Movement of incoming documents. Movement diagram of an internal document

What are internal documents? How do they move within the organization? Factors to consider when working with internal documents. Movement of administrative documents issued collectively. Stages of working with administrative documents issued individually.

You already know about the movement of incoming and outgoing documents in an organization*. How is the movement of internal documents organized? Let's look at this process using administrative documents as an example.

Internal documents of an organization are documents created and used within the organization. Internal documents include administrative documents, minutes of meetings of collegial bodies, memos, acts, certificates, plans, reports, regulations, instructions, etc. Internal documents, as a rule, are published or compiled in one copy, which, after publication or completion of work with the document placed in file storage. If it is necessary to distribute a document to executors, interested parties and departments, copies are made of the original document or extracts from the document are drawn up. Certified copies and extracts are sent to all interested persons and departments.

As a rule, the movement of internal documents at the stage of document creation is similar to the movement of sent documents, and at the stage of execution or use it repeats the movement of incoming documents. The exception is certain types of documents that have individual routes, for example, internal information and reference documents (certificates, memos, analytical notes), minutes of meetings, etc. The movement of internal documents is organized in the same way as the movement of incoming and outgoing documents: in the form of document flows , that is, arrays of documents that have a common source (sending point) and a common destination (receiving point). Each document flow has its own route. When organizing the movement of internal documents, the following factors must be taken into account:

  • the method of making a decision and, accordingly, issuing a document; content of the document: the presence in the document of instructions requiring execution or information that initiates a decision.

Management decisions are made in two ways: solely by the head or collegial body . In the first case, the draft document (managerial decision) must undergo the approval procedure with all interested parties; in the second case, the draft document is not approved, because the decision is made at a meeting of the collegial body jointly by all its members.

The presence in the document of instructions requiring execution, or information initiating a management decision, is also reflected in the organization of document movement:

In the first case, the document must reach the executor (or executors), and must also be entered into the document execution control system; and in the second case, the document is submitted for consideration by the manager.

Let's consider how the movement of some internal documents should be organized.

Movement of administrative documents issued collectively

Collective decisions are decisions made at a meeting of a collegial body by a group of persons included in this body (meeting, council, board, board, meeting, etc.). Decisions made collectively are recorded in the minutes of meetings, on the basis of which administrative documents (decrees, decisions) can be issued. The practice of issuing decrees (decisions) is typical for federal authorities and administration, authorities and administration of constituent entities of the Federation and municipalities. In other types of organizations, for example, in joint stock companies (closed, open), decisions made by collegial bodies (meetings, board of directors, management board) are documented in minutes; administrative documents in the form of resolutions or decisions are not issued on their basis. The execution of decisions made is carried out by the executive body of the joint-stock company by issuing orders or instructions. Decisions of an informational nature are sent to interested parties in the form of copies of protocols or extracts from protocols. The movement of documents during collegial decision-making, provided that the decisions taken are formalized in the form of resolutions or decisions, includes the following stages:

  • Preparation of materials for a meeting of the collegial body. The work of the collegial body is carried out according to a pre-approved plan. In accordance with the plan, those responsible for preparing the issue for discussion prepare the necessary materials, as a rule, this analytical report (note) on the issue and draft decision. Work on the preparation of these documents is carried out in a structural unit or by a group of specialists from several departments. Preparation of materials for a meeting of a collegial body is the initial stage in the movement of documents reflecting the activities of collegial decision-making.
  • Submitting prepared materials for consideration by a collegial body. An analytical report (note) on the issue and a draft decision are submitted to the secretary of the collegial body, who collects all the documents prepared for consideration at the meeting, checks their completeness and correctness of execution.

As a rule, materials are prepared and submitted to the secretary 10–12 days before the meeting. The period for submitting documents may be reduced, but should not be less than 3–5 days. This time is necessary to distribute documents to members of the collegial body and to familiarize them with the prepared documents.

