Federal portal of management personnel personal account. Federal portal of public service and management personnel in

In accordance with the Regulations on the federal state information system "Federal portal of public service and management personnel" (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations), approved. By Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 4, 2011 N 149, the portal was created in order to provide citizens with access to information about the civil service of the Russian Federation, the effective formation of personnel in the civil service, including the formation of a unified database of vacant positions in the state civil service of the Russian Federation, using information and telecommunication network "Internet".

The portal consists of open and closed parts. The open part contains:

  • regulatory legal acts and information and reference materials on the civil service;
  • information about vacant positions;
  • registration service for persons initiating the placement of information about themselves on the portal.

Access to the open part of the portal is provided through free access to the official website of the portal on the Internet at https://gossluzhba.gov.ru/.

Portal structure

The section contains news notes about important events related to the functioning and development of the public service system.

The section contains an up-to-date, constantly updated database of vacant positions in the state civil service in government bodies located throughout the Russian Federation. Users can not only find out about open vacancies, but also fill out a form that will be available to employees of government personnel services. To fill out the form, you must register on the Portal.

The section is intended, first of all, for experts interested in trends in staffing the public administration system in the Russian Federation and abroad.

Here you can find information about the dynamics of the quantitative and qualitative composition of civil service personnel and the most noticeable trends in working with personnel in the public administration system.

Here you can find up-to-date information on the procedure for forming and working with the reserve of management personnel (presidential, federal and regional).

Nikolay Kalmykov. Federal portal of management personnel “Civil Service”: development prospects // STATE SERVICE,

2015, №3 (95)


Nikolay Kalmykov, Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Director of the Expert Analytical Center of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation (119571, Moscow, Vernadsky Avenue, 82). Email: [email protected]
Annotation: This paper describes a study devoted to a comprehensive expert assessment of the “Civil Service” portal. The assessment was carried out with the aim of understanding how this resource works and how useful it is in its use, determining its strengths and weaknesses, as well as development prospects. Based on the data obtained, recommendations were developed for popularizing the portal, as well as for filling it with information materials and functionality.
Keywords: civil service, portal "Civil Service", sociological survey, Internet, online survey.

The civil service is a complex system, the principles of which are enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation and in Federal laws. Their effective implementation is possible only in combination: compliance with some contributes to the implementation of others and vice versa [Shmaliy, 2008. P. 80].

In the framework of this study, we will turn to the principle of openness and reliability of the civil service, public control, as well as the principle of objectively informing the public about the activities of civil servants. The highly controversial principle of openness is often difficult to interpret in a specific way. It is more concerned with the state civil service, and also has much in common with the principle of accessibility of information about the civil service.

The Internet in our time is widely accessible, so the creation of the “Civil Service” portal is an important step towards achieving the principles of openness - information about the civil public service. To understand how it works and how useful it is in its use, it is necessary to analyze it.

There is a “technology acceptance model”, which is based on the theory of reasoned action, and the purpose of this model is to explain the main points of computer use that can clarify user behavior. User satisfaction is conceptualized as an individual's affective response to the use of computer technology in general. For example, in a study of a government website related to tourism in Taiwan, the key perception factors when using this model were evaluation of the design (navigation, appearance, layout of blocks) and the quality of the service itself. Since the tourism industry is, in a sense, oriented towards selling specific images associated with lifestyle, with recreation in particular, the use of visual material and assessment of the perception of website design have one of the key roles in the study. In our case, with the Federal Portal of Management Personnel “Civil Service”, visual design is not put in first place, unlike the content aspect, since promoting images or the like is not its goal.

In another study, users visiting a website for the first time were asked questions like, “What is the purpose of this organization?” and “What are the main functions of this site?” . These questions were asked to understand the supplier-user relationship, that is, whether the potential user of the site actually sees and receives what the supplier wants to give or say.

In this study, we are also trying to understand the quality of the supplier-user relationship, but we are studying not potential users, but experts in this field, in particular, we are conducting a detailed analysis of the responses of those who are familiar with the portal or have used it before. An online survey was used as a tool for collecting opinions; experts were subject to fairly strict selection requirements. Data quality control was ensured through a number of additional activities.

Considering the main results of the study, let us turn to the analysis of awareness of the presence of the “Civil Service” portal. As data obtained after a survey of internal experts (82 people out of the total number of respondents) show, the majority of respondents employed in the civil service are aware of the portal (82%). From Table 1 we see that approximately half of the experts (47%) use the portal; know, but do not use – a third (35%).

