Child benefit after 14 years. How to apply for child benefit for a child at the MFC


Svetlana YurievnaAGAPITOVA

Monthly allowance for a child up to 1.5 years old (for the purchase of children's goods and baby food products).

Monthly payment in connection with the birth of the 1st or 2nd child

Monthly financial payment for subsequent children and the 3rd from birth to three years.

Child benefits (state support) at the end of three years in 2018

This type of financial assistance is paid in addition to the pension.

Parents of a disabled minor also have the right to purchase national financial assistance.

  1. The payment is created by the Pension Fund.
  2. Families where a third child has appeared, and their income for each participant does not exceed the minimum income.
  3. Single mothers who have been laid off from work or who are not currently employed.

Trustees or guardians of a child under 14 years of age who are not employed or earn less than the regional minimum income level.

Fundamentally important! To receive benefits (state support) to one of your parents, who is registered with the child at the same address, to the territorial division of Social Protection.

Benefits (state support) for a child after three years After reaching this age, in order to receive a payment (subsidy) until the age of 18, you must provide a certificate stating that you are studying specifically

At school. This payment is intended to help the poor

and certain categories of families. Based on this, it is assigned when providing aggregate information on the income of all family members for a specified period, the amount of which per each household member should not exceed the regional subsistence level for the previous quarter. Disabled people, people with many children, single mothers and other certain categories of citizens will be able to apply for these compensations regardless of the financial security of the family upon presentation of documents confirming their right to them.

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payments (subsidies) and the appointment procedure remain the same as for the benefits described above (state support) up to 14 (16) years. In addition, its size is established for each subject of the Russian Federation by separate regional laws. It is assigned depending on material prosperity and need of families.

How to receive child benefits under 18 years of age and how much they pay for it

In addition, compensation payments for children under 18 years of age are provided if the family has many children. Then the payment is provided for the 2nd child, the 3rd and even further, in other words, for everyone who receives an education at school.

  • From 1.5 to 7 years – 750 rubles;
  • From 7 to 16 or 18 years old – 700 rubles;
  • For a disabled child living with his parents – 6 thousand rubles;
  • For a child raised by a single mother – 6 thousand rubles;
  • For a child whose parents are disabled (or one of them) - not less than 6 thousand rubles.
  • Firstly, it is worth noting that social security authorities will be able to transfer money to a bank card only if the applicant (much more often the mother) indicates in the application such a method of receiving money.

    How to receive a monthly allowance for a child under 14 years of age: overview of types of benefits

    Attention! The benefits themselves (state support) and the amount may vary significantly depending on the region. But the exact calculation of the payment (subsidy) will depend on the minimum wage in the region and on the level of family income. You can find information about the birth certificate in 2018, how to apply for it and why it is needed here.

    • Residence in the region (registration);
    • Age appropriate;
    • Having a low family income;

    If a family expects to receive benefits (state support) with low-income status, they will need to bring a certificate in form 2-NDFL or provide another document that can confirm their low level of income. Accordingly, large families will need to provide all birth certificates to confirm their own status.

    Child benefit after 3 years

    Different cities in Russia have their own conditions for applying for benefits (state support). Other papers may also be required. Check with the social service for more detailed information.

    Child benefit under 16 years of age provided to one of their parents or guardian. Registration is carried out for each child separately. In various cities, towns of our country and for various categories of families, the amount of benefits for children up to 16 years old is different and fluctuates depending on the circumstances of the payment (subsidy). In Moscow, the level of payments for the care of an adopted child is 22000 rub., and for adoptive parents of a cripple this figure reaches 27500 rub..

    The mother has the right to receive allowance for a child under 18 years of age. Along with this, the main condition for receiving these payments is the poor financial situation of the family. The decision on payment of funds is made within 10 days. Only one parent hopes for compensation.

    Monthly allowance for a school-age child

    1. Death, recognition as dead or missing of the recipient from the 1st day of the month following the month in which the relevant events occurred.
    2. The recipient loses the right to receive benefits (state support), from the 1st day of the month following the month in which the relevant events occurred.
    3. If, within six months from the date of suspension of payments, the right to receive them has not been confirmed from the date of suspension of the provision of these measures.
    4. If the administration of the district of St. Petersburg establishes the unreliability of the information provided by the recipient or the untimely notification of the transformation of the specified information from the 1st day of the month following the month in which the relevant events occurred.

