Sample document confirming work experience. Download a sample salary certificate to the Pension Fund for calculating a pension - where to get it, how to apply? How to confirm work experience if the company is liquidated

Certificate of employment is a document that may be useful:

  • when applying for a visa;
  • for presentation to court;
  • to apply for sick leave or maternity leave at a new job;
  • for registration of state benefits for child care.

The structure of a certificate of employment can vary significantly depending on the specific purpose of drawing up the document.

General structure of a certificate of employment

In most cases, a certificate of employment is drawn up for presentation at the place of request. From the point of view of reflecting facts about the employee, the content of the certificate can be anything - the main thing is that it states that it was generated specifically for presentation at the place of request.

There are a number of standard, albeit unofficial, criteria for issuing the relevant certificate. Let's look at them.

The certificate from the place of employment must contain the basic details of the company (OGRN or OGRN individual entrepreneur, address, telephone). Details are usually indicated at the very top of the document - on the right or in the middle.

Below follows the date of compilation, as well as the document number.

The next element is a text block that displays information about the employee: full name, position, monthly salary, length of service in the company. It is further stated that the certificate must be provided at the place of request.

Below are the full name and position of the head of the company, signature and seal of the organization (if any).

The structure of the certificate we have considered is quite universal, but sometimes it needs to be adapted to the specifics of the place where the source is presented. Let's look at what a certificate of employment that must be submitted to a particular institution might look like.

What does a sample certificate from the place of work to the court look like?

During court hearings, the presentation of a certificate of employment is usually required to confirm the employment and income of the plaintiff or defendant, for example, to assign alimony. In this case, the defendant may be required to submit a certificate indicating:

  • his full name, position;
  • salary or average earnings;
  • work experience in the company.

The document must be certified by the seal of the employing company (if any), as well as the signature of the head of the company.

Certificate from place of work for obtaining a visa

A certificate from your place of work for obtaining a visa may correspond to a sample document drawn up according to the general criteria that we described above. The fact is that it is supposed to indicate the salary and length of service of the employee - precisely the information that is primarily needed to assess the reliability of the tourist.

At the same time, statements for visas stating that:

  • the document is drawn up specifically for the consulate of a certain country;
  • the employee is guaranteed to be able to continue working for the company upon returning from travel.

Consulates also have a positive attitude towards certificates printed on the letterhead of the employing company.

Why do you need a certificate from your previous place of employment?

A certificate from a previous place of employment is most often needed if a new employer needs to correctly calculate sick leave or maternity benefits.

In 2018-2019, such a certificate must be issued in the form approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor dated 04/30/2013 No. 182n as amended by Order of the Ministry of Labor dated 01/09/2017 No. 1n.

Sample certificate of employment at the request of social security authorities

Such a certificate is needed in order to show the social protection authorities that the father or mother of the child is not on leave to care for him, in order to receive state benefits assigned by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development dated December 23, 2009 No. 1012n.

It is according to the data contained in it that the Pension Fund inspector calculates and issues a pension.

There is no book - you need to prove your work activity with certificates. A certificate of length of service will be needed from each enterprise where the newly minted pensioner worked.

Certificates of work experience are needed to confirm periods of work when applying for a pension.

Including for registration of preferential pensions ( and ).

In this case, all types of activities are taken into account when deductions were made from income to the Pension Fund:

  • under an employment contract;
  • from an individual entrepreneur or an individual;
  • under an agency agreement;
  • under a contract.

In essence, a certificate is official information about a particular event, certified according to the rules of document flow. Its main task is to prove at what time and where a person worked. If a preferential pension is issued, for example, due to harmful working conditions, the certificate will confirm that the profession (or position) in which the citizen worked actually gives the right to.

Document structure

Any official documents must be clearly structured, that is, divided into parts.

The certificate of experience must necessarily contain:

  • information about the organization that issues the certificate (corner stamp with details or full name of the company);
  • information about the recipient (full name and position of the employee);
  • information about the job (profession, category, when the employee was hired and);
  • the purpose and basis of the certificate (where it is provided and at whose request or application);
  • certification signatures and seal.

