Road sign “Pedestrian zone. Evading a fine

No one will argue that drivers who avoid traffic jams on sidewalks deserve fines, because such behavior is not only impolite towards other participants traffic, but also dangerous. However, not all driving on the sidewalk deserves administrative punishment. In what cases is driving on the sidewalk prohibited and in what cases is it allowed, and how to distinguish the sidewalk from other elements of the road, you will learn from this article.

Sidewalk, curb or adjacent area?

Before you find out what the fine for driving on the sidewalk in a car is for violators in 2018, you should understand what a sidewalk is. After all, drivers often unknowingly violate traffic rules, confusing the sidewalk with the curb or local area. This is not surprising, because the concepts overlap in many ways:

“A sidewalk is an element of a road intended for pedestrian traffic and adjacent to the roadway or bicycle path or separated from them by a lawn.”

“The shoulder is an element of the road adjacent directly to the roadway at the same level with it, differing in the type of coating or highlighted using markings 1.2.1 or 1.2.2, used for driving, stopping and parking in accordance with the Rules.”

Based on these traffic rules definitions The main differences between the curb and the sidewalk are that the curb:

    Located on the same level with roadway

    It differs in the type of coating or has markings 1.2.1/1.2.2

    Not separated from the roadway by a lawn

    Not intended for pedestrian traffic

Usually the sidewalk is raised above the roadway or separated from it by a lawn, but in practice it may be no different from the curb.

A wide sidewalk, separated from the roadway by a lawn, can easily be confused with the adjacent territory where vehicle traffic is permitted.

“Adjacent territory is the territory directly adjacent to the road and not intended for through traffic vehicles (yards, residential areas, parking lots, gas stations, enterprises, etc.).”

When is it okay to drive on the sidewalk and when is it not?

According to clause 9.9 of the traffic rules, vehicle traffic on sidewalks is prohibited.

“It is prohibited to drive vehicles on median strips and roadsides, sidewalks and pedestrian paths (except for the cases provided for in paragraphs 12.1... of the Rules).”

Important: clause 12.1 of the traffic rules allows passenger cars to park on the edge of the sidewalk if there is sign 6.4 “Parking location” and signs 8.4.7, 8.6.2, 8.6.3, 8.6.6 - 8.6.9 “Method of parking a vehicle.”

There are often cases when the curb in the permitted parking area on the edge of the sidewalk turns out to be insurmountable for cars with low clearance, and drivers have to drive onto the sidewalk, where the curb is lower, and move along it to the parking lot. In such situations, traffic police officers usually meet drivers halfway and do not issue fines.

Also, based on clause 9.9 of the traffic rules, movement on sidewalks is permitted for vehicles:

    utilities and road services;

    delivering goods to objects located near the sidewalks, if no other access to them is possible.

“The movement of vehicles of road maintenance and utility services is allowed, as well as access along the shortest route for vehicles delivering cargo to trade and other enterprises and facilities located directly next to the roadsides, sidewalks or pedestrian paths, in the absence of other access possibilities. At the same time, traffic safety must be ensured.”

Fine for driving on the sidewalk for cars

The fine for driving on the sidewalk is specified in Part 2 of Art. 12.15 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation and amounts to 2000 rubles:

“Driving on bicycle or pedestrian paths or sidewalks in violation of the Traffic Rules - entails the imposition of administrative fine in the amount of two thousand rubles."

Important: According to Part 1.3 of Art. 32.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, this fine can be paid in the amount of half of its amount within the first 20 days after the decision on the violation is issued.

You can appeal an unfairly issued fine in court no later than 10 days after the decision on the offense was issued.

If you are not sure that you can independently protect your rights in court, seek help from an auto lawyer. A specialist will help you properly build a defense and prove your innocence.

Recently, my friend was given a ticket for driving one wheel onto the sidewalk. He thought he was like that road maneuver is not a crime, but the traffic police inspector decided otherwise.

