Until 1873, fire brigades were staffed by people from the military department.

After the introduction of universal conscription in Russia, fire brigades began to accept civilians who were exempt from conscription into the army.

Since 1858, it was decided to start using a military police telegraph for firefighting purposes. Already in the nineties, they began to use the telephone and electric fire alarm. Today every public building V mandatory must be equipped with a fire alarm.

In 1892, the Russian Federation was created fire society, which since 1907 has been called Imperial. It did a lot for the formation of voluntary fire brigades.

In Moscow in 1907, the first fire truck appeared, which was built at the Frese and Co. factory. In the same year, the first fire alarm was installed in the capital.

State Fire Department Soviet Russia was created in April 1918 by the decree “On the organization of measures to combat fire.”

On November 9, 2001, a presidential decree was issued, according to which the State Fire Service (SFS) was created. Today she is powerful operational service as part of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia. It has highly qualified personnel, modern technology, and a developed scientific and educational base.

The fire service is engaged in extinguishing and preventing fires, carries out fire supervision, and trains the population. Modern fire trucks are painted red and white and are equipped with sirens.

The fire department today is the most efficient structure for providing emergency assistance, created on its basis single service salvation. Firefighters have the most powerful equipment in their arsenal: fire trucks for various purposes, boats and ships, helicopters and even special fire trains. Firefighters have at their disposal smoke exhaust units, oxygen and air insulating gas masks, heat-reflective suits, power tool and many other devices.

We cordially congratulate all residents of our vast country of Russia on the holiday of April 30, Firefighter Day. And we wish everyone whose fate is connected with the fight against fires and flames - family well-being, happy relatives, loved ones and loved ones, good health and peaceful skies above their heads. May tomorrow always be confident, and may love be mutual and strong!

Fire Protection Day is celebrated annually in Russia on April 30. The date is closely related to the day the first state fire service appeared in Russia. Many centuries ago, on April 30, 1649, Russian Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich issued the “Order on City Decoration.” It was a set of clear rules prescribing the procedure for extinguishing fires in Moscow. By order of the tsar, special fire patrols were created, whose responsibilities included round-the-clock patrolling of the city streets and extinguishing fires. It must be said that arsonists in those days were punished very strictly: imprisonment or even the death penalty.

Important role Peter I played a role in the development of fire services. During his reign, a fire station was created under the Admiralty and the first brigades of professional firefighters were formed. In the 19th century, there were fire stations in almost every city in Russia.

One of the first decrees signed by V.I. Lenin on April 17, 1918, a few months after the victory October Revolution, also concerned organization and restructuring fire protection. Therefore, this date is considered the founding day of the Soviet fire service. And it was on this day in the USSR (until 1999) that the professional Fireman’s Day was celebrated. The holiday received its current name in 1994. And in 1999, President of the Russian Federation Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin issued an order to move Fire Protection Day from April 17 to April 30, in honor of the appearance of the first fire service in Russia in 1649.

Traditions of Fire Protection Day in Russia

In 2009, the unified federal all-Russian fire service completed its formation. Today it has hundreds of thousands of employees in a variety of specialties. Therefore, Fire Protection Day is a professional holiday for many people: those who fight fire every day, sometimes risking their lives, and those who organize the uninterrupted and efficient work of fire services throughout the country.

April 30th special events at the highest levels of government. Especially distinguished employees and veterans receive awards, valuable gifts and cash prizes. Concerts and banquets are organized.

On the professional day of firefighters, be sure to congratulate these courageous people. Let the fire burn only in their brave hearts and spare our homes and lives!

It is known that in Rus', where the forest has been the main building material, one of the most terrible disasters there were fires that often destroyed entire cities. And although they were considered a punishment from God, this did not stop them from waging a decisive fight against them. That is why the history of fire protection in Russia is very rich and goes back centuries.

Attempts to fight fire in previous centuries

Since at all times fires have been a serious obstacle to the development of the state, then supreme power I tried to take action as much as possible. There are many examples of this, even in centuries gone by. One of those that has come down to us historical documents tells how, after the terrible Moscow fire that broke out in 1472, the great Ivan III (the grandfather of Ivan the Terrible), who personally participated in extinguishing it, issued a number of decrees, from which, in fact, the development of fire protection in Russia began.

