Additional agreement to the contract for the supply of goods. Additional agreements for all occasions Everything that is not provided for in this additional agreement

__________ "___"________ ____ city _______________________________________________________________, referred to__ in (name or full name) hereinafter as "Supplier", represented by ___________________________________________, (position, full name) acting on the basis of ________________________________________________, (Charter , certificates, powers of attorney) on the one hand, and ___________________________________________, referred to__ in (name or full name) hereinafter as the “Buyer”, represented by __________________________________________, (position, full name) acting on the basis of ________________________________________________, (Charter , certificates, powers of attorney) on the other hand, referred to as the “parties”, have entered into this Addendum to the Contract dated “___” ________ ____ N ___ on the following:

1. Under the terms of the contract for the supply of goods dated "___"________ ____ N ___, concluded between the Supplier and the Buyer, the Supplier undertakes to additionally (or instead of the goods agreed upon by the parties in the Contract dated "___" ________ ____ N ___) supply the Buyer with goods, the range, quantity, prices, technical conditions and delivery times for which are specified in the specification___ are attached___ to this Supplementary Agreement and constitute___ its integral part (Appendix No. 1).

2. In all other respects that are not provided for in this Additional Agreement, the parties will be guided by the terms of the contract for the supply of goods dated "___"________ ____, N ___.

3. This Additional Agreement comes into force from the moment it is signed by the parties and is an integral part of the contract for the supply of goods dated "___"_______ ____, N ___.

4. This Additional Agreement is drawn up in two copies having equal legal force, one for each of the parties.

5. Attached to this agreement is a Specification for goods indicating the range, quantity, prices, technical conditions and delivery times (Appendix No. 1).


Supplier: Buyer: _______________________ ______________________ __________/___________/ __________/__________/ M.P. M.P. VIII. Special conditions

8.1. In all other respects, the parties are guided by current legislation.

8.2. Changes and additions to the terms of this agreement are formalized by an additional agreement signed by the parties, unless otherwise provided by this agreement and (or) the list of works.

8.3. The list of works and services for the maintenance and repair of common property provided for in this agreement may be changed with a simultaneous corresponding change in the price under this agreement in the event of changes in current legislation or based on a decision of the general meeting of owners of the premises of the house.

8.4. In the event of a change in the current legislation establishing the list of services and works, the “Owner”, together with other owners of the premises of the house, is obliged, within thirty days from the date of such change in legislation, to determine by decision of the general meeting of owners a list of services and works for the maintenance and repair of common property and the price hereunder agreement, taking into account the changed list of services and works. Such a change in the terms of the agreement is formalized by an additional agreement signed by the parties; the decision of the general meeting is an annex to the additional agreement.

8.5. If the general meeting of owners of the premises of the house makes a decision to change the list of services and works for the maintenance and repair of common property, at the same time the general meeting determines the price under this agreement taking into account the changed list of services and works. Changes in the terms of the agreement are formalized in the manner specified in clause 8.4. actual agreement.

^ IX. Details and signatures

To process my personal data (full name, address, information about family composition, size of residential premises, availability of metering devices), as well as transfer them to LLC "ERC" for the purpose of calculating fees for residential premises and utilities, collection debt, printing and delivery of payment documents to my address during the term of this agreement I agree________________________

CONTRACT No._______

apartment building management

Yekaterinburg “_____” ________ 20_____

Ekaterinburg Municipal Unitary Enterprise "Specialized Administration for the Operation and Rehabilitation of Housing", represented by Director Viktor Vladimirovich Kartashev, acting on the basis of the Charter, hereinafter referred to as "Managing organization" on the one hand, and the “Owner” of the premises (premises) in the apartment building No. ____________ on the street. ___________________________________, total area ______________sq.m., apartment No. _____________________.

(last name, first name, patronymic of the owner in full)


(passport: series, number, issued)


(title document)

hereinafter referred to as "Owner", on the other side , in accordance with the decision of the general meeting of owners of the premises of this apartment building to approve the terms of this agreement for the management of an apartment building, we entered into an agreement as follows: I. Subject of the agreement

1.1. The “Management Organization”, on the instructions of the “Owner”, undertakes, for a fee, to manage the apartment building specified above, during the period established by this agreement, for a fee, including providing services and performing work on the proper maintenance and repair of the common property of the house (hereinafter referred to as the common property), represent the interests of the “Owner” in third-party organizations for the proper provision of utilities, and carry out other activities aimed at achieving the goals of managing the house.

