Exam in the city and collection of points. Point system of fines

The other day, deputies introduced a bill to the Duma that would introduce a banal system of penalties for ordinary drivers and taxi drivers for traffic violations. The State Duma proposes that traffic police officers will again award points, and the number of points will primarily depend on the amount of fines issued. Driving instructors will tell us when and how such a system will be implemented.

Points rules

Deputies believe that a special section should be introduced in the Code of Administrative Offences, where all penalties for regular violations of traffic rules will be considered. For example, if a driver has committed three or more car crimes, he receives 150 points. For this you can lose your driving license for a period of 12 months. Points will most likely be calculated as follows: one point will be equal to a 100 ruble fine.

Thus, if the minimum fine is 500 rubles, then there will be five points.

According to deputies, this is a good option to stop those who systematically violate traffic rules, and there are many of them among motorists and even driving instructors. There are drivers who have 20 or even 30 fines, which in most cases ends in a tragedy on the road.

Some people are wondering why they decided to bring back such strict rules? But the authors of the bill reassure motorists: this will not be a “cumulative” system for absolutely all violations, but only for those that pose a danger to society. These include: running a red signal, excessive speeding, driving into oncoming traffic, etc.

Offenses such as parking or stopping in the wrong place, or driving in a lane allocated for special vehicles will not be taken into account.

Three Holes are coming back?

Experienced drivers have not yet forgotten a similar system that operated in our country about 15 years ago. Surely, many remember the “three holes” rule, when after so many “punctures” any driver was deprived of his license for a year. A little later there was a transition to a point system. Today no one will ever pierce anything. However, all violations on the road will be recorded on special electronic media.

If a driver collects 200 points for one in a calendar year (which is equal to a fine in monetary terms of 20 thousand rubles), then the motorist is automatically deprived of his driving license for a year.

Exceeding the speed limit - lost your license

Another proposal submitted for consideration in the Duma is to deprive a person who has greatly exceeded the speed limit for one year, in particular by 80-90 km/h. For such a violation there will be a fine of five thousand and deprivation of rights for a year.

In addition to the point system, the new bill provides for the following sanctions for offenders. Thus, the amount of the minimum fine will increase from one hundred rubles to 500, as mentioned above. Another innovation concerns drunk driving. So, for driving a vehicle while intoxicated (the permissible amount per mille is still unknown) a fine of 50 thousand rubles will be charged immediately plus deprivation of driving license for 3 years. Exactly the same punishment (fine and imprisonment) faces those motorists who transfer their car to another person who is drunk.

Also in the amendments submitted to the State Duma, fines for driving without a license have been increased. Today we are talking about an increase to 30,000 rubles!

Video about tougher penalties for traffic offenses:

We wish you good luck on the roads and do not break the rules!

The article uses an image from the site tltgorod.ru

The possibility of introducing a point system of fines for traffic violations in Belarus was discussed only a dozen years ago, in 2008. And here's the question again. The arguments are still the same - to toughen the punishment for systematic violation of traffic rules. The Belarusian system assumes a differentiated approach, when the number of penalty points depends on the severity of the offense on the road.

Let us recall that 10 years ago the option of introducing a 27-point system for recording traffic violations was considered. When calculating penalty points, the traffic police proposed to proceed from the degree of public danger of violations committed by drivers. Thus, speeding or leaving the scene of an accident was proposed to be assessed at 9 points, violation of the rules of overtaking and maneuvering - at 7 points, running a red light - at 5 points, talking on the phone while driving and driving with unfastened seat belts - 2 points. . The points were planned to be reset after a year after the violation was committed.

What are they offering now? Almost the same. Only the limit for the year is 15 points. Differentiation occurs based on the amount of the fine in basic terms. But in essence, the number of penalty points depends on the severity of the “crime”.

  • Thus, for offenses up to three basic values, one point will be awarded. This includes “chain letters” for speeding, recorded by automatic cameras. It will no longer be possible to “fly” endlessly under cameras and simply pay fines. Failure to pass a technical inspection and parking in the wrong place were also assessed as 1 point.
  • IN 2 points assessed violations with a fine of up to 5 basic units. This includes running red lights and failing to obey traffic signs.
  • 3 points will be given for speeding by 30 km/h or more.
  • 4 points will be issued for violations that involve a fine of more than 10 basic units or deprivation of rights. This includes driving while intoxicated, driving into the oncoming lane, etc.

