Unified state register of measuring instruments. State register of measuring instruments

Any chemical, physical, technological process accompanied by outside control measuring equipment. For example, gas or water consumption, changes in voltage, current, increase or decrease in the temperature of the surface of an object or body, calculation of length and weight, as well as other parameters. And the more accurate these indicators are, the more accurately you can control the ongoing processes and, if necessary, correct any deviations in a timely manner. Therefore, all measuring instruments undergo periodic testing, comparison with reference samples, metrological verification. In order to systematize the equipment available in the country and incoming new products, special registers are created, which provide complete information about each type of device. Let's look at how to use the official website of the State Register of Measuring Instruments in more detail.

What is the State Register?

State Register measuring instruments is a document in which the entire necessary information about each type of measuring equipment. It is a section of the Federal Information Fund, where computing tools approved by Rosstandart are registered. State Register of SI of the Russian Federation according to Federal law No. 102-FZ “On ensuring the uniformity of measurements” has the status of a document that confirms that any equipment from the list has state registration, has passed all types of inspections and tests, and the necessary technical standards and metrological verification methods have been developed for it.

Attention! Any equipment included in the State Register of SI is considered permitted for use in Russia.

The document database contains the following parameters and information:

  • name and designation of equipment;
  • time interval between mandatory verifications;
  • name of the document type (GOST or TU);
  • number in the State Register (to speed up the search);
  • title of the document on the verification of measuring instruments;
  • country name and equipment manufacturer.

Using one of the positions, you can search internal system quickly find the portal the right remedy calculations. The updated classifier allowed us to expand the database and include new SIs that appear with the development of innovative technologies scientific and technological progress. The state register looks like this:

If necessary, you can obtain a description of the SI type by number in the State Register. To do this, just click on it with the mouse.

Document structure

The registry has a multi-level nested system with big amount rubrics This is done for ease of searching. It is necessary to select the area of ​​application of SI, then the genus, then the family. That is, the lower the level, the more specific. The lowest levels are SI types and families. All tools are systematized into two main types:

  • destination area;
  • measurement area.

Purpose of the State Register

The document database was created to provide complete information interested individuals and legal entities not only in Russia, but also foreign countries who supply their equipment. It was necessary to correlate test results and approve the measuring instrument.

Purpose of the document:

  • approval and recording of test programs;
  • registration of all accredited testing centers;
  • state registration of issued certificates and accredited centers for accounting and control;
  • creation of centralized information funds on the territory of the Russian Federation.

The All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Metrological Service (VNIIMS) controls all changes and is responsible for maintaining the register. Information is in open access. Anyone can get necessary information about the State Register of Measuring Instruments on the official website of VNIIMS by typing in search engine vniims.ru.

A convenient interface with a large number of tabs will make it easy to find the necessary parameters. To search for equipment in the State Register of Measuring Instruments on the official website fundmetrology.ru you need to fill out special form indicating required parameters, indicating the number, type, equipment manufacturer. The form is located at the top right of the screen.

Measurements approved by Rosstandart are tested in special State or accredited centers, and only after that they are entered into the State Register.

Classification of calculation tools

The main concepts in metrology are physical parameter and measurement. Physical parameters include characteristics of objects, such as: mass, volume, pressure, power, length and other analogues. Measurement is the process of calculating a physical parameter using various devices and comparing it with a reference sample. The means of measurement are the instruments used to determine the unit. physical quantity.

The SI is the instrument by which measurements are made. At the same time, it has some metrological parameters. Measuring instruments can be:

  • measure, that is, to describe any size or physical quantity;
  • device, means a means for calculating a value or parameter;
  • a converter, a tool used to transmit the generated signal in another format;
  • a system that includes several means to generate the required signal.

Measuring equipment is also classified by level of automation, and there are:

  • manual;
  • automatic;
  • partially automated.

Functional division into groups according to metrological indicators:

  • standards;
  • work tool.

Measuring instruments are also auxiliary and basic. All these types of classifications must take into account the features of SI.

Measurement Unity Foundation

According to Federal Law No. 102, the Federal information fund, which ensured the unity of calculations.

