Additional insulating protective equipment. Warning posters required

Additional electrical protective equipment
- these are insulating means that by themselves cannot withstand the operating voltage of an electrical installation, but complement the main ones. When using basic insulating electrical protective equipment, it is sufficient to use one additional one, except in special cases. If it is necessary to protect someone working from step voltage, dielectric boots or galoshes can be used without basic protective equipment. TO similar means relate: additional electrical protective equipment, used at voltages above 1000 V
- insulating rods of all types; - insulating pliers; - voltage indicators; - electrical clamps; - dielectric gloves, boots, mats; -manual insulating tool; - portable grounding; - fencing devices; -posters and safety signs. Cable laying rules require the use of such protective equipment.
Additional electrical protective equipment, used at voltages below 1000 V
- dielectric galoshes; - dielectric carpets and insulating supports; - insulating caps, coverings and linings; - ladders, insulating fiberglass stepladders; - portable grounding; - fencing devices; -posters and safety signs.

Rules for the use of electrical protective equipment
When using both basic and additional means, you should follow. The requirements of these Rules must be met when designing and servicing electrical installations. When performing work in electrical installations, it is also necessary to be guided by state industry regulations on labor protection, labor safety standards, norms and instructions from manufacturers of protective equipment.
Rules for the use of electrical protective equipment require the provision of these means to all personnel carrying out work on electrical installations, as well as training of personnel in the rules of their safe use. Protective equipment must be located as inventory in the premises of electrical installations or be included in the inventory of field teams. Rules for the use of electrical protective equipment prohibit the use of products that do not bear the marking of the manufacturer, the name or type of the product, the year of manufacture and a stamp indicating the test passed. Inventory funds protections are distributed between objects (electrical installations) and between field teams in accordance with the operation organization system, local conditions and standards of acquisition. If protective equipment is found to be unsuitable, they are subject to withdrawal. Workers who received protective equipment in individual use, are responsible for them correct operation and timely monitoring of their condition. Insulating electrical protective equipment should be used only for their intended purpose in electrical installations with a voltage no higher than that for which they are designed, in accordance with the operating manuals, instructions, passports, etc. for specific means of protection. Insulating electrical protective equipment is designed for use in closed electrical installations, and in open electrical installations - only in dry weather. They are not allowed to be used in drizzle or precipitation. On outdoors In wet weather, only protective equipment specially designed for use in such conditions may be used. Such protective equipment shall be manufactured, tested and used in accordance with technical specifications and instructions. Before each use of the protective equipment, personnel are required to check its serviceability, the absence of external damage and contamination, and also check the expiration date on the stamp. Rules for the use of electrical protective equipment exclude the possibility of using products that have expired. When using electrical protective equipment, it is not allowed to touch their working part, as well as the insulating part behind the restrictive ring or stop.

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Fire sprinkler systems have existed for more than a hundred years and have undergone significant evolution from simple devices for supplying water in case of fire to modern automatic systems. They have proven themselves to be reliable and efficient technology fire protection.

When working with high-voltage equipment and installations, it is imperative to protect yourself from electric shock, especially if the voltage at the facility exceeds 1 kV. For protection, basic means are used that can be used under load, and additional ones, whose main purpose is to protect from touching dangerous live parts, as well as from exposure. Now we will talk about the basic and additional electrical protective equipment used in electrical installations above 1000 V. Information provided based on normative document RD 34.03.603.


Includes the most important protective devices includes:

As you can see, the list of electrical protective devices is small, but all of them must absolutely be present when personnel work in electrical installations above 1000 V.


TO additional accessories and means of protection include:

  1. . Protect the worker's hands from electric current. Please note that in the list, gloves refer to the main set of protective devices, and not an additional one (according to the same RD 34.03.603).
  2. Dielectric bots. They are used to completely protect the electrician from the foundation underneath.
  3. Rubber mat. Like bots, it isolates working personnel from the ground.
  4. Insulating stand. When operating at voltages above 1000 V, it must be equipped with porcelain insulators.
  5. Insulating linings and caps. They prevent short circuits and are also an electrical protective device.
  6. Extension ladders and stepladders made of fiberglass.
  7. Bars for leveling and transferring potential. They are used to transfer the dangerous potential of an overhead line to the place where the electrician is working.

