Service agreement or agency agreement. Providing cargo transportation services

Agency contract is a type of intermediary agreement along with an assignment and a commission.

An agency agreement is an independent type of civil law contract, legal regulation which is provided for in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

The agency agreement received legal regulation in Chapter 52 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Article 1011 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation provides that in a case that does not contradict the essence of the agreement, as well as the norms of Chapter 52 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the rules of Chapter 49 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation on instructions or norms of Chapter 51 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation on the commission.

Agency contract

for the provision of services

__________________ ___ _______ 20__

__________________________________, hereinafter referred to asPrincipal , represented by _____________________________________, acting on the basis of _____________, on the one hand,

And_______________________________________, hereinafter referred to asAgent, represented by ____________________________________, acting on the basis of _____________, collectively referred to as"Parties" , have entered into this agreement as follows:

1. Subject of the agreement.

1. In accordance with the terms of this agreement, the Agent undertakes, on behalf of the Principal for a fee, to carry out a legal (or actual) action on his own behalf and at the expense of the Principal, to enter into transactions with third parties for the purchase and/or sale of _____________ products (hereinafter referred to as the Goods).

Additionally, the Parties, in their instructions to the Agent, agree on the terms of transactions, the range, type and volume of the Goods purchased and/or sold, the price, terms of purchase and/or sale of the Goods.

1.2. The Agent enters into an agreement with third parties on his own behalf at the expense of the Principal, acquires rights and becomes obligated, even if the Principal is named in the agreements or has entered into direct relations with third parties for the execution of the agreement.

2. Responsibilities of the parties.

2.1. The Agent undertakes:

— protect all (commercial, financial and other) interests of the Principal;

— enter into contracts for the purchase/sale of Goods on its own behalf;

— comply with the Principal’s directives regarding the terms of transactions and settlements thereon;

— immediately inform the Principal about changes in the terms of transactions or about circumstances affecting their execution;

— do not enter into similar Agency agreements with third parties;

— within the time limits agreed upon by the parties, provide the Principal with reports on his performance of this Agreement, attaching the necessary evidence of expenses incurred by him;

— assist the Principal in conducting negotiations with third parties and participate in agreeing on the terms of transactions.

2.2. The principal is obliged:

—. clearly and timely inform the Agent about your requirements regarding the conditions for the latter to perform legal and other actions, the conditions for concluding transactions, by sending Orders;

— in case of changes in the terms of execution of transactions or the emergence of circumstances affecting their execution, immediately give the Agent instructions on the order of execution;

— allocate to the Agent necessary funds for the purchase of Goods;

— accept reports submitted by the Agent;

— timely and fully pay the Agent the remuneration, the amount of which is additionally agreed upon by the Parties, as well as pay the Agent the expenses incurred by the latter in connection with the execution of the Principal’s instructions;

— together with the Agent, look for ways to improve work;

— transmit instructions to the Agent to search for a specific counterparty.

3.Order of work execution.

3.1. The Principal sends a written instruction to the Agent to conclude an agreement with third parties for the purchase or sale of the Goods, indicating all necessary conditions transaction, after which the Agent immediately begins work to fulfill the Principal’s instructions.

An instruction can be given by the Principal using postal (telegraph, telephone, electronic, facsimile and other) communications.

3.2. Having completed the order, the Agent is obliged to send the Principal a report on the work done, indicating all the conditions and amounts of the purchased/sold Goods, as well as documents confirming the expenses incurred.

3.3. The Agent draws up and sends a report to the Principal on the work done within _________ calendar days based on the results of the executed order or before the _________ day of the month following the reporting month.

3.4. If there are any objections to the reports, the Principal notifies the Agent about them within _________ days from the date of receipt of the report. If there are no objections to specified period the report is considered accepted and approved by the Principal.

3.5. The Principal's Instruction and the Agent's Report are integral part actual agreement.

4. Payment procedure.

4.1. Based on the results of the Principal’s approval of the report on the execution of the order, the Agent is paid a remuneration.

The amount of remuneration is additionally agreed upon by the parties by sending a separate instruction to the Agent from the Principal and/or concluding an additional agreement to this Agreement on the amount (procedure and conditions) agency fee. If there is no objection from the Agent, the remuneration is established by the Principal and communicated to the Agent in the main order.

Settlements with the Agent can be made both in cash and by transfer of securities and bills.

4.2. The right to receive remuneration for a completed order arises with the Agent after the report is approved by the Principal within the timeframe agreed upon by the Parties.