1.2. The composition of common property is determined in accordance with Article 36 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation. At the same time, common property includes those that are not parts of apartments and are intended to serve more than one room in the house:

1.2.1. Intra-house networks of cold and hot water supply, sewerage to branches of these networks to the apartment.

1.2.2. Heating system excluding heating devices (radiators).

1.2.3. House-wide electrical networks to branches supplying electricity to the apartment.

1.2.4. Gas networks to branches of these networks to the apartment.

1.2.5. The ventilation system is complete (with the exception of additional ventilation hoods installed by citizens). 1.2.6. Elevators, elevator shafts and other equipment serving elevators.

1.2.7. Metering devices for home.

1.2.8. Pumps.

1.2.9. Window and door fillings in entrances, attics, basements.

1.2.10. Other equipment serving more than one room

residential building.

1.2.11. Inter-apartment landings. 1.2.12. Stairs.

1.2.13. Corridors.

1.2.14. Technical floors.

1.2.15. Attics.

1.2.16. Technical basements.

1.2.17. Roofs.

1.2.18. Enclosing load-bearing and non-load-bearing structures. 1.2.19. Other premises that are not parts of apartments and are intended to serve more than one room of the house.

1.2.20. The plot of land on which the house is located, with elements of landscaping and landscaping.

1.2.21. Other property intended to serve more than one room in a given house.

^ II. Obligations of the parties

2. 1. Obligations of the “Managing Organization”:
2.1.1. On its own behalf, carry out legal and actual actions to provide the “Owner” (the tenant living in the “Owner’s” premises; the tenant occupying the “Owner’s” non-residential premises) utility services of adequate quality, including: Heating (taking into account the volume of water required to flush and fill the heating system). Hot water supply (including hot water consumed by residents for domestic purposes and the filling hot water supply system); Cold water supply (including cold water consumed by residents for domestic needs, filling the water supply system, used for watering lawns and sidewalks, used for cleaning common areas); Electrical supply (including electrical energy used to illuminate the living quarters of the house, common areas (stairwells, vestibules, corridors), basement, attic, electrical energy consumed when using tools and mechanisms when performing work on the repair of common property under this agreement, electrical energy for lighting the local area); Gas supply. disposal.

2.1.2. Carry out work on the maintenance and ongoing repairs of common property in compliance with the requirements established by current legislation (Rules and norms for the operation of the housing stock, SNiPs, other regulatory legal acts in the field of operation of the housing stock) in accordance with the following list:

7.5. If there is a delay in payment by the “Owner” (the tenant living in the “Owner’s” premises) and (or) other owners (tenants) of this apartment building in an amount exceeding the cost of services and work under this agreement for six months, the “Management Organization” has the right to refuse execution of this agreement and demand compensation for losses from the respective owners.

7.6. If the deviations in the work made by the “Managing Organization” were not eliminated within a reasonable period established by the “Owner” or a commensurate price reduction was not made in accordance with paragraphs. 6.5. of this agreement, or the deficiencies in the work committed by the “Management Organization” are significant and irreparable, the “Owner” has the right to demand a decision be made at the general meeting of owners to renounce this agreement and compensate for losses.

7.7. The “Owner”, based on the decision of the general meeting, having notified the “Managing Organization” in writing at least 30 days in advance, has the right to refuse this agreement by paying the “Managing Organization” part of the established price, in proportion to the part of the work performed before receiving the notice of refusal. At the same time, the “Owner” is also obliged to compensate the “Management Organization” for losses caused by the termination of this contract, within the limits of the difference between the price determined for the entire work and part of the price paid for the work performed in the month in which this contract is terminated and the difference between the amount funds spent by the “Managing Organization” on capital repairs, and payments actually paid by the “Owners” towards capital repairs.

7.8. This agreement is terminated in the event of termination of the ownership rights of the “Owner” to the premises of the house.

7.9. In the event of early termination of this agreement, the “Management Organization” has the right to demand from the “Owner” compensation for investment costs incurred by the “Management Organization” with the consent of the “Owner” and not compensated during the validity period of this agreement, as well as compensation for lost profits.

