Documents for official registration for work. Recruitment

The rules for hiring in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation presuppose provision of a certain package of documents. Of course, you can find out their list during the employment procedure itself, but the best option would be to prepare the required papers in advance.

In addition, depending on the type of activity of the organization, the age of the applicant, the characteristics of the nature of his work, the list of required documents may vary slightly.

List according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation for 2018

The standard package of documents that is required when hiring employees to an official place of work is regulated by Article 65 of the Labor Code and consists of: following points:

This list of documents is standard, but in most cases the employer may require some additional papers, the availability of which will be determined by the characteristics of the organization or the performance of job duties.

Additional documents for certain categories of employees

As additional documents, which may be needed in connection with certain features of the work, the following can be noted:

  1. A document that will indicate the presence or absence of a criminal record. Such a certificate can be requested either at the employer’s own request or in accordance with the nature of the work performed. This may include service in government agencies, contact with significant material assets, holding leadership positions, and significant financial responsibility.
  2. Medical certificate. The usual form of such paper for employment is 086/у. Such a certificate may be needed if there are absolutely no contraindications to certain types of work. By the way, when hiring a minor, it is mandatory.
  3. Medical record (in some cases it is called a health record). Such a book is a necessary document for employment in organizations and enterprises where the employee will have direct contact with food products or work in the field of education. This may include organizations such as food production, catering establishments, canteens, restaurants, kindergartens, schools, and student dormitories. Notes from certain doctors about the absence of deviations are entered, as well as test results indicating the absence of intestinal and other infections that are unacceptable for employees of certain organizations.
  4. Driving license of a certain category. Such a document will be needed when applying for a job that will involve driving a vehicle. It may be required for drivers of personal cars, ambulances, cash-in-transit vehicles, buses, etc.
  5. Certificate of mental state. It may be necessary if the employee’s type of activity is closely related to the possible need to use any type of weapon.

Features for a minor

Few people know that minor citizens who have not yet reached 18 years of age can be accepted for certain positions (with a slightly modified schedule). In this case required list of documents may be reflected in a slightly different list:

  1. In the event that a job applicant has not yet reached 16 years of age, it is mandatory for a teenager to provide written permission from his (or her) parents. If the role of parents is performed by guardians or other relatives (grandmother, aunt, etc.), then their permission is required. Such a document is attached to the general package of papers standard for employment.
  2. Health certificate. According to existing rules, all expenses incurred by a teenager during registration must be borne by the direct employer. However, in practice, it is often necessary to pay everything to the person who is hired.
  3. In some cases it may be necessary permission from local guardianship or trusteeship authorities.
  4. Timetable of classes when undergoing parallel training at an institution so that the period of work does not coincide with the time of study.

It is impossible to say with certainty that some documents from an employee hired for a certain position will not be needed. Both the nature of the work and some features of the employer himself may require such papers that, it would seem, are not necessary at all. As documents that are almost never required, it is worth noting:

  • documents confirming ownership of real estate;
  • birth certificate of an adult citizen;
  • certificate of marriage or divorce;
  • foreign passport (only if the type of work is not related to the need to travel abroad);
  • certificate of family composition.

Employer-initiated documentation

At the initiative of each specific employer, the list of required documents regarding employment may be supplemented with the following documents:

  1. . It is mandatory in almost all organizations. Such paper becomes the actual basis for enrolling an employee on the staff of a company or enterprise. After enrollment, such a document can be attached to a personal file or an order for admission to the state.
  2. Personal INN code.
  3. Employee photo cards. They are used for pasting into a personal file; they can also be used for a pass or work ID.
  4. Certificate of income from the last place of work (2-NDFL). It can be useful directly to the employee himself in the event that he goes on sick leave for health reasons and the current employer needs to calculate payments for such a period.
  5. Characteristics from previous place of work.
  6. Summary. This document is usually required before the interview.
  7. Documents confirming the presence of a disability group. They are required if an employer intentionally employs a person with a disability.

Hiring a foreigner

According to the statistics provided, more than a third of people performing their work duties in Russia are foreign citizens.

This data includes exclusively those persons who were officially registered and registered for their jobs in compliance with all legal norms. In fact, they much more.

