Ecological passport of JSC. Characteristics of emissions into the atmosphere

The methodological basis for carrying out environmental certification is GOST " Ecological passport nature user" - is a document containing information on the level of use of resources (natural, secondary, etc.) by the nature user and the degree of impact of its production on the environment. natural environment. Information on permits for the right to use natural resources, impact standards and amounts of payments for environmental pollution and the use of natural resources.

The standard establishes the main provisions for the construction, presentation, execution and completion of standard forms of the environmental passport of the nature user and is recommended for development and maintenance by legal entities, regardless of the form of ownership, carrying out economic or other types of activities and affecting the environment on the territory of the Russian Federation.

The head of the organization is responsible for filling out the environmental passport, and the territorial body of the Ministry of Natural Resources controls the correctness of its filling and maintenance. These passports can be used to develop draft MPEs, MPDs, waste disposal limits, as well as to fill out forms statistical reporting.

This normative and technical document is focused by developers on solving four main tasks:

Evaluation of the environmental friendliness of production in terms of the rational use of natural resources, namely the consumption of raw materials, energy and natural resources, and the emission of pollutants per unit of production;

Estimates of the negative impact of the enterprise on the environment in terms of determining the gross amount of emissions, discharges and solid waste for the accounting period of time and volume of production;

Availability and efficiency of treatment facilities and control over the implementation of measures to reduce the negative impact on environment;

Managing the relationship "enterprise - the natural environment" by collecting pollution charges from the enterprise,

General provisions.

1.Ecological passport industrial enterprise(hereinafter - enterprises) - a regulatory and technical document that includes data on the use of resources by an enterprise (natural, secondary, etc.) and the determination of the impact of its production on the environment.

2. The environmental passport of an enterprise is a set of data expressed through a system of indicators reflecting the level of use of natural resources by an enterprise and the degree of its impact on the environment.

3. In accordance with the current legislation, the enterprise in its activities on the use of natural resources and the impact on the environment, planning and conducting environmental protection measures controlled by the local administration and bodies of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation.

4. The environmental passport is developed by the enterprise at its own expense and approved by the head of the enterprise in agreement with local authorities and the territorial body of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation, where it is registered.

5. The basis for the development of an environmental passport is the main production indicators, projects for calculating MPE, norms for MPD, environmental permits, passports for gas and water treatment facilities and installations for the disposal and use of waste, forms of state statistical reporting and other regulatory and regulatory and technical documents.

6 The environmental passport does not replace or cancel the existing forms and types of state reporting.

7. For existing and planned enterprises, an environmental passport is drawn up as of the moment of registration and supplemented (adjusted) when the production technology changes, equipment is replaced, etc. within a month from the date of the changes, they are stored at the enterprise and in the territorial body of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation.

8. Completion of all forms of the ecological passport is obligatory. It is allowed to include Additional information filling out the passport in accordance with the requirements of the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation or in agreement with them.

9. The stamp of the ecological passport is determined by the management of the enterprise in the prescribed manner.

The environmental passport of the enterprise reflects its economic, technological characteristics, issues of the use of natural resources and the impact on the environment.

A brief natural and climatic characteristic of the area where the enterprise is located includes:

Characteristics of climatic conditions;

Characteristics of the state of the air basin, including background concentrations in the atmosphere;

Characteristics of water intake sources and receivers Wastewater, background chemical composition of waters of water bodies.

Natural - climatic characteristic compiled on the basis of data from State cadastres and yearbooks of atmospheric air quality and surface water land, as well as basic information about the corresponding biogeochemical province.

Brief production characteristics , information about products is illustrated by a balance diagram of material flows, which allows you to evaluate potential sources of losses, incomplete use of raw materials and environmental pollution.

In the description of the nature of the use of land resources, along with the lands allocated for buildings and structures, they certainly include land allotment for waste storage, wastewater storage, as well as the size of the sanitary protection zone and green areas.

Characteristics of raw materials , used material and energy resources includes information on the chemical composition of raw materials and energy resources and their consumption - annual and per unit of output, which makes it possible to assess the energy and material intensity of production.

Characteristics of emissions into the atmosphere reflects the composition, qualitative and quantitative content of air pollutants contained in the enterprise's emissions.

Separately, in the form of a certificate indicating the time, volume and composition, data on burst emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere are given.

This section is a database for calculating the amount of damage from air pollution and payments for standard, excess and burst emissions. In addition, the information in this section is taken into account when developing local programs for operational monitoring of atmospheric air.

Water consumption characteristic , water disposal, the state of water treatment facilities reflects the volumes, specific standards, composition, qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the content of pollutants in the wastewater of the enterprise. Separately, in the form of a certificate indicating the time, volume and composition, data are given on salvo and emergency discharges (plums) of pollutants, including into the soil, water bodies, sewer networks, treatment facilities, sedimentation tanks, individual containers, etc.

Based on the data in this section, the magnitude of damage from pollution of the hydrosphere and payments for wastewater discharges are calculated.

Waste characteristics , a list of landfills and storage tanks intended for burial (storage) is given taking into account data on technological process in which waste is generated, their physical and chemical parameters, hazard class, neutralization and use at the enterprise.

Separately, in the form of a certificate indicating the time, volume, composition and place, data are given on unscheduled and emergency cases of discharge into the soil, into water bodies, removal, burial (storage) of pollutants.

