Sample operating certificate for equipment. Technical passport for equipment: sample design and purpose of the document

Technical documentation for the operation of electrical installations

1.8.1. Each Consumer must have the following technical documentation:

  • master plan with buildings, structures and underground electrical communications;
  • approved design documentation (drawings, explanatory notes, etc.) with all subsequent changes;
  • acts of acceptance of hidden work, testing and adjustment of electrical equipment, acceptance of electrical installations into operation;
  • executive working diagrams of primary and secondary electrical connections;
  • acts of delineation of networks according to property (balance sheet) ownership and operational responsibility between the energy supplying organization and the Consumer;
  • technical passports of main electrical equipment, buildings and structures of power facilities, certificates for equipment and materials subject to mandatory certification;
  • production instructions for the operation of electrical installations;
  • job descriptions for each workplace, instructions on labor protection at workplaces (for the operator of a personal electronic computer (hereinafter - PC), on the use of portable electrical receivers, etc.), instructions on fire
  • safety, instructions for the prevention and elimination of accidents, instructions for performing switching without orders, instructions for electricity metering and its rational use, labor protection instructions for workers servicing
  • electrical equipment of electrical installations. All instructions are developed taking into account the types of work performed (work on operational switching in electrical installations, steeplejack work, work at heights, installation, adjustment, repair work, testing and measurements, etc.) and are approved by the Consumer’s manager.

The set of the above documentation must be kept by the Consumer and, if the owner changes, transferred in full to the new owner. The procedure for storing documentation is established by the Consumer's manager.

1.8.2. Each Consumer for structural divisions must have lists of technical documentation approved by the technical manager. A complete set of instructions should be kept by the person responsible for the electrical equipment of the workshop or site, and the necessary set should be kept by the relevant personnel at the workplace.

The lists must be revised at least once every 3 years.

The list should include the following documents:

  • electrical equipment accounting logs listing the main electrical equipment and indicating their technical data, as well as the inventory numbers assigned to them (operating instructions and technical data sheets of the plants are attached to the logs)
  • manufacturers, certificates certifying the quality of equipment, products and materials, protocols and reports of tests and measurements, repair of equipment and power lines, maintenance of relay protection and automation devices);
  • drawings of electrical equipment, electrical installations and structures, sets of drawings of spare parts,
  • as-built drawings of overhead and cable routes and cable logs;
  • drawings of underground cable routes and grounding devices with references to buildings and permanent structures and indicating the installation locations of couplings and intersections with other communications;
  • general power supply diagrams drawn up for the Consumer as a whole and for individual workshops and areas (divisions);
  • acts or written instructions from the Consumer's manager on the delimitation of networks according to balance sheet ownership and operational responsibility between structural divisions (if necessary);
  • a set of production instructions for the operation of electrical installations of a workshop, site (division) and sets of necessary job descriptions and labor protection instructions for employees of this division (service);
  • lists of employees:
  • list of gas-hazardous underground structures, special work in electrical installations;
  • Overhead lines that are under induced voltage after disconnection;
  • list of works permitted in the order of current operation;
  • electrical installations where additional measures are required to ensure the safety of work;
  • positions of engineering and technical workers (hereinafter referred to as engineers) and electrical engineering personnel who need to have an appropriate electrical safety group;
  • professions and jobs that require personnel to be assigned to Group I for electrical safety;
  • separation of duties of electrical and electrical engineering personnel;
  • electrical installations under operational management;
  • a list of complex switchings performed using switching forms;
  • measuring instruments transferred to the category of indicators;
  • inventory of protective equipment distributed between objects.

1.8.3. All changes in electrical installations made during operation must be promptly reflected on diagrams and drawings signed by the person responsible for electrical installations, indicating his position and the date of the change.

Information about changes in the schemes should be brought to the attention of all employees for whom knowledge of these schemes is required, with an entry in the work log according to orders and orders.

1.8.4. The designations and numbers on the diagrams must correspond to the designations and numbers made in kind.

1.8.5. The compliance of electrical (technological) diagrams (drawings) with actual operational ones must be checked at least once every 2 years with a check mark on them.

1.8.6. A set of electrical supply diagrams must be kept by the person responsible for electrical equipment at his workplace.

Operational diagrams of electrical installations of a given workshop, section (division) and other electrically connected divisions must be stored at the workplace of the division's operational personnel.

The main diagrams are posted in a visible place in the premises of this electrical installation.

