Road signs the beginning and end of a settlement. Practical application of the standard

Today, many measures are being taken to improve the functioning of traffic police, as well as traffic safety in general. Special role in this case, it is given to road signs. Not everyone knows that the sizes of road signs are determined by GOST. This is necessary so that they are clearly visible based on the actual situation on the roadway. Standardization of road signs is the basis for organizing proper and safe traffic.

Gosstandart R 52289-2004

A special state standard that reflects all the main most important requirements to modern road signs, collected in GOST R 52289-2004. It was introduced at the end of 2004. It is this document that establishes the type and size of road signs. As well as the features of their practical application and the subtleties of their installation.

Acquainted with full text specified standard, including information regarding the specified size road sign, can be found in the appropriate collection combining accepted national standards. Additionally, it, like all other GOSTs, is published on the official website.

Important references from the standard

This document contains not only the main dimensions of road signs, but also other information. There are often references to other standards, including:

  • requirements for anti-corrosion protection;
  • current methods for measuring resistance to the effects of certain factors;
  • features of determining the level of adhesion, technological features paint and varnish materials;
  • unified light measurements;
  • necessary measuring instruments, the purpose of which is to determine the main indicators and perform measurements;
  • general system

Practical application of the standard

For a sign to be of high quality and functional, it is not enough to just comply set size road sign. It is important to comply with other important indicators established regulatory documentation. Only if all these components are observed, the sign will provide clear information about the situation on the road.

Certainly, special meaning focuses on the question of what size road signs should be and how to install them correctly. If the current standard is violated, traffic in a certain area will become less safe. In addition, many regulations on traffic violations may be challenged by drivers if the main regulatory parameters, including the size of the pedestrian crossing or any other road sign, were not maintained.

Current classification of road signs

There are several types of means used to organize traffic on the roadway. Each of them has its own sign size. traffic, which have the following classification:

  1. Warning.
  2. Prohibiting.
  3. For special regulations.
  4. Service.
  5. Priority.
  6. Prescriptive.
  7. Informational.
  8. Additional information signs.

The current standards reflect the requirements for those signs that are made in accordance with individual projects. They can, for example, point out special routes to make it easier for customers to find their way to specific place. They may contain information on:

  • landscape, geographical points;
  • tourist routes, service facilities;
  • position of administrative districts;
  • transport system components;
  • historical monuments, sports facilities, etc.

Features of the color background

Based on where exactly the sign will be located, it can only have one background color. It could be:

  • blue: outside the territory of populated areas;
  • green: on the motorway;
  • white: in populated areas, on highways.

Dimensions of road signs according to GOST

The current standard defining the dimensions of road signs distinguishes total four possible standard sizes. This:

  1. Small - 1.
  2. Normal - 2.
  3. Big - 3.
  4. Very large - 4.

General characteristics of standard sizes of signs

The standard size represents a certain set of geometric characteristics of the sign. Their selection is made based on the subsequent application of the pointer. So, if the signs representing the first type are characterized by the smallest dimensions, then the signs representing the last type are characterized by the largest dimensions:

  1. This size is general rule used both in populated areas and outside them, but strictly on roads where only one lane is provided. In practice, they are located on the streets local significance, roads that run through rural settlements.
  2. This standard size is placed on the road if its width is limited to three lanes. Moreover, it is relevant for city streets, parking lots and surrounding areas. The bulk of modern road signs fall into this category.
  3. This standard size is installed on expressways with at least four lanes.
  4. This type size is typically used during execution repair work or in the most dangerous areas. But their practical use should always be justified.

Where are signs installed based on their standard sizes?

Based real conditions use, selected and specific size for a road sign. Thus, outside the populated area the following signs can be placed:

  • small: for a highway with one lane;
  • normal: for highways with two or three lanes;
  • large: for highways, within which there are at least four full traffic lanes.

When organizing the passage of vehicles inside large and small settlements, it is possible to install the following types of road signs:

  • small: for routes of local importance;
  • normal: for main streets;
  • large: for high-speed multi-lane highways.

