Documents for a 14 year old passport. In general, to submit documentation you can contact

When a citizen of the Russian Federation turns 14 years old, he is required to obtain a passport. In fact, in the future, the received identity card replaces the birth certificate, although the latter remains in the hands of the teenager.

If you need assistance of a reference and legal nature (you have a complex case and you don’t know how to draw up documents, the MFC unreasonably demands additional papers and certificates or are completely refused), then we offer free legal advice:

  • For residents of Moscow and Moscow Region -
  • Regions of the Russian Federation -

Where can you get a passport at 14 years old and is it better at the MFC?

Obtaining a document is possible at the territorial (district) divisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at the place of residence or application of the person. Since 2017, it is also possible to obtain a passport through any multifunctional center.

There are no long queues at the MFC, and it is better to sign up in advance through the website, so that you can then come at the appointed time and quickly hand over necessary certificates employee.

List of documents required to obtain

Before visiting the MFC you should collect necessary papers to obtain a certificate at 14 years of age. These include:

If for some reason a minor missed the deadline for receiving the first certificate and came to apply for it at the MFC not at 14 years old, but, for example, at 16, then the list of documents will not change. You just need to indicate in the application that you are receiving a passport for the first time.

Application deadline and penalties for missing it

If the child does not complete the document on time, then his legal representatives will be fined in the amount of:

  • 3-5000 rub. for Muscovites and St. Petersburg residents;
  • 2-3000 rubles for residents of regions.

The proper period for filing an application is one month from the date of birth (the date of completion of 14 years).

The passport that teenagers receive for the first time is no different in appearance from regular ID personality of an adult.

How to get a passport at the MFC: registration, state duty, production time

The collection of documents can be carried out by the teenager himself, or perhaps by his legal representative (parent or guardian). On the appointed day you will need to come to the territorial office of the MFC and hand over the package collected certificates operator.

At an appointment with a specialist, the minor will fill out the application himself, but in some cases he will this paper An employee of the multifunctional center will fill it out, and the child will simply sign it. The presence of legal representatives when applying for a passport is not required.

The state duty upon first receipt of the document is 300 rubles. In some regions, MFCs have special payment terminals, so payment is possible immediately without visiting a Sberbank branch, but it is better to check this with the operator of the multifunctional center in advance.

After submitting the documents, applicants receive a receipt indicating the date of receipt of the passport and the application number. You can use it to find out if your certificate is ready.

The processing time for a passport depends on the child’s registration:

  • within 10 days, citizens who have submitted an application to the territorial office of the MFC for registration receive a passport;
  • The issuance of an identity card is delayed for up to 2 months if the minor does not have permanent registration at the place of application or is not registered at all on the territory of the Russian Federation, although he has Russian citizenship.

Other features of obtaining a Russian passport for children upon reaching 14 years of age

Receipt by orphaned teenagers

Orphans receive a passport as standard in established by law ok, but free. To do this, you need to provide a certificate from the MFC orphanage or any other official document confirming the status of a minor.

Issuance for Russian children living abroad

If a teenager lives with his parents abroad, but they have not refused Russian citizenship, he receives an identity card according to the legislation of the Russian Federation through the Consulate.

Is it possible to obtain a passport if the child does not have a residence permit?

If a teenager does not have permanent registration, he can obtain an identity card if he has citizenship. All MFC failures and units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are illegal. There are no penalties if you apply within thirty days of turning 14. The only negative is that obtaining a passport will take 2 months.

Issuance and refusal of extradition

On the day indicated in the receipt or after receiving notification of readiness, the applicant should come to the MFC. Before receiving a passport, you must carefully check the correctness of the information about yourself filled in it. If any error is noticed, the form will be sent for re-issuance.

The authorities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the MFC are obliged to issue a passport to a Russian citizen who is 14 years old, subject to compliance with all specified instructions. If they refuse the service for any reason (for example, in the absence of the father’s passport data), then it is necessary to demand written refusal from management and go to court.