Both the Rurikovichs and the Romanovs who replaced them were also very determined to fight fire. Known a whole series their decrees ordering the construction in cities (and especially in Moscow) of only stone structures, erecting them at a safe distance from each other and taking all measures against fire. For those who, having violated the instructions, became the culprit of the fiery disaster, the strictest punishments were provided - so that science would be for others.

Fires of Old Rus'

But no matter how they whipped the violators, no matter how they demanded in hot summer months Cook food only in courtyards, without lighting fires in wooden buildings - nothing helped. There is hardly a single ancient Russian city that would have been spared by fire without repeatedly turning its houses into ashes, because in those years there was no regular fire service.

In Veliky Novgorod, a fire in 1212 destroyed 4,300 households in a matter of hours, killing many residents. In 1354, it took only two hours for the all-consuming flame to turn not only the Kremlin, but also the surrounding suburbs into smoking ruins. The year 1547 is also sadly remembered, when another fiery disaster claimed several thousand lives in the Mother See. The creation of a fire department in Russia was an urgent requirement of life and was a response to the challenge posed by the elements.

Birth of the regular fire service

A big step in this direction was made during the reign of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich (father of Peter I). In 1649, the “Conciliar Code”, which he developed, was published - a set of laws Russian state, operating for almost two hundred years. Eight of his articles were devoted to issues related not only to cities and villages, but also, importantly, to forests.

Another one appeared in the same year important document- “Order on city deanery.” It is from this that the history of the Russian fire service begins, since it prescribes the creation of a regular service at professional basis, whose employees receive a fixed salary.

It also provided for the introduction of round-the-clock duty, which included going around cities and punishing those who violated established rules handling fire. An impetus was given to the development technical means fire extinguishing - it was recommended to use water pipes to fight fire, which became the predecessors of modern fire nozzles. This is how a regular fire service appeared in Russia.

Development of fire fighting before the revolution

The work begun by Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich was continued by his son, Peter I. During his reign, the history of the Russian fire service reached a new qualitative level. Taking as an example the staging of fire fighting in European countries, he significantly modernized the technical equipment Russian services, having purchased fire pumps for them abroad, equipped with leather hoses and copper fire nozzles. During the reign of Peter it was created under the St. Petersburg Admiralty and the first fire department. In Moscow it’s regular fire brigade appeared much later - only in 1804, by order of Emperor Alexander I.

During the reign of the next Romanov - Emperor Nicholas I - regular fire services ceased to be the property of only St. Petersburg and Moscow. From this time on, their creation began throughout Russia, and a fire station with a tower towering above it became an indispensable attribute of each city. Very often this building was the tallest in the city, and from it it was possible to view even nearby villages. If a fire was detected, a signal flag was raised at the top of the tower, and residents were informed about the scale of the disaster with special balloons, the number of which was directly proportional to the area of ​​the fire.

History of the Fire Department Russia XIX The century was also marked by the creation of a number of enterprises for the production of equipment necessary for fire fighting. In Moscow and St. Petersburg, fire pumps and hoses for them, and hooks were produced, and with the advent of the first cars, equipment was produced that made it possible to use them to fight fire.

Organization of fire fighting after the revolution

The Bolshevik government that came to power in 1917 also paid great attention to the organization of fire protection. Already in April of the following year, it issues a corresponding decree and establishes the post of Commissioner for Insurance and Fire Fighting. M. T. Elizarov was the first to be appointed to this position.

The country owes him the implementation of the shortest possible time measures provided for by the decree and the creation of an extensive network of fire stations in the country. On next year By decree of the government, the Central Fire Department was introduced into the structure of the NKVD, which has since exercised centralized management of fire services throughout the country.

Moscow conference and Leningrad technical school

For the purpose further development fire protection in 1923, an All-Russian fire conference, in which, in addition to delegations arriving from various cities of the country, guests from Belarus, Ukraine, Azerbaijan and Georgia also took part. It is important to note that at the conference special attention was paid to the issues of fire prevention and it was considered advisable for each fire department to have an appropriate specialist.

Next important step In the fight against fire, the Firefighting College, which opened in 1924 in Leningrad, became one of the most important in the fight against fire. Its graduates became the personnel basis, on which in subsequent years a national fire supervision system was formed, which later included Russia. This structure, new at that time, developed with the active assistance of the Komsomol and

The contribution of science and industry to firefighting

In the mid-twenties, the production of domestic fire fighting equipment received significant impetus. Along with numerous models of pumps, mechanical ladders and smoke exhausters, the first Soviet ones also appeared. By the end of 1927, their fleet across the country amounted to more than four hundred units. In the thirties, serious scientific developments, held within the walls of two specialized testing laboratories, in which graduates of the Faculty of Fire Service Engineers, created in the same years, worked.

