Documents for obtaining a passport. The Migration Service informs what documents are needed to obtain Russian citizenship for migrants

  • passport (remember, this document should not be expired; it must be changed upon reaching 20 and 45 years of age, as well as when changing your last name);
  • documents that confirm ownership of real estate and their photocopies;
  • all apartment owners must write an application, which is drawn up at the place of registration; an employee of the Federal Migration Service must be present during this process;
  • if you are registering for your spouse, you may be asked to provide a marriage certificate;
  • men should provide a registration certificate or military ID;
  • in the event that you check out of the apartment, you will need to provide a departure certificate, its validity period is 90 days, if this period has expired, then you should immediately apply for a temporary registration.

What documents are needed for registration?

Therefore, documents are prepared depending on what form of housing the process is being carried out. For a privatized apartment you need to collect:

  • passport;
  • privatization document;
  • consent of the owners;
  • an application that is completed on the spot.

For a non-privatized apartment:

  • passport of the employer and the one who is re-registering;
  • consent of all residents of this apartment;
  • consent of the municipal administration or property management committee;
  • an application to be filled out on the spot.

When all the documents have been collected, the registration authority considers the issue of re-registration and makes an appropriate decision within the prescribed period.

Documents required for registration in Moscow

To do this, you will need to provide the following documents to the FMS or MFC employee:

  • passports of the baby's father and mother;
  • child’s birth certificate - if you have not yet received this document, there is no need to rush to register your baby;
  • house register at the address of the property where it is planned to register the newborn;
  • certificate of real estate personal account.

Temporary registration In order to obtain temporary registration, you at least need to find a place of temporary residence. In large populated areas, some citizens offer visitors temporary registration for a fee. These actions are not illegal, and homeowners do not risk anything.
After all, a temporarily registered person does not receive ownership rights; his rights to use residential premises are limited by the registration period.

List of documents required for temporary registration

In this situation, it is necessary to provide the consent of all persons living in the apartment. In addition to the consent of those registered, consent is also required from the local administration or property management committee. If all consents have been received, then the remaining documents are collected exactly the same as when registering a relative in a municipal apartment. How to make an application for registration at the place of residence? When registering, fill out an application in form No. 1:

  1. When drawing up an application, you must indicate the organization to which it is sent and which will conduct this process.
  2. The form must clearly indicate and clearly read the last name, first name, and patronymic of the person who is going to register in this apartment.

What documents are needed for temporary registration of citizens

All other documents are submitted the same as for registration of the owner of the apartment. It should be remembered that when registering for a privatized apartment, passport services do not look at the size of the property, so the owner can register a large number of people in it. What will be needed for temporary registration in a municipal apartment? When registering a citizen temporarily for a non-privatized apartment, you can also observe two options for the required set of documents:

  1. If it is necessary to register a close relative (wife, husband, children, parents), then in this case the organization that deals with this process will not pay attention to the area of ​​the apartment. Therefore, it will be necessary to provide the passport of the tenant and the person registering, the rental agreement, and a statement from everyone who lives in this apartment.

What documents are needed for registration in 2017

The easiest option is to register with relatives or other persons who will consent to registration in their apartment. If this is not possible, then there are other options for obtaining a metropolitan residence permit: purchasing residential premises or concluding a lease agreement with the possibility of obtaining temporary registration. In addition, temporary registration in the capital is issued to all nonresident students of capital universities living in Moscow.
Some enterprises provide official housing with the possibility of registration in it for both employees of these enterprises and their family members. How to get a Moscow pension? There are many legends circulating around the country about the fabulous size of Moscow pensions. Pensioners throughout the country envy the life of the capital's elderly.

However, with the capital's pension, not everything is so simple.

When traveling abroad, a passport is a necessary document. On the territory of foreign countries, a foreign passport will be the main document proving your identity. What documents are needed for a passport?

To issue a passport correctly and in the shortest possible time, you will need to present a complete package of documents. If you fill out the form correctly and immediately submit all the necessary documents to the Federal Migration Service, your international passport will be issued within 2 weeks. Currently, there are two types of international passports - new and old.

What is the difference between an old-style international passport and a new-style international passport?

The main difference is the validity period of the passport. An old-style international passport is valid for 5 years and must be replaced upon expiration. A new international passport is valid for 10 years. Accordingly, the fee for issuing passports differs. An old-style international passport will cost only 1,000 rubles, and for a new one you will need to pay 2,500 rubles.

Applying for a foreign passport: what documents are needed


What photographs are needed for a passport? For an old-style international passport, you need 4 photographs measuring 3.5 x 4.5 cm. These can be black and white or color photographs, the main thing is that the background is white. They must be matte, so before printing it is worth warning the photographer that the photographs are intended for a foreign passport. Two photographs will be needed for the application forms, and the other two are attached to the package of documents. For a new type of international passport you need 2 color photographs measuring 3.5 x 4.5 cm. The background is white. Photos must also be on matte paper.