Receiving free legal advice

If you think you have received wrongful refusal in the provision of services at the MFC or simply found themselves in a situation requiring the provision of legal assistance, call the indicated telephone numbers or contact the online consultant with a question, and we will try to help you. Call and get a FREE legal consultation!

  • For residents of Moscow and Moscow Region -
  • St. Petersburg and Len. region -
  • Regions of the Russian Federation -
Attention! When contacting via form or phone call Only STRICTLY questions are considered LEGAL nature(refusal of service, complex cases, other civil law situations, even NOT NECESSARILY RELATED TO MFC). Specialists do not advise on work hours, location, or procedure electronic recording and readiness of documents to the MFC.

To become a full citizen of the Russian Federation with active voting rights and other rights and freedoms provided by the state to its subjects, you must have a passport. Every citizen of the Russian Federation is required to receive it upon reaching 14 years of age. Obtaining a passport from the age of 14 in Ukraine has been introduced since January of this year.

If you approach the issue responsibly, this operation will not be difficult and will not cause unwanted difficulties and refusal to issue a document, since failure to comply provided by law requirements may lead to consequences in the form of an administrative penalty. We are not talking about the fact that a person is obliged to apply to the FMS with an application to receive a document on the second day after his fourteenth birthday and immediately take the package of documents there.

A period of 30 days is allotted for creating a package of documents and submitting an application, but in order to avoid problems ( administrative penalty behind late receipt passports) with the receipt of a passport, the preparation of documentation should be done in advance, so that at the last moment it does not become clear that any certificate or mark in the certificate is missing.

Like others legal events of such a plan, obtaining a passport is carried out on the basis of documents that the applicant must submit to the so-called passport office (FMS department). You can find a detailed list of documents and the rules for their preparation in the article.

When the law requires obtaining a passport

The grounds for obtaining a passport are the following circumstances:

  • the person reaches 14 years of age;
  • obtaining the status of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • damage or loss of a document;
  • passport theft;
  • the person reaches 20 years of age;
  • the person reaches 45 years of age;
  • change of surname, first name or patronymic of the applicant;
  • changing data about the place and date of birth of a person.

Based on the first two circumstances, it is issued new passport, in other cases the old document is replaced with a new one. Each operation for obtaining a passport requires the provision of a package of documents defined by legal acts, and in each case the contents of the package depend on the reason for receiving the document.

List of documents for obtaining a passport at 14 years of age

As mentioned earlier, collecting materials should be done in advance. The papers must be submitted in one package, so collect them first. necessary evidence and certificates, double-check the presence of stamps, and then take them to the FMS office. If there is a late submission of documents, confirmation that the fine has been paid can be attached to the main documents. The fine for this offense is established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. If the fine has not yet been paid, this circumstance will not affect the issuance of a passport. FMS employees are required to accept documents and issue a passport within ten days. The issuance period may be extended if documents are not submitted at the applicant’s place of residence.

Please note that the preparation of materials must be done together with the child who is the future holder of the passport, since some authorities will require his signature. In addition, photographs of the child in the established format should be attached to the documents.

Preparation of the package of documents will take from one to two weeks. This period, as a rule, depends on the number of papers that need to be collected, on the location of the bodies involved in their preparation and on the speed of work of officials.

List of papers for obtaining a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation:

  1. birth certificate of the passport recipient;
  2. confirmation of the applicant’s Russian citizenship;
  3. application on behalf of the person to whom the document will be issued. The application form has a prescribed format (1P).
  4. two colored or black and white photographs child, established sample;
  5. check confirming payment federal tax(state duty);
  6. confirmation of the child’s registration at the place of residence.

Let us consider in detail the methods of obtaining and filling out the submitted papers. A child's birth certificate should not cause additional questions, since this document must be in the hands of the child’s parents or legal representatives. The certificate is given by a civil registry office employee after the birth of a child based on a certificate from the maternity hospital. If the document is lost, you will have to purchase a new one. The certificate is subject to restoration. The recovery process will take certain period. As a result, a new birth certificate will be issued.

