Electronic document archive program. Program for creating a document archive

"Document Archive" is a program that is designed to organize, store, control and provide easy access to various documents. The program allows for digital and paper document management.

The program also provides access for several users, user access control, keeps a history of adjustments, has a Russian-language menu, and so on. The program was developed by Simple Soft. The cost of the program is quite low, but it provides all the necessary tools for working with documents.

Many people know that working with documents is very tedious and uninteresting, however, this process is very important. Almost all activities and manipulations with money, issuance and delivery of goods, etc. are documented.

If the documents are in order, then the affairs will be in order. To put things in order, a large number of special applications have been developed. Among them, we can note the “Document Archive” utility, which differs from all other similar applications. All this will be discussed below.

Looking at the program for the first time, you can immediately understand that it is no different from the others. The principle of organizing documents is almost the same as everywhere else, in tabular form. The interface is also standard - the colors are dull, similar to outdated versions of Windows.

It is worth noting that this is not a disadvantage, and even in some moments it can be considered an advantage of the application. There is nothing in the program that is not present in other similar developments, so only the main points will be considered.

Among the advantages, developers note a flexible data structure where you can insert tables and fields and sort by different criteria. The program also has filters, calculated fields, you can create documents using templates, reports, and maintain document history.

However, the advantages of the program should be functions that are not found in other similar developments. But there is nothing outstanding in this program, however, the developers put all the standard functions into advantage. At the moment, all of the above is a standard set for such applications, without which it is difficult to perform work quickly and efficiently.

In general, data is organized in tabular form. Here in the margins you can see all the necessary information about the document parameters. You can adjust the display of fields in this table. In addition, you can insert new fields. In general, you can perform the same actions as in a SQL or Access DBMS.

You can also enter SQL queries manually. All database files are located in sections that can be configured. Each section displays tables linked to each other, where the main and subordinate tables are highlighted. A table with photos can be linked to the “Employees” list. The list of documents can be linked to acts and other things.

The program also has a multi-user access mode, where each user is granted certain rights and access. Restrictions are established by setting role and field restrictions. A role is a package of possible accesses and user parameters. In the program under consideration, three roles can be distinguished.

The first one is called "Administrator", which allows you to do everything. The second is “User”. It allows you to work with information, add new information, and adjust personal settings. With this role it is impossible to carry out any serious operations with the database and change general program settings. The "Guest" role is intended only for viewing data on the main sections.

You can create new roles. If you cannot find this function, then you can refer to the help. In addition, it is possible to set personal restrictions on table fields.

Regarding the interface, it can be noted that it is easily customizable, but not in terms of design, but in terms of content. You can customize the number of fields, sections, and table options displayed. In addition to the tabular display of information, you can display information in the form of a tree, which allows you to quickly filter them according to a specific criterion.

The regular toolbar has icons for processing and eliminating records, filters, inserting a new field, transferring information, moving through records, and other manipulations. The utility has quite a lot of functions, so the icons on the panel are very small, and at first it will be quite difficult to distinguish between them. In this case, only tooltips that appear when you hover the mouse pointer can help.

If you are not using the application from scratch, then you should use the import option to add data adjustments. You can import files from Excel and CVS, and then configure the required fields to match. This can also be done manually.

The program has filters for all SQL languages. The “Issue History” section displays the people to whom the documents were transferred, as well as the date when they should be returned. With this function, it will always be clear who has the documents if they suddenly disappear.

Fields can be text, numeric, logical, contain a date, a picture and a file. You can also create calculated fields by entering a formula into them. It turns out that you can create new fields to satisfy all the needs that may arise during the work process.

When summing up some fields, the result will appear automatically. Data in the table can be linked to each other by a specific field. You can copy fields so that you can quickly apply them to other fields in the future.

Bulk update helps to adjust the entries of a specified table that are suitable for specific conditions. This can be useful for eliminating all data on transactions made with a client who has left the market. Group liquidation of records in which the client's name appears is very useful.

During work, various garbage can be collected in the database, which makes no sense. For search and elimination, the “Search for duplicates” option may be useful, with the help of which records in the tables will be compared by the specified fields. Once you've completed your search, you can immediately see what was found to help prevent the unexpected destruction of important files.