What is needed for an old-style international passport

To obtain an old-style foreign passport, you must provide a package of documents:

For adults

  • 4 matte photos 3.5 x 4.5 cm.
  • A pensioner should prepare a photocopy of his pension certificate.

For children 14-18 years old

  • Photocopy of Russian passport (only completed pages).
  • A photocopy of the previous passport (only completed pages), if you have one.
  • Two completed forms signed by parents.
  • Photocopy of the parent's Russian passport.
  • 4 matte photos 3.5 x 4.5 cm.

For children under 14 years old

  • A copy of the birth certificate with a stamp indicating Russian citizenship.
  • Completed form signed by parent.
  • Photocopy of the parent's Russian passport (completed pages).
  • 4 matte photos 3.5 x 4.5 cm.

What is needed for a new passport?

What is needed for a new passport for adults

  • Photocopy of Russian passport (only completed pages).
  • A working citizen must present a certified copy of the work book (only completed pages), a pensioner or non-worker - a work book (original) and photocopies of the book, a student - a certificate from the educational institution.
  • A man aged 18-27 must present a certificate from the military registration and enlistment office (form No. 32) or a photocopy of his military ID.
  • Two completed forms, confirmed by the seal and signature of the administration of the place of work or educational institution.
  • 2 matte photos 3.5 x 4.5 cm.

For minors

  • A photocopy of the Russian passport of the parent submitting the application.
  • A copy of the birth certificate and citizenship insert.
  • If the child is already 14 years old, then it is necessary to present a photocopy of the Russian passport (only completed pages).
  • Application form certified by the educational institution.
  • 1 matte photo 3.5 x 4.5 cm.

Replacement of a foreign passport: what documents are needed

There are situations when it is necessary to replace your passport. For example, when its validity period expires, if there are marks that are not provided for by current legislation, if the passport is damaged, if the surname is changed, if the gender is changed, if the pages for marks of border crossing run out.

Regardless of whether you previously had a foreign passport or not, you will need to provide all the documents required to obtain a new passport.

Documents required for obtaining a passport:

  • Photocopy of Russian passport (only completed pages).
  • A working citizen must present a certified copy of the work book (only completed pages), a pensioner or non-worker - a work book (original) and photocopies of the book, a student - a certificate from the educational institution.
  • A man aged 18-27 must present a certificate from the military registration and enlistment office (form No. 32) or a photocopy of his military ID.
  • Two completed forms, confirmed by the seal and signature of the administration from the place of work or educational institution.
  • A photocopy of the first page of the international passport that you currently hold.
  • 4 matte photos 3.5 x 4.5 cm (for an old-style international passport), 2 matte photos 3.5 x 4.5 cm (for a new-style international passport).

During the process of obtaining a new passport, the old one remains in your hands and if it is valid, then you have the right to cross the border using it. The old passport is canceled upon receipt of a new one. If you need to keep your old passport, for example, because it contains valid visas, you should write an application requesting that you keep your old passport. Thus, at the time of receiving a new passport, the old passport is canceled, but handed over to you with valid visas.

What is needed to obtain a passport: application form

To begin, receive an application form in two copies by visiting a branch of the Federal Migration Service. The application form can also currently be downloaded from the FMS website. To do this, on the main page of the resource, find the “Registration of documents” button, follow the link, then click on “Registration of a foreign passport”. At the bottom of the page you will find links to various application forms: for an application for an old-style foreign passport, for a new-style passport, for documents for a child.

First, in the questionnaire we indicate the last name, first name and patronymic, then the date and place of birth, gender, address indicated in the registration, and citizenship. You should also indicate the purpose of obtaining a passport - business trip, tourism, etc. After this, you need to fill out the details of your Russian passport and answer questions regarding the circumstances that prevent you from traveling abroad - access to secret data, military service, etc. Then in the table you should indicate all the places where you have ever worked and studied over the past 10 years, indicating the positions and exact addresses of the organizations. At the bottom of the page, put the date you filled out the application and your signature. When the form is completed, submit it to the human resources department of the institution where you work or to the dean's office of the educational institution to have it signed and stamped.

So, you have decided to open your own business project and become an individual entrepreneur. In this article we will discuss what is needed to open an individual entrepreneur. Some people believe that opening an individual entrepreneur begins with registration. But this is a false statement. First of all, to open an individual entrepreneur, it is necessary to consider possible options for its further development, draw up a business plan, and only then prepare to register the individual entrepreneur with the Federal Tax Service.

