Child benefit for the birth of 3 children. How many square meters of living space are allowed per person?

More and more often, parents are interested in the amount of alimony for three children. The issue of alimony obligations has always been a serious topic where spouses usually cannot come to any specific decision. Especially if there are several children. After all, the second parent is not always ready to transfer money for the maintenance of their minor children. Especially if the relationship with your ex-spouse is strained. That is why you should find out everything that may relate to child support for three children. How can they be assigned? In what sizes? Is there any way to reduce the amount of payments? Understanding all this is not as difficult as it seems.

Alimony is...

The first step is to understand what we are talking about. After all, such a concept as alimony must have a clear definition. Citizens should know why exactly they are transferring money to their spouses.

Alimony is money that is paid for the maintenance of either needy parents, or spouses, or minor children. Usually they are monthly. That is, it is installed specific size money that should be transferred for the maintenance of a citizen. And every month the payer in deadlines transfers funds. We can say that alimony is money for the maintenance of a needy person or a minor.

Conditions of appointment

The next point is the conditions of assignment Money for children. After all, not everyone and not always have to pay money to support a child. The most important point is the presence of family ties. That is, the children must be from the alimony payer. Or adopted by him. IN in this case alimony is awarded.

The next thing parents should know is that child support is only paid to minor children. Or until the age of 23, if the child is enrolled in full-time study at a university.

Perhaps these are all the requirements. Child support for three children from different marriages are also appointed. It does not matter in which union this or that child was born.

How can they appoint

How can they order payment of funds for the maintenance of minors? In Russia, several options for the development of events are being considered. It all depends on the agreement between the spouses. Therefore, we can highlight following methods purpose of payments:

  • by personal agreement between spouses;
  • settlement agreement;
  • court decision.

More and more often, citizens are trying to take advantage of personal agreements. Then child support for 3 children may be less than required by law. Or more, but without the burden of responsibility before the court. It is always easier to reach a peaceful agreement. Only such cases do not always occur. And the paying parent still risks being liable to the court if the second spouse wants to receive guarantees that the money will still be transferred.

How can I calculate the size?

How much child support is required for three children? This question is also of interest to many. But before calculating specific amounts, it is necessary to understand what general methods of counting funds exist in Russia. Now you can pay alimony:

  • in fixed monthly amounts;
  • as a percentage of earnings (every month);
  • a lump sum payment in the form of real estate or a large sum of money.

In practice, most often, either a monthly fixed payment is assigned, or percentage from earnings. By the way, lack of income is not a reason for refusing to fulfill alimony obligations. Even the unemployed will be ordered to pay child support for 3 children.


But first, you should pay attention to cases in which the parent works. This is the most common situation. What if the court decided to award money as a percentage of earnings? You should pay attention to how many minors the paying citizen has. Depending on this, child support for three children will change. How much percentage of earnings should a parent contribute to the maintenance of 3 minors? In Russia the figure is set at 50%. That is, if a person has 3 or more children, at least half will have to official earnings list their contents.

We can say that 50% is the minimum required by law if the percentage of alimony payments is chosen. For one child, 25% of earnings are supposed to be transferred, for 2 children - 33%. If all children are from different marriages, the amount due will not change. Just in total a citizen will have to transfer half of his earnings to minors. But specific shares are established in accordance with the number of children in a particular family. So, for example, if a paying parent has 3 children, all from different social units, each will have to transfer 16.67% of their earnings. In total, 50% of the funds received will be received.

Fixed payment

The next option is alimony for three children, which is assigned in fixed payments. Not everyone is suitable for this type of penalty. Most often, such a system is used in a settlement agreement. But the court is also able to appoint fixed payment for the maintenance of minors.

It should be noted that maximum alimony for three children as such have not been established. Therefore, you can only focus on the minimum required by law. The disadvantage of fixed payments is that determining alimony in exact dimensions difficult. Everything is purely individual. Therefore, one should rely on minimum payment labor.

