Air Defense Forces Day. Ground Forces Air Defense Day

On December 26, the Air Defense Forces of the Ground Forces celebrate the anniversary of their formation. The beginning of the formation of military air defense units was the order of the Chief of Staff of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief dated December 13 (26), 1915 No. 368, which announced the formation of separate four-gun light batteries for firing at the air fleet. According to the order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated February 9, 2007 No. 50, the date of creation of military air defense is considered to be December 26.

Military air defense formations are designed to cover troop groups and military logistics facilities, important state infrastructure facilities located in the area of ​​responsibility of the combined arms commander. In the context of the rapid development of aerospace attack means of the armies of foreign states, formations, military units and air defense units have become an integral part of combined arms formations from the tactical to the operational-strategic level.

In the modern Armed Forces there are more than 90 formations, military units and air defense units. As the practical actions of the troops at the training grounds have shown, the level of training of soldiers and officers has increased significantly, especially in practical terms.

The basis of the military air defense weapon system is anti-aircraft missile systems and complexes (ZRS and SAM) "S-300V3", "Buk-M2", "Tor-M1", "Osa-AKM", "Tunguska-M1", MANPADS "Igla" . The main means of automated control are the Polyana-D4M1 automation equipment complex (CAS), designed to equip command posts of military districts, armies, anti-aircraft missile brigades in mobile and stationary versions, as well as a single CSA "Barnaul-T" - to equip units Air defense of individual motorized rifle (tank) brigades.

Reconnaissance means include mobile radar stations (radars) of the standby mode "Sky-SV", "Sky-SVU" and combat mode "Ginger", "Obzor", "Dome", as well as portable radars "Garmon". Currently, research and development work is being carried out to create a new generation of air defense weapons. The basic areas of the technological basis of such work are microelectronics, computer science and robotics.

The modernization of the S-300V air defense system made it possible to increase the range of destruction of aerodynamic air targets to 400 km, the areas covered from attacks by operational-tactical and tactical missiles (OTR and TR) by 3-4 times, and the destruction of OTR and medium-range ballistic missiles with a launch range of up to 3500 km.

The Air Defense Forces of the Air Force will soon receive a modified Buk-M2 complex, which, while maintaining the same number of combat weapons, will increase the number of simultaneously fired air targets for a division from 6 to 24, the area of ​​​​covered objects and troops - by 2.5 times, the possibility of hitting TR with launch range up to 150-200 km. Work is nearing completion on the creation of a new medium-range air defense system, which will be many times greater than its predecessor in terms of destruction range, number of simultaneously hit targets and destruction speed.

In 2011, the Air Defense Forces received a new modification of the Tor-M2U air defense system, which today is the only one in the world in terms of simultaneous firing of four air targets by one combat vehicle. Compared to the previous modification, it has 1.5 times increased parameters of the affected area in height, speed and heading parameter.

In the interests of developing the command and control system, work is underway to create new unified command and control systems at various levels of command and control of troops and weapons. At the tactical level, the brigade is being planned to equip it with sets of control equipment from the Barnaul-T KSA, which in terms of its main characteristics corresponds to, and in terms of maneuverability, security, interchangeability of control equipment, and the time it takes to set a mission, it exceeds its foreign counterparts. The time it takes for commands (information) to pass from the air defense chief of a brigade to an air defense missile system (SAM) combat vehicle is no more than 1 second.

On July 8, specialists of the Anti-Aircraft Missile Forces (ZRV) celebrate their professional holiday.

In 1960, the Air Defense Department of the Main Command of the Air Defense Forces () of the country was formed.

The anti-aircraft missile forces are the successor to anti-aircraft artillery, which originated at the beginning of the 20th century and developed as a means of combating air targets. In the late 40s and early 50s, along with the massive emergence of jet aircraft, the active development of anti-aircraft missiles began. Such samples include the S-25 Berkut multi-channel stationary anti-aircraft missile system, which stood guard over the skies of Moscow for 30 years. And the subsequent development of the S-75 medium-range, short-range S-125 and long-range S-200 anti-aircraft missile systems. It was these complexes and systems that became the basis of the air defense of the Soviet Union and many foreign countries for many years.

At the moment, anti-aircraft missile forces are a branch of the Air Force. They regularly consist of anti-aircraft missile regiments that are part of the air defense formations of four military districts. The S-400 Triumph and S-300 Favorit anti-aircraft missile systems of various modifications and Pantsir-S anti-aircraft missile and gun systems are in service, constituting the main firepower in the air defense system and intended to protect the most important government and industrial facilities , as well as troop groups.

In the near future, air defense units, in addition to the S-400 system, will begin to receive S-350 Vityaz anti-aircraft missile systems, characterized by great maneuverability and survivability, which will be armed with a new fleet, with a homing head, superior in characteristics to missiles of the previous generation systems.

