Electronic applications for kindergarten. Moving a child with an earlier registration date

All young mothers and fathers understand well that registering their baby with the state kindergarten not at all easy. There are many children, but there are a limited number of vacant places. And, despite the fact that people are accustomed to solving issues as they arise, it is necessary to take care of the kindergarten in advance. In this regard, practically in the first month of a child’s life, parents need to be puzzled by the issue of collecting documents for registration in a kindergarten, and in the future they should be able to check the queue for kindergarten through State Services.

What opportunities are there to register for kindergarten?

  1. Fill out an application on the State Services website and join the queue for kindergarten via the Internet;
  2. Also using the Internet on the website of your city administration;
  3. When visiting a branch of the Federal Migration Service in person, you have the opportunity to fill out and sign a real application in the presence of a service employee.

Important! Each application is assigned a number that must be saved, since this is what you will later use to check the queue for kindergarten.

Now there is an opportunity at any time free time track the queue to your kindergarten.

How can I check my place in the queue?

There are several options here:

How can I find out my current position in the queue for kindergarten through the State Services website?

For getting necessary services on the State Services website you must be registered on the portal. If you initially filled out an application through the portal, then all that remains is to log in to the site using the login and password that were specified during registration .

Accordingly, if you already have an account, then you can find out the kindergarten queue number using the following steps:

  1. Log in to your account using your login (mobile and e-mail) and password.
  2. Select “Service Catalog” from the menu list.
  3. Inside, select the “Family and Children” subsection.
  4. In the “Family and Children” section, choose from the popular “Kindergarten Registration” services.
  5. Next - “Checking the status of the application.”
  6. Next, click on the blue “Check Application” button.

After the few minutes required to process the request, you will see information about the status of your application and find out the queue number for the kindergartens that you indicated when submitting your application.

In what order are applications placed in the queue?

Parents' applications are placed in lists relative to the submission date on which the preschooler was placed on the waiting list. This includes taking into account the age of the children. That is, children of the same age are placed in line in accordance with the date on which parents submitted applications for kindergarten. It's important to note that we're talking about about children who enter kindergartens without any benefits. Accordingly, the number in the queue also shows the number of children of a similar age who are also waiting for a place and will get it before you.

How are children distributed among kindergartens?

Children are automatically assigned to kindergartens. The database sorts applications based on the following information:

  • application system number;
  • in accordance with the category of the future visitor to the preschool institution: it can be general or preferential category, it is also divided in accordance with the level of benefits and the date of application;
  • according to the age of the children: in groups, applications are arranged strictly by number and taking into account privileges;
  • regarding the selected gardens (if there are no places, the system will give priority to nearby ones, and then to more distant gardens).

Consequently, the system makes decisions about the selection of children of different birth dates in each kindergarten regarding benefits and places on the list.

As a rule, the distribution of children is carried out in the summer, usually in June, but you can also get a place in any quarter, since replenishment occurs if places become available.

It is worth noting that the queue may move, as some parents change their plans and do not send their children to kindergarten, choose paid institutions, decide to use the services of a nanny, or get a place in a kindergarten to which they do not want to send their children.

In accordance with the above, the lists are adjusted and groups are added.

Why does the shift occur?

The data on the portal is updated periodically, and one day you will find that you have sharply moved up several places in the list or, on the contrary, moved lower. For what reason could this happen?

You can be higher in the queue in the following cases:

  • the child who was higher in the line left it because the family moved. Either the parents changed their minds about sending their child to kindergarten or decided to go in another year;
  • if the beneficiary who was in front of you suddenly lost the benefit and got in line for a place on the date of his application, and it turned out to be later than the date of your application;
  • if the list includes refuseniks or those who do not want to go to the proposed garden.

You can slide down the queue if:

  • a new beneficiary has appeared in front of you;
  • “transferrs” have been added to the list (those who transferred to your garden from another, but their application date is earlier than yours).

Please note that it is really worth checking the website regularly for the availability of your application and its status. Unfortunately, there are cases of applications missing from the portal.

