Is there a penalty for that? What happens if you forgot your license at home and the traffic police stopped you? Penalties for the absence of a truck submarine

The answer to the question whether it is possible to drive a vehicle if you have forgotten your license is simple - no.. The Code of Administrative Offenses provides for a fine for driving a car without documents to drive it.

However, many drivers have encountered a situation where, while heading to their car, they forgot their license.

Therefore, questions on forums, specialized websites and simply on Yandex about what fine you face if you forgot your license at home in 2019 are among the most popular.

This year, legislators have made some changes to the code.. According to them, the fine for forgotten rights was significantly reduced, but not cancelled.

So, what threatens forgetful drivers? What is the fine if you forget your driver's license at home?

If, when stopping a vehicle, a traffic police officer discovers that you do not have a driver’s license, punishment cannot be avoided. Suppose the driver simply forgot his license at home. What fine does the Code of Administrative Offenses provide for this in 2019?

The penalties for driving without a driver's license depend on whether the document was forgotten at home or the driver was deprived of (never had) the right to drive a car.

Unlike the second option, forgetfulness does not mean a deliberate violation of traffic rules. Therefore, the fine for this is lower.

While you will have to pay up to 3,000 rubles for driving with an expired license, the fine for a forgotten license will be only 500 rubles.

According to the second part of Article 12.3 of the Administrative Code, the inspector may even limit himself to a verbal warning.

A penalty for not having a license may be imposed if the driver is driving the vehicle. If you come up to the car just to pick up things or are sitting in the car waiting for the owner, but are not driving the car, it is not necessary to have a driver’s license with you.

Even if for some reason a traffic police officer checks the availability of documents, he cannot draw up a protocol for the violation. A fine is imposed only if you are behind the wheel and operating a moving vehicle.

Now you know what the fine is if you forgot your driver's license at home. But the lack of a driver's license entails one extremely unpleasant moment - a fine can be imposed more than once.

If you continue driving after you have already been fined for forgetting your license, at the next control point the traffic police officers will fine you again.

Video: Punishment for driving without a license

Of course, if, when stopped by a traffic police officer, you say that you simply forgot your license at home, no one will take your word for it. You will have to wait until the inspector checks the passport data in the database.

This procedure, especially not at a stationary post, can take a long time. As a result, you will lose a lot of time in addition to the fine.

It’s even worse when you don’t have not only a driver’s license, but also a passport.. Then law enforcement officers have every right to detain you for up to three hours to establish your identity.

If, after a stop by the traffic police, it turns out that your license was forgotten at home, explain the situation and ask to limit yourself to a verbal warning. Behave as correctly and politely as possible, because it depends on the inspector what punishment awaits the forgetful driver.

Regardless of whether a fine or warning has been issued, you should not continue driving.

If you notice a lack of license on the road or this fact was discovered during a stop by traffic police officers, it is better to leave the car until the problem is resolved.

Return home for documents on foot or by public transport. Alternatively, ask your relative to bring you the ID you forgot at home. This will cost less than possible hassle and fines.

Cars, automobiles, or as they are most officially called, vehicles, move along our road not only because they exist, but first because they are allowed to participate in the very traffic in which they participate. In principle, any car must be registered with the traffic police or receive it in the near future, and it must also have documents confirming its belonging to any owner. This is the very first and most important for everything that follows! What happens to those cars and drivers that do not comply with such a banal rule? For example, they forgot the vehicle passport, then PTS or registration certificate, then SOP, at home. Or maybe there is no trace of either one. This is exactly what we'll talk about.

Is it necessary to have a PTS or SOP with you?

As with many issues related to cars, the first thing you need to do is turn to the most key regulatory documents, the traffic rules. In this document you can find an entire Chapter 2, “General Responsibilities of Drivers,” which specifically talks about the mandatory presence of a PTS or SOP when driving a car.

Carry with you and, at the request of police officers, hand over to them for verification:
registration documents for this vehicle (except for mopeds), and if there is a trailer - also for the trailer (except for trailers for mopeds);

Registration documents mean either SOP or PTS. In fact, the PTS is issued for a car, and the SOP is issued for a specific person. But these documents are interconnected in themselves and in the “normal” version they should be available both. The SOP may be absent temporarily while the car is not yet registered initially, or again after its acquisition. But we have deviated a little from the topic. So, the presence of registration documents is specified in the traffic rules. And as we said, this is either PTS or SOR, which is confirmed by Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated November 24, 2008 N 1001 “On the procedure for registering a vehicle”

7. Registration documents include vehicle registration certificates, as well as technical passports (technical coupons) of vehicles.