Every year, tactical live-fire exercises are conducted with units of the anti-aircraft missile forces at training grounds in the Astrakhan region and the Republic of Buryatia, within the framework of which the crews perform combat missions against targets simulating the flights of aerodynamic and ballistic targets. In addition to live-fire exercises, air defense units participate in joint training and exercises with aviation; the flight crews of fighters, bombers and combat helicopters simulate a mock enemy air raid, perform anti-missile maneuvers and flights at extremely low altitudes, and air defense crews perform simulated (electronic) missile launches against air targets.

Since 2014, the Air Defense Forces have been holding the “Keys to the Sky” competition. In 2015, crews of all anti-aircraft missile systems and complexes currently in service took part in the competition for the first time, including the S-300PS, S-300PM1, S-400 and Pantsir-S air defense systems. In addition to teams from military districts, air defense crews of the Aerospace Defense and Navy took part in the competition. Next year the competition is planned to be held with the participation of foreign teams.

Our great country has many reasons to be proud, one of which is our air defense forces. It is thanks to these defenders of the Fatherland that Russians can live, love, and grow up in peace, without fear of a threat from the air.

However, people are so accustomed to the impeccable work of air defense soldiers that they have ceased to appreciate the security provided and the hard work of the defenders, taking it for granted. Therefore, the Russian government decided to introduce a good and important holiday - Air Defense Forces Day, which is celebrated annually on the second Sunday of April. Air Defense Day in 2017 falls on April 9th.

History of the Air Defense Forces and the holiday “Air Defense Day”

In the modern world, military conflicts usually cannot be accomplished without the participation of aviation. The use of air forces provides a number of advantages when compared with other means. With the help of aviation, reconnaissance is carried out, supplies, weapons, manpower are dropped, and precision strikes are carried out, if necessary. Counteracting enemy aircraft is carried out by special units. The holiday is dedicated to them.

The history of air defense forces dates back to the dawn of the 20th century, during the First World War. With the advent of airships and balloons used for military purposes, the need for an opposing force arose.

In order to protect their troops from the destructive actions of the enemy from above, our military began to use portable rapid-fire cannons and machine guns, with the help of which they shot down enemy aircraft as they approached the location of the military unit.

In 1914, the first battery of cannons was created, which performed the tasks of monitoring and eliminating enemy aircraft. A year later, the first anti-aircraft guns appeared, and with the help of airships and balloons, a full-fledged aerial surveillance system was created.

The real “baptism of fire” of the air defense forces was the Second World War. The rapid development of aviation completely destroyed the security of the rear areas - the forces of tank units and infantry could not restrain air raids. To ensure the security of the rear, special military units were allocated, whose task was to protect and preserve the “purity of the sky.”

Over time, from a rather simple security system, air defense has turned into a high-tech segment of the Russian defense forces.

On February 20, 1975, the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR “On the establishment of the annual holiday “Day of the Country’s Air Defense Forces” was adopted. The celebration was sure to draw public attention to the underestimated merits of the units of these troops, as well as the invaluable contribution of these “knights of the sky” to the defense of the Motherland both in war and in peacetime.

Already in 2006, the commander-in-chief of our country, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, signed a document adding the holiday in honor of the guardians of peace and security from the sky to the list of memorable days and professional holidays in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

The date for celebrating Air Defense Day was not chosen by chance and is symbolic in nature. Just in mid-April, the most important resolutions related to the organization and establishment of an air defense system, as well as the creation of such troops, took place.

Initially, this significant day was celebrated on April 11, but in 1980 the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR decided to move the date of celebration to the second Sunday of April each year.

Traditions of Air Defense Day

A custom formed over the years brings together veterans, officers and cadets at festive tables. Toasts are made in honor of colleagues, congratulations and wishes for peace and health are heard. The military show each other albums with memorable photographs, tell interesting stories from everyday work, share experiences and plans for the future.

Of course, the celebration continues with family, loved ones, friends and comrades. Both at home and at work, department employees receive gifts. These can be souvenirs or useful thematic gifts: from atlases to books about the history of military units. Under the leadership of the command, a solemn ceremony is held to award distinguished employees with orders, medals, and certificates of honor. Thank you notes are also included in personal files.

The best employees of a law enforcement agency are promoted to positions and ranks for outstanding achievements in the professional field. Air Defense Day is also marked by a certain ritual of the so-called “washing” of new stars appearing on shoulder straps. This interesting tradition involves dipping new insignia into a vessel of alcohol, which must be drained.

Air Defense Forces Day is a relatively young holiday. For the merits of the air defense troops during the Great Patriotic War, as well as for performing tasks of special importance in peacetime, by decree of the USSR Armed Forces of February 20, 1975, a new state holiday was established in the country - Air Defense Forces Day, which was celebrated on April 11. In 1980, the holiday was moved to the second Sunday in April. In Russia, the date of celebration has remained unchanged. In 2014, Air Defense Forces Day fell on April 13.

The establishment of a holiday date in April is not accidental and is due to the fact that it was in this month that the most important government decrees on the organization of air defense were adopted, which became the basis for the construction of the domestic air defense system, the organizational structure of air defense, their formation and further modernization and development. At the same time, the history of air defense, as a special type of armed support for troops in defense of the country, goes back more than one decade.