Ecological passport of the enterprise, 2004 Similar works on the topic "Ecological passport of the enterprise":
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Year: 2004


The environmental passport of an industrial enterprise is a regulatory and technical document that includes data on the use of natural and secondary resources by an enterprise and the determination of the impact of production on the environment. The environmental passport reflects data on the environmental impact of all elements of the enterprise:

* information about the technologies used by the enterprise;

* quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the resources used: raw materials, fuel, energy;

* quantitative characteristics of products;

* quantitative and qualitative characteristics of emissions (discharges, wastes) of pollutants from the enterprise.

The mutual location of this enterprise with bordering objects is indicated, a map is given with sources of atmospheric and surface water pollution plotted on it, places of water intake (water intakes), waste storage; the boundaries of the sanitary protection zone, residential areas, forests, agricultural land, highways, recreation areas, recreation areas, monitoring posts for air pollution and wastewater discharge into water bodies are indicated, stationary posts environmental authorities Russia; a brief natural and climatic characteristic of the area where the enterprise is located is given: meteorological characteristics and coefficients that determine the conditions for the dispersion of pollutants in the atmosphere.

The passport contains the characteristics of water supply sources and wastewater receivers, the location of the water body, the minimum average monthly water flow in the river, water quality indicators above and below the release or intake of water.

Information on the use of land resources includes a description of the use of land for buildings and structures, warehouses, roads, solid waste storage and landfills, wastewater storage, sanitary protection zones.

The environmental passport provides data on the composition and consumption of raw materials, auxiliary materials and energy resources by type of product. Data on material consumption should be linked to the balance sheet of material flows.

The data of the environmental passport is linked to other types of reporting, in particular, it provides information on statistical reporting on all pollutants: their name, quantity, whether they are sent for treatment or released into the environment, the volume of captured and neutralized substances, the amount of pollutants returned into production or used to obtain commercial product, the value of the permitted release or discharge and its comparison with the quantities of pollutants emitted.

The environmental passport reflects the characteristics of waste generated at the enterprise: their quantity, composition, properties, places of their storage, methods of disposal and neutralization.

Each company has its own transport, the environmental passport reflects its impact on the environment.

The final part should contain the calculation of fees for emissions, discharges, disposal of waste pollutants separately within established limits allowable emissions and exceed them.

In 1990, when the standard was approved, enterprises were actively involved in the preparation of an environmental passport. This work turned out to be useful already in the sense that, as a result, an inventory of all environmental activities of the enterprise was carried out. In the course of work on the preparation of an environmental passport, employees of nature protection services improved their skills. Authorities and the Committee for Nature Protection received a lot of information about the sources of pollution.

The basis for the development of an environmental passport is the main production indicators, projects for calculating MPE, norms for MPD, environmental permits, passports for gas and water treatment facilities and waste disposal and use facilities, forms of state statistical reporting and other regulatory and regulatory and technical documents.

The environmental passport of the enterprise consists of sections arranged in the following sequence:

1) title page;

2) general information about the enterprise and its details;

3) brief natural and climatic characteristics of the area where the enterprise is located;

4) short description production technologies and information about products, balance sheet of material flows;

5) information on the use of land resources;

6) characteristics of raw materials, used material and energy resources;

7) characteristics of emissions into the atmosphere;

8) characteristics of water consumption and water disposal;

9) characteristics of the waste;

10) information on the reclamation of disturbed lands;

11) information about the transport of the enterprise;

12) information about the environmental and economic activities of the enterprise.

Environmental passport of the enterprise on the example of Graviy LLC

1. Characteristics of the physical-geographical and climatic conditions of the area

The site for the placement of sorting production on the basis of the deposit of sand and gravel raw materials is located in the village of Ukhtomskoye Lyubertsy district, Moscow region

The site for the construction of the facility is located within the quarry N in its mined-out part. natural relief changed as a result of quarrying.

From the north, the quarry space where the site is located is limited by the gas pipeline security strip, from the east and southeast, the natural boundary of the quarry and the deposit is a sharp decrease in the terrain to the valley of a nameless stream and wedging out strata of sand and gravel minerals and sand. In its southern and southwestern parts, the deposit adjoins the villages of Malakhovka and Kosino, which are the nearest settlements located at a distance of up to 750 m from the boundaries of the quarry area.

The relief of the surrounding area is calm, with smooth outlines, mainly represented by slightly elongated hills with shallow watersheds (hollows) between them.

The climate of the region is temperate continental.

The average annual air temperature is +5.2 0 C. The average temperature of the coldest month - January -7.5 0 C, the warmest - July +18 0 C. The average annual amount of precipitation is 730 mm.

The prevailing wind direction in winter is north and northwest, in summer - west and southwest.

2. Characteristics of the state of the air basin

The existing levels of atmospheric air pollution (background concentrations) are by ingredients in mg/m 3:

Dust (suspended matter) - 0.20

Sulfur dioxide - 0.008

Carbon monoxide - 0.9

Nitrogen dioxide - 0.020

3. Characteristics of water intake sources and wastewater receivers

There are no water intake facilities in production. As a source of water supply for domestic and drinking purposes, the existing networks of the DPS "B" are used. There is no industrial source of water supply.

As a result of production, waste water is not generated, therefore, waste water receivers are not provided at the production site.

For on-site wastewater treatment, a cesspool is arranged at the sorting sand and gravel production site according to TN 284-9-26 “Lavatory for 2 points with a waterproof cesspool” with a volume of 3.25 m 3. Export with a volume of 8m 3 is carried out to a place agreed with the sanitary inspection.