Information about the child's citizenship can be found at back side birth certificates. On one side of the document there is information about the child (full name, place and date of birth), information about the parents (full name of mother and father) and the name of the body that carried out the registration.

On the other side of the Certificate, a stamp is affixed with information about the basis for obtaining citizenship (based on which article), the date of its registration and the authority that performed the operation. Next to the seal, another stamp is affixed with the department code. A stamp confirming receipt of citizen status can be placed at the FMS office.

Sometimes instead of printing Federal Migration Service employee gives a special insert into the Certificate, which has the same force as a seal and indicates that the person is a Russian citizen.

Obtaining a passport involves paying a state fee, the amount of which can be found out below.

Confirmation of the child's registration can be an extract from the house register with the relevant information or an apartment card. An extract from the house register is suitable for the category of persons living in private houses. Residents apartment buildings you can contact the house management and get it there apartment card, which will be direct evidence of the child’s registration.

How to take a passport photo:

  1. the photo can be color or black and white, depending on the personal preferences of the recipient of the document;
  2. the size of the photo must comply with the requirements of clause 34.3 of the Administrative Regulations of the FMS and be 35x45mm;
  3. The photo is taken without a headdress. The exception is for religious reasons, which prohibit believers from removing their headdress in the presence of other people;
  4. strictly full face;
  5. wearing glasses, if a person wears them all the time.

The procedure for obtaining an identification document of a citizen of the Russian Federation

When the materials for obtaining a passport are ready and the deadline has not been missed, you can go to the passport office in your area with an application to issue a passport as a citizen of the Russian Federation. For this purpose you need to contact regional office FMS at the place of registration of the applicant.

Application form - 1P. You can fill out the application yourself using the provided samples. Typically, application forms where a person can easily enter information are available at passport office. The required information must be entered in block letters and done accurately, without corrections.

In addition to this, there is payable service for persons who do not have free time to fill out an application. The applicant simply submits documents and pays for the service of filling out the application. You can pick up your completed passport in 10 days.

When the day of admission arrives, the applicant must take house book, come to the FMS office in person and get long-awaited document. He must pick up the passport on the appointed day and check it for errors. If there are errors in the passport, it must be changed to avoid problem situations in future. Replacement of the document is carried out in the same way as the initial issue, within 10 days.

State duty for issuing a document

The state fee for obtaining a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation at the age of 14 in 2017 is 300 rubles. To make a payment, you do not need information about the details bank account, since the bank employee enters the data into the receipt independently at a Sberbank branch. All that is required to pay the fee is to indicate the purpose of payment and pay the established amount. Payment can also be made through an ATM and using electronic payment on the Sberbank-Online website ( The last option is the most convenient and simple, since you can pay the fee via the Internet at any time and anywhere. The only negative is that services related to the procedure for obtaining a passport are not available in all regions of Russia.

Consequences of late receipt of a passport

To prepare materials and submit an application administrative legislation no more than 30 days are allowed. If documents and an application for a passport are not submitted to the FMS office within the allotted time, the violator faces an administrative fine. The fine for late receipt of a passport is regulated by Part 1 of Article 19.15 Russian Administrative Code and ranges from 2000 to 3000 rubles. For residents of Moscow and St. Petersburg, the fine amount is greater - from 3,000 to 5,000.

Now it should be said that the subjects of responsibility for this offense there may be persons over the age of 16 (indicated in the comments to the article), therefore the fine is imposed on the parents of the passport recipient. Since the recipient of the passport is only 14 years old, for this reason he is not a subject administrative responsibility.

The answer is: if your 14-year-old child does not live at his place of registration during this period, you can submit an application where he actually stays by taking Required documents.To do this, you need to first register at your place of stay and obtain a temporary residence permit.

