Contract for the performance of programmer work. Terms of payment

Contract agreements are widely used in the economic activities of many organizations. Under this agreement, employers can successfully and fruitfully cooperate in a convenient form with programmers who are not part of the organization’s staff.

According to the contract, the contractor undertakes, on the instructions of the customer, to perform certain work and transfer its result to the customer, who undertakes to accept and pay for the result of the work in the manner established by the agreement.

The subject of the contract is the final result of the work. The price of the contract and the timing of the work are the main terms of the agreement. The programmer has the right to choose the conditions for performing the work independently.

The programmer receives remuneration based on the results of the work. In the agreement, the contractor may provide for his costs and the customer’s obligation to pay them. An indication of costs is not mandatory, since according to the law, the contract price includes remuneration and compensation for the contractor’s costs. However, in order to avoid disputes, it is better to reflect this issue in the text of the document.

The agreement is concluded in simple written form in two copies - one for each party.

The text of the contract agreement form with the programmer must contain information about the start and end date of work, the payment procedure, the list of works, the procedure for acceptance and delivery of the result of work, requirements for the quality of work, the responsibilities of the parties, the rights and obligations of the parties and other information, depending on the conditions of the specific transactions.

Structure and content of a contract with a programmer

  1. Date and place of conclusion of the agreement.
  2. Name of the parties.
  3. Subject of the agreement. Under this agreement, the contractor (programmer) undertakes, on the instructions of the customer (employer), to perform certain work within the time period established by the agreement, and the customer undertakes to accept the result of the work and pay the programmer the price stipulated by the agreement. The method of performing the work is determined in the Appendix - Technical Specifications, which, after signing by the parties, becomes an integral part of the agreement. The parties determine the materials and equipment necessary for the programmer in the appendices - List of Materials and List of Equipment. Once approved and signed by the parties, these annexes also become an integral part of the agreement. In the same paragraph, the programmer guarantees to the customer that he has all the necessary permissions to perform work under the contract with the programmer.
  4. Duration of the agreement. The contract comes into force on the date (or event) and is valid until the date (or event). Relevant dates (or events) are indicated.
  5. Rights and obligations of the parties. The content of the clause depends on the conditions under which the transaction is concluded.
  6. Turnaround time. The content of the clause depends on the conditions under which the transaction is concluded. The start and end dates of the work are indicated, as well as the conditions and procedure for rescheduling.
  7. Cost of work and payment procedure. The content of the clause depends on the conditions under which the transaction is concluded.
  8. The procedure for delivery and acceptance of work. The content of the clause depends on the conditions on which the standard sample contract agreement with the programmer is concluded.
  9. Responsibility of the parties. The parties are responsible for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations in accordance with the current legislation of Russia.
  10. Grounds and procedure for termination of the transaction. The contract can be terminated by agreement of the parties and unilaterally at the written request of the customer or programmer on the grounds provided for by the terms of the contract and the legislation of Russia.
  11. Dispute resolution. The claim procedure for pre-trial settlement of disputes is not mandatory for the parties. Disputes are resolved in court in accordance with Russian legislation.
  12. Force Majeure. The content of the clause depends on the conditions under which the agreement is concluded.
  13. Other conditions. The clause contains additional conditions on which the parties have agreed.
  14. List of applications.
  15. Addresses and details of the parties.
  16. Signatures of the parties.

Additional documents for the contract with the programmer

You can fill out and download the agreement on our website along with the attachments:

  • Technical task;
  • Estimate;
  • List of materials;
  • Equipment list;
  • Certificate of acceptance and transfer of materials;
  • Certificate of acceptance and transfer of equipment;
  • Additional agreement;
  • Protocol of disagreements;
  • Protocol for reconciliation of disagreements.

