Long-term federal target programs are approved. Theoretical aspects of long-term targeted programs

Long-term target programs (subprograms), implemented at the expense of the federal budget, the budget of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, and the local budget, are approved accordingly by the Government of the Russian Federation, the highest executive body of power of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, and local administration. The timing of the implementation of programs, as well as the procedure for making decisions on their development, are determined and established accordingly by the Government of the Russian Federation, the highest executive body of state power of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, and local administration.

The volume of allocations for their implementation is approved by the law (decision) on the budget as part of the departmental structure of budget expenditures for the corresponding target item of budget expenditures for each program (subprogram) in accordance with the normative act of the Government of the Russian Federation, the highest executive body of power of the subject of the Russian Federation, the municipal act of the local administration that approved program. Programs proposed for financing starting from the next year are subject to approval, respectively, by the Government of the Russian Federation, the highest executive body of power of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, local administration no later than one month before the day the draft law (decision) on the relevant budget is submitted to the legislative (representative) body. For each program, the effectiveness of its implementation is assessed annually. The procedure for carrying out and criteria for this assessment are established respectively by the Government of the Russian Federation, the highest executive body of power of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, and local administration.

Based on the results of this assessment, the Government of the Russian Federation, the highest executive body of power of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, the local administration, no later than one month before the date of submission of the draft law (decision) on the budget, may make a decision to reduce, starting from the next year, allocations for the implementation of the program or to terminate early its implementation. If this decision is made and if there are state (municipal) contracts concluded in pursuance of the relevant programs, the budget provides for allocations for the fulfillment of expenditure obligations arising from these contracts, for which the parties have not reached an agreement on their termination.

A long-term target program implemented at the expense of the federal budget (budget of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation) may provide for the provision of subsidies to the budget of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation (local budget) for the implementation of similar programs implemented at the expense of the budget of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation (local budgets). The conditions for the provision and methodology for calculating these interbudgetary subsidies are established by the relevant program.

medical municipal institution long-term

Federal target programs and interstate target programs, in the implementation of which the Russian Federation participates, represent a complex of research, development, production, socio-economic, organizational, economic and other activities linked by resources, implementers and implementation deadlines, providing an effective solution tasks in the field of state, economic, environmental, social and cultural development of the Russian Federation.

In Russia, the first program under the predominance of state ownership was the GOELRO plan - a comprehensive state plan for the electrification of the country, adopted in 1920. The first government decision on federal target programs (FTP) was made at the end of 1993 - under the Fuel and Energy program. After this, an avalanche-like process of their “reproduction” began. Until mid-1995, this process was exclusively volitional and unsystematic in nature, since there was no regulatory regulation in the field of development and implementation of the Federal Target Program. And only after the adoption of the law on the supply of products for federal state needs, a government resolution was adopted, which approved the procedure for the development and implementation of the Federal Target Program.

Budget target program is a federal target program, a subprogram of a federal target program or a departmental target program implemented by a budget planning entity (a federal service or a federal agency subordinate to it).

Departmental target programs can be formed in 2 types:

An approved departmental target program (or a department's target program) is a set of interrelated measures approved by the subject of budget planning aimed at solving a specific tactical task facing the main manager of federal budget funds, described by measurable target indicators. The department's target program is an independent document; its individual provisions and parameters are included in the report on the results and main activities of the budget planning entity;

Analytical departmental target program (or departmental analytical program) - a grouping of expenses allocated for analytical purposes when preparing a report on the results and main activities of a budget planning entity, aimed at solving a specific tactical task facing the main manager of federal budget funds, described by target indicators.

The subject of budget planning is federal ministries, as well as federal services and federal agencies, the activities of which are managed by the President of the Russian Federation or the Government of the Russian Federation, federal legislative and judicial authorities, the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation, the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation and the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation.

Federal programs are developed in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On State Forecasting and Programs for Social and Economic Development of the Russian Federation” dated June 23, 1995, as amended by Federal Law No. 159-FZ dated July 9, 1999.

