Federal Law on Payment of Social Services. The right to receive state social assistance in the form of a set of social services

Socially vulnerable categories of citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to assistance from the state in kind and in cash. IN in kind assistance is expressed in access to certain types of social support, generalized under the name “set social services».

Who can count on benefits

Law of the Russian Federation regulating the provision state aid(Federal Law No. 178), establishes regional and federal levels support for people in need.

Getting help from resources federal budget available:

  1. For disabled children.
  2. Disabled war veterans, including:
    • WWII participants;
    • to juvenile prisoners fascist concentration camps, other places of forced detention;
    • employees of the Armed Forces, State Border Service, police officers, police officers, and correctional service officers who were injured in the line of duty.
  3. Disabled people of groups I, II, III.
  4. To those affected by man-made disaster on Chernobyl nuclear power plant, testing for nuclear test site(Semipalatinsk) and persons equivalent to them.
  5. Veterans, namely:
    • WWII participants;
    • participants in the Afghan armed conflict;
    • participants in other local military conflicts (on the territory or outside the Russian Federation);
    • who were in military units that were not formally part of the structure of the USSR Army (partisan detachments);
    • having the title “Resident of besieged Leningrad”;
    • family members of deceased veterans.

At the expense of the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (regions), access to social subsidies from approved list assigned to citizens with income below the subsistence level in the region of their residence. For the assessment it is taken into account average

income received by family members living together with the applicant for assistance. Attention! Regional support is installed as financial payments or in-kind assistance by providing the right to free purchase of medicines, fuel, travel to public transport

(Federal Law No. 178). The full list of applicants for receiving subsidies is determined by Federal Law No. 178, by order of the Ministry of Health and social development

RF No. 328 (December 29, 2004).

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How to become a recipient of services The right to receive NSO becomes available simultaneously when assigned to a citizen EDV payments , which requires contacting Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, regardless of the type of registration (temporary, permanent).

If a citizen is not registered with the Pension Fund, he should submit an application earlier than October 1 to receive benefits from the beginning of the next year (from January 1).

But this year he will receive benefits until December 31, starting from the date his rights to the subsidy arise.

  1. The statement notes:
  2. insurance number of the applicant's personal account;
  3. without abbreviations first name, patronymic, last name, birth information of the applicant for a set of services;
  4. information about the document confirming the identity of the applicant;

volume of requested proposals (partially, completely).

  • The territorial Pension Fund issues a citizen a certificate confirming his right to apply for a set of services indicating the following information:
  • categories of benefit recipient;
  • the time during which benefits are available to the beneficiary; species social benefits

, which the beneficiary has the right to count on in the current year. For appointment certain type

  1. subsidies require a package of documents including:
  2. application for receipt of EDV;
  3. confirmation of the applicant’s identity (passport, Russian Federation citizen ID);
  4. birth document if the applicant is under 18 years of age;
  5. SNILS confirmation;
  6. pensioner's certificate (if available);
  7. a document certifying the applicant’s rights to a specific benefit;
Bank details for transferring funds to the payee's account. Download for viewing and printing: Attention! If documents are transferred to the Pension Fund through a representative individual

, notarized confirmation of his authority is required. After checking the package of documents by the Pension Fund department, a documentary confirmation the applicant's rights to receive budget assistance

from the list of social services. To receive services from January 2019, the beneficiary must contact the Pension Fund with an application until October 01, 2018

. The application should indicate in what form the citizen wishes to receive a set of social services.

What is included in the list of social offers

  • The list of social services provided to pensioners and other citizens in need includes:
Providing medications (prescriptions) and medical products. Attention! For disabled children, specialized products have been added to the list. therapeutic nutrition
  • . The list of drugs is subject to approval by the Government of the Russian Federation.

The duration of the treatment course is about 18 days, for disabled children - 21 days, for disabled people with diseases of the brain, spinal cord, as well as consequences of injuries specified bodies- 24-42 days.

  • Possibility of free travel for treatment (in both directions) on railway (suburban) and intercity transport.