Penalty points are not awarded for committing administrative offenses provided for in parts 6 and 8 of Article 18.12. This is driving a vehicle with a knowingly hidden, forged (falsified) or otherwise altered registration (license) plate, body or chassis identification number, or without an assigned registration (license) plate and driving a vehicle with an unreadable, non-standard or installed in violation of mandatory compliance requirements. requirements of technical regulatory legal acts in the field of technical regulation and standardization of registration marks. Also, penalty points will not be awarded under Part 5 of Article 18.22 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Republic of Belarus - Violation of other traffic rules by a person driving a vehicle.

In principle, the scoring and scoring system is quite transparent and understandable. If you gain 15 points during the year, you will have to put your license on the shelf for six months. At the end of the year, the accumulated penalty points expire.

the site looked at how the point system for violating drivers works in other countries.

In Russia Since this year, there has also been heated discussion about the idea of ​​​​introducing a point system. For now, it is proposed to deprive people of their rights for a year and a half for three or more traffic violations per year. This penalty is provided only for gross violations: systematically exceeding the speed limit by more than 40 km/h, running a red light, driving into the oncoming lane - but only in cases where they were recorded by an inspector. This system turns out to be more stringent than ours, and is not tied to the “cost” of fines.

In Ukraine back in 2015, a system of penalty points was approved. It provided for a limit of 150 points per year. Traffic violations were assessed at 50 points, and the list of these violations was fixed; not all “offences” were included. But points were deducted only if the offense was recorded by photo and video recording. After the points ran out, the driver had to pay the fine with real money. There was no talk of any deprivation after the “burning out” of points. True, the system never worked for many reasons. This is due to the imperfection of legislation and the unpreparedness of the infrastructure. Now in Ukraine they have returned to discussing this topic.

In Georgia As a result of the reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, completely new personnel came to the police (including the traffic police). The system of punishment for violations has also changed. Points have been introduced since 2017. The limit for the year is 100 points. Upon reaching a zero balance, you will be suspended for a year and retake the exam. Thus, for speeding from 15 to 40 km/h, 10 points are deducted, for more than 40 km/h - 20 points, for not fastening seat belts - 5 points, for transferring control to a person in a drunken state - 40 points. Along with the points, the driver also pays a fine. The number of violations for which penalty points are awarded is very small. We can say that in Georgia they have decided to combat specific common offenses in a targeted manner.

In the Czech Republic Penalty points are awarded only for serious violations and are graded from 2 to 7 points. If you “collect” 12 points, you will lose your license for one year. For example, running a red light or exceeding the speed limit by 50 km/h - 5 penalty points. In total, the list of “point” violations consists of 27 points. By 2019, penalties are planned to be tougher. For the same excess, not five, but six points will be awarded. The system works flawlessly. As soon as the point limit is reached, the driver receives a notification letter asking him to surrender his license. If the punishment includes deprivation, then no points are awarded.

In Latvia one of the strictest penalty points systems, and it has been in effect since 2003. The gradation is on a scale from 0 to 8 points. If you accumulate 16 penalty points, your license will expire. It would seem that there is nothing original. But there are also peculiarities. Thus, accrued penalty points are valid for two years and then are automatically deleted from the database. But not all! For example, 8-point violations remain in effect for 5 years. If a driver earns 16 points twice within 10 years, he will lose his right to drive for 5 years, and to get his driver's license back he will have to re-take training, obtain a medical certificate and pass an exam.

The penalty point system is also used in Australia, England, Germany, Israel, Italy, Korea, USA, France and many other countries. And in these countries it has already proven its effectiveness. Will Belarus be able to introduce penalty points at the second attempt?

Currently existing penalties for traffic violations in many situations allow you to get off with only a fine without fear of losing your driver's license. The point system is precisely designed to “slow down” those who violate regularly and also regularly pay fines. At the same time, in most countries, penalty points are not awarded for all violations, but only for the most serious or widespread ones. That is, there is a more targeted fight against certain offenses.

The Belarusian system, in the form in which it is proposed now, will deal with almost all types of offenses, even the most minor ones. But at the same time, it allows you to slightly deviate from traffic rules 15 times during the year; for a disciplined driver, this limit is enough. In addition, the period of imprisonment of six months for gaining 15 points is one of the shortest. In most countries, the license is taken away for at least a year.

Illustrative photo

The Ministry of Internal Affairs proposed to evaluate violations of traffic rules in points.

If you receive fifteen points within a year, you will be deprived of the right to drive a car. The draft with appropriate amendments to the Law “On Road Traffic” has been submitted for public discussion.

According to the project, for each administrative offense the driver will be awarded from one to four points, depending on the social danger of the violation and the administrative penalty. For example, one point can be received for a failure to pass a technical inspection, violation of the rules of stopping, parking, unfastened seat belt, as well as for offenses recorded by photo and video cameras (exceeding speed, improper parking), writes.