    The benefit is assigned from the day the child turns 7 years old to the month the child turns 16 years old or until the month of graduation from an educational institution implementing educational programs of primary non-specialized, basic non-specialized, secondary (complete) non-specialized education, but not older than 18 years, subject to application before the child reaches the age of 18 years with annual confirmation of the right to the date the child reaches the next full year.

    1. For citizens without a fixed place of residence - from the 1st day of the month following the month in which the deadline for registration in St. Petersburg of the State Public Institution “Registration Center” expired.
    2. From the month following the month of loss of the right to receive benefits (state support).

    Child benefits (state support) in St. Petersburg

    National payments (subsidies) for children provided to families throughout the Russian Federation according to the law of May 19, 1995 No. 81-FZ “On national benefits (state support) for citizens with children”, from February 1, 2018 there were indexed by 2.5% when compared with the amounts established for 2017 (Government Order No. 74 dated January 26, 2018).

    An additional measure of social support is assigned to families after the birth every child, or upon completion of the adoption of children aged up to 6 months. She is called governor's allowance, upon registration of which a social card “Children’s” of the Bank “Petersburg” is issued.

    • The payment is assigned one per family.
    • At least one of your parents must not be more than 30 years old.
    • The child must be a citizen of the Russian Federation.

    Amount and Types of child benefits in St. Petersburg in 2018

    Regional assistance turns out to be in accordance with the requirements of the Social Code of St. Petersburg (law No. 728-132) (then SK), adopted by the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg in November 2011.

    Let's take a closer look at the composition child benefits in St. Petersburg, how to ask for help in 2018.

    The cost of living per person was 10,791 rubles. For the working category of citizens, this amount is slightly higher - 11,869 rubles. A pensioner can live on 8,613 rubles, and a child can live on 10,400 rubles.

    Monthly child benefit: registration procedure and necessary documents

    One of his parents (or father or mother) has the right to purchase benefits (state support) for each child born, taken into custody and adopted living together with them, until the child reaches the age of sixteen.

    • Applicants must live in a region included in the list of subjects with low birth rates in the country;
    • The child for whom it is planned to receive benefits must be born in the first year of 2013;
    • The family must have low-income status, in other words, the average income for each family member should not exceed the subsistence level of the region of residence.

    Financial assistance is one of the areas of ongoing activities. This is the payment of a monthly child benefit (state support).

    Child benefit

    An additional one-time payment in this category amounts to 543 rubles. 67 kopecks. Officially unemployed women and private entrepreneurs purchase this subsidized assistance as a necessary social insurance. For working women, the amount is paid by the employer, and for full-time students and contract military personnel, payments (subsidies) are made in the form of state social insurance. The condition for receiving a subsidy is a certificate of registration with a pregnancy of no more than 12 obstetric weeks.

    An additional fixed financial payment is also provided for the wives of conscripts (conscripts). At the end of one hundred and eighty days of pregnancy, they have the right to receive 22 thousand 958 rubles from the country. 78 kop. Registration of payment (subsidy) of funds is permissible only if confirmation is provided that the pregnant woman is registered and her husband, a conscript, is at work.

    • Bearing, giving birth to children (maternity);
    • Maternal capital;
    • Adoption or guardianship of a child;
    • Birth of a baby.

    Website about raising children

    1.Monthly social payments (subsidies) to student families

    2nd and subsequent children - 1318 rubles (2017)/ RUB 1,392 (2018)

    • Certificate from employment authorities about non-registration of unemployment benefits (state support).
    • Work book with a record of dismissal due to the liquidation of the company.

    Child benefit up to 18 years of age is a type of financial assistance to families whose monthly income is lower than the subsistence level.

    How to apply for child benefit under 18 years of age, what is its amount in 2019 and who can count on such help?

    Mandatory conditions for applying for and receiving child benefits under 18 years of age: the child’s parents must be citizens of the Russian Federation.

    The total family income, divided by the number of people in the family, should not exceed the subsistence level.

    Such financial assistance for a child is no longer paid if:

    The amount of financial assistance for children under 18 years of age is constantly changing and indexed.

    According to Government Decree No. 74 of January 26, 2018, the amount of child benefits increased by 2.5% according to the indexation coefficient of 1.025. The law came into force in February 2019.

