Report on the state of civil defense. On the preparation of annual reports on the state of civil defense

I approve

Deputy Minister

Russian Federation

for civil defense matters,

emergency situations

and liquidation of consequences

natural Disasters




(Form No. 3/DU)

1. The federal executive body submits a Report on the state of civil defense to the Department of Civil Defense and Population Protection of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia (hereinafter referred to as the DPP) and to the Department of Civil Protection of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia (hereinafter referred to as the DPP) within the period determined by the Regulations for the collection and exchange of information in the field of civil defense (Appendix No. 14 to the Procedure for the development, coordination and approval of civil defense and population protection plans (civil defense plans), approved by Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated February 16, 2012 No. 70DSP, registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on March 27, 2012, No. 23622).

In addition, the federal executive body submits a Report on the state of civil defense to the Federal State Budgetary Institution "All-Russian Research Institute for Civil Defense and Emergency Situations of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia" (Federal Center for Science and High Technologies) (hereinafter - FGBU VNII GOChS (FC ) within the same period.

2. Reports on the state of civil defense in the federal executive body are submitted to the DGO EMERCOM of Russia, the DGZ EMERCOM of Russia and the Federal State Budgetary Institution All-Russian Research Institute of Civil Defense and Emergencies (FC) only in ELECTRONIC FORM (report - in DOCX or DOC format; annex to the report - in XLSX or XLS format ).

3. Information in the Report on the state of civil defense in the federal executive body is presented in strict accordance with the numbering of sections (subsections) of Form No. 3/DU.

In the absence of individual information, “no information” is indicated in the corresponding subsection (“no events were carried out,” “no events are planned,” etc.).

At the end of each section (subsection, paragraph) of the Report on the state of civil defense in the federal executive body, it is allowed to indicate additional information and analytical materials characterizing the state and work done in the field of civil defense, as well as information clarifying (explaining) the requested data.

Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense Affairs,

emergency situations and disaster relief

on the preparation of annual reports on the status

civil defense of the federal executive body

(Form No. 3/DU)

Moscow 2011

Federal executive authorities represent:

1. Report on the state of civil defense of the federal executive body in form No. 3/DU on paper in A4 format, bound and on electronic media in MS Word format.

2. Appendix to form 3/DU “Main indicators of the state of civil defense of the federal executive body” on paper in A4 format in bound form and on electronic media in MS Excel format.

Information is provided for the central office of the federal executive body, its territorial bodies and subordinate organizations.

Reports are sent to:

Department of Civil Protection of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia ();


Form No. 3/DU


on the state of civil defense

federal executive body

in 2011


List of regulatory documents of the federal executive body in the field of civil defense (hereinafter - GO) in the form:

normative document

Acceptance date and no.


normative document


General condition of control, warning and communication systems of civil defense of the federal executive body and subordinate organizations.

Main measures to maintain the readiness and development of control, warning and communication systems for civil defense of the federal executive body and subordinate organizations in 2011.

General deficiencies in the functioning of control, warning and communication systems of civil defense of the federal executive body and subordinate organizations.

Main areas of activity to improve the readiness of control, warning and communication systems of civil defense of the federal executive body and subordinate organizations in 2012.

Proposals for improving control, warning and communication systems of civil defense of the federal executive body and subordinate organizations.

2.1. Controls

3.2. Radiation, chemical and biological protection

General information about the presence of radiation, chemical and biologically hazardous facilities under the jurisdiction of the federal executive body.

Provision of employees of the federal executive body and subordinate organizations with personal protective equipment (hereinafter referred to as PPE), units. /% of requirement.

Number of personal protective equipment and radiation, chemical and biological reconnaissance and monitoring devices in storage (including the type of storage and technical suitability), units. /% of requirement.

Activities carried out in 2011 to organize radiation, chemical and biological protection of employees of the federal executive body and subordinate organizations.

Composition of forces and means of the federal executive body and subordinate organizations for assessing the radiation, chemical and biological situation.

The composition of the forces and means of the federal executive body and subordinate organizations intended to detect and mark areas subject to radioactive, chemical, biological and other contamination (contamination).

Information on the participation of civil defense forces of the federal executive body and subordinate organizations in activities to detect and mark areas subject to radioactive, chemical, biological and other contamination (contamination) in 2011.

Information about training and exercises conducted in 2011, during which measures to detect and localize sources of possible radioactive, chemical and biological contamination were practiced.

The composition of the forces and means of civil defense of the federal executive body and subordinate organizations intended to carry out disinfection of the population, degassing (decontamination) of equipment, structures and territories.

Information on the readiness of the surveillance and laboratory control network (hereinafter referred to as SNLK) and the state of its technical equipment.

Provision of civil defense forces of the federal executive body and subordinate organizations with basic means of radiation, chemical and biological protection as of January 1, 2012.