It should be understood that the inspector’s action was absolutely legal, since such a traffic maneuver is considered an entry into a pedestrian area, which is prohibited by traffic rules. But what is the fine for driving on the sidewalk? In what cases is entry and parking permitted? And why do drivers drive onto the pedestrian path? Below you will find the answers to these questions.

The border is structural element the road that separates roadway from the sidewalk. In turn, a sidewalk is a special road area on which pedestrians or cyclists can move. The curb is needed to restrict vehicle movement.

Most often, behind the curb there is usually a pedestrian or Bike Lane or lawn. The border is usually made of a special durable stone, and is periodically painted white for ease of identification.

A sidewalk is usually an asphalt or stone path that may sometimes be marked with pedestrian markings (for example, to separate a pedestrian path from a bicycle path).

In traffic rules, the words “curb” and “sidewalk” are not used too often, but precise definition these terms are not in the traffic rules (it is believed that the driver already knows the meaning of these terms).

Traffic rules state that the driver does not have the right to drive onto the curb and sidewalk with the exception of certain cases, and an administrative fine is provided for ignoring this regulation.

When do drivers usually enter the sidewalk?

Drivers enter the pedestrian path for many reasons, but most often it happens in two cases. The most popular reason is to avoid other cars while driving on the road.

During rush hour, most roads are clogged with cars, which often leads to traffic jams and congestion, and in order to get around a slow car, drivers drive onto the curb and drive for some distance along the pedestrian path, and then again enter the roadway.

The second most popular reason for entry is improper parking. On the lawn and footpaths, people park near houses, on lawns, next to shopping centers and so on. It should be understood that such parking is also considered administrative crime, since driving onto the path and lawn is prohibited.

How will they punish

There are administrative penalties for entering and driving on the sidewalk:

  • The driver will be fined 2,000 rubles for driving. In this case, the driver must leave the pedestrian path at the first request of the inspector.
  • The driver will be fined 1,000 rubles for parking. If the crime occurred in the capital or St. Petersburg, the fine will increase to 3,000 rubles. If the inspector finds a violation, he may require the driver to leave the track. If there is no driver, the inspector can evacuate the car to a penalty area (in this case, the owner of the vehicle pays for the services of a tow truck and downtime).

Please note that entry is quite strictly regulated by traffic rules. For example, even situations when, while driving, vehicle touches the curb with only one wheel, while the remaining wheels move along the roadway.

When entry is allowed

Let's now look at situations when you can drive onto the sidewalk at legally without imposing a fine:

  • Permitted parking. If a special permit sign is installed, then parking is permitted on such a section of the sidewalk. However, this rule applies only to passenger cars, as well as motorcycles, mopeds and bicycles (in this case, the type of vehicle must correspond to the permit sign).
  • Movement company cars. If there is a store next to the path or trading enterprise, then in the absence of separate parking, transport or cargo vehicles are allowed to move and park on the pedestrian path. In this case, parking should be temporary, and after unloading the vehicle should leave the path.
  • Cars special purpose(police, ambulance, fire trucks). Often special purpose vehicles can drive onto the sidewalk. At the same time, the entrance itself should not create a significant threat to the safety of other vehicles.
  • An urgent need. When force majeure Ordinary vehicles can also temporarily drive onto the sidewalk if there are no people on it. For example, if on the way to a very high speed any vehicle is moving that poses a serious danger to other drivers, then you can a short time drive onto an empty path to let a reckless driver pass.


Let's summarize. In accordance with traffic rules All cars must move on the roadway and special paths, and driving onto the sidewalk is considered an administrative offense for which a fine is imposed. Not only entry, but also parking is considered a crime.

Even situations where the car touches the curb with only one wheel are considered an offense.

Sometimes entry and parking are allowed and this is not considered a crime; main situations - the presence of a permit sign, the entry of an official vehicle, the entry of a car special purpose(police, ambulance, fire vehicle), and emergency, if there are no pedestrians on the path (for example, if a reckless driver is moving along the road at high speed).

