Sample agreement with application. Appendix to the agreement, additional agreement and protocol of disagreements

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In reality, the application is a reflection of the applicant's character. The reader unconsciously makes a judgment about the signatory that he wrote his reasons by studying the statement and its meaning. This happens very important in problems when the output is formed from mental conviction. It is very expensive to create a useful template from a specialist. Because the absence of defects is work that is not possible without knowledge.

If it is of an informative nature, then after the name of the application it is written in brackets that it is recommended or reference.

If it belongs to the category of mandatory, then it is marked “mandatory”. You can mark documents in capital letters. The header also indicates the number of pages contained in the application.

  • estimate
  • technical task
  • How to draw up an annex to the contract

    When concluding an agreement for the sale of goods or the provision of services, there is often a need to indicate additional details of the transaction that are impossible or inconvenient (due to the large volume) to place in the text of the main document. This may be a technical task, specification, deadlines for completing work, cost of goods, payment procedure, etc. In this case, an application is drawn up on one or several sheets, which will become integral part agreement.

    Attention: Please remember that the application is important part agreement entered into by the parties because it contains the details of the transaction. And timely discussion of such clarifications within the framework of the main contract allows us to avoid the occurrence of controversial situations in future.

    Appendix to the contract: how to draw it up

    An appendix to documents is an addition that contributes to a more complete disclosure of the content and meaning of the main business paper. For example, the appendices clarify the list of members of the commissions created by the decision of the meeting, contain the specifications of those goods or structures being created about which we're talking about in the contract, etc. Most annexes are an integral part of the main documents, without which the latter have no legal force.

    The application may well be an independent document, for example, a draft contract, estimate, plan, which is sent to the required address along with cover letter. IN in this case Both documents are a set, but the cover letter does not carry the main semantic load. But the agreement and the annex to it are components of the same document.

    Drawing up an annex to the contract

    In office work, when preparing an application, GOST R6.30 and GOST 2.105-95 are used, regarding applications and their textual design. In addition to these standards, there are other GOSTs by industry that specify the design.

    An annex to the contract in accordance with GOST can be drawn up as a continuation of the agreement with sheet numbering, or issued as separate document. The text of the agreement must contain references to all amendments attached to the agreement, indicating their numbers, clauses and subclauses. If there are several applications, then they all start on a new sheet with the obligatory writing “Appendix” in the middle.

    If it is of an informative nature, then after the name of the application it is written in brackets that it is recommended or reference. If it belongs to the category of mandatory, then it is marked “mandatory”. You can also designate documents in capital letters. The header also indicates the number of pages contained in the application.

    Today made possible applications, posted on electronic media, which is not provided for by GOST. In this case, the contract will contain a link to the application on the CD.

    Additions to the contract

    A sample annex to the contract can be found and downloaded on our website. Of course, this is only a form of application, and it should be filled out based on the concluded agreement. Most often, the documents attached to the agreement are too lengthy to be included in the main text:

  • estimate
  • technical task
  • required materials (list)
  • necessary equipment (list)
  • At the end of the appendix it is noted that Appendix No. is an integral part of the contract of the N date and year.

    10. Appendices and additional agreements to the agreement

    Annexes to a contract are usually used to standardize contracts. The conditions that are common to all contracts you enter into are contained in the text of the contract itself, and in relation to the conditions that differ from contract to contract, reference is made to the appendix, which contains these special conditions.

    Additional agreements are drawn up, as a rule, in the event of making certain changes (additions) to the contract.

    When drawing up applications and additional agreements, the following rules should be observed:

    1. If in text of the agreement refers to certain applications (when certain conditions- provides for the conclusion of additional agreements), then they must certainly exist;

    2. Clearly indicate which agreement they relate to. For example: “Annex to the agreement... (name, number (if any), date);

    3. Write the preamble as in the contract, replacing the words “concluded genuine contract"with the words "concluded the present additional agreement"or "have compiled this application";

    4. Confirm the additional agreement or annex with the signatures and seals of the parties, indicate the validity period of the application or additional agreement.

    If you make changes (additions) to the contract by your additional agreement, then, in order to avoid future misunderstandings and discrepancies, it is most advisable to formalize this in the following manner:

    1. State the p... of the agreement in next edition:

    «__. ____________________» ( and write a new version of this paragraph);

    2. Clause ___ (in clause ___ the words “___”) should be deleted from the text of the agreement;

    3. Add paragraph ___ as follows to the text of the agreement:

    «__. ____________________».