The history of adjustments displays all the manipulations that occurred in the database, so nothing will go unnoticed. The program allows you to use compression on the database, make backup copies and restore it. You can generate reports on specific fields and apply existing ones. In general, the utility has all the necessary functions for communicating with the database.

A one-month trial period is provided before purchase, during which features are not limited, so you can try them all. The cost of the program is quite reasonable. It is within the market price of similar developments.

The program can be purchased in several versions. The basic version for one workplace will cost 300 rubles. The “Standard” version for three computers will cost 8,000 rubles. For five users the program will cost 12,000 rubles. 20,000 rubles will need to be paid for the “PRO” version. The “VIP” version is not limited and costs 40,000 rubles.

Working with the utility is quite simple. If something is not clear, then you can use the help that is available in the utility and on the developer’s website. In general, the functionality of the utility in question is no different from similar developments from third-party manufacturers. In this case, you need to choose such programs based only on cost.

Technical support is also provided via email. You can also get help by filling out the feedback form. In addition, you can search for answers to questions on the forum. In addition, you can use the help for the program.

It is worth noting that the program is quite undemanding. It can work on Windows operating systems starting from version 2000. The processor frequency must be at least 400 MHz. Only 128 MB of RAM is required, and 12 MB of free disk space is needed for the program itself, as well as space for backup copies.

Today, the relevance of electronic document archiving programs is very high. Processing and storing all enterprise documentation in digital form is not a fashion or just a tribute to the computer age; As practice shows, the electronic archive really allows you to solve a lot of problems that were previously extremely problematic, and really increases the overall efficiency of any organization. First of all, it reduces the labor intensity of document search/selection processes and, thus, saves significant amounts of working time. Creating a functioning electronic document management system involves several stages, the most important of which are:

  • digitization, i.e. converting paper materials into electronic ones;
  • cataloging and systematization, i.e. organizing the resulting array of electronic versions with the ability to instantly access any document (or any group of materials selected by any criterion).
The conversion of paper media into electronic media is carried out by scanning. At the same time, it is important to give each new file a name (according to certain rules) so that it meets the requirements for indexing and searching for documents in the future archive. The second important point is the creation of a database from the obtained scans, i.e. digitized documents. This stage is the main one. The effectiveness of the electronic archive and the comfort of working with it will depend on how competently this technical problem is solved.

creation and storage of electronic documents

Document storage program in electronic form (or at least a more or less ordered “warehouse” of scanned sheets somewhere on the hard drive of an office computer) can be created by the user independently. For a small document flow in a company of several people, this may be enough. However, even with a slight increase in the volume of paper documentation, the costs of independently digitizing it and creating an ordered structure increase significantly, and the complexity of creating a single interactive archive increases by orders of magnitude. Practice shows that attracting professionals and purchasing a ready-made program specially designed for storing electronic documents is the only reasonable solution to the problem for a developing organization. Let's consider the main advantages of a ready-made solution in the field of storing electronic documentation.
  1. A unique program for systematizing and structuring a database.
  2. Minimized costs for purchasing, implementing and working with the program.
  3. M minimum technical requirements for equipment. There is no need to replenish your computer fleet with expensive, ultra-efficient machines.
  4. The speed of searching for the required document and working with the entire array is hundreds of times higher than the speed of “manual work” with a paper archive.
  5. The opportunity to purchase a ready-made solution that takes into account the specifics of any specific business.
In order to use the program effectively E-Arch, just scan your documents and enter them into the database. The interface is intuitive, user-friendly and does not require additional employee training. Thanks to the ready-made solution, it is possible not only to work effectively, but also to conveniently work with them. To main functions E-Arch relate:
  • storage of electronic versions of paper documents in any format;
  • a minimum of user actions (and, accordingly, the expenditure of his time) necessary to search for a document, view it, edit it and print it;
  • the ability to regulate and differentiate access rights;
  • importing files from other systems, incl. 1C;
  • possibility of backup, i.e. maximum reliability and durability of documentation.