And workers in the field of servicing electrical installations at electrical substations and departments industrial enterprises work in a risk zone. Their health should be out of danger from electric shock. This is achieved by using protective accessories specific to existing voltage classes. We will tell our readers further about what these means are.


Protective means against damage electric shock very diverse both in appearance and functionality. It can be:

  • instruments and apparatus;
  • devices, including their parts defined by design.

They are used not only to prevent direct contact with live parts. After all, electricity has harmful effects on living organisms, including remotely. The source of this influence at a voltage of tens or hundreds of kilovolts becomes an electric as well as electromagnetic field of high intensity. And if a short circuit occurs in the room of a closed switchgear, everything that can burn near the point where the voltage arc occurs burns out.

The gases that are released are usually poisonous and lead to intoxication of the body. Due to diversity physical nature influence of electricity on human body they are classified as:

  • protecting from the damaging effects of electric current;
  • electrical protective accessories;
  • protective shielding devices, as well as clothing that weakens the influence of powerful electric and electromagnetic fields.

Moreover, they can be either personal or collective.

Basic Personal Electrical Protective Accessories

The essence of the functionality of personal electrical protection accessories is that they touch potentially dangerous parts of electrical equipment while holding them in their hands. Busbars, exposed conductors, and other elements electrical networks those that come into contact are at life-threatening potential. Touches are performed:

  • insulating rods, the design of which is determined by the magnitude of the ultimate voltage;
  • clamps for performing measurements of electrical parameters;
  • voltage indicators;
  • signaling devices, notifying about the presence of voltage;
  • locksmith tools with insulated handles;
  • products made of special rubber - gloves (voltage more than 1000 V), mats, etc.;
  • various measuring and testing equipment.

Personal protective equipment is supplemented by:

  • protective fences;
  • temporary grounding;
  • warning information signs, posters;
  • shielding means.


Since the means listed above can a priori withstand the effects of a given voltage, they are called basic. But during work in electrical installations, additional personal protective equipment is widely used. They cannot withstand high voltage, and for this reason are used outside the area of ​​its influence. Such means are:

  • dielectric gloves with an operating voltage of 1000 V or less;
  • dielectric footwear - boots, galoshes;
  • dielectric mats.

By analogy with the main ones, these funds are also supplemented:

  • protective fences;
  • special rods with which the potential electric field can either be moved or leveled;
  • special shielding clothing to protect against exposure to high-tension electric and electromagnetic fields;
  • metal screens;
  • warning information signs, posters.

Since work performed under voltage can have a selective damaging effect on the human body, on this basis personal protective equipment is divided into:

  • protecting:
  1. head, face and eyes;
  2. respiratory system;
  3. Hands;
  • protecting against falling from a height onto live parts.

Features of use

In addition to the availability of the listed personal protective equipment in the department performing live work, its personnel must fully master their use. The protective equipment must be tested in in the prescribed manner and stored in accordance with certain rules. The heads of departments of the enterprise are responsible for this. All of them are subordinate to the chief engineer, who is responsible at the enterprise for all issues related to the full range of protective equipment used at the enterprise.

A special journal is also kept in which appropriate entries are made regarding the condition and use of protective equipment. Checking the journal entries and their compliance with the actual condition of tools and accessories is done once every six months. Over time, protective accessories become damaged or wear out. If defects are found on protective equipment, you must immediately stop using them and remove them. In this case, the nearest responsible person.