In addition to the services from the list defining what NSI is, disabled children and group I disabled people requiring constant care are additionally given the opportunity to apply for a second voucher for treatment and discounted travel for treatment of an accompanying person.

How to obtain medicines and medical products

A citizen applies to medical organizations included in any of the healthcare systems (state, municipal, privately licensed) and provides:

  • identification;
  • confirmation of rights to NSU (document on disability, certificate of WWII participant);
  • certificate of receipt of EDV from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Based accepted documents medical worker is filled in prescription form for drugs that are indicated in the list approved by the government.

Important! The specific place of receipt of the listed drugs and medical products (pharmacy) is indicated in the prescription. No other documents other than a prescription are required to contact the specified pharmacy.

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How to get vouchers for treatment

At the medical institution at the place of residence, the citizen receives a certificate, which is attached to the application for a voucher submitted to the Fund social insurance. After reviewing the application (no longer than 10 days), the applicant receives a notification from the FSS about the possibility of receiving a referral for treatment.

It states:

  • arrival date;
  • exact name of the institution.

Free travel in both directions is provided to the beneficiary when issued, along with the voucher, a referral for preferential travel or a special coupon.

Important! The recipient is issued several coupons for different types transport if the road to treatment requires the use of several types Vehicle.

How to qualify for free travel

The right to free travel on railway (suburban) transport is provided to the beneficiary if he has a travel ticket issued at the territorial office of the Social Insurance Fund. Ticket is valid for a year and has legal force if the passenger has a document confirming the right to benefits.

Is it possible to refuse a set of services?

The beneficiary can receive assistance from the provided set of subsidies in full or only in part. The recipient indicates the selected option in the application when contacting the territorial branch of the Pension Fund. A citizen can take advantage of the opportunity to receive, instead of a full or partial set of offers, its equivalent in monetary terms.

Cost of NSO in 2019

In accordance with the law, service set indicators (NSI) for federal beneficiaries and cash payment(EDV) are subject to annual indexation taking into account the inflation rate for the financial year.

  1. 276 rub. for disabled people of the Second World War;
  2. 179 rub. for WWII participants;
  3. for invalids:
    • Group I - 193 rubles;
    • Group II - 138 rubles;
    • Group III - 110 rubles;
  4. RUB 108.53 for disabled children.

The data is indicated taking into account the cost of the NSU, which amounted to 1,053.88 rubles from April 1, 2017, of which:

  • 811 rub. for payment for medicines;
  • RUB 125.46 to pay for treatment vouchers;
  • 116.47 rub. to pay for travel on railway transport (suburban), on intercity transport (to the medical institution and back).

From January 1, 2018, the NSU is 1075 rubles. 19 kopecks and includes:

  • free provision of prescription medications, medical products, specialized medical nutrition products for disabled children - 828 rubles. 14 kopecks;
  • provision (in case of medical indications) of a voucher for Spa treatment, for the prevention of major diseases - 128 rubles. 11 kopecks;
  • free travel on suburban railway transport, as well as on intercity transport - to the place of treatment and back - 118 rubles. 94 kopecks

The size of the NSU from February 1, 2019 is 1121.42 rubles. It includes:

  • provision, in accordance with medical care standards, with necessary prescription drugs, medical devices, specialized products therapeutic nutrition for children with disabilities - 863.75 rubles;
  • provision, in the presence of medical indications, of vouchers for sanatorium-resort treatment for the prevention of major diseases in sanatorium-resort institutions determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation on contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to provide municipal and state needs - 133.62 rubles;
  • free pass on suburban railway and intercity transport to the place of treatment and back - 124.5 rubles.

Citizens who preferred the in-kind expression of the proposed subsidies will receive EDV minus the cost of certain social benefits.

Watch the video about the Social Services Recruitment

June 30, 2017, 22:16 March 3, 2019 13:47

The state provides various social assistance to particularly needy pension recipients. One of them is a set of social services, which, in accordance with the law of July 17, 1999 No. 178-FZ “On state social assistance” represents exhaustive list various services, relying on categories of citizens defined in the law .