If you want to get an official job, being a citizen of another state, you should also be prepared to provide a certain number of papers, without which the hiring may not take place. So, these include:

  1. Passport. Either an internal passport of the country of which you are a citizen or a foreign passport, of course, if you have one, may be suitable.
  2. Work permit (patent), which was received from the Migration Registration Service of the Russian Federation.
  3. Temporary residence permit, if available. Its provision effectively eliminates the need for a work permit for citizens of certain countries.
  4. Registration, it can be temporary or permanent.
  5. Migration card, indicating the registration of a temporarily or permanently arrived foreigner.
  6. Confirmation of certain quotas(refugee status, etc.).
  7. Diploma of education. If it does not contain information in Russian, the employer may require a written translation certified by a notary practicing in the Russian Federation.
  8. Medical insurance. Not all employers require it, but in some cases the applicant may need it.
  9. Medical book. It is mandatory to undergo all doctors and tests in the region where the foreigner plans to work.
  10. Driver's license. An international sample may be needed.

Additional information on hiring foreigners is presented in this issue.

Due to changes in legislation and the pension system of the Russian Federation, today not all citizens are well versed in what documents are needed to get a job in Russia. This point especially concerns citizens of pre-retirement age who, for some reason, decided to change their place of work, young professionals who have just graduated from universities, and foreigners.

The abolition of some mandatory documents and the emergence of new ones creates some confusion. What documents are required to get a job, and what are not required to be provided?

Basic documents for getting a job

When applying for a workplace, there are a number of standard documents that must be presented:

  • The first and main document is, of course, an identification document of a citizen of the Russian Federation, that is, a passport.
  • Another document confirming your citizenship and identity, such as a driver's license or international passport, will also work.

In this case, it is preferable that your passport contains a mark indicating registration in the city in which you are going to get a job. Registration does not necessarily have to be local; temporary registration is also possible, however, as practice shows, preference is still given to residents living in a given region. In this case, it is necessary to provide a certificate of registration at the place of residence.

In addition, the law does not prohibit Russian (non-foreign) citizens, who in principle do not have any registration, from getting a job. But basically, under such conditions, you can only find low-paid and unskilled work.


Let's consider what documents are needed to get a job, in addition to a passport and registration.

Important documents provided to the employer are an insurance pension certificate and a certificate of registration with the tax authority. The data from these documents is basic for submitting information about the employee to the relevant regulatory authorities. At the same time, the employer does not have the right to demand a TIN, but it is still better to issue the required certificate in a timely manner. This will be a significant advantage when applying for a job. If you do not have a pension insurance card, the organization’s accounting department should handle its registration.

Employment history

A document such as a work book deserves special attention. Russian legislation stipulates that when applying for a job, a future employee is required to provide a work book as a document confirming work experience. It is optional only if the citizen gets a part-time job.

If this document is missing for any reason, for example, a person is employed for the first time or the work book has been lost, the organization providing the workplace is obliged to issue a new copy. Upon dismissal, a work book is issued to the citizen with a record of the period of work and position held in this organization.

Additional documents

Men will need to provide another document, since the male population of Russia is mainly liable for military service. What documents are needed for men to get a job?

When applying for a job, all males must present a military ID or registration certificate if the citizen is of pre-conscription or conscription age. In extreme cases, for example, if a military ID is lost or damaged, it is permissible to provide a temporary certificate, which is issued while the main document is being restored.

As practice shows, most organizations adhere to the rule of checking military ID, as this is a guarantee of a law-abiding citizen.

Educational Diplomas

All available diplomas of higher education, graduation from a technical or other specialized technical school will be required, especially if the position requires certain knowledge.

It also makes sense to take documents confirming the completion of various courses and advanced training, if they are relevant to your future place of work. Providing evidence of qualifications in your chosen profession will definitely help in your future career in the company. These documents are also required if you are applying for a part-time job.

As a rule, the listed documents are quite sufficient for getting a regular job, which is not associated with specific types of activities or risks to health and life. Below we will look at what documents are needed to apply for a job that requires higher requirements for candidates.