It is proposed to assess two penalty points for violating the requirements of road signs and markings, driving through a red light or failure to comply with the requirements of a traffic controller. Three points are provided for exceeding the speed limit by 30 km/h or more and failure to comply with a traffic police officer’s request to stop. Failure to allow special vehicles to pass, driving into the oncoming lane when prohibited, driving while intoxicated, and leaving the scene of an accident are proposed to be assessed with four penalty points.

It is expected that it will be possible to track the number of points received for traffic violations through a special application on the Internet. If a driver accumulates 15 or more demerit points during the course of a year (for example, commits fifteen minor or four serious offenses), he will be deprived of his driving license for six months.

It is worth noting that the system does not include all offenses.

For example, the draft does not provide for the accrual of penalty points for operating or allowing a vehicle to participate in traffic without a contract of compulsory civil liability insurance for vehicle owners (Article 18.20 of the Administrative Code). This approach raises questions, since this article provides for considerable responsibility. In addition, such offenses are recorded quite often.

The point system did not affect driving a car with a deliberately hidden, forged or otherwise altered registration plate, VIN number, or without such a sign (Part 6 of Article 18.12 of the Administrative Code). No points will be awarded for driving a vehicle with an unreadable, non-standard or incorrectly installed registration plate (Part 8 of Article 18.12 of the Administrative Code). The exception also affected other violations of traffic rules (Part 5 of Article 18.22 of the Administrative Code).

There are legal issues

The traffic police noted that conscientious drivers should not worry about the introduction of the new system, since it is difficult to commit such a number of offenses in a year, which will result in deprivation of rights. On the other hand, according to a number of experts, the system of penalty points proposed by the Ministry of Internal Affairs requires at least some improvement. Firstly, as stated, it implies double punishment for the same offense, which is contrary to the administrative process. For one offense, a main or main and additional penalties may be imposed. Penalty points do not apply to either the main or additional penalty.

Secondly, if penalty points are introduced, it would be more logical to link them not to the amount of the fine, but to a specific article. For example, four points are awarded for driving while intoxicated, whereas, according to Art. 18.16 of the Code of Administrative Offences, this offense is punishable by deprivation of rights for three years. In this case, there is no point in penalty points at all, since the driver will already lose his license.

The point system can create difficulties for taxi drivers and other professional drivers. Owners of cars who rent them out may face unpleasant surprises, since penalty points for violations identified through photo and video recording will be accrued in their name.

Ride without borders

Despite the fact that driver's licenses issued in Belarus are considered international, difficulties may arise with them abroad. For example, in Italy it is difficult to rent a car, and in Spain, Belarusian licenses are completely invalid. The fact is that the license of the current model is somewhat different from the international driver's license - an A6 size book (slightly larger than a passport) containing information in various languages.

In this regard, the Ministry of Internal Affairs plans to begin issuing an international driver’s license on the basis of a national one. The new document is proposed to be issued upon application on a voluntary basis. The international driver's license will be valid for three years or until the expiration of the Belarusian license, whichever comes first. To drive a car in Belarus, you will not need an international license.

Prohibition of perpetual rights

It is proposed to limit the validity period of all unlimited driver's licenses issued in Belarus and in the territory of the former USSR to January 1, 2020. Thus, after this date, rights that were issued before 1995 may be invalidated.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs explained the need to replace the license by saying that old-style documents (without an expiration date) are easy to falsify due to the minimal degree of protection. Information about such driver’s licenses is not available in the information systems of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In some cases, these rights do not even allow one to determine the driver’s identity, which can lead to his detention. In addition, unlimited licenses do not encourage citizens to undergo medical re-examination, despite the fact that every year there are many accidents in the country caused by poor health of drivers.

A new system of penalty points will soon come into effect in Ukraine. These points will be awarded to all drivers annually and will be removed for violations. Violations will be partially recorded automatically using special cameras. Our friends from AutoYuA figured out what violations will result in deduction of penalty points from drivers.

According to the law “On improving relations in the field of road safety”, every driver in Ukraine will be automatically awarded 150 “advance” penalty points every year. These points will be deducted exclusively for violations recorded by photo and video cameras. For all types of offenses provided for by law, the sanction will include the deduction of 50 points.

After all the points are used up, drivers will be issued ordinary fines, and not at the discretion of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (the “fork” of fines), but the number of non-taxable minimum incomes of citizens (NTMIG) fixed by law.

As a result of amendments to the bill, its final version provided for the deduction of points only for the first and second parts of Article 122 of the Code of Administrative Offenses. At the same time, for such a serious offense as crossing a railway crossing at a prohibiting signal (Article 123), only “monetary” punishment is provided, without deduction of points.