7.10. In the event of termination (expiration) of the contract with the “Managing Organization” when the major repairs it has begun are not completed, the “Managing Organization” transfers to the “Owner” authorized by the general meeting, or to the new management organization, all documents related to the implementation of the major repairs (design and estimate documentation, work contracts, acts of acceptance of work performed, certificates of cost of work performed

works, an act of reconciliation of calculations and other documentation), as well as funds received from the owners of the premises of this house, the owners of the premises of other apartment buildings, from the city budget and not used to carry out work on major repairs of the common property of the house.

7.11. In the absence of applications from one of the parties to terminate this agreement before the end of its validity period, the agreement is considered extended for one calendar year under the same conditions.

payment up to and including the day of actual payment. The “Owner” (tenant occupying the non-residential premises of the “Owner”) who has untimely and (or) not fully paid for the non-residential premises and (or) utilities is obliged to pay the “Managing Organization” a penalty in the amount of 1/300 of the refinancing rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation from unpaid on time in amounts for each day of delay starting from the next day after the due date for payment until the day of actual payment inclusive.

6.2. The “owner” bears administrative and civil liability in accordance with current legislation in the event of damage to common property, other owners (users) of the premises of the house, as well as in the case of unauthorized redevelopment or reconstruction of residential premises.

6.3. The “Owner” is responsible for the safety and trouble-free operation of the premises belonging to him and the sanitary, electrical and other equipment and devices serving directly one premises of the “Owner”, which are not related to the common property in accordance with clause 2.1.4. actual agreement.

6.4. The capable family members of the “Owner” bear joint and several liability with the owner for obligations arising from the use of residential premises, unless otherwise established by agreement between the “Owner” and members of his family.

6.5. The “Management Organization” is responsible to the “Owner” for the fulfillment of its obligations under this agreement in accordance with current legislation.

6.6. In the event that the work and services under this agreement are performed by the “Management Organization” with deviations from the terms of the agreement that worsen the result of the work, the “Owner” has the right, at his choice, to demand the gratuitous elimination of such defects or a commensurate reduction in the price under this agreement in accordance with clause ., actual agreement.

6.7. The parties are not responsible for non-fulfillment (improper fulfillment) of obligations under this agreement in the presence of force majeure circumstances: natural disasters, wars, terrorist attacks, accidents of energy suppliers.
VII. Duration of the contract, procedure for amendment, termination

7.1. This agreement is valid from the moment it is signed by the parties until the end of the calendar year in which the agreement was concluded.

7.2. The “Managing Organization” is obliged to begin executing this agreement no later than thirty days from the date of its signing.

7.3. Early termination of this agreement is possible by agreement of the parties in the form of an additional agreement signed by the parties, subject to the adoption of an appropriate decision by the general meeting of owners of the premises of this house.

7.4. In the event of changes in current legislation, including rules and regulations for the technical operation of the housing stock, this agreement is subject to change in the relevant part, in the manner specified in clause 8.4. actual agreement.
a) maintenance and repair of residential buildings:

Maintenance and repair of residential buildings (repair of structural elements of buildings and in-house equipment, removal of solid household waste);

Cleaning of common areas of residential buildings; with the exception of kitchens, toilets, showers and washrooms, as well as common areas within sections with the following frequency: dry cleaning at least once a week, wet cleaning at least once a month.

Cleaning of the local area, improvement of the adjacent territory, removal of solid waste and waste materials, maintenance of the container site.

b) maintenance of in-house gas equipment (VDGO).

2.1.3. Carry out major repairs of common property within the limits of the funds accumulated in the current account of the “Managing Organization”, transferred by the owners of the premises of the house for major repairs. All conditions for the overhaul of the common property of the facilities (scope of work, timing, cost of materials, financing procedure) are determined independently by the “Managing Organization”. If there is a technical need, simultaneously with major repairs of common property, to carry out major repairs of residential (non-residential) premises and the equipment located in them (which is not common property), such repairs are carried out in accordance with a separate agreement concluded with the “Owner” of such premises, containing the conditions for timing of major repairs, types of work, cost and payment procedure.

2.1.4. Carry out work on the repair of sanitary, electrical and other equipment and devices directly serving one premises of the “Owner”, not related to the common property, for a fee at the request of the “Owner” (tenant living in the residential premises of the “Owner”; tenant, occupying the non-residential premises of the “Owner”) in accordance with the agreement concluded with him for the performance of such work. In this case, property that does not belong to the common property of the house is: Intra-apartment wiring of intra-house networks of cold and hot water supply, drainage from the riser, shut-off and control valves, bathtubs, toilets, sinks, faucets, showers and other appliances. Heating devices (radiators). In-apartment distribution of gas networks from the riser, shut-off and control valves, gas stoves, gas heaters and other gas-using equipment. Indoor electrical networks from branches supplying electrical energy to the apartment, appliances and devices (electric stoves, sockets, switches, etc.). Metering devices for electrical energy, cold, hot water, heating for one room, located indoors or outdoors. Window and door devices. Other property serving the premises of the “Owner” (one room of the house).