    However, this law does not apply to social payments to children under 18 years of age, since this financial assistance is established by regional and not national laws.

    If we talk about the average size of payments, their value is as follows:

    How to apply for child benefit under 18 years of age?

    The process of applying for this type of assistance consists of going through three stages:

    1. Submission of documents to the required authority.
    2. Waiting for a positive decision on the payment of benefits.

    Let's look at each stage in more detail.

    What documents are needed to apply for child benefits under 18 years of age?

    Let’s make a reservation right away: since the issue of this type of financial assistance is decided at the regional level, you can find out what complete package of documents you need to collect at your place of residence.

    However, the standard package of documents includes:

    Different situations require different certificates, for example:

    When all the documents have been collected, you need to send them to the social security office at the place of registration of the parents.

    This can be done in several ways:

    Within 10 days from the date of receipt of the documents, social protection authorities must make a decision on the assignment of child benefits up to 18 years of age.

    If for some reason the applicant is refused, then this refusal must be in writing.

    Firstly, it is worth noting that social security authorities can transfer money to a bank card only if the applicant (most often the mother) indicates in the application this method of receiving money.

    Secondly, monthly child benefits in Russia are paid until the 26th of the current month (according to the Ministry of Social Policy).

    At the same time, many mothers are indignant, saying that before the money came on the 7th, 10th, 15th, but now they began to transfer it with a delay. But the law “On State Assistance to Families with Children” does not indicate a specific date when the recipient can withdraw children’s money.

    Benefits up to 18 years of age, unlike pensions, can be paid within a month. In this case, as a rule, the money arrives on the recipient’s bank card usually before the 10th.

    Monthly child benefit can be paid until the child is 16 years old (if the child is in school) or until the child is 18 years old (if the child continues his education). In this case, such assistance is paid only to one of the parents.

    In this case, benefits up to 18 years of age are paid if the income per family member is below the established minimum subsistence level in each region.

    Child benefits up to 18 years of age are regional payments, so their amount is different in each region. Payments are formed taking into account city budgets. Payments are made by the Social Security Service.

    Payment of child benefits up to 18 years of age must be made monthly. If the responsible authority does not transfer the money on time, then the recipient of the funds has every right to contact the social security authorities with a written request to receive compensation for the delayed funds.

    Parents who have the right to receive regional child support for a child before he reaches the age of 18 should know how the amount of the benefit is calculated.

    So, when calculating child benefits, the following calculation algorithm is used:

    1. The average income per family member is calculated.
    2. The minimum subsistence level is calculated from the minimum family income (income).
    3. The amount obtained by subtraction will be the amount of the due child benefit up to 18 years of age.

    If we talk about a child benefit up to 18 years of age assigned to a disabled child, then in this case the amount of assistance is fixed. Its value is established at the level of regional legislation.

    Until a disabled child reaches the age of 18, one of the parents can apply for benefits.

    To do this, he must provide the following documents:

    • certificate of disability (MSEC);
    • conclusion of a medical and pedagogical examination that a disabled child cannot study at school due to illness.

    The amount of the benefit in this case can be increased to several thousand rubles.

    Also, compensation payments for children under 18 years of age are provided if the family has many children.. Then the payment is provided for the second child, the third, and so on, that is, for everyone who studies at school.

    The assistance is paid once. This does not take into account family income.

    The amount of compensation payment for children from large families until 2019 was 4058 rubles, and from 09/01/2018 – 4285 rubles.

    A monthly compensation payment is also provided for mothers who are on maternity leave for up to 3 years of age. The size of this payment is 50 rubles.

    This type of social assistance is provided to all categories of families, even if the child’s parents are not employed or are full-time students.

    The easiest way to apply for benefits for a child under 1.5 years old is through the MFC or by visiting the social welfare department in person.

    To apply for this type of social assistance for non-working parents or those who are studying, you need to provide the following documents:

    • handwritten statement;
    • certificate of family composition. Usually it is issued on the spot;
    • child's birth certificate;
    • certificate of family income for the last 3 months;
    • originals and copies of parents' passports.

    When assigning child benefits to a single mother, the following factors are taken into account:

    • whether the woman is employed or not;
    • how many children does she have;
    • what is the average family income per person.