Table 1. Comparison of knowledge and use of the “Civil Service” portal as perceived by internal and external experts (in % by column)

Let us note the main reasons for the lack of demand for the portal among those who know about it but do not use it (Diagram 1): lack of need (72%) and the availability of alternative sources of information and resources (16%).

Diagram 1. Reasons for non-use of the portal by internal and external experts (% of all respondents)

The majority of external experts, according to Table 1, are also aware of the “Civil Service” portal (79%), however, the level of use is lower than that of civil servants (38%); know, but do not use – 41%. The main reasons for non-use, according to Diagram 1: no need (71%), availability of alternative sources of information (8%), poor awareness of the portal (8%), low assessment of the quality of information and functionality of the portal (8%).

Internal and external experts agree on the relatively high accessibility, openness and information content of this resource. At the same time, external experts rate its effectiveness much lower, and also more often pay attention to the poor representation of some government departments on the portal. As can be seen from Diagram 2, the answers of the two groups of experts are distributed evenly among themselves.

Diagram 2. Expert assessment of the quality criteria for the work of the federal portal “Civil Service” on a scale from 1 to 5 (average score)

At least half of the internal (52%) and external (53%) experts, according to Diagram 3, also agree that the “Civil Service” portal has insufficiently implemented the function of interaction between citizens interested in entering the public civil service and personnel services of government agencies. In addition, external experts often draw attention to the lack of information about the state and trends in the development of personnel in the field (47%) and about the procedure for entering and passing the state civil service (40%).

Diagram 3. Poorly implemented capabilities of the “Civil Service” portal (% of all respondents)

In Diagram 4 we see that, from the point of view of internal and external experts, the following information is most in demand:

  • methodological, regulatory and other materials regulating the sphere of state civil service (30%);
  • information that forms a positive image of the public service sector (19%);
  • statistical information, analytics, reporting materials on the results of activities of government bodies (16%);
  • materials on innovative development, foreign experience and prospects for the public civil service (12%);
  • vacancies and personnel reserve (9%).

It is worth noting that there is a section of regulatory information. Probably, experts consider it insufficient to place materials strictly on public service issues, and therefore it is advisable to expand the list of topics of materials presented in this section.

Diagram 4. Functionality and materials that need to be added to the “Civil Service” portal (% of all respondents)

The main conclusions are the following:

  • there is a high level of knowledge of the federal portal “Civil Service” in an expert environment - from 79% to 82%. Almost half of the surveyed civil servants (47%) and up to 38% of external experts use the portal, which is generally a fairly high figure;
  • the most common reason for not using the portal is lack of need (71–72% among those who know about it). However, among experts there are those who do not use the portal because they consider it uninformative and inconvenient, preferring other available sources of information;
  • internal and external experts rate the quality of the “Civil Service” portal quite highly in terms of such parameters as accessibility, openness and information content;
  • half of the experts (52–53%) agree that this portal does not sufficiently implement the function of interaction with personnel services of government agencies. External experts also draw attention to the lack of information about the state and trends in the development of personnel in the field (47%), as well as about the procedure for entering and passing the civil service (40%).

Based on the results obtained, we have drawn up general recommendations for popularizing the “Civil Service” portal:

  • regularly post up-to-date information (give a wider range of information);
  • publish original content, being the primary source, while at the same time ensuring easy navigation through these materials (there is a possibility that the content may be sufficient, but difficult to find);
  • ensure greater actual involvement of government bodies;
  • ensure interaction with the personnel services of government bodies at a qualitatively higher level, introducing mechanisms that are relevant to users;
  • make changes to the regulatory framework, ensuring that feedback is required on requests received through the portal.
  • provide more convenient navigation through materials, since the research results show that experts often point to the absence of materials that are presented on the portal but are difficult to find;
  • timely post methodological, regulatory and other materials regulating the sphere of state civil service (or improve navigation through them if the materials are considered to be presented in full);
  • provide contextual search for portal materials in all sections, ensuring indexing of materials;
  • provide information on best practices in the civil service, information about exemplary civil servants and other materials that form a positive image of the public civil service;
  • publish analytical reviews, departmental statistics, reports on the performance of government bodies;
  • provide information about innovative development, foreign experience and prospects for the public civil service;
  • create a more modern job search system, with elements of intelligent search;
  • post more complete information about the personnel reserve of the state civil service (or improve navigation through this information);
  • create a section dedicated to the fight against corruption and best practices in this area.