2.1.5. At the time of concluding this agreement and upon expiration of its validity period, draw up a report on the technical condition of the house, accept, and seven days before the termination (expiration of the validity period) of this agreement, transfer the technical and other documentation previously received from the “Owner” listed in clause . 2.2.1. of this agreement, a copy of this agreement, materials of general meetings of the owners of the premises of this house, as well as all correspondence of the “Management Organization” with third parties on issues of management, maintenance, repairs, provision of utilities, funds collected by the “Management Organization” for major repairs, in an amount exceeding the costs incurred by this organization for carrying out major repairs, a newly selected management organization, a homeowners' association or a housing cooperative or other specialized consumer cooperative, or in the case of direct management of the house, the owners of premises in the house, one of the owners specified in the decision of the general meeting owners (if such an owner is not specified, to any owner of premises in the house).

2.1.6. Annually, based on the written request of the “Owner”, during the first quarter of the current year, provide a report in writing on the implementation of this agreement for the previous year, in the manner prescribed by Section VI of this agreement.

2.1.7. Receive applications from the “Owner” (tenant living in the residential premises of the “Owner”; tenant occupying the non-residential premises of the “Owner”) by phone numbers specified in the details of the “Management Organization” to eliminate faults on the common property and ensure their implementation in compliance with the requirements, established by the current legislation (Rules and norms for the operation of the housing stock, SNiPs, other regulations in the field of operation of the housing stock) and within the limits of funds allocated by the owners for the maintenance and repair of common property.

2.1.8. The “management organization” has the right to change the time frame for troubleshooting in the presence of insurmountable circumstances, technological reasons that prevent the elimination of faults, including: inability to access engineering and (or) other equipment of the house, structural elements, non-compliance of structural elements, engineering equipment of the house with design documentation to the house, deviations from the rules for installing systems allowed by the previous management organization, and others. The “Management Organization” is obliged to notify the “Owner” about such circumstances that contribute to changing the timing of troubleshooting.

2.1.9. Accept from the “Owner” (tenant living in the residential premises of the “Owner”, tenant occupying the non-residential premises of the “Owner”) applications for the elimination of faults for a fee on property that is not related to common property in accordance with paragraphs. 2.1.4. of this agreement by telephone numbers specified in the details of the “Managing Organization”. Work to restore integrity (repair) and ensure normal

5.2. The “Managing Organization” is required to prepare the following documentation

5.2.1 Application registration log, which indicates the time of application, address, essence of the application, responsible executor, execution time, types of work performed, time of turning off and turning on water supply, heating, electricity supply.

5.2.2. Certificate of readiness of the house for use in winter conditions.

5.2.3. Acts of spring and autumn inspection of common property.

5.2.4. Based on the inspection reports, draw up:

List and scope of work required to prepare common property for operation in the next winter period;

List of faults and damages, the elimination of which requires major repairs;

5.3. The “Managing Organization”, at the written request of the owner, provides the “Owner” with a written report on the work performed under this agreement for the reporting year by March 31 of the following reporting year. The report states:

5.3.1. Amount of accrued payments.

5.3.2. The amount of payments actually received.

5.3.3. The amount of funds spent from funds formed in accordance with clause 4.10. of this contract, work performed on planned routine and major repairs.

5.3.4. The amount of funds transferred to energy suppliers (indicating the supplier, contract number, payment amount).

5.3.5. The volume (quantity) of energy resources consumed by the “Owner” (the tenant living in the “Owner’s” residential premises).

5.4. The “Owner”, together with other owners of the premises of the house, reviews the report of the “Managing Organization” at a general meeting of owners of the premises of the house within 30 days from the date of submission of the report and makes a decision to approve the report. If there are objections, this is indicated in the decision of the general meeting, and the rest of the report is approved. The decision of the general meeting is sent to the “Managing organization” no later than 30 days from the date of submission of the report to the “Owner”.