Programs as a management tool appear when a serious, large-scale economic problem arises, the solution of which requires the adoption of special measures, concentrated efforts, and a combination of actions of different organizations.

State target programs at the national, regional and local levels represent an important component of the system of state regulation of the economy, which makes it possible to speed up the development of priority industries and sub-sectors, individual regions and attract additional resources and investments for this purpose. They are the most important tool for implementing the state strategic plan.

Programs developed at any level of the management hierarchy must contain:

a) a list of the main tasks it solves;

b) the set and sequence of activities through which it is implemented;

c) calculation of direct and indirect (associated) costs of all main types of resources used in the implementation of these activities;

d) distribution of tasks according to deadlines and performers.

A special place in the system of programs developed in the process of strategic planning is occupied by targeted comprehensive programs. A targeted comprehensive program is understood as a complex of socio-economic, production, scientific, technical, organizational, economic and other tasks and activities, linked by resources, implementers and implementation deadlines, aimed at solving an important national economic problem in the most effective ways and on time.

Programs are a targeted document of varying degrees of directiveness, containing a system of socio-economic, production, financial, research, organizational, economic and other activities agreed upon in terms of deadlines, resources and executors, ensuring the achievement of the set goal, objectives, in the most effective ways and in established deadlines. Thus, the core, the core of the program is the goal, around which a complex of various activities is grouped, constituting the main “body” of the program, its content. The single goal of the program is expanded into a set of tasks, the solution of which is carried out using a system of measures implemented by the performers with a certain supply of resources. This connectedness is the essence of the program.

Since the goal of the program is ultimately to satisfy certain urgent needs through the appropriate transformation of resources, the program cycle usually covers all stages of reproduction processes, including production, distribution and consumption of the software product. Therefore, the interconnectedness of tasks and activities in the program is determined not only by the unity of purpose, but also by such important types of connections as the commonality of final products, technology, raw materials, production base, consumers, territory, and transport. The programs paint a picture of the future state of the economy and the ways, means, and means of achieving this state.

The program must have a clearly defined target nature, strictly focus on the complete solution of the problem posed, and be characterized by certain final (target) results (indicators).

Targeted programs are one of the means of implementing state policy, influencing production, economic and social processes within the powers of federal and regional authorities. Targeted programs are a tool for regulating and managing the strategy of economic, social, scientific and technical development, a form of economic activity, and a way to concentrate resources to solve urgent, priority problems.

When working with target programs, the following stages are distinguished:

Selection of problems for software development;

Making a decision on the development of a target program and its formation;

Examination and evaluation of the target program;

Approval of the target program;

Management of the implementation of the target program and control over the progress of its implementation.

Classification of state target programs

1. According to state status, programs are divided into:

Federal programs implemented with funds only from the Russian Federation;

Interstate, which are implemented jointly with other states, including CIS member states.

2. According to functional orientation, the following are distinguished:

Social, providing for measures of social support for the population,

Environmental, aimed at implementing major environmental protection measures;

Innovative, ensuring the introduction and dissemination of scientific and technical achievements in production and carrying out scientific and technical restructuring of production;

Scientific and technical, related to the development of new promising areas of science and technology;

Fundamental, aimed at obtaining the fundamental principles of science.

3. By implementation period: short-term (duration up to 2 years); medium-term (from 3 to 5 years); long-term (over 5 years).

4. According to the nature of the program, they are divided into consolidated, socio-economic, scientific and technical, innovative, environmental, territorial, foreign economic, and defense.

By territorial scale, programs are divided into municipal, regional, federal and international.

The release of federal target programs is regulated by Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation and resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation.