According to the laws established in Russia, taking into account the minimum wage in 2016 (it is equal to 5,965 rubles), the amount of alimony for three children will be 2,982 rubles. This is the minimum that is assigned to any payer. Moreover, it is in the form of fixed payments.

Precisely because of assignment problems specific amounts most often used interest system calculation of alimony obligations. Then you will simply have to take into account the cost of living and the minimum wage, if the percentage of earnings is less than the established minimum payments.

By agreement/settlement

But what to do if alimony is planned for three children by agreement between the spouses or due to a conclusion? The point is that in this situation it is more expedient to agree on fixed payments. They shouldn't be smaller established sizes. That is, no less than 2,982 rubles for 3 minors.

The remaining amounts are determined by personal agreement. Spouses must independently decide how much money the other parent should contribute for the maintenance of minors. for three children the average is 15,000 rubles in Russia. But exact amounts no one can name it - it all depends on the parents.

For the unemployed

It has already been said that lack of work is not a factor that plays a role in the fact of assigning alimony obligations. Even such citizens must pay for the maintenance of minors. Not too big, but they have obligations.

How much child support is required for three children? It all depends on minimum amount wages in the region. According to the rules established in 2016, an unemployed person will receive a minimum of 2,982 rubles in payments for 3 children. And as soon as employment occurs, a recalculation will be carried out. And with a greater degree of probability the court will establish fixed payment(monthly) depending on the citizen’s income.

Once and for all

The most a rare case is considered a one-time payment of child support. Most often it occurs in families with high level income and having only one child. It has already been said that real estate can be transferred as alimony or a large sum funds, which will be designed to support children under 18 years of age.

Calculating child support for three children in this situation does not make sense. After all, spouses usually agree either on a specific monetary compensation, which will be paid after concluding a settlement agreement, or about real estate registered in the name of children. There is no minimum or maximum here.

For example, the couple agreed that the father of the family would give a 3-room apartment for three children. And nothing more will be required from him. From the moment of re-registration of real estate, everything from such a citizen disappears. He can already transfer money to children by at will. And as much as he deems necessary.

Going to court

What is required to apply for alimony in judicial procedure? To do this, one parent (usually the mother) files a claim with the court. It needs to be attached following list documents (with copies):

  • statement of claim;
  • ID card (only a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation will do);
  • birth certificate of the child (all minors, general);
  • certificate of income of the paying spouse;
  • marriage certificate (if we're talking about on the appointment of payments in marriage);
  • documents confirming the fact of divorce (if any).

Nothing else is needed. The court then sets a date court session. The paying spouse will be able to reduce alimony obligations. For example, if he still has minor children. By the way, in some cases, child support for three children can be increased to 70% of the payer’s total earnings. This is possible when all children have bad financial situation.

How to reduce payments

Now it is clear how alimony for three children is determined in court. How much percentage of earnings should the payer give? IN total amount 50%. This is about 16.6% per child. But in some cases it is quite possible to reduce the required alimony obligations. When is this possible?

Firstly, there is a lack of work. Unemployed people pay less. Therefore, this factor is taken into account by many. People just start working unofficially.

Secondly, “gray” earnings will help reduce alimony payments. After all, when calculating funds for the maintenance of minors, only official salaries are taken into account.

Thirdly, an intentional move to a lower paid position. Then officially the citizen will have to pay less.

Fourthly, the difficult financial situation of the payer, as well as the presence of a disability. These factors will also be taken into account by the court. Not too often, but such situations do occur.

Termination of obligations

Now it is clear how much you will have to pay for 3 children in the form of alimony. But when do these obligations end? This is also an important point that must be taken into account. Child support stops being paid (or is recalculated) if:

  • the child has reached adulthood;
  • the minor has been emancipated;
  • one or more children were adopted.

Accordingly, as soon as one of the children loses the right to alimony, it is recalculated. For two minors you will have to pay 33%, for one - 25% of earnings.

Every citizen who has three or more children can now count on receiving instead land plot, comfortable apartment. The corresponding legislative act was signed by Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin in 2014.

According to the signed document, each body municipal authorities can independently decide to provide a large family not with a plot of land, but with a full-fledged apartment.