The information fund contains:

  • full regulatory framework RF with relevant documentation;
  • information base, including international treaties and related documentation;
  • information about certified measurement methods;
  • a generalized list of existing measurements on the scale of government supervision;
  • information about standards and reference materials;
  • set of SI verification results.

State Register measuring instruments - state document, confirming that the device and its manufacturer have passed the necessary verification procedures, on the basis of which the device is included in the list of measuring devices for which official technical standards and metrological verification rules have been established.

The State Register has the following sections:

    measuring instruments, the types of which are approved by Rostekhregulirovanie;

    certificates of type approval of measuring instruments;

    measuring instruments for military purposes, the types of which are approved by Rostekhregulirovanie;

    single copies of measuring instruments, the types of which are approved by Rostekhregulirovanie;

    state testing centers for measuring instruments accredited by Rostechregulirovanie;

The State Register of Measuring Instruments keeps records of measuring instruments of approved types. It creates databases about devices approved for production, release and circulation in Russia, registers accredited state centers for checking devices, keeps records of issued certificates of device type approval and certificates of accredited government centers testing of measuring instruments. From the register you can find out about standard programs ah tests of devices from which they are awarded one type or another. On the Internet it is located at free access. The state register also organizes information services for interested legal and individuals, including national metrological services of countries participating in cooperation on mutual recognition test results and type approval of measuring instruments.

State verification of measuring instruments - determining the error of the device (or determining that the error is within permissible limits) and determining its suitability for use.

In Russia, verification activities are regulated by Government Law Russian Federation dated June 26, 2008 N 102-FZ “On ensuring the uniformity of measurements” and many others by-laws. Responsibility for improper execution verification work and non-compliance with the requirements of the relevant regulatory documents is borne by the relevant body of the State Metrological Service or entity, whose metrological service performed verification work.

Positive results of verification of measuring instruments are certified by a verification mark or verification certificate.

It is imperative to distinguish between the concepts of calibration and verification.

Calibration of measuring instruments is a set of operations performed to determine the actual values ​​​​obtained by the device. During these operations, the device can be adjusted, and the correction factors(or constant values). In the future, these results can be used during verification.

Verification of measuring instruments - checking the device for compliance with metrological requirements. That is, whether the measurement error of the device falls within the approved tolerance. If the result is positive, then a Verification Certificate is issued. If not, then calibration or even repair is necessary.

The State Register of Measuring Instruments is special document, which is intended for registration of types of measuring instruments. Information about the State Register of Measuring Instruments is provided on the official website of the All-Russian Research Institute of Metrological Service. Going to the site is quite simple; for this you need to enter the following address in the address bar of your browser: www.vniims.ru. On the main page of the site you will see many different active tabs with which you can easily navigate around the site. On the main page of the official VNIIMS website there are the following tabs: press center, activities, the international cooperation, reference base, partners, services, contacts. All these tabs are located at the top home page site.

Home page

Each tab has a name that reflects its content, which is what makes it easier to find information on the VNIIMS website.
If you need to find out information about the State Register of Measuring Instruments (State Register of Measurements), then use the “Activities” tab. This tab contains many sections, among them: the mission of VNIIMS, scientific and methodological support for the functioning civil service standard reference data (GSSSD), certification of standards of units of quantities, annual report 2014, metrological support projects for industry, research and development in the field of legal metrology, fundamental and applied research and developments,
technical committee for standardization TC 53, state register of approved types of measuring instruments, international cooperation, professional training metrologists, voluntary system
certification of metrology experts (SDSEM) and others.

Activities of the State Register

By going to the section “State Register of Approved Types of Measuring Instruments”, you can learn about the purpose of the State Register of Measures.
The State Register of SI, in turn, consists of the following sections:
1. Measuring instruments, the types of which are approved by Rosstandart;
2. Certificate of approval of the type of measuring instruments;
3. Single copies of measuring instruments, the types of which are approved by Rosstandart;
4. State centers for testing measuring instruments, accredited by Rosstandart.
The main goals of maintaining the State Register of Measuring Instruments are as follows:
1. Accounting for measuring instruments of approved types and creating centralized funds of information data on measuring instruments approved for production, release into circulation and use in the Russian Federation;
2. Registration of accredited GCI SI;
3. Accounting for issued certificates of approval of the type of measuring instruments and certificates of accredited GCI measuring instruments;
4. Taking into account standard testing programs for measuring instruments for the purpose of type approval;
5. Organization of information services for interested legal entities and individuals, including national metrological services of countries participating in cooperation on mutual recognition of test results and type approval of measuring instruments.


