Documentation of a teacher of additional education (methodological manual). Service and job descriptions

Educational psychologists working in educational institutions of various types and types, educational institutions for children in need of psychological, pedagogical and medical and social assistance for children (center), keep records of the work carried out on following forms*:

1) Work plan for a teacher-psychologist of an educational institution (form No. 1);

2) Conclusion based on the results of the psychodiagnostic study (form No. 2);

3) Journal of psychologist consultations (form No. 3);

4) Journal of group work forms (form No. 4);

5) Card of psychological, medical and social assistance to the child (forms No. 5, 5A, 5B, 5B);

6) Program of work of a teacher-psychologist with a group (forms No. 6, 6A);

7) Corrective work (form No. 7);

8) Program of correctional and developmental classes (form No. 8);

10) Analytical report on the work of a teacher-psychologist (form No. 10);

11) Analytical report of the head (methodologist) of the municipal psychological service (form No. 11).

At the end of the year, educational psychologists submit an analytical report on their work (Form No. 3) to the head of the educational institution and the head of the municipal psychological service. This report is included in the reporting documentation of the educational institution. Head of Psychological Service municipal level submits an analytical report (form No. 11) to the manager based on the results of the year municipal body education management and the head of the psychological service of the region.

Form No. 1 (required)

Requirements for the work plan of a teacher-psychologist at an educational institution

1. When drawing up a plan, you must take into account:

- goals and objectives educational activities his educational institution;

– priority of the rights and interests of the child in accordance with the Constitution Russian Federation, Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", Convention on the Rights of the Child, regulatory documents The Ministry of Education of Russia, orders and instructions of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

– norms for spending time on each type of activity (see materials of the board of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated March 1995 “On the state and prospects for the development of the service of practical psychology of education in Russia”).

2. The work plan must include the following columns:

Point 2 may contain both the name of a one-time event (meeting, consultations, conversation, lesson...) and the name of a program of activities in a certain area (for example, conducting a diagnostic examination or accompanying a correction class, etc.). In the second case, there must be subparagraphs of paragraph 2, each of which has its own deadline and result.

Clause 6 should be stated in the form of specific results, allowing for monitoring of implementation. In paragraph 4, if responsibility for execution is distributed among several performers, the content of responsibility must be indicated (for example, decorating the premises, selecting participants, conducting training, etc.).

3. The work plan is drawn up for periods accepted as reporting periods in a given educational institution. For example, for a week, month, quarter, etc. or for an academic quarter.

A long-term work plan, including the goals and directions of the psychologist’s work in this institution, must be compiled for a year.

Form No. 2 (required)

Conclusion based on the results of the psychodiagnostic study (structure and basic content)

1. Reason for the study (as stated by the applicant). Development of a research plan, construction of a hypothesis, justification for the choice of psychodiagnostic research methods (developer: full name, position, place of work, work telephone).

2. Diagnosticians (full name, position at place of work).

3. Timing of the study.

4. Describe the application of the technique according to the following scheme:

5. Name of rating scales accepted as significant in this study(for example: verbal intelligence, awareness, understanding, speech development, overall rating).

6. Research results:

a) quantitative data is presented in tables for each class (group) (see the chart for recording test results);

b) generalized interpretation of data: analytical description the results obtained and conclusions based on the results;

Scheme for recording test results:

Date Full name, position of the author of the report, signature.

Form No. 3 (required)

Journal of psychologist consultations

Full name of the educational institution:

Column Sv is filled in full name who applied or sign under an anonymous appeal.

Column 7 is entered if the institution employs several psychologists and the journal of psychological consultations is common to all psychologists.

Stamping the start and end times of consultations allows you to keep track of time spent on consultations per month, year, and, therefore, take this into account when planning work for the next year.

Form No. 4 (required)

Logbook for group forms of work

Group forms of work of a psychologist in an educational institution include:

– training with children or adults (teachers, parents);

– correctional or developmental classes with children according to a specific program;

– seminars, lectures, methodological lessons with teachers.

If the latter is taken into account in a special journal of an educational institution, it is necessary to enter information about them there according to the model established in the journal.

Form No. 5 (required)

Card of psychological, medical and social assistance to a child

Card No._________ The survey is carried out by_________

Date of_________

Last name_________ First name_________

Date of Birth_________

Educational institution (school, school, etc.)_________

Class (group)_________

Address_________ Phone_________

Last name, first name, patronymic of parents_________

Directed by_________

The reason for petition_________

Anamnestic information_________



Biological factors _________


Peculiarities early development _________

Education before educational establishment_________

Observation by specialists_________

Complaints to currently _________

Problems associated with educational institutions_________

Change of educational institution_________

Class repetition_________

Area of ​​school adaptation disorder_________

Difficulties in learning, education_________

Final grades in main subjects_________

Difficulties in mastering behavioral norms_________

Features of social contacts_________

Form No. 5A

Psychosocial developmental situation:

Current conflict, time of its occurrence, assessment social situation in an educational institution, assessment of the family situation, psychological protection(feelings, fantasies, activities, contacts), self-esteem.

Family situation:

Joint activities at home with the child, the child’s relationship with the teacher, peers, the relationship of parents with the educational institution, family relationships, type of family education.