However, such a decision can only be made in certain situations, which include:

  1. At the time of submitting the application, these citizens are already registered as needing housing.
  2. Such citizens have every reason to be registered accordingly and provided with housing.

Based on this, we can conclude that all regions were provided unique opportunity making an independent choice of various approaches to solving the issue of improving living conditions large families.

The legislative framework

The main document on the basis of which large families can be given the opportunity to get their own housing is Land Code. It was to this legislative act that Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin introduced the appropriate amendments, on the basis of which the family can count on receiving real estate.

More precisely, you need to pay attention to Article 39, which contains comprehensive information about the conduct similar procedure.

Family conditions

The requirements for applicants who hope to receive residential premises coincide with the requirements for those wishing to obtain ownership of a land plot.

  1. The family must have at least 3 children who have not yet reached the age of 18 established by current legislation in the country. In this case, children must live together with their parents. It also does not matter at all whether these minors are natural children or adopted children.
  2. The family must be registered in your region direct appeal at least for the last 5 years.
  3. Parents with many children must be in a registered marriage. There is some limitation here that applies to parents raising their children alone.
  4. An apartment will only be provided if if any of the family members does not own another apartment.

In addition, there are certain situations when a family cannot qualify for the apartment it is entitled to.

This can happen in following situations, installed legislative acts:

  1. If minors do not live with their parents, but are in the care of employees of various child care institutions. That is, if such children are fully supported by the state.
  2. If parents are completely deprived of their parental rights or for any reason are limited in such rights.
  3. Adopted children for whom the adoption procedure was completely canceled.

How to get

Young families raising 3 or more minor children at once can count on a significant increase in their existing living conditions.

To carry out such a procedure, you will have to:

  1. Contact your local acting body , directly involved in the social protection of the population, in order to obtain and formalize their status as having many children. To carry out such a procedure, you will have to write a special application. established sample, in addition, you will have to submit to this body all birth certificates of children under eighteen years of age.
  2. Next you will need contact local authorities authorities, to recognize your family as poor and, therefore, in need of some kind of social assistance. To obtain such a conclusion, you will also have to take with you a certificate from your place of work about the level of income you receive. Similar document All family members performing work functions must submit.
  3. All documents will be required contact your local municipality yourself, to put yourself on the waiting list for eligible housing.

The issue of providing housing must be resolved within one month.

At the end specified period, large family must be placed in a special queue, which is aimed at obtaining their own living space. If municipal body for any reason issued a refusal, it must be motivated. That is, a specialist from the local municipal body must explain the reasons for refusing to provide residential premises for permanent residence large family.

Required documents

To get in line to receive the required housing, you will have to be patient and collect a fairly large package of documents.

The main documents that must be submitted to the municipal authority to carry out such a procedure include:

  • Copies and originals of parents' passports.
  • Copies and originals of birth certificates of all minor children who have not reached the age established by current legislation in the country.
  • Certificates of income received by all working family members.
  • To carry out such a procedure, a document is also required that confirms that the family is large.
  • A document that confirms that the family has low-income status and can count on receiving housing.
  • A certificate of the full composition of a specific family that expects to receive real estate. This document can be obtained from the passport office.
  • A document that confirms information about what property is owned by a member of this family at the time of filing the application.


Operating in the country federal program such assistance is provided citizens with many children like providing them with an apartment. However the federal law it is not limited to this. According to him, for fourth child a large family can get an apartment.

However, like any other law, this one has one significant limitation, which is the following: such a privilege can only be used by a family whose members have continuously resided in the territory of the state for the last ten years. Other citizens will have to wait a while, but at the same time, it is worth remembering that all children at the time of receiving an apartment should not be older than the age established by legislative acts of eighteen years. This is a key nuance that must be observed, otherwise the family will not be able to obtain any living space.

Of course, each regional body can make appropriate changes to current legislature, if such a possibility is provided. However, these changes should in no case aggravate the situation and make the procedure for obtaining an apartment for large families practically impossible. On the contrary, it is enough a large number of regions of the country plans to increase the age at which a child can be considered when registering minor children in a family.