  • Preparation of the meeting agenda. Agenda prepared by the secretary of the collegial body based on the plan, but can be adjusted taking into account the specific situation. The agenda is agreed upon with the chairman of the collegial body. At the same time, the secretary is preparing invitations at the meeting for distribution to members of the collegial body.
  • Distribution of invitations to a meeting of a collegial body to its members and invited persons. Together with the invitation, which contains the agenda of the meeting, copies of analytical reports (notes) And draft solutions on agenda items prepared by the performers. This set of documents can be sent to members of the collegial body by email.
  • Discussion of materials at a meeting of the collegial body and decision-making. During the meeting there is a protocol, which records the entire course of the meeting: speeches of the main speakers, discussion of agenda items, decisions made.
  • Drawing up minutes of the meeting. The final preparation of the minutes is carried out, as a rule, within 3–5 days after the meeting. When registering, the protocol is assigned a serial number following the number of the previous protocol. The date of the minutes is the date of the meeting, not the date of execution. Registration and accounting logs for protocols are not maintained. The accounting function is performed by the file itself, in which the signed protocols are filed.
  • Signing the protocol. As a rule, minutes are signed by the chairman of the meeting and the secretary, but there are exceptions to this general rule: for example, minutes of state certification commissions, counting commissions (in joint-stock companies) are signed by all members of the collegial body.
  • Publication of an administrative document (decree or decision). At this stage, based on the minutes of the meeting, an administrative document is drawn up and signed by the chairman of the collegial body. Based on one protocol, several administrative documents can be prepared, since each individual decision is drawn up as one decree (decision).

In management practice, such decisions are called protocol decisions; they are communicated to the executor by transmitting copies of protocols or extracts from them.

  • Registration of administrative documents and distribution to executors. Registration of resolutions (decisions) is carried out separately from protocols and other administrative documents (orders, instructions), if they are also issued by the organization. In the registration number of the resolution (order), it is advisable to maintain a connection with the protocol, for example:

If the protocol has number 45 (No. 45), then resolutions or orders must have the same number, but supplemented through a slash or hyphen with the issue number reflecting the order of consideration of issues at the meeting (issue number on the agenda), for example: No. 45- 1, No. 45-2, etc.

  • Control of document execution. Control over the execution of decisions made collectively is carried out by the secretary of the collegial body. Only those orders (tasks) that have a specific deadline are put under control.
  • Copying administrative documents (decrees, decisions), protocols or making extracts from protocols. Administrative documents (decrees, decisions), extracts from protocols are copied in quantities corresponding to the number of performers and interested parties.
  • Placement of the original protocol and original administrative documents (decrees, decisions) in files. Filing of documents in cases is carried out by the secretary of the collegial body in accordance with the nomenclature of cases. Minutes of meetings and administrative documents issued on their basis are filed in various files.

Only materials that form an integral part of the protocol can be filed along with the minutes: for example, lists of those present at the meeting, theses and texts of reports, speeches, special opinions of meeting participants who do not agree with the majority opinion, etc.

  • Distribution of copies of administrative documents (decrees, decisions) or copies of protocols (extracts from protocols). Distribution is carried out by the DOW service. Only certified copies of documents are sent to performers.

The considered stages of passing documents constitute the document flow of the collegial body.

Movement of administrative documents issued individually

In case of sole decision-making, administrative documents are issued by the head of the organization (president, general director, director, chairman, etc.), performing executive and administrative functions. A specific feature of this method of decision-making is the coordination of the draft decision with interested parties (as a rule, these are heads of structural divisions of the organization). In case of sole decision-making, administrative documents are issued in the form of orders, instructions, instructions. The movement of administrative documents in case of sole decision-making includes the following stages:

  • Initiating a decision (justifying the need to issue an administrative document). The documents initiating the decision may be documents issued by higher management bodies and organizations, or previously published documents of the organization itself. Internal documents of the organization (memos, memos, certificates, acts, protocols, plans, reports, etc.) can also initiate a decision if they contain information justifying the need to make a decision. Based on information gleaned from these documents, the manager decides on the need to issue an administrative document. From the standpoint of document flow, the initiation of decisions represents the receipt by the head of the organization of documents, on the basis of which work on preparing a draft decision begins. The manager’s decision to prepare an administrative document is expressed in the form resolutions on the document initiating the decision.
  • Transfer of the document initiating the decision to the department for execution. In accordance with the resolution of the head, the preschool educational institution service transfers the document initiating the decision to the executing structural unit.
  • Preparation of a draft administrative document. Draft administrative documents prepared by specialists from structural units. If a draft document affects the interests of various departments, then, by decision of the organization’s management, a temporary working group is created from representatives of various departments. The prepared draft document is drawn up by the contractor on the appropriate form (order form, instruction form).
  • Submission of the draft document for approval. When preparing administrative documents, as a rule, internal coordination. Internal approval is issued with a visa affixed to the bottom of the last sheet of the draft document, on the back of the last sheet of the document, or on a separate approval sheet. External approval carried out only in cases where the draft document affects the interests of other organizations. External approval is carried out after internal approval and is issued with a stamp of approval , which is placed on the last sheet of the draft document, under the text, or on a separate approval sheet.