Form No. 5B

Psychological data

Intelligent Data

Personal characteristics

Zone of proximal development


Interests, ideas about the future

Form No. 5B

Psychological report

Based on the psychological, medical and social report, it is recommended:

Attendance at remedial classes.


Behind past period the following changes have occurred:



Form No. 6

Program of work of a teacher-psychologist with a group

1. Compiled by a psychologist Full name

2. Description of the class (group):

psychological characteristics children;

general characteristics the work of the teacher in this class (group).

3. Program goals (specify specific goals and tasks of working with children, if work with teachers and parents is highlighted separately, then write down these tasks as well).

4. Stages of program implementation by month.

5. Planned results psychological work in a class (group) in a form that allows them to be examined by experts.

Signature of a psychologist.

Form No. 6A

Results of psychological work in the class (group) during the academic year

1. The following diagnostic studies were carried out in the class (group).

2. List of group lessons (trainings) conducted in the class (group).

3. List of classes with teachers (if planned).

4. The name of the forms of individual work with children.

A list of the results obtained from working with a class (group) in a form that allows them to be understood and used by those who are still working or will work with this class.

Analysis of the experience of implementing this program and recommendations for its further improvement.

Date:_________ Signature of psychologist_________

Form No. 7

Corrective work 20... g.

Last name_________ First name_________

Educational institution_________

Class (group)_________

Expert opinion_________

Dynamics of correctional education

Over the past period from _________ to _________

The following changes have occurred:_________

Form No. 8 (mandatory for institutions special education)

Program of correctional and developmental classes

I. Explanatory note:

1. Relevance, purpose in a form that allows us to determine the significance of the program for working with a given population (in an educational institution).

2. Objectives – in the form that determines the ways for the participants to achieve the goal.

3. Addressee - with whom the classes will be conducted (participants: children, adults, teachers, etc.).

II. Thematic lesson plan according to the following scheme:

III. Literature list - indicates the literature that group members can use:

Leading full name, position

Form No. 9

(required for educational institutions selling copyrighted, innovation programs)

1. Scientific and practical novelty.

2. Scientific validity.

3. Relevance and prospects.

4. Practical orientation.

5. The presence of intersubject and intrasubject connections.

6. Presentation of testing results.

List of documents to be submitted:

I. Program:

1. Explanatory note providing disclosure of the relevance, goals and objectives of the course, duration of the course, its duration, age categories students, expected results.

3. Practical part, the place it occupies in the course.

4. List of literature that can be used by students, trainees and that was used by the author.

II. Exemplary thematic plan. Areas of program protection:

1. Justification for choosing the course.

2. Goals and objectives of the course.

4. Expected results.

5. Place of this course in curriculum(share of hours, connection with other courses).

Analytical report on the work of an educational psychologist

1. Purpose, object, subject of research. Constructing a hypothesis. Selection of psychodiagnostic techniques.

2. Developer, diagnostician.

3. Presentation of research results.

4. Analysis of the obtained data.

Analytical report of the head (methodologist) of the municipal psychological service

1. Analysis of the state of the psychological service (structure, personnel composition, meeting staffing needs, etc.).

2. Generalized analysis of the results of sociopsychological monitoring carried out in accordance with the plan preventive work educational institutions, at the request of the administration, teachers (statistically processed material on all surveys conducted in educational institutions in the form of tables, graphs, histograms, diskettes is attached).

3. Generalized analysis of consultations carried out by educational psychologists of the municipal psychological service.

4. Analysis of the results of monitoring the course “Fundamentals of Life Self-Determination” within the regional component, “Healthy Lifestyle”, “Fundamentals of Self-Knowledge”, “Sex Education” and other courses aimed at developing the personal and emotional-volitional sphere.

5. Analysis of correctional and developmental work carried out by educational psychologists of the municipal psychological service (summarized results of examinations of children before and after correctional and developmental work in the form of tables, graphs, histograms, diskettes are attached).

6. Identified problems: conditions and root causes of their occurrence, tasks and methods for solving them.

7. Work plan for the next academic year.

8. Prospects for the development of the service.

Related information.

Teacher documentation

The nomenclature of cases establishes uniform requirements To pedagogical documentation preschool educational institutions (hereinafter referred to as preschool educational institutions).

Pedagogical documentation is part of the nomenclature of affairs and reflects the planning and organization of educational educational work with children in preschool.

The list of pedagogical documentation is divided into two blocks:

· general pedagogical documentation;

· documentation of teachers.

Pedagogical documentation includes:

· development program;

· educational program;

· annual plan;

· minutes of pedagogical councils;

· documents on types of control;

Form registration notebook methodological work;

· accounting of receipts and issues methodological literature and benefits.

In the work of a teacher, as in any other activity, order and planning are necessary.

Responsibility for correct management Pedagogical documentation is carried by the head and senior teacher of the preschool educational institution.

The activities of the teacher are regulated legislative and regulatory documents, and internal local acts of institutions:

· Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms;

· Convention on the Rights of the Child;

· Constitution of the Russian Federation;

· Labor Code RF;

· Law of the Russian Federation “On Education in the Russian Federation”;

· Federal law RF “On the basic guarantees of the rights of the child in the Russian Federation.” Accepted State Duma 07/03/1998;

Federal and regional programs education;

· Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated August 30, 2013 N 1014 “On approval of the Procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities for basic general education programs - educational programs preschool education",

· Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, content and organization of the operating hours of preschool educational institutions;

· Regional regulatory documents;

· Regulatory documents higher organizations;

Local acts of the preschool educational institution (charter, collective agreement, internal rules labor regulations, employment contract, job description).