The most common age is 21, but 23 is also occasionally found. For most Russians housing problem remains the most difficult and pressing. Many are trying to resolve the situation with an insufficient number of meters for normal and comfortable living. different ways . Often you have to resort to mortgage lending. But not everyone can afford to purchase housing at their own expense. borrowed money . In some cases, government assistance is necessary. And here a logical question arises: how much square meters

Is every person entitled to living space?

What is this indicator and how to calculate it Such standards are determined Housing Code

  1. RF. Using them, you can calculate the area of ​​housing suitable for living. The norms are divided into types: Provision rate . It is used in the case of transfer of housing under a social tenancy agreement, including from the municipality’s maneuver fund, in certain cases (in the absence of housing in case natural disaster
  2. , if it is impossible to pay off mortgage debts, etc.). Accounting norm
  3. . It matters when square meters are calculated to improve living conditions. Social norm

. This value is used when allocating subsidies for housing, as well as subsidizing fees for housing and communal services. Is there some more sanitary standard, the minimum size of which is 6 square meters. This norm was introduced to allocate space in the hostel, as well as housing from the flexible fund.

The values ​​of each of them are established by the territorial authorities. Next, let's look at how much space a family is entitled to in one case or another.

Mainly by region, the housing standard for 1 person is 18 square meters. m.

What is a social norm and how to calculate it?

The amount of living space that is acceptable for normal living of a citizen and his family is the social norm for housing. It is accepted as a guideline when allocating housing and subsidizing fees for housing and communal services.

This type of housing standard depends on the following indicators:

  • number of people in the family;
  • level of housing provision in the region;
  • type of premises where the family lives.

Classical calculated values social norm the following are considered to be:

  • for a person living alone – 33 sq.m.;
  • family of two people – 42 sq.m.;
  • a family with three or more people – 18 sq.m. to each.

If the premises do not meet these standards, the family can collect Required documents and apply to get on the waiting list for improved living conditions.

Families with low income, when housing and communal services fees are most in family expenses, they can submit documents for. They will be provided with compensation for only part of the living space within the social norm.

Accounting norm and norm for providing living space

The concepts of these terms are given in Article 50 of the Russian Housing Code.

Provision norm the smallest number is considered residential meters to calculate the total area of ​​the premises that will be provided to the family under a social tenancy agreement.

Most regions take as a basis 18 sq. m. area, they are used as the provision norm. This size is minimal and can be increased in some cases:

  • a room or an apartment with one room is provided;
  • housing is transferred to a person with chronic serious illnesses.

The standards are also increasing for employees of internal affairs bodies with the rank of at least colonel, as well as for persons with scientific degree. However, the increased rate cannot ultimately amount to more than two established values.

Accounting norm This is considered to be the minimum living space that is accepted to recognize a family as needing improved housing conditions. Citizens whose premises are less than this value have the right to take the appropriate queue. This applies only to those citizens or families who are recognized as low-income.

It should be clarified that the calculation of need includes all persons who are registered in the premises permanently and temporarily. But it is impossible to register an unlimited number of people in one living space for the purpose of recognizing a family in need of improved living conditions. This won't be allowed authorized bodies. Most often, a lack of square meters occurs with the appearance of children in the family, who by law must be registered with the mother.

The authorities of each region independently determine the accounting standard for living space, but it cannot be lower than the provision standards.

Housing standards are applicable when providing housing to a number of categories of citizens who are vulnerable and in need of state assistance.

1. Orphans and children without parental care. This category of living space is entitled to:

  • upon completion of stay in specialized institutions, as well as upon completion of the period of stay under guardianship or in foster families;
  • after completing conscription service;
  • upon expiration of the period of stay in places of deprivation of liberty.

The size of the transferred housing under a social tenancy agreement is subject to regional standards, but may be higher than them. The contract is concluded for five years, and then transferred to personal use. Orphans are necessarily allocated separate housing, which is a comfortable apartment or house.

