Revenues of the Russian government for the year. The richest in the Kremlin and government: income declarations published in Russia

On Friday, income declarations of the president, his administration, the prime minister, members of the government, State Duma deputies and members of the Federation Council were published. Let us remind you that according to the current legislation, members of the government, governors, senators, and deputies of all levels are required to publish declarations about their income, as well as about the property of spouses and minor children. Officials and people's representatives are allowed to own real estate abroad, subject to its declaration, and are prohibited from having accounts in foreign banks.

Kremlin: adjustment from last year

President Vladimir Putin earned more than 18.7 million rubles in 2017. The exact figure is 18 million 728 thousand 268 rubles. The income of the head of state thereby increased by 9 million 869 thousand 836 rubles compared to the previous year (then income amounted to 8 million 858 thousand 432 rubles). The president no longer owns a plot of land with an area of ​​1,500 square meters. His press secretary Dmitry Peskov, answering a question about the growth of Vladimir Putin’s income last year, explained this precisely by the sale of the site.

The rest of the property remains: the head of state owns an apartment measuring 77 square meters and a garage of 18 square meters. meters, he uses another apartment of 153.7 square meters. meters with a garage space of 18 square meters. Everything is on Russian territory.

The president also still has two GAZ M21 cars, a Niva, and a Skif trailer.

The head of the administration of the head of state, Anton Vaino, earned 255.8 million in 2017 (in 2016 - 9.6 million; Dmitry Peskov also explained the increase in income by the sale of real estate). The income of the Secretary of the Security Council Nikolai Patrushev is 33.6 million rubles. First Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration Alexei Gromov earned 9.3 million rubles. Another first deputy head of the Kremlin administration is Sergei Kiriyenko - 33.3 million. The income of the presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov amounted to 14.3 million rubles.

Employees of the Kremlin administration do not own real estate abroad. The President's special representative for the development of trade and economic relations with Ukraine, Dmitry Livanov, has a house in Spain and a place to park water transport, but not in ownership, but in use. Livanov’s income is 15.5 million rubles.

Government: income levels

Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev earned 8 million 565 thousand rubles. A year earlier, his income amounted to 8 million 586 thousand, and in 2015 - 8 million 760 thousand. The next decline in the government apparatus was explained by a decrease in profits from bank deposits. The list of real estate belonging to the head of the Cabinet of Ministers still includes an apartment with an area of ​​367.8 square meters. m in ownership and long-term lease of a plot of land of 47 acres. The premier's fleet consists of rare GAZ-20 and GAZ-21.

The wife of the Prime Minister Svetlana has not earned anything for a year, and for a year her declaration includes a Volkswafen Golf car and two parking spaces.

The total government income, including spouses, in 2017 exceeded 5 billion rubles. The most significant contribution to this result was made by Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Khloponin. If at the end of 2016 he declared 9.9 million rubles, now - 2 billion 912 million 121 thousand. The Deputy Prime Minister's office explained this difference by the sale of property. Indeed, in the declaration for last year there is no house of 800 square meters. m and a plot of 82 acres in Italy.

Minister of Agriculture Alexander Tkachev did not have to sell anything in order to improve his financial situation. His declaration indicates 548 million 255 thousand rubles (for 2016 - 5.6 million). As the ministry explained, in 2017, Tkachev’s mother donated securities to her son, which earned dividends.

The 100 million mark was also crossed by Deputy Prime Minister Yuri Trutnev (377 million 283 thousand), Minister of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov (213 million 566 thousand) and Minister of Open Government Affairs Mikhail Abyzov with 181 million. First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov did not reach the bar quite a bit - his declaration indicated 91 million 280 thousand rubles.

Kremlin administration employees have no real estate abroad

Finance Minister Anton Siluanov, Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin, Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Kozak and Minister of Economic Development Maxim Oreshkin were at approximately the same level of income with 25, 24, 21.4 and 20.9 million, respectively. And the head of the Ministry for North Caucasus Affairs, Lev Kuznetsov, received 17 million 899 thousand rubles last year. This is the most significant reduction in income in the government - for 2016, the minister declared 582 million 146 thousand. The Minister of Natural Resources and Environment Sergei Donskoy received the least in 2017 - 5.3 million.

Federation Council: Kerimov became the richest

At the end of 2017, the income of Speaker of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko remained at the same level as the year before. Over the past year, the head of the upper house earned 23 million rubles (22.8 million in 2016). Her husband’s income increased by 568 thousand rubles - from 17.079 million to 17.647 million rubles.