    Next articles:

    A written annex to the supply contract drawn up to determine the quality and quantitative characteristics of the supplied goods is the specification to the contract. This is a tool for identifying the goods that are planned to be supplied during the contract.

    Relevance this application It is especially obvious if the supplied goods will change both in quantity and in quality or type characteristics. At large quantities of different supplied goods, all their required characteristics are inconvenient to include in the text of the contract itself due to the significant volume of such information.

    Because the unified form specifications current legislation is not provided, the parties draw it up in any form.

    Appendix to the contract how to draw up

    There is only a list of information that is usually indicated in this document:

    • serial number(as for the goods delivery schedule);
    • name of the delivered goods (in accordance with the invoice);
    • compliance with GOST of the supplied goods;
    • units of measurement, exact quantity;
    • the amount of the contract (separately without VAT, then the amount of this tax and the amount with VAT).

    Often the parties are entered in separate columns specific conditions supplies, if necessary, and requirements for containers or sales packaging.

    The application of the specification to the contract must be noted in the supply contract itself (in the “Delivery Procedure” section). This part of the contract must also be signed by both parties, just like the contract itself. IN otherwise, the specification is not considered concluded and has legal force.

    Concluding most contracts subject to regulation civil law, such as delivery, delivery, sale, transport contracts, we reflect some of the essential conditions in the appendices to them: specifications, applications, additional agreements, etc.

    Appendix to the agreement, additional agreement and protocol of disagreements. How to format it correctly.

    If the contract is not one-time nature and is concluded for a long period, and goods/services are sold/provided for it in batches or at any frequency, there is a need for regular signing of such applications. In them, the parties specify the nature of the transaction. So, concluding general agreement delivery, the parties can make a link to the annexes, which will reflect the name of the product batch, price, delivery time, payment, tolerance (deviation in the quantity of products supplied), and other conditions specific to the delivery of this particular batch of products. It should be remembered that the appendix will be part of the contract only if the number and date of the contract are indicated in it, as well as a reference in the contract itself to such an appendix, at least in general form.

    It is often difficult to obtain the original application due to the territorial fragmentation of the parties. In this case, it is recommended that the contract provide for the possibility of using facsimile copies of applications, which will be legal nature and legal force are equal to the originals until they are replaced by such. Let us remind you that the contract itself must be signed in the original, without using facsimile prints, sealed with living seals (if the enterprise is in economic activity uses printing).

    It is also possible to use this type of agreement on essential conditions as annexes to the contract, such as sending an application (offer) and accepting this application (i.e. obtaining consent to execute it). Sometimes this type approval is preferable because allows you to avoid additional exchange of letters before signing the specification (i.e., the application itself and the response to it will be annexes to the contract).

    Let us remind you that the signatories to the agreement, as well as additional agreements to it, are not necessarily required to sign the agreement. Any person can sign such documents that are part of the contract; the authority to sign such documents has been granted constituent documents enterprises or internal documentation: by order, minutes of the meeting of founders, power of attorney from the enterprise. You should carefully read the scope of powers granted to the signatory, even if the agreement or annexes to it are signed by the first manager: director, CEO, because the statutory documents the terms of reference for concluding certain types of transactions may be narrowed. Sometimes, in order to avoid signing attachments, the parties to the contract indicate that some of the terms of the contract (for example, delivery time, delivery method, etc.) may be indicated in the invoice. This method agreement on such conditions is unacceptable, since issuing an invoice is unilateral act, the contract presupposes the free expression of the will of both parties. If, nevertheless, the parties insist on indicating such conditions in the invoice, the payer’s consent must be attached to it - a letter of acceptance of the conditions specified in the invoice. Otherwise, such conditions may be considered inconsistent, which will lead to disagreements and the possibility of one of the parties declaring the transaction invalid in this part or completely.

    What if the annex to the agreement contradicts the agreement itself? It is accepted that since the annexes to the agreement are signed throughout its entire validity period, since they are signed later, the provisions enshrined in them will have greater legal force. However, in order to avoid discrepancies, a note about this should be made in the contract. Finally, we point out that the invalidity individual items concluded agreement or its annexes, additional agreements, does not affect the validity of the agreement as a whole, unless, of course, these clauses are essential conditions and their non-coordination introduces ambiguity into the very nature of the transaction.