Traffic violations for which penalty points are deducted

Violation Number of penalty points Normal fine
Speeding by more than 20 km/h50 points15 NNDMG (255 UAH)
Violation of the requirements of signs and markings
Violation of the rules for transporting goods, towing vehicles
Violation of the rules of stopping, parking, crossing pedestrian crossings
Failure to give priority to pedestrians at unregulated pedestrian crossings
Violation of the prohibition for vehicles to move on sidewalks or pedestrian paths
Violation of rules for crossing intersections, failure to give priority to route vehicles50 points25 NNDMG (425 UAH)
Driving through a prohibiting traffic light signal or a traffic controller's gesture
Violation of the rules of overtaking and oncoming traffic, safe distance or interval, placing a vehicle on the roadway
Violation of the rules for driving on highways, the use of external lighting devices or warning signals when starting to move or changing its direction, as well as their conversion not according to the standard
Talking on a mobile phone without headsets or speakerphone
Violation of training driving rules

As for monetary sanctions, if 50% of the fine for a violation recorded by cameras is paid within 5 banking days from the date of delivery of the resolution, such resolution will be considered fulfilled. If the fine is not contested in court and is not paid within 30 days, the violator will be assessed a fine equal to double the fine. In case of non-payment of fines and penalties within the next 30 days (i.e. 60 days from the date of receipt of the decision), the case will be transferred to the enforcement service.

Compulsory execution of a decision to impose an administrative penalty in the form of a fine for violations recorded automatically does not relieve the need to pay a fine.

Appealing a decision in court suspends the countdown of the specified deadlines until the consideration of the complaint.

The introduction of a point system for traffic violations in Belarus disciplines drivers. This opinion was expressed to journalists today by Deputy Head of the State Automobile Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Alexander Tsegelnik, BELTA correspondent reports.

Alexander Tsegelnik expressed confidence that if it is introduced, the number of systematic violators will decrease. The innovation will have a positive effect on road safety. “This will make drivers think, who systematically commit traffic violations that do not entail deprivation of their license,” he believes.

In turn, the Chairman of the Standing Commission on Industry, Fuel and Energy Complex, Transport and Communications of the House of Representatives, Andrei Rybak, noted that parliamentarians do not yet have a clear opinion on the introduction of a point system. He is convinced that the effectiveness of this innovation must be assessed in conjunction with other proposals that are provided for in the draft on changing the traffic law. The amendments are being discussed today in the House of Representatives at a working meeting of the relevant commission together with specialists from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Transport, and public associations.

As reported, the draft amendments provide for the introduction of points for violations of traffic rules. Violations for which the fine does not exceed 3 basic values ​​(1 BV - Br24.5) or those identified through photographic recording are scored 1 point. You can get 2 points for violations with a fine of up to 5 basic, 3 points - up to 10 basic, 4 points - if the sanction of the article provides for a fine of more than 10 basic or deprivation of the right to drive. Penalty points are not awarded for administrative offenses provided for in Parts 6 and 8 of Article 18.12 (violation of the rules for operating a vehicle - regarding license plates), Article 18.20 (operation or admission to participation in road traffic of a vehicle without a contract of compulsory civil liability insurance vehicle owners) and Part 5 of Article 18.22 (violation of the rules of stopping and parking a vehicle, as well as other traffic rules) of the Code of Administrative Offenses. Collecting 15 or more penalty points entails termination of the right to drive vehicles for a period of 6 months.

In addition, it is proposed to provide driver candidates with the right to take the traffic police exam in a car with an automatic transmission after undergoing appropriate training. In this case, the license will be issued with a note indicating the need to drive a vehicle of the corresponding category only with an automatic transmission. Those who pass the exam in a car with a manual transmission will be able to drive any car.

The State Traffic Inspectorate also initiated the issue of issuing international driver's licenses. It is proposed to resolve the issue of permission to drive all-terrain vehicles. “The changes are due to the lack of a procedure for admission to driving such vehicles. Because of this, they are often driven by people without the appropriate skills, as well as those who have not passed a medical examination, which in turn creates a threat to road safety. Considering the growing number of all-terrain vehicles operated by citizens, the innovation aims to properly settlement of legal relations related to their use,” the traffic police noted.

For this purpose, it is envisaged to introduce two categories of wheeled tractors and self-propelled vehicles - H and I. The right to drive all-terrain vehicles will be granted to persons over 17 years of age after passing qualification exams; prior training will not be required. Also, drivers who have a license for a mechanical vehicle or self-propelled vehicle of at least one category, with the exception of category AM or subcategory A1, will have the right to drive all-terrain vehicles.

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