Agreement for storage of goods. Agreement for storing goods in a temporary storage warehouse Sample agreement for storing homogeneous goods

the custodian acts as a contractor in a person acting on the basis, hereinafter referred to as " The keeper", on the one hand, and in the person acting on the basis of, hereinafter referred to as " Bailor", on the other hand, hereinafter referred to as the "Parties", have entered into this agreement, hereinafter " Agreement”, about the following:


1.1. Under this Agreement, the Custodian undertakes, for a fee, to store the goods transferred to him by the Bailor, to perform the work necessary to ensure the safety of the goods, and to return these goods safely.

1.2. The custodian under this Agreement carries out storage.


2.1. The Custodian undertakes:

2.1.1. When accepting goods for storage at a warehouse, at your own expense, inspect the goods and determine their quantity (number of units or places or measure - weight, volume) and external condition.

2.1.2. Provide the Bailor with the opportunity to inspect the goods and take samples during storage.

2.1.3. To confirm acceptance of goods for storage, issue the following document to the Bailor: .

2.1.4. Provide the following storage conditions for goods: .

2.1.5. Return to the Depositor the same goods that were transferred for storage. The goods must be returned by the Keeper in the condition in which they were accepted for storage, taking into account their natural deterioration, natural loss or other change due to their natural properties.

2.1.6. To ensure the safety of goods, perform the following work (specify as necessary):

  • cleaning;
  • ventilation;
  • drying (including the creation of heat flow);
  • creation of optimal temperature conditions for storage (cooling, freezing, heating);
  • placed in protective packaging;
  • applying protective lubricants and preservatives;
  • painting to protect against rust;
  • introduction of safety additives;
  • applying anti-corrosion coating before transportation;

2.1.7. Carry out the work provided for in clause 2.1.6 of this Agreement in accordance with the requirements usually imposed on them within the following time frames: .

2.1.8. At the end of each calendar month, draw up and submit to the Depositor a certificate of work performed, which contains information about the types, volume and price of work performed.

2.2. The custodian has the right:

2.2.1. If the Bailor fails to fulfill the obligation to take the goods back, including if he evades receiving the goods, - after a written warning to the Bailor, sell the goods independently in the manner established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation. The proceeds from the sale of goods are transferred to the Bailor less amounts due to the Custodian, including his expenses for the sale of goods.

2.3. The bailor undertakes:

2.3.1. Provide the Custodian with the necessary information about the peculiarities of storing goods.

2.3.2. Make timely payment of remuneration for storage of goods.

2.3.3. Upon expiration of the storage period, pick up the goods transferred for storage.

2.3.4. Review and sign the certificate of completion of work sent by the Keeper in accordance with clause 2.1.8 of this Agreement within days from the date of its receipt. If there are comments on the work performed, the Depositor has the right to present to the Custodian the requirements provided for in clause 2.4.2 of this Agreement.

2.3.5. Perform other duties in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation and this Agreement.

2.4. The bailor has the right:

2.4.1. Inspect goods and take measures necessary to ensure their safety.

2.4.2. If the Custodian, when performing the work provided for in clause 2.1.6 of this Agreement, makes deviations from the requirements of this Agreement, the Bailor has the right, at his own discretion, to demand from the Custodian:

  • elimination of deficiencies free of charge within a reasonable time;
  • a proportionate reduction in the price of work established by paragraph three of clause 3.1 of this Agreement.


3.1. The remuneration under this Agreement is: rubles per month and includes:

  • remuneration for storage in the amount of rubles per month;
  • the price of the work provided for in clause 2.1.6 of this Agreement, in the amount of rubles per month.

3.2. The remuneration is paid by the Depositor no later than the day of the month following the settlement month by transferring funds to the Custodian's current account.

3.3. If payment of the storage fee is delayed by more than half the period for which it must be paid, the Custodian has the right to refuse to fulfill this Agreement and demand that the Bailor immediately pick up the goods deposited for storage.

3.4. If storage is terminated before the expiration of the stipulated period due to circumstances for which the Custodian is not responsible, he has the right to a proportionate part of the remuneration. If storage is terminated early due to circumstances for which the Custodian is responsible, he does not have the right to demand remuneration for storage, and the amounts received for this remuneration must be returned to the Bailor.

3.5. If, after the expiration of the storage period, the goods in storage are not taken back by the Bailor, he undertakes to pay the Custodian a proportionate remuneration for further storage of the goods.