To ensure the shelf life stated by the manufacturer, protective equipment must be stored correctly. Mandatory compliance:

  • humidity levels determined by specifications;
  • absence of any pollution;
  • inadmissibility of conditions:
  1. for the appearance mechanical damage;
  2. hits as direct sun rays, and aggressive chemicals;
  • Convenient storage location. Usually it is located near the entrance to the room or near the control panel;
  • the use of special containers for transportation, which should only contain protective equipment;
  • marking with individual inventory numbers all used protective equipment (this requirement does not apply to bars, helmets, dielectric mats, fences, signs, and posters);
  • regular tests in accordance with established rules and marking with indelible paint on accessories that have successfully passed these tests (a stamp is placed in a visible place, well protected from certain influences that appear during the work performed). It is necessary to keep a special journal in which records of the tests performed are made.

Design features of protective equipment

The most characteristic structural element The main protective accessories are restrictive rings or stops. With their help, a zone is set that is allowed to be touched by hands during work under voltage. For the manufacture of basic protective equipment, materials are used whose dielectric properties are highly stable. Next, we will consider the protective equipment used most often.


Insulating rods are used operational work for installing or removing temporary grounding, ground-based parts for power lines (for example, arresters), and performing any measurements on wires and buses. The rods differ in their design according to their purpose. Moreover, in some models it is possible to mount several types of interchangeable devices on the same rod handle. Each of them is maximally adapted to solve a specific task and must fit securely with the handle.

  1. Before starting work using a rod, be sure to check the detachable units in it (condition of threads, etc.).
  2. Touching live parts with voltages above 1000 V with a barbell is only permitted while wearing rubber gloves.
  3. When working at height, the operator first rises to its level, and then a barbell is fed to him from below.


Performed with pincers different types works, therefore, a distinction is made between insulating and electrical measuring models. Insulating pliers grip live parts. For example, used fuses, fences, covers for busbars and terminals, etc. It is allowed to work with pincers in electrical installations with voltages less than 1000 V without protective gloves, but wearing glasses. It is recommended to maintain a distance from them and to your face equal to an outstretched arm when touching live parts.

Electrical clamps measure voltage and current in electrical networks up to 10,000 V in functioning live parts. Their operating principle is based on the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction. Essentially, this is a transformer in which the primary winding with a core is made in the form of pincer jaws. A circuit with a measuring device is connected to the secondary winding. One of its options is shown below in the image.

High voltage pliers always have long handles. They limit the distance to the measuring location to a safe value. Similar handles are not made in pliers used in electrical networks up to 1000 V. For safe work at such voltages, the housing as an element for holding the clamps when measuring voltage or current is sufficient. The insulating properties of the body material are quite sufficient to perform measurements without dielectric gloves.

When working with clamps on live parts with voltages above 1000 V, it is mandatory to following rules:

  • don't approach your face measuring device located on the pincers in order to better examine its readings;
  • It is not allowed to use remote devices;
  • Dielectric gloves must be worn on hands;
  • It is not allowed to use anything as a support for hands or pincers - they must only be suspended;
  • It is prohibited to work with this accessory on a power line pole.

All voltage indicators operate according to general principle. Touching live parts causes current to flow to ground through the electrical circuit consisting of the device and the operator's body. The current is formed by the capacitance of the mentioned electrical circuit. Its value is significantly less than those dangerous for human life magnitude of current, and therefore harmless. But it is sufficient for a glow to appear in a gas-discharge lamp as a consequence of a glow discharge.

Inside the probe there is electrical circuit from a capacitor and a neon lamp. This circuit is connected on one side to a probe, which is in contact with live parts, and on the other side to a handle. The operator holds the voltage indicator behind it. Working with indicators with voltages above 1000 V is only permitted while wearing dielectric gloves. Before touching the object being examined, you must ensure that the pointer is functional.

For this purpose, some element of the electrical network is used, which is obviously energized. Its value should be sufficient to check the pointer (for the light bulb in it to light). In some more advanced models, additional sound alarm. The disadvantage of the contact pointer is the need to touch live parts. Therefore, the scope of application of such pointer models is limited.

If live parts are covered with a layer of insulation, the contact voltage indicator will be ineffective. The most universal solution is a non-contact voltage indicator. This device senses the influence of an electric field and operates from a built-in power supply. It can be used with both elements of open wire and cable high-voltage systems. If it is necessary to work at voltages above 1000 V, dielectric gloves for this voltage class are required.