Possible forms of signs

The state standard clearly provides for several acceptable forms for current road signs. This:

  • round;
  • octagonal;
  • triangular;
  • square;
  • rectangular.

Established sizes for different shapes of road signs

The current state standard provides for several forms of signs, which are characterized by specific dimensions (mm). Road signs are limited to the following limits:

  1. Square. Each side can be 350-1200 long.
  2. Rectangle. The length of its long side can be in the range of 400-1350, the duration of the short side should be 200-900.
  3. Triangle. The lengths of all its sides must be the same. Their size can be from 700 to 1500 (these are the dimensions of a parking road sign, etc.).
  4. Circle. Based on the current standard size, the diameter of the round sign can be in the range of 600-1200.

Individual sizes of some signs

A separate format is prescribed for the stop sign. Externally it is made in the shape of an octagon. Each of its sides must have equal length. Their duration can be no less than 600 and no more than 1200 mm.

For many signs, the standard provides for the presence of curves, as well as an outer border. For signs of rectangular, square, triangular shapes, the radius of curvature is allowed 20-45 mm, based on the standard size of a particular sign.

The current state standard, which determines the dimensions of an information road sign, indicates the permissible error. Thus, the size of the actual sign may differ from established by the requirements GOST no more than 2 mm up or down. The deviation in the size of road signs, not exceeding 5 mm, is allowed mainly for those wearing informational in nature pointers.

The process of making road signs

In the production of any road sign, galvanized steel should be used, having a double flange and a thickness of 0.8-1.2 mm. This requirement is valid for all existing standard sizes.

Often, in order to form the required level of rigidity of the body of the sign itself, reinforced fastenings are also provided. In practice, additions to hull rigidity and fastenings are required in a number of cases. Russian regions, where signs are installed in harsh climate conditions, which places a heavy load on them.

IN mandatory At the final stage of production, a so-called sign mask is created. A special film is used for it, characterized by reflective properties.

Features of translucent film for road signs

To ensure the necessary properties of modern road signs, after production they are certainly covered with a special film that ensures translucency. This - necessary condition for road safety. In practice, three types of film are used: A, B, C. Let’s take a closer look:

  1. Type A (engineering or commercial). The main difference between the two types of such film is its duration. practical use(up to 7 or up to 5 years, respectively). Additionally, engineered film provides the highest light reflectance compared to commercial film.
  2. Type B (high intensity). Characterized by high levels of retroreflection. Its service life is up to 10 years.
  3. Type B (diamond). Relevant for high visibility road signs. She has excellent indicators for retroreflection. More often used for suburban highways, at junctions of country roads.

Type B is also relevant for road signs that require excellent, increased visibility. Usually it covers temporary ones, indicating Men at work. Its service period is up to 10 years.

Those road signs that are covered with type A film are usually located on roads where traffic intensity is low or medium, where background lighting is organized at a low level. These roads can have up to 4 lanes in each direction.

Signs for which coating with film B has been chosen are relevant for 2-4 lane roads on each side, where traffic is highly intense, in the most dangerous difficult areas.

To ensure safe passage of vehicles, the basic requirements for road signs must be strictly observed. First of all, this concerns their visibility and size. And it doesn’t matter what role you play on the road (pedestrian or driver), failure to comply with traffic rules can cost you a lot. Often such neglect ends tragically.

Many motorists know that the speed of a car in a populated area and outside it are different. In particular, outside the city limits on the highway, driving at a speed of no more than 90 km per hour, and within a populated area no more 60 km per hour. The peculiarity of these signs is that they do not correspond to geographical indicators. Their installation has an informative purpose, and knowledge of the symbols is mandatory for every driver.

Important! Sign " locality» installed in order to distinguish between traffic rules and speed limit within the settlement and beyond it.

The meaning of the locality

According to traffic rules, a populated area is a territory that is built up residential buildings, entry and exit to which is indicated special signs: sign "beginning of settlement" and sign "end of settlement".