How is it processed?

Since this is an official document, it must be executed either on letterhead or on A4 paper with a corner stamp. The stamp or form must contain the company details:

  • full title;
  • postal and legal addresses;
  • telephones.

The document must be assigned a registration number indicating the date of preparation.

If the certificate is issued upon an official request, its details are indicated - date and reference number.

At the beginning it is written to whom the certificate was issued: full name, patronymic, surname, date of birth (this information is entered on the basis of the passport). If your last name has changed, you will need to attach a supporting document (marriage or divorce certificate, change of last name).

The description of work activity begins with an indication of the organization, profession and position of the employee during employment. Next, write the date of return to work and the details of the order. The end of work is indicated - when the employee was fired, by what order (it is not necessary to write the reason for dismissal).

The next stage is a description of work activity:

  • translations;
  • assignment of ranks;
  • combination of professions.

In this case, you must indicate the numbers and dates of the orders.

The profession for which you can retire early must be named exactly as specified in Resolution No. 10 of January 26, 1991.

If the company changed its name, this also needs to be written in the certificate.

The certificate is signed by the head of the company and sealed. If The personnel officer has a power of attorney for the preparation and issuance of certificates; he has the right to independently endorse the document, but indicating the power of attorney number.

An algorithm for issuing a certificate for a preferential pension is given. If you only need it, everything is simpler. The simple form includes only the total time worked in all organizations. The personnel officer simply adds up the periods (according to information from the work book) and writes the result into the document.

Where and how to get it?

If a certificate is needed by an employee who is still working, he can write an application for issue addressed to the director and submit it to the secretary. A former employee will be issued a document only with a passport, also on the basis of an application. In this case, it is better to register the application: the secretary will sign and put a number on the copy that you need to keep.

According to the rule of Article 62 of the Labor Code, documents related to the employee’s work are issued to him within 3 days.

The certificate is issued by the organization where the person last worked. Each organization makes a copy of the work record book during employment, so the personnel officer of the last employer can issue a certificate using the copy.

If there is neither the book nor its copies, certificates will need to be collected from all places of work. The problem may occur if or . In this case, you can contact:

  • to the successor company (personnel documents are transferred there during reorganization);
  • to the city archive (if the company is liquidated).


There is no deadline for the certificate of experience, because it already contains the necessary information that will not change. Pension Fund employees demand fresh ones.

There is also no prohibition on the number of certificates issued - as many as the employee needs, so many must be issued (maximum after 3 days). You just need to write an application or submit a request from the Pension Fund.

Why is an archival certificate confirming work experience required, sample document

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To confirm length of service often requires the provision of an archival certificate. What is a document, how is it drawn up and what is its validity period? You will learn how to confirm employment for a certain period using a certificate from this article.

What is this document and why is it needed?

An archival certificate of length of service is an official document that contains information about the employee’s work activity.

Most often, this certificate is needed to be submitted to the Pension Fund for calculating pensions, based on age or if available.

As a rule, one certificate confirms the length of service with one employer, that is, in order to confirm the entire length of service available in the work book, you need to collect several certificates.

Confirmation of experience may be required in the following cases:

  • entries in the work book contain erasures and corrections;
  • the records are not certified by a seal;
  • records or seal impressions are illegible or unreadable;
  • there are no work records in the work book;
  • other questions that PFR employees have when applying for a pension. For example, when applying for preferential pensions, certain periods that are not reflected in the work book (unpaid leave and maternity leave) may be excluded from the length of service giving the right to this.
The photo shows an archival certificate confirming work experience (sample)

In the event of a dispute, it is needed to establish the possibility of receiving state support in court.

How is an application completed?