In accordance with the internal labor regulations, the teacher must promptly fill out and accurately maintain established documentation; clearly plan your educational activities, keep the administration informed of your plans, keep a diary of observations of children, follow the rules and regime of documentation; respect the child’s personality, study his individual characteristics, know his inclinations and characteristics, help him in the formation and development of his personality.

According to the order of the Ministry of Public Education of the RSFSR dated September 20, 1988 No. 41 “On documentation of preschool institutions” in order to establish a strict procedure for maintaining documentation in preschool institutions the following pedagogical documentation of preschool institutions is established:

· For educators - a plan for educational work with children for a day or a week at their discretion and daily maintenance of children’s attendance records.

At the same time, educators plan their work in any form.

The list of pedagogical documentation can be supplemented with supporting documentation reflecting the specifics of the areas activities of preschool educational institutions(experimental site, kindergarten with an ethnocultural component, etc.). Additional list pedagogical documentation is approved by order of the institution.

Practice proves the need to streamline the documentation maintained by preschool teachers. Order in the documentation, the ability to quickly find and analyze available materials will help the teacher in preparing for the new school year, certification of the kindergarten and teacher.

Documentation can be organized in the following folders:

· information and normative (01),

planning and analysis (02),

· organization of educational work (03).

Teacher documentation can be divided into mandatory and recommended

Let's try to consider the meaning of each document separately.

Mandatory documentation on the organization of educational educational process includes:

1. Calendar plan for educational work ( The plan should include: list of children with dates of birth; information about the health status of children; daily routine (warm, cold time); a list of children by development groups I, II, III, taking into account the diagnosis of speech development; class schedule for each age period; complex morning exercises(for 2 week); list of literature used in working with children early age. Dividing children into subgroups for physical education classes- based on health and motor skills. The plan should consist of 2 sections: activities in the classroom (planned with increasing complexity in accordance with the development group, taking into account repetition); outside of class - carried out in small subgroups and individually: physical education and health work, the formation of cultural and hygienic skills and independence, relationships with peers, familiarization with nature and the outside world, speech development. Subject-based, playful, independent activities of children are planned. The plan includes working with parents. Leisure and entertainment are planned monthly. For ease of use of the plan, the teacher divides it into two parts: the first and second half of the day. In the first half of the day, the teacher plans: conversations, individual and joint activities, reading fiction, morning exercises, finger exercises, articulation exercises, didactic games, instilling cultural and hygienic skills, walking, observing the weather. In the afternoon, the teacher plans: invigorating gymnastics, conversations, individual work, experimentation, role-playing and didactic games, walks, working with parents). The planning scheme is developed by the preschool educational institution and approved by order of the head

2. Children’s attendance sheet (it is necessary in order to record the number of children in the group daily. This helps ensure that children are fed and have classes (handouts for each child. It also helps to track the incidence of children in a certain period). The attendance sheet must be numbered , stitched, sealed.

1.Information and regulatory documentation of the teacher ( official and job descriptions):

1.1. Job description of a preschool teacher.

1.2. Instructions for protecting the life and health of children in preschool educational institutions.

1.3. Seasonal safety instructions for working on site.

1.4.Safety instructions when organizing classes on a physical education site, walk, etc.

2. Planning and analysis, and general information about the group:

2.1.List of children in the group/diary of the group (the composition of children in the same group is not uniform in age and the difference can be up to a year. Educators must take into account the age of each child in the group and plan an individual approach to each child).

2.2. Group modes (for cold, warm, vacation, gentle, adaptation periods of the year).

2.3. Sheets (magazine/notebook) of adaptation (for newly admitted children).

2.4. Health sheet (magazine/notebook) (in kindergarten practice, it is important to develop a differentiated approach to children, taking into account their health status. For this, groups have so-called “Health Sheets”, which are filled out medical personnel. As you know, for the formation of correct posture and the prevention of visual impairment, the correct seating of children at the table is of no small importance, for which a set of furniture is selected for each child. The height and weight of children are determined 2 times a year, respectively, a set of furniture should be determined 2 times a year. The doctor distributes children into health groups. Based on the results of medical examinations (conducted 2 times a year in kindergarten groups and 4 times a year in early age groups), depending on the nature and severity of deviations in the children’s health, the doctor gives recommendations, documenting them. IN practical work It is the recommendations that are important to the teacher, and not the clinical diagnosis (it is a medical secret). All of the above is reflected in the “Health Sheet” for each child).

2.5. The scheme for seating children at tables (this is what helps to choose the right furniture according to height, to seat children, which is the prevention of poor posture and vision. To secure a place for a certain period, there is a scheme for seating children at tables, which is adjusted as necessary depending on changes in physical condition children in the group).

2.6. Information about children and their parents (officially accepted practice in a special magazine there are usually following information about children attending the group: last name, first name of the child; Date of Birth; residential address and telephone numbers; Full names of parents, grandparents; parents' place of work and telephone numbers; social status families (number of children in the family, living conditions, complete - not complete family).