Thus, the target program is a set of measures of various directions, aimed at solving tasks and problems in the field of state, economic, environmental, social and cultural development of the Russian Federation. The need to create and implement a target program is due to the emergence of a large-scale problem, the solution of which is not possible without the use of special measures, concentration of efforts, and interaction of various organizations. The main feature of the target program is a guide to a complete solution to the problem that has arisen in a certain area. The classification gives a large number of different target programs, but in this work the emphasis is on a target program that meets the following criteria:

Federal program;


Long-term target programs implemented using federal budget funds approved by the Government of the Russian Federation. Implementation deadlines long-term target programs are determined by the Government of the Russian Federation in the manner established by it. The procedure for making decisions on the development of long-term target programs and their formation and implementation is established regulatory legal acts of the Government of the Russian Federation.

Volume budget allocations for the implementation of long-term target programs approved by the law on the budget as part of the departmental structure of budget expenditures for the target item of budget expenditures corresponding to each program in accordance with the regulatory legal act of the Government of the Russian Federation that approved the program.

For each long-term target program Performance evaluation is carried out annually its implementation. The procedure for conducting and criteria for this assessment are established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Based on the results of this assessment, the Government of the Russian Federation may make a decision no later than one month before the date of submission of the draft budget law to the legislative (representative) body about reduction starting from the next financial year budget allocations for the implementation of the program or on early termination of its implementation.

A long-term target program implemented at the expense of the federal budget may provide provision of subsidies the budget of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation (local budget) for the implementation of similar long-term target programs implemented at the expense of the budget of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation (local budgets). Terms of service And methodology for calculating these interbudgetary subsidies are installed by the corresponding program.

Budget investments in capital construction projects using federal budget funds are carried out in accordance with the federal targeted investment program, the procedure for the formation and implementation of which is established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

The procedure and timing for drawing up the draft federal budget and draft budgets of state extra-budgetary funds of the Russian Federation (SEE NEXT) are established by the Government of the Russian Federation in compliance with the requirements established by this Code.

Coordination of indicators for the forecast of socio-economic development of the Russian Federation, budget projections for the next financial year and planning period and indicators of the consolidated financial balance of the Russian Federation is carried out a commission created in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Submission by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of the draft federal law on the federal budget and the authorized body of draft federal laws on the budgets of state extra-budgetary funds of the Russian Federation to the Government of the Russian Federation is carried out no later than 15 days until the day the drafts of these laws are submitted to the State Duma.

II. Position

The Government of the Russian Federation has approved the Regulations on the preparation of the draft federal budget and projects of the Civil Air Fund of the Russian Federation for the next financial year and planning period. This Regulation establishes the responsibilities of budget planning subjects, in particular

· Government of the Russian Federation,

· Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation,

· Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation,

· Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation,

· Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation,

· Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation.

This Regulation also establishes the stages of drawing up the draft federal budget and draft budgets of the Civil Air Fund of the Russian Federation for the next financial year and planning period, as well as the procedure for preparing draft laws on the federal budget and the budgets of the Civil Air Fund of the Russian Federation for the next financial year and planning period for submission to the Government of the Russian Federation.

Target programs: long-term and departmental

  • Krymova Larisa Vasilievna

  • deputy Head of the Information and Analytical Department of the Duma of the Tolyatti City District

Budget Code of the Russian Federation Article 179. Long-term target programs

  • -Cerebral palsy are approved local municipal administration

  • -procedure for making decisions on development, formation and implementation Cerebral palsy is established by the local administration

  • -implementation period Cerebral palsy is determined by the local administration in the manner established by them

  • -Cerebral palsy proposed for financing are subject to approval one month in advance before submitting a draft budget decision to a representative body

  • -the volume of budget allocations for the implementation of cerebral palsy is approved by the budget decision as part of the departmental structure of budget expenditures for each program

  • -for each cerebral palsy it is carried out assessment of the effectiveness of its implementation. Procedure and criteria are established by the local administration

  • -Cerebral palsy subsidies may be provided for the implementation of similar programs financed from a different budget level. The conditions for the provision and methodology for calculating interbudgetary subsidies are established by the relevant program

  • Target programs

  • According to the level of their development and approval, they are divided into:

  • -federal

  • -regional

  • -municipal

  • By type, according to the current budget legislation, target programs are divided into:

  • -long-term

  • -departmental

  • -federal targeted investment program

  • Long-term target program - a set of activities interconnected in terms of resources, performers, implementation deadlines and performance indicators aimed at solving problems of a systemic nature in the field of socio-economic development of the territory

  • It is advisable to use long-term target programs to solve problems of an intermunicipal (at the level of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation), interdepartmental nature that cannot be solved within the framework of the current activities of budget planning entities, as well as to achieve strategic guidelines for the development of the territory, defined in socio-economic planning documents.