  • On gloves (and boots) intended for working with voltages above 1000 V, the marking that is applied after testing must contain the letters “EV”.
  • Before work, gloves are checked for leaks overpressure air.

Low-voltage voltage indicators are bipolar (for operation isolated from the ground, for example, on power line supports) and single-pole. The latter includes the indicator screwdriver, well known to many of our readers.

All employees of enterprises and power supply departments must be well aware of the rules for using protective equipment and be able to use them in practice.


To ensure the electrical safety of persons authorized to work with switchgear, protective equipment is provided in electrical installations up to 1000 V and above. Their main function is reliable protection from electric shock, therefore all means must strictly comply with GOSTs. All of them are classified as electrical protective equipment, protection against electric fields, and personal protective equipment. Each group should be considered in more detail.

Classification and purpose of electrical protective equipment

Electrical protective means are used against direct electric shock. They provide reliable electrical safety when working with various electrical installations and distribution devices.

All types of electrical protective equipment are divided into two groups: basic and additional.

  • The main means of protection in electrical installations include a list of insulating electrical protective equipment that has insulation capable of withstanding the operating voltage of the network for a long time. They allow you to safely perform work on live parts that are energized.
  • Additional ones also include insulating electrical protection means. However, unlike the main ones, they do not directly protect against electric shock, but only complement them, thereby increasing the degree of protection of working people. In addition, additional means protect personnel from stressful contact.
  • In accordance with the voltage class, all types of electrical protective equipment are divided into those used at voltages up to 1000 volts and over 1000 volts.

Electrical protection for voltages over 1000 volts

The means of protection in electrical installations used when working with voltages over 1000 volts include different kinds insulating rods and clamps, high voltage indicators, as well as various types of devices used in testing and electrical measurements in distribution devices.

Separately classified various devices and special protective equipment used in electrical installations with voltages exceeding 110 kilovolts. This list does not include rods used to level and transfer potential.

Electrical protection for voltages up to 1000 volts

The main means of protection in electrical installations up to 1000V include insulating clamps and rods, electrical clamps, low voltage indicators, dielectric gloves, as well as various types of manual insulating tools.

Additional protective equipment

The classification of additional electrical protective equipment is carried out in the same way. When working with voltages above 1000 volts, personnel must use dielectric gloves, bots and . If necessary, insulating supports, caps and linings, as well as rods for leveling and transferring potential are used.

When working at height, personnel must use insulated stepladders and ladders made of fiberglass and other dielectric materials. Additional funds electrical protection for voltages up to 1000 volts are represented by the same products as for voltages above 1000 V.

Protection against electric fields

In second place in importance are protective equipment against the effects of high-intensity electric fields. First of all, all personnel working in dangerous places must use individual shielding kits. Their use is mandatory during work in open switchgears at ground potential and at potential air lines power transmission

Workers must use a variety of portable and removable shielding devices, as well as. At high-risk facilities they are posted information posters, as well as prohibiting, warning, prescriptive and directional signs security.

List of personal protective equipment

An important element is personal protection in electrical installations up to 1000 V and above. It must be applied individually by each employee, in a given situation related to increased danger electric shock.

When performing such work, personnel use protective plastic helmets and goggles, protective shields, respirators and gas masks, mittens, safety ropes and safety belts. Workers must be provided with protective kits from electric arc (heat-resistant suits).

Insulating electrical protective equipment is divided into basic and additional.

Basic insulating electrical protective equipment They have insulation that can withstand the operating voltage of the electrical installation for a long time, and therefore they are allowed to touch live parts that are energized.

Additional electrical protective equipment do not have insulation capable of withstanding the operating voltage of the electrical installation, and therefore they cannot serve as protection against electric shock. Their purpose is to strengthen protective effect the main insulating agents with which they should be used.