2.7. Child hardening system.

2.8. Model and mode of physical activity.

2.9. Diary - 127th form (for early age groups).

3. Methodological support of the educational process

3.1. The main areas of work and annual tasks of the preschool educational institution for the current year, the educational program of preschool education of the preschool educational institution (extract from the annual plan, OOP preschool educational institution), memos and guidelines, a model of physical education and health work.

3.2.Forward planning by sections of the program, as well as thematic (comprehensive thematic) planning (is an annex to the educational program of preschool education of preschool educational institutions).

3.3. Materials for pedagogical diagnostics for the main sections of the program and a notebook for pedagogical diagnostics ( Each educator must study his pupils and monitor the peculiarities of their development. You need to study in the system and constantly. For this purpose, there are maps for diagnosing children’s knowledge, skills, abilities in all types of activities and final tables of the results of children’s mastery of the program. The teacher should conduct diagnostics at the beginning and end school year, which will give him the opportunity to compare the results of children’s assimilation of the program and timely correction of cognitive processes towards the child’s achievement of age norms).

3.4. Network of educational activities/classes ( a grid of educational activities/lessons helps to systematize work with children during the current month).

3.5. Long-term plan for the year/work program (by the beginning of the school year, the teacher draws up a long-term plan that helps him systematically solve the assigned tasks, using effective methods, individual work with children and work with parents. Long-term planning is preceded by a comprehensive and in-depth analysis of the state of educational educational work in the group, identifying its strengths and weaknesses, definition current issues for the coming academic year).

3.6. Plan for interaction with the family (working with parents) (The teacher must definitely keep protocols parent meetings For subsequent analysis, the content of work with parents is planned for a month or a week. It should be indicated on what days and what will be done by each teacher of the group, and what general garden events will be held. Moreover, it is necessary to write not only those events that are carried out by the teacher, but also by the specialists working in this group. Regardless of who conducts the classes, the organizer will in any case be the teacher. How many events to plan is up to everyone to decide for themselves. Work in kindergarten with parents should be planned in accordance with the annual goals of the institution. The work can be scheduled in various forms: parent meetings, consultations (individual, group), workshops, thematic exhibitions, occasional conversations with parents, interest clubs, joint holidays, entertainment and leisure, surveys, parent gatherings, excursions, hiking trips, parental participation in public life groups, etc.).

3.7. Self-education (The teacher is obliged to get acquainted with innovations in a timely manner, replenish professional potential, improve pedagogical skills, applying new ones in practice educational technologies. The teacher should keep a notebook on self-education, writing down in it the name of the literature studied, the title and author of the article that interested him, indicating the pages with the most significant information. Next, you should discuss what you have learned with your colleagues at a pedagogical meeting or teacher council.).

3.8. Analytical report on the work done for the year (heard at the final pedagogical council. It is compiled in free form(text, diagrams, graphics) and includes qualitative analysis fulfilling the tasks of raising children, the accumulated experience and identified problems, difficulties, promising directions at work).

3.9. Group development plan/group passport/group social passport. The passport is maintained for 5 years (during the child’s visit to preschool). Contains a list of methodological literature of the group (programs, technologies), didactic games, manuals, children's furniture. The list is updated annually in connection with the transition of children to a new age group. The list is agreed upon with the head of the preschool educational institution/senior teacher. Social passport, this is a specially designed form containing information about social composition group families.

3.10. Teacher's portfolio + map of the teacher's individual educational route.

3.11. Lesson notes (printed version + design electronic database data).

3.12. The teacher’s personal notebook, conditionally it can be called a “Methodological Notebook”, in which information received at teacher councils, methodological councils, methodological associations and seminars, etc. is recorded.

3.13. Notebook for interaction with specialists. In it, experts record individual recommendations on working with children, preparing equipment (for example, interaction between music directors, speech therapist, medical staff).


senior methodologist of MKU "IMC"

Terentyeva T.M.

Valentina Nikitina
Documentation preschool teacher in accordance with Federal State Educational Standards before (Seminar)

Material prepared teacher highest qualification category Nikitina V.V. MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 200" Cheboksary Chuvash Republic (November, 2016)

Educator in kindergarten - a key figure. The entire microclimate of the group and the condition of each child individually depend on his literacy, competence, and most importantly, love and faith in children. But work teacher does not consist only of communication and raising children.

Like any other position, it requires certain documentation, plans, notes. Due to the fact that now in educational institutions introduced state standards, then documentation of the preschool teacher in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard is necessary link work.

In progress teacher, as in any other activity, order and planning are necessary. Only under these conditions is it possible to obtain satisfaction. It's no secret that the design documents often relegated to a secondary role. However, if completed in a timely and correct manner, it can become our first assistant in preparing for the new school year, kindergarten certification and teacher.

Let's try to consider the meaning of each document separately.

1. Local acts

To the main list teacher documentation entered local acts to support activities teacher(shelf life – permanent)

1.1. Job description teacher.

1. 2. Instructions for protecting the life and health of children.

1.3. Labor protection instructions.

2. Documentation on organizing work teacher:

2.1. The work program drawn up as part of the implementation Federal State Educational Standard Preschool educational institutions by age group for the academic year. It reflects the main directions educational– educational work with children of a certain age.