Condition of warehouses for storing personal protective equipment, radiation, chemical and biological reconnaissance and control devices.

Information on personal protective equipment, radiation, chemical and biological reconnaissance and control devices purchased in 2011 and planned for purchase in 2012 (type, quantity, total cost).

Main directions for further improvement of radiation, chemical and biological protection of employees of the federal executive body and subordinate organizations in 2012.

3.3. Medical protection

Activities carried out in 2011 aimed at improving the medical protection of employees of the federal executive body and subordinate organizations.

Provision of employees of the federal executive body and subordinate organizations with medical personal protective equipment (hereinafter referred to as MPE), % of need.

MSII subject to refreshment, units. and % of the total.

Activities carried out in 2011 to accumulate, store and refresh MSIZ stocks, including purchases and deliveries of MSIZ to reserves of all types.

Dynamics of refreshing MSIS in form:

Federal executive body (subordinate organization)

Refreshment of MRSI carried out, % of the total quantity to be refreshed

Dynamics of refreshing MSIP, %

Information on the disposal of medical equipment that has exceeded the established storage period, carried out in 2011.

The readiness of medical units, if they are created by organizations under the jurisdiction of the federal executive body, in the form:

Subordinate organization

Number of formations, units

Number of people, thousand people

Equipment equipment, % of requirement

Personnel availability for all/surgical profiles, % of demand/

% of requirement

Readiness of the bed network of the medical service of organizations under the jurisdiction of the federal executive body, in the form:

Subordinate organization

Number of hospital beds, units.

Medical staffing level, % of requirement

Provision of medical equipment, % of need

Provision of medical personnel and patients with collective protective equipment as of January 1, 2012:

protected medical hospitals for non-transportable patients in the form:

Subordinate organization

Treatment hospitals for non-transportable patients

% of requirement

Number of beds, units.

shelters of all classes for medical personnel and patients in the following form:

Subordinate organization

Shelters for medical staff and patients

% of requirement

Technical condition, % of requirement

Number of beds, units.

PRU for medical personnel and patients in the form:

Subordinate organization

PRU for medical staff and patients

% of requirement

Technical condition, % of requirement

Number of beds, units.

Readiness of the suburban area to deploy and ensure the operation of the bed network of the medical service of organizations under the jurisdiction of the federal executive body (provision of public buildings for expanding the bed network, units /% of need).

The readiness of sanitary and transport units of civil defense, if such were created by organizations under the jurisdiction of the federal executive body, in the form:

Subordinate organization

Number of formations, units

% of requirement

Provision of transport specially adapted for transporting patients

Provision of sanitary stretchers

% of requirement

% of requirement

The stock of warehouse premises used for storing medical equipment, their technical condition and the volume of medical equipment contained in them.

Assessment of the state of medical protection for the federal executive body.

Proposals for improving medical protection.

3.4. Fire protection

Activities of the federal executive body aimed at increasing the fire resistance of organizations under its jurisdiction.

3.5. Evacuation of the population, material and cultural assets

The state of issues of planning, organizing and comprehensively ensuring the evacuation of employees of the federal executive body and subordinate organizations, material and cultural assets.

Readiness of evacuation authorities.

Timing for the evacuation of employees of the federal executive body and subordinate organizations.

Information on the types and quantities of transport involved in carrying out evacuation measures (trains, buses, cars, river and sea vessels, airplanes and helicopters).

Information on clarification and adjustment in 2011 of planning documents on the organization and conduct of evacuation measures.

Analysis of the state of safe areas (suburban areas) intended to accommodate evacuated employees of the federal executive body, as well as for the placement and storage of material and cultural assets.

The main factors that reduce the effectiveness of evacuation planning.

3.6. Priority provision for the population

Organization of priority provision for employees of the federal executive body and subordinate organizations who suffered during military operations or as a result of these actions, as well as in emergency situations of a natural and man-made nature.

Measures to organize work to provide housing, provide first aid to the population and take other necessary measures to provide for employees of the federal executive body and subordinate organizations who were injured during military operations or as a result of these actions, as well as in emergency situations of a natural and man-made nature.

Information on the reserves of material, technical, food, medical and other means created and maintained for civil defense purposes.

Brief conclusions on the subsection.


4.1. Ensuring the preservation of objects essential for the sustainable functioning of the economy and the survival of the population in wartime

Information about objects essential for the sustainable functioning of the economy and the survival of the population in wartime, which are under the jurisdiction of the federal executive body.

Activities carried out by the federal executive body in 2011 in the field of ensuring the security of these facilities.

Organization of events for light and other types of camouflage of the territories of objects, buildings and structures and information on their implementation in 2011.

Forces and means of civil defense of the federal executive body and subordinate organizations planned to restore the functioning of necessary public services in wartime.