Firefighters during the war

The history of the Russian fire service during the Great Patriotic War became one of the pages of the heroic epic of those years. Fire brigade fighters saved numerous residential and industrial facilities, which became the target of enemy bombing and artillery shelling. In Leningrad alone, more than two thousand people died during the siege. It is no coincidence that during the Victory Parade, fire departments marched along Red Square along with all combat units.

One of the problems of modern life

Experts state that in modern world There is an increase in the number of fires, and the socio-economic consequences of them are becoming more severe. Every year on globe about five million fires are registered, in which more than one hundred thousand people die, and material losses from them are measured in tens of millions of dollars. A serious disaster is natural fires- peat and forest, as well as those arising from emergency oil and gas developments.

All this forces specialists to expand the search for new means of fighting fire and improve existing ones. It should be noted that long-standing traditions have developed in this direction in Russia. It was in our country that foam fire extinguishing technology was used for the first time in the world, the best hydrant design in the world was developed, and the first portable fire extinguisher appeared.

Russian Firefighters Day

The modern fire service is a complex and multifunctional system, which is entrusted with the responsibility of extinguishing fires of varying complexity. As a rule, tactical tasks are performed by the duty guard, but in in some cases special units are involved, which includes the special fire brigade of Russia. IN in this case We are talking about localizing fires that threaten especially severe consequences(oil and gas rigs, nuclear facilities, weapons depots, etc.).

Russians treat those who protect their lives and property from the fire elements with respect and gratitude. In 1999, a government decree was signed, on the basis of which a holiday appeared - Russian Fire Protection Day, celebrated annually on April 30. This day was not chosen by chance - it was on April 30, 1649 that the above-mentioned “Order on City Decoration” appeared, which became the birthday of the Russian fire service.

Firefighting Day in Russia is celebrated on April 30. In 2019, the holiday takes place for the 21st time. Employees of fire-fighting services, students and teachers of universities of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia take part in the celebrations.

History of the holiday

On April 17, 1918, Lenin signed the decree “On the organization of measures to combat fire.” Since then, in the USSR this day has become “Fireman's Day”. In 1994, the holiday was named “Fire Protection Day”. Official status he acquired it in 1999, after the publication of Decree of the President of the Russian Federation B. Yeltsin No. 539 “On the establishment of Fire Protection Day.” The date of the holiday was April 30. On this day in 1649, Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich signed the “Order on the City Deanery.” The document provided for round-the-clock duty of fire patrols.

Holiday traditions

On this day, the fire service management awards distinguished employees certificates of honor, valuable gifts, badges and medals. Enters gratitude notes into personal files. Promotes in ranks and positions.

People lay wreaths at memorial plaques for firefighters killed in the line of duty.

Festive concerts are held in cultural institutions. On television and radio stations, the country's leaders and the Ministry of Emergency Situations congratulate fire service employees on their professional holiday; programs about hero firefighters and fire safety are broadcast.

  • In Russia, the first fire truck was built in 1904 at the St. Petersburg factory "Frese and Co." It accommodated 10 people. He was driving at a speed of 15 km/h.
  • The firefighter must gather and be ready to leave within 1 minute.
  • Firefighters wish their colleagues “dry hoses!” If the sleeves are dry, then there are no fires.
  • A standard fire truck with tank holds 2,350 liters of water.
  • In the American city of Centralia, Pennsylvania, an underground part has been burning since 1962. The Darvaza gas crater has been burning in Turkmenistan since 1971.
  • In 1776, 16-year-old Frenchman Jean Baptiste Muron was sentenced to 100 years and 1 day for a series of arson attacks. He served his sentence and left prison in 1876, at 116 years old.
  • The “herbaceous white ash” flower is capable of spontaneous combustion in the heat due to the fact that it contains essential oils in the leaves.


    We sincerely congratulate you on Firefighter Day,
    We wish you strength, victories and success in your work.
    May the fire be quiet and kind to you,
    May luck accompany you every hour.
    We wish you a wonderful destiny,
    Not knowing the sorrows and misfortunes in life.

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