The main electrical protective equipment includes:

  • * in electrical installations up to 1000 V (dielectric gloves; insulating rods; insulating and electrical clamps; plumbing tools with insulating handles; voltage indicators);
  • * in electrical installations above 1000 V (insulating rods; insulating and electrical clamps; voltage indicators; means for repair work under voltage above 1000 V).

Additional electrical protective equipment includes: in electrical installations up to 1000 V (dielectric overshoes; dielectric carpets; insulating stands); in electrical installations over 1000 V (dielectric gloves; dielectric boots; dielectric carpets; insulating stands; dielectric gaskets and caps).

Insulating rod is a rod made of insulating material with which a person can touch live parts of an electrical installation without the risk of electric shock. The rod is the main insulating electrical protective device, i.e. it can withstand the operating voltage of the installation for a long time. The rods are used in installations of all voltages. Depending on their purpose, rods are divided into four types: operational; measuring; repair; universal.

Rods should be used in closed electrical installations. Outdoor use is only permitted in dry weather. The barbell operation can only be performed by qualified personnel trained for this job. As a rule, there should be a second person present who monitors the operator’s actions and can provide assistance if necessary. When working with a barbell, you must wear dielectric gloves. Without gloves, you can only work in installations up to 1000 V.

Purpose insulating pliers-- performing live operations with fuses, installing and removing insulating pads, etc. work. Clamps are used in installations up to 35 kV inclusive.

Insulating pliers can be used in closed electrical installations, and in open ones only in dry weather. In electrical installations above 1000 V, the worker must wear dielectric gloves, and when removing and installing live fuses, wear safety glasses.

Clamp meter are designed to measure electrical quantities (current, voltage, power, etc.) without breaking the current circuit or disrupting its operation. Ammeters are the most widely used alternating current, which are usually called clamp meters. They are used in installations up to 10 kV inclusive.

Electrical clamps come in two types: two-handed for installations of 2-10 kV, which can be operated with two hands, and one-handed for installations up to 1000 V, which can be operated with one hand.

Electrical clamps can be used in closed electrical installations, and in dry weather - in open ones. Measurements with clamps can be made both on insulated live parts (wire, cable) and on non-insulated ones (busbars, etc.). When taking measurements in an installation above 1000 V, the operator must wear dielectric gloves. He is prohibited from leaning towards the device to take readings. A second person must be present.

Voltage indicator is a portable device designed to check the presence or absence of voltage on live parts. All indicators have a light signal, the lighting of which indicates the presence of voltage.

Voltage indicators for electrical installations up to 1000 V are divided into bipolar and single-pole. When working with bipolar indicators, it is necessary to touch two parts of the electrical installation, between which it is necessary to determine the presence or absence of voltage. The principle of their operation is the glow of a neon lamp or incandescent lamp (with a power of no more than 10 W) when a current flows through it, caused by the potential difference between two parts of the electrical installation.

To limit the current through a neon lamp, a resistor is connected in series with it.

When working with single-pole indicators, you only need to touch one live part under test. Communication with the ground is provided through the human body, which uses the fingers of the hand to create contact with the pointer circuit. This connection is mainly due to the human-earth capacity. In this case, the current does not exceed 0.6 mA. Single-pole indicators are usually made in the form of a pen, in the body of which, made of insulating material and having an inspection hole, a signal lamp and a resistor connected in series are placed. At the lower end there is a metal contact tip, and at the upper end there is a flat metal contact, which the operator touches with his finger. A single-pole indicator can only be used in AC installations, since when DC its light does not light even when there is voltage.

When using voltage indicators in electrical installations up to 1000 V, you can do without additional electrical protective equipment.

Indicators for electrical installations above 1000 V, called high voltage indicators (HVI), operate on the principle of a neon lamp glowing when a capacitive current flows through it. These indicators are only suitable for alternating current installations, and they only need to be brought closer to one phase.

When using UVN, you must wear dielectric gloves. Each time before using the UVN, it is necessary to carry out an external inspection of it to ensure that there is no external damage, and to check the serviceability of its operation by bringing its tip close to live parts that are known to be energized.