Usually they only carry the SOP with them, which is quite enough, and the PTS is at home. So now about forgetfulness.

Fine for forgetting PTS, SOR at home

If you forgot your registration documents at home, then such an offense would be akin to leaving your driver's license at home. In this case, the article of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation is the same 12.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, with the exception of part of the article, not part 2, but part 1. We will tell you the significant difference between these parts a little further.
The fine in this case will be minimal - 500 rubles, or a warning

Driving a vehicle by a driver who does not have registration documents for the vehicle, and in established cases, documents provided for by the customs legislation of the Customs Union, with marks from customs authorities confirming the temporary import of the vehicle - entails a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of 500 rubles.

However, if such a situation arises, then you will have to go for PTS or SOP. We just leave the car near the inspectors, call a taxi and go home to get the documents. The thing is, you won’t get away with just a fine for forgetting your documents at home. You will still need to present your registration documents. Otherwise, the car may simply be detained, that is, taken to a special parking lot. That's the whole "trick"! It is much worse for those who do not have such documents at all.

Fine for not having a PTS, SOP

Indeed, if in the paragraph above we considered the option of those who forgot their registration documents, but still have the opportunity to bring them and show them, then in the case of their complete absence both at home and anywhere else, everything is much worse. There is nowhere to go here, there is nothing to bring, which means that in addition to a fine, according to Article 12.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, which was cited above, there will definitely also be a detention of the vehicle.

Detention of a vehicle while driving it without documents (not at all)

The detention of a vehicle is stipulated in Article 27.13 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation; such a measure is used to exclude from the process of participation in road traffic those vehicles that do not meet the requirements and conditions for the safety of their operation, or for violating their registration, as in our case. So, if you have not provided registration documents, then the car will simply be detained.
It’s good if you still have the documents at home, but the house is not far away and you brought them, say, even in a day or two. In this case, the car will be returned to you from a special parking lot as soon as you eliminate the reasons for the detention, that is, present the same registration documents. If not, then the car will remain parked and not in your garage...
There is only one alternative to take the car. Here, as we see it, we will have to pay a fine under Article 12.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, that is, for the fact that the car is not registered in the proper manner, and it will no longer be possible to pick it up as a vehicle, but simply as property, that is, on a tow truck. Although it is not a fact that the traffic police will meet you. As a result, the car may remain parked in a special parking lot.

Is it possible to pay a fine for PTS, SOP at a discount

First, let's talk about the fine. If, after all, the vehicle was detained, then upon presentation of registration documents it is not necessary to come to the parking lot with a paid fine. That is, the fine can be paid later. Now about the opportunity to pay for it at a discount. In 2016, part 1.3 of Article 32.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation provided for the opportunity to pay fines at a discount under Chapter 12 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation for a number of articles. There are exceptions here for persistent violators and “serious” cases, but Article 12.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation allows you to take advantage of the discount. That is, if the driver was issued a fine for not having a PTS or SOP, then it can be paid with a 50 percent discount. Here it is important, as for other fine options, to pay them within 20 days from the date of the decision, but not earlier than they appear in the traffic police database.

Question and answer on the topic “Fine for driving without a PTS (COP)”

Question: What is the fine for forgetting the PTS (vehicle registration certificate) at home?
Answer: A warning or a minimal fine if you bring registration documents to the place where an administrative offense was detected.

Question: What is the fine for driving without a PTS or SOP?
Answer: The fine is minimal or a warning, but the car will be taken to a special parking lot.

Currently, legislation requires drivers of vehicles to have a certain package.

It also includes an insurance policy.

Therefore, a sufficient number of people are interested in the question of what the fine is for driving without insurance.

There can be many situations when a document is missing. For example, a person forgot insurance at home, or did not take out insurance at all. At the same time, the law provides for different amounts of penalties. Even ordinary human forgetfulness does not help.

You will have to pay a certain amount to the treasury. But the inspector does not have the right to remove license plates or take the car away for a fine. But, if the driver is caught by another traffic police officer a couple of kilometers later, he will most likely be fined again.

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Penalties for lack of insurance

Penalties are provided for by law as a punishment for misconduct.