Contract for maintenance of 1C systems No. ___ dated "___"__________ 200_ VECTOR IT LLC, represented by General Director A.G. Malyshkin, hereinafter referred to as the Contractor, acting on the basis of the charter, on the one hand, and _______________________________________________________, represented by __________________________________________________________, hereinafter the Customer, acting on the basis of _________________________, on the other hand, have entered into this agreement as follows: 1. Subject of the agreement 1.1. The Customer instructs, and the Contractor undertakes, the maintenance of the customer’s 1C systems. 1.2. Under this agreement, the Customer’s workplaces are serviced at the address: _________________________________________________________________________, in the number of ____ workplaces. 1.3. The Contractor can carry out additional programming for a fee, including the creation of new reports, programming of downloads and processing, and other expansion of the functionality of 1C databases. 1.4. The Contractor is an authorized partner of the 1C company, and can provide documents confirming the Contractor’s right to carry out maintenance of 1C systems. 2. Obligations of the Contractor 2.1. The Contractor is obliged to provide the following services for maintaining 1C configurations: a). Providing consultations on issues of working in the 1C program. b). Update configurations and program shells as new releases are released. Including installation of new releases of programs and configurations, as well as installation of new reporting forms. V). Diagnosis of program errors and their elimination. G). Negotiating with the 1C company if it is necessary to clarify the features of accounting in the 1C program. d). Consultations for accountants and other users on optimal accounting in the 1C program. e). Preparing databases for backup, including automatic ones. and). Solving issues related to uncomfortable work in the 1C program, such as: slow operation of databases, periodic freezes of the 1C shell and others. h). Solving issues related to incorrect operation of the database, such as: inability to post a document, doubling and overwriting of postings, minus, and others. And). Database administration, in particular, user rights management. To). Working with logs, including providing the Customer with information about the work of his employees in the database (who worked with what documents and when). l). Collaboration with the Customer's system administrator in the area of ​​backup settings and other related issues. 2.2. The Contractor undertakes to provide the Customer with the opportunity to monitor the quality of service. 2.3. The Contractor undertakes to provide the Customer with at least two telephone numbers to resolve urgent issues, including at least one mobile phone to resolve issues that may arise during non-working hours. 2.4. The Contractor undertakes to take all necessary measures to ensure uninterrupted operation of the Customer's 1C systems. 2.5. The Contractor undertakes to assign a personal programmer to the Customer. The Contractor reserves the right to send another programmer to the Customer to solve an urgent problem, after prior agreement with the Customer. 2.6. The Contractor undertakes to ensure the safety of information received and processed during the maintenance of 1C databases, and not to disclose data obtained during the maintenance of 1C databases. 3. Responsibilities of the Customer 3.1. The customer undertakes to monitor user compliance with operating rules when working with the 1C system. In particular, the Customer undertakes to limit access rights to persons who do not have sufficient qualifications. 3.2. The Customer undertakes to provide the Contractor with access to 1C systems to carry out the work provided for in this agreement. 3.3. The Customer undertakes to carry out a scheme for semi-automatic or automatic backup of 1C databases agreed with the Contractor. 3.4. The Customer undertakes to use only licensed software. The Contractor is not responsible for the Customer's use of unlicensed copies of the software. 3.5. The Customer undertakes to transfer to the Contractor a subscription fee under this agreement, on the basis of invoices issued by the Contractor, in the amount of _____ rubles per month per workplace, for ___ jobs, totaling __________________________________________________________________________ rubles per month, until the 05th day of the paid month. 3.6. The Customer undertakes to transfer to the Contractor a fee for programming additional settings, if any are ordered by the Customer, based on technical specifications, work completion certificates and invoices. 4. Programming additional settings 4.1. Additional settings are considered to be making changes to 1C programs that are not required for the normal functioning of the program, but serve to expand the functionality of the program, or to improve the comfort and speed up the operation of the program, including: a). Creation of additional reports. b). Creation of new printed forms of documents and significant changes to existing printed forms of documents. V). Creating data uploads to other 1C databases, Excel or other programs. G). Programming data loading from Excel or other programs. d). Programming fundamentally new program functions, for example, recording serial numbers of goods or calculating employee wages based on production. e). Another extension of the functionality of 1C configurations. 4.2. Before programming the settings, the programmer draws up a technical specification and provides it to the Customer for signature. If the preparation of technical specifications takes one hour or more, the preparation of technical specifications is paid separately. 4.3. When drawing up a technical specification, it records the number of standard hours that the programmer will need to program and implement additional settings. After the technical specifications are signed by the programmer and the Customer’s representative, this amount can no longer be changed, even if the programmer actually spends more time. 4.4. Programming additional settings and drawing up technical specifications is paid at the rate of 1C: Enterprise 7.7. - 1200 rubles per standard hour, 1C: Enterprise 8.0. - 1500 rubles per standard hour. 5. Conditions for termination and extension of the contract, as well as changes in the terms of the contract. 5.1. The contract may be terminated early based on a letter requesting termination of the contract sent by one of the parties at least one month before the required date of termination of the contract. 5.2. The contract may also be terminated in the following cases: a) by mutual agreement of the parties; b) by decision of the arbitration court; c) due to systematic violation by the Contractor of the terms of the contract; d) due to systematic violation by the Customer of the terms of the contract; e) in case of force majeure circumstances. 5.3. The number of workstations served and the amount of monthly subscription service may be changed on the basis of an additional agreement signed by the parties. 6. Responsibility of the parties 6.1. The Customer, in the event of a delay in any of the payments for a period of more than one month, pays a penalty in the amount of 0.1% per day on the overdue amount for each day of delay, subject to timely provision of invoices by the Contractor. 6.2. For untimely provision of qualified programmer assistance to the Customer, the Contractor shall pay a penalty in the amount of 5% of the monthly subscription fee for each calendar day of delay. 6.3. Penalties are paid within 10 days after their presentation, based on invoices. 6.4. Payment of penalties established by this agreement does not relieve the parties from fulfilling their obligations under this agreement. 7. General conditions 7.1. All issues not covered by this agreement are resolved by agreement of the parties. 7.2. Both parties will take all measures to resolve disagreements and disputes that may arise under this agreement or in connection with it through negotiations. 7.3. If it is impossible to resolve controversial issues through negotiations, the parties apply to the Arbitration Court of St. Petersburg. 7.4. This agreement comes into force on "___" ___________ 200_ and is valid until December 31, 2009. If before the end of the agreement, neither party declares termination of the agreement, it is considered extended for the next calendar year. 8. Details of the parties Contractor: INN/KPP: 000000000000/000000000000 p/c: 0000000000000000000 c/s: 0000000000000000000 FAKB "Bank" (CJSC) St. Petersburg BIC 00000 0000000 Address: 000000000, St. Petersburg, street ...