A set of social services is an integral part. In other words, all recipients of EDV have the right to state social assistance in the form of NSO.

Legislation Russian Federation defines as an operator performing the functions of providing such social assistance Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. This body maintains a register of federal beneficiaries.

Who is eligible to receive NSO?

The right to receive a set of social services is granted to federal beneficiaries, which include:

  • participants and disabled people of the Second World War;
  • combat veterans;
  • disabled people of all groups, as well as disabled children;
  • former juvenile prisoners fascism;
  • persons who were exposed to radiation during accidents and nuclear tests;
  • received the title of Hero Soviet Union, Hero of the Russian Federation or holder of the Order of Glory of three degrees, as well as members of their families;
  • received the titles of Hero of Socialist Labor, Hero of Labor of the Russian Federation, or awarded the Order of Labor Glory of three degrees, etc.

The list of all categories of citizens who are granted the right to prescribe a set of social services is presented in Article 6.1 of Law No. 178-FZ and in the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia “On approval of the Procedure for the provision of NSO separate categories citizens" dated December 29, 2004.

What is included in the set of social services

A set of social services in accordance with Part 1 of Art. 6.2 Federal Law " About state social assistance» from January 1, 2011 represents three parts of social assistance:

  • provision of necessary prescription medications for medical use, medical products provided by prescription, as well as special medical nutrition products for disabled children;
  • provision of vouchers to sanatorium and resort organizations for the treatment and prevention of major diseases if there are medical indications;
  • provision of free travel by rail (suburban) and intercity transport to and from the place of treatment. *

* Disabled children and persons with disability group 1 have the right to a second voucher for sanatorium-resort treatment and free travel by rail (both suburban and intercity) for an accompanying person.

According to the requirements of Article 6.2 of Law No. 178-FZ, the Ministry of Health and social protection RF approved lists medicines(including those appointed by decision medical commissions medical institutions), products medical purposes, special food products for the treatment of disabled children, as well as a list of sanatorium and resort institutions to which the State provides vouchers for treatment.

Where to apply for an appointment and the necessary documents for registration

To establish a monthly cash payment to a citizen who is a federal benefit recipient, you must submit an application to Pension Fund Russia (PFR) at your place of residence(permanent or temporary), or actual residence. Since a set of social services is part of the EDV, then for its purpose no additional treatment required to the Pension Fund and writing separate statement.

The right to receive NSO in kind arises automatically after the monthly payment has been assigned.

The exception is citizens from the “exposed to radiation” category. If desired, receive natural look social assistance, they need to write an application for the provision of social services, which will take effect from January 1 to next year.

The procedure for using a certificate at the NSO

You can obtain from the territorial office of the Pension Fund certificate a certain sample, which confirms the citizen’s right to free receipt social services (or services). The issued certificate indicates: the category of the beneficiary, the period for which the EDV is assigned, and the set of services that the citizen has the right to use in the current year.

The certificate is valid throughout the Russian Federation and allows you to quickly use social services at your place of stay. This is important for those who have changed their place of residence or are temporarily in another region of Russia. When contacting healthcare institutions, as well as suburban railway ticket offices, a citizen must present following documents:

  • identification document;
  • document confirming the right to EDV;
  • certificate territorial body Pension Fund, which confirms the right to receive NSO.

For reference

The certificate is issued on certain period . The validity of the certificate of entitlement to NSO applies to the calendar year indicated therein and expires on December 31. Those who are going on the road at the beginning of the new year must take care in advance to obtain a certificate from the Pension Fund. In addition, we should not forget about the limitation of the validity of documents confirming the right to EDV (such as medical and social examination certificates or certificates of federal beneficiaries, which have a limited period).

Refusal from a set of social services

Recipients of a set of social services, in accordance with Article 6.3 of Law No. 178-FZ, are given the right to choose in what form to use social services - in in kind or as part of EDV, i.e. in monetary terms.