2. IDPs from housing recognized as dilapidated and unsafe. Most often, such residents are relocated to municipal flexible housing, dormitories. Here the established standards must be observed. Although the new area may be smaller from which the resettlement takes place. In the case of privatization of emergency housing, the same number of meters that were owned is offered in return.

3. Relocation from houses subject to demolition. The seizure of such apartments is subject to the following conditions:

  • new housing is provided upon concluding a social rental agreement;
  • the new premises must be well-equipped and in the same settlement;
  • the area of ​​the new housing is comparable or larger than the old housing.

Moreover, if the premises from which the eviction takes place is less than established standards, the family can apply for improved living conditions.

4. For military personnel. This category citizens have the right to receive housing from the state. Apply here established standards depending on the composition of the family. Each family member should have 18 square meters. m of living space, and for a single serviceman the room should be 18-25 square meters. For this category, standards are established by regional authorities.

Living space standards in Moscow, Moscow region and St. Petersburg

Each region sets its own housing standards regulations. For example, in Moscow Law No. 29 “On ensuring the right of residents of the city of Moscow to residential premises” is in force, which establishes:

  • accounting rate in the amount of 10 sq.m. per person for individual apartments and 15 sq.m. for apartments that are provided by court decision different families.
  • provision rate housing area per person equal to 18 square meters. meters.

Based on housing standards, apartments are provided with an area of ​​no more than:

  • 44 sq.m. - one-room, for families of two married people;
  • 54 sq.m. — two-room apartment, for two residents who are not spouses;
  • 62 sq.m. — two-room, family of three, two of whom are married;
  • 74 sq.m. - three-room apartment, for three unmarried residents.

Each family member of four or more – 18 sq.m. per person. The resulting area of ​​the apartment cannot exceed 9 sq.m.

Families of Muscovites with disabled people with disorders of the musculoskeletal system are provided with housing in buildings constructed in compliance with the standards of the rehabilitation program.

Law No. 407-65 “On the procedure for keeping records of citizens as those in need of residential premises...”, valid in the territory St. Petersburg with regard to living space standards, it prescribes them in less detail.

RF. Using them, you can calculate the area of ​​housing suitable for living. The norms are divided into types::

  • a single person is entitled to 33 sq.m.;
  • for families where there are two or more people - 18 sq.m.

Registration standard for housing area in St. Petersburg:

  • residents of individual apartments – 9 sq. m. total area;
  • residents communal apartments– 15 sq.m. total area.

The above standards are used when providing separate apartments and rooms in communal apartments.

If the accommodation is in a dormitory, then the standard is at least 6 sq.m. per person, with a ceiling height of at least 2.1 meters.

Table of accounting norms and norms for the provision of housing by regions of Russia

Let us list what housing standards in square meters per person will be in effect in the regions in 2019.

Region Minimum number of sq.m. for one person
Accounting norm sq.m. per person Norm for provision of sq.m. per person
Moscow and Moscow region 10 18
Leningrad region (St. Petersburg) 9 sq.m. (V separate apartments and houses);
15 sq.m (in communal apartments).
Perm region 12 15
Yaroslavl region 12 17
Omsk region 15 18
Ekaterinburg 10 16
Rostov region 6-10 18
Krasnodar 10 18
Nizhny Novgorod and Nizhny Novgorod region 10 sq. m. (in separate apartments and houses);
12 sq.m. (in communal apartments).
Volgograd 11 12-18
Krasnoyarsk, Stavropol 12 15 sq. m for each family member;
18 sq. m - living alone.
Kurgan region, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky 13 15
Novosibirsk 12 15
Saratov 10 sq.m. Family from:
  • 3 or more people - 16 sq. m.
  • 2 people married - 32 sq. m.
  • 2 people connected family relations- 44 sq. m.

Living alone - 30 sq. m.

Samara 11 sq. m. (in separate apartments and houses);
13 sq.m. (in communal apartments).
Family of 2 or more people. - 14 sq. m.
Living alone - 26 sq. m.
Ufa (Republic of Bashkortostan) 12 14

As can be seen from the above data, the minimum indicators housing standards the provision is almost the same in the regions of Russia. It should be borne in mind that this is the lowest limit of indicators, which may increase depending on the circumstances. But less than its norms cannot be applied.