2.2. Comprehensive thematic and calendar planning.

2.2.1. Comprehensive thematic planning.

It is built on a thematic principle and allows teacher not only systematically solve the assigned tasks and easily introduce regional and ethnocultural components, but also, depending on the characteristics of your preschool institution, at your own discretion, partially or completely change topics or topic names.

2.2.2. Calendar plan educational-educational work.

For specification and adjustment educational- educational work provided for by a comprehensive thematic plan, teacher uses a calendar plan in his work.

For ease of use of the plan teacher divides it into two parts: first and second half of the day.

To write a plan, it is recommended, in addition to a comprehensive thematic plan, to use a cyclogram of the group’s educational activities (it is not mandatory, but very convenient and helps the teacher correctly plan his work with children during the day.)

In the first half of the day the teacher plans conversations, individual and joint activities, reading fiction, morning, finger exercises, articulatory gymnastics, didactic games, instilling cultural and hygienic skills, walking.

In the afternoon - invigorating gymnastics, conversations, individual work, experimentation, role-playing and didactic games, a walk, work with parents.

2.3. Model of organizing educational activities (grid of classes).

It helps the teacher systematize work with children during the current month. According to the requirement of SanPin “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, maintenance and organization

preschool operating hours educational organizations» about maximum permissible volume educational activity load in the first half of the day in junior and middle groups should not exceed 30-40 minutes, in senior and preparatory classes - 45 minutes and 1.5 hours respectively. In the middle of the time allotted for continuous educational activities, a physical education session is held. Breaks between periods of continuous and educational activities are at least 10 minutes.

2.4. Evaluation of the results of mastering the program

Pedagogical diagnostics

Each teacher, while working, constantly studies his pupils. Such work is carried out during observations of children’s activity in spontaneous and specially organized activities.

For this teacher documentation kindergarten includes observation cards child development, allowing us to record the individual dynamics and development prospects of each child during various types activities (speech, cognitive, artistic, gaming, design and physical development)

During educational activities, teachers must create diagnostic situations in order to assess the individual dynamics of children and adjust their actions.

Observation charts of child development with recommendations for building an individual development trajectory for each child for all age groups to an approximate basic general educational program "From birth to school" edited by N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva can be downloaded on the Internet.

2.5. Portfolio teacher

In a modern preschool educators have to work in a constantly competitive environment.

In most cases, portfolio teacher kindergarten - this is a folder that is created and updated by a teacher in order to improve his qualifications, going to which requires confirmation of work activity. You can also say that a portfolio teacher- this is a kind of form for teacher certification, with which you can present materials of your work, courses attended, and successes achieved.

Portfolio teacher is in a group or methodological office DOW. Shelf life is permanent.

2.6. Creative folder for self-education (Shelf life - permanent).

"I feel entitled say: Long live self-education in all areas. Only that knowledge is durable and valuable that you acquired yourself, prompted by your own passion. All knowledge must be a discovery that you have made yourself...”

K. I. Chukovsky

Any profession requires self-improvement, and even more so work related to children.

One of the ways to increase professional excellence teachers is self-education

Self-education is the purposeful work of a teacher to expand and deepen his theoretical knowledge, improve existing ones and acquire new professional skills and abilities in the light of modern requirements pedagogical and psychological sciences.

During the academic year or other period of time, the teacher must study in depth a problem, the solution of which causes him certain difficulties or which is the subject of his special interest.

Timely completion of this document also helps in collecting materials for teacher certification.

3. Documentation on organizing work

With pupils of preschool educational institutions.

3.1. Attendance sheet.

It is necessary in order, firstly, to record the number of children in the group daily. This helps provide nutrition for children and, respectively, calculation of parental fees.

Secondly, teacher It’s easier to focus on conducting classes and distributing material for each child.

Thirdly, it helps track the incidence of diseases in children certain periods, outline to the nurse your work aimed at improving your health,

and during the adaptation period, identify unreasonable omissions that complicate successful completion adaptation of the child to the conditions of the preschool educational institution.

3.2. Individual information about parents and pupils

Documentation of the preschool teacher in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard necessarily involves identifying information not only about children, but also about parents.

In officially accepted practice, a special journal usually contains the following information about children attending group:

Last name, first name of the child;

Date of Birth;

Residence address and telephone numbers;

Full names of parents, grandparents;

Parents' place of work and telephone numbers;

Social status of the family (number of children in the family, living conditions, complete - not complete family).

To the teacher You should find out information from your parents in a tactful conversation and reflect it in the journal. Moreover, the received data cannot be widely disclosed; this information must be confidential, because we are talking about the welfare of the child.

The information obtained helps teacher neutralize the possible negative impact family situation for the child, if any. And you can understand a child better, make his life more prosperous and harmonious, if you know more about his living conditions and the status of his parents.

3.3. Age list of children.

The composition of children in the same group is heterogeneous in age, and sometimes the difference can reach up to a year.

Educators must take into account the age of each child in the group, since the difference in age affects the characteristics individual approach to each of the children. For example, if in a group there are children three and a half and four years old, then in relationships with them teacher must take into account age-related changes psyches associated with “a crisis of three or four years”.

For some children the active phase of the crisis is in full swing, for others the crisis is ending, they gradually become more contactable and

manageable and, therefore, can feel more productive and comfortable in a team.

A simple age-specific list can help prevent very serious problems in Group.