1.8.7. All workplaces must be provided with the necessary instructions: production (operational), job, occupational safety and fire safety measures.

1.8.8. If the operating conditions of electrical equipment change, appropriate additions are made to the instructions, which is reported to employees, for whom knowledge of these instructions is required, against signature.

The instructions are reviewed at least once every 3 years.

1.8.9. At the workplaces of operational personnel (at substations, in switchgears or in rooms reserved for personnel servicing electrical installations), the following documentation must be maintained:

  • operational diagram, and, if necessary, a layout diagram. For Consumers who have a simple and clear power supply diagram, it is enough to have a single-line diagram of the primary electrical connections, which does not indicate the actual position
  • switching devices;
  • operational log;
  • log of work according to orders and orders;
  • log of issuance and return of keys to electrical installations;
  • magazine of relay protection, automation and telemechanics;
  • a log or file cabinet of defects and malfunctions in electrical equipment;
  • statements of readings of instrumentation and electricity meters;
  • electrical equipment logbook;
  • cable magazine.

The following documentation must also be available at workplaces:

  • lists of employees:
    • having the right to perform operational switching, conduct operational negotiations, individual inspection of electrical installations and the electrical part of process equipment;
    • having the right to give orders, issue orders;
    • who are given the rights of an admitter, a responsible work manager, a work performer, and an observer;
    • admitted to inspection of underground structures for gas contamination;
    • knowledge to be tested for the right to perform special work in electrical installations;
  • lists of responsible employees of the energy supply organization and sub-subscriber organizations who have the right to conduct operational negotiations;
  • a list of equipment, power lines and relay protection devices that are under operational control at the assigned site;
  • production instructions for switching in electrical installations;
  • forms of work permits for work in electrical installations;
  • list of works performed in the order of current operation.

Depending on local conditions (organizational structure and form of operational management, composition of operational personnel and electrical installations under its operational management), the following documentation may be included in the operational documentation:

  • on-the-job training log;
  • single-line diagram of electrical connections of an electrical installation during normal operation of the equipment;
  • a list of employees who have the right to give operational orders;
  • logbook for recording emergency and fire drills;
  • journal of relay protection, automation and telemechanics and maps of relay protection and automation settings;
  • local instructions for the prevention and elimination of accidents;
  • list of complex operational switchings;
  • switching forms.

The scope of operational documentation can be supplemented by the decision of the Consumer's manager or the person responsible for electrical equipment.

1.8.10. Operational documentation should be reviewed periodically (within the timeframe established by the organization, but at least once a month) by superior operational or administrative and technical personnel and take measures to eliminate any deficiencies found.

1.8.11. Operational documentation, diagrams of recording control and measuring instruments, statements of readings of calculated electricity meters, output documents generated by the operational information complex of automated control systems (hereinafter referred to as the ACS), belong to strict accounting documents and are subject to storage in the prescribed manner.


  1. Rules for technical operation of consumer electrical installations.


Section 1. Organization of operation of electrical installations

Chapter 1.8. Technical documentation

1.8.1. Each Consumer must have the following technical documentation:

  • master plan with buildings, structures and underground electrical communications;
  • approved design documentation (drawings, explanatory notes, etc.) with all subsequent changes;
  • acts of acceptance of hidden work, testing and adjustment of electrical equipment, acceptance of electrical installations into operation;
  • executive working diagrams of primary and secondary electrical connections;
  • acts of delineation of networks according to property (balance sheet) ownership and operational responsibility between the energy supplying organization and the Consumer;
  • technical passports of main electrical equipment, buildings and structures of power facilities, certificates for equipment and materials subject to mandatory certification;
  • production instructions for the operation of electrical installations;
  • job descriptions for each workplace, instructions on labor protection at workplaces (for the operator of a personal electronic computer (hereinafter - PC), on the use of portable electrical receivers, etc.), instructions on fire safety, instructions on the prevention and elimination of accidents, instructions for performing switching without orders, instructions for electricity metering and its rational use, labor protection instructions for workers servicing electrical equipment of electrical installations. All instructions are developed taking into account the types of work performed (work on operational switching in electrical installations, steeplejack work, work at heights, installation, adjustment, repair work, testing and measurements, etc.) and are approved by the Consumer’s manager.

The set of the above documentation must be kept by the Consumer and, if the owner changes, transferred in full to the new owner. The procedure for storing documentation is established by the Consumer's manager.