Here is my approach (mentality, scenario). Please read it carefully. If your vision coincides with what is written here, then you can enter into negotiations. If your position does not coincide with my position stated below, then there is no point in starting and negotiating. If you have your own point of view on the relationship between the programmer and the employer, which in your opinion is attractive and beneficial to the programmer, then you can send it to me electronically. I will definitely read it and if from my point of view it turns out to be interesting and beneficial to me, then I will definitely contact you.

Misunderstanding regarding the subject of the contract

Sometimes I come across entrepreneurs who do not see the difference between a work contract and an employment contract. To the question “What contract do you want to work under?” They, as a rule, answer: “It doesn’t matter to me what contract I work under, I only pay for the result.” In the vast majority of cases, I get nothing but empty conversations with such entrepreneurs.

For those entrepreneurs who agree to think about it, but are not lawyers, I’ll explain - a work contract and an employment contract are two DIFFERENT ARTICLES OF THE CONSTITUTION OF THE RF (Article 34 and Article 37, respectively), these are two DIFFERENT BRANCHES OF LAW (civil law and labor law), this two fundamentally DIFFERENT LEGAL CONSTRUCTIONS, which are based on different principles of law (for example, the principle of equality in civil law and subordination in labor law) and different sources of law.

The essence of the contract: one party undertakes to obtain a certain result by a certain date, the other party to the contract undertakes to accept the work and pay. Moreover, postpayment and prepayment can have arbitrary shares. In the contract, the result is negotiated onshore and, as a rule, recorded in writing in the terms of reference.

The essence of the employment contract: the employee undertakes to carry out his work function conscientiously every day for a predetermined number of hours. The employer undertakes to (1) work the employee for a predetermined number of hours per day and (2) periodically pay actual time worked. Payment in an employment relationship is in no way tied to the result and is made at least twice a month. In labor relations formulation, discussion, checking of tasks, revision, correction of errors occurs during working hours, that is, paid.