    Production of stamps based on impressions — (Duplicate seals)

    Sample of filling out Appendix No. 7 to the Services Agreement legal services

    about the provision of services


    Society with limited liability"Amethyst", hereinafter referred to as the "Customer", represented by General Director Ivanov I.I., acting on the basis of the protocol general meeting participants No. 1 dated February 01, 2013 and in accordance with the Charter, on the one hand, and the limited liability company "Advisor", hereinafter referred to as the "Executor", represented by General Director Andreev A.A., acting on the basis of the decision the only participant No. 1 dated January 15, 2013 and in accordance with the Charter, on the other hand, collectively hereinafter referred to as the “Parties”, constituted this act(hereinafter referred to as the Act) on the following:

    Appendix to the service agreement sample form

    The contractor provided following services under the Agreement for the provision of legal services No. AS/Yu-7 dated November 05, 2013 (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement):

    Result of service provision

    Characteristics of services, results of services

    A pre-trial analysis of the prospects for resolving the dispute was carried out, and legal opinion reflecting conclusions on the issues specified in the Agreement

    Legal opinion

    Formed legal position aimed at protecting the interests of the Customer

    Review on statement of claim Orbita LLC

    The review and its annexes were submitted to the Moscow Arbitration Court

    Written explanations

    Solution received arbitration court G.

    2. Total services provided under the Agreement amounted to 150,000 (one hundred fifty thousand) rubles, including VAT (18%).

    3. The listed services are provided in accordance with the Agreement (as amended by the additional agreement dated March 03, 2014) in a timely manner to the required extent and in accordance with the requirements, established by the Treaty to the quality of services.

    4. The Contractor provides the Customer with the following documents:

    Title of the document

    Number of copies

    Type of document (copy/original)

    Number of sheets (file size)


    Power of attorney for Stepanov A.M., Mikhailov A.P.



    Statement of claim by Orbita LLC


    Claim of Orbita LLC


    Amethyst LLC's response to the claim


    Payment orders for payment under supply agreement No. KS-123 dated November 27, 2012 with the bank’s mark on execution (for the period of validity of the supply agreement)


    Reconciliation report with Orbita LLC


    5. The act is drawn up in two copies having equal legal force, one for each Party.

    Appendix: on 105 sheets.

    Appendix No. 2
    to Agreement No. _____
    from "___"________ ___ g.

    “APPROVED” “APPROVED” ______________________ ______________________ M.P. M.P.

    Rules and procedure for drawing up annexes to the agreement

    "___"__________ ___ "___"__________ ___ PROTOCOL of the agreement on the contract price for: _____________________________________________________ (name information services Contractor provided to the Customer) We, the undersigned, ___________________, represented by ___________________, acting__ on the basis of ___________________, on the part of the Customer, and ___________________, represented by ___________________, acting__ on the basis of _______________, on the part of the Contractor, certify that the parties to the Agreement dated “___”_________ ___ city N ___ an agreement was reached on the contract price for _________________________________________________________ (services provided) in the amount of _____________ (____________________________________) rubles. (in words) This Protocol is the basis for mutual settlements and payments between the Contractor and the Customer. Executor Customer ________ (___________________) ________ (____________________) (signature) (Full name) (signature) (Full name)

    Appendix No. ____ to the Compensation Agreement consulting services(services are provided jointly by two persons; the subject of the obligation is indivisible) from “___”________ ____

    Sample annex to the contract for the provision of services

    Price agreement protocol

    "___"________ ____ G.

    Represented by _________________________, acting___ on the basis of __________________, and __________________________, represented by _____________________, acting___ on the basis of ______________________, hereinafter referred to as “Executors”, on the one hand, and ______________________________, hereinafter referred to as __________________ “Customer”, represented by _______________, acting___ on the basis of ___________, on the other hand, collectively referred to as the “Parties”, have signed this Protocol as follows:

    1. In accordance with clause 4.1 of the Agreement on the provision of paid consulting services dated “___”________ ____, N ___ The parties agreed on the cost of services (contract price), which is ________ (____________________) rubles.