1.8.2. Each Consumer for structural divisions must have lists of technical documentation approved by the technical manager. A complete set of instructions should be kept by the person responsible for the electrical equipment of the workshop or site, and the necessary set should be kept by the relevant personnel at the workplace.

The lists must be revised at least once every 3 years.

The list should include the following documents:

  • electrical equipment accounting logs listing the main electrical equipment and indicating their technical data, as well as the inventory numbers assigned to them (the logs are accompanied by operating instructions and technical passports of manufacturers, certificates certifying the quality of equipment, products and materials, protocols and reports of tests and measurements , repair of equipment and power lines, maintenance of relay protection and automation devices);
  • drawings of electrical equipment, electrical installations and structures, sets of drawings of spare parts, as-built drawings of overhead and cable routes and cable logs;
  • drawings of underground cable routes and grounding devices with references to buildings and permanent structures and indicating the installation locations of couplings and intersections with other communications;
  • general power supply diagrams drawn up for the Consumer as a whole and for individual workshops and areas (divisions);
  • acts or written instructions from the Consumer's manager on the delimitation of networks according to balance sheet ownership and operational responsibility between structural divisions (if necessary);
  • a set of production instructions for the operation of electrical installations of a workshop, site (division) and sets of necessary job descriptions and labor protection instructions for employees of this division (service);
  • lists of employees:
  • list of gas-hazardous underground structures, special work in electrical installations;
  • Overhead lines that are under induced voltage after disconnection;
  • list of works permitted in the order of current operation;
  • electrical installations where additional measures are required to ensure the safety of work;
  • positions of engineering and technical workers (hereinafter referred to as engineers) and electrical engineering personnel who need to have an appropriate electrical safety group;
  • professions and jobs that require personnel to be assigned to Group I for electrical safety;
  • separation of duties of electrical and electrical engineering personnel;
  • electrical installations under operational management;
  • a list of complex switchings performed using switching forms;
  • measuring instruments transferred to the category of indicators;
  • inventory of protective equipment distributed between objects.

1.8.3. All changes in electrical installations made during operation must be promptly reflected on diagrams and drawings signed by the person responsible for electrical installations, indicating his position and the date of the change.

Information about changes in the schemes should be brought to the attention of all employees for whom knowledge of these schemes is required, with an entry in the work log according to orders and orders.

1.8.4. The designations and numbers on the diagrams must correspond to the designations and numbers made in kind.

1.8.5. The compliance of electrical (technological) diagrams (drawings) with actual operational ones must be checked at least once every 2 years with a check mark on them.

1.8.6. A set of electrical supply diagrams must be kept by the person responsible for electrical equipment at his workplace.

Operational diagrams of electrical installations of a given workshop, section (division) and other electrically connected divisions must be stored at the workplace of the division's operational personnel.

The main diagrams are posted in a visible place in the premises of this electrical installation.

1.8.7. All workplaces must be provided with the necessary instructions: production (operational), job, occupational safety and fire safety measures.

1.8.8. If the operating conditions of electrical equipment change, appropriate additions are made to the instructions, which is reported to employees, for whom knowledge of these instructions is required, against signature.

The instructions are reviewed at least once every 3 years.

1.8.9. At the workplaces of operational personnel (at substations, in switchgears or in rooms reserved for personnel servicing electrical installations), the following documentation must be maintained:

  • operational diagram, and, if necessary, a layout diagram. For Consumers who have a simple and clear power supply diagram, it is enough to have a single-line diagram of the primary electrical connections, which does not indicate the actual position of the switching devices;
  • operational log;
  • log of work according to orders and orders;
  • log of issuance and return of keys to electrical installations;
  • magazine of relay protection, automation and telemechanics;
  • a log or file cabinet of defects and malfunctions in electrical equipment;
  • statements of readings of instrumentation and electricity meters;
  • electrical equipment logbook;
  • cable magazine.

The following documentation must also be available at workplaces:

  • lists of employees:
    • having the right to perform operational switching, conduct operational negotiations, individual inspection of electrical installations and the electrical part of process equipment;
    • having the right to give orders, issue orders;
    • who are given the rights of an admitter, a responsible work manager, a work performer, and an observer;
    • admitted to inspection of underground structures for gas contamination;
    • knowledge to be tested for the right to perform special work in electrical installations;
  • lists of responsible employees of the energy supply organization and sub-subscriber organizations who have the right to conduct operational negotiations;
  • a list of equipment, power lines and relay protection devices that are under operational control at the assigned site;
  • production instructions for switching in electrical installations;
  • forms of work permits for work in electrical installations;
  • list of works performed in the order of current operation.

