Power of attorney to obtain a work book. Details about compilation

And clause 36, the manager is obliged to return it to the employee on the last day of his work. But there are often situations when he cannot be present at the workplace on that day.

In this case, the manager is obliged to notify the employee using a registered letter of the need to appear for the document or agree to send it by mail. These actions will help the employer avoid punishment for delay in issuance.

Circumstances in life may be different. An employee may not be able to report to the HR department due to health problems or due to leaving for another city.

Provides for the possibility of issuing it to other people, but with the condition that they prove the fact of having family ties with the dismissed employee. This can be done using a passport and documents issued by the registry office (for example, a marriage certificate).

There may be cases when relatives cannot help a citizen, and he has to turn to friends or colleagues with a request for assistance. Can they get another person's form from their employer? Yes it is possible.

In all these cases, a power of attorney will be required to obtain a work book. See a sample document below.

Requirements for a power of attorney

A power of attorney form for obtaining a work book can be issued by a notary. The document must be notarized (Article 185 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). This service is paid.

To issue a power of attorney, the personal presence of the dismissed citizen is necessary, preferably the presence of an authorized representative, the presence of their passports and data of the organization from which the form must be obtained.

Let's consider what information this document should contain.

    date of issue;

    Full name of the authorized person, his passport details, address of residence;

    Full name of the principal entrusting the receipt of the form, as well as his passport details and registration address;

    powers vested in the trustee;

    the full name of the organization in which the resigned citizen worked, the address at which it is located.

    principal's signature

The text must indicate that the citizen entrusts the receipt of the book to an authorized person, as well as the period during which he can do this.

The document is signed by the principal. The form is certified by the seal and signature of a notary. The power of attorney number is entered by the notary into a special register, after which the issued document comes into legal force.

With it and the passport, the citizen to whom the resigned employee entrusted the receipt must contact the personnel department of the enterprise. After presenting the power of attorney, he will be issued a work book. A note about the issue is made, a copy of the power of attorney remains in the HR department.

The personnel body of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur is responsible for filling out documents on the work activities of employees. The form refers to strict reporting forms. The book is issued to the employee at the first place of work, where the title (first) page is filled out. The personnel authority does not have the right to accept a blank record book from an employee, because to purchase it you need a power of attorney to purchase a work record book. Receipt of documents must be made through the accountable persons of the organization.

Security of the work record

Labor forms are issued by Goznak, and they are supplied to the retail network through official distributors. The form is not approved for sale to individuals. Upon purchase, documents accompanying the purchase for an organization or individual entrepreneur are issued. Having received a power of attorney to purchase a work book, the seller provides an invoice indicating the series and numbers of the forms.

Work records have several degrees of protection:

  • two-tone watermark)
  • special fibers)
  • chemical protection in case of etching of records and to confirm authenticity)
  • guilloche mesh and microtext)
  • ultraviolet paint, invisible to the eye)
  • magnetic number)
  • stitching with bicolor thread

Do I need a power of attorney to purchase a work book?

There is an order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 22, 2003 under No. 117n, which indicates the only manufacturer of forms - Goznak of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. This serious approach protects citizens from acquiring counterfeit documents. The forms have a product quality certificate. You can ask the distributor for a copy of the certificate.

The arrival of forms to the organization after purchase is reflected in the register of strict reporting forms. Forms are purchased centrally.

Purchasing counterfeit forms can lead to the fact that if real data is available, a check, for example, when applying for a foreign passport, will show that the document is fake, and obtaining a passport will become questionable.

Data that a power of attorney must contain to purchase a work book

The power of attorney is drawn up in any form, but on the letterhead of the organization or individual entrepreneur, indicating the details in accordance with the constituent documents.

In the header of this document you must indicate:

  1. Name of organization or individual entrepreneur.
  2. TIN, KPP (for legal entities).
  3. OGRN or OGRNIP.
  4. Location address, telephone.
  5. The person who is entrusted with the purchase of forms, with complete information and passport data. The signature of the person is certified.
  6. Number of required forms.
  7. Validity period of the document.

The power of attorney is signed by the responsible persons (manager and chief accountant) of the organization or the entrepreneur.

The importance of a work record

The document indicates the employee’s length of service at a specific enterprise, accompanied by these orders for admission, transfer, dismissal, and is a source of information when calculating a labor pension.