5.5. If the general meeting of owners of the premises of the house is not held or objections to the report were not sent to the “Managing Organization” in accordance with clause 5.5. of this agreement, the report is considered accepted.


An additional agreement is a document attached to the contract, which records those changes in the terms of the originally concluded contract. For example, an additional agreement may:

Supplement the clauses of the current contract.
- cancel clauses of the current contract;
- change existing clauses of the contract;

In practice, concluding additional agreements is a very common occurrence.
An additional agreement is understood as: a) an action (agreement) of the participants in an existing contract aimed at changing (adding) the terms of the contract agreement, changing (adding) the rights and obligations of the participants in the legal relationship; b) a document containing the terms of amendment (addition) to the contract agreement.
An additional agreement to a contract is also a contract-agreement, since it meets the characteristics of a contract. And at the same time, it's a deal. From here there are important practical conclusions: the general rules on contracts also apply to additional agreements to contracts, unless otherwise provided by law or contract. For example, the conclusion of an additional agreement to a contract is subject to the rules on concluding contracts; the conditions for the validity of transactions (on legal personality, will, expression of will, etc.) also apply to the additional agreement to the contract. If, suppose, the agreement is subject to notarization or state registration, then the additional agreement to such an agreement must also be made in notarial form and registered.
It is important to keep in mind that an additional agreement to a contract does not work on its own, since in the absence of the agreement to which it is additional (its non-conclusion, invalidity), the additional agreement is a legal nullity.
Below are some examples of additional agreements.


5. Signatures of the parties:

to contract No. ______ dated “__” _________20__

___________ "___" ________ 20___

Represented by _________________________________, acting on the basis of __________, and ________________________________, represented by __________________ ________________________________, acting on the basis of ________________________________, on the other hand, hereinafter referred to as the “Parties”, have entered into this additional agreement No. ___ (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement), on the following:

1. In connection with the change of the General Director, which is confirmed (extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities) Appendix No. 1 to this agreement, amend the preamble of agreement No. ___________ dated __________ and consider _________________________________ ____________________________ as the General Director.
2. This Agreement is an integral part of agreement No. ____ dated _________.
3. In all other respects that are not specified in this Agreement, the parties are guided by the provisions of agreement No. _________ dated _____________.
4. This Agreement is drawn up in two identical copies having equal legal force, one for each of the parties.
5. Signatures of the parties:

to Agreement No. __________ dated “__” ________ 20___

___________ "___" ________ 20___

Represented by __________________, acting on the basis of ___________, and _________________, represented by ___________________________, acting on the basis of ___________________________, on the other hand, hereinafter referred to as the “Parties”, have entered into this additional agreement No. 1 (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement), as follows:

1. On the basis of _____________________________, amend the contract in terms of changing the name of the “Customer” and instead of ___________________________ read ______________________________.
2. This Agreement is an integral part of Agreement No. ______ dated “___” ________ 20___.
3. In all other respects that are not specified in this Agreement, the parties are guided by the provisions of Agreement No. ________ dated “___” ________ 20___.
4. This Agreement is drawn up in two identical copies having equal legal force, one for each of the parties.
5. Signatures of the parties:


___________ "___" ________ 20___

4. This Agreement is drawn up in two identical copies having equal legal force, one for each of the parties.
5. Signatures of the parties:

to contract No. _______ dated “__” ________ 20___

___________ "___" ________ 20___

Acting on the basis of _______, and _____________________________, represented by ___________________________________, acting on the basis of _______________________, on the other hand, hereinafter referred to as the “Parties”, have entered into this additional agreement No. 1 (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement), on the following:

1. Paragraph ___ of the agreement is amended and stated as follows: “This agreement was concluded for the period from “__” __________ 2012 to “__” _________2013 and comes into force from the moment it is signed by authorized representatives of the parties.”
2. This Agreement is an integral part of agreement No. ________ dated “__” ________ 2012.
3. In all other respects that are not specified in this Agreement, the parties are guided by the provisions of agreement No. ________ dated “__” ________ 2012.
4. This Agreement is drawn up in two identical copies having equal legal force, one for each of the parties.
5. Signatures of the parties:

to contract No. ______ dated “__” _________20__

___________ "___" ________ 20___

Represented by _________________________________, acting on the basis of __________, and ________________________________, represented by __________________ _______________________________, acting on the basis of ________________________________, on the other hand, hereinafter referred to as the “Parties”, have entered into this additional agreement No. ___ (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement), on the following:

