The ex-head of MKB Compass, Safin, was arrested in connection with a corruption case at Rostec. People with dubious pasts, like the new head of the Prompostavka company, Murad Safin, are being nominated for leadership roles in the military-industrial complex. Young, but not green

As Kommersant learned, the police investigation, with the support of the FSB special forces and the National Guard, detained Murad Safin, the ex-general director of the Moscow Design Bureau Compass, which supplies radio navigation equipment and control systems for precision-guided ammunition to the Ministry of Defense, as well as the president of the N1 Martial Arts Club, former head of the defense JSC Prompostavka Ruslan Suleymanov. They are accused of stealing from Rostec (both enterprises are part of the state corporation) more than 800 million rubles, withdrawn under contracts that were allegedly important for the country’s defense capability, but turned out to be fictitious.

According to Kommersant, the detention of the former managers of MKB Kompas and Prompostavka occurred on May 30. The operation was carried out by operatives from the “P” department of the Economic Security Service of the FSB and employees of the Economic Security and Commissariat of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Moscow. Moreover, knowing that Murad Safin and the president of the martial arts club Ruslan Suleymanov were moving accompanied by numerous guards, the leaders of the operation attracted FSB special forces and riot police to participate in it, which, in accordance with the presidential decree, now belongs to the national guard. However, such impressive forces were not needed: none of the businessmen or those accompanying them offered resistance. Almost simultaneously with the detention of Murad Safin and Ruslan Suleymanov, searches and seizures were carried out in their apartments, as well as in structures associated with them, during which various “documents and objects of significant importance for the investigation of the criminal case” were discovered.

The former general director of MKB Kompas and his colleague from Prompostavka, as Kommersant's sources note, are defendants in a criminal case of fraud on an especially large scale committed by an organized group (Part 4 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code). It was initiated by the Main Investigation Department of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Moscow based on materials received by the department from the Rostec state corporation.

According to Kommersant, the decision to remove the heads of MKB Kompas and OJSC Prompostavka was made at a meeting of the board of Rostec back in December 2015. Then the members of the board, chaired by the general director of the state corporation Sergei Chemezov, were familiarized with the results of an audit of the financial and economic activities of MKB Compass, which was carried out under the leadership of the head of the audit department of Rostec organizations, Natalya Smirnova. “Compass was checked for the period from January 1 to September 30, 2015, and Prompostavka from January 1, 2011 to September 30, 2015,” said a Kommersant source who participated in the meeting. “The violations were so obvious that a procedure was launched against two general directors to remove them from their positions. But while everything could have been sorted out somehow at Compass, the situation at Prompostavka was so difficult that the board members voted to suspend all of the company’s activities.” After this, all the inspection materials were sent to law enforcement agencies for investigation, and it was decided to carry out the procedure for their financial recovery at MKB Kompas and Prompostavka.

During a pre-investigation check based on materials received from Rostec, police officers established that

from 2011 to 2016, at least 800 million rubles were withdrawn from the accounts of MKB Kompas and Prompostavki under fictitious contracts. Contracts for carrying out development work, purchasing various products, including defense ones, and their subsequent diagnostics, according to investigators, were concluded with shell companies. The latter, law enforcement officials believe, were associated with those who ordered the work.

Murad Safin and Ruslan Suleymanov are still suspects in this case; they have not been officially charged with fraud. But, as a Kommersant source noted, this will be done in the coming days, and today the investigation plans to apply to the Tverskoy District Court of Moscow with petitions for the arrests of the suspects.

Kommersant was unable to get comments from their representatives yesterday, and the N1 Martial Arts Club, of which Mr. Suleymanov is a co-owner and president, refused to discuss his criminal prosecution.

Rostec, in turn, confirmed the detention of former managers of MKB Kompas and OJSC Prompostavka, noting that the security service of the state corporation “conducts constant work to identify violations, including facts of fraud,” while acting “ in close cooperation with law enforcement agencies."