After introducing personalized accounting, the importance of the document decreased somewhat, but electronic media may malfunction. It may happen that the work record book will be able to confirm work experience and work in hazardous working conditions if the PF data was lost.

In accordance with Russian legislation, the work book is stored at the place of work. Upon dismissal, it is given directly to the employee, after which he signs a personal card and a special accounting journal. However, situations often arise when this is impossible to do due to the employee moving to a new place of residence, illness, lack of time, etc. In such cases, transfer of the document through a third party is allowed.

Mandatory requirements for a power of attorney

The regulatory legislation does not contain a direct prohibition or permission for the employee’s representative to receive technical documentation; therefore, if such a need arises, it is possible to issue it on the basis of a power of attorney. It is necessary to issue a power of attorney to obtain a work book taking into account the norms prescribed in Articles 185-189 of the Russian Civil Code. It should contain:

  • place and date of preparation – determines the beginning of the power of attorney;
  • passport details of the owner of the work book, including registration and residence address (checked by the employer against the information stored with them);
  • data of the authorized person - for verification upon issuance. Recorded in the internal documentation of the organization in order to identify the subject who took the book;
  • a list of acceptable actions allowed to the attorney (check the correctness of the records, pick up, sign);
  • legal address, tax identification number, full name of the enterprise where the employee worked;
  • a sample signature of the subject's attorney to determine that the document was actually drawn up by the principal.

The power of attorney to obtain a work record book must be signed by the principal himself. All wording must be strict and concise. Errors and ambiguous phrases are not allowed. All information must be complete and reliable. The validity period of the trust document must be indicated. In its absence, this period is recognized as equal to one year from the date of signing.

Power of attorney to receive a work book upon dismissal: sample

According to Article 66 of the Labor Code of Russia, information about hiring, awards, transfer to another position, as well as dismissal is entered in the work book. In Art. 84.1 of the Russian Labor Code clearly states the employer’s obligation to return this document to dismissed employees.

It is worth remembering that the employer has the right not to accept a power of attorney to receive a work book upon dismissal and refuse to issue the document to a third party. In this case, there is the option of sending the TC by registered mail with a list of attachments attached. It is important to remember that the representative does not have the right to sign the Labor Code itself, confirming the dismissal record. He only signs in the appropriate journal confirming receipt of the form itself.

How to correctly draw up a power of attorney to obtain a work record book

The Russian Labor Code allows for the vesting of certain powers in an employee's representative, but does not provide for a specific standard for drawing up a trust document. The text and form of the power of attorney must comply with the regulatory requirements of the Russian Labor Code. The form of this document can be drawn up at a notary’s office or drawn up independently in electronic or handwritten form. The original (or certified copy) of the submitted document remains with the employer. This will eliminate the risk of subsequent claims by the employee regarding the timing of the provision of technical documentation.

According to Article 4 of the Russian 185 Civil Code (clause 2), the power of attorney is certified by a notary or the personnel department of the organization where the principal works. The work book is issued by the personnel employee to the authorized citizen after providing a passport and the trust document itself.

Sample power of attorney for obtaining a work record book

Power of attorney to obtain a work record book

Ekaterinburg April thirteenth two thousand seventeen

I, Stepanova Valeria Pavlovna, passport 20 43 No. 345657, issued by the department of the Federal Migration Service of Russia for the Sverdlovsk region in the Leninsky district of Ekaterinburg on March 15, 2000, unit code 660-046, registered at the address: 123456, Ekaterinburg, st. First house. 5, apt. 8, I trust Olga Vasilievna Sviridova, passport 12 34 No. 323546, issued by the 1st police department of the Frunzensky district of St. Petersburg on April 2, 2002, unit code 123-567, registered at the address: 123456. Ekaterinburg, st. Pervaya, building 3, apt. 4, obtain from the personnel department of the Open Joint Stock Company "Prombyt" (Ekaterinburg, Promyshlennaya str. 5), my work book, make sure that it is properly executed, make sure the entries are correct, and also perform other related with this action.

The power of attorney was issued for a period of one month, from the sixteenth of April two thousand and seventeen to the sixteenth of May two thousand and seventeen. A power of attorney is issued without the right of substitution.