The approval of the draft administrative document is carried out: with the heads of the organization’s departments, chief and leading specialists, if the administrative document concerns issues of their activities; with a trade union organization, if the draft document touches on social and everyday issues, issues of labor organization and personnel. If the draft administrative document concerns financial issues, then it is necessary to coordinate the document with the chief accountant, deputy head for financial issues (financial director). All administrative documents issued by the head of the organization must be endorsed by a lawyer (legal service) to check for compliance of decisions made with current legislation. This applies to orders, instructions on core activities and personnel. Draft administrative documents are also endorsed by the deputy heads of the organization - all or only those whose interests are affected by the draft document.

During the approval process, comments and additions to the draft document may be made. In this case, the visa is supplemented with the inscription “Special opinion is attached” or “Comments are attached.” Comments, written on a separate sheet, are attached to the project and returned to the developer for finalization of the document. If, when finalizing the draft document, the contractor does not take into account all the comments, then, when transferring the finalized document to the manager for signature, all special opinions and comments that were not accepted by the drafter of the document will have to be submitted along with the finalized document for consideration by the manager. In many organizations, especially large ones with a complex structure, the approval procedure often takes up to a month. A long period of approval for a draft document can reduce the effectiveness of the decision made, therefore it is advisable to establish certain time limits on the approval procedure in the office work instructions or other regulatory document on office work.

Considering that administrative documents are issued for the purpose of regulating the activities of organizations, including operational regulation, it is advisable to carry out approval within two to three working days.

The approval procedure ends with the return of the draft document to the contractor. In this case, there is a return movement in the document flow (transfer of a document to the authority in which the document was already located), but this movement is due to business necessity.

  • Finalization of the draft administrative document based on comments.* The next stage is the transfer of the draft administrative document to the contractor for revision based on comments. After finalization, the draft document is finally drawn up on letterhead and submitted for re-endorsement. If the draft administrative document was prepared on behalf of a higher organization, then the document is drawn up not on the organization’s letterhead, but on standard sheets of paper and sent to the higher organization with a covering letter. In this case, the draft document is endorsed by the head of the organization.
  • Re-endorsement of the draft document. Re-vising is necessary to ensure that all interested officials affix visas to the copy of the document that will be presented to the manager for signature. The absence of visas on the administrative document will mean a violation of the procedure for its preparation. The document, endorsed by all interested parties, is submitted to the head of the organization for signature.

At the stage of document approval, from the point of view of document flow, the sequence of moving the document from one authority to another is important. The head of the executing unit is the first to endorse the document, then the legal service (lawyer), then the heads of interested departments (as a rule, these are those who are given instructions and who will carry out the administrative document after its adoption), the last to be endorsed are the deputy heads of the organization (all or only those whose competence includes the issues on which the decision is made).

  • Making a decision (signing a document). The adoption of a management decision is expressed in the signing of an administrative document by the manager. The manager’s signature turns the draft document into a full-fledged document with legal force.
  • Registration of administrative document. The signed administrative document is registered in the preschool educational institution service (administrative documents for personnel are registered in the personnel service).
  • Submitting an administrative document for control. Control over the execution of administrative documents is carried out by the preschool educational institution service. The peculiarity of control over the execution of administrative documents is that individual points of the administrative part of the document are controlled if they contain instructions, tasks with a specific deadline.
  • Copying administrative documents (orders, instructions, instructions).
  • Placing the original administrative document in the file.
  • Distribution of copies of administrative documents (orders, instructions, instructions) to performers. Distribution of the administrative document should be carried out as quickly as possible - this must be done within 1-2 days after signing the document.

The last three stages in the workflow of administrative documents issued individually coincide with the movement of documents issued collectively. In the considered models of document flow of administrative documents issued collectively and individually by the head of the organization, the main, key stages of the movement of these documents are highlighted. This procedure can be described in more detail only by focusing on a specific organization (institution, enterprise). This task should be solved by the organization's preschool education service.