3.6. The Keeper's expenses for storing goods are included in the storage fee.

3.7. Expenses for storage of goods that exceed normal expenses of this kind and which the Parties could not foresee when concluding this Agreement (extraordinary expenses) are reimbursed to the Custodian if the Bailor agreed to these expenses or approved them subsequently, as well as in other cases provided for by law, other legal acts.

3.8. If it is necessary to make extraordinary expenses, the Custodian is obliged to request the Bailor's consent to these expenses. If the Bailor does not communicate his disagreement within days from the date of receipt of notice from the Custodian, the Bailor will be deemed to have agreed to the extraordinary expenses. If the Custodian incurred extraordinary expenses for storage without obtaining the prior consent of the Bailor, although this was possible under the circumstances of the case, and the Custodian subsequently did not approve them, the Custodian may demand compensation for extraordinary expenses only to the extent of the damage that could have been caused to the goods if these no expenses were incurred.

3.9. Extraordinary expenses are reimbursed by the Bailor in addition to the storage fee.


4.1. In the event that to ensure the safety of goods it is necessary to change the conditions of their storage, the Keeper has the right to take the required measures independently. However, he is obliged to notify the Bailor of the measures taken if it was necessary to significantly change the conditions of storage of goods provided for in this Agreement.

4.2. If damage to goods is detected during storage that goes beyond the normal norms of natural deterioration, the Custodian is obliged to immediately draw up a report about this and notify the Bailor on the same day.


5.1. When returning goods, the Bailor and the Custodian inspect the goods and check their quantity.

5.2. If, when the goods are returned by the Custodian to the Bailor, the goods were not jointly inspected or checked by them, a statement of shortage or damage to the goods due to their improper storage must be made to the Custodian in writing upon receipt of the goods, and in relation to shortages or damage that could not be detected in the usual way of acceptance goods - within three days after receiving them. In the absence of a statement from the Bailor, it is assumed, unless otherwise proven, that the goods have been returned by the Custodian in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.


6.1. The bailee is liable for loss, shortage or damage to goods unless he proves that the loss, shortage or damage occurred as a result of force majeure or as a result of the intent or gross negligence of the Bailor.

6.2. For loss, shortage or damage to goods accepted for storage after the Bailor’s obligation to take these goods back has occurred, the Custodian is liable only if there is intent or gross negligence on his part.

6.3. Losses caused to the Bailor by loss, shortage or damage to goods are compensated by the Custodian in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

6.4. In cases where, as a result of damage for which the Custodian is responsible, the quality of the goods has changed so much that they cannot be used for their original purpose, the Bailor has the right to refuse them and demand compensation from the Custodian for the cost of these goods, as well as other losses.

6.5. In case of violation by the Bailor of the deadline for payment of remuneration established by clause 3.2 of this Agreement, the Custodian has the right to present to the Bailor a demand for payment of a penalty in the amount of % of the amount not paid on time.

6.6. For failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment of other obligations under this Agreement, the Parties bear responsibility established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.


7.1. A party shall be released from liability for partial or complete failure to fulfill obligations under this Agreement if it proves that proper performance was impossible due to force majeure, that is, extraordinary and unavoidable circumstances under the given conditions. Such circumstances do not include, in particular, violation of obligations on the part of the debtor’s counterparties, or the debtor’s lack of necessary funds.

7.2. If the circumstances specified in clause 7.1 of this Agreement occur, each Party must immediately notify the other Party about them in writing. The notice must contain data on the nature of the circumstances, as well as official documents certifying the existence of these circumstances and, if possible, assessing their impact on the ability of the Party to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement.

7.3. If a Party does not send or untimely sends the notice provided for in clause 7.2 of this Agreement, then it is obliged to compensate the other Party for the losses it has incurred.

7.4. If the circumstances listed in clause 7.1 of this Agreement and their consequences continue to apply for more than , the Parties shall conduct additional negotiations to identify acceptable alternative methods of execution of this Agreement.


8.1. This Agreement comes into force from the moment of transfer of the goods specified in clause 1.2 of this Agreement by the Depositor to the Custodian and is valid until “” 2019.

8.2. In everything else not regulated in this Agreement, the Parties will be guided by the norms of the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

8.3. Any changes and additions to this Agreement are valid provided that they are made in writing and signed by duly authorized representatives of the Parties.