    2. This Protocol is drawn up in triplicate and is an integral part of the above Agreement.

    The contract must list attachments. The annex to the agreement contains norms that explain the main text of the agreement, rules of dispute resolution procedure, etc. They may concern both the contract as a whole and its individual articles. The legal force of an annex to an agreement is, as a rule, the same as the effect of the provisions of the main part of the agreement, about which the parties make a corresponding reservation in the final part of the text of the agreement.

    Attachment to agreement depends on the type of contract. All annexes to the agreement are its integral parts, which is stated accordingly in the text of the agreement.

    Attachment to agreement

    Attachment to agreement the parties confirm with signatures and seals. They may or may not be stitched together with the general text of the contract.

    The preparation of an annex to the contract can be:

    Addendums to the contract;

    Technical documentation.

    Addendum to the contract - documentation recording changes or amendments to the previously agreed terms of the contract.

    All changes and additions to a previously drawn up agreement can only be made by agreement of both parties. When one of the parties considers it necessary to change or terminate the agreement, it must send the other party annexes to the agreement. The other party is obliged to study the proposals and provide a response within the period specified by the proposal of the first party.

    Changes and amendments to the terms of the signed agreement are formalized in in writing by separate agreement parties (additional agreements to the contract) or protocol. They can also be executed by exchanging letters, by email, faxes and the like.

    The additional agreement to the contract, fixing amendments and additions to its text, has the following details:

    What contract needs to be changed (contract number, what the contract is about, from what date);

    Reasons for amending the contract;

    What conditions will be changed or what terms of the contract need to be supplemented;

    Another version of the conditions that have been changed, for example: “...p. 1 tbsp. 4. submit the agreement as follows: ...";

    A clause stating that the previous contractual terms from the time of signing the amendment agreement do not have legal force;

    The procedure for reviewing issues that have arisen if some requirements of the contractual agreement have been changed by the relevant agreement and have already entered into the legal realm.

    For example, if, according to the contract, the cost has been converted and the customers have already paid the preliminary amount, then the procedure for additional payment (term, amount, method, etc.) should be stipulated;

    A warning that if one party opposes changes to the conditions introduced by the other party, then the contract must be fulfilled on the terms that were agreed upon earlier.

    3. Legal addresses of the parties.

    4. Signature and seal of each party.

    It may turn out that for some reason the parties will come to a decision to terminate the previously signed agreement. Such termination of the contract is approved by a protocol or other bilateral document.

    The agreement that fixes the termination of the contract has the following details:

    1. Title of the document, serial number, title to the text (indication of which agreement it is an annex to - its number and date).

    2. Text that records the following information:

    From what time the contract is considered terminated;

    The reason conducive to termination of the contract;

    Methods for adjusting emerging aspects between the parties, or the end of agreements that have already been formed between the parties (for example, the time and process for returning the amounts of advance payments under the contractual agreement, if any have been made);

    The clause states that from the moment the contractual agreement comes into force, the parties lose their rights to claim under the agreement drawn up before this.

    3. Legal address both sides.

    4. Signature and seal of both parties.

    Technical documentation is needed to ensure installation, correct and timely commissioning, commissioning and required operation of the equipment. It is considered the basis for satisfying claims regarding the quality of the delivered products.

    Technical documentation includes:

    Specifications, developed either by the customer company or the supplier company and approved by the customer;

    Quality certificates (manufacturer or neutral organization that provides it to the seller’s order);

    Specifications of all parts and assemblies list in detail all types of supplied equipment;

    Technical descriptions machine designs and passports for machines and electrical equipment;

    General and detailed drawings of machines indicating the main dimensions;

    Instructions for installation, testing and operation of equipment;

    Lubrication diagram;

    Foundation and installation drawings (foundation drawings for the supplied equipment);

    Working drawings of wear-out equipment, machines, machines, etc.

    The contract may stipulate a set of technical documentation that the supplier undertakes to hand over to the customer in connection with the execution of the contract, as well as the number of sets, the procedure and period for the delivery of technical documentation to the customer by the supplier.

    Technical documentation is usually drawn up in the customer’s language or in another language with his consent.

    Technical documentation can be produced as a separate attachment to agreement or accompany the products that are supplied (for example, included in the drawer of each machine). Technical documentation, which is submitted along with the products, is packaged in waterproof paper.