    In fact, the status of a single mother does not in any way affect the amount of child benefits under 18 years of age. A single parent will receive as much money as a whole family (low-income) receives.

    Therefore, there is no point in filing documents for single mother status in order to receive child benefits until the age of 18.

    The amount of assistance to single mothers raising minor children is established by regional legislation. Payments must be made at least once a quarter.

    The Russian government strongly supports low-income, large families, so many parents receive child benefits for their children until they reach the age of 18.

    This benefit is regional, that is, the amount of financial assistance is determined at the regional level.

    In general, assistance is provided until the age of 16, but it can be increased by another 2 years if the child continues to study.

    Citizens with children aged over 3 years old, at the federal level there is only one child benefit per child and a number of regional payments. The procedure for their appointment, size, conditions for receiving and frequency of due transfers are established by the regulatory documents of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

    At school. to support the poor and certain categories of families. Therefore, it is assigned when providing aggregate information on the income of all family members for a specified period, the amount of which per each household member should not exceed the regional subsistence level for the previous quarter. Disabled people, people with many children, single mothers and other certain categories of citizens can apply for these compensations regardless of the financial security of the family upon presentation of documents confirming their right to them.

    All these payments are processed at the district department of social protection of the population (OSZN) at the place of registration of the applicant or at the territorial Multifunctional Center (MFC) if they accept documents in this district.

    The procedure for assignment and payment remains the same as for the benefit described above up to 14 (16) years of age. Its size is also established for each subject of the Russian Federation by separate regional laws. It is assigned depending on need and material security of families.

    A prerequisite is the provision certificates from school about the child’s studies in the current academic year, indicating the number of the order to transfer him to this class.

    1. If this year the package of documents has already been updated, but due to the student reaching the age of 16, transfers have stopped, then the recipient must provide the OSZN (or MFC) specialist with a certificate of the child’s studies at school.
    2. If parents have applied for a payment for a high school student (from 16 to 18 years old), but basic information has not been provided for more than a year (or have applied for these funds for the first time), then they must provide a complete set of documents, additionally attaching a certificate for this student.

    Deadline for receiving payment depends on the period of education of the child and his age:

    1. If he graduated from school before adulthood, then the payment is due only until the end of his studies;
    2. If he has moved to the next grade before the age of 18, he must provide a certificate of study in the new academic year;
    3. If the certificate was provided from the current class after the 16th birthday, and the income information provided last year has expired, then you need to update the package of documents, but it is not necessary to resubmit the certificate for the same class.
    4. Payment is suspended until adulthood if the student is recognized as fully capable or if he gets married;
    5. If he turns 18 during the training period, the benefit ends.

    You can apply for payment after your child reaches adulthood or graduates from school within six months. In this case, the additional payment will be no more than 6 monthly benefits.

    Today, payments for the maintenance of children over 3 years of age are one of the options for state financial assistance to families with low incomes. They are also available to those who are raising a child with a recognized disability category. Single mothers and parents with many children also have the right to count on such support. In the article we will tell you what monthly child benefits are after three years in 2019, and we will consider the payment procedure.

    Despite the fact that payments for children over three years of age are established at the federal level, funds for making payments to families come from the regional budget, and therefore the rules for receiving cash benefits and their amount are approved by local authorities. At the federal level, only one payment is provided for a child over three years old; a number of other charges are determined by regional regulations.

    Peculiarities of granting benefits to children over 3 years of age

    As of the current 2017, the law began to allow local authorities to transfer amounts of federal benefits once every 3 months (quarterly), guided by the targeted principle and income level when assigning payments. First of all, those who need them the most will receive funds.

    Innovations regarding benefits for children over 3 years of age

    In some regions of Russia, additional restrictions have been introduced that affect the ability to receive benefits. An example is the city of Nizhny Novgorod, where local authorities have established a rule according to which parents of minors over three years old can hope for financial assistance only if the income of each family member is below half the amount of the current minimum wage (7,800 rubles).

    To calculate the average level of earnings of family members, you need to take the entire amount of the family monthly budget as a whole and divide it by the number of family members.

    If the result meets the requirements of regional authorities, the child’s parents can submit an application and a set of documents for the assignment of benefits to them.