For each type of measuring instrument registered in the State Register of Measuring Instruments there is the following information: SI name; registration number consisting of serial number state registration and the last two digits of the year of type approval; purpose of SI; manufacturer country; manufacturer and his details; name of the State Testing Center; certificate validity period; interverification interval; verification method.


Each type of measuring instrument is approved by Rosstandart on the basis of testing of measuring instruments, which are carried out by State Testing Centers for measuring instruments.
Maintaining the State Register of Measuring Instruments is entrusted to the All-Russian Research Institute of Metrological Service. Information on approved types of measuring instruments approved for use in the Russian Federation, included in the State Register of Measuring Instruments.
Information on approved types of measuring instruments approved for use in the Russian Federation can be found on the website: www.fundmetrology.ru.
This site provides the opportunity to search for the required type of measuring instruments. To do this, you must indicate the number in the State Register, type or name, manufacturer.

To date, the information presented on the site was last updated on 01/01/2017. Information about approved types of measuring instruments approved for use in the Russian Federation, provided on the website www.fundmetrology.ru, is available to anyone absolutely free of charge.

Metrology rules PR 50.2.011-94

The procedure for maintaining the state register of measuring instruments

These rules apply to the State Register of Measuring Instruments and establish the procedure for its maintenance.

completeness and correctness of their design.

2.7. Information on approved types of measuring instruments is entered into the State Register. It is allowed to maintain state registration for personal computer(PC). When keeping records on a PC, it must be possible to view them on the display screen, as well as the ability to correct them and print them on a printer.

2.8. Each type of measuring instrument is assigned a registration number, consisting of the serial number of state registration and the last two digits of the year of type approval.

2.9. The type name is indicated in the State Register in accordance with the decision of the Russian State Standard on approval of the type.

2.10. Based on the decision of the State Standard of Russia in registration record VNIIMS can make the following changes:

On changing the name of a previously approved type of measuring instruments in connection with the introduction of new regulatory documents;

On making additions to the registration record in the same form as before registration number with new ones last digits, indicating the year of approval of a new modification of the type of measuring instrument with the replacement of the description approved by the accredited state testing center that conducted the tests.

On introducing changes into the description of the approved type of measuring instruments that do not relate to their basic technical and metrological characteristics, without changing the registration number.

2.11. Exclusion from the State Register of approved types of measuring instruments is carried out on the basis of a decision of the State Standard of Russia.

2.11.1. Within 5 days after VNIIMS receives the decision of the State Standard of Russia on exclusion, the following data is entered into the State Register:

a note on the date of termination of production of measuring instruments or import from abroad;

an indication of the limitation of the scope of application of a previously approved type.

2.11.2. Registration number of types of measuring instruments excluded from the State Register again approved types not assigned.

2.11.3 Technical documentation for excluded types of measuring instruments is subject to storage in the archives of the State Register for 5 years, followed by a decision by VNIIMS on its liquidation.

3. Registration of the type approval certificate

3.1. A type approval certificate is issued for each measuring instrument based on the decision of the Russian State Standard on type approval.

3.2. The type approval certificate is assigned a registration number with the following entry:

XX.X.XX.XXX.X. N 10001, where

XX. - country-of-manufacturer SI code, identified by two in capital letters Latin alphabet according to international classifier"Countries of the world";

C - mass production or periodic import from abroad SI, E - single copy or a one-time batch of SI;

XX. - two numbers relating the measuring instrument to the type of measurement in accordance with the SI classifier: from 27 to 39;

XXX. - the last three digits of the registration number of the GCI SI that carried out the tests, according to the entry in the State Register, or 000, indicating that the tests were carried out on behalf of the Gosstandart of Russia by an organization not accredited as a GCI SI, or 999, indicating that the test results were recognized by the Gosstandart of Russia;

X. is a letter symbol meaning the following information:

A - measuring instruments for general use, B - measuring instruments used for the needs of the RF Ministry of Defense.