Most individuals in our country and in other civilized countries work under an employment contract. According to statistics, I perform most of the work under employment contracts. This is due to the following reasons. If the employer believes that the employee is stalling for time, then you can always agree to terminate the contract. In my case, I send a report for the day every day, the employer reads it and can immediately check whether there is “time delay” or not.

I often use HR managers as an example. By the way, in the vast majority of cases, when asked by the HR manager “Do you understand what labor relations are?” they answer: “Of course I understand, I have been working as a personnel manager for many years” and begin to explain what an employment contract is and talk about something completely different, and not about the essence (about the form of the contract, discipline, etc.). So here it is. I keep track of vacancies and see that some companies are looking for programmers for months, even years. That is, the manager talks with them, receives a salary, but does not hire a programmer. There is no result, but the salary continues. The main thing here is that the manager conscientiously performs his job function - talks with potential programmers, asks them questions. The result does not depend on his will. This is labor relations. In the case of a contract, or in the general sense of civil law relations, the situation will look like this - the manager will receive a fee only for the hired programmer.

Misunderstanding regarding the form of the contract

Another type of misunderstanding on the part of some entrepreneurs is that the contract can be concluded in one of several forms. They say this: “I don’t want to negotiate (conclude an agreement), I need a result.” To show the absurdity of this position, I will give an example with a car. Let's say person "A" wants to ride in a car that belongs to person "B". That is, the result for person “A” will be driving the car of person “B”. To obtain this result, person "A" has the following choices:

  1. Person "A" comes up to person "B" and says: "Listen, let me drive your car tonight. We've been friends for 10 years, so you know I drive carefully." Person "B" says: "Take it." A free car rental agreement has been concluded here. in oral form
  2. Person “A” comes up to person “B” and says: “Listen, let me drive your car for a month. I’ll pay you 20,000 rubles for it and I’ll write a receipt.” Person “B” says: “I agree, take it.” ". A paid car rental agreement has been concluded here in writing, according to which person “A” received a temporary right to own and use a car, that is, he received the result.
  3. Person “A” approaches the car of person “B” and, while no one is looking, opens the door with a master key, somehow starts it and drives for a month. Here person “A” did not negotiate (did not enter into an agreement), but received the result.
  4. Person “A” approaches a car in which person “B” is sitting, uses physical violence against person “B”, throws him out of the car, then gets into the car himself and rides for a whole month. Here person “A” did not negotiate (did not enter into an agreement), but received the result.

Misunderstanding on freedom of contract

Some entrepreneurs believe that if a person positions himself as a programmer, this automatically imposes on him the obligation to work only under contract agreements and to know how long a particular task will take. For example: “I need to switch from seven to eight so that all the data and mechanisms are preserved. Tell me the deadline and price.” Americans have such an expression “Devil in details” (translated as “Devil in details”). The meaning of this expression is that in life there are such phenomena, the development of which is determined by a large number of little things and, therefore, are little predictable.

At first glance, it seems like a simple and understandable task to move from seven to eight. What's unclear here? But the fact is that in seven there may be a bunch of self-added fields and self-written mechanisms that are absent in eight, but which should be there and, if they are not there, then after switching to eight, people will get a system worse than seven. You can add these fields and mechanisms in different ways. And even if we start discussing how to add these or other mechanisms, then in my practice, 95% of the time, the accountant will answer my proposal “Let’s add it this way”: “I don’t know what it will look like, I need to work, but Then I’ll tell you whether it’s right or wrong.” If the programmer adds it in the way he sees fit, then there is a high probability that he will then be forced to redo it. If the accountant says: “Yes, let’s do it this way,” then if the program does not work properly, then the management of the enterprise will have complaints to the accountant why she told the programmer to do it this way and not otherwise.

I have the right (can), but am not obliged to work both under an employment contract and under a contract. I recognize your right to work under any contract and your right to freedom of contract. If I work under a contract, then I don’t talk about the actual time and the hourly rate, I only talk about the amount of the contract and the deadline for completing the work. If I work under an employment contract, then I don’t talk about deadlines.