  • Implementation period Cerebral palsy must be at least 3 years old

  • In essence, cerebral palsy should be aimed at the implementation of a specific strategic or tactical goal (direction)

  • Long-term target program may consist of several subroutines aimed at solving specific problems within the framework of this program

  • Departmental target programa set of activities interconnected in terms of resources, performers and timing, implemented by the main manager of budget funds and ensuring the solution of sectoral tasks in the field of his responsibility in the field of socio-economic development

  • The VCP, as a tool for program-targeted management, is used by the main manager of budget funds to achieve the goals and objectives of the development of a specific industry. Activities of a departmental target program should not coincide with the activities of long-term target programs

  • In accordance with Article 179.3 of the Budget Code of the Russian Federation in the federal budget, the budget of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, the local budget budgetary provisions may be made for the implementation of departmental target programs, the development, approval and implementation of which is carried out in the manner established by the relevant authority

  • The departmental target program, as a tool tied to the medium-term budget planning cycle, is developed on for a period of no more than three years. Dividing a departmental target program into subprograms seems inappropriate

  • The use of departmental target programs in the budget process is due to the need to increase the responsibility of budget planning subjects for achieving specific, quantitatively determined results

PROCEDURE for making decisions on the development, formation and implementation of long-term targeted programs in the Togliatti urban district

  • Approved by a resolution of the mayor's office. Togliatti dated June 18, 2008 No. 1378-1/p

  • (as amended from July 29, 2010 No. 2071-p/1)

Basic concepts and definitions

  • Cerebral palsy Tolyatti represent a complex of research, production, socio-economic, organizational, economic and other activities, linked by resources, performers and implementation deadlines and providing an effective solution to priority social and economic tasks for the development of the urban district

  • Cerebral palsy is developed on term – more than 1 year

  • Cerebral palsy is approved by city hall resolution no later than 1 month before submitting the draft budget

  • City Hall resolution dated July 29, 2010 No. 2071-p/1 “On the Procedure for making decisions on the development, formation and implementation of long-term target programs of the Togliatti urban district”

Long-term target program (LTP) main criteria for selecting problems:

    insufficient (below average) level of value of the indicator(s) of the efficiency of the activities of local governments of urban districts and municipal districts, according to the results of the rating of the city of Togliatti among municipalities (city districts and municipal districts) of the Samara region (Consolidated report on the results of monitoring the effectiveness of activities local government bodies of city districts and municipal districts of the Samara region based on the results of the previous year, prepared in pursuance of Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 607)

  • availability of similar federal and regional target programs

  • development priorities of the Togliatti urban district, in accordance with the Strategic Development Plan of the Tolyatti Urban District until 2020, as well as the Tolyatti KSED Program for 2010-2020.

  • the significance of the problem and the impossibility of solving it within an acceptable time frame through the use of existing budget mechanisms

  • high efficiency of technical, organizational and other program measures proposed for implementation

  • the need to coordinate intersectoral connections to solve the problem

  • Initiators problem posing for software development

  • Concept developer

  • Customer cerebral palsy

  • Cerebral palsy developer

  • Stages

  • project development and approval of cerebral palsy

  • Development of the concept of cerebral palsy

  • adoption by the mayor of the city Tolyatti decisions on the development of cerebral palsy

  • Development of the cerebral palsy project

  • approval of the cerebral palsy project

  • Approval of cerebral palsy

  • adoption by the mayor of the city Tolyatti decisions (city hall resolution)