Therefore, try to control the queue after completing your application. If the application disappears from the system, you may need to contact your city's Education Committee in person or by phone, and then to the staffing commission to clarify whether your child is on the list. Most likely, a technical glitch did not affect the number in the queue, but it is better to make sure for your own peace of mind.

Today, all citizens have the right to enroll their child in kindergarten at their place of registration. This process itself has some important features.

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And it is possible to implement it different ways. Recently many government services are provided via the Internet. But mandatory identification will be required.

It is also important to fulfill a number of requirements directly for citizens and the child himself in order to enroll in a kindergarten queue.

If possible, you should familiarize yourself with all important nuances. This will avoid difficulties and delays.

Important points

The state today provides support for motherhood and family in various ways. That is why there are many different institutions that make family life easier.

This is exactly what kindergarten is. It is important to remember that to write to it you will need to mandatory get acquainted with a number of special legislative norms.

You will also need a list of some documents, as well as passing medical commission. All nuances should be considered in advance.

The main questions that you should familiarize yourself with in advance include:

  • basic moments;
  • who can apply for the service;
  • state support.

Basic moments

Today there is a certain list of requirements for citizens who want to put their children on the waiting list for kindergarten.

Also for certain categories persons are provided with significant benefits. The list of those eligible for a place in kindergarten without a waiting list includes:

At the same time, the process of contacting the relevant institution is standard. This can be done both online and in person.

You will need to pay for kindergarten. At the same time, some citizens have the right to receive full support from the state for their child in a preschool institution.

  • children with tuberculosis intoxication;
  • orphans and disabled children;
  • if the child is raised in a low-income family.

It is mandatory to have special documents confirming your status.

Who can apply for the service

The main document that regulates the receipt of children's preschool education, is .

In accordance with it, regardless of place of residence, registration and other circumstances, any citizen has the right to place his child in kindergarten.

At the same time, only citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to apply for the type in question.

IN in some cases have the same right:

  • stateless persons;
  • refugees;
  • having a residence permit;
  • foreign citizens with a work patent.

It should be remembered that citizens of the Russian Federation have priority rights. Today, there are a number of extensive nuances directly related to registering a child for kindergarten, collecting documents and other issues.

If possible, all of them should be dealt with in advance. Preliminary Review legislative norms will allow you to independently monitor the fact of compliance with your own rights.

Moreover, a number of legislative acts are constantly being reformed. That is why it will be necessary to carefully monitor all current amendments.

The main document within which the process of admitting children to kindergartens is regulated is

For 2019 in next articles amendments have been made:

Art. No. 65 specialized centers have been opened to provide psychological and other assistance to citizens;
the groups for the permanent maintenance of children in kindergarten were reduced by 2 times;
installed new list provision of services in children's educational institutions
Art. No. 66 establishing the right (and not the obligation, as before) to provide care and education services in kindergartens;
determined increased cost payment for child care services;
performance various sizes compensation for lack of a place in kindergarten
Art. No. 86 establishing the right to refuse children aged 1.5 to 3 years a place in kindergarten if actual absence such;
the possibility of a parent to stand in line at any municipal preschool educational institution is established

There is enough a large number of nuances directly related to registering a child for kindergarten. It is best to familiarize yourself with all of them in advance.

State support

The state provides support to citizens with children in various ways. Moreover, all procedures must be carried out within the framework of current legislation.

If a citizen believes that his rights to place his child on the waiting list for kindergarten have been violated, he can contact the city supervisory authority.

If no action has been taken in this regard, you should contact the prosecutor's office.

Particular difficulties arise for citizens who live in areas with large quantity children. In this case, it will be extremely difficult to get into kindergarten.

Therefore, you have to sign up for the queue in advance. That is why optimal solution will use the special Internet portal “State Services”.

There is no need to stand in line for a long time or even leave own apartment. The only drawback of the service is the need for pre-registration.

It can be carried out most different ways. You will need to prove your identity.

If this procedure is carried out by post- This process can take a whole month.