The indicators must not be grounded, since they provide a fairly clear signal without grounding; In addition, the grounding wire may, if it touches live parts, cause an accident.

Plumbing and assembly tools with insulating handles

The purpose of the tool is to perform work on live parts energized up to 1000 V. Insulated tool handles must be at least 10 cm long and have insulation thickening stops that prevent the worker’s hand from slipping and touching the non-insulated metal parts of the tool; For screwdrivers, not only the handle is insulated, but also the metal rod along its entire length to the working tip.

When working with a tool with insulating handles on live parts that are energized, the worker must have dielectric overshoes on his feet or stand on an insulating stand or dielectric carpet; he must wear clothes with the sleeves down. Dielectric gloves are not required. Adjacent live parts that are energized and that may be accidentally touched must be protected with insulating pads. The work must be carried out in the presence of a second person.

Dielectric gloves, galoshes, boots, boots and carpets. Among the means that protect personnel from electric shock, the most wide use have dielectric gloves, galoshes, boots, boots and carpets. They are made from rubber special staff, having high electrical strength and good elasticity.

Dielectric gloves are used in electrical installations up to 1000 V as the main insulating agent when working under voltage, and in electrical installations above 1000 V as an additional electrical protective agent when working with the main insulating electrical protective equipment (rods, UVN, clamps, etc.). In addition, gloves are used without the use of other electrical protective equipment during operations with manual drives disconnectors, switches and other equipment with voltage above 1000 V.

Gloves should be worn to their full depth, pulling the bell over the sleeve of the garment. It is unacceptable to roll up the edges of gloves or lower the sleeves of clothing over them. Before using gloves, check for punctures by twisting them towards the fingers. The frequency of electrical testing of dielectric gloves is once every 6 months.

Dielectric galoshes, boots, boots are used as additional electrical protective equipment in closed, dry weather and open electrical installations during operations performed with the help of basic electrical protective equipment. At the same time, boots can be used in electrical installations of any voltage, and overshoes can only be used in electrical installations up to 1000 V inclusive.

In addition, dielectric galoshes and boots are used as protection against step voltage in electrical installations of any voltage. Dielectric galoshes and boots are worn over regular shoes, which must be clean and dry.

Currently, the industry also produces dielectric boots, which, like dielectric overshoes, are additional electrical protective equipment in electrical installations up to 1000 V and a means of protection against step voltage in electrical installations of any voltage. Dielectric galoshes are produced for women (sizes 2--6) and men's (sizes 7--14), dielectric boots (sizes 10--16) and boots (sizes 39--47). Unlike household ones, they do not have a varnish coating. The frequency of electrical testing of dielectric galoshes is once every 12 months, dielectric boots - once every 36 months.

Dielectric carpets are used when servicing electrical equipment in rooms with increased danger and especially dangerous due to the conditions of electric shock. In this case, the premises should not be damp or dusty. Carpets are spread on the floor in front of the equipment in places where contact with live parts energized up to 1000 V is possible. They are also used in places where switches, disconnectors, switches and other operations with switching and starting devices up to 1000 V are switched on and off. B, and above.

Depending on the purpose and operating conditions, carpets are made in two groups: the first - for work at temperatures from -15 to +40 ° C, the second - oil and petrol resistant for work at temperatures from -50 to +80 ° C and have sizes from 500x500 to 800x1200 mm with a thickness of 6 mm. Electrical tests of dielectric carpets are not carried out; inspection is carried out once every 6 months.

Insulating stands. The purpose of the stands is to isolate a person from the field in installations of any voltage. They are used in areas with increased danger and especially dangerous conditions due to electric shock.

The stand is a wooden lattice measuring at least 50 x 50 cm and a height of at least 70 mm without metal parts, mounted on cone-shaped porcelain or plastic insulators made specifically for the stand.

The stands are used for operations with fuses, starting devices for electric motors, drives of disconnectors and switches in closed electrical installations of any voltage, unless dielectric gloves are used. In damp and dusty rooms they replace dielectric carpets. The frequency of electrical tests of insulating stands is once every 12 months.

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