4.2. Creation of insurance funds of documentation for high-risk objects and objects of life support systems for the population

Activities carried out within the framework of target programs (related to the implementation of civil defense activities)

Financing, thousand rubles.


This section reflects practical activities carried out in the reporting year in order to implement the Fundamentals of the unified state policy of the Russian Federation in the field of civil defense for the period until 2020, approved by the President of the Russian Federation dated September 3, 2011 No. Pr-26-13, in strict accordance with the structure of section III “Main directions of the unified state policy of the Russian Federation in the field of civil defense for the period until 2020” of the specified Fundamentals:

Development of the regulatory framework in the field of civil defense;

Improving the civil defense management system;

Improving methods and means of protecting the population, material and cultural values ​​from dangers arising during military operations or as a result of these actions, as well as in the event of emergencies of a natural and man-made nature;

Development of civil defense forces;

Preservation of facilities necessary for the sustainable functioning of the economy and the survival of the population in wartime;

Development of international cooperation in the field of civil defense.


An assessment of the state of civil defense is given and identified problems that cannot be solved on our own are reflected, indicating proposals for eliminating them: what activities need to be carried out and what forces from other ministries, departments and organizations should be involved to solve these problems, the amount of costs required to finance the activities according to GO.

In this section, it is advisable to reflect information on the further improvement of civil defense, as well as on regulatory legal documents that must be developed and approved.

Annex 1:

Main indicators of the state of civil defense of the federal executive body.


1. The forms of reports on the state of civil defense of subordinate organizations are established by the heads of the federal executive bodies of the Russian Federation.

2. For the federal executive authorities listed below, it is advisable to supplement the report materials with the following necessary information reflecting the state of the civil defense of the Russian Federation:


(position, signature, surname, initials)

" " _______ 20___

Indicated in parentheses.

Form No. 3/DU

REPORTon the state of civil defense at the federal state budgetary institution of science, the Botanical Garden-Institute of the Ufa Scientific Center Russian Academy of Sciences (BSI UC RAS)in 2014


The training of civil defense forces was carried out in accordance with the plan of main activities of the BSI UC RAS ​​on civil defense, emergency prevention and response for 2014.


2.1. Controls

Civil Defense and Emergency Situations Headquarters 4 people.

2.2. Control points

The civil defense control center is located in the director’s office

2.3. Communication organization

The communication system of the BSI UC RAS ​​is built on the basis of a mini-PBX with 24 numbers and a local network with Internet access.

The organization of communication is assessed as “satisfactory”, since the connection between the mini-PBX and the GTS is carried out over an overhead line using a field cable, as well as the insufficient number of mini-PBXs.

2.4. Civil Warning System

Notification is carried out by telephone from the reception, from the security post, or from the fire alarm button installed on each floor. There is also a portable panic button for communication with the police.

There is no need to install light weapons.

All warning and communication means are in good condition.


3.1. Engineering protection

In the building of the BSI UC RAS ​​there are three basements with a total capacity of 70 people

No. no.

Name of company,
continuing work
in wartime

Number of largest
working shift, thousand people

Availability and capacity
ZS GO, units/thousand people

Quantity and capacity
necessary civil defense civil servants,
units/thousand people

1 Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science Botanical Garden-Institute of the Ufa Scientific Center
Russian Academy of Sciences
450080, Ufa, st. Mendeleeva, 195 bldg. 3

3.2. Radiation, chemical and biological protection

Due to the expiration of the shelf life, personal protective equipment is not available.

Currently, the institution has not created stocks of personal protective equipment due to a lack of targeted funding.

3.3. Medical protection

All laboratories and services of the BSI UC RAS ​​have first aid kits. Employees are assigned to the clinic of the UC RAS ​​and undergo preventive examinations.

A sanitary unit consisting of 4 people was formed

Employees and personnel of non-standard units are not provided with medical personal protective equipment due to the lack of targeted funding.

3.4. Fire protection

In the BSI UC RAS ​​there is a voluntary fire brigade consisting of one unit of four people.

3.5. Evacuation of the population, material and cultural assets

According to the plan for the prevention and elimination of emergencies, the evacuation of personnel and material assets is not provided, since the BSI UC RAS ​​is a unique economic object, the production base of which is absent in the suburban area.



6.1. Training of civil defense management bodies.

The management staff of the BSI UC RAS ​​regularly undergoes training at the educational and methodological center in Ufa. The next training is planned for 2016.

6.2. Training of non-standard emergency rescue units.

NASF preparation includes:

  • training of formation leaders at the Ufa Civil Defense Center for Emergency Situations;
  • training of personnel of formations at the site;
  • participation of formations in exercises and training on civil defense and emergency protection.

6.3. In the BSI UC RAS ​​there are two heads of training groups and two deputies from among the organization’s employees who were trained at the EMC GOChS in Ufa. Every year, all employees are trained in a 14-hour program.

According to the PLOM, one training session was conducted for 2014

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