The main meaning of these signs is informing drivers, as well as pedestrians, about the location of populated areas that are found on the road. Also, the "settlement" sign is used at intersections to indicate the correct direction of movement.

According to traffic rules, there are signs: special instructions or informative. Thus, the sign “name of a locality”:

According to traffic sign“the populated area is over”, the speed may increase, and the driver is warned that he is leaving the populated area.

The signs are paired and differ only in that the “end of settlement” signs are always crossed out with a red line.

Did you know? In Europe (for example, in Poland) there are only two types of signs indicating a populated area. This is a sign of dense buildings and indicates settlement and its end.

Locality, general rules

According to the traffic rules in the populated area and on all roads that pass through it, the speed limit for transport is as follows:

  • buses that transport groups of children, cars with trailers and motorcycles - 80 km/h;
  • vehicle with drivers with up to 2 years of driving experience - up to 70 km/h;
  • trucks that carry passengers in the back - up to 60 km/h;
  • buses (except minibuses) - up to 90 km per hour;
  • other vehicles: on a road marked with a “populated area” sign - up to 60 km/h.
When towing permissible speed 50 km/h.

Important!In order not to break the speed limit traffic rules in populated areas, you need to know what the settlement sign on a white background means, as well as the blue settlement sign. This will help you immediately determine whether a change in speed limit is necessary or not.

Traffic in a populated area with blue background

The blue 5.25 "settled area" sign means that the rules adopted in populated areas regarding speed limits in this area do not apply. It is duplicated by the same sign 5.26, only crossed out with a red line. According to traffic rules, if a motorist passes the name of a settlement on blue background You don’t have to slow down, since the speed limit is 90 km per hour. Be sure to pay attention to the signs that may appear after it - there may be a speed limit.

Traffic in a populated area on a white background

The sign itself is quite easy to recognize: the white rectangular plate contains the letter name of the city or town. It is duplicated by the same sign, only crossed out diagonally with a red line - “end of a populated area” 05.24.1.

A town sign on a white background 5.23.1 warns that the speed limit is changing. Now the driver can drive no more than 60 km per hour. But if the city has a special permit sign, then the speed may vary.

Sign for the beginning of dense development

Sign “Image of a populated area” 5.23.2 and its duplicate 5.24.2. It has White background and shape as well as sign 5.23.1. It differs in that instead of a letter name it depicts the outlines of buildings adjacent to each other.

This sign is used to designate a section of the road with construction that is not part of a populated area - suburban village, enterprises, facilities under construction, etc. The city road sign on a white background is installed: at the beginning and at the border of residential development, at secondary entrances at a distance of more than 500 m.

Did you know?All signs are made of galvanized metal with double flanging for rigidity, 1 mm thick.

Thus, the “populated area” sign is very important for every driver, regardless of the type of vehicle. It carries information about the location of the motorist himself and that there will now be intersections, traffic lights, and sidewalks on his way, which means that the speed of movement is changing.

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Almost every modern driver has experience driving outside the boundaries of his “home” city. Obviously, in this case completely different rules of conduct on the road begin to apply. Not that they were used separate rules road traffic, but some sections have been adjusted due to high-speed travel conditions. In particular, every motorist knows that within the city limits it is allowed to drive at a speed of no higher than 60 km/h (and even then not in all areas), while outside it on the highway this limit rises to 90. In order to differentiate These two zones use a “Settlement” road sign, which secretly establishes speed limits for movement. About what they are, where they are installed, about the coverage area and legal aspects Let's try to understand their applications further.

Form and general provisions

If you turn to current Rules traffic Russian Federation, then the signs mentioned above can be found in the information and directional category. Their main purpose is to inform drivers, pedestrians and other road users about the location of nearby settlements and other infrastructure facilities. In addition, some of them are used to organize the direction of movement (for example, at intersections, on broadband roads) or its modes (setting priority speed).

A special feature of the signs “Beginning of a settlement” is a combination of informational and indicative qualities, which automatically classifies them as an independent group of special instructions. IN new edition Traffic regulations and information signs are divided into two categories - informational and special regulations. In this context, it turns out that they simultaneously perform two functions:

  1. They inform the driver about the approach to a certain city or town along the direction of the vehicle’s movement or its end.
  2. Separate speed limits are introduced on designated sections of the road.

