Unified State Register of Real Estate. Extract from the Unified State Register of the Russian Register

First, we need to figure out where we will receive the extract from. is an abbreviation for the Unified State Register of Rights to Real Estate and Transactions with It.

The Unified State Register has information about all real estate objects in the Russian Federation. It says who owns them, on what basis, for what period, and so on. Information is also stored about whether there are any encumbrances, arrests or other restrictions on the property.

The specified information will be present in the extract from the Unified State Register.

In what cases will it be needed?

A certificate from the Unified State Register will be needed when performing most legally significant actions with living space.

First, you will need information when making real estate transactions- , ... Buyers will probably ask you to take an extract to make sure that the property they are buying will not present any unpleasant surprises.

When receiving a loan from a bank, if you issue it as security against an apartment, you will need to confirm that you also have the right to dispose of it.

When real estate is purchased using maternity capital or a mortgage, the certificate of ownership contains an inscription indicating the presence of an encumbrance - a mortgage by force of law.

When the encumbrance is lifted, Rosreestr proposes to issue a new certificate that will not contain this inscription.

You may also need a certificate from the Unified State Register. when contacting government authorities for any services.

However, if representatives of the Pension Fund, the City or District Administration, as well as other government agencies and extra-budgetary funds demand that you order an extract, do not agree to this. These organizations are required to obtain the information they are interested in independently.

If employees continue to insist, feel free to refer to Part 1 of Article 7 of Federal Law No. 210“On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services.” After his mention, problems usually disappear, and civil servants instantly remember their responsibilities.

Who can obtain real estate data?

For provision of information from the Unified State Register Anyone can apply, and not necessarily the owner of the apartment. Although the owner will receive a more voluminous statement upon application.

If you are purchasing a home and you urgently need an extract from the Unified State Register, but the sellers do not want to receive it, you can deal with this issue yourself. The necessary data - the name of the owner, the date of entry into rights, the presence or absence of encumbrances - is even in a short version, accessible to anyone.

When applying for a registration for someone else’s apartment, you should know not only its full address, but also its cadastral number. Otherwise, there is a risk of receiving a document for the wrong living space.

If there are several owners, for example, a husband and wife, then any of them can receive an extract; the presence of the second and his signature on the documents are not needed.

Documents for obtaining information

When ordering an extract for someone else’s property, the list of documents is extremely simple:

  • applicant's passport;
  • information about the apartment you are interested in - address and cadastral number.

If you want to receive a certificate from the Unified State Register as the owner of the living space, then additional certificate will be required where your title to the property is registered.

In both cases, you will need to pay a state fee. The receipt received from a bank or ATM will need to be copied and given when completing the application.

Where to go for information?

You can request information from the Unified State Register at the office nearest to you. branch of Rosreestr, also called the Cadastral Chamber.

If your city already has MFC(multifunctional center for the provision of state and municipal services), then you can go there.

There is another option - not to go anywhere, but just turn on the computer and go online.

Order an extract online

The first site that in this case needs to be visited is the official portal of Rosreestr.

The search results will be websites of other companies presenting similar documents. In any case, these sites use the official Rosreestr database, so the procedure for submitting a request to the Unified State Register will most likely follow a similar pattern as described above.

But we must remember that services from private companies are more expensive, since remuneration for a legal entity is added to the state duty. More about prices a little later.

Timing and cost

When visiting Rosreestr, the specialist, having accepted the documents and filled out the application, will issue in exchange a receipt stating that he actually received the documents.

The same receipt usually indicates the date when you need to come for the documents.

The period does not exceed 10 working days. But you can pick them up later.

As for the validity period of the extract from the Unified State Register, even Rosreestr specialists do not answer this question, since it depends on the organization to which the extract is provided.

A notary, for example, will accept a document only on the day it is received. The bank will add another 4 working days to this period. Therefore, find out where you are taking the certificate.

The cost of obtaining a certificate from the Unified State Register is 200 rubles.

It is also provided under the same conditions. But to make a payment, you need to check your email after completing the request.

Enter the received payment code on the website and transfer the required amount of money. Payment methods in this case are different - bank card, QIWI wallet, and so on.

When ordering through a company the cost is usually higher and the term is shorter. But it is impossible to tell specific conditions, they are different for everyone.