3.4. Health sheet on group pupils.

In practice, it is important to develop a differentiated approach to children, taking into account their health status. For this purpose, groups have so-called "Health sheets", which are filled out by medical personnel.

After all, as a rule, children do not attend preschool educational institutions due to illness. Medical personnel and teacher necessarily cooperate closely with each other. Without this relationship, competent health work is impossible.

The doctor distributes children into health groups. Based on the results of medical examinations (conducted 2 times a year in kindergarten groups and 4 times a year in early age groups), depending on the nature and severity of deviations in the health of children, the doctor gives recommendations, recording them documented.

In practical work teacher It is the recommendations that are important, not the clinical diagnosis (it is a medical secret). All of the above is reflected in "Health sheet" for each child.

3.5. Journal of hardening events

The journal of hardening activities helps to carry out targeted recreational activities with children in compliance individual characteristics child.

3.6. Seating scheme for children at tables.

As you know, for the formation of correct posture and the prevention of visual impairment, the correct seating of children at the table is of no small importance, for which a set of furniture is selected for each child (height of table and chair). The height and weight of children is determined 2 times a year, respectively and the set of furniture should be determined 2 times a year.

For this, we need a scheme for seating children at tables, which is adjusted as necessary depending on changes in the physical condition of the children in the group.

3.7. Group daily routine

A daily routine for warm and cold periods of time is necessary for a rational duration and reasonable alternation of various types of activities and rest for children during the day.

3.8. Children's stool map and morning filter (only for children under 3 years old).

Children's stool map and morning filter allows you to identify a child's disease at an early stage and take measures to maintain health children's group groups.

Morning filter in others age groups carried out and filled out only during the epidemiological period.

3.9. Adaptation sheet

For the period of adaptation of children, another type is introduced document -

adaptation sheet

It notes the date of admission of the child, his time spent in the preschool educational institution, and behavioral characteristics in a symbolic manner.

Timely analysis of this document helps teachers identify and eliminate or smooth out the child’s adaptation problem. Based on the analysis, it is coordinated collaboration “teacher – physician – psychologist – parents”.

3.10. Register of reception and care of children signed by parents.

Daily morning reception of children should be carried out educators who interview parents about the state of health of their children, examine the pharynx and skin, if indicated, measure body temperature.

IN nursery groups The appointment is carried out with daily measurement of body temperature.

During an influenza epidemic, body temperature is measured daily in all age groups.

Children identified during examination with suspected illness are not admitted to kindergarten, and those who are ill during the day are isolated from healthy children in an isolation ward until their parents arrive.

4. Documentation on organizing interaction with families pupils.

4.1. Interaction with parents group pupils

It is necessary to write not only those events that are taking place teacher, but also by specialists working on this group. Regardless of who conducts the classes, the organizer will be in any case teacher.

Work can be scheduled in various forms carrying out:

Parent meetings,

Consultations (individual, group,


Thematic exhibitions,

Occasional conversations with parents,

Interest clubs,

Joint holidays,

Entertainment and leisure,


Parents' gatherings.



Hiking trips,

Participation of parents in the social life of the group, etc.

How many events to plan is up to everyone to decide for themselves. Work in kindergarten with parents should be planned in accordance with compliance with the annual objectives of the institution.

About joint activities raising adults, which can be organized in a variety of traditional and innovative forms, you can familiarize yourself with the program "From birth to school".

Master classes



Evenings of music and poetry,

Family visits program events family subscription, organized by cultural and art institutions, at the request of the kindergarten;

Family living rooms,


Family clubs,

Questions and answers evenings

Salons, studios,

Holidays (including family,

Walks, excursions,

Project activities,

Family theater.

4.2. Minutes of parent group meetings.

Minutes of parent-teacher meetings in kindergarten are important document. Its preparation must be approached responsibly and competently. Any decision becomes valid only if there is a protocol. It must always be carried out, regardless of the degree of importance of the issues being discussed.

The protocol notebook is started during the formation of the group and is maintained until graduation from kindergarten. It is numbered page by page, filed, sealed with the seal of the kindergarten and the signature of the head.

Protocol drawing up plan:

Full name of the institution

Date of the meeting at the preschool educational institution

List of those present (teachers, administration, parents)

Topic of the meeting (agenda)

List of speakers ( educators, medical worker, speech therapist, educational psychologist, heads of clubs, studios, parents, etc.)


Secretary's signature teacher, and chairman of the parent committee

All protocols are kept by teacher.

Consultation for educators “Preparing documentation is one of the competencies of a teacher”

In the work of a teacher, as in any other activity, order and planning are necessary. Only under these conditions is it possible to obtain satisfaction. It is no secret that paperwork is often given a secondary role. However, timely and correctly completed documentation can become our first assistant, because order in documentation, the ability to quickly find and analyze available materials will help the teacher in preparing for the new school year and teacher certification.

The teacher’s documentation includes the following sub-items:

  1. Mandatory documentation, which includes all documents related to the organization of the educational process.
  2. Informational – normative documents, this subclause includes all service and job descriptions, general information about the group, information about methodological support educational process of the group.

Mandatory documentation.

  • Working programm.
  • Calendar plan for educational work,
  • . Children's attendance sheet.
  • Group passport.

Information and regulatory documentation of the teacher:

1. Service and job descriptions:

1. 1. Job description of a preschool teacher.