Comments, written on a separate sheet, are attached to the project and returned to the developer for finalization of the document. If, when finalizing the draft document, the contractor does not take into account all the comments, then, when transferring the finalized document to the manager for signature, all special opinions and comments that were not accepted by the drafter of the document will have to be submitted along with the finalized document for consideration by the manager. In many organizations, especially large ones with a complex structure, the approval procedure often takes up to a month. A long period of approval for a draft document can reduce the effectiveness of the decision made, therefore it is advisable to establish certain time limits on the approval procedure in the office work instructions or other regulatory document on office work.

The order of movement of documents in the organization

The vacation schedule is signed by the head of the personnel service, agreed with the elected trade union body and approved by the head of the organization or his authorized person. When transferring vacation to another time, with the consent of the employee and the head of the structural unit, appropriate changes are made to the vacation schedule.

An order (instruction) on termination (termination) of an employment contract with an employee (dismissal) (Form No. T-8) and an order (instruction) on an employment contract with employees (dismissal) (Form No. T-8a) is used to formalize and record the dismissal of employees. They are filled out by a personnel service employee, signed by the head of the organization or a person authorized by him, and announced to employees against signature.

To prepare a draft document, information on the topic of the document is collected, the norms and provisions of relevant legal acts and regulations are studied, and previously published documents of the organization are analyzed. The draft document is agreed upon with the heads of structural divisions and specialists (internal approval).


Approval can also be external (the draft document is sent to the relevant organizations or officials of these organizations). With parallel approval, the duplicated draft document can be simultaneously distributed to organizations and individuals participating in the first preparation.

However, sometimes consistent coordination is required (in accordance with the functions of third parties and structural units of the organization). Then the document (together with its attachments) is transferred to the head of the organization who has the right to sign this group of documents.

Incoming traffic. outgoing and internal documents


A personal card (form No. T-2) and a personal card of a civil servant (form No. T-2GS) are filled out for persons hired on the basis of an employment order, work book, passport, military ID, document on graduation from an educational institution, insurance certificate of state pension insurance, certificate of registration with the tax authority and other documents required by law, as well as information provided by the employee. The personal card of a civil servant (form No. T-2GS (MS) is used to record persons holding public positions in the civil service.

The staffing table (Form No. T-3) is used to formalize the structure, staffing and staffing levels of the organization.
Forms of execution can be different: preparing a response to an incoming document or an internal administrative document, conducting negotiations, organizing events, etc. After the document has been executed, a mark indicating the execution of the document is placed on it, containing brief information about the actions performed, and the document is transferred for storage in office work.

Working with outgoing documents, both initiative and response, includes the following stages: * preparation of a draft document; * registration and approval (vising) of the project; * signing the project; * document registration; * dispatch from the organization. To prepare a draft document, information on the topic of the document is collected, the norms and provisions of relevant legal acts and regulations are studied, and previously published documents of the organization are analyzed.

Movement of documents in the organization

After signing by the manager, the document is registered by the secretary or in the office. 4. The registered document is sent to the addressee. Sending must be made on the day the document is received at the office.

5. A copy of the document is filed by the secretary in the file of T.A. Bykov. Legal requirements for internal documents of a company: drafting and execution of provisions // Secretarial Affairs 2007. No. 2. P. 21-25.. Figure 2 - Diagram of the flow of outgoing documents Thus, we can conclude that a document is a material object with information secured by a man-made method of transmitting it in time and space. The task of the enterprise's office work services is to ensure that documents do not get lost during their movement and arrive at the next processing points on time. After all, the timeliness and correctness of management decisions depends on the clarity of their movement.

The order of movement of documents in the organization. concept and stages of document flow

The personnel department is responsible for accounting for the personnel of the enterprise, and in medium and small businesses there is a special employee appointed by the head of the enterprise, or these functions are assigned to the accountant. To record personnel, unified forms of primary accounting documents are used, approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation dated January 5, 2004.
№ 1(11).

An order (instruction) on hiring an employee (Form No. T-1) and an order (instruction) on hiring employees (Form No. T-1a) are used for registration and accounting of those hired under an employment contract. Compiled by the person responsible for admission for all persons hired by the organization.

Centralized document flow includes all documentation subject to centralized registration. Documents taken into account only in structural units constitute the document flow at the level of the structural unit.
As a rule, centralized document flow is represented by organizational and administrative documentation, and document flow at the level of a structural unit is represented by specialized documentation that provides the main directions of the organization’s activities (it may also include organizational and administrative documents). There are three main types of documents that make up the centralized document flow: - INCOMING: An incoming document is a document received by an institution. Most incoming documents should generate corresponding outgoing documents within a specified time frame.