Opening conditions

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, any adult and capable citizen of the Russian Federation or a citizen of another country who permanently lives in the territory of the Russian Federation can become an individual entrepreneur.

“What does it take to open an individual entrepreneur under the age of 18?” is a question often asked by teenagers who want to start their own business. There are mitigating circumstances for such cases. Thus, it is allowed to register as an individual entrepreneur at the age of 16 years or older if the person is recognized as legally competent by a decision of the court or authorized guardianship authorities.

Also, a teenager from 14 to 16 years old can become an individual entrepreneur if his parents have given written consent to this.

It is prohibited for employees of security agencies and the prosecutor's office, military personnel, state and municipal employees to register as individual entrepreneurs.

How to prepare for registration - requirements

Let's look at what is needed to open an individual entrepreneur in the Federal Tax Service and where to start preparing the documents. There are two options for resolving this issue. The first is to collect and prepare all the documents yourself, the second is to use the services of companies that specialize in this. To be honest, the difference in money is not very big, and the registration procedure is not that troublesome. Below we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the basic requirements for individual entrepreneurs.

Documents for opening an individual entrepreneur

One of the most important conditions for opening an individual entrepreneur is the availability of the necessary documentation. The package of documents for opening an individual entrepreneur consists of:

  • Application for (in one copy; if the application is submitted in person, then notarization is not necessary).
  • A receipt confirming payment of the state duty - 800 rubles (this amount is part of the cost of opening an individual entrepreneur).
  • Copies of the main page and the page with registration from the passport (you will also need to present the original);
  • Copies of the TIN (again, when demonstrating the original, but this document is not mandatory, the main thing is to indicate the correct TIN, if it is assigned to you, in the application; if you haven’t received the TIN yet, it doesn’t matter: they will assign it to you and give you a certificate along with documents confirming registration of individual entrepreneurs);
  • (this is an application for the transition to a simplified taxation system, you can submit it within thirty days after the Unified State Register of Entrepreneurs entry sheet).

The last application in the list of documents for opening an individual entrepreneur is not mandatory and is submitted only at the request of the future individual entrepreneur.

If you submit documents not in person, but through a representative or send them by mail, you must have the signatures on the application and copies notarized.

For persons who do not have Russian citizenship, the necessary document for opening an individual entrepreneur is a copy of the certificate of his place of residence.

Rules and procedure for registering individual entrepreneurs

The procedure begins with an application to open an individual entrepreneur

I would like to dwell on some points regarding filling out the application on form P21001. It indicates the address of the enterprise and the home address of the individual entrepreneur, telephone numbers and data from the passport. After filling out the application, you must sign on the back of it; this must be done at the tax office in the presence of a tax inspector or at a notary if you do not plan to submit documents for registration in person.

One of the fields for filling out this document (Sheet A) is OKVED (All-Russian Classifier of Types of Economic Activities). It is advisable to write more possible classifiers, because if you want to expand your field of activity, and the required classifier is not specified, then you will have to pay for a new type of activity and wait about five days for it to be entered.

Sheet B of the application is filled out at the tax office and returned to the applicant.

An example of a completed application for individual entrepreneur registration

Where and when can you register an individual entrepreneur?

Having collected all the documents, you need to contact the tax authorities. A Federal Tax Service employee will check the documentation you have collected and provide a list of documents you submitted to open an individual entrepreneur, and will also inform you when it will be possible to pick up the completed Unified State Register of Entrepreneurs (USRIP) entry sheet (according to the law, up to five days).

On the appointed day, you will need to come again to the Federal Tax Service, receive a sheet of entry from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, and also sign in the journal about their receipt. As you can see, the period for registering an individual entrepreneur is not that long.

How to start a business if you are a student: Video

In the lives of many of us, sooner or later there comes a crucial moment of receiving. To ensure that getting your license for the first time in your life goes smoothly, you need to prepare in advance all the documents necessary for this event.

What documents do you need to have to obtain a driver's license (license) for the first time?

The list of documents required to obtain a driver’s license (license) is strictly regulated by law and includes the following papers:

  • Application for issuance of rights, written on a form of a strictly defined format. The form can be obtained from the traffic police department or downloaded from the desired website.
  • Document confirming the identity of the applicant(most often a passport). For regular military personnel this is an identity card, and for conscripts it is a military ID card. For those whose permanent place of residence is abroad, a similar document is a passport.
  • A document that can confirm the applicant's registration. Most often, this will be the same passport or a corresponding certificate.
  • . To obtain it, you need to contact a private or municipal medical institution that has a license to perform this work. There you need to obtain the conclusion of a medical commission with a list of specialists approved by order of the Minister of Health, as well as obtain a certificate in form 003 - V/u.
  • Certificate or other document of completion of the course on driving lessons and traffic rules. This document can be obtained after completing a driving school or automotive course.
  • Receipt or copy of payment order to pay the state fee for passing exams and obtaining a driver's license. The size of the state duty has increased to two thousand rubles this year. This amount includes the cost of the driver's card.