1. 2. Instructions for protecting the life and health of children in preschool educational institutions.

1. 3. Seasonal safety instructions for working on site.

  1. 4. Safety instructions when organizing classes on the physical education site.
  2. General information about the group:
  3. 1. List of group children (indicating date of birth and date of admission to preschool educational institution).
  4. 2. Group modes (for cold, warm, adaptation periods of the year).
  5. 3. GCD grid (main and additional classes in clubs).
  6. 4. Adaptation sheets (for newly admitted children).
  7. 5. Information about children and their parents.
  8. Methodological support of the educational process
  9. 1. The main areas of work and annual tasks of the MDOU for the current year.
  10. 2. List of programs and pedagogical technologies, used by the teacher (compiled together with the senior teacher).
  11. 3. Long-term planning by program sections.
  12. 4. Materials for diagnostics for the main sections of the program.
  13. 5. Memos, advertising brochures for teachers based on the results of regional and city events (courses, seminars, methodological associations).

Let's try to consider the meaning of each document separately.

1. Group work program.

The teacher’s work program must be drawn up on the basis of educational preschool educational programs. It must be built in accordance with the age, psychological and individual characteristics of children.

Approximate structure work program teacher

  1. Title page (name, program status, program author)
  2. Explanatory note (concept, goals and objectives of the course, program structure and explanations, features of the program)
  3. Study load volume
  4. Calendar-thematic plan
  5. Content educational material, which includes the federal and regional components of the state educational standard, provided for by the exemplary program
  6. System for monitoring children’s achievement of the planned results of mastering the program
  7. Bibliography
  8. Group calendar plan.

Technology for developing calendar plans

  • The general algorithm is outline.
  • Start writing a plan with routine moments: morning; day; evening; for at least two weeks.
  • The design of the plan must meet aesthetic requirements, since it business card DOW.
  • Take into account the ratio of children’s load: emotional; intellectual; physical.
  • Consider the degree of complexity of the material.
  • Compliance with software and methodological support.
  • Include all activities.
  • To trace the complication of techniques, not only visual and verbal, but also such as collective search, conversation, educational games.

2. 1. Compilation algorithm calendar plan teacher

  • Title page
  • List of children of the group, indicating the date of birth of the children.

For correctional groups (speech therapy, defectology), a list of children by subgroup, indicating the diagnosis of PMPC.

  • GCD grid schedule for the week (according to the number of classes in the program and the requirements of sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations 2.4. 1. 3049-13)
  • Planning morning exercises (with changes for week 2)
  • Complex of articulatory gymnastics.
  • Finger gymnastics complex.
  • Awakening gymnastics complex
  • Plan for interaction with parents.
  • Planning specifically organized classes (indicating day and date),

planning joint activities between the teacher and children,

planning independent activity children.

3. Attendance report for children in the group.

An attendance sheet is necessary to record the number of children in the group daily. This helps ensure that children are fed and systematic implementation classes (handouts for each child). Also, the attendance sheet helps the teacher and medical personnel track the incidence of children in a certain period.

4. Information about children and their parents.

In officially accepted practice in a special journal (notebooks) Usually the following information is available about children attending the group:

  • Last name, first name of the child
  • Date of Birth
  • Residence address and telephone numbers
  • Full names of parents, grandparents

5. Log of reception and delivery of shifts.

This log indicates the reception and delivery of shifts by two teachers working in this group.

The log indicates the date and records the number of children that the teacher accepted into the group, notes are made on the state of health of the children (skin, temperature, pediculosis). The teacher also makes notes about the changes that occurred in the group during the first half of the day. (children going home due to parents, child getting sick, etc.). The second teacher, who has taken up work and works in the afternoon, also makes a note in the journal about how many children he received, how the children slept, notes which children went home (healthy, or one of the children had a fever, an injury could have occurred, etc.). All of the above should be reflected in the shift log.

6. Drinking regime log.

In accordance with the SanPiN regime, the drinking regime in preschool educational institutions is organized using boiled water, provided that it is stored for no more than 3 hours.

Therefore, the teacher must change the water in the carafe every next three hours, (regardless of whether it was used or not). The container is processed before each water intake, and the time of each water intake is recorded in the group’s drinking regime log.

7. Observation log for long-term absent children.

In groups preschool age A monitoring log of long-term absent children is kept. Who were absent after an illness, as well as absence for more than 3 days (except weekends and holidays) , children are admitted to preschool organizations only if they have a certificate from a local pediatrician indicating the diagnosis and duration of the disease.

The magazine has a morning and evening filter, designed in the form of a table. In early age groups, a notebook is kept for daily monitoring of children, where the morning and evening filters are noted (temperature, pharynx, skin, pediculosis), as well as chair mesh (observation is carried out in the first and second half of the day).

8. Quartz journal.

The quartz log is necessary to track the implementation of preventive measures due to epidemiological outbreaks in the group.

The log records the date of quartzing, the presence of a quartzed room, disinfection conditions, duration and mode of irradiation.