Medical book

This document is required for citizens applying for jobs in education, the food industry, medicine and food sales.

The Labor Code strictly prohibits the admission to work of persons who do not have a medical book of the established form. The employer bears full responsibility for violating this rule, so organizations, as a rule, strictly control the availability of the necessary document. In this case, the purchase and renewal of health certificates is mainly paid for by the employer himself.

To obtain this document, you must undergo a medical examination, pass all the required tests and undergo training in the rules of personal and industrial hygiene. At the end of these activities, the citizen is certified, after which the SES authorities issue a medical book.

Documents to be presented when applying for a job involving risk

For citizens applying to institutions associated with hazardous professions, the package of documents is wider. For employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, police officers, firefighters and other similar professions, in addition to the basic above-mentioned papers, additional information will be required.

What documents are needed to apply for a job at the Ministry of Emergency Situations?

  • Since the profession of a rescuer requires good physical fitness and specific knowledge, when applying, you will definitely need to present a document proving that you have completed training and have a professional education.
  • In addition, the results of a medical examination will be required, confirming that the applicant does not have any diseases that prevent him from carrying out work activities.

What documents are needed to apply for a job in the police?

  • Information about income and property, not only of the candidate for the position, but also of the spouse, as well as information about financial obligations to minor children.
  • Additionally, you will need an autobiography written in your own hand.
  • A recommendation from a current police officer.
  • Certificate of no criminal record (candidate and immediate family members).
  • Other papers, such as an application, consent to the processing of personal data and access to information constituting state secrets, are completed upon admission to work.

Working with children: what documents are required?

The question often arises about what documents are needed to get a job in a kindergarten or school.

Working in school and preschool institutions involves communicating with children, so the requirements for employees are quite high. For these organizations, the following are additionally required:

  • Medical book.
  • An examination at a psychoneurological clinic may be required.
  • Diploma in Teacher Education. In some cases, by agreement with the director of the institution, it is possible to start working while a university student.
  • Certificate of no criminal record.

Some institutions, especially those raising children with various diseases, may require additional certificates. Therefore, it is necessary to find out on the spot what documents are needed to get a job in a school or kindergarten specializing in the upbringing and training of sick children.

Employment of foreign citizens

If you believe the statistics, almost a third of the population in Russia are citizens of the former CIS. These are only those who live in our country permanently, and how many people come for temporary work cannot be counted at all. Therefore, the question of what documents are needed to employ a foreign citizen is more than relevant.

  • The first thing you need, besides your passport, is a work permit obtained from the Migration Registration Service.
  • Temporary or permanent (residence permit) registration will also be required.
  • Migration card.
  • Related documents required for a specific profession (medical record, education diploma, driver’s license, etc.).

Considering that today there are quite a lot of refugees of Ukrainian nationality living in Russia, the question often arises about what documents are needed to get a job as a citizen of Ukraine.

As benefits for refugees, it is possible to get a job without a temporary residence permit, only on the basis of a permit. Moreover, the last document can be obtained regardless of the presence or absence of quotas for issuance. That is, a person who has refugee status and has reached the age of 18 will in any case receive a work permit.

In all other cases, that is, if the person is not a refugee, it is necessary to provide the usual package of documents.

Before submitting documents for consideration to the employer, it is better to first make copies of all papers that will remain in the personal file of the organization.

Russian legislation establishes specific rules for hiring. In accordance with them, the applicant must submit a package of mandatory and, if necessary, additional/recommended documents.

In the material below we will analyze which papers are needed in any case, and which ones can be provided on personal initiative (due to the specifics of the profession).

Documents for employment for work according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

It is mandatory, according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, that the applicant submits to the employer the following list of papers:

  • Identity document. This is either a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation or a foreign passport. If it is lost at the time of submitting the papers, you will have to provide a temporary certificate from the passport office.
  • Work record book (for previously employed applicants). The document is not submitted in cases where it is lost, as well as if the citizen is undergoing initial official employment or entering a part-time position. If the work book is lost/damaged, the future employee writes an application for admission instead, indicating the reason for the absence of the document.
  • Certificate of registration or military ID (for men liable for military service).
  • SNILS (social insurance certificate). For applicants officially applying for a job for the first time, the company issues SNILS independently.
  • Any educational document adds to the list of required papers. This is a diploma, certificate, certificate of completion of courses. By the way, if the applicant is just looking for a job, then it is necessary. Based on it, the employer selects a candidate.