A travel certificate (form No. T-10) is a document certifying the time an employee spent on a business trip. Issued in one copy by an employee of the personnel service on the basis of an order (instruction) on sending on a business trip.

At each destination, notes are made on the time of arrival and departure, which are certified by the signature of the responsible official and seal. After returning from a business trip to the organization, the employee draws up an advance report with attached documents confirming the expenses incurred. Stenyukov M.V.

Handbook of office work: M.: PRIOR Publishing House 2007 - 188 pp. Time sheet and calculation of wages (f.
No. T-12) and timesheets (form No. T-13) are used to carry out timekeeping, control labor discipline and compile statistical reporting on labor.
An integral part of documentation support for management is document flow. Document flow is usually called the movement of documents from the moment they are created or received until the completion of execution or dispatch. The movement of documents depends on which category they belong to: incoming, outgoing or internal. If these are incoming documents, then their order of movement in the organization is as follows: - reception, initial processing of correspondence; — distribution of documents; — registration, review by management; - delivery of documents; — execution of documents; - distribution by case. Reception and initial processing are usually carried out directly in the office in order to properly organize subsequent work with documents.

Documents received by the organization begin their path to execution from the expedition (a structural unit of the general department) (Figure 6.1). There they undergo forwarding processing, which consists of checking the correct delivery of correspondence, opening envelopes, checking the integrity of attachments and preliminary sorting of documents into registered And unregistered. Unregistered documents and documents marked “personally” are transferred to their destination. The organization (institution) must compile a list of non-registered documents, which is revised annually.

Registered documents are divided into two streams:

    Documents addressed to the manager and without indicating a specific address;

    Documents addressed to structural divisions.

Documents of the first stream are transferred to the office, of the second stream - to structural units. With centralized registration, all of the above documents are received by the office.

Assistant managers or office workers perform a preliminary review of received documents. The purpose of the preliminary review of received documents is to distribute documents that do not require mandatory review by management, to identify the unit or person to whom this document should be sent. It follows that upon preliminary consideration, two document flows are formed: to the head of the organization (institution) and to the structural divisions of the organization.

The management of the organization (institution) is provided with documents from higher management bodies and documents containing information on the most important issues of the activities of the organization (institution). The remaining documents are transferred to the heads of structural divisions of the organization (institution) or directly to the performers.

If the institution has a unit for reviewing letters from citizens, applications and complaints are sent to it from the expedition. Documents are transferred to management or performers on the day they are received by the organization (institution).

Documents subject to registration, after their consideration, are registered and transferred to the heads of the organization (institution) and structural divisions. Documents that are executed by several departments are transmitted one by one (according to the resolution imposed in the document) or multiplied and transmitted simultaneously in copies.

Outgoing documents

The draft of the outgoing document is drawn up by the executor, and the secretary checks its correctness. Outgoing documents are drawn up in two copies, with the exception of faxes and telephone messages, which are drawn up in one copy. The draft outgoing document can be agreed upon both with specialists from other organizations (institutions) and within the organization (Figure 6.2).

If a document is approved by another organization other than the author of the document, then the approval is formalized using the “document approval stamp” attribute. A document undergoing approval within an organization (institution) is issued with the requisite “document approval visa.”

The prepared draft of the outgoing document is presented to the manager for signature along with the materials on the basis of which it was prepared.

The executor attaches to the draft document a list of organizations to which the signed document should be sent.

It is advisable in an organization (institution) to establish a procedure in which not only the head of the organization (institution), but also other management employees, within their competence, have the right to sign documents. Under this condition, the movement of documents and their execution will become more efficient.

The head of the organization (enterprise) has the right to make changes and additions to the signed document or return it for revision.

After the manager signs two copies of the outgoing document, it is submitted for registration. Sent documents are registered in the “Registration Journal of Outgoing Documents”. After registering and assigning a registration number to the outgoing document, it is necessary to record it in handwritten or typewritten form on both copies. After registration, the documents are sent to the expedition. Here the correctness of outgoing documents is checked and sorted by correspondents. It is advisable to have an array of permanent addresses. After the addressee has been registered, the types of postal items are marked on the envelopes, the cost of sending is recorded, and an inventory of the postal items is drawn up.

Outgoing documents are sent on the same day. The second copy of the documents being sent or the only copy of the fax (telephonogram) is filed.

Document flow– the movement of documents from the moment they are received or created until the completion of execution or dispatch.