Vladislav Trifonov, Ivan Sinergiev

Moscow design bureau "Compass" Company profile

JSC "Moscow Design Bureau "Compass"" traces its history back to a special design bureau created in 1918 in Moscow for the development of aviation on-board radio navigation devices. In 1948, the design bureau was separated from the Moscow radio plant "Temp". Currently, Compass is part of the Rostec state corporation.

It is one of the leading developers and manufacturers of onboard navigation equipment for the Russian Aerospace Forces. The parent company for the development, production and service maintenance of noise-resistant on-board receivers and GLONASS/GPS antenna systems. The number of employees is about 1.2 thousand people.

According to, in 2008-2015, the Compass Bureau concluded 52 government contracts worth 3.7 billion rubles. In the spring of 2016, as a result of accumulated overdue debts, the court received two bankruptcy petitions for MKB - from Zenit Bank and one of the leasing companies. They are now being considered in court. The Compass website contains an order from interim CEO Vladimir Melnichuk to cancel all agreements issued on behalf of the MKB before April 28, 2016.

JSC "Prompostavka" Company profile

Registered in April 2000 in Moscow as a subsidiary of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Rosoboronexport. The main activity is wholesale trade in machinery, instruments, and equipment for general industrial and special purposes. Engaged in service and supply of spare parts for Russian weapons sold abroad. In the early 2000s, the general director of the company was Murad Safin, who then headed MKB Compass OJSC.

In 2008, Prompostavka became part of the Rostec state corporation. According to, the company's revenue for 2014 amounted to 969.7 million rubles, net profit - 12.3 million rubles, a year earlier these figures amounted to 1.9 billion rubles. and 980 thousand rubles. respectively.

In Moscow, the former general director of the Moscow Design Bureau (MCB) “Compass” and the chairman of the board of directors of the company “Prompostavka” Murad Safin was arrested, TASS reports.

The businessman is suspected of involvement in the fraudulent theft of 800 million rubles from the Rostec state corporation.

“The investigator’s request is satisfied and a preventive measure is chosen against Safin in the form of detention until July 30.”, says the decision of the Tverskoy Court of the capital.

/ Wednesday, June 1, 2016 /

Topics: Crime

Former heads of Rostec enterprises were detained in Moscow in connection with the theft of 800 million rubles, writes Kommersant.

The Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs reported that the police suppressed the illegal activities of a group of people who were involved in the theft of funds from the state corporation Rostec. Between 2011 and 2016, more than 800 million rubles were stolen. A criminal case has been initiated under the article of the Russian Criminal Code “Fraud”.

According to the newspaper, the defendants in the case of fraud on an especially large scale are ex-heads of Rostec enterprises - ex-general director of MKB Compass Murad Safin and chairman of the board of directors of Prompostavka Ruslan Suleymanov. Today the investigation will appeal to the court with petitions for their arrest.

Searches and seizures were carried out in the apartments of businessmen, during which various documents and items of significant importance for the investigation of the criminal case were discovered. Rostec, in turn, confirmed the detention of former managers of MKB Compass and OJSC Prompostavka.