In conclusion, we would like to add that, according to the results of the study, this resource really turned out to be in demand for experts representing both the public sector and the scientific community. In addition, it has high potential for further development. The expert community has very clear requests for its improvement and expansion of functionality. To confirm these theses, obtained on the basis of our survey, we present statistical data from the portal itself, which emphasize its relevance. At the moment, the portal hosts 2,073 current vacancies, most of which are in the Central Federal District (513), and more than 64 thousand users have already posted their profiles on it. The total number of visits today is more than 5.4 million.

Thus, the current situation is the optimal basis for a comprehensive update of the State Service portal and the creation on its basis of an information and communication platform, which will contain a number of new functions. In turn, the collected expert recommendations allow us to focus and set priorities when planning further steps for the development of the portal and its content.


Shmaliy O.V. Principles of the state civil service as an administrative and legal institution // Business in law. 2008. No. 4.

Fishbein M., Ajzen I. Belief, Intention and Behavior: An Introduction to Theory and Research. Boston: Addison Wesley. 1975.

Hung W.-H., McQueen R.J., Yen D.C., Chau P.Y.K. Measuring the alignment of websites and organizational critical activities // Technology Analysis & Strategic Management. 2015. No. 5.

Ku E.C.S., Chen C.-D. Cultivating travelers’ revisit intention to e-tourism service: the moderating effect of website interactivity // Behavior & Information Technology. 2015. No. 5.

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Federal Law of the Russian Federation of July 27, 2004 No. 79-FZ “On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation”.

The survey was conducted in March 2015 among 253 experts, conditionally divided into two groups: 1) “internal experts” (82 representatives of government bodies), 2) “external experts” (171 representatives of business, research organizations and personnel services).

Requirements for experts: recommendation from other experts (the “snowball” method), at least 5 years of experience in the field of research issues, applied experience on the research topic or scientific work (publications, monographs, articles, etc.), participation in scientific conferences/seminars/forums, participation in meetings and meetings held by authorities.

Repeated filling out of questionnaires from one computer was controlled, questionnaires filled out too quickly were excluded from the analysis (control of filling out time), answers to “test” questions were monitored, and each questionnaire was individually checked for “suspicious” answers to open questions. To control the quality of information collection, a prompt sample telephone survey of experts was also conducted to verify the fact of participation in the online survey (while filling out the questionnaire itself was anonymous).


Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service No. 10 for the Volgograd Region

Volgograd region, Volgograd

from 18,000 to 20,000 rub.

Deputy head of department in the service - deputy chief state engineer-inspector

Acceptance of documents ends in 2 days

Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra, Pyt-Yakh

from 34,000 to 49,000 rubles.

Activities according to the organization's profile

Senior State Tax Inspector

Acceptance of documents ends in 2 days

Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service for Arkhangelsk

from 19,000 to 24,000 rub.

Reception of documents in electronic form

Activities according to the organization's profile

Chief State Tax Inspector

Acceptance of documents ends in 2 days

Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service No. 34 for Moscow

Moscow, North-West

from 15,000 to 20,000 rub.

Reception of documents in electronic form

Activities according to the organization's profile

Chief Specialist

Acceptance of documents ends in 2 days

Department of Health of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra

Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra, Khanty-Mansiysk

from 27,000 to 30,000 rub.

Reception of documents in electronic form


Leading group of positions

Acceptance of documents ends in 2 days

Department of the Federal State Statistics Service for the North Caucasus Federal District

Stavropol region, Stavropol

from 15,000 to 28,000 rub.

Reception of documents in electronic form

Activities according to the organization's profile

chief specialist - state engineer-inspector

Acceptance of documents ends in 2 days

Service for state supervision of the technical condition of self-propelled vehicles and other types of equipment of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra

Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra, Kondinsky district

from 21,000 to 35,000 rub.

Activities according to the organization's profile

Deputy Head of Department

Acceptance of documents ends in 2 days

Ministry of Education of the Republic of Mordovia

Republic of Mordovia, Saransk

from 17,000 to 21,000 rub.

Reception of documents in electronic form

Information Technology

Leading group of positions

Acceptance of documents ends in 2 days

Department of State Protection of Cultural Heritage Objects of the Samara Region

Samara region, Samara

from 30,000 to 45,000 rubles.

Reception of documents in electronic form

Activities according to the organization's profile


Acceptance of documents ends in 2 days

Moscow, Central

from 26,000 to 29,000 rub.

Reception of documents in electronic form

Activities according to the organization's profile

Deputy Head of Department

Acceptance of documents ends in 2 days

Government of the Amur Region

Amur region, Blagoveshchensk

from 24,960 to 55,120 rubles.