Each of us, while working on a computer, has the same problem of finding the file we need. Archived documents, all kinds of reports, files received from email, various forms, templates and much more are often lost on the hard drive over time. Now thanks to this program
It has become very easy to organize documents. The utility allows you to organize archiving, use templates, enter additional information, take into account relationships, search using keywords and document analytics, and also differentiate users by access rights.
This tool makes it possible to create a new directory structure, copy directories from other places along with existing files. This software allows you to create archives of Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Word documents; create documents based on templates; implement user directories - this allows you to reduce the time of determining information for the required file. To replace manual input, the user has access to an existing list. selection from an existing list. You should download that the number of reference books is not limited.
You can easily save information that is important to you. And the existing history of working with each document will allow you to trace all operations with this file. The utility will allow you to prepare contract documents, find and analyze a set of contracts. The user can also work with template forms. The program will allow you to use the necessary documents efficiently and quickly, and the entire interface is intuitive.

Key Features and Functions

  • The administration system has been simplified;
  • Predefined folders such as inbox, outbox, etc. are completely removed;
  • The folder structure is formed automatically;
  • Documents are displayed as a list;
  • Improved and expanded search for document analytics;
  • Grouping by additional fields has appeared;
  • Control over new and deleted directories
  • A new assistant “Create a document based on” has been implemented;
  • Improved order of templates;
  • A tool for saving tabular settings for a separate folder has been created;
  • It is now possible to transfer files between directories using the Drag&Drop mechanism (mouse transfer);
  • History of working with the file;
  • Bugs fixed.

Document accounting

If you are a responsible manager, then you have thought about proper accounting. Document accounting, contract accounting and documentation accounting are no less important in an enterprise. Our document accounting program is a comprehensive solution for automating document accounting. The document management system has a large functionality and a list of tools. Due to the fact that each record keeping is carried out differently in different institutions, we are ready to customize the program for recording documents individually to suit your requirements. Our document system will help you organize your document archive. In the database you can store both the documents themselves and links to the server where the data is stored. The advantage of the program is fast search. The program window is created in such a way that the search can be carried out by any of the fields. But that's not all the search possibilities. When working with a document accounting program, you can not only work with the entire database, but also, working with a special search window, display documents for a certain period, or by employee, client, and even by signing date. No more losses and difficulties in finding the right document. And your document management and contract management will become centralized and streamlined.

The document accounting program can be used not only as a data archive and document storage, but also as a document management program. Having created a database, you can follow the history of the document from its creation to all movements. You will be able to see all the people working with it. What stage is each document at?

Another advantage of the accounting program is the systematization and orderliness of all documents. Which creates a large classified system for electronic documents.

With our accounting program you can afford to forget about boxes and boxes of documents. Now you can find the one you need in a matter of seconds and just a couple of clicks.

Thanks to such an organized accounting system, you can divide all documents into categories and subcategories, divide them into departments and employees. You can even display reports on document flow.

Why do we need documentation systems? The answer to this question is very simple: it is human nature to make mistakes. It is necessary to reduce the number of errors in documentation. Now, with the help of an automated accounting system, it will be very difficult to lose a document. Document flow systems allow you to create notifications with the help of which the estimate program will remind you of any shortcomings.

What else is there in the accounting program for documents? Automated filling system, smart fields that remember the entered information and much more.

You can get acquainted with all the capabilities of the “Documentation” accounting program by simply calling or contacting us by mail.

Program for archives, accounting and document management - efficiently, quickly, automatically!

By watching the following video, you can quickly familiarize yourself with the capabilities of the USU program - the Universal Accounting System. If you do not see the video uploaded to YouTube, be sure to write to us, we will find another way to show the demo video!

In addition to the opinions of ordinary users about the USU program, we now present to your attention the opinions of experts. Anatoly Wasserman was born on December 9, 1952. An engineer by training, he graduated from the Odessa Technological Institute of Refrigeration Industry. After graduating from the institute, I got a job as a programmer, then as a system programmer. He first appeared on screen in 1989, taking part in the “What? Where? When?" and at the Brain Ring. In the television “Own Game” he won fifteen victories in a row over two years, from 2001 to 2002. and became the best player of the decade in 2004. According to the sports version of “My Game,” he became a five-time champion of Ukraine. Four-time champion of Moscow in the sports version of “Own Game”, bronze and silver medalist in 2017. Silver medalist of the “Connoisseur Games”, the World Games of Connoisseurs in 2010 for “Your Game”.