Selection of problems for software development

  • Sections of cerebral palsy

  • Program passport

  • Analysis of the problem and justification for its solution using software methods

  • Goals and objectives of the program

  • List of program activities (in the form of tables)

  • Program targets

  • Justification for resource support for the program

  • Program implementation mechanism

  • Expected socio-economic (environmental) consequences of the program implementation

  • Types of reports on cerebral palsy

  • (Annual and final reports are approved by a resolution of the mayor's office of the Tolyatti city district (the annual and final reports are sent to the Department of Economic Development of the mayor's office within the framework of the prescribed procedure for approving the draft resolution; additional submission of reports is not required)

Departmental Target Program (DTP)

  • VCP Tolyatti is a legal act developed by a budget planning entity, which is a set of interrelated measures aimed at fulfilling a specific tactical task, measured by target indicators, the solution of which is assigned exclusively to the corresponding budget planning entity

  • TCPs are developed within a period of time for the next financial year and planning period within the budgetary allocations of GRBS for the planned 3 year period

  • The VCP is developed and approved by the mayor's resolution before October 1 of the year preceding the year in which its implementation began

  • Resolution of the mayor's office dated 05.06. 2008 No. 1252-1/p (as amended on July 15, 2011) “On the procedure for the development, approval and implementation of departmental target programs of the Tolyatti city district”

Basic terms of the Order

  • Budget subject

  • planning

  • Purpose of the VCP

  • VDC task

  • Event

  • Target

  • indicators

  • End result

  • Efficiency

  • implementation of the VDC

  • VDC structure

  • VCP passport

  • Section I. Characteristics of the problem, the solution of which is carried out through the implementation of the VDC, including an analysis of the reasons for its occurrence, the feasibility and need for its solution at the departmental level using a program method

  • Section II. Purpose and objectives of the VCP

  • Section III. Expected results of the implementation of the TCP and target indicators characterizing the achievement of the goal and the solution of the assigned tasks

  • Section IV. List of events

  • Section V. Socio-economic consequences of the implementation of the TCP - are assessed from the point of view of the stated goals, objectives and activities (for example, increasing tax revenues to the budget, reducing costs, reducing damage), taking into account the possible risks of implementing the TCP

  • Section VI. Methodology for assessing the effectiveness of the implementation of the TCP

  • Section VII. Mechanism for managing the implementation of the TCP (description of the procedures for the internal organization of the activities of the budget planning subject upon achieving the planned goal of the TCP)

Program implementation mechanism

Expertise of the program project

Inclusion of the program in the draft budget

        • City Hall of Tolyatti City District
        • City district budget project

The procedure for assessing the effectiveness of the implementation of long-term target programs

  • approved by resolution of the mayor of the city. Tolyatti from 08/12/2008 No. 2061-1/p (as amended on November 1, 2010 No. 3075-p/1)

  • defines criteria for assessing the effectiveness of the implementation of long-term target programs of the Togliatti urban district

The effectiveness of the program is assessed according to the following comprehensive criteria

  • Efficiency assessment is carried out based on the principle of effectiveness and efficiency of use of budget funds, within the framework of which participants in the budget process must proceed from the need to achieve the best result using the amount of funds determined by the budget

  • Performance is assessed through a system of indicators that allows you to quantify the result - achieving a goal, solving problems

  • The effectiveness of the implementation of cerebral palsy in the reporting period is assessed by calculating a comprehensive performance indicator by correlating the degree of achievement of the values ​​of the final result indicators to the level of its financing for the reporting period

  • The assessment is carried out by customers of cerebral palsy annually and, based on the results of the implementation of cerebral palsy, and before March 1 of the year following the reporting year, sends the results of the performance assessment to the mayor's office as part of the annual or final report on the implementation of cerebral palsy

  • Based on the results of the assessment by the mayor of the urban district, no later than one month before the date of submission of the draft budget decision to the Duma of the urban district, a decision may be made to reduce budget allocations for the implementation of cerebral palsy starting from the next financial year or to terminate its implementation early

  • “Resettlement of citizens from emergency housing stock in the Tolyatti urban district for 2011-2012”

  • Approved- by city hall resolution dated September 20, 2011 No. 2853-p/1, cerebral palsy was approved

  • Date and number of the order (instructions from the mayor’s office) on making a decision on the development of the cerebral palsy-Minutes No. 18-pr/1 of the staff meeting with the mayor of the Tolyatti city district dated 09/12/2011.