In addition to this package of papers, when applying for a position, the future employee must attach other documents:

  • . It is written to the head of the enterprise in free form. In some cases, the employer provides a ready-made letterhead document. The paper is filed with the employee’s personal file as a result of his employment at the enterprise.
  • Photos (photos no older than 1 year). You need to attach 3 photographs measuring 3 x 4. They are used to pass and identify the employee’s personal file.
  • TIN (certificate of a citizen’s tax registration).
  • Certificate 2-NDFL (on income). It is advisable to provide it for those employees who change jobs. Based on the document, it will be more profitable for the employee to calculate sick leave payments, taking into account the length of service from the previous place.

Important: Sometimes the HR department asks you to fill out. At the moment, this is a pure formality. The questionnaire contains standard .

List of additional documents related to the specifics of the work

In addition to the main list of papers required for employment, applicants for some professions are required to provide additional documents. This applies to all vacancies associated with increased concentration, work at heights and work in difficult conditions. The following requirements apply to future employees in the following specialties:

  • Heat/electric locomotive driver;
  • Crane operator;
  • Driver;
  • Slinger;
  • Pilot;
  • A worker in a workshop with harmful conditions, etc.

Here you need to submit additional papers according to the list for official employment:

  • A certificate confirming the qualifications of the applicant at the time of registration. For workers in hazardous professions, annual recertification is provided. Therefore, all stamps on the certificate must be fresh at the time of hiring.
  • Driver's license of the required category (for motor transport employees).
  • Medical certificate (form 86/у). It indicates the presence/absence of contraindications for work in a specific position.

Important: if the applicant is sent to work in the Far North, the document must contain information about the possibility/impossibility of staying and working in cold conditions due to health reasons at the time of joining the enterprise.

  • Certificate of presence/absence of criminal record. Necessary for those candidates who are applying for a position that does not allow for criminal prosecution/conviction of the applicant before.

Attention: Hiring a disabled person for a position that does not require a medical certificate for a regular employee does not oblige such employee to provide it to the human resources department. In this case, the disabled person decides for himself whether he wants to submit a document on the list of mandatory documents.

What documents are needed to apply for a job for a minor?

According to the law of the Russian Federation, persons over 14 years of age are allowed to participate in official employment for full and part-time working days. In this case, the list of papers will be as follows:

  • Worker from 14 to 15 years old. Upon admission, in addition to a passport, you must provide the consent of parents and/or guardianship authorities for the placement of a minor, medical form 86/u, as well as a certificate from the place of study with a schedule of permanent classes. The latter allows you to plan an employee’s schedule without compromising their studies.
  • Teenager 15-16 years old. Must provide a passport, work book (for those applying for more than the first time), a document on general education or a certificate from the place of study (as for a 14-year-old applicant), a certificate from the educational institution on the form of study (for correspondence students), and a medical certificate.
  • Employee 17 years old. In addition to the list of the above papers, you must also attach a document confirming military registration.

Important: According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, minor employees cannot be involved in overtime work, business trips, night shifts and work on weekends/holidays. Also, such an employee cannot be recalled from vacation. However, the rule does not apply to representatives of creative professions - circus employees, theater and film actors, and media representatives. Minor employees undergo an annual medical examination at the expense of the enterprise.

Let's sum it up

It is important to understand that the employer does not have the right to require additional documents from the applicant for official employment, if this is not provided for by the law of the Russian Federation. But in some cases, a future employee, on his own initiative, may submit additional documents in order to benefit from his interests at the time of accepting the position.

Such papers are characteristics and letters of recommendation, additional diplomas and certificates of completion of courses and advanced training. As a result of collecting such a package, the applicant can qualify for better working conditions. Remember - your strength is in your knowledge of the laws of the Russian Federation.