4. This Agreement is drawn up in two identical copies having equal legal force, one for each of the parties.
5. Signatures of the parties:

to contract No. ______ dated “__” _________20__

___________ "___" ________ 20___

Represented by _________________________________, acting on the basis of __________, and ________________________________, represented by __________________ ________________________________, acting on the basis of ________________________________, on the other hand, hereinafter referred to as the “Parties”, have entered into this additional agreement No. ___ (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement), on the following:

1. In connection with the change in the legal address of the “Customer”, which is confirmed by an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities dated ___ No. ______ (Appendix No. 1 to the Agreement), amend Section ____ “Addresses and bank details of the parties” of Agreement No. _____ dated “__” _______ 2012 city, in the part “Customer”, and consider the legal address: _______________________
2. This Agreement is an integral part of Agreement No. _____ dated “__” _______ 2012.
3. In all other respects that are not specified in this Agreement, the parties are guided by the provisions of Agreement No. Agreement No. _____ dated “__” _______ 2012.
4. This Agreement is drawn up in two identical copies having equal legal force, one for each of the parties.
5. Signatures of the parties:



to contract No. ______ dated “__” _________20__
___________ "___" ________ 20___

Represented by _________________________________, acting on the basis of __________, and ________________________________, represented by __________________ ________________________________, acting on the basis of ________________________________, on the other hand, hereinafter referred to as the “Parties”, have entered into this additional agreement No. ___ (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement), on the following:

5. Signatures of the parties:

to contract No. ______ dated “__” _________20__

___________ "___" ________ 20___

Represented by _________________________________, acting on the basis of __________, and ________________________________, represented by __________________ ________________________________, acting on the basis of ________________________________, on the other hand, hereinafter referred to as the “Parties”, have entered into this additional agreement No. ___ (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement), on the following:

1. Paragraph____ of the contract should be amended and stated as follows: “The cost of work (services) is determined on the basis of “________________________”, and in accordance with the invoices submitted by the Contractor to the contract is ____________ (_______________________), including VAT 18% __________ rubles. (Appendix No. ___ to the agreement).
2. This Agreement is an integral part of contract No. _____ dated “__” ________ 2012.
3. In all other respects that are not specified in this Agreement, the parties are guided by the provisions of Agreement No. _____ dated “__” ________ 2012.
4. This Agreement is drawn up in two copies having equal legal force, one for each of the parties.
5. Signatures of the parties:


___________ "___" ________ 20___

We refer to__ hereinafter as the “Pledger”, represented by _____________________, acting___ on the basis of _____________________, on the one hand, and _____________________, hereinafter referred to as the “Pledgeholder”, represented by _____________________, acting_____ on the basis of ______, on the other hand, have entered into this Addendum to Agreement No. _________ from "___"________ ___ on the following:

1. Impose on the Pledgee the obligation to extract fruits and income from the subject of pledge in order to repay the main obligation (or in the interests of the Pledgor).
2. This Additional Agreement No. __ dated "___"________ ___ is an integral part of Agreement No. ____ dated "___"________ ___ and comes into force from the moment of signing.
3. This Additional Agreement is drawn up in two copies having equal legal force, one for each of the parties.


Pledger: _________________________________________________

Mortgagee: ________________________________________


Pledgor: __________________ Pledgee: _________________
_________________ M.P. ___________________ M.P.

(signature) (signature)



Additional agreement
to Agreement No. _______ dated __________________

___________ "___" ________ 20___

Hereinafter referred to as the “Customer”, represented by the General Director, acting on the basis of the Charter, on the one hand, and

Hereinafter referred to as the "Contractor", represented by
__________________________________________________________________________________________, acting on the basis of ______________________, on the other hand, collectively referred to as the Parties, have entered into this Agreement as follows:

1. Make the following changes to the terms of Agreement No. ___________:
1.1. Points ________________________________ shall be considered invalid.
1.2. Accept paragraphs _____________________________ as follows:

2. This agreement applies to relations arising after ___________ 2012.
3. This agreement is drawn up in two copies having equal legal force, one for each of the Parties.
4. Signatures of the parties

on termination of the Sale and Purchase Agreement

___________ "___" ________ 20___

We refer to__ hereinafter as the Seller, represented by ____________, acting___ on the basis of ____________, on the one hand, and __________________, hereinafter referred to as the Buyer, represented by _______________, acting___ on the basis of ______________, on the other hand, have entered into an agreement as follows:

1. The parties terminate the Sale and Purchase Agreement No. ____ dated "__"_______ 2011 from the moment the agreement is signed by the parties.
2. Upon termination of contract No. ___, all mutual obligations of the parties related to its conclusion and execution are terminated.
3. This agreement is drawn up in two copies having equal legal force, one for each of the parties.