Therefore, it is worth allowing in advance this question. Since in otherwise full list possible services will not be available.

Features of the procedure

The process of queuing for kindergarten itself has some important features. Preliminary preparation, considering them will significantly save time.

What is especially important. Since the procedure for obtaining a place in kindergarten often takes a long time.

The main questions that are the most significant:

  • what documents are needed;
  • mandatory conditions;
  • how to enroll a child in kindergarten through Gosuslugi.

What documents are needed

Before you queue up for kindergarten, you will need to prepare whole line various documents.

Usually this is what causes certain difficulties for parents. Since collection will require time and visits to some government agencies.

In the normal case, when queuing, you will need the following:

  • the parent’s passport;
  • documents to confirm rights to benefits - if any.

An alternative way is to register through an electronic commission. Each region has its own website that allows you to carry out the process.

In this case, you will need to do the following:

Directly for admission to kindergarten you will need to provide another number of mandatory documents:

  • passport of one of the parents;
  • a voucher from the commission for staffing kindergartens;
  • issued in in the prescribed form an application from a parent addressed to the head of the kindergarten;
  • child's birth certificate;
  • copy of the policy;
  • a special certificate from the clinic confirming the child’s health;
  • confirmation of benefits for kindergarten fees.

In addition to the above documents, some additional documents may also be required.

Video: how to enroll a child in kindergarten on the State Services portal

These today include primarily the following:

  • questionnaire for parents;
  • map preventive vaccinations- compiled according to;
  • kindergarten medical card - form No. 026/U;
  • help on ;
  • certificate No. 1 - for the pool, upon request.

It is important to remember that regional legislation differs depending on different regions. Therefore, it is necessary to consider it first.


There are a number special conditions, the fulfillment of which is strictly mandatory for the child to enter kindergarten. It's best to deal with them in advance. Moreover, they differ in different cities.


It will be possible to sign up for a queue at a kindergarten in Moscow on the website.

Use the service of this type can the following citizens- legal representatives of the child or natural parents whose children:

  • registered special bodies registration at the place of residence in Moscow;
  • registered by accounting authorities at the place of residence in Moscow;
  • have not reached the age of 7 years on September 1 of the current year.

Documents required:

  • child's birth certificate;
  • child's registration address;
  • information about benefits;
  • applicant's passport details.

St. Petersburg (SPb)

From December 23, 2013, the procedure for registering a child in a preschool institution in Moscow has changed. The parent can personally contact the territorial authorized organizations, or do it independently through the portal." pgu.mos.ru ( detailed instructions published below).

To register for the garden personally through authorized organization the parent (or legal guardian) must contact the District information support(OSIP) of the county in which the child lives. OSIP contact information

Instructions for registering a child in a preschool educational institution

through the city services portal pgu.mos.ru

How to enroll a child in a Moscow kindergarten"

You can enroll your child in a Moscow kindergarten online on the Moscow City Services Portal PGU.MOS.RU by filling out the appropriate application. This service, like other electronic services of the Portal, is available only to registered users, therefore, to make an appointment, you must register on the Portal.

How to register on the Portal?

You can now register on the Portal by filling out only a simplified form and specifying your login and password.

After registering on the Portal, each user has a Personal Account. The functionality of the account allows you to enter personal data there - SNILS number And compulsory medical insurance policy, information about children, data about the apartment and car, in order to subsequently use them when receiving services.

Using a single Personal Account, the user can avoid permanent filling data for various receipts.

Who can fill out an application and receive the service?

One of the child’s parents or his legal representative, a registered user of the Portal, can fill out the application. Also, one parent can fill out an application on behalf of the second one registered on the Portal.

Parents (or their legal representatives) whose children:

registered at the place of residence or place of stay on the territory of Moscow by registration authorities;

have not yet reached 7 years of age on September 1 of the year in which the child is planned to be enrolled in kindergarten.

(Both of these conditions must be met to enroll in kindergarten).

How much does the service cost and how to get it?

The service of enrolling children in kindergarten is provided free of charge.