The list of real estate of the Matvienko couple also remained unchanged. The Chairman of the Federation Council owns two dacha plots with a total area of ​​64 acres, a dacha measuring 729.4 square meters. m, a utility block (255.4 sq. m.), as well as an apartment with an area of ​​290.3 sq. m. m. All property is in Russia; the Speaker of the Federation Council has no foreign real estate. Her husband owns a building plot of 40 acres and a residential building with an area of ​​161.1 square meters. m and 2/3 share in the apartment (215.1 sq. m). Valentina Matvienko has a service dacha with an area of ​​730 sq. m. m. She also owns a Chevrolet Niva car 212 300-55.

The income of the first vice-speaker of the Federation Council Nikolai Fedorov fell by half last year compared to 2016 - from 9 million rubles to 5.4 million. And vice-speaker Yuri Vorobyov, who heads the chamber commission for verifying the accuracy of information on the income of members of the Federation Council, for 2017 became three times richer than the year before. He earned 18 million rubles compared to 5.3 million in 2016. This is the largest amount among the vice-speakers of the Federation Council. The most modest income of Valentina Matvienko’s deputies was received by the new recruit, Andrei Turchak. In 2017, he earned only 2.1 million rubles. A year earlier, as governor of the Pskov region, he declared income in the amount of 719 thousand rubles.

The Speaker of the State Duma, as in previous years, gave half of his income to charity

Senator from Dagestan Suleiman Kerimov topped the list of the wealthiest members of the Federation Council. His income, despite difficulties with French justice, increased and amounted to 2.8 billion rubles compared to 12 million rubles in 2016.

Of the 170 members of the upper house, nine declared real estate abroad (Kerimov, by the way, is not on this list).

State Duma: proceeds go to charity

99 deputies from all factions and one independent deputy (or members of their families) demonstrated in their declarations an income of 10 million rubles or more. At the same time, a distinctive feature of the State Duma of the seventh convocation was the increase in the number of deputies who spend their income on charity, the Duma apparatus unofficially told RG.

State Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin in his declaration for 2017 indicated an income of 51.4 million rubles. This is less than at the end of 2016 (62.1 million rubles). According to the declaration, he owns a residential building with an area of ​​almost 1 thousand square meters. m, an apartment (174.3 sq. m), a parking space, outbuildings, as well as a plot of land for summer cottage construction measuring more than 8 thousand sq. m. m and 2 guest houses. Another land plot with an area of ​​more than 1 hectare is leased. All real estate is located in Russia. According to the declaration, Volodin does not have personal vehicles.

The Chairman of the State Duma, as in previous years, gave half of his income to charity, that is, about 25.5 million rubles, a source in the apparatus said. In addition, deputies from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Vakha Agayev, Anatoly Bifov and Vladimir Blotsky, as well as Valery Hartung (A Just Russia), sent large sums to charity and socially significant projects. The unofficial list of benefactors also includes a number of deputies from United Russia (Alfiya Kogogina, Alexey Krasnoshtanov, Andrey Skoch, Gleb Khor and other parliamentarians).

As for the incomes of the leaders of the Duma factions, in 2017 they earned approximately the same level - from 4.5 to 6.3 million rubles. The leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Gennady Zyuganov earned 6.33 million rubles (in 2016 - 5.49 million rubles), the leader of the LDPR Vladimir Zhirinovsky - 5.43 million rubles (in 2016 - 79 million rubles), the head of the United Russia faction Sergei Neverov - 4 67 million rubles (until 2017, the United Russia faction was headed by Vladimir Vasiliev), leader of A Just Russia Sergei Mironov - 4.49 million rubles (in 2016 - 4.5 million rubles).

The number of deputies and members of their families who own real estate abroad has decreased compared to the previous reporting period: 21 parliamentarians have housing in other countries compared to 22 a year earlier. According to data from the declaration, parliamentary families have the most real estate in Spain. More than 180 State Duma deputies (remember, there are 446 in total) do not have a personal vehicle, it follows from the data. In addition to plots, apartments and houses, deputies also declared such unusual objects as a furniture workshop, a temple, and a plot for a health complex.

Medvedev earned 8.8 million rubles, leading White House leaders: Abyzov - 455.6 million, Trutnev - 153.8 million, Manturov - 144.7 million.

Original of this material
© Lenta.Ru, 04/15/2016, Medvedev became richer by 700 thousand rubles, Photo: TASS

Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev in 2015 he earned 8 million 767.8 thousand rubles. Thus, his income increased by nine percent compared to the previous year, according to information posted on April 15 on the Cabinet of Ministers website.