There are no facilities for off-site sewage treatment and storm water treatment.

4. Brief description of production

This project provides for the construction of a sorting plant in order to enrich raw materials and obtain commercial gravel and sand as a by-product.

The technological process of sorting the sand and gravel mixture includes the following technological steps:

Screening (dry);


Storage finished products.

The initial product for sorting is a sand-gravel mixture (SGM) of a fraction of 0-300 mm.

The sand and gravel mixture from the mining site is delivered by KrAZ-256B dump trucks to the sorting plant and unloaded into the receiving hopper. From the receiving hopper, the AGM is fed by a feeder and a belt conveyor to the screening unit. The screening unit consists of two pairs of screens installed in series.

On the first pair of screens, primary screening takes place, the material is divided into sand of a fraction of 0-5 mm and an enriched mixture. Sand from the under-screen hoppers is fed to a reversible belt conveyor, which delivers sand either to vehicles or to a belt conveyor that transports it to an open warehouse.

The enriched mixture enters the second pair of screens, where secondary screening takes place. The enriched mixture is separated into three products. Sand with a fraction of 0-5 mm from under the screens is fed by a belt conveyor to an open warehouse. Gravel fraction 5-20 mm from the lower sieves is poured onto a belt conveyor and then goes to an open warehouse. The overscreen material from the upper sieve, enriched mixture of fraction 20-300 mm, is poured through chutes to the retaining wall. Warehouses for finished products are provided with a margin of 2.5 days.

Shipment of finished products (sand, gravel and enriched mixture fraction 20-300 mm) is carried out by road.

The resulting sand and gravel are released by the consumer, and stone products with a fraction of more than 20 mm are exported for crushing and further processing at the DSP.

5. Resources used by the enterprise

Mineral - sand and gravel mixture at the site of mining in 2001 lies in the form of a layer with a thickness of 7.7 to 16.8 m. Average thickness - 12.2 m. The volume of minerals in a dense body - 405.0 thousand m 3 . In the loosened state - 469.8 thousand m 3. The volume of processing of sand and gravel mixture per year is 209554-349955 m 3 /year.

According to the difficulty of excavation, the mineral belongs to group II. Mining in 2001 will be carried out by two ledges using the E-2503 excavator. By excavator, the mineral is loaded into KrAZ-256B dump trucks with a carrying capacity of 12 tons. The distance of transportation of minerals from the mining face to the crushing and screening plant is 4.2 km, and to the screening plant is 0.7 km.

6. Use of land resources

The overburden rocks at the “N” field are represented by soil and vegetation soil, fine-grained clay sands and loess-like sandy loams with inclusions of gravel and boulders. The thickness of overburden varies from 0.7 to 4.3 m and is (in the mining area of ​​2001) an average of 1.7 m. The volume of overburden works is determined on the basis of provision of ready-to-excavate stocks for open-pit operations in 2001 and provision of at least three months of stocks ready for excavation at the beginning of the 2002 season. The total volume of overburden to be developed will be 122,760 m 3 .

There are no guarded natural areas such as nature reserves, wildlife sanctuaries, National parks, habitats of rare plant species, habitats of rare animal species. Forest and agricultural land is not withdrawn for the construction of this installation.

7. Characteristics of emissions into the atmosphere

Emission sources harmful substances to the atmosphere are:

Units for transferring dusty materials (inorganic dust);

Storage of finished products in open warehouses (inorganic dust);

Loading finished products into vehicles (inorganic dust);

Vehicle traffic within the quarry (inorganic dust);

Emissions from excavation and loading operations (inorganic dust);

Emissions of toxic gases from the operation of mining machines (carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, aldehydes, hydrocarbons, soot, benzo(a)pyrene, lead);

Emissions at welding work(welding aerosol, manganese dioxide).

Combustion products formed during the combustion of diesel fuel and gasoline and subject to release into the atmosphere contain harmful substances (carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, aldehydes, hydrocarbons, soot, benzo (a) pyrene, lead).

The emission of combustion products into the atmosphere is carried out through the exhaust pipe.

The movement of transport on the territory of the quarry (delivery of raw materials of the CGM, export of finished products: sand, gravel, enriched mixture).

Excavation and loading operations, stacking of finished products, pouring of dusty materials create unorganized sources.

There are no emergency and salvo emissions.

Data on the characteristics of pollutants are presented in Table 1.

Table 1

Characterization of contaminants




MPC, mg/m 3







mg/m 3

emitted harmful substances, t/year

into the atmosphere, t/year

Dust inorganic SiO 2 >70%


Carbon monoxide

nitrogen dioxide

iron oxide

welding spray


Manganese and its compounds


Lead and its inorganic compounds




Sulfur dioxide


8. Transport

The sorting sand and gravel plant under consideration is serviced by the following mechanisms: bulldozer DET-250, serves loading mechanisms and maintains access roads; electric excavator E-2503, carries out the shipment of commercial sand to the consumer's vehicles; loader L-34, which loads the gravel to consumers and ships the enriched mass for further processing at the DSP. Technological vehicles are represented by 10 KrAZ-256 and Tatra-815 dump trucks, of which two KrAZ-256B dump trucks deliver raw materials to the plant being designed, and four KrAZ-256 and four Tatra-815 dump trucks to the crushing and screening plant. The data was obtained from a certificate issued by the leading engineer of the UE dated February 7, 2001, attached to the considered documentation of the screening plant project at the field.