Where on the Portal is the kindergarten registration service located?

This service can be found in two sections of the Service Catalog “Education, Study” or “Family, Children”:

By logging into the “Registration for kindergarten” service from the “Family, children” section, the user is taken to the service page, in the upper right corner of which there is a “Submit an application” button. After clicking on it, a page of the electronic application form opens ;"

By logging into the “Kindergartens” service from the “Education, Study” section, you must select the “Registration for kindergarten” column from the pop-up list. After clicking on it, the system will redirect you directly to the electronic application form for enrolling your child in kindergarten.

How to fill out an application?

An application to enroll a child in a kindergarten or preschool department of a school is completed in several successive steps.

STEP 1 . Choosing an educational organization. In this part electronic form The following information is entered:

1. Date of birth of the child and desired year of admission.

On September 1 of the desired year of admission, the child’s age must be between 3 and 7 years. If the applicant wishes to enroll the child in a kindergarten or preschool department of a school before the child reaches the age of 3, he can check the additional wish to enroll the child in a short-term stay group. This group accepts children over 2 months of age and under 7 years of age.

IMPORTANT! Applications that were submitted between February 1 and May 31, with the desired date of admission to kindergarten from September 1 of the current year, will be considered from June 1 of the current year.

2. Type and address of child registration.

The registration type is selected from two proposed options:

at the place of residence in Moscow;

at the place of stay in Moscow.

After entering the first letters of the street name of the registration address, the full name will be displayed from the saved list, and the “County” and “District” fields will be automatically filled in. The house number is also selected from the list, and the apartment number is entered manually. If the required street is not in the list, you need to check the appropriate box and enter all address information manually.

3. Selection of educational organizations.

Educational organizations are selected from the proposed list. You can search for a kindergarten or preschool department of a school of interest by its name or location (metro, district). To search, you need to click the "Find" button.

You can select up to three different organizations from the list of available ones, one of which will be the main one (priority), and the other two will be additional.

The application will be considered in the main queue if you have chosen a school with a preschool department, which is assigned to the child’s registration address in Moscow.
The application will be considered in an additional queue (after the main queue) if you have chosen a school with a preschool department that is not assigned to the child’s registration address in Moscow.

If you have chosen as your main organization a school with a preschool department, which is not assigned to the child’s registration address in Moscow, then your child may be sent for enrollment in this organization for free places after enrollment of children registered in the territory assigned to the educational organization.

STEP 2. At this step, enter information about the child:

registration data of the birth certificate (series and number of the certificate, date and place of issue, by whom it was issued).

STEP 3. Information about benefits.

STEP 3 is completed only if there are benefits from the proposed list. The beneficiary’s data at this step can be filled out automatically from your Personal Account (by ticking the appropriate line), or manually.

STEP 4. Information about the applicant.

Here you enter the following information about the applicant (parent or official representative child) like:

Date of Birth;

type of representation (selected from the drop-down list);

contact number.

Here you can also choose how to receive notifications by email and/or SMS.

After registering the application, the applicant will receive an individual code assigned to his application via the selected communication channel by email and/or SMS.

How can I change the information on my application?

Changes to the application for enrollment of a child in kindergarten can be made directly on by clicking the "Make changes" button.

How to check your place in the queue?

1. Information about the priority can also be obtained on the service page in the “Family, children” section by clicking the “Selected organizations” button.

2. In addition, you can check the queue in the “Education, Study” section by clicking on the “Enroll in kindergarten” service. After that, select the column “Obtaining information about selected educational organizations" and click the "Submit Application" button. In the window that opens, enter information about the child or application number to find out the current place in the queue.

How do you know if your child is enrolled in kindergarten?

A message about this will be sent to the user’s Personal Account. The message will indicate the address of the kindergarten, its work schedule and a list of documents required to be provided.

A message will also be sent to the number mobile phone and/or email address specified in the application.

ATTENTION!!! After submitting your application through the portal, you must bring the original documents to the OSIP in your district! If documents are not provided within 30 days, the application from the portal will be canceled!

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