For example: RU.C.29.006.A N 10001

The record carries the following information: SI Russian production, mass-produced, used to measure flow (volume, level), tested by GCI SI VNIIR, for general industrial purposes, entry included in the journal under number 10001.

For example: US.E.29.016.B N 10011

The record contains the following information: SI manufactured in the USA, a single copy (one-time batch), used to measure flow (volume, level), tested by GCI Voentest SI, military purpose, the record is included in the journal under number 10011.

3.3. Extension of the validity period and cancellation of certificates of approval of the type of measuring instruments is carried out on the basis of a decision of the State Standard of Russia, about which a corresponding note is made in the State Register.

4. The procedure for registering accreditation certificates of state testing centers for measuring instruments

4.1. When registering accreditation certificates for state testing centers for measuring instruments, VNIIMS is responsible for:

state registration of accreditation certificates of state testing centers for measuring instruments, decisions of the State Standard of Russia on the recognition of accreditation certificates of state testing centers accredited by foreign countries;

creation of an automated data bank for accredited state testing centers for measuring instruments;

timely introduction of appropriate changes and additions to the State Register.

4.2. State registration and formation of the State Register file is carried out exclusively on the basis of materials drawn up in the manner established by the Metrology Rules "Procedure for testing and type approval of measuring instruments."

4.3. Registration is carried out within 7 days from the date of receipt of the set of materials for registration.

5. Procedure for registration of standard testing programs for measuring instruments

5.1. Registration of standard testing programs for measuring instruments is carried out in accordance with the requirements of MI-2146.

6. Information service according to state register data

6.1. Based on the information contained in the State Register, information services are provided to interested legal entities and individuals, including foreign countries, in in the prescribed manner based on an electronic log book.

6.2. Information from the State Register is published in periodicals Gosstandart of Russia and special information collections (indexes, reference books, catalogues).

RemonTeR said:

SETL AT-24D devices imported into the territory of the Russian Federation, after the expiration of the certificate, are nothing more than counterfeit

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There is some confusion of concepts here.
Counterfeit- It's a fake copy.
SETL AT-24D devices, judging by the manufacturer’s website, Tiangin SETL Survey Equipment Co, are produced:
http://www.setlsurvey.com/en/ProductSho ... icleID=202
If someone imports them, produced by SETL, and not by the family “knee” cooperative Fan (in compliance with the necessary customs procedures) into Russia, then this is in no way counterfeit.
Can they be used? Of course, as much as you like, but only until they fall into the sphere metrological control. There is no valid type approval certificate for these devices. "Legality" mentioned above RemonTeR, denotes precisely the legality of using a certain piece of iron as a means of measurement within the “Russian metrological space”. The layout of paths on your site by construction workers-guest workers, for example, is outside the Russian metrological space, which does not prevent, for example, foreman Shamil from approaching his acquaintance Igor privately at the service center and performing adjustments.

RemonTeR said:

if these devices were imported after 06/01/2010, such a device cannot pass verification

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If the device passes type approval tests and receives a type approval certificate, then it can.
A measuring device (measuring instrument, hereinafter referred to as SI) is a device designed to obtain information about the value of a certain physical quantity in a certain established range.
Measurement range is the range of values ​​of a quantity within which the SI errors are normalized (i.e., the deviation of the measurement result of a quantity from true meaning this value.
Type of measuring instrument - a set of measuring instruments of the same purpose, having the same design and principle of operation.

Another thing is who will do this? When the type approval certificate for devices with the SETL trademark was in force, they could be imported into the country with great success different ways(not about that now), and make a profit from the sales of metrologically covered devices. Not everyone liked it (now it’s not about who), so interested people used standard scheme. It's called the "umbrella brand". By registering trademark VEGA (umbrella brand), using the products of the original equipment manufacturer (OEM, original equipment manufacturer) SETL, they have received an SI type approval certificate for devices under their own brand. And protect copyright on your own TM much easier.

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