The group includes three main signs, each of which is paired (one conventionally indicates the beginning of a settlement, and the second its end):

  • the Settlement sign on a white background is numbered in the Traffic Rules as 5.23.1. On the surface of a rectangular plate white you can find the letter name of the city/town itself. It is duplicated by the sign “End of a populated area” (5.24.1), visually repeating the base 5.23.1, but it has a red line that crosses out the name diagonally;

  • sign “Image of a populated area” 5.23.2 and duplicate 5.24.2. It has the same white background and shape as the previous one, but instead of the name of a specific locality, it contains the contours and outlines of several buildings closely located to each other;

  • "Settlement" sign on a blue background ( serial number in Traffic Regulations 5.25) and its duplicate version (5.26), indicating the end of the coverage area special regime movement, is in form and content a complete analogue of the first group. The main visual difference is that the sign is used of blue color, and the contour border and the name of the settlement are white.

As for the sizes of these signs, they are fully regulated state standard Russian Federation GOST R 52290-2004. It standardizes, first of all, the height of the font used to display the name of the locality. It is selected from the approved range from 75 to 500 mm. This range of sizes is due to the fact that in both the old and new editions of the standard there is a gradation of sizes from small (I) to very large (IV). Accordingly, each of the standard sizes is used in suitable road conditions. For example, smaller letters are applicable within the city limits or on its border, while large ones are forced to be used in highway conditions, where the situation needs to be assessed in advance.

In addition, during production, one should take into account the fact that the signs of the first and third groups belong to the category of individual design objects. This is due to the fact that each settlement has in its name different quantities letters, which forces us to make a sign of different lengths (with conditionally the same height). At the same time, 5.23.2 and 5.24.2 do not belong to this category and their dimensions in height and length have the same ratio for all four categories.

Why are there so many signs?

Many people who are far from automotive affairs, and even drivers, often have a question: why use as many as six road signs to indicate the beginning and end of populated areas instead of two? The question, of course, is logical on the one hand, but in the legal field everything is not obvious. The fact is that the concept of a populated area from the point of view of the Traffic Rules and the same geography, that is, common sense and logic, which guides the majority of those asking, can be very different.

For example, in administrative-territorial terms, the boundaries of a city and a village are tied to geographical coordinates, cadastral plan etc. If we completely simplify this issue, then let’s say that the village ends where the border of the last house, fence or garden is.

At the same time, the Traffic Rules of the Russian Federation, as well as those of the rest of the world, tie city boundaries to main, regional, and local roads passing directly through or near a populated area. Exactly last statement and becomes the reason that in practice as many as three groups of signs are used instead of one, but more on that later.

Signs on white background

Let's consider a situation when a car, moving in a given direction, approaches a city or village along a road that directly crosses it lengthwise from beginning to end, that is, formally crossing the city limits, the car ends up on a section of the road where, by definition, traffic rules begin to apply auto Vehicle in populated areas.

This means the presence of intersections, traffic lights, pedestrian crossings, etc. along the route. Here, of course, you will have to deal with a lot of markings regulating traffic, but the main thing is why a road sign Settlement on a white background will be installed at the beginning of the city current restriction maximum speed at 60 km/h. The coverage area of ​​such a sign does not extend, as in most cases, to the section of the road up to next intersection, and ends exactly where the duplicate sign is (5.24.1).

Signs on a blue background

If the route passes near a populated area, conditionally not through the center, but away from the main area, then most often it will be established blue sign settlement, and there is no point in limiting the speed from 90 (or 110 for highways) to 60 km/h. It can also be used if the road runs within a city or town. Then an indispensable condition for the operation of highway speed limits should be the presence of bump stops on the roadsides and in the central part separating the directions of vehicle movement. It is also worth mentioning the fact that according to GOST R 52290-2004, if there is a need to install such a sign on a highway, then its background is changed from blue to green.