8.4. This Agreement may be terminated at the request of the Bailor to return the goods transferred for storage, even if the storage period established by clause 8.1 of this Agreement has not yet expired. In this case, the bailee is obliged to return the goods to the bailor.

8.5. This Agreement may be terminated early or terminated on other grounds established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

8.6. All notices and communications under this Agreement must be sent by the Parties to each other in writing. Notices and messages will be considered duly executed if they are sent by registered mail, by telegraph, teletype, telex, telefax or delivered personally to the legal (postal) addresses of the Parties with receipt against receipt.

8.7. This Agreement is drawn up in two copies having equal legal force, one copy for each of the Parties.

The document form “Storage Agreement in a Commodity Warehouse” belongs to the heading “Storage Agreement, Documents for Storage”. Save the link to the document on social networks or download it to your computer.

Warehouse storage agreement

City [enter as required] [date]

Commodity warehouse (Commodity warehouse is an organization that carries out the storage of goods as a business activity and provides storage-related services) [name of the commodity warehouse], hereinafter referred to as the Custodian, represented by [position, full name], acting on the basis of the [charter , provisions], on the one hand, and [name of the goods owner], hereinafter referred to as the Bailor, acting on the basis of [charter, regulations, constituent agreement, power of attorney], on the other hand, have concluded this Agreement on the following:

1. The bailee undertakes, for a fee, to store the goods transferred to him by the Bailor and to return them to him safely.

2. The bailor shall deposit the following goods: [name, quantitative characteristics, price of goods].

3. The bailor undertakes to pay the Custodian a remuneration for storage in the following amount: [the amount in rubles is indicated in words and figures].

4. Upon acceptance for storage, the custodian is obliged to inspect the goods and determine their quantity (number of units or packages or weight, volume) and external condition.

5. The custodian is obliged to provide the Bailor with the opportunity during storage to inspect the goods or their samples, if storage is carried out with depersonalization, to take samples and take measures to ensure the safety of the goods.

6. Acceptance of goods for storage is confirmed in accordance with Article 912 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation [indicate which document: double warehouse receipt, simple warehouse receipt or warehouse receipt]

Notes: When accepting goods for storage under a warehouse certificate, the parties to the contract must comply with the conditions and requirements of Article 912 (clauses 2 - 4), 913 - 917 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

7. The keeper undertakes to provide the following conditions for storing goods: [fill in as necessary].

8. If there is a need for a significant change in the storage conditions of goods accepted from the Bailor under this Agreement in order to ensure their safety, the Custodian has the right to unilaterally take the necessary measures. If damage to the goods is detected that goes beyond the limits agreed in the warehousing agreement, the Custodian is obliged to notify the Bailor about this without delay.

9. Each party to the contract, when returning the goods to the owner, has the right to demand verification of the quantity and condition of the goods. The costs are borne by the person who requested the inspection and verification.

Option: Costs are borne by both parties in half, regardless of whose initiative the inspection and verification of the quantity and condition of the goods was carried out.

10. In the event that, when returning the stored goods by the warehouse (Warehouse) to the Bailor, the goods were not jointly inspected or checked by them, a statement of shortage or damage to the goods due to improper storage must be made to the Custodian (warehouse) in writing upon receipt of the goods, and in relation to the shortage or damage that could not be detected by the usual method of accepting the goods - within three days upon its receipt from the Keeper (warehouse).

In the absence of the statement specified above, as determined by the parties to this Agreement for storage in a warehouse, it is considered that the goods are returned by the warehouse (Custodian) to the Bailor in accordance with the terms of this agreement, unless the Bailor proves otherwise.

11. This Warehouse Storage Agreement may be amended and/or supplemented by the parties during the period of its validity on the basis of their mutual consent and the presence of objective reasons that caused such actions of the parties.

Any agreements of the parties to amend and/or supplement the terms of this Agreement are valid if they are in writing, signed by the parties to the agreement and sealed by the parties.

12. A party to a contract, whose property interests or business reputation are violated as a result of non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations under the contract by the other party, has the right to demand full compensation for losses caused to it by this party, which are understood as expenses that the party whose right is violated has made or will make for restoration of their rights and interests (real damage), as well as lost income that this party would have received under normal business conditions if its rights and interests had not been violated (lost profits).

13. Disputes that may arise during the fulfillment of the terms of this Agreement for storage in a warehouse, the parties will strive to resolve it amicably through pre-trial proceedings: through negotiations, exchange of letters, telegrams, faxes, etc. In this case, each of the parties has the right to claim the existence of she has in writing the results of resolving the issues that have arisen.