9. Self-education magazine.

Society constantly makes demands on the education system. The teacher is obliged to get acquainted with innovations in a timely manner, replenish professional potential, improve pedagogical skills, using new educational technologies in practice. The teacher should keep a notebook on self-education, writing down in it the name of the literature studied, the title and author of the article that interested him, indicating the pages with the most significant information. Next, you should discuss the studied material with colleagues at a pedagogical meeting or teachers' council. When using innovations, it is necessary to purchase or produce teaching aids according to the author’s recommendations. those. introduce practical use studied topic. The topic of self-education must correspond to the objectives of the preschool educational institution for the new academic year.

10. Individual child development map.

The purpose of the Map is to organize assistance to children and teachers in creating optimal conditions training taking into account individual characteristics based on a comprehensive diagnostic examination.

11. Monitoring.

The teacher should carry out diagnostics at the beginning, middle and end of the school year, which will give him the opportunity to compare the results of children’s assimilation of the program and timely correction of cognitive processes towards the child’s achievement of age norms.

All monitoring results are reflected in several documents;

  • Sections for each educational area.
  • A summary table dated by the date and month of the survey.
  • Monitoring development level chart.
  • Information certificate for the beginning of diagnosis and analytical report for the middle and end of the year.

Technology for compiling an Information Certificate.

  1. It is indicated general indicator level of mastery of program material, as well as what the percentage is equal to.
  2. The number of children is registered, their percentage, for each level of development of mastering program material.
  3. The percentage of children is indicated (their surnames and first names are written down), which showed based on the results of a diagnostic examination low level mastering program material.
  4. The supposed causes of this phenomenon are indicated.
  5. An analysis is made of the quality of children’s learning in sections of educational areas of the program for each level.
  6. The suspected cause of the low level is indicated.
  7. Conclusions are drawn.
  8. A comparative diagnostic result is carried out for the year in the form of a diagram (beginning of the year, middle, end of the year).
  9. It is indicated who compiled the certificate and signature.
  10. Kindergarten group passport.

A kindergarten group passport is a document that reflects the structure, conditions, content of the work of this group, as well as the most important indicators of its activities.

The passport of the kindergarten group is developed on the basis of the Regulations on the group and reflects its focus (general developmental, compensatory, combined, health).

Approximate contents of the group passport:

  • Group (name, age, focus).
  • Information about teachers working with children (F.I.O., education, work experience, qualifications, information about course preparation).
  • List of children with dates of birth.
  • Information about parents.
  • Social passport of the group.

(Includes information about the child’s full name, date of birth, parents’ full name, information about children from abroad complete families, large families, children in care, children whose parents are disabled, families in social dangerous situation, low-income families)

  • Attendance sheet.
  • Anthropometric data of the children in the group.

(An anthropometric study necessarily includes the measurement of basic anthropometric indicators (height, body weight, chest and head circumference. Anthropometric study is carried out 2 times a year. Spring - autumn)

  • Nosology of the disease.

(The diagnoses of the children with whom they were admitted to the preschool educational institution are indicated, these are main, speech and accompanying)

  • Children's health sheet.

Teachers work closely with the kindergarten medical staff. In practice, it is important to develop a differentiated approach to children, taking into account their health status. For this purpose, groups have so-called "Health sheets" , which are filled out by medical personnel. As you know, for the formation of correct posture and the prevention of visual impairment, the correct seating of children at the table is of no small importance, for which a set of furniture is selected for each child. The height and weight of children are determined 2 times a year, respectively, a set of furniture should be determined 2 times a year.

The doctor distributes children into health groups.

According to the results of Prof. examinations (held 2 times a year in kindergarten groups and 4 times a year in early age groups) Depending on the nature and severity of deviations in the children’s health, the doctor gives recommendations, documenting them. In the practical work of a teacher, it is the recommendations that are important, not the clinical diagnosis. (it is a medical secret). All of the above is reflected in "Health sheet" for each child.

  • List of medical prescriptions.

The medical prescription sheet indicates the date, weight of the child, and health group.

In compensatory groups, the conclusion of a teacher - defectologist, or a teacher - speech therapist, the conclusion of a teacher - psychologist is included.

  • Group equipment.

This document is drawn up in the form of a table, which indicates all the equipment of the group (furniture), and its quantity.

(IN this document The teacher notes the condition of the furniture, group premises, lighting, the condition of lesson aids, the condition of game materials, the selection of game materials, and makes a note about who checked all of the above. This check takes place every week throughout the year. Except for the time when preschool closed for scheduled renovation).

  • The state of conditions for protecting the life and health of children in the group.

In this document, on a weekly basis, throughout the year, the condition of the group site, the fencing of the site, and the removed material are noted. The safety of the walk, the equipment of the site, and outdoor play material are noted. During the winter period, the area is icy. And a mark is placed on who carried out the control. (Head of preschool educational institution or deputy head of VOR.)

  • Service and job descriptions:
  • Job description of a teacher.
  • Job description of a junior teacher.
  • Occupational safety instructions for educators.
  • Labor safety instructions for junior teachers.
  • Safety instructions sporting events, attractions, outdoor games.
  • Instruction No. 50 for the use of carbon dioxide fire extinguishers.
  • The plan is an instruction that determines the actions of the staff of the MADOU kindergarten No. 1 to ensure the safe and quick evacuation of children in the event of a fire.
  • Instructions for personnel actions in the event of a fire in the building.
  • Operating instructions for the bactericidal irradiator OBN - 45OP.
  • Teacher's instructions for preventing children's road injuries.
  • First aid in case of accidents.
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