The prime minister still owns an apartment with an area of ​​367.8 square meters and leases a land plot of 4,700 square meters for a period of 49 years.

The head of government owns two rare cars. In particular, the declaration indicates the Volga GAZ-21 car. The 1962-built vehicle first appeared on the Prime Minister's Property List in 2012. In addition, Medvedev owns a GAZ-20 Pobeda car, which he purchased on the eve of the 65th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

The prime minister's wife, as follows from the declaration, did not earn anything in 2015. She owns two parking spaces and a Volkswagen Golf.

In information about Medvedev's income for 2014 indicated that the prime minister’s earnings amounted to 8 million 51.6 thousand rubles. The list of property leased or owned by the prime minister has not changed since then. [...]

Polina Nikolskaya, Anastasia Napalkova, Yana Milyukova

The richest member of the government in 2015 was the Minister for Open Government Mikhail Abyzov, his income amounted to 455.6 million rubles. At the same time, it almost doubled (a year earlier the minister earned about 222 million rubles).

Abyzov was appointed minister in May 2012, having moved to the civil service from business. In particular, he owned a stake in the energy company IES-Holding. In the latest Forbes ranking "200 richest businessmen in Russia" for 2016, Abyzov ranks 133rd with an estimated net worth of $600 million.

“All assets have been transferred to trust management in accordance with the requirements of Russian legislation. Therefore, income was received from profits from the sale of securities, liabilities and property, as well as from profits from asset management,” his representative relayed the minister’s comment to RBC. According to her, the amount of tax payments to the Russian budget from the minister’s income amounted to more than 50 million rubles, and his entire salary is transferred to charitable foundations.

In second place is the Presidential Envoy to the Far East Yuri Trutnev with an income of 153.8 million rubles. His income fell - in 2014 it amounted to 179.6 million rubles. The Minister of Industry and Trade was in third place Denis Manturov with an income of 144.7 million rubles. (a year earlier - 113.5 million rubles).

The top five richest members of the government are completed by the First Deputy Prime Minister Igor ​Shuvalov with an income of 97.2 million rubles. and Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Khloponin with an income of 60.7 million rubles. Shuvalov’s income turned out to be higher than in 2014 (9.23 million rubles), but significantly less than in 2013, when his earnings amounted to 240.9 million rubles. In December 2013, Shuvalov announced that he had transferred all of his foreign assets to Russian jurisdiction.

“All information about the funds and property of I.I. Shuvalov and his family were always openly declared and presented in a strictly established manner to the Russian tax and supervisory authorities,” a representative of Shuvalov told RBC, commenting on the official’s declaration for 2015.

Khloponin’s income has dropped significantly compared to 2014, when the official earned 280.6 million rubles. “In 2014, Alexander Khloponin sold some assets,” explained the Deputy Prime Minister’s representative, without disclosing details. She added that Khloponin’s income consists of his salary and interest on deposits.

IN Last year The three richest members of the government looked like this: Khloponin, Abyzov, Trutnev. [...]

The Minister of Telecom and Mass Communications has the most modest income in the government Nikolai Nikiforov(5.8 million rubles), Minister of Labor Maxim Topilina(5.9 million rubles) and Minister of Health Veronika Skvortsova (6.1 million rubles)

[TK "Dozhd", 04/15/2016, "Volodin and Shuvalov are getting rich, Surkov and Ivanov are not": Minister of Agriculture Alexander Tkachev declared income in the amount of 50.5 million rubles. His predecessor in office, Nikolai Fedorov, in 2014, for comparison, declared less than five million rubles.
Head of the Ministry of Economic Development Alexey Ulyukaev increased income to 60 million rubles from 43.3 million rubles (together with his wife - to 75 million rubles from 51.4 million rubles). Finance Minister Anton Siluanov earned 36.4 million rubles in 2014, and together with his wife the amount came out to 38 million rubles. At the end of 2015, he earned 34.4 million rubles (there is no more information about his wife in his declaration). [...]
Energy Minister Alexander Novak declared 17.2 million rubles (in 2014 it was 16.5 million). The income of Novak's wife Larisa decreased more than tenfold - from 25 million rubles in 2014 to 2.3 million in 2015.
Minister of Transport Maxim Sokolov and Minister of Natural Resources Sergei Donskoy declared an income of 6.2 million rubles each.