Video: How to order an extract from the Unified State Register using various Internet services?

The video instructions tell you what simple Internet services exist to obtain an extract from the Unified State Register online.

Detailed instructions are given on what sequential steps need to be taken to complete an application for an extract from the Unified State Register via the official website of Rosreestr.

Previously, registration of real estate was carried out in local governments and territorial departments of the BTI. However, on January 31, 1998, the Federal Law of July 21, 1997 No. 122-FZ “On state registration of rights to real estate and transactions with it” was put into effect.

Since then, the repository of information relating to registered real estate in the Russian Federation has been the Unified State Register of Rights to Real Estate and Transactions with It, and its official source is the Unified State Register of Real Estate extracts.

A little about the content

The right to property appears only from the moment of state registration of the object. After the introduction of Federal Law No. 122-FZ of July 21, 1997 “On state registration of rights to real estate and transactions with it,” such registration is carried out in the departments of the Office of the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography for the City of Moscow (FRS).

Extracts from the Unified State Register are also issued there, where you can find the following information:

  • name of the body carrying out state registration;
  • date of certification of the extract;
  • outgoing number;
  • cadastral (or conditional) number;
  • appointment;
  • square;
  • address (location);
  • information about the copyright holder;
  • type of registered right;
  • registered restrictions on rights;
  • Full name of the person applying for the extract.

In other words: data about the object, which can always confirm the legality of the rights of its owner and is necessary for further transactions and operations.

Can they refuse you?

However, there are pitfalls everywhere, and there are cases when, instead of the desired extract, the customer receives a refusal. This happens if the Unified State Register simply does not contain the necessary information. The reason for the refusal most often lies in the following: the register has information about real estate registered after January 31, 1998. Therefore, if no transactions were made with the object after this date, then there is no data about it in the Unified State Register.

Also, when ordering an extract, you need to know exactly the address of the property and its cadastral number assigned during registration. Without this, it is impossible to obtain an extract from the Unified State Register.

What is the validity period of an extract from the Unified State Register?

For documents, the expiration date is determined by how long the information provided in them remains relevant. For an extract from the Unified State Register, ideally, this is the day it is issued. But it is extremely difficult to receive it and immediately complete a transaction for which this extract is needed. The law does not stipulate exact deadlines, therefore, usually, an extract is considered valid if no more than a month has passed since its receipt.

What is the Unified State Register?

The Unified State Register of Rights to Real Estate and Transactions with It, also known as the Unified State Register of Real Estate, is a state reference resource that accumulates various types of information about real estate. It was created to control the circulation of real estate rights. Now obtaining an extract from the Unified State Register- perhaps the only legal and fairly reliable way to check real estate, both residential and non-residential.

The Unified Register of Rights appeared in Russia at the end of January 1998. Its administration is based on Federal Law No. 122-F3. Documentation is stored in it on paper or electronic media. State purchase and sale of all real estate are the same records in the Unified State Register. This is done by Rosreestr employees in the corresponding territorial division. The registration procedure takes place from 3 to 30 days.

Why do you need a Unified State Register?

This resource will allow you to find out the following information about real estate objects and land plots:

  • terminated and existing rights;
  • Full name of copyright holders;
  • specific information about objects (area, address, etc.)
  • the presence of arrests, encumbrances (mortgage, rent, long-term lease).

An extract from it is required:

  • at each stage of registration of property rights;
  • in case of a controversial issue between the administration and construction participants;
  • when carrying out legal proceedings at any stage of the process and when asserting rights to property.

It should also be included in the documentary package for land or any real estate. In particular, it may be required by the bank when purchasing a home under a mortgage program. It is necessary for the underwriting procedure (risk assessment) of the object. In case of inheritance, when the inherited property includes real estate, the notary will require this document.

An extract from the Unified State Register is obtained from Rosreestr. It is necessary for any real estate transaction. In other words, this paper will allow any Russian citizen to insure himself when making transactions, having received information on objects located throughout the country.

How to obtain a Unified State Register

All information from the Unified State Register is publicly available. They are not state secrets; they are provided to any person interested in such material. The extract is provided for a fixed fee established by law. The amount of the fee varies and depends on who will be the applicant when receiving it: individuals, legal entities, authorities, etc.