The Tverskoy Court of Moscow authorized the arrest of the former general director of the Moscow design bureau “Compass” and the chairman of the board of directors of the company “Prompostavka” Murad Safin, suspected of involvement in the fraudulent theft of 800 million rubles from the state corporation “Rostec”, TASS reports.
. . . . .
The defense intends to challenge the ruling in the Moscow City Court. The Tver court also arrested the deputy general director of the defense enterprise OJSC Prompostavka, Dmitry Manuylov, who was detained in the same case.“The investigation’s request is satisfied and a preventive measure is chosen against the suspect Manuilov in the form of detention until July 30.”
, - said the judge. The investigator in court asked to choose a preventive measure against the detainee in the form of detention, citing the fact that while at large, he could hide from the investigation, destroy evidence and influence witnesses.“He has a foreign passport, and having connections in a certain environment, he can hide from the investigation. I ask that he be taken into custody until July 30.”
, - said the investigator. “I object to the arrest, I confessed and am cooperating with the investigation. I will hand over my passport to the investigator. I was removed from the authorities, I have no contacts with law enforcement agencies.”, - said Manuilov.
According to the official representative of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, Irina Volk, funds obtained illegally were appropriated and distributed among accomplices. Thus, more than 800 million rubles were stolen. Volk added that a criminal case was opened on this fact under Part 4 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Fraud”).
As part of the investigation, 10 searches were carried out at the place of residence of the suspects and in the offices of legal entities, during which items and documents relevant to the criminal case were discovered and seized.
According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, gang members, participating in the implementation of state defense orders and international foreign trade contracts for the supply of civil and military products, in the period from 2011 to 2016, used fictitious organizations to conclude various transactions with them, according to which development work was allegedly carried out , military products were purchased and diagnosed. Money obtained illegally was appropriated and distributed among accomplices.
Safin headed MKB Compass, part of Rostec, until December 2015. The decision to remove him from office was made at a meeting of the board of the state corporation. The reason for this decision was numerous violations identified during inspections of enterprises.

Former managers of Rostec enterprises who stole 800 million rubles from the corporation were arrested.

As Kommersant learned, the police investigation, with the support of the FSB special forces and the National Guard, detained Murad Safin, the ex-general director of the Moscow Design Bureau Compass, which supplies radio navigation equipment and control systems for precision-guided ammunition to the Ministry of Defense, as well as the president of the N1 Martial Arts Club, former head of the defense JSC Prompostavka Ruslan Suleymanov. They are accused of stealing from Rostec (both enterprises are part of the state corporation) more than 800 million rubles, withdrawn under contracts that were allegedly important for the country’s defense capability, but turned out to be fictitious.

According to Kommersant, the detention of the former managers of MKB Kompas and Prompostavka occurred on May 30. The operation was carried out by operatives from the “P” department of the Economic Security Service of the FSB and employees of the Economic Security and Commissariat of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Moscow. Moreover, knowing that Murad Safin and the president of the martial arts club Ruslan Suleymanov were moving accompanied by numerous guards, the leaders of the operation attracted FSB special forces and riot police to participate in it, which, in accordance with the presidential decree, now belongs to the national guard. However, such impressive forces were not needed: none of the businessmen or those accompanying them offered resistance. Almost simultaneously with the detention of Murad Safin and Ruslan Suleymanov, searches and seizures were carried out in their apartments, as well as in structures associated with them, during which various “documents and objects of significant importance for the investigation of the criminal case” were discovered.

The former general director of MKB Kompas and his colleague from Prompostavka, as Kommersant's sources note, are defendants in a criminal case of fraud on an especially large scale committed by an organized group (Part 4 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code). It was initiated by the Main Investigation Department of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Moscow based on materials received by the department from the Rostec state corporation.

According to Kommersant, the decision to remove the heads of MKB Kompas and OJSC Prompostavka was made at a meeting of the board of Rostec back in December 2015. Then the members of the board, chaired by the general director of the state corporation Sergei Chemezov, were familiarized with the results of an audit of the financial and economic activities of MKB Compass, which was carried out under the leadership of the head of the audit department of Rostec organizations, Natalya Smirnova. “Compass was checked for the period from January 1 to September 30, 2015, and Prompostavka from January 1, 2011 to September 30, 2015,” said a Kommersant source who participated in the meeting. “The violations were so obvious that a procedure was launched against two general directors to remove them from their positions. But while everything could have been sorted out somehow at Compass, the situation at Prompostavka was so difficult that the board members voted to suspend all of the company’s activities.” After this, all the inspection materials were sent to law enforcement agencies for investigation, and it was decided to carry out the procedure for their financial recovery at MKB Kompas and Prompostavka.

During a pre-investigation check based on materials received from Rostec, police officers established that

From 2011 to 2016, at least 800 million rubles were withdrawn from the accounts of MKB Kompas and Prompostavki under fictitious contracts. Contracts for carrying out development work, purchasing various products, including defense ones, and their subsequent diagnostics, according to investigators, were concluded with shell companies. The latter, law enforcement officials believe, were associated with those who ordered the work.