Who from the government has real estate abroad?
First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov and his wife rent an apartment in the UK with an area of ​​483 square meters. The couple also rent a house in Austria with an area of ​​1,479 square meters.
Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets owns an apartment in Italy and a dacha in Switzerland. Deputy Chairman Alexander Khloponin has a plot of land in Italy with an area of ​​more than 820 hectares.
Minister for Open Government Affairs Mikhail Abyzov and his wife rent space in a country house in Italy with an area of ​​335 square meters. His wife Sirotenko also in the UK owns a house with an area of ​​211 square meters, an apartment (its area is 341 square meters) and a garage (its area is 42 square meters).
Minister for North Caucasus Affairs Lev Kuznetsov in France, owns land of 330 hectares, a house (its area is 180 square meters), an apartment (109.3 square meters) and three garages.
Wife of Education Minister Igor Livanova[Dmitry - approx.] Olga has a quarter of a house in Spain, and a parking lot for water transport, which is located there.
The wife of the Minister of Labor and Social Protection Maxim Topilin, Maria, has an apartment and a garage in Bulgaria. - Insert]

The richest families

In terms of the family budget - the income of government members and their wives/husbands - the family of Minister Abyzov is in the lead. Their total income amounted to 456.2 million rubles. At the same time, the income of the minister’s wife increased several times compared to 2014 - from 8.1 million rubles. up to 37.7 million rubles.

In second place is the family of Igor Shuvalov, its income is almost 190 million rubles. Income of the wife of the Deputy Prime Minister Olga Shuvalova last year increased from 43 million to 92.4 million rubles. In 2015, Shuvalova was included in the top 50 richest women in Russia according to Forbes magazine, where she took 16th place. The magazine estimated her fortune at $125 million.

In third place is the Trutnev family, but their total income is 154.6 million rubles. was formed almost entirely at the expense of the official’s spouse (the plenipotentiary’s wife earned only 843 thousand rubles). The same situation applies to the family of Industry Minister Denis Manturov: out of 149.9 million rubles. his wife’s contribution to family income amounted to 5.1 million rubles.

Diametrically opposite situation - in the family Dvorkovich. His wife Zumrud Rustamova earned 141.3 million rubles in 2015, while her husband, an official, earned only 7 million rubles. The income of Rustamova, deputy general director of the Polymetal company, is the highest among the wives of government members. It grew significantly over the year; in 2014, her earnings were 57 million rubles. Forbes wrote that Rustamova met Dvorkovich in his office German Gref in 2001, the same year they got married.

In second place among wives is the wife of Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Prikhodko, Natalya, with an income of 132.6 million rubles. (my husband earned 12.6 million rubles in 2015). As Forbes reported, Natalya Prikhodko owns 90% of the Fairvater yacht club (Mytishchi City Yacht Club LLC).

The top five richest wives are completed by the wife of the Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services Mikhail Me(her income is 42.1 million rubles) and the Minister of Labor Maxim Topilin (29.8 million rubles).

[IA "RBC", 04/15/2016, "The family income of the government was almost twice as high as the income in the Kremlin": The total income of the families of government members in 2015 was 1.8 times the amount income of families of Kremlin officials, follows from declarations published on Friday.
The family income of government members in 2015 totaled 1.976 billion rubles. The total income of President Vladimir Putin, Kremlin administration employees and members of their families in 2015 was 1.117 billion rubles.
In 2014, the total income of government members, their spouses and children, according to declarations, amounted to 1.581 billion rubles. In the Kremlin, total income, taking into account the income of the president and family members of officials indicated in the declarations, in 2014 amounted to 1.078 billion rubles. - Insert]
Original of this material
© Vedomosti.Ru, 04/16/2016, Government Income Rating - 2015

10 government members who received the highest income

Last name, first nameJob titleFamily income, million rubles.Property, 2015
2015 2014 Property, sq.mLand, sq.mCars, pcs.
1 Abyzov MikhailMinister for Open Government456,3 230,1 2239 5000 5
2 Shuvalov IgorFirst189,7 52,1 418 0 3
3 Trutnev YuriDeputy Prime Minister - Presidential Envoy to the Far Eastern Federal District154,6 179,7 540 3742 4
4 Manturov DenisMinister of Industry and Trade149,9 120,4 4137 11420 3
5 Dvorkovich ArkadyDeputy Prime Minister148,4 55,5 451 6000 3
6 Prikhodko SergeyDeputy Prime Minister - Head of the Government Staff145,2 129,6 2366 27960 3
7 Ulyukaev AlexeyMinister of Economic Development75,0 51,5 1273 159238 3
8 Khloponin AlexanderDeputy Prime Minister67,3 288,8 3592 37282 4
9 Kuznetsov LevMinister for North Caucasus Affairs58,7 30,8 1340 17896 6
10 Tkachev AlexanderMinister of Agriculture56,5 0,0 1663 4458 0

Do ministers have real estate abroad? What kind of transport do Kremlin officials prefer? How much do minor children of Russian politicians earn? We tell you what you need to know about the content of income declarations of officials - 2016.