    If the contract is cancelled, the technical documentation is returned to the supplier upon his request within 3 months from the date of termination of the contract. If the delivery of machines and equipment is carried out according to the technical documentation transferred by the customers to the supplier, then in the event of termination of the contract, the supplier must return it to the buyer and not use it, transferring it to other persons.

    When a product (work, service) requires more detailed characteristics or the range of products (work, services) is large enough, contracts add a specification.

    Specification is a document containing a list of goods supplied, indicating their quantity, quality, grade, etc.

    The specification, as a rule, has the following details:

    1. Title of the document, serial number of the specification.

    2. Heading to the text - an indication of which agreement it is an annex to (its number and date).

    3. Text, which is often presented in the form of a table containing the following columns:

    Serial number;

    Name of the product indicating the brand, model, type or grade;

    Number and numbers of seats;

    Type of packaging;

    Gross and net weight of one piece;

    Total gross and net weight.

    4. Signatures and seals of the parties.

    In the case of railway shipments, a wagon specification containing a list of goods shipped in a particular wagon is added to the railway waybill.

    The specification is included in the set of documents that are submitted with payment documents (collection order).

    In diplomacy, annexes to a treaty are used with different purposes. First of all, they make it possible not to burden the main text international treaty details, which makes it easier to understand the entire contents of the contract. Therefore, as a rule, in the text

    contracts include basic provisions, and additional regulations included in applications. It happens that appendices to a contract are used to hide the main content of the contract: general text contracts are filled with the most general provisions, which get real meaning thanks to the specific solutions available in the applications. It happens that an agreement may contain mainly protocol provisions, and its main meaning is taught in the appendix (for example International convention about search and rescue at sea 1979).

    Attachment to agreement V technically does not differ from the preparation of the main text of the contract.

    Attachment to agreement There are two types:

    Those that are an integral part;

    Those that do not form an integral part.

    Attachment to agreement, is an integral part and contains important decisions, which clarify or change the terms of the contract, for example, explain the rules of the dispute resolution procedure. This:

    Additional agreement;

    Various kinds protocols;

    Additional articles.

    The text of the contract must include the following clause: “ Attachment to agreement is an indivisible part of this Agreement." The annexes to the agreement are signed and sealed by both parties. They must be stitched together with the main contract. If such annexes are part of a treaty that is subject to ratification, then they are ratified along with the treaty and included in the text of the instrument of ratification.

    Attachment to agreement, which does not form an integral part of the contract, contains visual material for the contract. The Agreement contains only references to the following attached documents. They are usually not signed or sealed, attached to the text of the treaty, or ratified, even if the treaty is subject to ratification. However, if they are independent documents, then they must be signed, and if their text is more than 3/4 of a page, then they are certified with seals and stitched.

    Appendix to the agreement: example (rules of behavior for children in the camp)

    The rules of conduct while receiving the Service (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) are mandatory for all vacationers in the territory where the Service is provided, as well as visitors who come to visit the vacationers.

    Customers - parents or persons who sign the Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) are obliged to bring these Rules to the attention of minors, in respect of which services are provided in accordance with the Agreement, and explain the consequences of their violation or non-fulfillment.

    Starting to use the Services (arriving at the place where the Services are provided) is considered the consent of the Customer and the minor in respect of whom the Agreement has been concluded to comply with these Rules.

    Rules of conduct in the territory where the Service is provided:

    Treat with respect everyone who is in the territory where the Service is provided - from vacationers and staff to visitors.

    The vacationer for whom the Service is provided must independently adhere to the following personal hygiene rules: wash and brush your teeth in the morning and evening, wash your hands before eating, be clean and tidy, comb your hair, use only your own hygiene and cosmetic products.

    Do not use obscene language (both with vacationers and with other people).

    Items in the room must be stored in a specially designated place. Dirty items are placed in a separate bag.

    Do not smoke or drink low alcohol drinks, narcotic and hallucinogenic drugs.

    Be careful with any property that is located in the territory where the Service is provided: do not break, damage or damage the equipment that is in the territory where the Service is provided, including buildings, and do not paint, paint or damage in any other way bed dress.

    All your wishes and complaints can be expressed in the “Book of Complaints,” which can be asked from the Contractor’s staff.

    For solutions controversial issue contact the Contractor's staff - counselors and educators.