Depending on local conditions (organizational structure and form of operational management, composition of operational personnel and electrical installations under its operational management), the following documentation may be included in the operational documentation.

One of the biggest problems in the operation of electrical equipment in industrial enterprises in our time is the lack of technical documentation and diagrams for the serviced fleet of old type machines.

For the most part, the operation and repair of electrical equipment of machines is carried out without diagrams and passports for the machine, somewhere from memory and based on one’s own experience, somewhere “at random”, and somewhere in general, as necessary. But generations change, old workers leave, and the young people who come simply have nothing to rely on.

The downtime of equipment in the event of a breakdown very often increases significantly simply because it is much more difficult for an electrician to find and fix a fault without an electrical diagram in front of his eyes than if he had a full-fledged factory passport for the equipment. But where can you find these passports now? Many of the machines in use are already 30–40 years old. And very often all technical documentation for them was lost a long time ago.

But in fact, there is a way out. Currently, I have about 100 sets of electronic copies for the most common models of metal-cutting machines.

Now all the technical documentation I have for metal-cutting machines is available for free download in full.

I just got normal Internet, free time and, accordingly, the opportunity to upload all this stuff to a file hosting service.

All files are scans from real equipment passports, in the form of pictures in jpg format.

All photocopies of machine passports for each model contain:

1. Main technical characteristics (technical description) of the machine.

2. Electrical circuit diagram.

4. Description of the operation of the circuit diagram.

5. Composition of electrical equipment with technical characteristics.

For example, the passport of a hydroficated slotting machine model 7M430 includes: a general view of the machine, the purpose and scope of application of the machine, unpacking and transportation of the machine, a general view of the machine with the designation of controls, basic data of the machine, a brief description of the design and operation of the machine, electrical equipment of the machine (job description diagrams), specification of electrical equipment, characteristics of electric motors, instructions for servicing the electrical equipment of the machine, electrical circuit diagram, electrical wiring diagram.

I divided all the machine passports into separate groups and packed them into 8 zip archives.

You can download all archives from the file hosting service at

A complete list of passports of metal-cutting machines and links to archives

Passports of lathes:

Screw-cutting lathe model 1624M (without wiring diagram)

Lathe model 6A125

Universal screw-cutting lathe 16B16P (SAMAT 400) – (without wiring diagram and list of electrical equipment)

Screw-cutting lathe 1V62G (16V20)

Screw-cutting lathe 16D20 (16D20P, 16D20G, 16D25, 16D25G)

Screw-cutting lathe 16E20

Screw-cutting lathe 16K20

Screw-cutting lathe 16K20G

Screw-cutting lathe 16K20P

Screw-cutting lathe 16K25

Automatic turning-turret single-spindle rod model 1B140 (1B125)

Multi-spindle automatic lathe model 1B240-6 (1B240-6K) – (without wiring diagram)

Screw-cutting lathe model 1V62G

Universal screw-cutting lathe model 1K62

Universal screw-cutting lathe model 1K625

Screw-cutting lathe model 1K62D

Automatic longitudinal lathe model 1M10DA (without wiring diagram)

Screw-cutting lathe 1M63

Screw-cutting lathe 1M63D (without wiring diagram)

Screw-cutting lathe model 1M63MF101

Lathe 1N318

Turret lathe model 1P365 (1P371)

Lathe GS526U

Specialized lightweight screw-cutting lathe model IT-1M (IT-1GM)

High precision screw-cutting lathe SA564С100

Screw-cutting lathe model TV-320 (without wiring diagram)

Special high-precision screw-cutting lathe, model FT-11M

Lathes models 1B140(125), 1B240P-6, 1V62G, 1K62, 1K62D, 1K625, 1M10DA, 1M63, 1M63D(DF101), 1M63MF101, 1M3681, 1N318(R): download archive with lathes passports

Lathes models 1P365(371), 16A25, 16B16P, 16V20, 16D20(P,G,25,25G), 16E20, 16K20, 16K20G, 16K20P, 16K25:

Lathes models 1516F3-FAGOR-8035, 1624M, GS526U, IT-1M(GM), LT-10(11), SA564S100, SA564S150-02, TV-320, FT-11M: download the archive with passports of lathes