You can receive an urgent extract from the Unified State Register for an apartment or land plot yourself on the official website https://rosreestr.net. To do this, you need to know the cadastral number or address of the property.

Extracts from the Unified State Register via the online service rosreestr.net are prepared in an accelerated manner, so the extract will be ready in 1-2 hours after payment, all extracts are signed with the electronic digital seal of Rosreestr and have the same legal force as a paper extract. The cost of expedited checkout is 350 rubles. The extract will indicate all owners and their full names, the presence of liens or encumbrances, coordinates and all basic information about the property.

You can also receive an extract in paper form through the MFC, but in this case the time frame will reach 5 working days, since the extract will be sent to the department. The cost varies by region, but on average is 700 rubles.

Information can be obtained free of charge, but only if it is requested by a certain executive authority, for example a municipality, or a citizen who is a participant in any federal target program.

Information from the Unified State Register, by law, must be provided for 5 working days from the moment the request is submitted. This can be done in writing or electronically. This request is written in any form, and the original receipt of payment of the duty must be attached to it. In case of an erroneous request, the applicant has the right to correct all shortcomings and resend it. In this case, the response from Rosreestr should arrive within 7 working days from the moment the amended request is accepted.

If the provision of the requested information is contrary to the law or the Unified State Register simply does not contain the necessary information, the authority will issue a refusal to issue an extract. By the way, it is impossible to find information about the rights to objects for which transactions were completed earlier than January 31, 1998. The fact is that until that moment it simply did not exist.

In any case, the refusal must only be motivated, that is, justified. If you believe you were denied wrongfully, you can, in good conscience, appeal the refusal in court.

There are several ways to obtain an extract. The first one is the cheapest and simplest. You just need to come to the Rosreestr branch, fill out an application, pay a fee, and 5 days later pick up the document.

If you request it as an individual, you will also need a document proving your identity. A legal entity will have to prepare more papers, namely, a charter, registration certificates, a memorandum of association, a power of attorney, if requested by a representative.

The second method is faster and more expensive. You can contact special companies that will do everything for you for a fee at a certain rate. It's possible now obtaining a Unified State Register, for example, on the website Gosuslugi.ru . The price of this service varies, it all depends on the urgency of receiving the document. If desired, it can be delivered to you by courier for an additional fee. Real estate agencies, private law firms, realtors, etc. usually act as intermediaries in this matter.

Important points

The received statement does not have an expiration date, although this is only in theory. In life, some organizations set their own requirements for a document. That is why, before requesting it, check with the organization about the criteria for its “freshness”. Of course, the more recent it is, the more relevant the information contained in it is. The best option is an extract made literally “just now”. That is, the owner of the apartment received it and immediately showed it to the buyer for review. A document is considered valid only when it is certified by the signature of an official and the official seal.

Some of the information from the fund of cartography, geodesy and cadastre is considered open, so access to it is open to any citizen, be it an individual or a legal entity. The necessary documentary evidence is issued to the citizen after he submits the corresponding official request to the territorial authorities. Rosreestr allows you to obtain an extract from the Unified State Register online for free on the official website.

Extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate

Since January 2017, a law has come into force according to which the Unified State Register of Real Estate or the State Property Committee merge and organize the Unified State Register of Real Estate. Previously, it was possible to order only an extract or only a cadastral passport. Now the applicant receives two documents combined into one.

Absolutely any citizen can order an extract from the Unified State Register online. The document allows you to find out the details of the property owner (last name, first name, patronymic), as well as other information:

  • when the registration of property rights took place;
  • number of property owners.

In addition, the official document indicates whether there is a seizure imposed on the real estate object, as well as whether the residential or non-residential building or premises is in bank collateral. In addition to the current arrest, the transcript also lists the number of past arrests, if any. Information on arbitration cases related to the property will also be included.

Obtaining an extract from the Unified State Register online

There are several ways to order the required certificate. In addition to receiving the document in the general manner, it is possible to submit an urgent request.

In this case, Rosreestr does not provide an online Unified State Register extract for free if you need it in paper form. In general, you can obtain a certificate in four ways:

  • at the territorial branch of Rosreestr;
  • in the Multifunctional Center;
  • via mail;
  • via online application.
Methods for obtaining an extract

If a citizen does not need to submit this extract to official authorities, but only needs to make sure that the information is correct, then he can limit himself to an electronic document. This option is suitable if you need to present a certificate to the buyer of the apartment or the landlord. Realtors also order an electronic statement in order to check the “cleanliness” of the property.