If a mutually acceptable solution is not reached, the parties have the right to submit the disputed issue for resolution in court in accordance with the provisions in force in the Russian Federation on the procedure for resolving disputes between the parties - participants in commercial, financial and other business relations.

14. On all issues that have not found their solution in the text and terms of this Agreement, but directly or indirectly arising from the relations of the parties hereunder, affecting the property interests and business reputation of the parties to the agreement, bearing in mind the need to protect their legally protected rights and interests, the parties of this Agreement will be guided by the norms and provisions of the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

15. If there is a need and commercial feasibility, the parties to this Agreement for storage in a warehouse have the right to consider extending the validity period (extension) of the agreement for a period of time (term) determined by mutual decision or for an indefinite period (at the choice of the parties to the agreement) for the same or other conditions determined by the parties.

16. The parties agreed that this Agreement may be terminated by agreement of the parties if there are grounds that the parties consider sufficient for termination of the agreement.

The agreement may be terminated by the court at the request of one of the parties only in the event of a significant violation of the terms of the agreement by one of the parties or in other cases provided for by this Agreement or current legislation.

17. A violation of the terms of the contract is considered significant when one of the parties has committed an action (or inaction) that entails such damage for the other party that the further operation of the contract loses its meaning, since this party is significantly deprived of what it was counting on when concluding the contract .

An agreement may be terminated by its parties or by a court decision, if during the period of its validity there has been a significant change in the circumstances from which the parties proceeded when concluding the agreement, when these circumstances have changed so much that, if such changes could have been foreseen in advance, the agreement between the parties to it would not have been concluded at all or would have been concluded on terms significantly different from those agreed upon under this Agreement.

18. This Agreement comes into force from the day it is signed by the parties, from which it becomes binding on the parties who entered into it. The terms of this Agreement apply to the relations of the parties that arose only after the conclusion of this agreement.

This Agreement is valid for [fill in as necessary] (until the parties complete their obligations under it) and terminates on [date, month, year].

19. Termination (expiration) of this Agreement entails the termination of the parties’ obligations under it, but does not relieve the parties to the agreement from liability for its violations, if any, occurred during the fulfillment of the terms of this Agreement.

20. Other conditions [enter as necessary].

21. In the event of a change in the legal address or servicing bank, the parties to the agreement are obliged to notify each other about this within [meaning] one day.

22. Details of the parties:

Custodian [full name] Bailor [full name]

Postal address (with index) Postal address (with index)

[fill in as needed] [fill in as needed]

Telegraphic address [enter as required] Telegraphic address [enter as required]

Fax [enter as required] Fax [enter as required]

Telephone [enter as required] Telephone [enter as required]

TIN [enter as required] TIN [enter as required]

Current account N [enter as required] Current account N [enter as required]

in the bank [fill in as required] in the bank [fill in as needed]

in the mountains [fill in as needed] in the city. [fill in as required]

correspondent account N [enter as required] correspondent account N [enter as required]

BIC [enter as required] BIC [enter as required]

Done (this [fill in the required] agreement is concluded) between the parties - participants indicated below, signed in [city, town, etc.] [day, month, year] in [number] copies: [how many] for each of parties to the agreement, and all copies have equal legal force.

Signatures of the parties to the agreement:

Custodian [Last name, I.O.] Bailor [Last name, I.O.]

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Document type: Storage Agreement

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Most business activities involve the purchase and sale of certain goods, which means that an intermediate option is their storage. As a rule, not every enterprise can boast of having its own warehouses. For such cases, there is a warehousing agreement.

Characteristics of the agreement

Taking into account the above-mentioned fact, this agreement is concluded between two entrepreneurs, one of whom has goods and needs to store them, and the second carries out the storage of goods in their warehouses. A special feature of this agreement is the need for a special document - the so-called warehouse document. These may take the following forms:

Double warehouse receipt;

Regular warehouse receipt;

Receipt received at the warehouse.

Document structure

Typically this document includes five main provisions. At the very beginning, information about those who entered into the agreement (Custodian and Depositor), their positions and documents on the basis of which this agreement can be signed is indicated. Further, in paragraphs 1 to 5, its conditions follow directly. This includes basic general provisions, obligations, rights of both parties, cases involving variations in storage conditions, methods of checking the quantity, as well as the condition of the entrusted goods. Be sure to carefully read all the points to avoid further unpleasant surprises. So usually the contract specifies the fact that the goods may be subject to damage - in this case, the Keeper of the goods will not owe anything to the person who provided the goods. Legally, everything will be correct, it will be impossible to sue the money, and the Depositor will suffer a loss.