The presented transport is used in the following way in production: the DET-250 bulldozer cleans the roof of the mineral from overburden operations, followed by loading it into dump trucks with an excavator and taking it to internal dumps. The rocks of the main overburden (argillaceous sands and sandy loams) are excavated by a bulldozer partially into piles with subsequent loading by an E-2503 excavator into KrAZ-256B dump trucks and removal to internal dumps. The distance of transportation of overburden to the internal dump is 0.5 km.

Storage of overburden soils is carried out in a temporary dump on a specially designated site in a worked-out quarry.

The layout of dump rocks and their movement is carried out by a bulldozer based on a T-170 tractor.

Mining is carried out by two ledges using an E-2503 excavator. By excavator, the mineral is loaded into KrAZ-256B dump trucks with a carrying capacity of 12 tons. The distance of transportation of minerals from the mining face to the crushing and screening plant is 4.2 km, and to the screening plant is 0.7 km.

To perform auxiliary work at the mining excavator (planning and cleaning up work sites and other works), the DET-250 bulldozer available at the quarry is used.

In accordance with the technological scheme of mining operations, the transportation of minerals from the face to the screening plant and crushing and screening plant is carried out by dump trucks of the KrAZ-256B type with a carrying capacity of 12 tons.

9. Technology level

The presented technology of processing raw materials on a sorting sand and gravel plant is waste-free, and this determines its progressiveness. But, the characteristics of the perfection of the technologies used and the rational use of natural resources are the specific indicators of both the consumption of raw materials, fuel and energy, and emissions (discharges) of pollutants into the environment per unit of production. Since various harmful substances (dust, aldehydes, soot, etc.) are released into the atmosphere during production, as well as the noise level produced by working devices exceeds the permissible level (85 dB versus 80 dB), the presented technology is not perfect. And additional investment is required financial resources and engineering and technological solutions to eliminate the negative impact on the environment.

10. Air purification methods

The traditional methods of gas purification from pollutants are: electrostatic, chemical, biological, sorption, catalytic.

Chemical, sorption, biological methods should always include the stage of utilization of the reaction products and the reimbursement of spent reagents. For the implementation of plasma catalytic reactions of decomposition of harmful substances, only the supply of electricity is required.

Electrostatic methods are mainly used to clean gas emissions from suspended particles (dust, aerosols). The use of these methods to clean emissions from gaseous pollutants requires expensive high-frequency power units and the supply of additional reagent gases to the reaction zone, while the cleaning efficiency is no more than 80%. PLAZKAT installations operate mainly on industrial frequency supply voltage and the degree of purification in them reaches 99.9%

Catalytic purification methods require expensive catalysts, high temperatures in the catalysis zone, small volumes of gases passing through the reaction zone for efficient purification. PLAZKAT plants operate on cheap catalysts, in a wide range of temperatures and with any volumes of gases to be purified.

Along with the existing methods of cleaning air (gases) from pollutants - electrostatic, biological, sorption, catalytic, chemical, in recent years, plasma-catalytic technologies (PCT) for cleaning water (gases) have become widespread.

Plasma catalytic technology, originally developed for air cleaning on spacecraft, is the most efficient and cost-effective modern gas cleaning technology. This technology and devices developed on its basis are protected by patents.

PCT is based on two methods of decomposition of gaseous pollutants to elemental compounds (CO2, H2O): plasma-chemical and catalytic.


The analysis of data on emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere for the screening plant at the field allows us to draw the following conclusions:

In the mode of operation of the sorting plant, vehicles emit harmful substances into the atmosphere (such as dust, carbon monoxide, aldehydes, soot, benzo(a)pyrene, nitrogen dioxide, hydrocarbons). Therefore, without environmental protection measures, this fact may adversely affect the quality of atmospheric air.

The use of cleaning methods can significantly reduce Negative influence on the environment.


    Izrael Yu. A. Ecology and control of the state of the natural environment. - M.: Gidrometeoizdat, 1984.

    Bespamyatnov G. P., Krotov Yu. A. Extremely allowable concentrations chemical substances in the environment. - L .: Chemistry, 1985.

    Nikanorov A.N. Handbook of a hydrochemist. - M.: Chemistry, 1990.

    Bertoks P., Rudd D. Strategy for protecting the environment from pollution. Moscow: Mir, 1980;

    Method for calculating concentrations in atmospheric air harmful substances contained in the emissions of enterprises. OND - 86 - L.: Gidrometeoizdat, 1987;

    Permissible emissions of radioactive and chemical substances into the atmosphere / E. N. Teverovsky and others - M .: Energoatomizdat, 1986;

    Shapritsky VN Development of MPE standards for the protection of the atmosphere. Reference book - M.: Metallurgy, 1990;

    Rodziller ID. Forecast of water quality in reservoirs - wastewater receivers. - M.: Stroyizdat, 1984;

    Rules for the protection of surface waters. Introduced from 1.03.91. - M.: Goskompriroda USSR, 1991;

    GOST - 90. Environmental passport of an industrial enterprise. Basic provisions;

    GOST R 50587 - 93. Safety data sheet of the substance (material). Basic provisions. Information on ensuring safety during production, application, storage, transportation, disposal.

Application. List of symbols

MPE - maximum permissible emission.

MPC - maximum permissible concentration.

PGS - sand and gravel mixture.

SU - sorting plant.

DSZ - crushing and screening plant.

SPZ - sanitary protection zone.