4.3. The Principal undertakes to compensate the Agent for all necessary expenses for organizing the transportation of the Goods by transport, for organizing the storage of the Goods, as well as other expenses incurred by the Agent when carrying out the instructions of the Principal.

5. Responsibility of the parties.

5.1. The party that has violated its obligations under this agreement must immediately eliminate the violations or take measures to eliminate the consequences. In case of failure to fulfill their obligations, the Parties bear financial liability.

5.2. If losses occur due to improper execution of this agreement the guilty party is liable in the amount of unnecessary damage.

5.3. All disputes under this agreement are resolved through negotiations.

5.4. If it is impossible to resolve possible disputes under this agreement or in connection with it through negotiations, such disputes will be considered in Arbitration Court G. _____________.

6. Force majeure.

6.1. When circumstances arise force majeure, as a result of which it becomes impossible to complete or partial execution any of the Parties' obligations under this agreement, namely: fire, natural disasters, accidents, military operations of any nature, prohibitions and restrictions on import-export operations, orders and prohibitions government agencies or other circumstances beyond the control of the parties, the deadline for execution is extended in proportion to the time during which such circumstances will remain in effect.

6.2. A party for which it is impossible to fulfill its obligations under this agreement due to force majeure circumstances must, no later than 5 calendar days after their occurrence, notify the other party of the expected duration and termination of the above circumstances.

7. Final provisions.

7.1. This agreement comes into force from the moment it is signed by the Parties and will be valid until “__”____________20__. Its validity period is automatically extended for a similar period if neither party notifies the other of the cancellation of the Agreement __________ before the date of its termination.

7.2. This agreement may be terminated within ____________ days after one of the parties provides written notice in case of failure of the other party to fulfill its obligations under the contract.

7.3. All annexes to this agreement are its integral parts.

We, (full name), on the one hand,

and (full name), on the other hand,

have entered into this agreement as follows.

Even if there is own department sales different organizations use the help of third-party specialists to find clients or buyers. Agency services are often used for the sale of expensive goods, for example, real estate, cars. The agency agreement is concluded between the customer and the contractor (agent). This type of document legally regulates the issue of remuneration for the performer.

Agency services - what are they?

This is one of the types of representation that is provided to the principal under a pre-concluded agreement. It consists of finding clients or buyers for a particular product for the customer. The relevance of this assistance is reflected in the possibility of expanding client base due to remote agents working in different regions. The contractor receives a non-fixed remuneration, the amount of which depends on the cost of the goods sold.

Often this amount is 2-5% of the agent’s revenue.

Acting on one’s own behalf in the interests of the customer The work scheme is carried out as from own name agent and on behalf of the principal. In the first case, the agent sells products on his own behalf, being only a representative of the customer. However, all negotiations, sales conclusions and comprehensive support for the client’s purchase procedure are carried out on behalf of the agent. The buyer does not have a direct connection with the management of the agent’s client company. This type of intermediary assistance is relevant for goods.

different categories

Actions of agents on behalf and on behalf of the principal Selling products on behalf of the principal is one of the types assistance that is relevant in any field of activity. On behalf of the customer, the agent can not only sell real estate, but also look for clients for wholesale purchases and perform other actions. The tax is charged directly to the main company. Accounting is maintained by the customer's specialists, so the agent is exempt from this procedure.

What is an agency agreement

This is one of the types of documentation that is drawn up between the customer and the contractor. It indicates the amount of assistance provided and the terms of cooperation (for example, the amount of payment). Instructions for performing a particular task are drawn up separately for the agent. The document must specify the rights and obligations of the performer, the type of powers vested in responsible person at the time of execution agency services.

Difference from a service agreement

Difference of this document from the contract for the provision of services lies in the volume and availability of certain items. Its features:

  • the agency agreement is drawn up for a long period;
  • Both parties are legally protected under an agency agreement, under an article of the Civil Code (provision on agency);
  • the document eliminates the need to draw up additional agreements.

In what cases is

In some cases, an agreement is concluded for the provision of agency services. Such confirmation of the transaction is necessary:

  • When a client needs representation from a contractor on a permanent basis (intermediary in in this case is not registered as a staff member, and its work is regulated by a drawn up contract).
  • So that customers can directly talk to a representative and conclude a deal with him.
  • To expand your own representative office without expanding your staff and opening separate branches.