Misunderstanding regarding the speed of concluding a contract

A programmer differs from an accountant in that an accountant can work at the same enterprise for years, but a programmer cannot work at one enterprise for a long time, because the essence of his work is to do something specific. That is, to program some mechanism. In this regard, the programmer periodically changes two statuses: “order search” and “order fulfillment”. The following conflicts sometimes occur here. A potential customer or employer contacts me. I tell him my conditions, he tells me his. If they do not match, then the potential customer takes time out to think. Since I don’t know whether he will agree or not, I look for the next order and find it. Then the previous customer calls and says: “We agree, let’s work,” but I’m already busy...

Misunderstanding regarding technical specifications

Anyone who works under contract agreements with technical specifications must be prepared for the following situations.

Situation No. 1. They give me a task, I do what is written there. I deliver the work on time, they pay me. Everyone is happy.

About three weeks later, the manager who gave me the technical task again contacts me and says: “We’ve done our work, everything works great, but there’s one little thing missing. It’ll take you five minutes to do it. Can you do it today?” In fact, it turns out the following. On the one hand, they really and fundamentally need this little thing, even though it looks like a little thing. On the other hand, in order to correct this “trifle” (there it was necessary to display intermediate results on seven), everything needs to be radically redone. I tell the manager that this is far from five minutes. A manager is a hired worker who receives a salary for writing technical specifications for a programmer. If a manager approaches the director and says: “We need to pay the programmer extra to redo the report,” then the director will have a complaint against the manager that he initially did not take this into account in the technical specifications, that the report should contain interim results. The manager doesn’t want this at all, so all day long he writes to me on Skype various arguments in favor of the fact that I should redo this report free of charge and gradually moves on to insults.

Situation No. 2. Some entrepreneurs have the following position: “You understand that we ourselves cannot draw up technical specifications. You yourself write and tell the cost (this does not mean the cost for the technical specifications, but the cost for the final result). If the price is good, then we We will work with you. We still have tasks." Naturally, they don’t want to pay for technical specifications, because they only pay for the result. No result - no payment. And the technical specification is not a result, but a piece of paper that no one needs except the programmer. Moreover, even a technical specification written by one programmer is not always suitable for another programmer. Among the technical tasks that are offered to me, I often come across those that describe not the most optimal way to solve the problem. I don’t want to do something suboptimally when you can do it optimally.

Situation No. 3. Some entrepreneurs want to find out the price without technical specifications, and then work without it. Invent everything as you go. That is, on the one hand, they want to pay a fixed amount, and on the other hand, receive a non-fixed (rubber, dimensionless) amount of work. That is, an asymmetrical, enslaving, unfair contract.

Situation No. 4. Some entrepreneurs confuse a brief with a technical specification, or in other words, they give a vague technical specification, but they don’t want a vague (specific, accurate) price. That is, an asymmetrical, enslaving, unfair contract.

Situation No. 5. If you work without technical specifications. On the shore, the customer says, “If there are any pitfalls, I will naturally pay extra, I understand everything.” Then, in the process of work, such pitfalls emerge and then the customer says, “We agreed on this amount, this is the amount we will pay you. Why should I pay more than we agreed on?”

Situation No. 6. There is a detailed, competent technical specification. I start to do it and in the process of work it turns out that they have inaccuracies in the database and if these inaccuracies are not eliminated, then I will not be able to complete my work. Moreover, these inaccuracies could not be detected on the shore; they were revealed during the work. I describe such inaccuracies in the “Pitfalls” section. Moreover, it is unclear how long it will take to correct this incorrect database. That is, a stalemate. On the one hand, I spent time and want to get money for it, but the customer doesn’t want to pay because there is no result. But I can’t get the result because the database is incorrect and I need to correct the database first, and the cost of correcting the database is obviously greater than the cost of my result. And it is not clear how to negotiate the cost of adjusting the base. Since the time of adjustment cannot be predicted, I am ready to adjust it within the framework of labor relations, that is, payment for hours actually worked, but the entrepreneur does not want to pay for hours, because it may not be clear how much. The entrepreneur is ready to pay, but he needs to know the terms and amount on shore. No matter how much I work for free, I know the amount with a margin, the entrepreneur is not satisfied with my amount. The entrepreneur offers a much smaller amount. But I don’t want for much less, because I can work with another entrepreneur and get much more for my hours than for his results. The inaccuracy arose after the previous programmers, but they have an acceptance certificate, which states that there are no claims against them and they are a legal entity.