Environmental certification is intended to document the environmental and economic characteristics of environmental protection objects, which include territories and business entities. Taking into account the need to streamline the information necessary to manage the environmental and environmental protection functions of the facility, forms of the environmental passport of an industrial enterprise were developed, as well as methodological recommendations for filling out and maintaining it.

The purpose and development of an environmental passport is to determine the impact of the enterprise on the environment and control its compliance with environmental standards and rules in the process. economic activity. The environmental passport is developed by the enterprise at its expense and approved by the head of the enterprise in agreement with the environmental authorities.

The basis for the development of an environmental passport are:

- production indicators;

– draft calculations of maximum allowable emissions (MAE) of pollutants;

- norms of maximum permissible discharges (MPD);

– data of forms of state statistical reporting;

– inventory of pollution sources;

– normative and technical documents.

The environmental passport does not replace or cancel the current forms of state statistical reporting, they are supplemented (corrected) when the production technology is changed, equipment is replaced within a month from the date of the change, they are stored at the enterprise and in environmental authorities.

The environmental passport contains sections devoted to such aspects of the enterprise's activities as the rational use of raw materials, fuel, energy, waste disposal. This is one of the most effective areas of environmental protection. long time practically not used.

The environmental passport of an enterprise is a comprehensive document containing a description of the relationship of an enterprise with the environment. The environmental passport contains general information about the company, the raw materials used, description technological schemes production of the main types of products, schemes for the treatment of wastewater and air emissions, their characteristics after treatment, data on solid and other wastes, as well as information on the availability of technologies in the world that ensure the achievement of the best specific indicators for nature protection. The second part of the passport contains a list of planned activities aimed at reducing the burden on the environment, indicating the timing, amount of costs, specific and total volumes emissions of harmful substances before and after the implementation of each activity.

The environmental passport reflects several fundamental points:

- the transition from the study of consequences to a detailed differentiated analysis of the causes;

– transition from considering the total volume of emissions to specific indicators related to the unit of production and comparable with the best indicators achieved in the world.

The environmental characteristics of the enterprise involves an assessment of the progressiveness of the technology, the completeness of the use of raw materials and fuel, the applied schemes for the treatment of wastewater and air emissions, the characteristics of the flows of outgoing water and gas flows, the alienated territory, the general economic assessment of the damage caused by the enterprise to the environment and the specification of this assessment by type of product and technological limits.

The program of measures to reduce the burden on the environment should include a long-term strategy and an immediate plan indicating the timing of implementation, volumes necessary costs achievable reductions in emissions and their concentrations, reducing environmental damage.

In many cases, the necessary technological solutions are known and implemented in world practice, at leading domestic enterprises. The problem of their implementation is no longer scientific, but organizational and economic.

Indicators of the enterprise's impact on the state of the environment:

1. Environmental friendliness of products;

2. Impact on water resources;

3. Impact on air resources;

4. Impact on material resources and production waste;

5. Impact on land resources.

As indicators of the organizational and technical level of the environmental activities of the enterprise, the following can be distinguished:

1. Equipment of pollution sources with treatment facilities.

2. Throughput capacity of existing treatment facilities.

3. Progressiveness of the treatment equipment used.

4. Control over the functioning of the treatment equipment.

5. Rationality of the existing organizational structure of environmental activities.

6. Other indicators.

Allocate general and particular indicators for the analysis of costs for environmental protection. As overall indicators relation is used economic effect from the application of environmental protection measures to the total cost of their implementation.

Before talking about the environmental passport of an object, it is necessary to clearly understand what exactly is meant by this concept. An environmental passport is being developed based on GOST R. “Nature Protection. Ecological passport. Standard Forms. We will develop and agree on an environmental passport for the enterprise, taking into account all the features of production, the cost is from 15 tr. terms - from 1 week.

It often happens that under this definition, specialists who begin to put environmental issues in order at an enterprise mean the development of passports for hazardous wastes of 1-4 hazard classes or a draft waste generation standards and limits for their disposal (PNWLR).

Who has the right to develop an environmental passport?

No special licenses and permits are required to develop an enterprise environmental passport. This is regulated by the Law on Licensing certain types activity” dated 04.05.2011 N 99-FZ. Therefore, the nature user can develop it independently with the help of an environmental engineer working in the staff of the organization. However, much less time will be required to complete this process when attracting a third-party commercial organization engaged in environmental design, and with a wealth of experience and best practices in carrying out such projects.

Short description.

Ecological passport of the enterprise - specialized document, regulating the functioning this object in relation to environmental protection, use of resources, as well as an environmental and economic assessment of its activities. Accordingly, the passport reflects the direct economic activity of the facility, the resulting emissions, discharges and waste, the material and raw material balance, as well as measures to restore the environment, and directly data on the resulting environmental costs of the enterprise.

The environmental passport is one of the important documents, based on the data of which the state environmental control is carried out. It is developed on the basis environmental documentation enterprises such as:

  • statistical reporting data,
  • environmental permits,
  • calculation of permissible standards according to the previously developed and agreed upon in Rosprirodnadzor project PNOOLR,
  • inventory data,
  • information about wastewater treatment plants and other normative documents in the field of environmental protection.

Compilation of environmental passports by industrial enterprises provides reliable data on the environmental situation in the territory where these facilities are located in each region and in the whole country, which makes it possible to identify environmental risks and develop measures to improve environmental situation in general for the region under study.

How much does it cost to develop an environmental passport?