Murad Safin and Ruslan Suleymanov are still suspects in this case; they have not been officially charged with fraud. But, as a Kommersant source noted, this will be done in the coming days, and today the investigation plans to apply to the Tverskoy District Court of Moscow with petitions for the arrests of the suspects.

Kommersant was unable to get comments from their representatives yesterday, and the N1 Martial Arts Club, of which Mr. Suleymanov is a co-owner and president, refused to discuss his criminal prosecution.

Rostec, in turn, confirmed the detention of former managers of MKB Kompas and OJSC Prompostavka, noting that the security service of the state corporation “conducts constant work to identify violations, including facts of fraud,” while acting “ in close cooperation with law enforcement agencies."

Vladislav Trifonov, Ivan Sinergiev
OJSC "Prompostavka"
Company profile

Registered in April 2000 in Moscow as a subsidiary of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Rosoboronexport. The main activity is wholesale trade in machinery, instruments, and equipment for general industrial and special purposes. Engaged in service and supply of spare parts for Russian weapons sold abroad. In the early 2000s, the general director of the company was Murad Safin, who then headed MKB Compass OJSC.

In 2008, Prompostavka became part of the Rostec state corporation. According to, the company's revenue for 2014 amounted to 969.7 million rubles, net profit - 12.3 million rubles, a year earlier these figures amounted to 1.9 billion rubles. and 980 thousand rubles. respectively.
Moscow design bureau "Compass"
Company profile

JSC "Moscow Design Bureau "Compass"" traces its history back to a special design bureau created in 1918 in Moscow for the development of aviation on-board radio navigation devices. In 1948, the design bureau was separated from the Moscow radio plant "Temp". Currently, Compass is part of the Rostec state corporation.

It is one of the leading developers and manufacturers of onboard navigation equipment for the Russian Aerospace Forces. The parent company for the development, production and service maintenance of noise-resistant on-board receivers and GLONASS/GPS antenna systems. The number of employees is about 1.2 thousand people.

According to, in 2008-2015, the Compass Bureau concluded 52 government contracts worth 3.7 billion rubles. In the spring of 2016, as a result of accumulated overdue debts, the court received two bankruptcy petitions for MKB - from Zenit Bank and one of the leasing companies. They are now being considered in court. The Compass website contains an order from interim CEO Vladimir Melnichuk to cancel all agreements issued on behalf of the MKB before April 28, 2016.

New charges have been brought against those involved in the investigation into the theft of budget funds.

As Kommersant learned, the investigation significantly increased the charges against the defendants in a high-profile criminal case involving the theft of almost 2.5 billion rubles. in the state corporation "Rostec".

At the final stage of the investigation, Murad Safin, the ex-general director of the Moscow Design Bureau Cosmos OJSC, which supplies radio navigation equipment and control systems for high-precision ammunition to the Ministry of Defense, as well as the former head of the defense OJSC Prompostavka Ruslan Suleymanov, were accused of organizing a criminal community.

The entrepreneurs do not admit guilt, believing that the new charge was needed only to continue to keep them in custody. The Main Investigation Department of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Moscow brought charges against Murad Safin, Ruslan Suleymanov and the former deputy general director of Compass and Prompostavka Dmitry Manuylov under Part 1 of Art. 210 of the Criminal Code (organization of a criminal community). Previously, they were charged with especially large-scale fraud (Part 4 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code).

A new and more serious charge (participation in an organized criminal group - Part 2 of Article 210 of the Criminal Code), threatening imprisonment for up to 20 years, is planned to be brought against four more defendants in the near future. According to investigators, the purpose of the organized criminal group, which the accused created back in 2008, was to steal budget funds received to pay for government contracts at the Cosmos Design Bureau.

To achieve this, the former management of the enterprise, as the police established, significantly inflated prices for work performed under contracts, using shell companies as co-executors. The investigation identified about 20 such enterprises, including Antares Firm LLC, Sonar LLC, RasKom LLC and Tekhnostyleresurs LLC.