Warehousing agreement form at a commodity warehouse

Sample warehousing agreement at a commodity warehouse (completed form)

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Warehousing agreement at a commodity warehouse No.

in a person acting on the basis, hereinafter referred to as " The keeper", on the one hand, and in the person acting on the basis of, hereinafter referred to as " Bailor", on the other hand, hereinafter referred to as " Parties", have entered into this agreement, hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement", as follows:

1.1. Under this agreement, the Custodian undertakes, for a fee, to store the goods transferred to him by the Bailor and to return these goods safely.

1.2. The subject of this agreement is storage.

1.3. Duration of the agreement:

  • beginning of the year;
  • end of the year;

1.4. The remuneration for storage is: rubles.

1.5. The remuneration is paid within the following terms and in the following order: .


2.1. When accepting goods for storage at a warehouse, the Custodian is obliged to inspect the goods at his own expense and determine their quantity (number of units or places, or measure - weight, volume) and external condition.

2.2. The Custodian is obliged to provide the Bailor with the opportunity during storage to inspect the goods, take samples and take measures necessary to ensure the safety of the goods.

2.3. The custodian issues the following document to confirm acceptance of goods for storage: .

2.4. provide the following storage conditions for goods: .


3.1. In the event that to ensure the safety of goods it is necessary to change the conditions of their storage, the Custodian has the right to take the required measures independently and notify the Bailor of the measures taken if it is necessary to significantly change the conditions of storage of goods provided for in this agreement.

3.2. If damage to the goods is detected during storage that goes beyond the normal norms of natural deterioration, the Custodian undertakes to immediately draw up a report about this and notify the Bailor on the same day.


4.1. The Bailor and the Custodian each have the right to demand upon return of the goods its inspection and verification of its quantity. The resulting costs are borne by the person who requested the inspection or verification of the goods.

4.2. If, when the goods are returned by the Custodian to the Bailor, the goods were not jointly inspected or checked by them, a statement of shortage or damage to the goods due to improper storage must be made to the Custodian in writing upon receipt of the goods, and in relation to shortages or damage that could not be detected in the usual way of acceptance goods - within three days after receiving it. In the absence of a statement from the Bailor, it is considered, unless otherwise proven, that the goods have been returned by the Custodian in accordance with the terms of this agreement.


5.1. This agreement is drawn up in copies.

5.2. In everything else not regulated in this agreement, the parties will be guided by the norms of the current civil legislation of Russia.


The keeper

  • Legal address:
  • Mailing address:
  • Phone fax:
  • INN/KPP:
  • Checking account:
  • Bank:
  • Correspondent account:
  • BIC:
  • Signature:


  • Legal address:
  • Mailing address:
  • Phone fax:
  • INN/KPP:
  • Checking account:
  • Bank:
  • Correspondent account:
  • BIC:
  • Signature:

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in a person acting on the basis, hereinafter referred to as " The keeper", on the one hand, and in the person acting on the basis of, hereinafter referred to as " Bailor", on the other hand, hereinafter referred to as the "Parties", have entered into this agreement, hereinafter " Agreement”, about the following:


1.1. The Custodian undertakes to store the goods transferred by the Bailor for a fee.

1.2. The transfer of goods to the warehouse and the release of goods from the warehouse are carried out daily (excluding weekends and holidays) and around the clock. The name, quantity and value of the transferred goods are indicated in the receipt, which the Custodian issues to the Bailor after accepting the goods for storage. Warehouse location: . Total area of ​​the warehouse: .


2.1. Acceptance of goods for storage is formalized by a receipt, which is signed by authorized persons of the Depositor and the Custodian.

2.2. The release of goods from the warehouse is carried out by the Custodian upon provision by the Depositor of a receipt and a power of attorney to receive the goods.

2.3. The bailor provides the Custodian with sample signatures of persons responsible for the receipt and transfer of goods, as well as persons with the right to sign powers of attorney and other strictly accountable documents.

2.4. The bailor seals the goods and/or its packaging in those places and in the quantity that he considers necessary to exclude the possibility of unauthorized access to the goods or its individual parts. The sealing method and scheme are given in a separate description, which is an integral part of this Agreement.