Their sizes depend on the severity of the violation.

Usually, the traffic police inspector writes a fine report upon detection.

It is worth understanding that driving without the required documentation package is also punishable by law.

Therefore, a fine for not having an insurance policy at the time of inspection is a common occurrence on the road.

Important! Traffic fines can be paid at a discount if done within twenty days. But if you repeatedly commit the same offense under insurance, such a benefit will no longer apply.

What is the fine for driving without insurance 2017, sick for many people. There are various situations in life in which a driver cannot present an insurance policy to an inspector:

  • complete absence of a document, not only on paper, but also in the database
  • The policy has expired
  • lack of document with you

Each of the above cases provides for its own individual fine. Drivers must know them, then the inspector will not be able to charge the most expensive one.

So, the legislation provides for the following amounts of penalties:

  • When the document actually exists, but is not in hand, pay five hundred rubles.
  • If the policy was not issued at all, the sanction will be eight hundred rubles.
  • The driver is not included in the insurance policy, you will have to pay five hundred rubles.

As is clear from the list, the inspector must apply his own individual fine for each specific situation. At the same time, in rare cases, if the document is simply not on hand, you can get off with a warning. But this does not give the right to neglect the execution of the document.

The policy provides not only protection, but also compensation for damage to property and health. In this case, the amount of payments is usually significantly higher than the cost of the document itself.

Penalty for an expired document

Sometimes a driver, having taken out insurance, simply forgets at what point it ends and continues to drive with an expired document.

But even banal forgetfulness does not free a person from...

An expired policy is equivalent to the complete absence of a document.

Of course, one in a hundred inspectors will let such a violator go.

But you shouldn’t hope for chance. After all, the traffic police inspector has the right to issue a maximum fine in such a case, eight hundred rubles. At the same time, it will be useless to argue with him.

Many insurance companies offer an alternative option, seasonal insurance. It costs less, but you can only drive it for a couple of months. If you continue driving on such a document at another time not indicated in the document, the driver will earn a fine of five hundred rubles.

How many times can a driver be fined in one day?

Quite often, having received a fine for lack of insurance, the driver drives on. At the same time, many people quite appropriately begin to be interested in the question of whether the traffic police inspector has the right to fine the same driver twice in a day.

According to the law, the driver does not have the right to drive without this.

Therefore, if he continues to drive shamelessly, of course, he may be fined again.

For example, the driver was given a fine, and he drove on, ten kilometers later, another inspector stopped him and again wrote out a report.

The location of the incident is different, and so is the time. The inspector has every right to write a protocol.

Therefore, if the driver is caught without insurance, it is better for him to park the car and not drive until the document is issued. It will be useless to prove that you are right in this case. The law will be on the side of the inspector even in court.

In what situations can you bypass a fine?

There is only one option in which it is possible to avoid a fine. According to the law, when purchasing a car, the owner is given ten days to obtain insurance. Therefore, if a driver is stopped by a traffic police inspector, he can show the purchase and sale agreement. This will be the basis for exemption from the fine. But only if 10 days have not yet passed since the transaction. This law should not be abused; an uninsured car can result in irreparable damage to the owner. First of all, purchasing a policy is in the interests of the driver himself. Even the most careful person is not immune from road accidents. How other road users will behave always remains an unknown phenomenon.

Important! Since 2014, the traffic police inspector has no right to remove license plates from vehicles for lack of insurance and prohibit further operation of the vehicle. The maximum he can do is issue a protocol for the payment of a fine.

What will be the fine if there is no insurance in 2017

Now the question is quite relevant, what is the fine for driving without insurance in 2017. No increases or decreases are expected in this regard. All insurance fines remain the same: eight hundred and five hundred rubles, depending on the situation. Of course, you can get off with a warning. At the same time, you should not rely on the inspector’s kindness. By law, an employee must stop violations on the road. And the lack of a complete package of documentation available to the driver is equivalent to a serious offense.

It is planned to introduce an electronic policy. All insurance companies will be required to issue just such documents. The changes will also concern the coefficient that affects the execution of the document. Now its cost will depend on the number of driver violations.

Otherwise, no additional changes have occurred yet.