Facts about declarations of Kremlin officials


The wife of the press secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov, figure skater Tatyana Navka, had an income almost 10 times higher than her husband: 120.814 million rubles versus 12.812 million rubles.

Property abroad

The wives of only two officials declared property abroad: Tatyana Navka (apartment in the USA) and the wife of the special representative of the Russian President for the development of trade and economic relations with Ukraine Dmitry Livanov, Olga Mordkovich (1/4 share of a residential building in Spain).

Modest income

Anna Kuznetsova, Commissioner for Children's Rights under the President of the Russian Federation, had the most modest income - 2.789 million rubles. At the same time, her husband’s income is more than ten times lower - only 151 thousand rubles. The couple have six children.


Presidential Advisor Sergei Grigorov and Presidential Envoy to the Northwestern Federal District Nikolai Tsukanov are motorcycle enthusiasts. The first one has four of them: Royal Enfield Bullat, Black Douglas, Harley-Davidson FLSTC, Ural IMZ. The second one has one, but it’s a Harley-Davidson.

Transport exotica

Many Kremlin officials love unusual transport. The first deputy head of the presidential administration, Alexei Gromov, has a Joyper-JNSZ all-terrain vehicle. Presidential Aide Konstantin Chuychenko has a Grandezza 27 OC boat and a self-propelled pneumatic or tracked vehicle ATV TRAXTER MAX XT. The head of the Department of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation for Civil Service and Personnel Issues, Anton Fedorov, declared the Can-Am OutLander max xt4x400 HoeFi all-terrain vehicle and the Can-Am Commander 800RiFi all-terrain vehicle.

Facts about declarations of government members

Real estate abroad

Four members of the Cabinet of Ministers have declared property abroad. Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets has a 1/2 share of an apartment in Switzerland and a 1/3 share of an apartment in Italy. Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Khloponin has a residential building and land in Italy. Sports Minister Pavel Kolobkov has an apartment in Spain. And the Minister for Northern Caucasus Affairs, Lev Kuznetsov, has a plot of land, a residential building, an apartment and three garages in France.

Wives and children

Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, Minister for Development of the Far East Alexander Galushka and Minister of Sports Pavel Kolobkov have spouses who do not receive any income at all. And the head of the Ministry of Natural Resources, Sergei Donskoy, is the only one whose minor children received income last year: his three sons earned five thousand rubles each. Officials are not required to declare the income of adult children.

Highest income

Lev Kuznetsov had the highest income in the Russian government. He earned 582.146 million rubles, which is almost 68 times more than Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev.

MOSCOW, April 14 - RIA Novosti. The Kremlin and the Russian government on Friday published declarations with data on the income of top officials of the state. Thus, the income of Russian President Vladimir Putin in 2016 actually did not change compared to 2015, and Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, in turn, lost somewhat in finances.

At the same time, the richest person in the government at the end of last year was the Minister for North Caucasus Affairs, Lev Kuznetsov, as reported by declarations published by the Kremlin and the Cabinet of Ministers of the Russian Federation.

Putin's income

At the end of 2016, the Russian leader earned about 8.858 million rubles, while a year earlier the head of state’s income amounted to 8.891 million rubles, according to the declaration.

In 2014, Putin earned 7.654 million rubles. In 2015, he decided to cut his salary by 10%.

The composition of Putin’s movable and immovable property indicated in the declaration also did not change in 2016 - this is a plot of land, an apartment with an area of ​​77 square meters and a garage, as well as another apartment with an area of ​​153.7 square meters and a garage space for use. Movable property includes GAZ M-21 and Niva cars and a Skif trailer.

Medvedev Declaration

Prime Minister Medvedev earned 8.58 million rubles in 2016, according to the declaration published on the website of the Russian government.

Moreover, in 2015 the prime minister’s income amounted to almost 8.8 million rubles.

In 2014, the Prime Minister’s income amounted to more than 8 million rubles; in 2013, Medvedev’s earnings, according to the declaration, amounted to 4.2 million rubles.

As in previous years, Medvedev has a long-term lease for 49 years on a land plot of 47 acres, an apartment with an area of ​​367.8 square meters, as well as two cars - GAZ-20 and GAZ-21.