However, in 2013, a third pair of road signs on a white background were introduced, namely "Dense Development" (5.23.2) and "End Dense Development" (5.24.2). If the first of them is installed after the Settlement road sign on a blue background, then it automatically sets the speed limit to 60 km/h, as in city limits.

international experience

In addition to the fact that motorists have to travel far and wide domestic roads, some of them have the opportunity or need to travel abroad in a personal or corporate car. And here a logical question arises - “are there signs for limiting speed limits in populated areas, like in Russia?” As an example, we can take the experience of the closest former USSR EU countries - Poland.

The rules provide for different speed limits depending on where the road lies: within the city and village or outside it. So that the driver can clearly know and comply with the permitted speed, three road signs have been introduced, and accordingly, the same number canceling their actions.

Locality signs

Signs “beginning of a populated area” perform 2 tasks:

  • They warn the driver about approaching a settlement or about leaving it.
  • Put into action provided for by the rules, speed limits.

A completely predictable question arises: what do these signs prescribe and how do they differ? The boundaries of a settlement in the traffic rules do not coincide with our ideas.

For a person, the end of a settlement is where the houses or other buildings end. And traffic rules extend borders to main, regional, local roads that pass through the settlement or near it.

Signs on white background

If a car is moving along a road that leads to a populated area, then information signs will be installed at the entrance:

  • with the name of the locality in black letters on a white background 23.1;
  • sign with a graphic image of a settlement 23.2.

For the driver, this means that the rules provided for populated areas begin to apply. Signs warn that along the way there will be intersections, traffic lights and pedestrian crossings. The main thing is that the sign obliges reduce speed to the maximum allowed in urban areas - 60 kilometers per hour. Thus, all sections and traffic rules with the words “in a populated area” refer to highway immediately after this pointer. They will operate until signs 5.24.1, 5.24.2 that cancel them are encountered along the way.

Sign 5.23.2 depicting dense buildings differs from 5.23.1 in that there is no indication of the name of the city or town. And one is installed if there is a building along the road that does not belong to any populated area.

Signs on a blue background

A sign with the name of a city or town written in white on a blue background is also mounted near a populated area, but if you follow this road, you will not get there. Therefore, the driver must follow the rules outside the settlements. Function of the sign: to inform that since the settlement is not far away, pedestrians may be encountered along the way.

If the sign is located in a populated area, then the speed limit is the same as on a highway. In this case, the road must be equipped with bumpers along the road and in the center to separate road lanes. If there is a sign under the sign depicting dense buildings (5.23.2), then it prescribes speed limit up to 60 km/h.

Frequent misconceptions of drivers

After amendments were made to the traffic rules in 2013, many drivers have a question: at what speed are they allowed to drive behind the blue and white “beginning of a populated area” sign. Someone suggests - just like in the settlement, someone thinks that at a speed of 90 km/h. And both of these answers are wrong.

In amendments to traffic regulations related to speed limits, it is allowed speed 110 km/h if oncoming lanes outside the territory of a populated area are separated by a lawn, a bumper, or it is a road with markings. The sign in question does not prohibit this speed. A if there is a sign of dense buildings underneath it, then the speed must be reduced to 60 km/h.

Failure to comply with the speed limit leads to administrative responsibility in the form of a fine. Its magnitude will depend on how much the speed is exceeded. According to the new rules, the fine is set up to 5 thousand rubles. Exceeding more than 80 km/h will entail deprivation of rights for driving a car. Drivers, especially in big cities, you should be prepared for the fact that the speed is recorded not only by traffic police officers, but also by an automatic video recording system.

Knowing and following the rules will help you avoid road accidents, material costs, and sometimes even save human life.

Despite drastic measures aimed at improving the quality of work of the traffic police, there are still cases when the inspector does not act according to the law. Such circumstances include episodes where the police find fault with a driver for violating traffic signs, while they are not visible or they violate dimensional standards. Therefore, it would be useful for any car enthusiast to know at least general concepts on standardization of traffic management means.