    General procedure for assigning benefits to children over 3 years of age

    Payments for minors after they reach three years of age are a measure of financial support for families with fairly low earnings. They are also available to the mother and father of a child with disabilities, single mothers and mothers of many children.

    Funds for these needs come from regional budgets, and therefore the rules for applying for funds and the amount of deductions should be clarified with the regional social protection authorities at the place of registration of a family with children. Read also the article: → "".

    • Who is entitled to benefits for a child over three years of age?
    • to a mother and father with many children, if the average per capita income of the family is less than the current regional minimum wage,
    • single mothers without an official place of work or who have lost their place due to staff reductions,
    • guardians and trustees who are unemployed or earn less than the regional minimum wage,

    families with a disabled child.

    Payments for a child under 14 years of age

    A family in need of state support and raising children under fourteen years of age has the right to apply for financial assistance for each minor. Any parent can write an application for transfer of funds, the main thing is that he is registered in the same living space as the child.

    If you take care of re-issuing the benefit every year, you can receive it until the minor turns sixteen. And the fact of receiving an education or the type of educational institution, be it a university, academy, institute or lyceum, does not matter.

    If the child continues to study at a school institution, but he has already turned sixteen, the payment will continue until he comes of age.

    There is a special benefit for a minor who has not yet turned sixteen, assigned to unemployed single mothers. These include women who have a child 300 days after divorcing their spouse or out of wedlock. The payment amount varies from 500 to 1000 rubles and can be accrued either until the minor dependent turns 16 years old, or until the end of his education, if he is receiving education somewhere.

    When a minor reaches the age of 16, the benefit stops being credited to the account of his parents, however, payments can be extended if there is a reason for the child to continue studying at school.

    Then you can receive benefits for another 2 years until the child becomes an adult.

    The procedure for processing payments and the place to apply for their assignment is no different from the procedures for receiving funds before the age of fourteen and sixteen. Funds will be allocated to families, especially those in need of additional material support. Read also the article: → "".

    Payments for a disabled child

    A family raising a child with a disability can also apply for government support. And since the funds are allocated from the budget of the Russian Pension Fund, this benefit can be called a type of social pension. Payment of benefits is assigned only after the provision of an opinion by a special medical commission establishing the existence of grounds for recognizing the child as disabled.

    • Conditions for recognizing a minor as disabled:
    • unsatisfactory state of health - illnesses, injuries,
    • inability to move independently, learn, communicate, partial/complete loss of ability to care for oneself,

    rehabilitation period after an illness.

    Funds can be approved for payment only to unemployed parents and guardians who are dependent on a child with the first group of disabilities. The condition is to undergo a regular medical examination every 3 years in order to confirm the category of disability, otherwise the right to benefits is lost.

    If the baby’s mother has an official place of work, she will also not be left without support, only now she will be entitled to benefits established by the Labor Code. Parents of a disabled child can apply for a benefit to pay for utility services in the amount of half the cost. They also have access to discounts on travel on public transport, health resort events and medical care.

    Amount of benefits for a child over 3 years old

    The amount of child benefit for a child who has reached the age of 3 can vary from 500 to 1300 rubles, depending on the city of residence of the family. To support a disabled child, an allowance of 1,200 rubles is paid in addition to the disability pension equal to 11,445 rubles 68 kopecks.

    Monthly benefit for a child over 3 years old in Moscow and St. Petersburg

    In Moscow, the processing time for an application for payment of child benefits does not exceed 10 days. Funds must be transferred to a bank account belonging to the applicant. Amounts of benefits for children over 3 years old in Moscow:

    Single mother For a disabled child Large family To guardians
    750 rubles as compensation for rising cost of living 600 rubles as compensation for increased living costs 600 rubles (3-4 children in a family), 750 rubles (more than 5 children) – reimbursement of expenses associated with the rise in cost of living 12,000 rubles for each child
    300 rubles if earnings are above the subsistence level 6,000 rubles to an unemployed parent or some other parents 522 rubles (3-4 children), 1044 rubles (more than 5 children) – for housing and communal services 928 rubles for housing and communal services

    Amounts of benefits for children over 3 years old in St. Petersburg:

    Single mother For a disabled child Large family To guardians
    Various compensations and benefits 848 rubles (1.5 – 7 years) 1224 rubles (1.5 – 7 years) 7583 rubles
    787 rubles (up to 16 years or until graduation) 1137 rubles (up to 16 years or until graduation)
    5778 rubles (up to 18 years old) 2624 rubles (retired mother with 5 or more children)
    13,019 rubles (for a child with a disability who has special care needs)

    In St. Petersburg, the money will be transferred to a special children's card, designed specifically for the accrual of social benefits.