  • Customer - coordinator: Department of Urban Development of the Tolyatti City District Mayor's Office;

  • Customers: Mayor's Office of Housing; Department for Municipal Property Management of the Mayor's Office; Mayor's Office of Economic Development; Department of Urban Affairs of the Mayor's Office;

  • Target: Ensuring the safety of the housing stock, creating safe and comfortable living conditions for citizens whose residential premises are duly declared unfit for habitation as a result of recognizing an apartment building as unsafe. Optimization of the use of territories currently occupied by housing stock unsuitable for habitation.

  • The main objectives of the program are:

  • -Preparation of conditions and development of a mechanism for the relocation of citizens from residential premises that, in the prescribed manner, are recognized as unsuitable for living, as a result of the recognition of an apartment building as unsafe;

  • -Providing citizens whose residential premises are duly declared unsuitable for living, as a result of the recognition of an apartment building as unsafe, with residential premises that meet the established sanitary and technical rules and standards.

  • -Liquidation of emergency housing stock, recognized as such in 2011

  • Terms of cerebral palsy - 2011 – 2012. The implementation of the program does not provide for the allocation of separate stages, since program activities are designed to be implemented throughout the entire period of the Program.

  • Total funding Programs in 2011–2012 will be 115979.1t.r.. from the budget of the Togliatti urban district, including:

  • in 2011 – 93,921.4 thousand rubles;

  • in 2012 – 22,057.7 thousand rubles.

  • Control- General coordination and management of the implementation of the Program is carried out by the Department of Urban Development of the Togliatti City District Mayor's Office.

  • Expected socio-economic (ecological) consequences of cerebral palsy:

  • - fulfill obligations to citizens living in residential premises that, in accordance with the established procedure, are recognized as unsuitable for living, as a result of the recognition of an apartment building as unsafe

  • -reduce social tension in the Togliatti urban district.

  • - reduce the area of ​​housing stock unsuitable for habitation,

  • -effectively use the territory occupied by housing stock unsuitable for habitation.

  • Currently, in the Togliatti urban district, 2 apartment buildings with an area of ​​2234.1 sq.m. are recognized as unsafe in accordance with the established procedure:

  • Tolyatti, Avtozavodsky district, Voroshilova street, 55 (resolution 09/06/20112706-1/p)

  • - number 94 people.

  • -area 1843.0 sq.m.

  • -apartments 36 (33+3)

  • - number 34 people.

  • -area 391.1 sq.m.

  • -apartments 10 (2+8)

  • The program implementation mechanism provides:

  • using the housing market, including the secondary market, to purchase apartments for municipal ownership;

  • solving problems related to payment of the above-mentioned compensation costs associated with relocation;

  • payment for housing and utilities in accordance with housing legislation;

  • liquidation of the emergency housing stock through reconstruction and (or) demolition of the emergency housing stock.

  • The criterion for assessing the effectiveness of the Program implementation

  • The degree of achievement of the targets set by the Program. Performance Indicators Programs characterize progress in achieving goals, solving Program objectives, and implementing program activities. The program is social in nature, the main criterion of effectiveness which is the number of citizens relocated from residential premises that were duly recognized as unfit for living as a result of an apartment building being declared unsafe in 2011.