Today, at almost every interview the magic word “social package” is heard. But each employer puts its own meaning into it. Some imply a white salary and vacation, others - corporate events and a fitness center, while others mean nothing at all and shift the conversation to another topic. As a result, applicants are completely confused. decided to figure out what a social package is and what it should be equipped with.

An important plus when finding a job

The Labor Code does not mention the corporate social package, or, more simply, the social package. This word appeared in everyday life when they began to talk about the social responsibility of business. It has caught on, but so far the question is “what is a social package?” there is no unity. HR officers believe that this is the entire set of benefits that provide the employee with comfortable working conditions. Lawyers say that the social package includes only those benefits that are not provided for by labor legislation.

Be that as it may, there are mandatory benefits - the employer is obliged to provide them, either in the social package or without it. This includes payment for vacations, sick leave and pension insurance for everyone, as well as a medical policy for nonresidents. That is, paid sick leave or maternity leave is not at all a merit of the company, but a mandatory requirement of legal employment. All other bounties may or may not be at the discretion of management.

But if companies want to attract good specialists to their staff, then they will have to think seriously about additional benefits: 72% of Russians consider the presence of a social package to be an important advantage when finding a job, and only 21% do not pay attention to it. They know nothing about the social package or have not decided whether it is needed or not, only 7%. (According to the results of the ROMIR Monitoring study conducted in April 2007).

Most often, women, qualified specialists with higher education, Russians with an income of 10,000 to 25,000 rubles and people aged 25 to 34 pay attention to the social package. Among those who are indifferent to the social package, Russians over 45 years of age and senior managers predominate. Every second general director (president) of the company said that they do not need it.

What do employers give?

Today, according to ROMIR Monitoring, about 67% of Russian workers have a social package. Most of them live in the Central Federal District. 28% of our compatriots are deprived of additional benefits, and 5% could not answer at all whether they have a social package.

What does the social package in your company consist of?

Services %
Voluntary health insurance 70
100% payment for sick leave and maternity leave 63
Professional education 39
Full payment of maternity leave 38
Payment for mobile communications 34
Payment for food 25
Providing loans to employees (loans from the company) 23
Payment for transport 20
Voluntary medical insurance for relatives and children of employees 10
Payment for travel packages 9
Payment for guarded parking 7

According to ROMIR Monitoring research, April 2007.

As you can see, so far employers are not particularly willing to provide their employees with additional benefits. Although what can we talk about, if not everyone has mandatory benefits. But there are exceptional cases.

Employees of one large Moscow company were very lucky with their social package. Firstly, it includes travel costs, including gasoline costs. If the work involves traveling by car, then insurance and technical inspection are paid. Secondly, for their birthday, the generous bosses give everyone 4,500 rubles (employees say that this is just enough for them to “put down”). Thirdly, if necessary, an interest-free loan is provided, which is repaid gradually through deductions from wages. Fourthly, one-time payments in connection with the birth of children: for the first - 30,000, for the second - 60,000, for the third - 90,000, for the fourth - 120,000 rubles. Fifthly, each parent receives a monthly salary increase until the child turns 3 years old (for the first child - 2000 rubles, for the second - 3000, etc.). Moreover, the amounts grow taking into account inflation.

Foreign employers are more generous than Russian ones
In 2006, PricewaterhouseCoopers experts compared the social packages of domestic companies and subsidiaries of Western companies in Russia. It turned out that there is a noticeable difference in some indicators. Thus, 70% of Western employers and only 17% of Russian ones insure the life of their staff. 74% of foreigners and only 36% of Russians provide subsidies for food. About 30% of foreign companies issue loans, pay for sports, and provide pension plans. Among domestic employers-respondents there was only one who had mastered pension insurance.
Employees of another metropolitan company visit expensive clinics and specialized clinics for free, have their teeth treated, and are entitled to weekly visits from a corporate doctor, a swimming pool, acupuncture and massage sessions.

There are organizations where the social package varies depending on the position, length of service and value of the specialist. (Practice shows that such inequality often causes dissatisfaction among staff.) However, most employers offer a standard set of free benefits for everyone. Most often this includes medical insurance, tea, coffee, cookies, lunches, payment for a work cell phone, the opportunity to take time off without deduction from salary, corporate events, bonuses, increased travel allowances, gifts for holidays, partial compensation for the cost of children's sanatorium vouchers. Slight variations are possible.