    Keep rooms clean throughout the day.

    Don't pollute environment. Do not throw candy wrappers, paper, fruit peels and other items that spoil the surrounding atmosphere on the territory where the Service is provided.

    Do not go beyond the territory where the Service is provided and to prohibited places (for example, it is prohibited to stay in a swimming pool or in a rope course without instructors and for a time not provided for in the schedule). Exiting the territory where the Service is provided is permitted only when accompanied by the Contractor’s employees and with the permission of the Contractor and by written consent Customer.

    Do not use flammable materials (matches, lighters, all types of firecrackers).

    Immediately report any detected problems to the Contractor's employees.

    Use of items brought to the territory where the Service is provided while on vacation

    Parents of a child vacationing or persons replacing parents are responsible for damage caused to the Contractor's property by the vacationing person in respect of whom the Service is provided.

    All electrical appliances brought at home by a vacationer with a child must be handed over to the Contractor for storage.

    Cell phones and gadgets are stored in a safe with the squad teachers during the shift and are issued at free time the daily schedule is from 19-00 to 19-45.

    A resting child is not allowed to use electrical appliances without the permission of the Contractor's employees. Where are some points of behavior during the illness of a vacationing child in respect of whom the Service is provided:

    If a child becomes ill, the Contractor notifies the Customer about the state of health. If a child on vacation does not need hospitalization in a specialized medical institution, then the Contractor reserves the right to isolate the child in a separate room with all amenities, providing doctor care and treatment, but removing the child from the recreation program for the period of treatment.

    The Contractor reserves the right in case of violation by vacationers of these Rules:

    a) apply restrictions on visiting and participating in sports and entertainment events to vacationers,

    b) in case of significant violations that jeopardize the life, health and rest of other vacationers, staff and/or visitors, as well as systematic violations Rules - stop providing

    Services in relation to the violator and terminate the Agreement early without refund of payment for the time remaining until the end of the Agreement. The Contractor reserves the right to refuse to enter into an agreement for the provision of services for organizing recreation and care to persons with whom they were terminated early

    similar agreements previously.

    PARENTS: I, ________________________________________________________________________________ (last name, first name, patronymic of parents)

    CHILD: __________________________________________________________________________ (last name, first name, patronymic of the camp participant)

    In this article you learned what the annex to the contract is. If you have any questions or problems that require the participation of lawyers, then you can seek help from the specialists of the Sherlock information and legal portal. Just leave a request on our website and our lawyers will call you back.

    Editor: Igor Reshetov

    Applications for contracts

    A contract is a written agreement between two or more persons about mutual obligations. It’s not always possible to include everything in an agreement. the necessary conditions. In some cases, it is advisable to indicate details in an annex to the contract.

    How to fill out the application form to the contract

    Annexes are drawn up in the same form as the main agreement. If the agreement is certified by a notary, accompanying documents are also subject to certification.

    The form of the annex to the contract indicates its serial number and name. Also necessary is a link to the main contract - its number, date and place of drawing up. The following indicates the point of agreement that is being disclosed and its content. After this, the details of the counterparties are entered, indicating their positions. The document must be signed by both parties to the transaction.

    Types of annexes to the agreement

    For example, a purchase and sale agreement is accompanied by a transfer and acceptance certificate, which records payment for the goods and the fact of its transfer. The lease agreement includes a transfer and acceptance certificate and a payment schedule.

    As an example of appendices to the agreement, we give:

    • Additional agreement. It is drawn up when it is necessary to terminate a transaction, supplement or change its terms.
    • Protocol of disagreements. This is a document in which the counterparty indicates the terms of the transaction that are unacceptable in his opinion and provides a new version of them. The main agreement states that it was signed with a protocol of disagreements.
    • Protocol for reconciliation of disagreements. This document is drawn up when the second participant does not agree with the terms proposed by the counterparty in the protocol of disagreement. It is usually presented in the form of a table: in the first two columns there is an edition of the controversial paragraphs, and in the third there is an agreed edition.

    You can draw up and download competent examples of annexes to contracts in our online service.

    Often used with this pattern:

    The document is drawn up in two copies of equal legal force, signed by representatives and sealed by the parties. The agreement comes into force from the date of its signing and releases the parties from further fulfillment of the terms of the main agreement, with the exception of the clauses of the agreement.