Drilling machine data sheets:

Universal vertical drilling machine 2A125

Vertical drilling machine model 2G125

Radial drilling portable machine 2K52-1

Radial drilling machine 2K522

Lightweight radial drilling machine 2LU3U

Radial drilling machine model 2M55

Radial drilling machine model 2M57 (without wiring diagram)

Vertical drilling machine 2N118-1 (without wiring diagram)

Vertical drilling machine 2N125

Vertical drilling machine GS2116

Radial drilling machine model GS545

Drilling machines models 2A125, 2G125, 2K52-1, 2K522, 2K552-2, 2L53U, 2M55, 2M57:

Drilling machines models 2N118-1, 2N125(135,150), 2N150, 2S150, GS545, GS2112, GS2116(508), GS 520, slotting 7M430: download the archive with drilling machine passports

Milling machine data sheets:

Tabletop drilling and milling machine. Model GS 520

High-precision, wide-universal milling tool machine model 675PF1

Wide-universal tool milling machine model 67K25 PR

Milling machine 6A23

Milling machine 6E416 (without wiring diagram)

Cantilever milling machine 6M82 (6M82G, 6M82GB)

Milling machine 6N81 (6N81G)

Vertical cantilever milling machine 6Р12 (without circuit diagram, only with mounting)

Cantilever milling machine 6Р81 (6Р81Г, 6Р81Ш, 6Р811)

General purpose cantilever milling machine 6Р82 (6Р82Г)

General purpose cantilever milling machine 6Р83 (6Р83Г, 6Р83Ш)

Cantilever milling machine 6T12-1 (6T13-1)

Cantilever milling machine FA5B

Specialized console milling machine VM127

Specialized console milling machine VM127M

Woodworking milling machine VFK-2

Specialized milling machine OF-55

Rotary milling machine UV0803

Milling machines models 6А23, 6Е416, 6М82(Г,ГБ), 6Н81(Г),6Н11, 6Р12(Б,13,13Б), 6Р81(81Г,Ш,11), 6Р82, 6Р83:

Milling machines models 6T12-1(13-1), 67K25PR, 675PF1, FA5B, VM127, VM127M, VFK-2, GF2171S5, OF-55, UV0803: download the archive with milling machine passports

Data sheets of grinding machines:

Internal grinding machine model 3225 (3225P)

Universal cylindrical grinding machine model 3B12 (without wiring diagram)

Cylindrical grinding machine model 3A151 (3A161)

Longitudinal grinding machine 3B722

Surface grinding machine with cross table and horizontal spindle model 3E710V-1 (without wiring diagram)

Surface grinding machine 3E711V

Universal sharpening machine 3E642

Universal cylindrical grinding machine 3K12

Grinding and polishing machine ShPA-500 (without wiring diagram)

Grinding machines models 3B12, 3B151(161), 3B722, 3E642, 3E710V-1, 3E711V, 3K12, 3K225V(227V), 3225, ShPA-500:

1.8.1. Each Consumer must have the following technical documentation:

master plan with buildings, structures and underground electrical communications;

approved design documentation (drawings, explanatory notes, etc.) with all subsequent changes;

acts of acceptance of hidden work, testing and adjustment of electrical equipment, acceptance of electrical installations into operation;

executive working diagrams of primary and secondary electrical connections;

acts of delineation of networks according to property (balance sheet) ownership and operational responsibility between the energy supplying organization and the Consumer;

technical passports of main electrical equipment, buildings and structures of power facilities, certificates for equipment and materials subject to mandatory certification;

production instructions for the operation of electrical installations;

job descriptions for each workplace, instructions on labor protection at workplaces (for the operator of a personal electronic computer (hereinafter - PC), on the use of portable electrical receivers, etc.), instructions on fire safety, instructions on the prevention and elimination of accidents, instructions for performing switching without orders, instructions for electricity metering and its rational use, labor protection instructions for workers servicing electrical equipment of electrical installations. All instructions are developed taking into account the types of work performed (work on operational switching in electrical installations, steeplejack work, work at heights, installation, adjustment, repair work, testing and measurements, etc.) and are approved by the Consumer’s manager.

The set of the above documentation must be kept by the Consumer and, if the owner changes, transferred in full to the new owner. The procedure for storing documentation is established by the Consumer's manager.