3.1. The Depositor is assigned the right to store goods in an area of ​​sq. m.

3.2. The Custodian undertakes:

3.2.1. Comply in good faith with the terms of this Agreement.

3.2.2. Provide proper conditions for storing goods.

3.2.3. In accordance with the written application of the Bailor, provide him with the necessary space for storing the goods for the time specified in the application.

3.2.4. When accepting goods for storage at a warehouse, at your own expense, inspect the goods and determine their quantity (number of units or places, or measure - weight, volume) and external condition.

3.2.5. Issue at any time to the Depositor (representative) the same goods that were transferred for storage.

3.2.6. After accepting the goods for storage, issue a receipt to the Depositor.

3.2.7. Ensure access of the Bailor's representative to the storage location to inspect the goods or to remove all or part of the goods.

3.2.8. Take measures for the safety of the goods transferred to him, the mandatory provisions of which are provided for by law, other legal acts (fire safety, sanitary, security, etc.), as well as measures consistent with business customs and the essence of this Agreement, including the properties of the goods transferred for storage .

3.2.9. Return the goods to the Depositor in the condition in which it was accepted for storage, taking into account its natural deterioration, natural loss or other change due to its natural properties.

3.2.10. Maintain the security alarm system in good condition.

3.2.11. Perform other duties in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation and this Agreement.

3.3. The bailor undertakes:

3.3.1. Provide the Custodian with the necessary information about the properties of the goods and the peculiarities of storing the goods.

3.3.2. Make timely payment of remuneration for storage of goods.

3.3.3. Promptly submit an application to the Storer regarding the need to provide additional space and time for the goods to be in storage.

3.3.4. Upon expiration of the storage period, pick up the goods transferred for storage.

3.4. If a change in storage conditions is necessary to eliminate the risk of loss, shortage or damage to the goods, the Custodian has the right to change the method, place and other conditions of storage by notifying the Bailor within days of the introduction of such changes.

3.5. If during storage one of the Parties discovers damage to the packaging or sealing of the goods or the loss of goods, it must immediately notify the other Party about this. If it is established that the goods are missing, the Parties draw up a bilateral act indicating the missing goods and their value. The Custodian is obliged, within days from the moment of discovery of the loss (drawing up a report), to pay the Bailor the cost of the missing goods.

3.6. The parties are obliged monthly, but no later than the date of each month, to reconcile the actual goods in the warehouse.

3.7. If the Custodian discovers dangerous properties of the goods (expressed, in particular, in odor, radioactive radiation, overheating, etc.), the Custodian is obliged to immediately notify the Bailor about this by sending a telegram or registered letter with acknowledgment of delivery.

3.8. The bailee has the right to transfer the goods located at the place of storage into the ownership of a third party only on behalf of the Bailor. The third party has the right to receive the goods, and the Custodian undertakes to release them upon presentation by the third party of a receipt or written order issued by the Bailor.

3.9. If administrative or law enforcement agencies require an inspection of the goods due to a violation of its packaging or sealing, the Custodian is obliged to immediately notify the Bailor about this.

3.10. For loss, shortage or damage to goods accepted for storage after the Bailor’s obligation to take these goods back has occurred, the Custodian is liable only if there is intent or gross negligence on his part.


4.1. For goods storage services, the Bailor pays the Custodian a monthly fee in the amount of rubles.

4.2. Payment of the remuneration specified in clause 4.1 of this Agreement is made by the Depositor before the date of the month following the settlement month.

4.3. If payment of the storage fee is delayed by more than half the period for which it must be paid, the Custodian has the right to refuse to fulfill this Agreement and demand that the Bailor immediately pick up the goods deposited for storage.

4.4. If storage is terminated early due to circumstances for which the Custodian is responsible, he does not have the right to demand remuneration for storage, and the amounts received for this remuneration must be returned to the Bailor.

4.5. If, after the expiration of the storage period, the goods in storage are not taken back by the Bailor, he undertakes to pay the Custodian a proportionate remuneration for further storage of the goods.

4.6. The Keeper's expenses for storage and work on loading and unloading goods are included in the remuneration for storage.

4.7. Expenses for storage of goods that exceed normal expenses of this kind and which the Parties could not foresee when concluding this Agreement (extraordinary expenses) are reimbursed to the Custodian if the Bailor agreed to these expenses or subsequently approved them.