A car parked on the sidewalk, obstructing the passage of pedestrians and strollers, is not uncommon in our cities. Legislation Russian Federation punishment for this offense is provided. But according to the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation, in some cases this type of parking can be considered correct, but in other situations it becomes a malicious offense. Before you understand in what cases a fine is imposed for parking on the sidewalk, you should understand what a sidewalk, roadside, sidewalk parking is, and what a pedestrian path is.

Sidewalk or curb

The variety of road elements adjacent to the roadway often causes confusion even for a law-abiding driver, which can lead to the accidental commission of an offense. Photo:

The shoulder is the part of the road that is adjacent to the roadway and has the same height as it, but differs from the road surface in the type of coating or is separated by markings.

The shoulder can be used for parking and driving, in accordance with traffic regulations.

The sidewalk, like the pedestrian path, is intended for the movement of pedestrians only; parking and vehicle traffic on them is prohibited. Typically these objects are separated from the road surface using curb stone, and they are usually located above the road. The surface may be the same as the road surface, so it is impossible to distinguish the sidewalk in this way.

In accordance with the traffic rules of the Russian Federation, parking on the sidewalk is acceptable, and in some cases it is the only option. Photo:

The so-called sidewalk parking is determined by signs (8.6.1-8.6.9) installed next to the part of the sidewalk on which parking of vehicles is permitted. At the same time, the sign itself visually displays the method of stopping the vehicle for parking. If parking on the sidewalk is done in the manner indicated on the sign, then no penalties will follow. pay attention to road markings, it completely displays the perimeter of the permitted parking space.

That is, in accordance with Traffic rules parking is permitted only on the side of the road or near sidewalk parking, and parking on the sidewalk or pedestrian path is subject to a fine.

Its size depends on the region the offense committed and features pedestrian traffic in this part of the city.

Penalty for parking on the sidewalk

Stopping and parking on the sidewalk outside designated sidewalk parking lots in 2018, according to 12.19 article of the Code of Administrative Offenses RF, paragraph 3, is prohibited and is punishable by a fine of 1,000 rubles. At the same time, paragraph 6 of the same article indicates that the same offense committed within the boundaries of Moscow or St. Petersburg involves a fine of 3,000 rubles. At the same time, parking of cargo vehicles on this part of the road is strictly prohibited, in any case and in any situation.

The fine for parking on the sidewalk may be higher if the offense is recorded by a traffic police officer. Photo:

In this case, the vehicle will be towed, which will lead to an additional monetary fee in the form of financing the work of the tow truck and impound parking services. In this case minimum amount additional penalties amount to 5,000 rubles.

But usually such offenses are recorded by active civilians, pedestrians, and residents of adjacent households.

How to file a complaint against a car owner

If a vehicle parked on a footpath or sidewalk interferes with free movement civilians, then you can file a complaint by preparing supporting documentation in advance.

  • The complaint must be accompanied by photographs from different angles showing the offender’s vehicle, and the photographs must also include the house number and street name to confirm the location of the offense.
  • Should be clearly visible and clearly visible in the frame registration number vehicle.
  • To properly file a complaint, you must fill out the appropriate application to the traffic police, in which you must indicate the place, time and date of the offense, as well as all data about the car.

Once the complaint has been completed and prepared for filing, it can be sent to the nearest traffic police department. Photo:

Fine for driving on the sidewalk in 2018

Separately, it is necessary to highlight such a violation of traffic rules as moving a vehicle on a pedestrian path or sidewalk.

By Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, the owner of a car will be fined 2,000 rubles for driving on the sidewalk.

Penalties for this violation within Moscow and St. Petersburg are the same as in other regions of the country, but it is likely that the amount of the fine will be revised in the near future.

How to avoid a fine for parking on the sidewalk

Parking a vehicle on the sidewalk should not be done in any case if the territory of the corresponding sidewalk parking is indicated special markings and road signs.

If you still had to commit this violation of traffic rules, then try not to create difficulties for pedestrians and other cars. Photo:

If, nevertheless, the traffic police inspector was able to record your offense, then neither your solidarity with pedestrians nor any other excuses will help - a fact is a fact, the distance at which the car entered the pedestrian zone no longer matters.