The wife of the head of government, like last year and the year before, did not earn anything this time. She still owns a foreign car, a Volkswagen Golf, two parking spaces, and has an apartment of 367.8 square meters.

The press service of the Russian government explained the decrease in the income of Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev in 2016 by a decrease in the amount of the deposit and interest on it.

Wealthy ministers

Minister for North Caucasus Affairs Lev Kuznetsov earned more than other members of the Cabinet in 2016, his income amounted to 582 million rubles, Minister for Open Government Affairs Mikhail Abyzov declared 520.9 million rubles in income, as follows from published declarations.

Deputy Prime Minister Yuri Trutnev declared 356.9 million rubles in income for 2016.

The highest annual income among government officials was explained by the head of the Ministry of Caucasus, Lev Kuznetsov, as profit from deposits and the sale of real estate.

The high incomes of the Minister for Open Government Affairs Mikhail Abyzov, who in 2016 ceded “leadership” to Kuznetsov, are associated with the further sale of assets transferred to trust management, the minister’s press secretary Alena Zhukova told RIA Novosti.

In 2015, Abyzov earned more than 455 million rubles. The minister explained his high income by the sale of securities, property and profits from asset management.

The "poorest"

The head of the Ministry of Agriculture, Alexander Tkachev, declared the lowest income of all members of the Russian Cabinet for 2016 - 5.6 million rubles, which is 200 thousand less than the lowest earnings of a Russian minister in 2015, according to reporting documents published on the government website.

Tkachev’s wife declared about 10 million rubles in income for 2016.

The Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology Sergei Donskoy earned 5.7 million rubles in 2016, the head of the Ministry of Sports Pavel Kolobkov reported an income of 5.74 million rubles, in particular, indicating the ownership of a VAZ-21083 car.

Minister of Communications Nikolai Nikiforov indicated in his declaration an income of 5.8 million rubles; he is also the owner of a domestic Lada X-Ray car. Nikiforov’s wife earned eight times more than her husband in a year - 48.5 million rubles.

The head of the Ministry of Labor, Maxim Topilin, earned 5.84 million rubles last year - 100 thousand less than the year before; his wife declared 22.9 million rubles in income for 2016.

In 2015, Nikiforov and Topilin reported approximately equal earnings, declaring less than other members of the Cabinet - 5.8 million and 5.95 million rubles, respectively.

Income in the presidential administration

The largest income for 2016 in the presidential administration of the Russian Federation was declared by the first deputy head of the administration, Sergei Kiriyenko, he earned 85.487 million rubles.

After leaving Rosatom, Kiriyenko received a cash bonus, the amount of which he did not disclose. According to him, he contributed his entire cash bonus to the Foundation’s target capital to support domestic science and medical research in the fight against childhood cancer.

Deputy Press Secretary of the President of the Russian Federation Yuri Sviridov received the least amount of money in the AP in 2016 - he declared 4.396 million rubles in income for the last year.

The head of the Russian Presidential Administration, Anton Vaino, earned in 2016, according to declarations, significantly less than Kiriyenko - his income amounted to 9.642 million rubles. First deputy head Alexey Gromov declared 8.641 million rubles in income. Deputies Magomedsalam Magomedov, Evgeny Ostrovenko indicated in the declaration for last year 7.526 million and 8.023 million rubles, respectively.

Assistant to the President of the Russian Federation Andrei Belousov declared 7.568 million rubles of income for last year, and his colleagues: Vladimir Kozhin - 16.291 million rubles, Igor Levitin - 30.111 million rubles, Vladislav Surkov - 8.758 million rubles, Yuri Ushakov - 8.126 million rubles.

In addition, the assistant to the President of the Russian Federation Andrei Fursenko earned 11.185 million rubles last year, his colleagues Konstantin Chuichenko - 12.212 million rubles, Evgeny Shkolov - 7.734 million rubles, Igor Shchegolev - 7.1 million rubles, and Larisa Brycheva - 7.699 million rubles in income.

Special Presidential Representative for Environmental Activities, Ecology and Transport Sergei Ivanov, former head of the presidential administration, indicated 13.1 million rubles in his income statement.

Press Secretary of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Peskov earned 12.8 million rubles in 2016.

In 2015, Peskov’s personal income amounted to 36.7 million rubles. The head of state's press secretary explained the amount of income by inheritance. In 2014, Peskov earned 9.18 million rubles, and in 2013 - 9.21 million.

Peskov's wife, figure skater Tatyana Navka, brought 120.8 million rubles in income to the family, becoming one of the wealthiest Kremlin wives.