4.8. If it is necessary to make extraordinary expenses, the Custodian is obliged to request the Bailor's consent to these expenses. If the Bailor does not communicate his disagreement within the period specified by the Custodian or within days, he will be deemed to have agreed to extraordinary expenses. If the Custodian incurred extraordinary expenses for storage without obtaining the prior consent of the Bailor, although this was possible due to the circumstances of the case and the Bailor subsequently did not approve them, the Custodian may demand compensation for extraordinary expenses only to the extent of the damage that could have been caused to the goods if these expenses were not produced.

4.9. Extraordinary expenses are reimbursed by the Bailor in addition to the storage fee.


5.1. When returning the goods to the Bailor, the Bailor and the Custodian have the right to demand inspection of the goods and verification of their quantity. The resulting costs are borne by the Party that requested inspection or verification of the goods.

5.2. If, when the goods are returned by the Custodian to the Bailor, the goods were not jointly inspected or checked by them, a statement of shortage or damage to the goods due to improper storage must be submitted to the Custodian in writing upon receipt of the goods, and in relation to shortages or damage that could not be detected in the usual method of acceptance of the goods - within days after receiving the goods. In the absence of a statement from the Bailor, it is considered, unless otherwise proven, that the goods have been returned by the Custodian in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.


6.1. Losses caused to the Bailor by loss, shortage or damage to the goods are compensated by the Custodian in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

6.2. If, as a result of damage for which the Custodian is responsible, the quality of the goods has changed so much that it cannot be used for its original purpose, the Bailor has the right to refuse it and demand compensation from the Custodian for the cost of this product, as well as other losses.

6.3. In case of violation by the Bailor of the deadline for payment of remuneration established by clause 4.2 of this Agreement, the Custodian has the right to present to the Bailor a demand for payment of a penalty in the amount of % of the untimely paid amount for each day of delay.

6.4. All disputes under this Agreement are resolved between the Parties through negotiations, and if they cannot be resolved as a result of negotiations, they are referred to the Arbitration Court.


7.1. In everything else that is not provided for in this Agreement, the Parties will be guided by the norms of the current civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

7.2. This Agreement comes into force from the moment of its signing and is valid until “” 2019.

7.3. All changes and additions to the Agreement are valid if they are in writing and signed by both Parties.

7.4. This Agreement is drawn up in two copies having equal legal force, one for each of the Parties.


The keeper

Bailor Legal address: Postal address: INN: KPP: Bank: Cash/account: Correspondent/account: BIC:


The keeper _________________

Bailor _________________



g. ________________ "___"________ ___ g.

Referred to as__ hereinafter


"Keeper", represented by ______________________________________________________________,

(position, full name)

acting___ on the basis of ________________________________, on the one hand,

(Charter, regulations)

and ____________________________________________________________, called__ in

(name of the organization-commodity owner)

hereinafter referred to as the “Depositor”, represented by ________________________________________________,

(position, full name)

acting___ on the basis of ________________________________________________, on the other hand

(Charter, regulations)

The parties have entered into this Agreement as follows:


1.1. Under this Agreement, the Custodian undertakes, for a fee, to store the goods transferred to him by the Bailor and to return these goods safely.

1.2. Under this Agreement, storage is subject to ________________________.

(Description of goods)


2.1. The Custodian undertakes:

2.1.1. When accepting goods for storage at a warehouse, at your own expense, inspect the goods and determine their quantity (number of units or places or measure - weight, volume) and external condition.

2.1.2. Provide the Bailor with the opportunity to inspect the goods and take samples during storage.

2.1.3. To confirm acceptance of goods for storage, issue

To the bailor the following document: ________________________________________.

(double or simple warehouse


2.1.4. Provide the following storage conditions for goods: _________________.

2.1.5. Return to the Depositor the same goods that were transferred for storage.

The goods must be returned by the Keeper in the condition in which they were accepted for storage, taking into account their natural deterioration, natural loss or other change due to their natural properties.

2.1.6. At the first request of the Bailor, return the goods accepted for storage, even if the storage period provided for in this Agreement has not yet expired. In this case, this Agreement is terminated.

2.2. The bailor undertakes:

2.2.1. Provide the Custodian with the necessary information about the peculiarities of storing goods.

2.2.2. Pay remuneration for storage of goods in a timely manner.

2.2.3. Upon expiration of the storage period, pick up the goods transferred for storage.

2.2.4. Perform other duties in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation and this Agreement.

2.3. In the event that to ensure the safety of goods it is necessary to change the conditions of their storage, the Keeper has the right to take the required measures independently. However, he is obliged to notify the Bailor of the measures taken if it was necessary to significantly change the conditions of storage of goods provided for in this Agreement.