The cost of developing an environmental passport of an enterprise is determined by various parameters, but first of all, it is determined by the volume of planned work, which directly depends on the size of the object under study. Accordingly, than more enterprise the more industrial sites and emissions into the environment, the higher the cost of the project will be.

Also, the cost will depend on the type of activity of the object under study, its area or even the number of employees of the enterprise. Not the last role in calculating the cost of developing an environmental passport will be played by the current cost of this service on the market, as well as the competence of the organization that performs it, and, accordingly, its direct requirements for the cost of the service provided. The cost of an environmental passport starts from 15 tr. and above and varies according to the factors listed above.

Why does a company need an environmental passport?

The environmental passport of the enterprise is necessary for users of natural resources to analyze the amount of pollutants generated as a result of the economic activity of the facility, to establish ways to minimize them. This document is indispensable when it becomes necessary to provide information to regulatory authorities in response to relevant requests.

Based on the information provided by the enterprise, the environmental situation in the area of ​​operation of the facility and facilities around it is monitored, and the implementation of environmental protection measures is checked.

Also, the development of an environmental passport significantly reduces the time and financial losses when compiling other environmental documentation of the enterprise (for example, the development of PNOOLR, the formation of MPE), and therefore, it greatly facilitates this process. The development of ES is beneficial primarily to the enterprise-customer.

Legislation Russian Federation Mandatory environmental certification of enterprises is not provided. Therefore, most often it is carried out at the request of the nature user himself at the expense of the enterprise. What can you say about other types environmental works, such as the development of passports for hazardous wastes of hazard classes 1-4 (and information with protocols for class 5), the development of draft waste standards for PNOOLR, the development of MPE, VAT and others.

An environmental passport is being developed based on GOST R “Nature Protection. Ecological passport. Standard Forms”, which was approved on September 11, 2000 by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 218-st. In this document, you can get acquainted with the contents of the passport, the requirements for its preparation, as well as standard forms for compiling it.

Terms of development and approval of the environmental passport.

The term for the development of an environmental passport of an enterprise, depending on the specification of the object, the amount of pollutants and their sources of origin, can be up to one month, but in each case, the terms are determined by the developer strictly individually.

An ecological passport is agreed upon in the local territorial subdivision of the body authorized in the field of environmental protection, as well as by the head of the enterprise. At the same time, the manager should not forget that by signing this document, he fully confirms the accuracy of the data provided in it. Usually, the terms of approval do not exceed one month. In the course of consideration, the environmental passport may be refined or supplemented. In general, the period of validity of this document is 5 years, but may be reduced due to changes in existing environmental projects at the enterprise.
What is responsible for?

Since the legislation of the Russian Federation does not establish compulsory development ecological passport of the enterprise, then administrative responsibility cannot be imposed on this point.
Another thing is if, in the presence of an environmental passport, the enterprise did not report or incorrectly transmitted information on it at the request of regulatory authorities, or such violations were detected during the audit. Then, according to Article 8.5 of the Code of administrative offenses» RF fine can be: for legal entities- from 20 to 80 thousand rubles and from 3 to 6 thousand for officials.

The content of the ecological passport of the enterprise.

The development of an environmental passport is a rather laborious process, requiring a significant concentration of attention and accuracy in providing data. The composition of this information is very extensive and requires a significant amount of time. In addition, qualified ecologists are required. At a minimum, they should be trained in courses on environmental safety and handling hazardous waste 1-4 hazard classes. Experience plays a significant role.

In order to accurately prepare the materials, you should first refer to the contents of the passport.

1. First of all the environmental passport includes information and data about the enterprise itself: climatic characteristics and information about the type of activity of the researcher economic object. For this kind of information, please contact background information at FBGU " central administration on hydrometeorology and environmental monitoring”, where the required materials are provided on a paid basis.

Information about technology and material and raw material balance, manufactured products and technological equipment located directly at the enterprise itself, for example, in the technical department.
This item includes information about the enterprise, including details, certificates from the tax office and a copy of the OGRN certificate. As a rule, such information can also be obtained from the enterprise itself. legal department or in accounting.

If you need to provide data on the total number of employees of the enterprise, as well as information on departments, you should contact the personnel department.

2. Next necessary document are information about the used land resources. Relevant information can be obtained from the mine surveying or legal department of the enterprise (subsoil use act, lease agreement for a land plot).

3. Next, information is collected on air emissions, water consumption and wastewater disposal, and waste generated at the enterprise. This kind of information is contained in the documents on the inventory of the relevant sources and is stored in the department of environmental protection of the enterprise, as well as data on the reclamation of disturbed lands.

It will greatly simplify the task if the enterprise has developed and agreed passports for hazardous wastes of hazard classes 1-4 and draft standards for waste limits, the availability of an emission permit, the availability of a draft VAT (if available water discharges) And so on.

This database also includes information about treatment plants (eg passports), environmental permits (for emissions and discharges), which are also stored in the ecology department.

4. On this stage information is collected about vehicles on the balance sheet of the enterprise, as well as on the consumption of fuel and energy resources. This information is usually found in the accounting department of the enterprise.

5. latest data are collected on the environmental and economic indicators of the enterprise, which include information on pollution charges (NVOS), current and capital expenditures for environmental protection. Relevant information can also be obtained from the accounting department of the object under study. Here you can also get information about the cost and cost of products, the profit received by the enterprise, etc.