In addition, Navka and the wife of the special representative of the President Dmitry Livanov reported on the presence of foreign real estate.

Social block and culture

Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Olga Golodets was ahead of her colleagues in the social block in the Cabinet in terms of income over the past year; she declared about 15.6 million rubles.

At the same time, Golodets’ income decreased by 7.5 million rubles compared to 2015.

The Deputy Prime Minister also declared foreign shared real estate: a house in Switzerland with an area of ​​220 square meters and an apartment in Italy with an area of ​​250 square meters. The Deputy Prime Minister also has two individually owned apartments in Russia.

The richest minister of the government's social block was Veronika Skvortsova - she declared about 6.63 million rubles in income. The minister owns two apartments and a parking space in Russia, as well as a Mitsubishi Lancer 2.0 car.

Following Skvortsova in terms of income is the Minister of Education and Science Olga Vasilyeva. Her income for 2016 was about 6 million rubles. The minister owns two dachas, two plots of land (one for free use, the other for individual use), as well as shared ownership and free use of two apartments. Vasilyeva also owns a Mitsubishi Pajero Sport.

Maxim Topilin earned the least among the social ministers - he declared 5.8 million rubles. The head of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection has two apartments in Russia and other property for free use.

Russian Minister of Culture Vladimir Medinsky declared 6.68 million rubles in income in 2016, and his wife Marina Medinskaya declared 43.7 million rubles.

The head of the Ministry of Culture owns a plot of land with an area of ​​34 acres and two residential buildings in Russia. In addition, there is an apartment for free use, also in the Russian Federation; In addition, Medinsky owns a GAZ-21 passenger car.

The minister's wife, Marina Medinskaya, declared nine real estate properties in Russia, among them a land plot in shared ownership with an area of ​​almost 3.2 hectares. She also owns a GAZ M-20 passenger car.

In the Presidential Administration, the leader in terms of income was the First Deputy Head of the Administration, Sergei Kiriyenko, who earned 85 million 487 thousand rubles. The most modest income was declared by the Commissioner for Children's Rights under the President of the Russian Federation, Anna Kuznetsova - about 2 million 800 thousand rubles.

Among the members of the government the most - 582 million 146 thousand rubles. - Minister for North Caucasus Affairs Lev Kuznetsov earned. His income amounted to 582 million 146 thousand rubles, which is almost 68 times more than that of Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. Minister of Agriculture Alexander Tkachev earned the least, declaring 5 million 600 thousand rubles.

Legislative basis for declaring income

For the first time, the requirement to provide information about income and property in relation to civil servants in Russia was introduced in 1995, but then all this information received the status of official secret and was not published. The presidential decree on the procedure for posting information on the income and property of civil servants and members of their families on the official websites of government bodies and in the media was signed in 2009. Information on the property status and income of government officials, members of their families, State Duma deputies and members of the Federation Council is submitted to the tax authorities authorities and published on official Internet portals.

Revenues for 2012

According to the results of 2012, the richest member of the government was First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov. Its income amounted to 226 million 38 thousand rubles, increasing compared to 2011 by 23.5 times (9 million 606 thousand rubles in 2011). The earnings of Shuvalov's wife Olga, on the contrary, decreased from 364 million 965 thousand rubles. in 2011 to 222 million rubles. in 2012 (more than 1.6 times). A year earlier, the family of the First Deputy Prime Minister was the leader in total income among members of the Russian government (374 million 571 thousand). Among the declared real estate in Russia, two apartments in shared and joint ownership and a residential building on a rental basis were indicated, as well as a plot of land and a house in the UAE, a house and an apartment in Austria and the UK (all on a rental basis). The First Deputy Prime Minister's car fleet included five cars jointly owned by his wife.

Minister of Regional Development Igor Slyunyaev earned the least in the government, who declared 2 million 602 thousand rubles.

In the Presidential Administration in 2012, the first place was taken by assistant to the head of state Yuri Trutnev, who declared 210 million 602 thousand rubles. In 2004-2012 Trutnev served as Minister of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation. Since 2008, he has been the leader in terms of income in the Russian Cabinet of Ministers (earnings for 2011 - 211 million 612 thousand rubles). Trutnev’s declaration for 2012 indicated a plot of land, a dacha, a guest house and a technical building (all jointly owned), as well as four cars, a trailer, an ATV and a snowmobile, which he owned together with his wife.

The poorest was Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation Magomedsalam Magomedov - 2 million 613 thousand rubles.