All of them had accounts in Timbre Bank. From it, funds on behalf of the alleged organizers of the thefts went to other companies, individuals, or were cashed out. In addition, according to the investigation, the ex-managers of MKB "Compass" purchased spare parts and equipment through OJSC "Prompostavka" at inflated prices.

During the pre-investigation check, which was carried out at the request of representatives of Rostec, who revealed thefts, the metropolitan police officers came to the conclusion that at least 800 million rubles were withdrawn from the accounts of MKB Kompas and Prompostavka under fictitious contracts. Then the amount of damage increased to 1.8 billion rubles, and now - to 2.421 billion rubles.

The first persons involved in the investigation, and they were Messrs. Safin and Suleymanov, were detained and then arrested by the Tver District Court back in May 2016. Then Dmitry Manuylov, the financial director of the Afghan War Veterans Foundation SAFA (MKB Compass was its main sponsor), Ekaterina Khlystova, the general director of Sinai OJSC Oleg Chernov, his deputy Oleg Chernykh and their employee Sofya Makeeva ended up in the pre-trial detention center. The Sinai company officially provided audit services to MKB Kompas and Prompostavka, and at the same time, according to investigators, created or selected shell companies for illegal operations.

None of the prisoners admit their guilt, but Zinaida Shmakova, the chief accountant of MKB "Compass", who became the main witness for the prosecution, told the investigation about their involvement in the thefts. The disappearance of budget funds and inspections by Rostec were confirmed.

In turn, Ruslan Suleymanov’s lawyer Yulia Bondarenko believes that the charge of organizing a criminal community was brought solely in order to leave those involved in the investigation under arrest, which expires at the end of May. “The main defendants in the case have been in pre-trial detention for a whole year, they have not been interrogated for a long time, and the appointed examinations have been completed,” noted Ms. Bondarenko.

Yesterday, the Moscow City Court rejected the defendants' complaints about yet another extension of their arrests. On charges of criminal offence, they can spend another six months in a pre-trial detention center before trial.

Special forces of the FSB and the National Guard detained the ex-general director of OJSC Moscow Design Bureau Compass Murad Safin and the former head of OJSC Prompostavka Ruslan Suleymanov, who are accused of stealing more than 800 million rubles from Rostec

The police investigation, with the support of the FSB special forces and the National Guard, detained Murad Safin, the ex-general director of the Moscow Design Bureau Compass, which supplies radio navigation equipment and control systems for high-precision ammunition to the Ministry of Defense, as well as the president of the Martial Arts Club N1, the former head of the defense JSC Prompostavka. Ruslan Suleymanov. They are accused of stealing from Rostec (both enterprises are part of the state corporation) more than 800 million rubles, withdrawn under contracts that were allegedly important for the country’s defense capability, but turned out to be fictitious.

According to Kommersant, the detention of the former managers of MKB Kompas and Prompostavka occurred on May 30. The operation was carried out by operatives from the “P” department of the Economic Security Service of the FSB and employees of the Economic Security and Commissariat of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Moscow. Moreover, knowing that Murad Safin and the president of the martial arts club Ruslan Suleymanov were moving accompanied by numerous guards, the leaders of the operation attracted FSB special forces and riot police to participate in it, which, in accordance with the presidential decree, now belongs to the national guard. However, such impressive forces were not needed: none of the businessmen or those accompanying them offered resistance. Almost simultaneously with the detention of Murad Safin and Ruslan Suleymanov, searches and seizures were carried out in their apartments, as well as in structures associated with them, during which various “documents and objects of significant importance for the investigation of the criminal case” were discovered.

The police investigation, with the support of the FSB special forces and the National Guard, detained Murad Safin, the ex-general director of OJSC Moscow Design Bureau Compass.

The former general director of MKB Kompas and his colleague from Prompostavka, as Kommersant’s sources note, are defendants in a criminal case of fraud on an especially large scale committed by an organized group (Part 4 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code). It was initiated by the Main Investigation Department of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Moscow based on materials received by the department from the Rostec state corporation.