  • As a result of the implementation of the Program

  • all citizens whose residential premises are duly declared unsuitable for living as a result of the recognition of an apartment building as unsafe will be provided with residential premises that meet the established sanitary and technical rules. The demolition and reconstruction of an apartment building will improve the appearance of the city, effectively use the territory of the urban district, and consider alternative possibilities for the further use of sites occupied by apartment buildings recognized as unsafe.

  • Target indicators:

  • 1.final result

  • Provision of citizens (number of citizens – 2011 in the number of 128 people)

  • Liquidation of emergency housing stock (base value 2011 - 2234.1 sq.m.)

  • 2. immediate result

  • Acquisition of residential premises by the mayor's office of the Tolyatti city district through auctions - 128 people

  • Compensation of expenses for citizens whose premises are recognized in accordance with the established procedure as unsuitable for habitation - 128 people. financial costs are indicated at the rate of 3.0 thousand rubles. for one one-room apartment, 4.5 thousand rubles. for a 2-room apartment, 5.0 thousand rubles. for a 3-room apartment

  • Payment for utilities and payments for residential premises (until the transfer of ownership (use) – 100%

  • Payment for utility services and payment for residential premises for residential premises (from the moment they become municipal property (vacated by tenants) until the demolition of the apartment building or its reconstruction and provision to citizens) - 100%

  • Preparation of permitting documentation – 1 project (2011)

  • Reconstruction of a dilapidated house on the street. Voroshilova, 55 – 1 building (2012)

  • Register of programs of the Togliatti urban district

  • Long-term programs - 25

  • Long-term target program of the Togliatti urban district “Replacement and modernization of elevators in apartment buildings of the Togliatti urban district for 2012-2015”

  • Long-term target program of the Tolyatti urban district “Repair of municipal hostels, apartment buildings located in the Togliatti urban district that have lost the status of a hostel, including those registered in the Unified State Register of Rights to Real Estate and Transactions with It as Residential Complexes, for 2012-2020 »

  • Long-term target program of the Togliatti urban district “Ensuring fire safety at municipal property sites of the Togliatti urban district for 2012-2014.”

  • Long-term target program for organizing work with children and youth in the Togliatti urban district “Togliatti Youth” for 2012-2020.

  • Long-term target program “Creating conditions for improving the quality of life of residents of the Togliatti urban district and ensuring social stability for 2012-2014”

  • Long-term target program “Resettlement of citizens from emergency housing stock in the Togliatti urban district for 2011-2012”

  • 7. Long-term target program “Elimination of environmental damage from past economic activities of the former JSC Phosphorus for 2012-2017”

  • 8. Long-term target program “Development of municipal services in the Togliatti urban district for 2012 – 2014”

  • 9. Long-term target program “Stimulating the development of housing construction in the Togliatti urban district” for 2011-2015”

  • 10. Long-term target program “Affordable housing for young families” for 2011-2015

  • 11. Long-term target program “Modernization of municipal healthcare institutions of the Togliatti urban district for 2011-2013.”

  • 12. Long-term target program “Development of tourism in the territory of the Tolyatti urban district for 2011-2013.”

  • 13. Long-term target program of the Togliatti urban district “Culture of Togliatti in modern conditions (2011-2018)”

  • 14. Long-term target program “Formation of an electronic municipality in the Togliatti urban district and reform of the municipal management system based on the use of modern information and telecommunication technologies” for 2012 – 2013”

  • 15. Long-term target program “Formation of unhindered access for people with disabilities and other low-mobility groups to social infrastructure facilities in the Togliatti urban district for 2011-2020”

  • 16. Long-term target program “On energy saving and increasing energy efficiency in the Tolyatti urban district for 2010-2014.”