The system of state, regional and local measures to support motherhood and childhood is aimed at encouraging the birth of every baby. Quantity and composition possible benefits and increase noticeably if a third child appears in the family.

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State support measures

A large family has the right to use various support measures that are directly related to the birth of a third child.

They include:

  • benefits for the birth of 3 children for free re-registration of rights to a land plot;
  • benefits for families with three and more children when participating in programs mortgage lending: Vthe period from January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2022 is valid in the Russian Federation federal program preferential mortgage lending with government subsidized interest at a rate of over 6%;
  • benefits for 3 children on utility bills;
  • mother's early retirement;
  • priority measures in the educational process;
  • priority drug provision.
Attention! The legal basis for the implementation of each measure social support will be the presentation of a document confirming the fact of the birth of the third minor citizen- evidence.

Grounds for receiving benefits

At the birth of a third child, benefits are directly related to the assignment of the status of having many children. Since the presence of three minors gives parents the right to be considered large family, This legal status must be confirmed by obtaining the appropriate document.

Attention! Such confirmation is carried out by the social protection authorities by issuing the appropriate certificate or certificate.

The status that gives the right to implement benefits of any level remains legal meaning until reaching minors of age 18 years. After at least one of three minors reaches the specified age, the right to benefits granted earlier is lost.

What payments are due at the birth of a third child?

As with the birth of every previous newborn, parents are entitled to receive next payments compensatory nature:

These types of payments are guaranteed and are established at the birth of each minor citizen.

In addition, a maternity capital certificate may be a benefit for families with 3 children if citizens did not participate in this program after the birth of the second minor.

Attention! At regional or local level payments may be provided one-time nature upon the birth of a third minor citizen.

Their composition must be clarified at the place of residence in the authorities social protection or local administrations.

Provision of land

Most significant measure support is the opportunity to obtain ownership of a land plot free of charge from a municipal or state fund.

The third child in the family gives all family members the opportunity to participate in the implementation of this benefit, i.e. land allotment will be registered as the property not only of the minor, but also of the other children, as well as their parents.

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How to get a plot

If a family has 3 children, to implement the benefit for re-registration of rights to a plot, the following steps must be taken:

  • contact the local government authority authorized to distribute land;
  • introduce mandatory package documents, including a birth certificate;
  • prepare cadastral documentation for the site;
  • obtain a permit from the head of the local government authority;
  • register property rights with Rosreestr authorities.

Additional terms

  1. If citizens already owned legally land (for example, on a lease basis), they will be able to re-register rights to existing site or apply for the allocation of a new plot.
  2. If there was no land in the property at the time of the birth of the third baby, the procedure for implementing preferences will provide for the formation of a new plot and securing rights to it.
  3. You will also need to confirm availability marital relations between citizens, with the exception of cases where minors are raised by only one parent.
Attention! Large families upon the birth of a third child, the plot will be provided only if the territorial qualification is met - you must live in the territory of this subject Russian Federation for up to five years (the exact period of residence may vary in different regions).

Regional benefits

Let's consider what benefits citizens can enjoy upon the birth of a third child, in addition to acquiring land ownership.

Locally and regional level citizens have the opportunity to implement the following areas:

  • priority right to provide places in preschool institutions;
  • discount on public utilities or a refund of funds paid for housing and communal services through local social protection authorities (the discount can be up to 30%);
  • security free food V educational institutions and institutions of secondary vocational education;
  • the gratuitous nature of drug provision for minors under 6 years of age;
  • registration of free travel documents on minors, and in some regions - on all family members.
Attention! To find out what benefits are provided for the birth of a third child in your region, you need to contact the social protection authorities at your place of residence.

Most social support measures are implemented through these institutions, and the composition of these measures can change annually by decision of local and regional bodies authorities.

Another important support measure will be a discount on payment vehicle owned by one of the parents. This preference is provided tax authority

subject to confirmation of the birth of the third baby.

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