Bottom line. It is because of such potential conflicts that if I have a choice, I give preference to an employment contract rather than a civil law contract. You don’t have to write specific assignments in the employment contract. I coordinate every step with the accountant and she tries different mechanisms in practice and participates in the discussion and finding the most optimal solutions. Naturally, the tasks are different. For some tasks, I can foresee on shore that there will be no problems there and by what time I can complete them. I can do such tasks under a contract, that is, on shore we agree on the amount and terms (but not on time!).

Distance misunderstanding

Sometimes the following conversation occurs. I ask: “Will you work with a remote 1C programmer?” They answer me: “No, we need a staff member.” The mistake here is that people believe that a teleworker cannot be on staff. For several years now, our labor legislation has had a standard in accordance with which a person has the right to work remotely under an employment contract.

My approach to the contract

If I work under a contract:
  • I focus on the market value, and not on the hourly rate from labor relations, since the complexity of the task can be different - the cost of an hour of a layout designer is much less than the cost of an hour of a specialist who, in addition to layout, also knows 1C, Bitrix and PHP very well and does integration in non-standard situations between 1C and Bitrix
  • I don’t take on all tasks, but only those that have the following characteristics:
    • Interesting
    • Profitability
    • Low risk

I don’t work without technical specifications under a contract. I don’t work on “foggy” (vague, open, ambiguous) technical specifications. Partial or full prepayment. If the contract amount is large, then payment is made in installments as the work is completed.

My approach to an employment contract

Flexible working hours. Remote operation via remote connection. Part-time job. Availability from 08:00 to 24:00 via cell and landline phones, ICQ, Skype, mail agent. Remote access using MS RDP, Team Viewer, AMMY, Yandex Disk. Every day I send a detailed report on the work done with a second-by-second description of actions and considerations.

From the name R&D agreement (Research and Development Work), it immediately becomes clear that such an agreement is concluded when a freelancer undertakes to conduct any scientific research or develop any product, etc. If the work has a specific result, for example, it is necessary to develop a website design, a booklet, or write an article, then it is better to choose a contract agreement. If the result of the service is inseparable from the service itself, for example, promoting a company on social media. networks, site administrator, services of a trainer, psychologist, then choose a contract for paid services with an individual or legal entity. Sample agreement for paid provision of services with an individual AGREEMENT for paid provision of services with an individual Specify the city "" 20

Contract agreement with a programmer

The main meaning of civil law relations is the provision of an individually determined result specified in the subject of the agreement. Payment depending on results If an employee holds a position on the staff, carries out labor activities, or fulfills the tasks of a manager, payment is guaranteed even in the absence of positive results.

In the case of a performer (contractor), the subject of the agreement is fulfilled and remuneration is received only after the completion of the final work or services. Other orders of the customer, with the consent of the contractor, are formalized by a new GPD or an additional agreement to the previous one.

Equal rights with the customer The employee is in a subordinate position to the employer. The contractor is in an equal position with the customer.

Programmer services agreement



The contract can be terminated by agreement of the parties and unilaterally at the written request of the customer or programmer on the grounds provided for by the terms of the contract and the legislation of Russia.

  • Dispute resolution. The claim procedure for pre-trial dispute resolution is not mandatory for the parties.

  • Disputes are resolved in court in accordance with Russian legislation.
  • Force Majeure. The content of the clause depends on the conditions under which the agreement is concluded.
  • Other conditions.
  • Employment contract with a programmer

    The Employer, with the written consent of the Employee, has the right to terminate the Contract with him before the expiration of the above period, paying him additional compensation in the amount of the average earnings of the Employee, calculated in proportion to the time remaining before the expiration of the notice of dismissal. The “Employer” undertakes to pay severance pay in the amount of average monthly earnings, and also to retain for the “Employee” the average monthly salary for the period of employment, but not more than 2 (two) months from the date of dismissal (including severance pay) upon termination of the “Agreement” with “Employee” in connection with the liquidation of the organization, reduction in the number or staff of the organization’s employees. 8.5.”The “Employer” undertakes to pay severance pay in the amount of two weeks’ average earnings upon termination of the “Agreement” with the “Employee” by agreement of the “Parties”.