  • 17. Long-term target program to create conditions for improving the quality of life of residents of the Togliatti urban district and ensuring social stability for 2009 and the planning period 2010-2011

  • 18. Long-term target program “Modernization and development of local roads of the Togliatti urban district for 2009-2015”

  • 19. Long-term target program “Phased transition to the supply of utility resources to consumers in accordance with the indicators of collective (common house) metering devices in apartment buildings in the Togliatti urban district for 2009-2015”

  • 20. Long-term target crime prevention program in the territory of the Tolyatti urban district for 2009-2012

  • Long-term target program “Anti-corruption in the Togliatti urban district for 2010 - 2012”

  • Long-term target program “Support and development of small and medium-sized businesses in the Togliatti urban district for 2010-2015”

  • Long-term target program of the Togliatti urban district “Development of physical culture and sports in the territory of the Togliatti urban district for 2011-2020.”

  • Long-term target program “Children of the Togliatti urban district” for 2010-2020"

  • Long-term target program of measures to combat illicit drug trafficking, drug addiction prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of the drug-addicted population of the city. Tolyatti for 2010-2012

  • Departmental programs of Tolyatti – 10

  • Departmental target program of the Togliatti city district “Support and improvement of the activities of municipal libraries and creative organizations of the Togliatti city district for 2011-2013”

  • Departmental target program “Quality of education - quality of life” for 2009-2011 of the Togliatti urban district

  • Departmental target program for organizing work with children and youth in the Togliatti urban district for 2009 and the planning period 2010-2011.

  • Departmental target program “Family and children of the Togliatti urban district for 2009-2011”

  • Departmental target environmental program of the Togliatti urban district for 2010-2012.

  • 6. Departmental target program “Major repairs, modernization and dispatching of the elevator facilities of the housing stock in the Togliatti urban district for 2009 and the planning period of 2010 and 2011”

  • Departmental target program "Fire safety for 2009-2011"

  • Departmental target program of the Togliatti urban district “Improving road safety for the period 2009-2011”

  • Departmental target program of the Togliatti urban district “Restoration of damaged structural elements of apartment buildings in the Togliatti urban district for 2012-2014.”

  • Departmental target program of the Togliatti urban district “Family and children of the Togliatti urban district” for 2012 and for the planning period 2013-2014"

  • Other programs

  • City target program “Improving the living conditions of citizens of Tolyatti using mortgage lending for 2002-2015”

  • Municipal targeted program “Major repairs of apartment buildings in the Tolyatti urban district for 2008-1st quarter of 2011.”

  • Long-term target programs (subprograms), implemented at the expense of the federal budget, the budget of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, the local budget, are approved accordingly by the Government of the Russian Federation, the highest executive body of power. The timing of the implementation of programs, as well as the procedure for making decisions on their development, are determined and established accordingly by the Government of the Russian Federation, the highest executive body of state power of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, local administration.

    The volume of allocations for their implementation is approved by the law (decision) on the budget as part of the departmental structure of budget expenditures for the corresponding target item of budget expenditures for each program (subprogram) in accordance with the normative act of the Government of the Russian Federation, the highest executive body of power of the subject of the Russian Federation, the municipal act of the local administration that approved program. Programs proposed for financing starting from the next year are subject to approval, respectively, by the Government of the Russian Federation, the highest executive body of power of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, local administration no later than one month before the day the draft law (decision) on the relevant budget is submitted to the legislative (representative) body. For each program, the effectiveness of its implementation is assessed annually. The procedure for carrying out and criteria for this assessment are established respectively by the Government of the Russian Federation, the highest executive body of power of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, and local administration.

    Based on the results of this assessment, the Government of the Russian Federation, the highest executive body of power of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, the local administration, no later than one month before the date of submission of the draft law (decision) on the budget, may make a decision to reduce, starting from the next year, allocations for the implementation of the program or to terminate early its implementation. If this decision is made and if there are state (municipal) contracts concluded in pursuance of the relevant programs, the budget provides for allocations for the fulfillment of expenditure obligations arising from these contracts, for which the parties have not reached an agreement on their termination.

    A long-term target program implemented at the expense of the federal budget (budget of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation) may provide for the provision of subsidies to the budget of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation (local budget) for the implementation of similar programs implemented at the expense of the budget of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation (local budgets). The conditions for the provision and methodology for calculating these interbudgetary subsidies are established by the relevant program.

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