1.8.2. Each Consumer for structural divisions must have lists of technical documentation approved by the technical manager. A complete set of instructions should be kept by the person responsible for the electrical equipment of the workshop or site, and the necessary set should be kept by the relevant personnel at the workplace.

The lists must be revised at least once every 3 years.

The list should include the following documents:

electrical equipment accounting logs listing the main electrical equipment and indicating its technical data, as well as the inventory numbers assigned to it (the logs are accompanied by operating instructions and technical passports of manufacturers, certificates certifying the quality of equipment, products and materials, protocols and reports of tests and measurements , repair of equipment and power lines, maintenance of relay protection and automation devices;

drawings of electrical equipment, electrical installations and structures, sets of drawings of spare parts, as-built drawings of overhead and cable routes and cable logs;

drawings of underground cable routes and grounding devices with references to buildings and permanent structures and indicating the installation locations of couplings and intersections with other communications;

general power supply diagrams drawn up for the Consumer as a whole and for individual workshops and areas (divisions);

acts or written instructions from the Consumer's manager on the delimitation of networks according to balance sheet ownership and operational responsibility between structural divisions (if necessary);

a set of production instructions for the operation of electrical installations of a workshop, site (division) and sets of necessary job descriptions and labor protection instructions for employees of this division (service);

lists of employees:

list of gas-hazardous underground structures, special work in electrical installations;

Overhead lines that are under induced voltage after disconnection;

list of works permitted in the order of current operation;

electrical installations where additional measures are required to ensure the safety of work;

positions of engineering and technical workers (hereinafter referred to as engineers) and electrical engineering personnel who need to have an appropriate electrical safety group;

professions and jobs that require personnel to be assigned to Group I for electrical safety;

separation of duties of electrical and electrical engineering personnel;

electrical installations under operational management;

a list of complex switchings performed using switching forms;

measuring instruments transferred to the category of indicators;

inventory of protective equipment distributed between objects.

1.8.3. All changes in electrical installations made during operation must be promptly reflected on diagrams and drawings signed by the person responsible for electrical installations, indicating his position and the date of the change.

Information about changes in the schemes should be brought to the attention of all employees for whom knowledge of these schemes is required, with an entry in the work log according to orders and orders.

1.8.4. The designations and numbers on the diagrams must correspond to the designations and numbers made in kind.

1.8.5. The compliance of electrical (technological) diagrams (drawings) with actual operational ones must be checked at least once every 2 years with a check mark on them.

1.8.6. A set of electrical supply diagrams must be kept by the person responsible for electrical equipment at his workplace.

Operational diagrams of electrical installations of a given workshop, section (division) and other electrically connected divisions must be stored at the workplace of the division's operational personnel.

The main diagrams are posted in a visible place in the premises of this electrical installation.

1.8.7. All workplaces must be provided with the necessary instructions: production (operational), job, occupational safety and fire safety measures.

1.8.8. If the operating conditions of electrical equipment change, appropriate additions are made to the instructions, which is reported to employees, for whom knowledge of these instructions is required, against signature.

The instructions are reviewed at least once every 3 years.

1.8.9. At the workplaces of operational personnel (at substations, in switchgears or in rooms reserved for personnel servicing electrical installations), the following documentation must be maintained:

operational diagram, and, if necessary, a layout diagram. For Consumers who have a simple and clear power supply diagram, it is enough to have a single-line diagram of the primary electrical connections, which does not indicate the actual position of the switching devices;

operational log;

log of work according to orders and orders;

log of issuance and return of keys to electrical installations;

magazine of relay protection, automation and telemechanics;

a log or file cabinet of defects and malfunctions in electrical equipment;

statements of readings of instrumentation and electricity meters;

electrical equipment logbook;

cable magazine.

The following documentation must also be available at workplaces:

lists of employees:

Having the right to perform operational switching, conduct operational negotiations, individual inspection of electrical installations and the electrical part of process equipment;

Having the right to give orders, issue orders;

Who are given the rights of an admitter, a responsible work manager, a work producer, an observer;

Approved for inspection of underground structures for gas contamination;

Knowledge to be tested for the right to perform special work in electrical installations;

lists of responsible employees of the energy supply organization and sub-subscriber organizations who have the right to conduct operational negotiations;

a list of equipment, power lines and relay protection devices that are under operational control at the assigned site;

production instructions for switching in electrical installations;

forms of work permits for work in electrical installations;

list of works performed in the order of current operation.