The procedure for completing the document and the contents of the package of documents will not differ in any way from those described above. The only difference is the timing of the document. Terms increase to 2 months. That is, you can receive a passport requested at the place of temporary registration 2 months from the date of acceptance of the application by the branch of the Federal migration service. If you missed the application deadline, please pay the required fine. The fine is established by law.

The basis for obtaining a passport at the age of 14 by a child (who is a citizen of Russia and living on the territory of Russia) is that he has reached the specified age.

The day after the corresponding birthday, a birth certificate in his name no longer certifies the child’s identity on the territory of Russia, and therefore, in in this case, there is an urgent need to submit an application for the child to be issued an identification document of a Russian citizen on the territory of Russia, that is, with an application for the issuance of a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation in connection with reaching the age of 14.

The application period for obtaining a passport is 1 month. And here we are faced with an interesting legal incident. Until recently, if this deadline was violated, parents had to pay a fine in the amount of 2,000 to 3,000 rubles (Article 19.15 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation). However, given that upon reaching 14 years of age the child must apply for a passport on one's own , it was recognized that a parent cannot be fined for violating this deadline, and a child at this age is not yet subject to administrative liability (Article 2.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation). Therefore, if a child does not receive a passport on time, no one can be fined. However, the life of the family in this case will be significantly complicated: problems with buying tickets, vouchers, obtaining foreign visas, design medical documents and documents upon admission to study - and so on.

Features of obtaining a passport at 14 years old

Obtaining a passport at the age of 14 has very significant features (compared to other reasons for obtaining a passport or replacing a passport, which we will talk about first.

    A necessary condition for applying for a child to issue a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation in connection with reaching the age of 14 is that he, along with a birth certificate, has one of the documents confirming his belonging to the citizenship of the Russian Federation. Such documents when receiving a passport at the age of 14 may be: an insert in the birth certificate or a corresponding mark in it confirming that the child has Russian citizenship, a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation (domestic, foreign, diplomatic or official) of his legal representative - the parent (or both parents) ), adoptive parent, guardian, trustee - in which in the prescribed manner information about the child, a passport in the name of the child, etc.

If a child does not have Russian citizenship, obtaining a passport at the age of 14 is possible only after registration of Russian citizenship. To do this, his legal representative must apply at his place of residence with an application for registration of Russian citizenship for the child (Appendix No. 7 to the Regulations on the procedure for considering issues of citizenship Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of November 14, 2002 N 1325).

An application for the issuance of a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation in connection with reaching the age of 14 can only be submitted if the child has not previously received an internal passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and is receiving this document for the first time.

    If a child is over 14 years old, but has not previously had an internal passport as a citizen of the Russian Federation, then until he reaches the age of 18, the requirements for the procedure for obtaining a passport will be similar to those described in this article on our website, with the exception of one of them: when filling out an application for issuance ( replacement) of a passport in Form No. 1P in column 9 “Please issue (replace) a passport” you must indicate “for the first time” and not “reaching the age of 14”.

If the child has previously had internal passport, then upon receipt or replacement of this document the grounds will be different: in connection with the loss or theft of the passport, in connection with its unsuitability for further use, due to the discovery of inaccuracy or error in the entries made in the passport, etc.

List of documents

Documents to be received civil passport at 14 years old:

    Application for issue (replacement) of a passport. The application must be filled out using electronic computers or by hand, legibly (in block letters) in black or black ink. of blue color. It is not allowed to correct errors by crossing out or using corrective means.

    Personal photos (2 pcs.) Two black and white or color photographs measuring 35x45 mm with a clear image of the face, strictly frontal, without headgear.

    Birth certificate.The certificate is issued by the civil registry office at the place of birth registration.

    Receipt for payment of state duty. State duty is paid at bank branches.

Where to apply for a passport at 14 years old?

Previously, a passport was obtained at the branch of the Federal Migration Service, submitting documents there in person, or through the MFC. After the abolition of the FMS, you should submit documents to the division of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Migration Issues. Complete list of GUVM divisions .