About the protocol for lack of MTPL insurance - on video:

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Sometimes, due to forgetfulness, drivers get behind the wheel without a driver's license and receive a fine for driving without documents. Let us remind you that a motorist driving must have only three documents with him:

  1. Driver's license;
  2. MTPL insurance policy;
  3. Vehicle registration certificate.

The absence of any of these documents leads to the application of administrative measures against the driver, ranging from a warning to a large fine or even arrest. However, each possible reason for lack of rights has its own degree of punishment, so they should be considered separately.

Rights forgotten at home

Forgetfulness is a trait characteristic of many people, in particular motorists. If you are stopped by an inspector and you discover that you left your driver's license at home or at work, as well as your registration documents, do not be alarmed. The matter may well be limited to a simple warning; in extreme cases, driving without documents in a car faces the minimum fine for 2019 - 500 rubles.

Please note that regardless of whether the traffic inspector limited himself to a simple warning or ordered you to pay a fine, you will not be able to drive a vehicle without a driver’s license - the car will be detained until the cause of the violation is eliminated, i.e. until you give traffic police officer has the right to check.

There are only two options here:

  • detention of the vehicle plus its placement in an impound lot with subsequent reimbursement of storage and transportation costs;
  • ask relatives or colleagues to bring documents to the traffic police post as quickly as possible, or go get the documents yourself if you were stopped near your home.

In the latter case, you should somewhat protect yourself from the inspector, who approaches his work formally, so that he does not call a tow truck too quickly. In the protocol, write down that you are requesting that the car be left at the scene of the administrative violation (indicate the address), for example, for 1 hour, during which your license will be delivered to you.

Let us note that if you, in your presence, having an MTPL policy, transfer control to a person who also forgot his rights at home, then according to Art. 12.3 Part 3 Driving a car without documents will be punishable by a fine 3000 rub.

Lack of other documents

Forgotten home STS threatens the driver with the same liability as a forgotten driver’s license - a warning or a fine of 500 rubles., as well as the detention of the vehicle until the reasons are eliminated and its placement in a special parking lot. The latter can also be avoided by taking measures to quickly deliver the necessary documents to the traffic police post.

Regarding driving without an MTPL policy, the situation is somewhat different. Such a measure as the ban on operation with the removal of license plates has already been canceled today, and for any violations. Therefore, for driving without compulsory motor liability insurance you face:

  1. Warning/ fine 500 rub., if you prove to the traffic inspector that the policy was simply forgotten at home (for example, you bring it yourself);
  2. Fine 800 rub., if there is no policy at all or the last one is expired.

As you can see, in this case the car will not be taken to the impound lot, and you will be able to continue driving.

If you have never received a driver's license or your license is expired

It happens that people buy an inexpensive car just to travel to the country along a godforsaken road and do not bother themselves with obtaining a license to drive the vehicle. However, more often than not, drivers simply forget that the ten-year period from the date of receipt or last renewal of the driving license has already passed and they find themselves in a situation in which they actually drive a car without a license.

In this case, according to paragraph 1 of Art. 12.7 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, you face a large administrative fine from 5000 rub. The maximum is as much as 15,000 rubles. Naturally, you will also be removed from driving, and the car will be moved to a special parking lot.

Serious problems associated with receiving the same large fines await mopedists and scooterists who do not have any rights and do not follow changes in administrative legislation at all. Now, when driving a vehicle, they should also have a driving license with them - a special category “M” has been developed for them. It is still a problem to undergo separate training for it, so many immediately study for subcategory A1, which gives the right to drive a moped and scooter.

If the driver is driving, deprived of the right to drive a vehicle

This is the most difficult situation for the driver. In this case, according to paragraph Art. He faces one of the following administrative penalties of the Code of Administrative Offences:

  • large fine - 30,000 rubles;
  • 15-day administrative arrest;
  • compulsory work 100-200 hours.

Such cases are already being considered by the court, and not by internal affairs bodies. Naturally, a driver who has been deprived of his license will also be removed from driving the vehicle, and the vehicle will be detained.

So, nothing bad will happen if you simply forget your license to drive a vehicle at home. In this case, even a fine can sometimes be avoided. But in all other situations, the lack of a driver’s license entails very severe administrative penalties.

Every car enthusiast knows that there is a need to regularly undergo technical inspection of vehicles. Recently, the system has undergone some changes; some time ago, any vehicle owner would have received an administrative penalty for failing to diagnose a vehicle, but today some may be bypassed the penalty.

Owners of personal vehicles of category “B” that have not undergone maintenance will not be punished. The updated law prohibits traffic police officers from even being interested in this fact.