Statement write to the head of the enterprise or chief, city archive or other municipal entity. The following information is indicated:

  • name of the organization, individual entrepreneur or archive;
  • Full name of the employee, date of birth, registration address, contact telephone number;
  • the start and end date of his employment;
  • title of the document – ​​statement;
  • a request for the issuance of an archival certificate addressed to an employee working in a position for a certain period;
  • the purpose of the document is to be submitted to the Pension Fund to confirm the length of service and the amount of contributions;
  • date of application and signature of the citizen personally.

The sample document must contain all the specified information.

The certificate is issued upon application by the employee. When contacting an employer, the application is written in free form.

Sample application to the employer to obtain an archival certificate of work experience

The form used in state archives can be seen in the Guidelines for the execution of requests of a social and legal nature, Appendix 3.

If an organization has lost documents about work experience, or did not archive them during liquidation, then work experience will have to be proven through court.

You can submit an application to the State Archive not only in person, but through a single portal of government services.

Where and how to get it?

The certificate is issued by an existing enterprise or requested from archives personal affairs that are organized after the liquidation of the enterprise.

The request can be sent:

  1. A citizen previously employed under an employment contract, personally.
  2. Based on a court ruling issued at the request of a participant in a lawsuit for the restoration of seniority or the assignment of a pension.
  3. A legal entity regarding an employee.

Request for work experience from a legal entity (sample)

The document may be requested based on a court decision. In this case, the act is transferred to authorized institutions - the employer or archive - by the participant in the legal process or sent by mail.

When drawing up an application to the archives or a claim to the court, you must correctly indicate the period for which information about contributions to the Pension Fund is needed.

When should it be done? certificate is not clearly established by law, but a reasonable period should be taken into account.

The period for issuing a certificate also depends on the place where you apply for it:

  • The employer must issue the required document within three days after registering the citizen’s application;
  • The state archive has 30 days for this work.

General scheme for processing a request by archives of the Russian Federation

In practice, the period for issuing an archival certificate is 10-30 days from the date of receipt of the request.

Document structure

Approved by law archival certificate confirming work experience. A sample can be found in Basic Rules for the Operation of Archives of Organizations, Appendix No. 42. But employers can develop their own form.

The act reflects the following information:

  • full and abbreviated name of the organization or individual entrepreneur, location address (you can use the official letterhead of the company, which contains all the details);
  • Full name of the employee, date of birth, registered address;
  • position held;
  • period of employment;
  • salary amount broken down by month and year;
  • the amount of contributions to the pension fund.

At his request, a former employee may be issued several copies of the certificate. The number of requests is also not regulated.

In current practice, a certificate to the Pension Fund stating that you have worked, according to the model established by the employing company, is provided to process social payments due when there are no other documents confirming work experience, or to resolve disputes in other authorized structures (for example, in the judiciary ). To obtain a certified document, specialists contact the human resources department of the company where they previously worked or are currently employed.

Why is a Pension Fund certificate required?

There are two main situations when a citizen may need a certificate of experience from an employer. The first is the lack of documents that can confirm the duration of work, the main one of which is the work book. If it is damaged, lost, or filled out with errors or irregularities, it will not be considered by the Pension Fund. An official document from the employer is used as proof that the specialist actually worked for the stated number of years.

The second reason is the registration of a pension benefit, which is due to persons who worked in the Far North, in hazardous and hazardous industries, etc. All periods when insurance premiums were paid for a specialist are counted in the length of service. To confirm their duration, a certificate issued by the current employer is used.

The current legislation does not offer samples of certificates to the Pension Fund from the place of work for different life situations. They are drawn up in the form chosen by the employer. To ensure uniformity, it is recommended to develop a single form and enshrine it in local company regulations.

When is the certificate provided?

According to the provisions of Art. 62 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer is obliged to provide the specialist with documents related to his work within three days from the receipt of the request. The papers are certified by an authorized person of the company and a seal. It is illegal to charge a fee for their production.