The current procedure also allows for the possibility of contacting officials regarding the issue of obtaining a passport in connection with reaching the age of 14 multifunctional centers provision of government and municipal services (MFC).

If the applicant (i.e., a child) is unable, for health reasons, to apply to the Russian Federal Migration Service with an application for a passport at the age of 14, then we would advise requesting the departure (departure) of the Russian Federal Migration Service employee responsible for accepting documents, to the child’s place of residence, which is within the scope of his duties (paragraph 3 of clause 107 of the Regulations). This can be done by sending or submitting a written request to the Federal Migration Service of Russia on behalf of the child, as well as on behalf of his legal representatives or relatives.

After receiving the documents, employees of the Federal Migration Service of Russia are required to inform the date and time of receipt of the passport of a Russian citizen.

Deadline for obtaining a passport is 14 years

  • no more than 10 days - if you are applying for a passport at your place of permanent registration at your place of residence;
  • no more than 2 months - if you are applying for a passport not at your place of permanent registration at your place of residence.

At the request of the applicant for the period of passport registration official A certificate of acceptance of documents for registration of a passport in any form will be issued.

In addition, at the request of the child, during the period of registration of the passport by the employee GUVM divisions he will be issued a temporary identity card of a citizen of the Russian Federation in form No. 2P (Appendix No. 2 to the relevant Administrative regulations), but for this you will need another photograph of the established sample.

When receiving a passport at the age of 14, do not forget to return the issued temporary identity card to the GUVM employee.

According to paragraph 2 of clause 1 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 8, 1997 No. 28, “all citizens of the Russian Federation who have reached the age of 14 and living on the territory of the Russian Federation are required to have a passport.” Until the age of 14, the document confirming your child's citizenship and identity is a birth certificate. After the 14th birthday it is no longer valid in this capacity.

How to get a passport based on reaching 14 years of age

To submit documents for obtaining a passport, you must contact the nearest MFC, a convenient department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, or submit documents through the State Services portal. It is not necessary to go to exactly the department to which you belong by registration or temporary registration. (Clause 10 Part 2 “Issue, replacement of passports and use of them” of Government Decree No. 28 of 07/08/1997)

Prepare a package of documents in advance:

After submitting the documents, within up to 10 days (if you applied to the department at the place of your registration) or up to 30 days (if to the department to which you do not belong by registration), you must draw up the document.

The step-by-step procedure for obtaining a passport based on reaching the age of 14 is described on the website

Is there a fine for failure to obtain a passport at 14 years of age?

If, due to some circumstances, a citizen missed the registration deadline, the question arises whether a fine can be imposed, under what circumstances, and how to pay it.

According to Article 19.15 of the RF Code on administrative offenses, for living at the place of residence, or at the place of stay without an identity card, is due administrative punishment.

Residents of St. Petersburg and Moscow face a fine of 3,000 to 5,000 for failure to obtain a passport at 14 years of age. Residents of the rest settlements Russian Federation - from 2000 to 3000 rubles.

You can be fined when you come to issue a passport after the deadline. The decision is made on the spot by the employees of the department you contacted. And if there were good reasons, and it’s actually possible to prove them (present sick leave, for example) - there is a high probability that a fine will not be imposed, and you will get off with a reprimand or warnings for the future.

Even if you don't file in advance, you have 30 days after you turn 14 to do so.

Can a child be fined?

Many are sure that they have 2 years to obtain a passport, since administrative penalties cannot be imposed on a citizen of the Russian Federation until the age of 16. This is only half true.

It is true that no penalties can be imposed until the age of 16. In accordance with Art. 2.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, citizens of our country under 16 years of age do not bear administrative responsibility.

But the fact that within two years you can avoid a fine for obtaining a passport at the age of 14 at the wrong time is a misconception. The same article 19.15. The Code of Administrative Offenses, mentioned above, warns that persons who allow a citizen to live on their territory without an identity card, that is, parents in this case, may be fined.