In addition to the opinions of ordinary users about the USU program, we now present to your attention the opinions of experts. Among them is the first master of the intellectual game "ChGK" Alexander Druz. He was awarded the Crystal Owl prize six times as the club's best player. Winner of the "Diamond Owl" - a prize for the best player. Received the title of champion of the television version of the Brain Ring. In the television program “Own Game” he won “Line Games”, “Super Cup”, won the “III Challenge Cup” with the team, and set an absolute record for performance in one game. Author and presenter of intellectual games and educational programs on various television channels.

In addition to the opinions of ordinary users about the USU program, we now present to your attention the opinions of experts. Maxim Potashev - master of the game “What? Where? When?”, four times won the “Crystal Owl” prize, twice world champion, three times Russian champion, six-time Moscow champion, three-time winner of the Moscow Open Championship in the game “ChGK”. Based on the results of a general audience vote in 2000, he was recognized as the best player in all the years of existence of the elite club, created in 1975. 50 thousand viewers of the program voted for the candidacy of Maxim Potashev. The "Big Crystal Owl" and the main prize of the anniversary games - the "Diamond Star" of the master of the game - were awarded. Member of the board and since 2001 - vice-president of the International Association of Clubs. By profession - mathematician, marketer, business coach. He graduated from the Faculty of Management and Applied Mathematics, taught at the Department of General and Applied Economics at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. In August 2010, he was appointed president of the All-Russian public organization “Russian Sports Bridge Federation”. He heads a consulting company that helps various organizations solve problems related to sales, marketing, customer service and business process optimization.

In addition to the opinions of ordinary users about the USU program, we now present to your attention the opinions of experts. Sergey Karyakin. At the age of 12, he became the youngest grandmaster in world history, which was included in the Guinness Book of Records. Won the Candidates Tournament. Awarded the FIDE World Cup. World champion in rapid chess, world champion in blitz. Honored Master of Sports of Ukraine. Honored Master of Sports of Russia, Grandmaster of Russia. Received the Order of Merit, 3rd degree. Member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation in its sixth composition. Repeated winner of children's and youth world and European championships. Winner and medalist of many major tournaments. Champion of the XXXVI World Chess Olympiad as a member of the Ukrainian team, silver medalist of the Olympics as a member of the Russian team. He showed the best result on his board in the tournament and received the first individual prize (on board 4). Champion of Russia with the best result on board 1. World champion in the Russian national team. Reached the semi-finals of the World Cup. Winner of a number of international tournaments.

Document program capabilities

Below is a short list of the capabilities of the USU program - the Universal Accounting System. Depending on the software configuration, the list of capabilities may change - become smaller or larger.

  • The document-based program supports the simultaneous work of several users.
  • Control of the program and accounting in it occurs at the highest level. Each user login is password protected.
  • Each employee can periodically change his password in the program that controls document accounting.
  • The program takes into account various facts and can change the password of any employee.
  • In the accounting program that works with documents, there is a differentiation of access rights for employees of different specializations.
  • Taking into account various circumstances, work on a local network through various network protocols is supported.
  • The document control and accounting program has the ability to work via the Internet, if there is a network of branches or if the manager wants to view management reporting from home.
  • The document control and accounting program has an easy and intuitive interface; any user can work with it.
  • Working with control and accounting of documents, you will be able to customize the design in the program, including thematic ones.
  • When monitoring documents, in a computer accounting program, you can select your favorite color scheme for displaying windows from a list of blanks.
  • By controlling the work of document accounting, the name of your organization will be displayed in the title of the main window.
  • When managing work with documents, in the program settings you can set the name of your organization, contact information and details.
  • Monitoring work processes in the accounting program is not particularly difficult. The main menu of the program, which automates the work of document accounting, is implemented simply and clearly. It consists of only three points: modules, reference books and reports. Modules are needed for everyday work, reference books are needed to customize the program to the specifics of your company, and with the help of reports you can analyze the results of work for any period of time.
  • It’s easy to automate document accounting work. The accounting program supports mass email and SMS distribution.
  • With the help of mass mailings of the accounting program, you can notify customers about ongoing promotions or discounts, as well as manage their alerts.
  • By automating the work of document accounting, before sending SMS messages, you can preliminarily calculate the cost of mailing.
  • The accounting and document management program can work with various equipment.
  • When working with document management and accounting, you can view the audit for a specific account.
  • The software that manages documents can be blocked if the user of the accounting program wants to leave the workplace for a long time.
  • When managing documents, locks are used when editing any table entry, so that several simultaneously working employees do not overwrite the information entered by another person.
  • When working with automation, a search in the accounting system can be performed using any column of the table.
  • The document management and accounting program supports data import. For example, you can download a list of clients when starting to work with the accounting system.
  • When exporting information to MS Excel, you can use old and new file formats.
  • Automation of your organization is another step towards successful business!
  • Let's start automation together!
  • USU software - Universal Accounting System - also includes many other features!