Document flow is formed by flows of incoming (coming from other organizations), outgoing (sent to other organizations) and internal (created and operating within the organization) documents.

Movement of incoming documents

Scheme of movement of incoming documents

The movement of incoming documents is shown in Fig. 2, where numbers and letters indicate:

Rice. 2. Scheme of movement of incoming documents

Head (Director)

Contractor (structural unit)

Forwarding processing

Preliminary review, sorting


Distribution (layout)

Redistribution (relabeling)


Documents registered by the preschool educational institution service

Documents not registered by the preschool educational institution service

Forwarding processing of correspondence

All incoming correspondence (delivered by post, fax, couriers, documents brought by employees from business trips, handed over during negotiations) must be processed centrally by the expedition (the structural unit that receives and sends correspondence). In the absence of an expedition, correspondence is processed by the secretary.

During forwarding processing, the correctness of delivery, the integrity of investments, and the correctness of documents are checked. Incorrectly delivered mail will be returned to the post office; fax messages should, if possible, be reported to the sender.

The expedition (secretary) opens all received envelopes. The exceptions are envelopes marked “personally” and envelopes marked as restricting access to the document in the event that there is a special department for processing correspondence with a stamp.

The envelopes are destroyed. There are four exceptions:

· if the date of the postmark indicates the date of receipt or dispatch of correspondence (tender documents, arbitration documents, statements of claim, subpoenas, etc.);

· if there is no date on the document at all;

· if the sender's address can only be established using an envelope;

· if the date of sending differs significantly from the date of receipt of the document.

When checking the integrity of the attachment, you need to make sure that all sheets of the document, all attachments and the number of sheets in them are present.

When checking the correctness of the format, you need to make sure that there are no errors that prevent the document from being accepted for processing. (There is no stamp on the letter of guarantee, for example). In addition, the ability to read the pages of a document is checked if it is received by fax.

If errors are found, the sender must be notified about them. The document should be detained on the expedition until these errors are corrected (the necessary attachments are sent, unreadable sheets are replaced, etc.).

All received documents (including fax messages) are marked with the date of receipt (28) and, if necessary, an accounting serial number. The account number is necessary for a more accurate count of the number of received documents.

Preliminary review. Sorting.

During preliminary review, documents are sorted into two groups:

1. documents that will be registered with the preschool educational institution service;

2. documents that are transferred to structural units without registration.

Each preschool educational institution service can develop and submit for approval to the head of the organization a list of documents that are not subject to registration in the preschool educational institution service. Those documents that will serve as the basis for making management decisions must be registered.

In order to properly conduct a preliminary review, it is necessary to have a good understanding of the company’s activities and the prospects for its development.


Registered documents are divided into two groups:

· documents that must be submitted to the manager;

· documents that are transferred to structural units by affiliation.

Criteria for selecting documents for consideration by the manager:

· the importance of content (from the point of view of business development strategy and tactics);

· complexity and novelty of the questions posed;

· geographical (regional);

· correspondent;

· nominal (by types and varieties of documents);

· subject-questioning (by title, content);

· structural (according to the structure of the organization, by departments);

· chronological (by date), etc.

When arranging the RKK, as a rule, it is possible to activate several search signs (usually 3-5). For example, cards of received and sent documents can be arranged by content, questions arranged alphabetically, cards within the subject heading can be systematized by the names of regions arranged alphabetically, in each region the cards can be distributed by correspondents, and the names of correspondent organizations can be arranged in alphabetical order, etc. d.

Within each section, cards are arranged chronologically or in gross order of registration numbers. Traditionally, the reverse (... 5, 4, 3, 2.1) order of registration numbers and dates is used.

The reference card file is divided into two parts: cards of documents being executed and executed.

Classifiers used for indexing, registration forms and the documents themselves form an information retrieval system ( IPS) organization, i.e. a system that ensures the implementation of operational reference work and control over the execution of documents.

Document execution control

Control- an integral (main) management function and a necessary element of management activities. The purpose of control is timely and high-quality execution of each order. In control activities, two groups of operations are distinguished:

· control over the implementation of the assigned tasks;

· time control.

Control over the implementation of the assigned tasks is carried out by managers of all ranks.

Control over compliance with deadlines for the execution of orders is always assigned to the manager’s office (preschool educational institution service).