Types of agency agreements

In total, there are two types of documents regulating the relationship between the customer and the contractor. Agency agreement for the provision intermediary services can be drawn up between legal entities and individuals and happens:

  • Monopoly - in this case, a person represents the interests of only one contractor without the possibility of related representation of other customers, regardless of the type of activity.
  • Non-monopoly - drawn up for the execution of transactions by not one, but several specialists (in this case, the executor can represent the rights of different companies).

For the purchase or sale of goods

A contract of intermediary services for the purchase or sale of goods provides the contractor with the opportunity not only to represent the interests of the customer in the sale of their products, but also to independently purchase certain batches of products. Implementation is carried out by a specialist at the customer’s representative office. Receipt of payment is made to the accounts of the customer company, and the specialist does not have the right to sell products on his own behalf. Independent activity prohibited by the terms of the contract.

For the provision of legal services

Legal services are provided by the contractor to the extent specified in the contract drawn up between the customer and the contractor. Unlike mediation, agency allows you to conduct a conversation directly on behalf of the customer and perform certain actions, for example:

  • fill out an invoice;
  • deliver documentation;
  • fill out some documents that were entrusted to the direct executor.

Accounting and auditing

By this species document maintenance accounting and audit is carried out according to Article 52 of the Civil Code. Posting is carried out on the basis of reporting documentation provided by the contractor (this can be checks, purchase receipts, etc.). VAT taxation also applies to a specialist, regardless of whose name he acts.

Providing cargo transportation services

One of the agency functions may be the transportation of cargo for its further implementation. If the intermediary agreement does not initially regulate the specialist’s ability to be financially responsible for the cargo, transport it and sell it on behalf of the company, then such a norm is prescribed in additional agreement. Please note that the principal must include this possibility on the part of the executor in the document.

How to draw up a mediation agreement

Sample finished contract can be seen in the video presented after the article. The contract document must in mandatory contain the following items:

  • name of organizations or persons (customer and contractor);
  • document type;
  • the date of its validity (agency services can be provided for an indefinite period or certain time);
  • working conditions of the performer;
  • terms of remuneration.

Essential terms of the agreement

The essential terms of the contract include not only the contractor’s working conditions, but also remuneration and a taxation scheme that must be adhered to. Documents for VAT deduction are filled out by the contractor, due to the fact that in these legal actions he is the executor and conducts the case on his own behalf (if this is stated in the terms of the document).

Restrictions on the actions of the parties

Intermediary view agency services may include a number of restrictions. In case of actual receipt of funds, they must be immediately sent to the account of the customer company. The contractor cannot keep working capital for a long time. He often cannot have other income from clients without the knowledge of the customer (provide Additional services, refund the cost in case of claims or return of goods).

How to work under an agency agreement

In order to carry out mediation, an agreement must be concluded. In addition, the employee receives instructions regarding own responsibilities. Often work requires availability additional props– booklets, business cards, catalogs, etc. All this is provided by the customer at the time of registration. The contractor must provide reporting documentation to the principal.

Documents for the provision of services

Like any type of activity, the provision of agency services requires reporting and the availability of documents on completed transactions. Accounting and reporting documentation includes:

  • invoices;
  • receipts;
  • copies of contracts;
  • acts of acceptance and transfer;
  • financial documentation confirming the fact of payment by the client;
  • TNN (overhead papers).

Report on completed work and intermediate results

The principal initially indicates in the contract when reporting is carried out on the part of the contractor. This is necessary due to the fact that taxation obliges the customer company to periodically submit documentation (every quarter). List necessary documents for reporting is indicated in the article paragraph above. They are handed over according to the result (according to the completed transaction) or every month (week), according to established conditions.

Documents confirming additional expenses incurred by the agent

Accounting is maintained by companies based on all data on expenses and income. Therefore, a person must confirm every expense the following documents:

  • receipt for payment for goods;
  • reports on the amount of remuneration of intermediaries (if he has the right to use the services of independent performers);
  • invoices and other documents.

The procedure for calculating and paying the amount of agency fees

Payment or remuneration for agency services can be transferred every specified period or upon completion of a transaction in trust transactions. There are several options based on the type of profit received by a specialist:

  • Percentage of the cost.
  • Fixed payment for each perfect deal(revenue of any volume is recognized, but payment does not change).

Accounting for intermediary services

In view of essential conditions intermediary document, agency services are subject to general tax for added value. To provide mediation, the executor must be familiar with current conditions according to accounting. For example, only net remuneration is taxed. And all funds received to carry out certain purchases or work are not subject to taxation.