Reception of documents in electronic form

Activities according to the organization's profile

Deputy Head of Department

Acceptance of documents ends in 2 days

Federal State Statistics Service

Moscow, Central

from 28,000 to 34,000 rubles.

Reception of documents in electronic form

Head of department in the federal service department

Acceptance of documents ends in 2 days

Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance

Moscow, Central

from 25,000 to 30,000 rub.

Reception of documents in electronic form

Activities according to the organization's profile

Lead Consultant (Agency/Inspection)

Acceptance of documents ends in 2 days

Agency for the Development of the Solovetsky Archipelago of the Arkhangelsk Region

Arkhangelsk region, Arkhangelsk

from 30,000 to 50,000 rub.

Reception of documents in electronic form

Activities according to the organization's profile

Chief expert

Acceptance of documents ends in 2 days

Department of State Property and Land Relations of the Trans-Baikal Territory

Transbaikal region, Chita

from 22,000 to 25,000 rub.

Reception of documents in electronic form

Activities according to the organization's profile

Chief expert

Acceptance of documents ends in 2 days

Federal Treasury (federal service)

1.1. Participants in information interaction are:

a) the authorized body for the formation and development of the portal (hereinafter referred to as the authorized body);

b) portal operator;

c) federal executive authorities and their territorial bodies;

d) other federal government bodies;

e) the highest executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

f) executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

g) other government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

h) apparatus of the courts of the Russian Federation;

i) state corporations and organizations, the list of which is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation;

2. The portal is created in order to provide citizens with access to information about the civil service of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the civil service) and the municipal service, including on anti-corruption issues, as well as for the purpose of effectively forming the personnel of the state and municipal service and a unified database of vacant positions. positions of the state civil service of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the civil service) and municipal service using the information and telecommunications network "Internet" (hereinafter referred to as the "Internet").

2.1. The objectives of the portal are:

a) increasing the prestige of state and municipal services, the authority of state and municipal employees;

b) increasing the attractiveness of public service for young people;

c) introduction of modern personnel and information technologies in the public service;

d) information, analytical, reference and methodological support for the development of the civil service and public administration system;

e) professional development of state civil servants and persons included in the federal reserve of managerial personnel;

f) consulting and methodological support for measures aimed at combating corruption;

g) methodological support for measures aimed at developing municipal services.

4. In order to form and maintain the information resource of the portal, as well as provide access to the portal, including its closed part, the participants in information interaction specified in subparagraphs “c” - “j” of paragraph 1.1 of these Regulations determine:

a) a list of employees who, in accordance with the established procedure, are assigned official responsibilities for posting in the information resource of the portal and keeping up to date the information specified in subparagraphs “a” and (or) “a.1” of paragraph 16 of these Regulations (hereinafter referred to as authorized employees );

b) a list of officials authorized to access the closed part of the portal, including for the purpose of organizing monitoring and control of the fulfillment by authorized employees of duties for posting and maintaining up-to-date information in the information resource of the portal (hereinafter referred to as authorized officials).

5. Information about authorized officials and authorized employees is sent by participants in information interaction to the authorized body and the portal operator.

6. The portal operates on the following principles:

a) unity of organizational and methodological support of the portal;

c) use of an electronic signature to ensure the reliability of information posted on the portal;

d) the possibility of integrating the portal with other information systems;

e) unity of classifiers and directories of the portal.

7. The portal contains:

b) information about the persons who initiated the placement of information about themselves on the portal;

8. The portal consists of:

a) open part containing:

regulatory legal acts and information, analytical, reference and methodological materials on state and municipal services;

information about vacant positions;

registration service for persons initiating the placement of information about themselves on the portal;

b) a closed part containing:

personal data of persons who initiated the placement of information about themselves on the portal;

personal data of authorized officials;

personal data of authorized employees;

an electronic form of a questionnaire for persons initiating the placement of information about themselves on the portal (hereinafter referred to as the electronic form of a questionnaire);

instructive and methodological materials on personnel work, including on issues of ensuring measures aimed at developing the civil and municipal service, to combat corruption, statistical and reference materials for participants in information interaction (including a user manual), analytical reports on the use of information by participants interaction of the portal information resource in personnel work.

9. The main task of the open part of the portal is to provide access to information about state and municipal services and vacant positions.

10. The main task of the closed part of the portal is information and methodological support for personnel work, information and technological support for making organizational and managerial decisions on personnel issues, the formation of a federal reserve of managerial personnel, professional training and retraining of persons included in it.