Information on the costs of implementing environmental measures is systematized in special reports in the department of ecology, which reflects the name of these activities and the timing of their implementation.

The order of development of the ecological passport of the enterprise.

As a rule, the procedure for developing an environmental passport is divided into three main stages.

  1. This is the collection of necessary information.
  2. Actually the development of the regulatory and technical document itself.
  3. Its approval both in the authorized bodies and the management of the enterprise under study.

At the first stage, data collection is usually carried out within the enterprise itself through the publication by management relevant orders and orders for departments and subdivisions. On operating enterprises this kind of information is regularly collected, systematized, updated and permanently stored, so its collection should not take a long time. An exception may be certificates that need to be obtained from third-party organizations (for example, the climatic characteristics of the region), but when choosing a specialized organization as an executor, its specialists will directly collect such information.

If the company monitors the availability of up-to-date environmental information, then most of the documents have already been collected. This information will be used both in the development of hazardous waste passports and in the development of draft waste limits, as well as MPE and VAT.

The collection of information can be started both in advance (if there is information about the documentation necessary for the development of an environmental passport), and after the conclusion of an agreement with the selected during the tender commercial organization, to which all the necessary information is transmitted in the future.

After the contractor receives all the required data, the period for developing an environmental passport is from five days to one month, which is also determined by the scale production activities the object under study, and the corresponding amount of work required.

Coordination and approval of the environmental passport of the enterprise.

Next, the stage of approval of the environmental passport will take place. It takes place in the territorial division of the special commissioner government agency Russian Federation in the field of environmental protection, where it is also registered.

The document is approved by the management of the customer enterprise, which is fully responsible for the information provided to the contractor. The validity period of a fully agreed passport is five years, provided that there are no changes in the technological and environmental documentation of the enterprise during this period. If available, develop new passport subject to all changes. It will again need to be re-coordinated with the authorized bodies.

As for the stage-by-stage costs for the development of an environmental passport, in fact, it comes down to the costs of concluding an agreement with third party(when choosing such a method of project execution). Here everything depends on the conditions stipulated in the contract with the contractor.

Separate article goes payment of state duty for project approval. By agreement, these costs are borne by either the Contractor or the Customer.

Collection of initial data for the development of an environmental passport of the enterprise.

The development of an enterprise environmental passport includes full information about the object under study, starting with the details and climatic characteristics of the region of its location. In addition, information about the developer of the passport is also indicated.

Further, data will be required on the scope of the enterprise, the technological equipment used in the course of production, treatment plants, the natural resources used, and data on the final product. Moreover, all information is provided in sufficient detail.

Completeness of information can be provided either by a qualified employee of the enterprise, or employees of a specialized company with great experience work in this direction. Employees (managers and specialists), as a rule, undergo preliminary training in environmental safety or hazardous waste management of 1-4 hazard classes (or courses on vocational training for handling hazardous waste).

Information on natural resources includes not only data on minerals used or extracted, but also data on energy consumption, water and air consumption, and land use.

Data about marketable products include its name, production volumes and design capacity of the enterprise. Also, the environmental passport contains information about its price range, cost and market value products, as well as the profits of the enterprise from its sale.

Economic indicators in the ecological passport.

The economic indicators contained in the environmental passport reflect the following information:

  • on payments for environmental pollution (according to the NVOS reporting),
  • current and capital costs for its protection and restoration,
  • costs for the implementation of environmental protection measures,
  • about permits for nature use,
  • about emission standards,
  • discharge standards,
  • limits on the disposal of industrial waste,
  • direct characterization of emissions,
  • data on the system of water consumption and sanitation,
  • information about production wastes with a description of the sources of these emissions,
  • information about the used this enterprise transport and fuel consumption.

The management of the enterprise should first of all pay attention to the reliability and accuracy of the information provided. After all, even an unintentional distortion of it can entail a fine that costs the enterprise up to eighty thousand rubles in accordance with Article 8.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses.

As a rule, during the collection and analysis of this kind of information, environmental risks for the object under study are identified, which also should not be ignored. After all, at right approach they can be significantly reduced by planning or innovating appropriate environmental measures. This will reduce the fee for environmental pollution and avoid penalties from regulatory authorities.

In addition, the described document will make it possible to systematize all the data obtained so far in the process of developing draft limits on waste (PNOOLR), developing a draft allowable emissions (MAE), drafting standards for allowable discharges (VAT) and others.

GOST R, according to which this project, regulates the use of personal computers when compiling an environmental passport. There are currently specialized programs, For example, software package"Rus. Ecological passport”, but by and large it allows the enterprise to systematize and store necessary information. The formation of the environmental passport itself occurs when using a standard set of programs personal computer and is produced directly by the person executing the layout of this document.

Moscow State University


On the topic: "Environmental passport"

Performed by a student Kasatkin E.S.

Checked by: Petrov I.A.

Moscow, 2010

Ecological passport

1. General provisions

2. Structure and content of the ecological passport of the nature user

3. Environmental certification

4. Environmental cadastre



Ecological passport of the enterprise- regulatory and technical document containing a description of the relationship of the enterprise with the environment. Contains general information about the enterprise, the raw materials used, a description of the technological schemes for the production of the main types of products, schemes for the treatment of wastewater and airborne emissions, etc., as well as a list of planned measures aimed at reducing the burden on the environment. The environmental passport of an industrial enterprise is used for the purposes of the state environmental control. Environmental certification is carried out at enterprises various industries National economy– transport, mining, construction, etc.