Salesman: _________________________________________________________________

Buyer: _______________________________________________________________






_________________ _________________/________________


Agreement to change the terms of delivery of goods


On changing the terms of the supply agreement No. dated “___” _______ 201__.

________ "___" _______ 201__

Hereinafter referred to as the “Supplier”, represented by _______________________, acting on the basis of the Charter, on the one hand, and ____________________________, hereinafter referred to as the “Buyer”, represented by _______________________, acting on the basis of _______________________, hereinafter referred to as the “Parties”, have entered into this additional agreement No. 1 to Agreement No. dated “___”_______ 201____ on the following:

1. Amend Appendix No. 1 to the Agreement and state it in the wording of this Agreement.

2. In all other respects, the terms of the Agreement remain unchanged.

3. This Additional Agreement is an integral part of the Agreement and comes into force from the date of its signing by the Parties.

4. This Additional Agreement is drawn up in two copies having equal legal force - one for each of the Parties.

Supplier: Buyer:

Additional agreement on termination of the contract and return of funds

on termination of the contract _______________
No. ___ dated ___ ________ 20__

____________ ___ __________ 20__

Limited Liability Company "____________", hereinafter referred to as the CONTRACTOR, represented by the General Director ___________________, acting on the basis of the Charter, on the one hand, and _______________________, hereinafter referred to as the CUSTOMER, on the other hand, collectively hereinafter referred to as the PARTIES, concluded this additional agreement to the agreement ___________ No. ____ dated ___ __________ 20__ (hereinafter referred to as the AGREEMENT) on the following:

1. The PARTIES agreed to consider the AGREEMENT terminated with all its terms and conditions as of ___ ___________ 20__.
2. The CONTRACTOR undertakes to return (pay) to the CUSTOMER the funds in full previously paid by the latter to the CONTRACTOR under the AGREEMENT, in the amount of ______________ (________________________) rubles _______ kopecks.
3. The CONTRACTOR undertakes to transfer funds, in accordance with clause 2 of this additional agreement, to the following details of the CUSTOMER by ___ ___________ 20__:

Account: ___________________________ in ______________________________
C/account ____________________________
BIC ________________
Taxpayer Identification Number ________________ / Checkpoint ________________
OGRN ___________________

4. From the moment the CONTRACTOR fulfills its obligations under clauses 2 and 3 of this additional agreement, the CUSTOMER will not have any material or moral claims against the CONTRACTOR related to the execution of the CONTRACT.
5. This Additional Agreement:
comes into force from the moment it is signed by the PARTIES.
is an integral part of the AGREEMENT.
drawn up in two copies having equal legal force, one for each of the PARTIES.

General Director Citizen(s)
OOO "_____________"

________________ / _______________ ________________ / _______________

Additional agreement when all products are not selected

to the agreement
No._______________ dated “_________” ____________ 201__

____________________ "___" _________ 201__

Hereinafter referred to as the “Customer”, represented by __________________________________________, acting on the basis of the Charter, on the one hand, and ________________________________________ “________________________________”, hereinafter referred to as the “Supplier”, represented by ________________________________________________, acting on the basis of _______________________________________________, on the other hand, hereinafter referred to as the “Parties” , have entered into this additional agreement as follows:

1. In connection with the expiration of the “____” ______________ 201____ contract No. __________ dated “______” _____________ 201___ and the actual consumption of products by the “Customer” in fact, namely: ___________ in the amount of _________ ___________ for the total amount of __________________________________________, “Parties” came to a mutual agreement to terminate contract No.___________ dated “____” ________ 201__.
2. This additional agreement is an integral part of contract No. _________ dated “____” __________ 201__.
3. From the moment of signing this additional agreement, all obligations of the “Parties” under Agreement No. _________ dated “___” ___________ 201___ are terminated.
4. The parties have no claims against each other.
5. This Agreement is drawn up in two copies having equal legal force, one for each of the parties.
6. Signatures of the parties:







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