In Art. 62 states that the basis for preparing a certificate to the Pension Fund about work experience according to the company’s internal sample is a written statement from the employee. The law does not provide a unified form for such a document. It can be prepared in any form, including the following information:

  • information about the employer (company name, full name and position of the addressee);
  • Full name and position of the author of the application;
  • the name of the required certificate or a description of the information that should be contained in it;
  • indication of the number of copies;
  • date of the request.

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The application is certified by the author’s handwritten signature and submitted to the personnel department or accounting department. Practice shows that in small commercial structures certificates are issued without written requests, based on oral requests from employees.

In Art. 62 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation states that a certificate to the Pension Fund from the place of work according to the employer’s internal sample must be issued personally to a specialist. It is possible to send it by post in a valuable letter with a list of the attachments, but only on the condition that the employee has given consent to it, for example, included the corresponding clause in a written statement.

If the certificate is prepared within 3 days from the date of receipt of the request, but the specialist does not appear for it and does not consent to postal forwarding, the company must send a written notification to the citizen with a request to pick up the document. This will provide her with confirmation that she met the legal deadlines and will avoid possible problems with the labor inspectorate.

Is it necessary to issue certificates of insurance experience at the request of former employees? The legislation does not make any exceptions for them. This means that the administration of the enterprise is obliged to provide the paper to the dismissed citizen within three days.

How to obtain a certificate of experience?

A current sample of a certificate of employment for a pension is not offered by law. Firms are given the right to independently develop the format of the document and secure it with internal regulations. It is advisable to include the following information:

  • Employer information. The name of the organization, INN, checkpoint, location, contacts are written down. If the name of the company has changed, this must be indicated in the document.
  • Certificate number according to the company’s internal numbering rules.
  • Date and place of document preparation.
  • The main part, where the name and position of the specialist, the structural unit where he is employed, and the exact dates when he worked in the organization are indicated. If there have been transfers or part-time employment, the relevant information must be included in the text.
  • Links to supporting documents (for example, numbers and dates of hiring and dismissal orders).

A certificate of length of service is issued by the personnel service upon the written request of the employee. We will tell you in the article what the certificate should contain and what document details must be filled out.

In the article

Related documents:

In what cases is a certificate of work experience issued?

Employers making accruals under labor and civil contracts submit monthly reports to the Pension Fund in the SZV-M form. In addition, they annually submit a report in the form SZV-STAZH for all employees of the company. Thus, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation creates an up-to-date database containing information about the employee’s insurance experience and the amount of deductions from his salary made by the employer.

Add. a certificate of work experience will be required if the Pension Fund database does not contain:

  • Information about the citizen’s previous periods of work and deductions made for him by the employer.
  • Information about special work experience - periods of labor activity associated with work in the Far North or with harmful and dangerous working conditions, necessary for the appointment of an early pension benefit. In this case, the certificate reflects the periods when the employee worked under these conditions. Since special work experience confirms the employee’s right to a preferential pension, the certificate must reflect in detail all periods of work included in the special work experience.

What details does a certificate of experience in the Pension Fund contain, sample?

If in the request the employee asks to send him a document by mail, send it in a valuable letter with a list of the attachments and a notification. The dispatch period, confirmed by a receipt, is also three days after receipt of a written request.

When in his request the employee did not provide for the possibility of sending a certificate by mail, and cannot come for it himself, send a notification to his address. In any form, indicate in the notice that the employee can receive a completed certificate of work experience. This will confirm that the employer did not violate the deadline for completing it.

What information does a sample certificate of employment with the Pension Fund contain?

Information that must be indicated in the certificate of work experience:

  • last name, first name and patronymic of the citizen who requested the certificate;
  • the position in which he worked or works in this organization;
  • number or name of the structural unit in which he was registered;
  • the start and end date of his work at the enterprise;
  • documents confirming the fact of hiring and dismissal.

An employee has the right, upon request, to receive other information relating to work activities at this enterprise (Article 62 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Therefore, a certificate of length of service, a sample, may also contain data on length of service and periods of paid leave.

Upon request, issue a certificate of length of service only to the employee personally or send it by registered mail. Please ensure that all required details are filled in.

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