2.4. If damage to the goods is detected during storage that goes beyond the normal norms of natural deterioration, the Custodian is obliged to immediately draw up a report about this and notify the Bailor on the same day.

2.5. If the Bailor fails to fulfill his obligation to take the goods back, including when he evades receiving the goods, the Custodian has the right, after a written warning to the Bailor, to independently sell the goods in the manner established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

The proceeds from the sale of goods are transferred to the Bailor, less amounts due to the Custodian, including his expenses for the sale of goods.

2.6. Both the Bailor and the Custodian have the right to demand inspection and verification of their quantity upon return of goods. The resulting costs are borne by the person who requested the inspection or verification of the goods.

2.7. If, when the goods are returned by the Custodian to the Bailor, the goods were not jointly inspected or checked by them, a statement of shortage or damage to the goods due to their improper storage must be made to the Custodian in writing upon receipt of the goods, and in respect of shortages or damage that could not be detected in the usual way of acceptance goods - within three days after receiving them.

In the absence of a statement from the Bailor, it is assumed, unless otherwise proven, that the goods have been returned by the Custodian in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.


3.1. The remuneration for storage is ______________________.

3.2. The remuneration is paid within the following terms and in the following order: _______________________________________.

3.3. If payment of the storage fee is delayed by more than half the period for which it must be paid, the Custodian has the right to refuse to fulfill this Agreement and demand that the Bailor immediately pick up the goods deposited for storage.

3.4. If storage is terminated early due to circumstances for which the Custodian is responsible, he does not have the right to demand remuneration for storage, and the amounts received for this remuneration must be returned to the Bailor.

3.5. If, after the expiration of the storage period, the goods in storage are not taken back by the Bailor, he undertakes to pay the Custodian a proportionate remuneration for further storage of the goods.

3.6. The Keeper's expenses for storing goods are included in the storage fee.

3.7. Expenses for storage of goods that exceed normal expenses of this kind and which the Parties could not foresee when concluding this Agreement (extraordinary expenses) are reimbursed to the Custodian if the Bailor agreed to these expenses or approved them subsequently, as well as in other cases provided for by law, other legal acts.

3.8. If it is necessary to make extraordinary expenses, the Custodian is obliged to request the Bailor's consent to these expenses. If the Bailor does not communicate his disagreement within the period specified by the Custodian or within the time normally required for a response, he is deemed to have agreed to the extraordinary expenses.

If the Custodian incurred extraordinary expenses for storage without obtaining the prior consent of the Bailor, although this was possible under the circumstances of the case, and the Custodian subsequently did not approve them, the Custodian may demand compensation for extraordinary expenses only to the extent of the damage that could have been caused to the goods if these no expenses were incurred.

3.9. Extraordinary expenses are reimbursed by the Bailor in addition to the storage fee.


4.1. A party shall be released from liability for partial or complete failure to fulfill obligations under this Agreement if it proves that proper performance was impossible due to force majeure, that is, extraordinary and unavoidable circumstances under the given conditions. Such circumstances do not include, in particular, violation of obligations on the part of the debtor’s counterparties, or the debtor’s lack of necessary funds.

4.2. If the circumstances specified in clause 4.1 of this Agreement occur, each Party must immediately notify the other Party about them in writing. The notice must contain data on the nature of the circumstances, as well as official documents certifying the existence of these circumstances and, if possible, assessing their impact on the ability of the Party to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement.

4.3. If a Party does not send or untimely sends the notice provided for in clause 4.2 of this Agreement, then it is obliged to compensate the other Party for the losses it has incurred.

4.4. If the circumstances listed in clause 4.1 of this Agreement and their consequences continue to apply for more than ______________, the Parties shall conduct additional negotiations to identify acceptable alternative methods of execution of this Agreement.


5.1. In all other respects that are not provided for by the terms of this Agreement, the Parties are guided by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.2. Any changes and additions to this Agreement are valid provided that they are made in writing and signed by duly authorized representatives of the Parties.

5.3. All notices and communications under this Agreement must be sent by the Parties to each other in writing. Notices and messages will be considered duly executed if they are sent by registered mail, by telegraph, teletype, telex, telefax or delivered personally to the legal (postal) addresses of the Parties with receipt against receipt.

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