1. General provisions

1. A nature user develops an eco-passport at the expense of own funds. The eco-passport must be approved by the head of the nature user and agreed with the territorial subdivision of the specially authorized state body of the Russian Federation in the field of environmental protection. The eco-passport is issued in at least three copies, which are kept by the nature user, specially authorized body environmental management, territorial authority executive power. This document subject to periodic (at least once a year) verification, clarification and addition.

2. When filling out eco-passport forms, one should use technological layouts, operational maps, technological instructions nature user, state standards and specifications to basic and auxiliary materials and other regulatory documents.

3. The information base of the eco-passport must be maintained in the mode constant adjustment. In case of re-profiling or changing production technology, replacement of equipment, raw materials or materials, reduction or increase in the number of sources harmful effects on the environment, changes in the form of ownership, etc. the user of natural resources must make additions or corrections to the eco-passport. The level of completion of the eco-passport, as well as work related to changes in the man-made impact on the environment (except repair work), must be agreed by the user of natural resources with the territorial subdivision of the specially authorized state body of the Russian Federation in the field of environmental protection.

4. Responsibility for the accuracy of the information and the completeness of filling in the tables and sections of the eco-passport and the changes made shall be borne by the head of the nature user.

5. The information base of the eco-passport can be used to develop draft standards for maximum permissible emissions (discharges), waste disposal limits, to fill out state statistical reporting forms such as 2TP-air, 2TP-water management, 2TP-toxic waste, etc., to calculate fees for environmental pollution, establishing tax incentives and other purposes.

6. The EcoPass should be developed and maintained using personal computers. It should be possible to control the change information base eco-passport and comparison of individual environmental indicators within five years.

Control over the correctness of the development and maintenance of the eco-passport is carried out by territorial subdivision specially authorized state body of the Russian Federation in the field of environmental protection.

2. Structure and content of the ecological passport of the nature user

The eco-passport contains the following structural elements:

Title page (see Appendix 1);

Information about the developer of the eco-passport;

General information about the nature user;

Ecological and economic indicators;

Information about manufactured products;

Brief description of productions;

Information about energy consumption;

Environmental and production indicators;

Information about land use;

Information on permits (licenses) for nature management and environmental activities;

Environmental Action Plan;

List of sources of information used.

Information about the developer of the eco-passport includes the name, address and availability of licenses for the development of the eco-passport (see Appendix 2).

The general information about the nature user shall indicate its name, location, classification features etc.

Entry Form general information is given in Table 1 of Annex 3.

The environmental and economic indicators include capital and current expenses for environmental protection, funding sources, user fees natural resources and environmental pollution.

Information about the products manufactured by the nature user includes the name of the product, its planned and actual volumes of output by years.

The section of the eco-passport "Characteristics of production" includes data on production, technological operations, equipment used, raw materials, materials with a sign of environmental pollution.

In the section of the eco-passport "Consumption of energy carriers", a description of fuel and energy resources is given.

Environmental and production indicators include:

Basic production assets used for environmental protection;

Costs for the environment included in the cost of manufactured products and in book profit nature user;

Information on the use of natural resources;

Number of emission sources, number and qualitative characteristic emitted pollutants, the presence of GOU;

Water consumption and disposal, availability of treatment facilities, volumes of storm and waste water, quality and quantitative characteristic ZV;

Characteristics of industrial and domestic waste, information on their formation, movement and placement.

A plan of environmental protection measures indicating the timing of their implementation, the amount of costs for the estimated and actual cost, ecological effect from implementation is aimed at improving the state of the environment.

The list of information sources used should contain a list of information sources used in the development of the eco-passport, indicating the authors, publisher and year of publication of the information source.

3. Environmental certification

Environmental standardization in Russia as necessary measure to determine standards in the field of environmental safety, confirmed by the appropriate certificate. An environmental certificate is required to confirm the content of environmentally harmful substances and impurities in manufactured goods consumer goods within the limits established by the regulatory and technical documentation.

Environmental certification required action, since some entrepreneurs are now much more concerned about the financial and economic aspects of their production activities than environmental aspects. After all, to minimize the environmental impact of hazardous waste, expensive filters and treatment facilities, and this requires expenses, additional labor, etc.

Environmental certification can be carried out both on mandatory and on voluntary basis, as opposed to obtaining a certificate for products subject to certification in without fail. However, such an environmental certificate is one of the most significant factors that positively affect the competitiveness of products on the market.

The main tasks of environmental certification:

Improving product quality under conditions free competition goods and services in the relevant market segments on the principles of openness of information about the environmental friendliness of the product;

Observance of the consumer's rights to products that are safe for life and health, his (consumer) protection from unfair activities of the manufacturer, as well as assistance in the correct choice of products.

Purpose of environmental certification- confirming the quality parameters of environmental cleanliness and encouraging companies to further development and improvement of production, not to mention the prestige of the company. Every manufacturer that has or wants to purchase an environmental certificate of conformity must proceed to implement modern technologies and developing a range of products that, if at all, will pollute the environment to a minimum extent.

For large group Products environmental certifications are generally a determining factor in terms of the ability to compete with competitors in their industry. Measures aimed at ensuring the environmental safety of production are mandatory for enterprises and organizations defense industry, as well as for industries where environmentally polluting technologies are used.

Scope of environmental certification:

Services, products, production processes and other types of work environmental requirements which are already contained in state standards. That is, the above objects are subject to mandatory certification in accordance with Russian law.

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