Revenues for 2013

The leader in income in 2013 among cabinet members was the Minister for Open Government Affairs Mikhail Abyzov, who earned 282 million 908 thousand rubles. An apartment was declared to be his property in Russia, and eight plots of land, residential buildings and apartments were in use, one of which was located in the UK. The minister also used a “room in a country house” in Italy and a garage in the UK. Abyzov owned two cars, three motorcycles (Harley-Davidson, BMW, Ducati), a Robinson helicopter (Robinson R44 Clipper II) and a Yamaha snowmobile. The income of Abyzov’s wife amounted to 341 thousand rubles, while she was the owner of five cars, six land plots, residential buildings and apartments in Russia, as well as real estate in Italy and the UK (all on a rental basis).

The leader of last year's ranking, First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov, was in second place - 240 million 978 thousand rubles, his wife declared income in the amount of 237 million 154 thousand rubles. At the same time, in terms of total income - 478 million 132 thousand - the family of Igor Shuvalov turned out to be the wealthiest in the Kremlin and the White House. According to the declaration, Shuvalov continued to rent real estate in Austria and the UK. Houses and land plots abroad were also declared by Alexander Khloponin (in Italy; together with his wife) and Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets (in Italy and Switzerland; on the basis of shared ownership).

Minister of Communications and Mass Communications Nikolai Nikiforov earned the least in the government - 3 million 566 thousand rubles.

The Administration of the President of the Russian Federation has the largest amount - 79 million 463 thousand rubles. - declared Oleg Belaventsev, appointed in 2014 as Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Crimean Federal District. Before that, he held the position of General Director of OJSC Slavyanka. The largest total income was declared by the family of Oleg Morozov, head of the Internal Policy Department: the official himself earned 7 million 330 thousand, his wife Zemfira - 84 million 171 thousand rubles. Assistant to the President of the Russian Federation Vladislav Surkov indicated the lowest income for 2013 in his declaration - 5 million 61 thousand rubles.

Revenues for 2014

In 2014, the highest income in the government was declared by Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Khloponin - 280 million 624 thousand rubles. At the same time, his wife earned 8 million 221 thousand rubles. Thus, the Khloponin family became the leader in total family income among the deputy chairmen of the government - 288 million 845 thousand rubles. The Deputy Prime Minister in his declaration indicated 25 land plots, two residential buildings and one apartment. One of the plots and the house are in Italy, jointly owned with my wife.

Minister of Agriculture Nikolai Fedorov earned the least among government members in 2014 - 4 million 743 thousand rubles.

In the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, the richest person at the end of 2014 was the head of the Department for Socio-Economic Cooperation with the CIS States, Abkhazia and South Ossetia, Oleg Govorun. His income amounted to 114 million 298 thousand rubles. Vladislav Surkov, assistant to the President of the Russian Federation, again earned the least - 8 million 209 thousand rubles. At the same time, he owned neither cars nor real estate, only a service apartment. Surkov’s wife contributed 4 million 920 thousand rubles to the family’s total income. She also owned six plots of land, two residential buildings, an apartment and three cars.

Revenues for 2015

Among the members of the government, Mikhail Abyzov, Minister of the Russian Federation for Work with the Open Government, declared the most according to the results of 2015 - 455 million 580 thousand rubles. Together with his wife, he also leads in total family income - 456 million 258 thousand rubles. The head of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications, Nikolai Nikiforov, indicated the lowest earnings - 5 million 788 thousand rubles. Three Russian government ministers owned real estate abroad. Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Khloponin declared a plot of land and a house in Italy (together with his wife). Minister for Northern Caucasus Affairs Lev Kuznetsov and his wife owned land, a residential building and an apartment in France, and Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet Olga Golodets owned a share in an apartment in Italy and part of a dacha in Switzerland.

At the end of 2015, the highest income in the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation was declared by Vyacheslav Volodin, First Deputy Head of the Administration, - 87 million 99 thousand rubles. He owned 12 real estate properties and used three more, but did not have a single car. Deputy Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation Rashid Nurgaliev earned the least - 4 million 857 thousand rubles. At the same time, he also did not have cars, and of the real estate he declared only a plot of land and an apartment in shared ownership.

The leader in total income was the family of the press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Peskov - 125 million 775 thousand rubles. Most of this amount - 89 million 39 thousand - belonged to Peskov's wife Tatyana Navka. She was the only owner of foreign real estate among members of the Presidential Administration and their families - an apartment in the United States. The wife of presidential aide Andrei Fursenko also listed real estate abroad in her declaration - apartments, a parking lot and a utility room in Latvia - but not in ownership, but in use.

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