How to get a statement online?

The most convenient way to obtain an extract from the Unified State Register online is to send a request through the official website of Rosreestr. You can also order a certificate on the government services website.

In cases where it is necessary to submit a paper version of the statement, the online version will not be suitable. To do this, the owner or other citizen will need to formalize the request. And you can do this through:

  • intermediary organizations;
  • by mail;
  • local branch of Rosreestr.

The address of the Rosreestr branch can be found on the website in the Territorial Network section.

In this case, Rosreestr does not allow you to obtain information from the Unified State Register online and for free. This action takes place only through the official website. It is also necessary to pay attention to the fact that there are two types of statements:

  • general;
  • extended.

The first can be ordered by any citizen, even those who are not the owner. An extended version of the document with complete information can be obtained for a certain fee established by the state or organization with the right to provide such information, only the owner of the property or land plot, as well as his representative.

The extended version provides more specific information, including complete details of the property owner. An extended statement is not provided free of charge, but the law provides for some cases that allow you to receive a document without payment. To obtain a regular certificate, you do not need to present any special documents. It is issued online or in person to the person who ordered the service.

Urgent receipt of an extract

Despite the urgent procedure, receiving an extract from the Rosreestr branch may take too long. It is best to request the document from intermediary companies or online through the official website. The only thing that the online service will not provide is wet printing, since only an electronic document is issued. Even if you print it out, you cannot talk about its legality. It is recommended to obtain a certificate if the document is urgently needed in the near future or for personal use.

Rosreestr allows any citizen who applies for the service to obtain the USRE for free online. To do this, you will need to go to the appropriate section, select the required service and fill out the form provided on the site.

What is USRE and USRN?

Unified State Register of Rights to Real Estate and Transactions with It (USRP) is an information resource (database) maintained by the authorized state. body (Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography (Rosreestr), which was previously called the Federal Registration Service, and even earlier - the SBR) and contains data on registered rights to real estate objects, as well as data on real estate objects, information about copyright holders, presence of encumbrances, arrests, etc.

The register is maintained on the basis of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of July 21, 1997 No. 122-FZ “On state registration of rights to real estate and transactions with it.”

Information from the Unified State Register is open and publicly available, does not belong to state secrets and can be provided to any person for a fee and to the extent established by this law.

State registration is not a mandatory procedure and is of a declarative nature. However, in a number of cases, the legislation establishes the dependence of the moment of emergence of the right to a real estate object from the moment of state registration of the right to it (for example, transfer of ownership upon purchase, registration of ownership of a newly created object).

From 01/01/2017, due to changes in legislation, the term “USRE” was replaced by “USRN”, which actually means the same thing.

Unified State Register of Real Estate (USRN)- this is a set of reliable, systematized information about real estate registered in accordance with this Federal Law, about registered rights to such real estate, the grounds for their occurrence, rights holders, as well as other information established in accordance with this Federal Law(Article 1 of the Federal Law of July 13, 2015 No. 218-FZ “On State Registration of Real Estate”).

Extract from the Unified State Register (EGRN)

Extract from the Unified State Register (EGRN)- this is an official document certified by the signature of the responsible person and sealed by Rosreestr. The extract from the Unified State Register must indicate the date the information was provided.

In essence, the extract represents the history of the property (premises, building, structure, apartment), because The registration authority maintains a register of real estate, and any real estate transaction (purchase and sale, donation, mortgage, etc.) is subject to registration in this register.

According to the requirements of the law “On State Registration of Rights to Real Estate and Transactions with It,” an extract from the Register must contain the following information:

    address of the property and its characteristics;

    information about the copyright holder;

    type of law;

    data on the presence or absence of encumbrances and restrictions;

    data on the presence or absence of legal claims.

Thus, from an extract from the register of rights, we can see who is the owner of real estate, find out the area, purpose of the object, information about the presence of encumbrances and restrictions, about judicial arrests and legal claims.