Principal's signature______________________________

Signature of the authorized representative____________________

Principal's signature<заверяю>________________

Is it possible to entrust the receipt of a work book to another person? How to properly issue a power of attorney to receive a work book upon dismissal? You will be able to familiarize yourself with a sample power of attorney to obtain a work record book, as well as download it for yourself for future use.

Termination of an employment relationship is always an exciting process. And it becomes even more worrying if the former employee cannot independently appear at his previous place to pick up the work book. But you don’t have to go get a work permit yourself. The law allows you to entrust this task to another person by issuing the appropriate power of attorney. But what should a power of attorney look like to obtain a work book upon dismissal?

Who can receive a work book by agreement?

Labor legislation allows the relatives of a dismissed employee to pick up the work book. But in this situation, a family relationship must be proven. This can be done by presenting a marriage certificate or birth certificate.

But it is not always possible to send a relative to a former employer. Sometimes this task falls on the shoulders of friends or just acquaintances. In this case, you will not be able to obtain a work book unless you present a power of attorney. This document confirms that the person has indeed received the authority to obtain a work book.

Read also:

How is a power of attorney issued to receive a work book?

Topic of the issue

Also read about how to safely pay for work on holidays and days off, how to behave during a GIT inspection, and what conditions need to be urgently removed from your employees’ employment contracts.

No corrections, erasures or colloquialisms are allowed on the power of attorney. Only legal language is used in the preparation of this document.

Requirements for a power of attorney A power of attorney form to obtain a work book can be issued by a notary. The document must be notarized (Article 185 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). This service is paid. To issue a power of attorney, the personal presence of the dismissed citizen is necessary, preferably the presence of an authorized representative, the presence of their passports and data of the organization from which the form must be obtained. Let's consider what information this document should contain.

  • date of issue;
  • Full name of the authorized person, his passport details, address of residence;
  • Full name of the principal entrusting the receipt of the form, as well as his passport details and registration address;
  • powers vested in the trustee;
  • the full name of the organization in which the resigned citizen worked, the address at which it is located.

How to draw up a power of attorney to purchase a work book? sample

The signature of the person is certified.

  • Number of required forms.
  • Validity period of the document.
  • The power of attorney is signed by the responsible persons (manager and chief accountant) of the organization or the entrepreneur. The importance of a work book The document indicates the employee’s length of service at a specific enterprise, accompanied by data on orders for admission, transfer, dismissal, and is a source of information when calculating a labor pension. After introducing personalized accounting, the importance of the document decreased somewhat, but electronic media may malfunction.

It may happen that the work record book will be able to confirm work experience and work in hazardous working conditions if the PF data was lost.

I really need a sample power of attorney to purchase work records!!!


Many enterprising businessmen are beginning to find out everything about how to become a manufacturer of work books in Russia and how to supply them to various cities. We will tell you in our material whether such actions are permissible from the point of view of the law where labor is obtained, and how to correctly fill out a power of attorney for their purchase. Why and why do you need a power of attorney? If you are an employee and are going to official work for the first time, of course, you can purchase a work book for yourself.

But most often, large organizations take on the issue of purchasing and issuing a work book themselves, so as not to once again distract the employee. Small organizations hire on average from one to five employees per year, while in large organizations there is a constant change of personnel, which means new people come who are working for the first time.

Power of attorney to obtain a work record book

Details about the preparation of a Power of Attorney for the purchase of work records is mandatory, because there is a high risk that the printed work forms will be taken possession of by an unscrupulous person who can use them contrary to the law. Unfortunately, such treatment used to be found everywhere, labor was purchased without their direct need and fell into the wrong hands. Today, the legislator is seeking to change the situation by introducing control over who buys labor in bulk.
Now let's take a closer look at the procedure for filling out powers of attorney for the purchase of work books. How to compose it correctly? Individual entrepreneurs and organizations, that is, legal entities, have the right to purchase work books in large quantities. However, the application, that is, the power of attorney for the purchase of a work book, is drawn up uniformly and according to a single template.