    How to apply for payments for a child over 3 years old

    The registration of benefits for children over 3 years old takes place at the regional office of the Social Security Administration in the city of registration of the family raising the child for whom the payment is assigned. Multifunctional Centers have been established in some cities - you can also contact them to provide this service.

    In some constituent entities of the Russian Federation, it is possible to apply for payments remotely, through the official website of the State Services, where there is an electronic appointment with a specialist and the receipt of documents and application forms online in scanned form.

    Information about the family and child must be confirmed every year so that the accrual of payments does not stop. If the parents have not contacted the authorized bodies for 12 months, the amount of the additional payment at the next re-registration will not exceed the amount of the benefit for 6 months.

    Deadlines for receiving benefits

    Usually, it takes social security authorities no more than 10 days from the date of the applicant’s application to review documents and applications. In some cases, the period for assigning payments depends on the duration of the minor’s education and his age:

    1. If schooling has ended and the child is not yet 18 years old, the benefit cannot be reissued.
    2. If the 18th birthday is still ahead, and the student has moved to the next grade, a corresponding certificate is provided.
    3. If the certificate of education was presented after the sixteenth birthday, and the certificate of family income has expired, you will have to update the set of papers and write the application again.
    4. The benefit is not paid when the child is emancipated before he turns 18 years old in court, upon concluding an employment contract, or upon marriage.
    5. If the child remains in school until he reaches adulthood, payments will still stop.

    Necessary documents for registration

    To apply for a cash benefit for a child before he turns 14 years old, you need to provide the following set of papers to the USZN employee:

    1. Birth certificate of a child under 14 years of age.
    2. A certificate of marriage by the child’s parents or a certificate of divorce, if any. A certificate of paternity is also suitable.
    3. Certificate of family composition proving that the parents or one of them lives with the child.
    4. Certificates of total family income for the period for which the document is required in each individual region.
    5. If the mother or father (or both parents at once) does not have an official place of work, the following is added to the list of documents:
    • work books,
    • diplomas or certificates of education (for women who have never worked),
    • military ID (for men who have never worked),
    • a certificate stating that the applicant was not awarded unemployment benefits (from the district Employment Service),
    • a statement that there is also no unofficial work.
    1. A copy of the savings book for crediting funds.
    2. Internal passport of the Russian Federation with a registration stamp in the region of application for payment.

    To extend the accrual of payments for a child until he turns sixteen or eighteen years old, you will have to provide a certificate from the school about his completion of training. You must also indicate the order number indicating that he is being transferred to the class.

    1. In the case where documents have already been presented for re-registration of payments this year, but due to the minor reaching the age of 16, the accruals have ended, a certificate of study at school will be required.
    2. When this year a set of documents for extending payments has not yet been presented to the USZN, or the information has not been updated for more than 12 months, or parents are writing an application for the first time, you need a full set of papers plus a certificate for the student.

    Sometimes you may also need:

    • certificate from the employer (if the applicant works under an employment contract),
    • a certificate from the local branch of the Federal Tax Service, including information on the amount of family income for the previous year.

    An additional set of documents for applying for benefits for a disabled child:

    • a certificate from MSEC indicating the category of disability assigned to the child,
    • a photocopy of the work book, which does not contain a record of the mother’s place of employment, or a certificate from the Employment Service confirming the assignment of unemployed status. Read also the article: → "".

    Grounds for termination of benefits accrual

    Payments cannot be assigned, and previously accrued payments will no longer be transferred to the account of the child’s parents if:

    • the minor ended up in children's social services. institution where he resides on full state. dependent,
    • the mother and father of the children are completely deprived of parental rights to them or their parental rights are limited by the court,
    • the child ended up with guardians, and they, in turn, receive money for his maintenance,
    • the mother and/or father of the child has an official job,
    • the period for recognizing the child as disabled has expired,
    • the guardian or parent has found a source of permanent income,
    • the family or just the child has changed their place of permanent residence.

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