In Russia, the first air defense units appeared at the beginning of the First World War in December 1914. They were designed to fight German and Austrian aircraft. It was then that the first anti-aircraft artillery appeared in the Russian army. At the same time, special aviation detachments began to be created to cover the largest cities of the country, searchlights and barrage balloons began to be used, and a special air surveillance and warning service was organized.

The Great Patriotic War became a real test and a full-fledged baptism of fire for the country's air defense troops. The air battles that unfolded in the skies over Moscow, Leningrad, and the Kursk Bulge deserve special mention; in them, German aviation suffered heavy losses, including from Soviet anti-aircraft artillery fire. In total, during the war years, the air defense forces of the Soviet Union shot down about 7.5 thousand enemy aircraft, destroyed more than 1 thousand tanks and more than 1.5 thousand enemy guns. At the same time, the air defense forces managed to protect many cities, enterprises, bridges, railway communications and other important infrastructure from destruction.

In the post-war years, the development of air defense forces in our country did not stop. The troops were constantly equipped with new anti-aircraft artillery, new anti-aircraft missile systems, fighter aircraft, and the radio engineering troops received new, modern equipment. In the 1950s, anti-aircraft missile troops (ZRV) and radio technical troops (RTV) were distinguished as branches of the air defense forces. In 1977, the formation of anti-missile and anti-space defense troops was completed in the USSR (since 1992 they were called the Missile and Space Defense Troops).

Today, air defense troops exist within the structure of the Russian Ground Forces and the Air Force. Air defense forces (air defense forces) are a branch of the air defense forces, which are designed to cover objects and troops from the actions of enemy air attacks when combined arms formations conduct operations (combat operations), perform regroupings (marches) and are positioned on the spot. The air defense troops are assigned the following main tasks: carrying out combat duty in air defense; conducting reconnaissance of enemy air and timely warning of troops; defeating enemy air attack weapons in flight; participation in the implementation of theater missile defense. Anti-aircraft missile forces (ZRV) are a branch of the Russian Air Force that is armed with air defense systems and air defense systems, which constitute the main firepower in the air defense system. They are designed to protect control points (CPs) of the highest echelons of military and government administration, groupings of troops (forces), the most important economic and industrial facilities from attacks from enemy air and space attacks from air attacks.

For the period until 2020, the main directions for the development of military air defense are the consistent increase in the number of units of constant combat readiness and their equipping with the most modern anti-aircraft missile systems and systems (air defense systems and air defense systems). First of all, we are talking about the S-300V4 air defense system, the Tor-M2 and Buk-M3 air defense systems, as well as the latest MANPADS. All of these systems differ from their illustrious predecessors in their multi-channel nature and high degree of noise immunity. The main direction of development of the anti-aircraft missile forces of the Russian Air Force is the improvement of air defense groups and increasing their capabilities through the adoption of modern medium-range and long-range air defense systems S-400, long-range S-500, as well as the short-range air defense system Pantsir-S ( SM)" and the modernization of existing S-300PM medium-range air defense systems to the S-300PM2 level.

In Russia, the training of highly professional personnel for air defense units is carried out by the Military Academy of the East Kazakhstan region named after. Marshal of the Soviet Union G.K. Zhukov (Tver), as well as the Military Space Academy named after. Mozhaisky (St. Petersburg) and its affiliated branch of the Military Space Academy named after. A. F. Mozhaisky (Yaroslavl), Training Center for Anti-Aircraft Missile Forces (Gatchina), Center for Training Specialists of Radio Engineering Troops (Vladimir).

Currently, the Russian air defense system rightfully deserves the title of one of the best in the world. This was announced on the eve of the Air Defense Forces Day by Major General Andrei Demin, who is the commander of the air defense and missile defense command of the Russian Aerospace Defense Forces (ASD). Modern Russian S-300 and S-400 air defense systems, as well as the Pantsir-S1 anti-aircraft missile and gun system (ZRPK), are capable of destroying any air target, including the ability to hit ballistic missile warheads of a potential enemy.

Military aviation is a large part of the army that participates in modern conflicts, protects countries from the penetration of outsiders, and ensures a safe life for citizens. Aviation today has equipment that allows it to carry out reconnaissance, deliver precise strikes against enemies, use paratroopers, etc. Special units that are ready to take to the air at any time to protect the state and its borders also have strong support from air defense . The importance of these troops is so great that they have their own holiday. It has a flexible date - Air Defense Forces Day is celebrated on the second Sunday in April. Next time this date falls on the eighth.

history of the holiday

The history of air defense, as a special type of armed support in the defense of the state, goes back several decades. In December 1914, the first units equipped with machine guns and light cannons appeared to fight German and Austrian airplanes.

This holiday began in Soviet times, in 1975. Then in February a decree was issued that regulated the activities of air defense troops. For many years, representatives of this unit were not honored at the state level - it was more of a tradition. But in 2006 the situation changed.

By order of the head of state, the celebration became official. A specific day was appointed - April was chosen for the reason that in this month many changes were adopted in laws that strengthened the position of the air defense troops. This day is celebrated by both active participants in the system and those people who have not been involved in it for a long time - a lot of attention is paid to veterans.

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