Power of attorney to receive strict reporting forms - sample


One way or another, it is the work book that provides you with the opportunity for a comfortable old age. ... Dear readers! Our articles talk about typical ways to resolve legal issues, but each case is unique. If you want to find out how to solve your particular problem, please contact the online consultant form on the right! It's fast and free! Table of contents:

  • general information
  • Why and why do you need a power of attorney?
  • Details about compilation
  • How to compose it correctly?
  • On what form?
  • Common Mistakes
  • Conclusion

General information Many workers are tormented by the question - where to buy a work book, or maybe how to create one yourself, without depositing your own money? Work books, due to their great importance, will always be in demand, because their existence is approved by the employer himself.

And if the organization does not oblige employees to purchase work books, it means that the organization itself gets these forms somewhere, the question is where exactly? In fact, the only legal producer of work records is Gosznak, operating from the Ministry of Finance. It is he who is responsible for the production of forms for the work book. No one else has the right to produce work records, because this activity will be regarded as forgery of documents. Organizations that purchase work books in large quantities cannot simply place an order and receive work books. They need to draw up a corresponding statement, which is called a power of attorney. We will tell you how to do this correctly in the following paragraphs.

Power of attorney to the Komus for the purchase of a work book sample

An employer may have a situation where a resigned employee has authorized a third party to receive his work record book with a power of attorney. A former employee can issue such a power of attorney from a notary - in this situation, unified power of attorney forms are not used. In such a situation, the employer who has received such a power of attorney must remember the following:

  • a work book has the status of a BSO as long as it is a form, and a completed book is a document that is the property of the employee (as a BSO, according to accounting standards, it is not taken into account on the balance sheet);
  • When issuing work books to employees, the following requirements of Resolution No. 225 must be taken into account.

Requirements of Decree No. 225 for the issuance of a work book:

  • The employer is obliged to issue a work book to the employee on the day of his dismissal (clause

The personnel body of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur is responsible for filling out documents on the work activities of employees. The form refers to strict reporting forms. The book is issued to the employee at the first place of work, where the title (first) page is filled out. The personnel authority does not have the right to accept a blank record book from an employee, because to purchase it you need a power of attorney to purchase a work record book.

Receipt of documents must be made through the accountable persons of the organization. Security of the work record Work forms are issued by Goznak, and are supplied to the retail network through official distributors. The form is not approved for sale to individuals. Upon purchase, documents accompanying the purchase for an organization or individual entrepreneur are issued.

Having received a power of attorney to purchase a work book, the seller provides an invoice indicating the series and numbers of the forms.
Purchasing counterfeit forms can lead to the fact that if real data is available, a check, for example, when applying for a foreign passport, will show that the document is fake, and obtaining a passport will become questionable. Data that a power of attorney must contain for the purchase of a work book. The power of attorney is drawn up in any form, but on the letterhead of the organization or individual entrepreneur, indicating the details in accordance with the constituent documents. In the header of this document you must indicate:

  1. Name of organization or individual entrepreneur.
  2. TIN, KPP (for legal entities).
  3. OGRN or OGRNIP.
  4. Location address, telephone.
  5. The person who is entrusted with the purchase of forms, with complete information and passport data.

In order for an application for work records to be approved by the state order, and therefore by the Ministry of Finance, the document must meet a number of requirements. These include requirements regarding appearance and content. Thus, the power of attorney must indicate the name of the organization, and also, if the purchase is carried out by an individual entrepreneur, his full name.

You also need to indicate your accounts, TIN, OGRN and other important bank details, both as an organization and as an individual entrepreneur. In addition to this information, the power of attorney indicates the number of forms that must be obtained from the government order. It is necessary to indicate the legal address of the organization, contact numbers and email address.

The same is required from an individual entrepreneur. The completed application must contain the signature of the head of the organization or individual entrepreneur, as well as a seal.
As a rule, such powers of attorney are not considered by government procurement officers at all, so if you do not receive any response for a long time, this may be due to the fact that you drew up the form incorrectly and your power of attorney was not even considered properly. That is why we tell you in detail what an ideal power of attorney should look like. Also try to avoid any possible spelling or punctuation errors.
There should be no marks or cross-outs on the form. If you made a mistake when drawing up a power of attorney, it is better to print out a new form and fill it out correctly. Conclusion Work records must be safe and sound, and must also be entrusted to a competent specialist. Therefore, it is possible that the procedure for obtaining work records from government contracts is complicated.

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