    The procedure for registering changes in the details of one of the parties (location, name legal entity, Bank details etc.), is not regulated by law and does not affect the obligations of the parties. Therefore, it is not necessary to enter into an additional agreement. But in order to avoid various problems and inconveniences, in practice there are 2 optimal ways to solve this issue:

    Appendix to the contract how to draw up

    An appendix to documents is an addition that contributes to a more complete disclosure of the content and meaning of the main business paper. For example, the appendices clarify the list of members of the commissions created by the decision of the meeting, contain the specifications of those goods or structures being created that are discussed in the contract, etc. Most annexes are an integral part of the main documents, without which the latter have no legal force.

    Appendix to the contract, sample

    An annex to the agreement in accordance with GOST can be drawn up as a continuation of the agreement with sheet numbering, or issued as a separate document. The text of the agreement must contain references to all amendments attached to the agreement, indicating their numbers, clauses and subclauses. If there are several applications, then they all start on a new sheet with the obligatory writing “Appendix” in the middle.

    If it is of an informative nature, then after the name of the application it is written in brackets that it is recommended or reference. If it belongs to the category of mandatory, then it is marked “mandatory”. You can also designate documents in capital letters. The header also indicates the number of pages contained in the application.

    Appendix to the agreement, additional agreement and protocol of disagreements

    From the moment of signing this protocol disagreements are considered part of the main agreement, the text of which must be marked “The agreement is valid taking into account the protocol of disagreements,” and both the agreement and the protocol must be sealed with the same signatures and seals. From the moment this note is made, the clauses specified in the protocol are valid only in the new edition, and the same clauses in the main agreement lose their force.

    The party that received the protocol of disagreements signs it if it agrees with new edition. As a result, the corresponding provision of the agreement will be in effect as amended by the protocol of disagreements, and not the agreement. However, it is likely that some of the proposed conditions may not suit the counterparty. In this case, a protocol of agreement (settlement) of disagreements is drawn up for the protocol of disagreements.

    Some subtleties of application design

    From the above, we conclude that the approved documents must contain the requisite “Document Approval Statement”, which is drawn up in accordance with GOST R 6.30-2003, and not the inscription “Appendix No.” with data administrative document. But if the application is of a reference or analytical nature (i.e., not approved), then in its upper right corner the inscription “Appendix No.” should be written indicating the relevant document, its date and registration number.

    Concluding the article, I would like to note that if questions arise related to the preparation of documents or the organization of work with them, it is better to look for answers in several regulatory documents or sources, rather than stopping at just one. This is the only way to get the most complete answer to your question.

    Application design

    • cover letter and attachment thereto;
    • The main document and the appendix are related by the following content:
      • the contract and its annex in the form of cost estimates, calendar plan or other document;
      • an order and an action plan or a list of commission members disclosing the content of the relevant paragraphs of the administrative part of the order;
      • order and the regulations approved by this order, which are annex to the order.

    An appendix to a document can be either an independent, finalized and valid document(for example, a copy of the organization’s charter, a copy staffing table organizations, signed and registered copies of the agreement sent to the counterparty, etc.), as well as a draft document (for example, a draft resolution, a draft order) or a part of the document that explains or reveals the content individual provisions main document (for example, a list of members created by order the head of the commission, which is an appendix to this order, or an action plan, also approved by the order).

    How to submit applications for a diploma thesis

    Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated December 25, 2006 No. SAE-3-06/, applied when conducting and processing the results of tax audits and other activities tax control, started after December 31, 2006, the forms of office and on-site (repeated on-site) acts were approved tax audit. 1 The desk tax audit report is presented in Appendix No. 1 2 . The on-site tax audit report is presented in Appendix No. 2 3.

    Applications can also be designated by letters of the Latin alphabet, excluding the letters I and O. In the event that all accepted letters of Russian or Latin alphabets, then further applications must be designated Arabic numerals. If you have only 1 application in the document, it must be designated “APPENDIX A”.

    How to submit an attachment to a document

    Thus, the cover letter and its attachments are independent documents, each of which has its own registration data. In the text of the cover letter we write: “We are sending you a contract dated 05/03/2013 No. 45”, after which the letter receives its own index - outgoing number. The letter and its attachments can exist without each other.