The only way to reduce total amount monetary fine, this means talking to the inspector personally, he has the right to impose only verbal warning and release the vehicle without any penalties.

Don't forget that driving on the sidewalk can cause more large fine(in the case of regions), so if you notice an approaching traffic police inspector, take your hands off the steering wheel, but do not try to escape. Please note that a government representative must photograph the offense you committed and take witness statements from passers-by to provide the evidence base for the protocol.

Pay special attention to whether your a car evacuate because similar procedure will put a significant dent in your budget.

If you notice that a traffic police inspector is drawing up a report from afar, go up and talk to him, and then remove the car without waiting for the tow truck to arrive.

Like any administrative offense, parking a car in a pedestrian zone can be appealed in court. For this you need good reasons and understand that without evidence base You should not even try to tell in court that you are right. If the protocol was drawn up correctly, the court will certainly not be on your side.

Another way to reduce the amount of the fine is to pay it within two weeks after the decision on penalties is issued. In 2018, some violations may be paid fine in the amount of 50% of it full amount, if payment is made within 20 days after the crime was committed.

You can also learn about the specifics of the punishment for parking on the sidewalk from the video:

IN separate areas In some cities you can find streets or separate areas where only pedestrians are allowed to walk, and absolutely no vehicles are allowed. These areas are indicated by installing special signs “ Pedestrian zone».

So, sign 5.33 “pedestrian zone” in the traffic rules is an area specially designated for pedestrians. All vehicles are prohibited from driving in these areas.

A special feature of this road sign is that it must be used with the installation of sign 5.34 “end of the pedestrian zone”. Thus, if a section of the territory for pedestrians at its beginning is marked 5.33, then its effect will continue until there is a sign 5.34 indicating the end of this zone.

In addition to sign 5.33 itself, its combinations with information signs 8.5 are used, indicating that the pedestrian zone is valid only in certain time: on weekends, in the evening, etc. If there is a information plate with an asterisk, this means that it is only valid in holidays or weekends.

What are they needed for?

As the practice of large cities shows, the number of vehicles is growing every year, as a result of which they are increasing. The main way to combat them is to paid parking, and some European cities and paid entry into the city or into the city center. In order to remove all gas contamination and emissions harmful substances into the air, closing traffic to cars.

In some cases, the allocation of a pedestrian zone is also associated with attractions located in the city. For example, in Moscow the main pedestrian area is Arbat; other regions also have their own separate small parts of streets. If we take Europe, then not only have many cities introduced paid entry, but entire streets have been dedicated to pedestrians.

Each of these pedestrian zones must be marked on all sides with appropriate signs 5.33 and 5.34.

What is the difference between a walkway and a zone?

If you look at the traffic rules, in addition to the pedestrian zone there is also a sign 5.4 “pedestrian path”. On the one hand, the essence of these signs lies on the surface and is obvious, but there are a number of differences in them.

The difference between a pedestrian zone and:

  1. For pedestrian path allocated and provided for separate road, along which pedestrians can move. For the pedestrian zone, much more is allocated, namely part of the full-scale and whole highway, with all curbs and sidewalks.
  2. If a pedestrian path is designated only at the very beginning and ends before the first intersection with a highway, then to mark the zone, designations are used for both the beginning and the end.
  3. Very often, places for people to walk are associated with shops and various organizations that require the delivery of goods, their unloading and loading in the absence of other means of access, as well as the movement of public transport vehicles. In these situations, vehicles are allowed to drive on pedestrian paths and sidewalks. In the case of a zone for pedestrians, any traffic is prohibited here.

Is there a fine?

As for any traffic violation a fine is provided. Places for pedestrians are also no exception. If any car or moped is driven on them, the driver will be subject to a fine (12.15 Code of Administrative Offences) in 2018.

Bottom line

The pedestrian zone is intended only for the movement of people. It is indicated by the corresponding signs at the beginning of 5.33 and at the end of 5.34. Driving on it is prohibited in all cases. There is a fine for violation.

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