Depending on local conditions (organizational structure and form of operational management, composition of operational personnel and electrical installations under its operational management), the following documentation may be included in the operational documentation:

on-the-job training log;

single-line diagram of electrical connections of an electrical installation during normal operation of the equipment;

a list of employees who have the right to give operational orders;

logbook for recording emergency and fire drills;

journal of relay protection, automation and telemechanics and maps of relay protection and automation settings;

local instructions for the prevention and elimination of accidents;

list of complex operational switchings;

switching forms.

The scope of operational documentation can be supplemented by the decision of the Consumer's manager or the person responsible for electrical equipment.

1.8.10. Operational documentation should be reviewed periodically (within the timeframe established by the organization, but at least once a month) by superior operational or administrative and technical personnel and take measures to eliminate any deficiencies found.

1.8.11. Operational documentation, diagrams of recording instrumentation, statements of readings of calculated electricity meters, output documents generated by the operational information complex of automated control systems (hereinafter referred to as the ACS), belong to strict accounting documents and are subject to storage in the prescribed manner.

A passport is a technical document containing all the information about the product. Each unit of manufactured products is provided with a separate technical passport with a complete list of its characteristics. The preparation of these types of documents is regulated by regulations and is strictly mandatory.

The technical data sheet is intended to confirm the safety of devices. It serves to inform the owner of the equipment about its properties and proper operation.

Before getting into the hands of the consumer, the equipment must pass, which is only possible if you have a technical passport. After this, the equipment is allowed for sale. You cannot use the device without technical documentation.

What information is contained in the technical passport

The presence of mandatory items in the technical passport is regulated by a document called GOST 2.610-2016. According to its standards, the technical passport information should consist of the following sections:

  • Product and technical data. Designed for workers servicing equipment. Describe the operational properties of the device and confirm its reliability.
  • components supplied with the equipment. This item may be absent if the product is one-piece and does not provide for the presence of additional parts for installation and spare parts.
  • Indication of service life, storage and resource depletion. List of manufacturer's warranty rights. It is a list of the rights and obligations of the manufacturer, supported by the legislative framework. This section describes storage methods and expiration dates.
  • Conservation data. Measures to preserve equipment are described.
  • Packing certificate. It is drawn up by the manufacturer and signed by the packing workers.
  • Equipment acceptance certificate. Contains data on the testing of the device and the grounds for its acceptance. Signed by those who are responsible for the compliance of the equipment with technical documents.
  • Information about transportation and transfer to other persons. The moment of putting the equipment into use is described, including its technical characteristics at this time. Contains information about the responsible persons who are the owners of the device. Explains the rules and restrictions during mobilization of equipment.
  • Repair times for equipment as a whole or its individual parts. In this case, the countdown of operating time begins from the moment the device is tested and is measured in units applicable to a specific resource.
  • Additional operating conditions and. Their presence is not required. They imply a description of special conditions for the operation of equipment and safety measures during its use.
  • Disposal measures. The stages of preparation and sending for disposal are described. A list of components to be recycled is compiled.
  • The cost of the product and the conditions for its purchase. Describes the preparation of equipment for sale, the stages of returning and exchanging goods and other data that may be needed when concluding a purchase and sale transaction.

The technical data sheet of the equipment provides space for making notes during its operation. The information listed helps the owner of the device to use it correctly and safely, maintaining the functionality of the device throughout the full period of operation.

How to prepare a technical passport

The process of obtaining a technical passport is regulated by the following legal acts: GOST 2.601-2013 and GOST 2.105-95. These standards provide for the preparation of a technical passport in tangible form. passports in electronic form are regulated by GOST 2.610-2006. And if the sections of the technical passport include a list of alloys and precious metals used in the development of the device, the manufacturer relies on GOST 2.105-95.

The passport is issued in accordance with the set of testing and research periods for equipment. If the device is manufactured to order, the customer has the right to carry out the necessary checks to confirm its quality. If their results do not correspond with the data declared by the manufacturer, the customer submits his claims to the manufacturer.

The technical passport must comply with regulations and contain all the information required by them. To be valid, its pages must contain dates and signatures from the manufacturer. These are the basic rules for obtaining a technical passport. Only after this the equipment can receive a certificate and go on sale.

The presence of a technical passport is the basis for its use. It specifies all the conditions that make the device safe to operate.

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