Accounting with the principal

As described above, agency services must be documented in accordance with the relevant document. legislative norms. The reporting contains information about what products were sold by the agent on account 90 (if the document assumes that the contractor is a direct representative of the customer). Profits for agency services are taxed, but these accounting items are not included in the obligations of the customer company (they are only indicated as payment expenses according to the conditions).

How to account for transactions for an agent

A legal entity that fully represents the customer company under the contract maintains its own accounting records. Only those funds that were received as payment for agency services are considered profit, and working capital do not require accounting and are not taxed. An individual does not keep records - these concerns fall on the shoulders of the customer company’s employees. Agent reports are submitted to free form– there are no detailed norms and requirements established by law. They are also accompanied by the documents described in the article (receipts, invoices, etc.).

Agency agreement – ​​taxation of the parties

The basic rules governing the taxation of the parties are enshrined in law and can be changed in accordance with the tax code. Features of paying taxes for an agent:

  • the fixed value added tax is 20%;
  • tax is paid only on the profit received from the services provided;
  • the agent is exempt from such an obligation if he has switched to a simplified taxation system, if the contractor does not pay taxes at all under Article 145 of the Tax Code or if he provides services outside the country;
  • if the contractor also conducts other activities, then accounting is carried out separately.

The tax scheme for the customer is different and includes only two points:

  1. Accounting is maintained for all expense items (for this, the contractor provides reports, including receipts and invoices).
  2. The commission agreement or agency agreement includes a clause stating that VAT with total profit The company is paid directly by the customer (even if the money goes through an agent).

If income and expenses arise from the customer

No matter what the subject is agency agreement, the direct customer will have income and expenses in any case. For example, income from the sale of goods and services with the assistance of an agent. The entire amount of revenue is taken into account, taking into account net profit. From this amount, the expense item in accounting includes the cost of production, expenses for paying agency services, other employees, etc. The agent does not bear potential expenses unless his main duties require it.

If the contractor needs to pay for the transportation of a consignment of goods for sale to a client, then the expense can be made both from the personal account of the representative and from the client’s account. The expense will be reimbursed upon payment of remuneration. All these standards are taken into account primary document, and the parties' liability for payment is regulated Civil Code, NK Russian Federation. Each item of income and expense must be confirmed reporting documentation and attached to it. The data is taken into account by the accounting department.

Recognition of income from the agent

An agent's income is only the amount of funds that is due to him as direct payment for his services. While fulfilling its obligations, the customer’s representative can receive payment for services or products from clients, and then transfer it to the company’s account. These transactions are not counted as direct income. Therefore, no working capital tax is charged. Income is taken into account directly according to the agreement, which was drawn up in advance between the parties.

How is the VAT tax base calculated?

  1. If the principal and agent simultaneously work for common system taxation.
  2. If the principal is legal entity, and an agent is an individual.
  3. If the agent is a legal entity and the customer is an individual.

In the first case, the interests of the principal are represented by a specialist in the general taxation system. A representative can receive products for sale, but an invoice is drawn up only when selling to a client from the agent himself. The agent receives income only from the customer’s profit - taking this into account, it is necessary to maintain reporting. VAT is generated on invoices and other documentation.

In the second case, as in the first, all the customer’s revenue is taken into account by the accounting department, but VAT is paid on profit. Payment for the representative's service is made from income individual. In the third case, the agent pays VAT only on his profit. It is important to take into account here that funds received from sales should also be taken into account, but not passed as income in the debit of the account. Please note that when transferring goods for sale, this is not a sale - this is not documented.


In the case where one party needs the provision of services that the other party can offer, it is concluded special document, called an agency agreement. It discusses and records all the most important points related to services. For their part, the executors undertake to fulfill the instructions given to them in certain deadlines.

The customer is required to pay for the services provided. Everything must be included in the contract important points that protect the interests of both parties. An agency agreement is considered a document of an intermediary nature. This is one of the types of legal civil contract.

An agency agreement for the provision of services is considered one of the documents that is intermediary. These include commissions and instructions. He is independent legal document and is regulated by the Civil Code. Of this nature documents, a sample of which can be downloaded at the bottom of the article, are compiled within the framework established legislation and must not contradict the law. Such an agreement is concluded in the case of the provision of services:

  • tourist;
  • consulting;
  • real estate;
  • transport;
  • related to the provision legal assistance;
  • other services.