Pitfalls of the social package

So, free cheese is not only in the mousetrap, but also in the social package. However, be careful. For example, in exchange for paying for a corporate mobile phone, you may be required to always be in touch, depriving you of peace and sleep. After a corporate entertainment trip abroad or a trip to an expensive clinic, part of the salary will be withheld. Or moreover, they will deduct from your salary the price of a gym or swimming pool subscription, regardless of whether you visited the sports complex or not.

To avoid troubles, always check the conditions under which the benefits included in the social package are provided. Don't take my word for it, all benefits must be specified in the employment contract. Read what is written about them, pay attention to the details. And remember that after signing the contract, no one has the right to change these conditions without your consent.

The necessary list of documents for getting a job is regulated by the Labor Code, namely stat. 65. However, employers often compile their own list, including additional forms, certificates and other documentation. Of course, in some cases, for certain positions, the Law establishes its own package of documents for employment, and in other situations such deviations are considered a violation of the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

What forms must the applicant provide to the HR officer? First of all, you need to remember that the paperwork process occurs precisely when concluding an employment contract, and if a citizen cannot present documents when applying for a job, it is necessary to understand the reasons for the absence of one form or another.

The procedure for concluding and terminating an employment contract

List of documents for hiring:

  1. Passport or other document identifying the candidate.
  2. If the employee has already been employed, a work book is presented. If not, such a form is not required. If the form is missing for a good reason, the document is reissued by the employer.
  3. Insurance certificate from the Pension Fund of Russia - SNILS. If a person is employed for the first time, this form is not presented.
  4. Military ID - required only for persons liable for military service or subject to conscription.
  5. Documentation of training and special knowledge according to professional standards - diplomas, certificates, certificates of qualifications, etc.
  6. A certificate of criminal record or its absence - along with a certificate of termination of prosecution (case), such documents are needed for employment in positions that exclude a criminal record or the fact of criminal prosecution of a specialist.
  7. A certificate stating that the candidate has not been subject to administrative punishment in connection with the use of psychotropic, narcotic or psychoactive drugs - as in the previous paragraph, such documents are required for employment under the Labor Code of the Russian Federation for positions that do not allow the mentioned grounds for prosecution, up to completion of the sentence.

Note! In accordance with certain federal laws and taking into account the specifics of the activity, in some cases the list of documents presented when concluding an employment contract may be supplemented. It is prohibited to require forms other than those established at the federal level.

Optional documents for employment

Based on the norms of labor legislation, when applying for a job, a document on the Taxpayer Identification Number, a marriage certificate or, conversely, a divorce certificate, a child’s birth certificate (if the candidate has children) and other forms, the presentation of which violates a person’s right to privacy, are not required.

Many employers ignore the regulations. 65 and establish their own list of documents for employment. To avoid sanctions for violating the Law “On Personal Data,” when developing such a list, one should be guided not by subjective reasons, but by legal requirements. In addition, it is allowed to register a citizen for a position in the absence of the following documents for official employment:

  • Plastic insurance certificate SNILS.
  • Employment history.

Note! The list of documents for applying for a job must include a passport or other identification card. Concluding an employment contract without presenting this mandatory form is prohibited.

Part-time registration - documents

What documents are needed to obtain a part-time job? Documentation of employment is drawn up according to general principles, but taking into account some features. In addition to the forms already listed, the documents presented when hiring a part-time worker include certificates from the main place of employment regarding the nature and conditions of work, as well as the amount of income (when calculating benefits, social payments, etc.). It is not necessary to present a work record.

List of documents for employment of foreign citizens

What documents are needed to employ foreign citizens? The general list of documents required for the employment of such employees depends on the status of the foreigner. In addition to the forms mentioned above, you may need a patent, residence permit, temporary residence permit in the Russian Federation, a work book based on the Russian model, etc.

Important! Mandatory documents for registering an employee as an individual entrepreneur coincide with the requirements established for hiring employees by employers who are legal entities.

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