We will tell you further about how to fill out and submit an application for a driver’s license(s).

This video will tell you whether you need a medical certificate when replacing your license:

Application for issue

Submission methods

There are several ways to apply for your license.

  1. Appear in person at the traffic police department and fill out an application there.
  2. and submit an application via the Internet.

In both cases, after receiving your application, you will be given a date and time to take the exam, which must precede. The application form is the same in both cases.

This video will tell you about the change in prices for issuing a driver's license:

Sample and form

The application form for obtaining a driver's license is made on a double-sided sheet, the front page of which is filled out by the applicant. A sample of filling out this form is as follows:

  • The top line indicates the location of the inspection to which the citizen applies.
  • Then the initials in full, the time and place of birth of this applicant.
  • The next column indicates the passport details, place and date of receipt.
  • Then the actual application indicating the reason for obtaining a driver’s license, in this case it will be passing driver’s training.
  • This is followed by the name of the traffic police department that issued the license, as well as the date of issue.
  • The next column is a detailed list of documents, which should list in detail all the attached papers. Namely, a medical certificate with the number, date of issue and name of the medical institution that issued it (and its copy). The name you graduated from, the certificate number with the date of issue and an indication for which training you completed. The passport and examination sheet must also be indicated there.
  • Confirmation of the personal data specified in the application and the list of attached documents with a personal signature with the date of submission of the application.

At the bottom of the form, the traffic police officer who accepted the application must confirm this with his signature and indicate the date of receipt of the documents. The second page of the application is not completed when submitted.

A sample form for filling out an application form to the traffic police for a driver’s license (licence) is presented below for the first time and is available for.

Application form for a driver's license

Finally, you decide what you want more, work for the benefit of your boss or be the master of your own life! – this is an excellent prospect. Nai the best option In this matter, you will register yourself as an individual entrepreneur. What is needed to open an individual entrepreneur - we will tell you about this today.

Opening an individual entrepreneur is a good chance for self-realization

If there is no permanent registration in the passport, then you can register an individual entrepreneur at a temporary registration address.

What documents does the tax office issue?

To open an individual entrepreneur, you will have to prepare a package of documents

So, the allotted time for checking the documents has passed, you again go to the tax office to receive ready-made documents. What documents confirming the status of an individual entrepreneur will you receive?

  • Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs is an extract from the state register;
  • Document on registration with the tax office;
  • OGRNIP – certificate of state registration as an individual entrepreneur.

In addition, you can immediately contact the Pension Fund and the Federal Compulsory Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund and fill out registration documents there and a notification of assignment of the selected codes. If suddenly the tax office does not give them to you, then you will have to go to all these authorities and re-collect the full list of necessary documents.

As soon as you receive the documents, you can begin working as an individual entrepreneur, within the framework that you specified in the documents. It is very rare, but sometimes it happens that the tax office refuses to register you as an individual entrepreneur.

This usually happens due to incorrectly entered data or an incorrectly completed application. In any case, the tax service must motivate the refusal. If suddenly this does happen, then the entire procedure for submitting documents will need to be repeated, and the state fee will have to be paid again in the same amount.

How much money do you need to open a sole proprietorship?

The state duty is very small

The easiest, but at the same time the most expensive way to register yourself as an individual entrepreneur is to contact a specialized company, whose employees will handle the registration of individual entrepreneurs without you, they will collect what you need and give it to you.

The cost of these services in large cities will be about 5,000 rubles, possibly more. If you do everything yourself, then the costs will cost a minimal amount; 800 rubles must be spent on paying the state fee, plus you will need money to pay for photocopies of the necessary documents.

If you resort to the help of intermediaries, you will have to spend money on notary services; on average, notarization of documents and signatures will cost 400 rubles. Although it is difficult to value the services of intermediaries in monetary terms, because your problems can be solved by someone you know, then it will not cost you any additional costs, but if you hire someone from outside, the amount will most likely be negotiable and discussed in a specific case.

What other costs might there be: for example, you, as an entrepreneur, wanted to have a current account and the seal of your company, although this is not at all necessary for an individual entrepreneur. In this case, you need to spend plus 1000 rubles on opening a current account and about 500 rubles on making a seal for your company.

How to open a legal entity or individual entrepreneur? What documents must be submitted to the tax authority? What is the amount of state duty when starting a business? Who is checked more by government supervisory authorities? A legal consultant answers these and many other questions:

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