It is also important to note the fact that these regulations do not cover vehicles such as buses and passenger taxis.

Maintenance conditions

Time since production and the type of vehicle are two criteria that will determine the need for diagnostics.

During the first three years of operation of a vehicle weighing 3.5 tons or less, motorcycles, as well as some other vehicles, are free from maintenance.

Provided that the vehicle has been used for three to seven years, diagnostics are required every two years. Vehicles more than seven years old are required to undergo annual vehicle diagnostics.

Trucks with total weight< 3,5 т., спецтранспорт, автобусы и такси предназначенные для транспортировки граждан, с количеством восемь и более посадочных мест производят ТО каждые полгода.

Motorcycle/car owners ask: how long can you go without maintenance? The form of operation of vehicles is extremely important. Diagnostics can be carried out at any diagnostic examination point that has permission to do so.

Owners of which vehicles can be fined?

Administrative penalties are intended only for: Buses/Taxi/Trucks transporting unsafe cargo.

Traffic police officers have every right to check the presence and authenticity of a diagnostic card. Such conditions for vehicle drivers have been created due to the high level of responsibility. Other drivers are spared such attention; they can move without a recreation center. The inspectors will not issue a fine.

The administrative penalty for the absence of a recreation center is five thousand rubles, in certain situations deprivation of rights for periods not exceeding three months.

The question arises: will the driver or the owner of the vehicle pay a fine for failure to undergo maintenance? According to the letter of the law, the driver will be fined. The owner is not liable.

Reasons for carrying out a technical inspection

Since 2015, most car owners of passenger vehicles undergo transport diagnostics just for show. Despite the fact that there is no penalty for failing to pass a technical inspection in 2017 and 2018 for passenger cars, there is no way for car owners to bypass the technical inspection procedure. The reason for this is the DC, the paper is necessary to issue an insurance policy. Therefore, there is no need to ignore THAT.

The law states that the procedure for obtaining an MTPL insurance policy is impossible without a diagnostic card and, as a consequence, without a completed maintenance.

Some time ago, the procedure was reversed: to begin diagnostics at a vehicle inspection station, you needed an insurance policy. Since 2015, everything has become exactly the same, but on the contrary: the first thing on the list was maintenance, and only then the opportunity to get insurance.

Today, not a single organization for which reputation matters will enter into an agreement with the owner of a car whose vehicle has not passed MOT. It is a well-known fact that a driver without an insurance policy is subject to a fine.

Such a fine will be imposed on the driver of any vehicle:

There is no MTPL, you will have to pay at least eight hundred rubles. There is a possibility that the vehicle will be sent to the impound lot.

OSAGO forgotten/lost - five hundred rubles.

There is no driver's mark in the insurance policy - five hundred rubles.

Some traffic police officers exceed their authority by attempting to fine people for the wrong violation. An insurance policy left at home, or possibly missing one at all, can result in the same charges. Every car owner must be literate and understand what fine will be imposed and in what situations. After the amendment to the law (2015), cases became more frequent when some organizations decided to offer registration of maintenance papers and delivery of the same documents to the home, without conducting a diagnostic procedure. All those who decide to use such a cunning service should know that in the end they will not be able to obtain an insurance policy, because they will have a fake document on the passage of maintenance in their hands.

All diagnostic cards have an identification number; the numbers on a fake document are not real, this will be easily determined and you will not receive insurance. And if you succeeded in obtaining an insurance policy with a fake in your hands, you need to understand the fact that you will not receive compensation in an emergency.

Dangers of driving without diagnostics?

Provided that you do not have the insurance policy on hand or its validity period has expired, and you were in an accident and are at fault, then the insurance company, after making all compensation to the victims, has the right to file a claim against you. This rule applies only to vehicle owners who are required to undergo a technical inspection every six months.

Fine for special vehicles.

The driver of a vehicle whose technical inspection has expired and was not renewed on time should know that they have the right to deprive him of his license.

A machine that has not been checked for maintenance does not give its owner any confidence in its serviceability. Using such a vehicle is dangerous. Every car enthusiast must answer the question himself: will he drive without a technical inspection? There is no fine for an overdue technical inspection or for its absence for ordinary passenger cars. You won't be deprived of your rights for this. Under such conditions, you can move without a diagnostic card. Only if the driver is concerned about his safety and health, he needs to undergo a technical inspection in due time.

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