In the control activities of the preschool educational institution, there are several stages:

1. Submitting a document for control, issuing a control mark in document (18) and in the registration form. The reason for this may be:

o management resolution;

2. Systematization of registration forms according to deadlines. Systematization is carried out in order to identify documents whose deadlines expire “today”, “tomorrow”, “the day after tomorrow”.

With the journal form of registration, daily sampling and repeated recording of journal entries is assumed.

When using the RKK, you must select cards marked K or CONTROL and arrange them in a separate section in direct chronological order (... 09/01/99, 09/02/99...) by due date.

Computer programs for recording and monitoring the execution of documents should make selections based on deadlines automatically.

3. Notification and reminder to the contractor about the deadlines for execution (during the transfer of the document for execution, three days before the expiration of the deadline, on the day of execution).

4. Notification to the manager (controller) about the timing of the execution of the order (one day before the expiration of the execution period, on the day of execution).

5. Removal of a document from control or postponement of deadlines. The basis for this should only be the opinion of the manager, expressed in writing (signature, approval stamp, resolution) or orally.

6. Drawing up a periodic certificate or summary of performance discipline. The expected composition of the information: the number of documents taken for control, the number of documents executed (on time, in violation of the deadline) and those under execution (on time, in violation of the deadline). The certificate may contain information about the performance discipline of each structural unit, each performer or the organization as a whole.

The movement of incoming documents is shown in Fig. 2, where numbers and letters indicate:

Forwarding processing of correspondence

All incoming correspondence (delivered by post, fax, couriers, documents brought by employees from business trips, handed over during negotiations) must be processed centrally by the expedition (the structural unit that receives and sends correspondence). In the absence of an expedition, correspondence is processed by the secretary.

During forwarding processing, the correctness of delivery, the integrity of investments, and the correctness of documents are checked. Incorrectly delivered mail will be returned to the post office; fax messages should, if possible, be reported to the sender.

The expedition (secretary) opens all received envelopes. The exception is envelopes marked “personally” and envelopes marked as restricting access to the document in the event that there is a special department for processing correspondence marked with a stamp.

The envelopes are destroyed. There are four exceptions:

  • if the date of the postmark indicates the date of receipt or dispatch of correspondence (tender documents, arbitration documents, statements of claim, subpoenas, etc.);
  • if there is no date on the document at all;
  • if the sender's address can only be determined using an envelope;
  • if the date of sending differs significantly from the date of receipt of the document.

When checking the integrity of the attachment, you need to make sure that all sheets of the document, all attachments and the number of sheets in them are present.

When checking the correctness of the format, you need to make sure that there are no errors that prevent the document from being accepted for processing. (There is no stamp on the letter of guarantee, for example). In addition, the ability to read the pages of a document is checked if it is received by fax.

If errors are found, the sender must be notified about them. The document should be detained on the expedition until these errors are corrected (the necessary attachments are sent, unreadable sheets are replaced, etc.).

All received documents (including fax messages) are marked with the date of receipt (28) and, if necessary, an accounting serial number. The account number is necessary for a more accurate count of the number of received documents.

Preliminary review. Sorting

During preliminary review, documents are sorted into two groups:

  • documents that will be registered with the preschool educational institution service;
  • documents that are transferred to structural units without registration.

Each preschool educational institution service can develop and submit for approval to the head of the organization a list of documents that are not subject to registration in the preschool educational institution service (appendix). Those documents that will serve as the basis for making management decisions must be registered (the registration procedure is discussed in the “Registration of Documents” section).

In order to properly conduct a preliminary review, it is necessary to have a good understanding of the company’s activities and the prospects for its development.


Registered documents are divided into two groups:

  • documents that must be submitted to the manager;
  • documents that are transferred to structural units according to their affiliation.

Criteria for selecting documents for consideration by the manager:

  • the importance of content (in terms of business development strategy and tactics);
  • complexity and novelty of the questions posed;
  • authorship (state authorities, higher organizations);
  • execution time (the shorter the execution time, the faster the document must be transferred to the structural unit).

The documents must be presented to the manager along with materials that will help him make a decision (documents referred to by the author of the letter, correspondence that was conducted previously, similar proposals, etc.).

Correspondence must be reported to the manager once a day at a time set by him. The manager must review the documents on the day of the report or, in extreme cases, the next day and return them with his resolution (16). Periodically (for example, once a week), the manager is given an overview (orally or in writing) about the documents transferred to the structural units for execution. Redistribution

Based on the resolution of the manager, redistribution is made, i.e. documents are sent to structural units for execution.

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