    As you already know, it is customary to send documents to the addressee along with a covering letter, which is a kind of guarantee that the information sent was received in in full. Let's talk about how to correctly and in full compliance with the rules of office work draw up attachments to cover letters.

    How to draw up an annex to an employment contract

    In some cases, changes in conditions employment contract may affect almost all of its contents. For example, shift labor function an employee may result in a change in his rights and obligations, terms of remuneration and many other provisions of the employment contract. Therefore, if too many changes are made to the employment contract, it may become difficult to understand.

    At the same time, from the wording of this norm it is not entirely clear how the missing information can be included in the text of an already drawn up and signed employment contract. It seems that this can be done by concluding an additional agreement providing for the addition of the relevant employment contract with the missing information, conditions ( see sample below).

    Donation agreement without a notary

    Mandatory notarization is not provided for for such agreements by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. But in the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the concept of “required notarization” is given without interpretation. This means that a number of agreements on the assignment of rights must be certified by a notary, otherwise it will simply be impossible to enter into the rights of the owner.

    But the assignment of property rights must be real. After concluding the transaction, the recipient must acquire a gift, the keys to it, and a certificate for receiving it. Absolutely everything that confirms actual transfer gift. If we talk about whether such a deal has legal force, then without a doubt “yes”.

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    Concluding most contracts governed by civil law, such as supply,kulya-sale, transport contracts, we reflect some of the essential terms in the appendices to them: specifications, applications, additional agreements, etc. If the contract is not one-time in nature and is concluded for a long period, and the goods/services for sale / appear on it in batches or at any frequency, there is a need for regular signing of such applications. In them, the parties specify the nature of the transaction. Thus, when concluding a general supply agreement, the parties can make a reference to the annexes, which will reflect the name of the product batch, price, delivery time, payment, tolerance (deviation in the quantity of products supplied), other conditions specific to the delivery of this particular batch of products.It should be remembered that the appendix will be part of the contract only if the number and date of the contract are indicated in it, as well as a reference in the contract itself to such an appendix, at least in general form.

    It is often difficult to obtain the original application due to the territorial fragmentation of the parties. In this case, it is recommended that the contract provide for the possibility of using facsimile copies of applications, which will be equal in legal nature and legal force to the originals until they are replaced with such. Let us remind you that the agreement itself must be signed in the original, without the use of facsimile prints, and sealed with living seals (if the enterprise uses a seal in business activities).

    It is also possible to use this type of agreement on essential conditions as annexes to the contract, such as sending an application (offer) and accepting this application (i.e. obtaining consent to execute it). Sometimes this type of approval is preferable because allows you to avoid additional exchange of letters before signing the specification (i.e..e , the application itself and the response to it will be annexes to the agreement).

    Let us remind you that the signatories to the agreement, as well as additional agreements to it, are not necessarily required to sign the agreement. Any person can sign such documents that are part of the agreement; the authority to sign such documents is provided by the constituent documents of the enterprise or internal documentation: an order, minutes of the meeting of founders, a power of attorney from the enterprise. You should carefully review the scope of powers granted to the signatory , even if the agreement or annexes to it are signed by the first manager: director, general director, since the statutory documents may narrow the scope of his powers to conclude certain types of transactions. Sometimes, in order to avoid signing attachments, the parties to the contract indicate that some of the terms of the contract (for example, delivery time, delivery method, etc.) may be specified in account /invoice. This method of agreeing on such conditions is unacceptable, since issuing an invoice is a unilateral act, while the contract presupposes the free expression of the will of both parties. If, nevertheless, the parties insist on indicating such conditions in the invoice, the payer’s consent must be attached to it - a letter of acceptance of the conditions specified in the invoice. Otherwise, such conditions may be considered inconsistent, which will lead to disagreements and the possibility of one of the parties declaring the transaction invalid in this part or completely.

    What if the annex to the agreement contradicts the agreement itself? It is accepted that since the annexes to the agreement are signed throughout its entire validity period, since they are signed later, the provisions enshrined in the agreement will have greater legal force.them. However , in order to avoid discrepancies, a note about this should be made in the contract. Finally, we point out that the invalidity of individual clauses of the concluded agreement or its annexes, additional agreements, does not affect the validity of the agreement as a whole, unless, of course, these clauses are essential conditions and their non-approval introduces ambiguity into the very nature of the transaction.

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