The agency agreement, a sample of which can be downloaded below, includes all the important aspects of cooperation, terms, form of payment and amount financial reward. According to such a document, the principal pays all costs associated with the agent’s actions to involve third parties in fulfilling any obligations discussed in the contract.

Legal services

This could be legal services. Exist certain types legal services provided in favor of the principal. This may include legal advice, transaction support, and others. useful services.

Agency documents include obligations on the part of both the principal and the agent. Conclusion of performance agreements tourism services may differ slightly from consulting and real estate services. The difference lies in the specifics of the service that a third party, engaged by an agent on the basis of a contract, undertakes to perform.

Tourist services

When concluding an agreement on the provision of tourist services, the agent undertakes to satisfy all the requirements of the principal and find third parties who can fulfill the terms of the agreement. In this case it could be a search best place for relaxation, travel, Vehicle for traveling abroad and much more. The conclusion of such an agreement imposes on the agent certain responsibilities which he must complete on time and within the allocated amount of funds. All expenses are paid by the principal, as specified in the contract.

Real estate services

The conclusion of an agreement for the provision of real estate services must also be carried out within the framework of the law. In this case, the agent must guarantee a productive search for clients for renting or selling the property. Existing form real estate services allows you to correctly draw up documents and not have problems in the future.

Consulting services

When drawing up contracts regarding consulting services the types of expenses and their specific amounts should be indicated, as well as the types of services that are expected to be provided. The agent must receive his due amount of remuneration, even if third parties were involved in the process of providing services and the principal came into direct contact with them. It is necessary to draw up documents correctly, a sample of which can be found at the end of the article.

Regardless of the nature of the services, transport, tourism or any other, certain rules regarding the preparation of the contract. Even if there is a difference between consulting services and others, in any case, general legislation. Possible difference cash transactions depending on the subject of the agreement. The agent is subject to following obligations:

  • protection of the interests of the principal and his safety financial resources;
  • conclusion of an agreement for the implementation of the subject of the contract;
  • fixing the terms of transactions and expenses;
  • informing the customer about any changes;
  • impossibility of concluding such agreements with third parties;
  • compliance with deadlines for fulfilling obligations, reporting;
  • assistance to the principal during negotiations with third parties.

Documents that relate to the conclusion of an agreement between the agent and the principal have legal force, their sample can be downloaded below. Failure to fulfill any obligations is considered illegal. The type of services provided may be mixed. In this case, all proposed activities are discussed in the contract. The difference between such a document is the list of services and the conditions for their implementation.

In turn, the principal bears the following obligations:

  • informing the agent about the requirements;
  • notification to the agent about changes in circumstances and assigned tasks;
  • allocation of finances for the performance of services by the agent;
  • receiving reports from the agent;
  • joint search with the agent for the best ways to implement tasks;
  • timely payment of remuneration to the agent;
  • search the best way cooperation with the agent;
  • transfer of instructions to the agent regarding a third party capable of solving the assigned tasks.

The work must be carried out in accordance with the concluded contract. The relevant documents, an example of filling and a sample of which can be downloaded below, include all aspects relating to the services performed. Force majeure are also discussed in the contract.

An agency agreement for the provision of intermediary services is one of the types of civil law agreements, which is concluded between two persons (agent and principal) and regulates the execution of certain actions, implying some kind of reward for the performer.

Simply put, the document puts into legal framework the actions of the agent to represent the interests of the customer (principal) in any authorities.

The difference between a mediation agreement and standard contract for the provision of services.

The second has a narrower focus, since it implies the provision of a specific service (and this is recorded in the body of the document).

An intermediary agreement may involve a number of actions that the agent has the right to perform on behalf of the principal, for example, concluding transactions on behalf of the guarantor, agreements for the performance of any services, attracting new clients, etc.

The agent can perform all actions specified in the contract both on his own behalf and on behalf of the principal.

The contract must contain detailed list all duties and powers vested in both parties to the agreement.

Particular attention should be paid to these points in order to avoid future controversial situations and finding out who is right and who is wrong.

Reasons for imprisonment

There are a number of reasons that may become the basis for concluding an agency agreement for the provision of intermediary services. These include:

  • Expanding the scope or territory of the company’s activities, when it may be necessary to attract new clients, resolve issues with counterparties, tax office, budget funds etc.
  • Need for organization advertising campaigns, distribution of goods, expansion of sales.
  • Need for a solution internal issues companies, for example, searching for premises for rent, recruiting personnel, monitoring the work of employees, etc.