    Civil contract (sample)

    Individual entrepreneur (full text of the agreement is in the file for downloading). Sample 1 Sample of a civil law contract with a lawyer For clarity, we provide a completed sample of the organization’s GPA on the provision of paid services by a lawyer, provided that the lawyer is an individual entrepreneur.

    Sample 2 A civil contract for the provision of services can be concluded with an individual, in this case the details of the parties will look different: Sample civil contract with an employee 2018 - performance of work Download Sample civil contract with an individual in 2018 - provision services Download the Civil Law Agreement (sample) in the news: Deadlines for submitting the SZV-M in 2018 In 2018, all employers continue to have the obligation to report monthly to the Pension Fund in the SZV-M form. It must reflect the number of citizens who received income subject to insurance premiums.

    Contract with a freelancer

    In accordance with the terms of the "Agreement", the "Employee" undertakes to personally perform his job duties in accordance with the "Agreement" and the "Job Description" (Appendix No. to the "Agreement"), which is an integral part of the "Agreement", to comply with the internal labor regulations in force at the "Employer". 1.4. This employment contract is an agreement on remote work of the Employee. 1.5. This employment contract is an employment contract for the part-time main place of work. 2. Duration of the agreement 2.1 The agreement comes into force from the date of its conclusion by the Employee and the Employer. 2.2. Start date: » » 2.3. The employment contract is concluded for a period of () year/years up to an indefinite period.
    2.4. The probationary period established for the Employee is: 3. Rights and obligations of the parties 3.1. The “Employer” undertakes: 3.1.1.

    GPC agreement with a programmer sample

    Region: Russian Federation Civil contract is a transaction on the performance of work or provision of services between the customer and the performer (contractor), regulated by civil law. It should not be confused with an employment agreement, because these are fundamentally different concepts.

    An employment contract is an agreement concluded by an employer and an employee, regulated by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. A civil law contract (CLA) - also called a civil law contract (CLA) - does not serve as an alternative to an employment agreement; their fundamental differences are presented below in table form.

    A sample GPC agreement 2018 can be viewed and downloaded at the bottom of the page. Differences between an employment contract and a civil contract Difference between TD GPA Another meaning of the relationship The main meaning of the labor relationship is the fulfillment by the employee of the duties assigned to him.

    Civil contract with a programmer sample

    Document constructor Contracts Contract agreement Contract for the provision of programmer services Attention! The presented text is a sample contract agreement with a programmer. To make a document to suit your conditions, use the FreshDoc template: Standard contract agreement.

    Contract agreements are widely used in the economic activities of many organizations. Under this agreement, employers can successfully and fruitfully cooperate in a convenient form with programmers who are not part of the organization’s staff.

    According to the contract, the contractor undertakes, on the instructions of the customer, to perform certain work and transfer its result to the customer, who undertakes to accept and pay for the result of the work in the manner established by the agreement. The subject of the contract is the final result of the work.
    The price of the contract and the timing of the work are the main terms of the agreement.

    Contract agreement with 1C programmer sample


    In addition, when establishing the relationship between employer and employee in a civil agreement, the court applies the norms of labor legislation. Therefore, when choosing the type of agreement, it is necessary to correctly determine the nature of future legal relations.

    Types and samples of civil law contracts of civil law can be concluded:
    • between two legal entities;
    • between a legal entity and an individual entrepreneur;
    • between two individual entrepreneurs;
    • between a legal entity and an individual;
    • between an individual entrepreneur and an individual.

    Types of civil law agreements that are used by customers-employers:

    • for the execution of work (contract) (see sample 1);
    • for the provision of paid services (consulting, auditing, etc.) (see

    For the duration of working hours in accordance with the law and the “Agreement”. 3.4.6. For professional training, retraining and advanced training. 3.4.7.

    For compensation for damage caused to the “Employee” in connection with the performance of labor duties, and compensation for moral damage in the manner prescribed by law. 4. Guarantees and compensation 4.1. During the period of validity of the “Agreement”, the “Employee” is subject to guarantees and compensations provided for by labor legislation and local regulations.

    4.2. Damage caused to the “Employee” by injury or other damage to health associated with the performance of his work duties is subject to compensation in accordance with the law. 4.3.

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