How to pay a fine

If you were unable to avoid a fine, you can pay it off at the bank’s cash desk or through a terminal. The bank always has samples of completed receipts. For electronic payment follow step by step instructions terminal.

note that unpaid fine for failure to receive a passport at the age of 14 is not a reason for refusal to accept documents for its registration. But it is important to pay the fine within two months, otherwise it will double.

So, we can conclude that:

Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation (also sometimes called internal, or civil, or national passport) - This main document, identifying the citizen of the Russian Federation on the territory of the Russian Federation. General passport All citizens of the Russian Federation who have reached 14 years of age and live on the territory of the Russian Federation are required to have one. In this article we will tell you how to obtain a passport for the first time at the MFC or other authorities.

Passport validity period

Validity period of a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation:

  • from 14 years old to 20 years old,
  • from 20 years to 45 years of age,
  • from 45 years old – indefinitely.

That is, when a citizen of the Russian Federation reaches 20 and 45 years of age, the passport must be replaced. Otherwise - a fine.

Requirements for the applicant, required documents and cost

An application for a Russian passport can be submitted citizen of the Russian Federation, to whom turned 14 years old. This application must be submitted within 30 days after your birthday.

Listed below are the documents required to obtain a passport.

  • 1. Application for issuance of a passport in form 1P. .
  • 2. Birth certificate.
  • 3. If the applicant’s place of birth is outside the Russian Federation, then confirmation of Russian citizenship will be required (this may be a mark on the birth certificate, or a special insert about citizenship.) If there is no confirmation of citizenship, then you must first contact the department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to obtain it. get.
  • 4. Two color or black and white photographs measuring 35x45mm, clear, corresponding to the applicant’s age at the time of application, full face, without headgear.
  • 5. Receipt for payment of state duty. The state duty is 300 rubles. For issuing passports to orphans and children without parental care, National tax not charged.
  • 6. In case of filing an application legal representative applicant - a document confirming the authority of the representative.

Please note: citizens of the Russian Federation permanently residing abroad (having received one BEFORE reaching the age of 14 years, or entered into the parent’s international passport) are not required to have an internal Russian passport. But if they wish, they can receive it, and this can be done both in Russia and abroad at the Russian consulate.

Where can you get a passport at 14 years old?

There are the following options for obtaining a passport at 14 years of age.

If you are over 18 years old and are applying for a passport for the first time, then this can only be done at the branch of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

How to obtain a passport of a Russian citizen at the MFC

Obtaining a passport at the “My Documents” MFC has a number of advantages over directly contacting a department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, for example, more convenient opening hours and absence long queues, as well as assistance from an MFC employee.

The official name of the service at the MFC is: “Issuance and replacement of passports of a citizen of the Russian Federation, identifying the identity of a citizen of the Russian Federation on the territory of the Russian Federation.” Look for this name when receiving an electronic queue coupon.

You need to follow 3 simple steps.

  1. Prepare the documents listed above.
  2. Come to the MFC of your choice, making an appointment either in advance or on the spot using the electronic queue.
  3. Wait for the document to be ready and receive it. Ready passport you will receive it at the same MFC where you submitted the documents.

Deadlines for obtaining a passport at the MFC:

  • 10 days from the date of receipt of documents by the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, if you are applying for a passport at your place of residence
  • 30 days from the date of receipt of documents by the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, if you are applying for a passport not at your place of residence

Add here approximately 6 working days, during which your documents travel between the MFC and territorial division Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Grounds for refusal to accept documents

The following grounds for refusal to issue a passport are possible.

  • the citizen is under 14 years of age,
  • the application for a passport is missing or does not contain the required information completely,
  • the necessary documents have not been submitted (see list above),
  • photos do not meet the requirements,
  • documents presented at foreign language without translation into Russian.


Receipt Russian passport at 14 years old - simple procedure, which can be completed by contacting a department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (not necessarily at your place of registration). You can also get a passport at the nearest “My Documents” MFC, if such a service is provided there.

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