A program for creating an archive of documents. Electronic document management system. Electronic archive of documents. Document management program. document accounting system. Registration of organization documents.

Download the document archive program:

Ensuring paper and electronic document flow
- Support for working with both a local offline database and an online database via the Internet
- Possibility of storing real documents directly in the database
- Ability to store real documents in network folders with links to them
- Ability to store images and scanned copies of documents
- Registration of organization documents
- Export data to Excel.
- Alerts are customizable for different document dates.
- Convenient search for documents by any parameter
- Linking documents to the organization’s counterparties
- Ability to link documents to other documents
- Maintaining the history of issuing documents from the archive for employees
- Use of different color schemes to highlight required document statuses and categories
- Working with an electronic archive of documents over the network
- Differentiation of program user rights

Document accounting in an organization is an important component of the business process. An electronic document management system allows you not only to automate and streamline the accounting of the organization’s document storage, but also to gain advantages over competitors since finding the desired file using an electronic document archive will be very simple and fast. You can reduce the number of errors when concluding similar transactions if you quickly analyze documents from the archive. For each new document, a unique number is automatically generated - this is how the organization’s documents are registered.

The document accounting program provides secure storage of electronic documents in the form of records in a database with the ability to instantly search for information according to various criteria.

Electronic document management program. The main form of the program for document accounting. Electronic document flow is carried out by creating a document record that describes all the necessary parameters and attaches a scanned copy of the document or files. The program allows you to associate a document issuance log, other documents, comments, images and scans, physical files (word, excel, pdf and any others) with a document.

It is important to understand that the program is not a completely complete solution. This is just an example of a possible configuration. All organizations have their own specifics of doing business and the program can be modified to suit the needs of a specific organization by removing unnecessary functionality and adding missing ones. You can change the types of tables and card forms, add new directories and tables, create printed forms based on samples, etc.


Document card. Document accounting software allows you to store files directly in the database

Ability to store images (photos, scans of documents) directly in the database

Projects allow you to combine documents into a group and control such stages as the initial receipt of documents, the movement of documents and the final issuance of documents

Employee directory

Directory of contractors and companies. You can link many documents to a counterparty.

For the first 60 launches, the program works in demo mode without any restrictions. After 60 launches, the program will switch to free version mode. The free version can be used without time restrictions.

To purchase the program, you need to select a license type. Licenses are divided into several types depending on the limit on the maximum number of simultaneous user sessions - i.e. the number of employees simultaneously working with the database.

The number of users in the "Users" directory is also limited. License Restrictions
Price Free 1 user can work with the database at the same time. 1 entry in the "Users" directory. You cannot create new fields in tables or change existing ones.
for free Simple 3 users can work with the database simultaneously. 3 entries in the "Users" directory.
5,000 rub. Extended 6 users can work with the database simultaneously. 6 entries in the "Users" directory.
8,000 rub. Professional 9 users can work simultaneously with the database. 9 entries in the "Users" directory.
12,000 rub. Premium 12 users can work simultaneously with the database. 12 entries in the "Users" directory.
15,000 rub. no limits. 20,000 rub.

The license is paid only once. The license is not tied to a specific computer. The license validity period is unlimited.

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