According to Kommersant, the decision to remove the heads of MKB Kompas and OJSC Prompostavka was made at a meeting of the board of Rostec back in December 2015. Then the members of the board, chaired by the general director of the state corporation Sergei Chemezov, were familiarized with the results of an audit of the financial and economic activities of MKB Compass, which was carried out under the leadership of the head of the audit department of Rostec organizations, Natalya Smirnova. “Kompass” was checked for the period from January 1 to September 30, 2015, and “Prompostavka” - from January 1, 2011 to September 30, 2015,” said a Kommersant source who participated in the meeting. “The violations were so obvious that a procedure was launched against two general directors to remove them from their positions. But while at Compass everything could have been sorted out somehow, at Prompostavka the situation was so difficult that the board members voted to suspend all of the company’s activities.” After this, all inspection materials were sent to law enforcement agencies for investigation, and it was decided to carry out the procedure for their financial recovery at MKB Kompas and Prompostavka.

During the pre-investigation check based on materials received from Rostec, police officers established that

from 2011 to 2016, at least 800 million rubles were withdrawn from the accounts of MKB Kompas and Prompostavki under fictitious contracts. Contracts for carrying out development work, purchasing various products, including defense ones, and their subsequent diagnostics, according to investigators, were concluded with shell companies. The latter, law enforcement officials believe, were associated with those who ordered the work.

Murad Safin and Ruslan Suleymanov are still suspects in this case - they have not been officially charged with fraud. But, as a Kommersant source noted, this will be done in the coming days, and today the investigation plans to apply to the Tverskoy District Court of Moscow with petitions for the arrests of the suspects.

Kommersant was unable to get comments from their representatives yesterday, and the N1 Martial Arts Club, of which Mr. Suleymanov is a co-owner and president, refused to discuss his criminal prosecution.

The former general director of MKB Compass and his colleague from Prompostavka, as Kommersant’s sources note, are defendants in a criminal case of fraud on an especially large scale committed by an organized group (Part 4 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code)

Rostec, in turn, confirmed the detention of former managers of MKB Kompas and OJSC Prompostavka, noting that the security service of the state corporation “conducts constant work to identify violations, including facts of fraud,” while acting “ in close cooperation with law enforcement agencies.”


Moscow design bureau "Compass" Company profile

OJSC "Moscow Design Bureau "Compass"" traces its history back to a special design bureau created in 1918 in Moscow for the development of aviation on-board radio navigation devices. In 1948, the design bureau was separated from the Moscow Temp radio plant. Currently, Compass is part of the Rostec state corporation.

It is one of the leading developers and manufacturers of onboard navigation equipment for the Russian Aerospace Forces. The parent company for the development, production and service maintenance of noise-resistant on-board receivers and GLONASS/GPS antenna systems. The number of employees is about 1.2 thousand people.

According to, in 2008-2015, the Compass Bureau concluded 52 government contracts worth 3.7 billion rubles. In the spring of 2016, as a result of accumulated overdue debts, the court received two bankruptcy petitions for MKB - from Zenit Bank and one of the leasing companies. They are now being considered in court. The Compass website contains an order from interim CEO Vladimir Melnichuk to cancel all agreements issued on behalf of the ICB before April 28, 2016.


JSC "Prompostavka" Company profile

Registered in April 2000 in Moscow as a subsidiary of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Rosoboronexport. The main activity is wholesale trade in machines, instruments, equipment for general industrial and special purposes. Engaged in service and supply of spare parts for Russian weapons sold abroad. In the early 2000s, the general director of the company was Murad Safin, who then headed OJSC MKB Compas.

In 2008, Prompostavka became part of the Rostec state corporation. According to, the company's revenue for 2014 amounted to 969.7 million rubles, net profit - 12.3 million rubles, a year earlier these figures amounted to 1.9 billion rubles. and 980 thousand rubles. respectively.

Vladislav Trifonov, Ivan Sinergiev

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