11. Access to the portal is carried out:

a) to the open part of the portal - through free access to the official website of the portal on the Internet at http://www.gossluzhba.gov.ru;

b) to the closed part of the portal - through the “personal account” subsystem, authorized access to which is carried out on the official website of the portal on the Internet.

12. Access to information posted on the portal is free of charge.

13. The authorized body carries out:

a) development of the portal, including improvement of its structure, functions and content of the information resource;

b) methodological and consulting support for participants in information interaction, as well as individuals and legal entities on issues of civil service and work with the portal;

c) determining the composition and structure of information to be placed in the information resource of the portal, including information about vacant positions, and the electronic form of the application form;

Information about changes:

By Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 9, 2013 N 107, paragraph 13 was supplemented with subparagraph "c.1"

c.1) information content and keeping the information resource of the portal up to date in terms of posting the information specified in paragraph two of subparagraph “a” and in paragraphs six and seven of subparagraph “b” of paragraph 8 of these Regulations, as well as information about persons included in Federal reserve of managerial personnel;

d) organizing the provision of authorized officials and authorized employees (with the exception of participants in information interaction specified in subparagraph “k” of paragraph 1.1 of these Regulations) with means of authorized access to the closed part of the portal;

e) formation, maintenance and updating of classifiers and directories of the portal;

f) monitoring the work of participants in information interaction with the information resource of the portal and generating statistical reports on their use of the information resource of the portal in personnel work;

g) submission to the Government of the Russian Federation of reports on the functioning of the portal and assessment of its effectiveness.

14. The portal operator provides:

b) technical and technological support, operation and development of software and hardware of the portal and telecommunications infrastructure that ensures its functioning;

c) organizing the uninterrupted operation of technical means and information technologies of the portal;

“On the agenda is the need to create a holistic system for the reproduction and renewal of the professional elite in our country”

D. Medvedev

The creation of an effective public administration system that promotes the development of an innovative economy and modern civil society is possible only if highly qualified personnel of government bodies are formed. An important stage of this process is to attract “the best of the best” to the state civil service - motivated and purposeful professionals from various spheres of public life. The Federal Portal of Civil Service and Management Personnel helps solve this problem.

Today the Portal is:

  • a unified state information resource containing up-to-date information about the civil service system of the Russian Federation, the procedure for entering and completing the state civil service;
  • a single information resource on the state and trends in the development of personnel in the civil service of the Russian Federation;
  • a unified database of vacancies in the state civil service of government bodies located throughout the Russian Federation;
  • a unified information and methodological resource on the preparation and development of a reserve of management personnel;
  • a single information platform that ensures the interaction of Russian citizens interested in entering the state civil service with the personnel services of government bodies.

Candidate Portal

  • “single entry point” for persons interested in entering the civil service, containing information about vacant positions in government bodies located throughout the Russian Federation;
  • information on the procedure for entering the civil service and passing the civil service of the Russian Federation;
  • self-presentation on the labor market in the public service system (posting a resume and interacting with personnel services of government agencies).

Portal for HR services

  • optimization of staffing processes for government agencies (centralized posting of information on vacant positions, search, pre-selection and interaction with candidates);
  • a unified information and methodological resource on the state and development trends of the civil service of the Russian Federation;
  • organizational, methodological and analytical support for working with the reserve of managerial personnel and other processes of personnel management in the state civil service of the Russian Federation.

The development plans for the Portal include automation of personnel work in government agencies, including the introduction of electronic interdepartmental and intradepartmental interaction on issues of working with personnel and the creation of a unified database of information on personnel issues to be stored and processed electronically. For personnel services of government agencies, the Portal should become a single information platform that provides technological and methodological support for personnel decisions, as well as the formation of a database of best personnel practices, including the exchange of experience.

Portal structure

The section contains news notes about important events related to the functioning and development of the public service system.

The section contains an up-to-date, constantly updated database of vacant positions in the state civil service in government bodies located throughout the Russian Federation. Users can not only find out about open vacancies, but also fill out a form that will be available to employees of government personnel services. To fill out the form, you must register on the Portal.

The section is intended, first of all, for experts interested in trends in staffing the public administration system in the Russian Federation and abroad.

Here you can find information about the dynamics of the quantitative and qualitative composition of civil service personnel and the most noticeable trends in working with personnel in the public administration system.

Here you can find up-to-date information on the procedure for forming and working with the reserve of management personnel (presidential, federal and regional).

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