Information about state standard R 52289-2004

The document was approved and accepted for execution by the FATRIM Order dated December 15, 2004. This standard provides not only the size of the road sign according to GOST, but also the rules for the use and installation of signs. Data on changes to current standards are published in the bulletin " National standards", which is published annually. All notifications are also posted on official portal federal agency.

  • system of unified light measurements;
  • requirements for anti-corrosion protection and aging, as well as measurement methods for resistance to various climatic factors;
  • classification measuring instruments;
  • compliance of paints and varnishes and technology for determining adhesion, light fastness and resistance to temperature changes;
  • traffic management system and rules for using markings, traffic lights and signs.

If necessary, it is important to pay attention to the effect of the reference standards, because the standard may have changed. This factor fully concerns the size and installation location of each road sign in accordance with GOST; the slightest deviation from the standards will help to challenge the inspector’s verdict. If certain parameters are canceled without replacing them, then the paragraphs that contain references to standards are used only in the part that does not affect the reference.

Classification of traffic management equipment

The current standard divides all traffic management devices into the following groups:

  • priority;
  • warning;
  • prescriptive;
  • prohibiting;
  • informational;
  • special instructions;
  • additional information;
  • service

The regulatory act contains a set of rules for signs that are made according to individual design. These tools are designed to indicate specific routes in the area where clients should travel. The objects that are placed on the pointer can be:

  • Small administrative areas.
  • Geographical and landscape points.
  • Elements of transport networks.
  • Service facilities and tourist routes.
  • Athletic facilities and historical monuments.

The color background on such notification means depends on its location:

  • Green – on motorways.
  • Blue – outside the boundaries of populated areas.
  • White - on the highway in populated areas.

What sizes of road signs should be according to GOST with index R 52289-2004?

Each section of a highway or rural road needs warning signs of a certain format; there are only four such standard sizes:

  • 1 – small.
  • 2 – normal.
  • 3 – big.
  • 4 – very large.

Each listed size takes into account installation according to GOST depending on the conditions of use. The following signs are placed outside populated areas:

  • small - on a highway with one lane;
  • normal - on highways with 2 or 3 lanes;
  • large - on highways with 4 or more lanes.

Within the boundaries of populated areas there is the following procedure for installing means of organizing transport traffic:

  • small - on local roads;
  • normal - on main streets;
  • large ones – on multi-lane expressways.

Signs from the “very large” category are installed both outside the city and outside it during repair work, as well as in dangerous areas. The sizes of signs depend on their shape and purpose:

  1. Triangular - the length of each of the equal sides, depending on the type, ranges from 700 to 1,500 mm.
  2. Square - the length of each side ranges from 350 to 1,200 mm.
  3. Round – the diameter of the circle ranges from 600 to 1,200 mm depending on the size.
  4. Rectangular - the size of the short side ranges from 200 to 900 mm, and the long side - from 400 to 1,350 mm.

The format of the STOP sign is an octagon with equal sides, the length of which ranges from 600-1200 mm. Various types means of organizing traffic must have an outer border and curves various sizes. The radius of curvature on square, triangular and rectangular signs depends on their standard size and can be equal to 20 or 45 mm.

Errors in the dimensions of a road sign for the outer border according to GOST should be no more than +-2 mm, for curves - no more than +-5 mm.

What you should pay attention to?

In the event that a traffic police officer states that you have violated the requirements prescribed by the sign, you need to try to record it using video or photographic equipment from different angles. This will be the objective factor that determines the location, condition and visibility of the sign. Ideally, there will be at least one frame where the inspector and the pointer are in the same shot.

The outer covering must be made of reflective materials or paints that provide adequate perception of values road facility. This means that any defects in the form of abrasions or painted areas will invalidate the function of the pointer. Its surface must be clean, without any damage that makes it difficult to read information.

The placement of devices intended to organize traffic safety on the roads must necessarily be within the visibility of only those drivers for whom they are intended. Limit minimum distance, where the visibility of the sign is 100% - this is 100 meters.

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