In general, a qualified agent can become a serious assistant for the head of any organization, taking on some of his routine concerns. True, it should be noted that this person must be serious and reliable, someone who can be trusted and relied on, otherwise instead of help they will appear headache And unnecessary problems

when you have to deal with the consequences of the actions of a careless specialist.

Limitation of the parties' actions In order for the agent and the principal to work comfortably with each other, it is necessary to stipulate in advance the terms of authority and restrictions that the agent imposes. collaboration

to both parties to the contract.

As for the agent, he has the right to demand from the customer a written undertaking to refuse to use the services of other agents.

The exception is another territory or area of ​​activity to which the agent is not directly related (according to the agreement).

From this it is logical to conclude that the customer can enter into agreements for the provision of intermediary services with several agents at the same time, if each of them does his own work in the designated territory.

The agent can also include a clause in the contract stating that in the territory (region) under his control, the customer cannot independently attract new clients, search for new solutions for his activities, etc.

In turn, the customer can prohibit the agent from simultaneously providing similar services to other employers if their enterprises operate in the same region. The customer should remember the logic of the requirements in relation to the agent. For example, it is impossible to legitimize the clause on attracting only certain category

clients or searching for them only in a given territory.

The difference between a contract of agency and a contract for the provision of services

The main difference between an intermediary agreement and an agency agreement is that by signing the latter, the agent undertakes to perform all actions on behalf of the principal.

If we're talking about on the conclusion of an agency agreement for the provision of intermediary services, then the scope of its action allows the agent, as they say, to turn around and make transactions, guided by his own vision of the situation.

The transfer of some company functions to a third party is called outsourcing. You will learn how to correctly draw up an outsourcing agreement.

Sample contract

In order to fill out the document absolutely correctly, it is best to seek the services of a qualified lawyer. In this case, you can be completely sure that you will not encounter annoying mistakes. However, you should yourself understand the intricacies of filling out the contract in order to understand the significance of each clause and make all the necessary adjustments to the text in a timely manner.

So, the contract for the provision of intermediary services must contain the following information:

  • Title of the document;
  • date of completion (in full);
  • full name of the parties to the agreement and documents on the basis of which their representatives act.
  • Subject of the agreement.
  • Duties of the parties.
  • Work order.
  • Payment procedure.
  • Responsibility of the parties.
  • Force Majeure.
  • Final provisions.

The first clause of the contract must stipulate that all actions of the agent are performed for remuneration and the agent has the right to act on his own behalf when concluding transactions or carrying out other actions legal nature. The terms of transactions are also listed here, the status of services, the type of product, its cost can be indicated, deadlines are specified, etc.

The second point should be given particularly close attention, since it concerns the responsibilities of the parties to the agreement. You can list everything here mutual demands, which the agent and the principal put forward to each other. In particular, the agent is obliged:

  • look after the interests of the customer;
  • enter into contracts on your own behalf or on behalf of the principal;
  • properly perform the duties assigned to him by the principal;
  • keep the customer informed of events and the slightest changes in the terms of contracts, etc.;
  • submit regular reports to the principal on the work performed for a specific period.

In addition, the agent has no right to enter into similar intermediary agreements with other customers.

In turn, the principal also has a range of responsibilities in relation to the agent, namely he must:

  • Clearly formulate your requirements and promptly inform the agent about possible changes the original terms of the contract.
  • Provide agent material resources necessary to complete transactions.
  • Accept agent reports.
  • Timely and in full pay the agent the due remuneration, as well as compensate for possible additional expenses for conducting agency activities.
  • Work closely with the agent, jointly finding solutions to assigned tasks.

It should be noted that the obligations of the parties may change, however, in order for the changes to have legal force, they must be recorded in the proper order.

The third paragraph describes the mechanism of action of the parties to the contract, starting from the transfer of instructions to the agent and ending with the actions of the agent to complete the task. The method of transmitting the order is also prescribed (via mail, telegraph, telephone, fax, Internet, etc.) and the deadlines for submitting the agent’s report under the agency agreement and checking it with the principal are indicated.

The fourth paragraph establishes the method of calculation ( monetary form, bills, securities etc.), and also indicates a document that regulates the amount of remuneration of the parties under the agency agreement - this can be like additional agreement to the agreement, and separate item in the text of the main order.

The fifth paragraph reflects information about the responsibility of the parties for violation of the terms of the contract, and also discusses solutions controversial issues– negotiations, and if it is not possible to resolve disputes peacefully, then the procedure for going to court and the name court, which will deal with the nuances of the case.

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