There is also extended extract from the Unified State Register . The only difference between it and the regular (abbreviated) one is that the extended statement indicates the passport details of the owner - an individual and all the details of the owner - a legal entity. But such an extract can only be received by the copyright holder himself or his legal representative by proxy.

By Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated May 10, 2016 N 291 “On establishing the fees for providing information contained in the Unified State Register of Real Estate”, the fees for providing information from the Unified State Register of Real Estate from January 1, 2017 are:

    for individuals, government bodies, and other government bodies will be 750 rubles in the form of a paper document, and 300 rubles in the form of an electronic document;

    for legal entities in the form of a paper document - 2200, and in the form of an electronic document - 600 rubles.

Why do you need an extract from the Unified State Register of Rights to Real Estate and Transactions with It?

An extract may be needed when completing transactions for the sale or purchase of real estate, during the process of sale or organization, etc.

A request to Rosreestr to obtain Unified State Register information can be submitted in the following ways:

    upon a personal visit (you must submit a written application and present an ID card, in the case of an individual);

    by mail (a written application is sent by mail, with the signature of the requesting person in the application and attached copies of documents notarized);

    by email (the request is made in the form of an electronic document certified by the digital signature of the requesting person).

By law, an extract from the Register must be provided within 5 working days, in fact (in St. Petersburg) - on the 12th - 14th calendar day.

From 07/15/2016 state registration of the emergence and transfer of rights to real estate is certified only by an extract from the Unified State Register (Federal Law dated July 3, 2016 No. 360-FZ), therefore, to confirm the registration of rights to real estate, an extract from the Unified State Register of Rights to Real Estate and Transactions with It should be accepted equally with certificate of state registration (clause 7 of Article 21 of Federal Law N 360-FZ).

Thus, from July 15, 2016, as a result of performing a notarial act to submit documents for state registration of rights to real estate and transactions with it, the notary will issue in electronic form (or in the form of paper documents) an extract from the Unified State Register of Rights to Real Estate property and transactions with it is the only document certifying the state registration of rights to real estate.

In its information message dated July 15, 2016, Rosreestr explained that on July 15, 2016, the norm amending the Federal Law of July 21, 1997 No. 122-FZ “On state registration of rights to real estate and transactions with it” comes into force, on the basis of which the state registration of the emergence and transfer of rights to real estate will be certified only by an extract from the Unified State Register of Rights to Real Estate and Transactions with It (USRP), and therefore the issuance of certificates of state registration of rights, including repeated ones, will cease. The form of an extract from the Unified State Register certifying the state registration of rights was approved by order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia.

When issuing documents on registration of property rights, an extract from the Unified State Register is issued in a package of documents without paying state fees. fees for this extract, because the cost of the extract is already included in the state fee for processing the transaction.

Such an extract from the Unified State Register can be issued either in paper or electronic form. Extract from the Unified State Register certifying the state registration of rights is a document confirming the fact of such state registration and the presence in the Unified State Register of the information specified in it, including about the copyright holder, the property registered on the corresponding day under the corresponding right number, title documents - the grounds for registration rights, on the date indicated therein as the date of issue. Moreover, according to the law, only a record of state registration of a right in the Unified State Register is the only evidence of the existence of a registered right.

Documents for extract from the Unified State Register

To receive an extract you will need:

    an application indicating all the necessary details;

    receipt of payment of the state fee for obtaining an extract.

The application must accurately indicate the address of the property as it is indicated in the title documents, as well as (very preferably) its cadastral number. Otherwise, you risk receiving a notification of the absence of information about the property in Rosreestr.

Upon receipt of the application, Rosreestr will issue a receipt. The receipt must contain a list of the documents that you submitted to obtain an extract from the Unified State Register and the approximate date of receipt of the finished extract. Depending on the area where the extract is issued, the terms for receipt may vary, but in any case, you will only be able to receive a completed extract from the Register if you have a receipt, so you cannot lose it.

How to obtain an extract from the Unified State Register (EGRN) in electronic form online

An extract from the Unified State Register in electronic form is becoming increasingly popular, given that from July 15, 2016, the state registration of the emergence and transfer of rights to real estate will be certified only by an extract from the Unified State Register (Federal Law dated July 3, 2016 No. 360-FZ).

  • brief description of the living space;

    information about the copyright holder (owner);

    information about the absence/presence of certain legal claims;

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