Since the set of social services is part of a monthly cash payment, the EDV can be calculated taking into account the application for refusal of the NSO in full, one of the social services provided, or two social services from the social package at the citizen's choice. In other words, when using a set of social services in kind, its cost is deducted from the established monthly payment. If a citizen refuses to receive social services (one or two of any kind) in favor of the cash equivalent, their cost is not deducted from the amount of the EDV.

Cost of social services in 2018

If you refuse the NSO, the amount of the monthly cash payment will increase by the legally established cost of services in the year of refusal. The size of the NSO, effective from February 1, 2016, is - RUB 995.23 per month:

  • RUR 766.55 - for payment medical supplies;
  • RUB 118.59 - to pay for vouchers to sanatorium-resort institutions;
  • 110.09 rub. - to pay for trips on suburban and intercity railway transport.

The cost of the social assistance package increases with the indexation of the EDV, which should be carried out annually on April 1.

However, in 2016, the amount of the EDV was indexed on February 1 (by 7%), and previously the increase occurred in August, therefore exact date There is virtually no indexing.

Application for refusal to receive social services to the Pension Fund

If a citizen wishes to refuse to receive a set of social services. services in kind (i.e. receive in cash), you must contact the Russian Pension Fund until October 1 of the current year With written statement. In this case, the cash equivalent of the NSO will begin to be paid from January 1 next year.

Defined by law several serving methods statements of refusal from NSO:

  • you can contact the Pension Fund body that pays the EDV, personally or through a representative;
  • or send the application by mail (in this case, you must have your signature notarized).

Applications for waiver of NSO can be submitted to Multifunctional center, and there is also electronic submission application, for this you can use the “Citizen’s Personal Account” on the official website of the Pension Fund.

An application for the choice made is submitted once, after which there is no need to confirm annually decision. Registered in FIU statement is valid until the citizen changes his choice.

If it is impossible to appear at the Pension Fund to submit an application due to certain circumstances (for health reasons or medical indications), you can always contact the Pension Fund for pre-registration for an off-site reception. Fund specialists will be able to accept applications at home. Please remember that this must be done in advance of October 1.

In case of urgent medical necessity take medications before the next calendar year, federal beneficiaries may exercise their right to refuse payment of EDV by submitting an appropriate application. In the future, if you apply for a new monthly payment, after it has been established, a set of social services will be provided in kind. It is important to consider that when a new EDV is assigned, the social package is provided in full size, regardless of previously submitted applications for refusal of the NSO (which terminate simultaneously with the complete termination of the payment of the EDV).

Currently, pensioners and other citizens in need can receive social assistance in cash and in kind. Assistance from the state in kind is presented in the form of the so-called set of social services(NSU). Services can be provided to the categories of citizens listed in the law in a certain order.

Social assistance in the form of a set of social services

IN current legislation There is no clear definition of the concept of a set of social services. However, having studied the relevant legislative acts, we can conclude that this is social support for citizens included in the circle of recipients, expressed in the provision by the state of services specified in the law.

This kind of help is very important this moment, since it is provided less protected social strata of the population and includes a list of services that they especially need in everyday life.

The right to receive state social assistance in the form of a set of social services

The legislator identifies a list of categories of citizens who can receive social assistance in the form of a set of social services:

  1. disabled war veterans- these are the participants of the great Patriotic War those who were injured during hostilities, persons equated by law to war invalids (military personnel who received disabilities during the direct performance of duties military service in other periods, employees of the USSR security agencies who became disabled as a result of their execution official duties, members of destroyer battalions and platoons, people’s defense units that operated from 1944 to 1951; citizens who became disabled as a result radiation accidents and disasters, as well as their children, if their disability is genetically related radiation exposure parents);
  2. (WWII);
  3. combat veterans(full list of citizens included in this category, contained in Art. 3 Law No. 5-FZ "About Veterans");
  4. military personnel, who were on military service during the Second World War in military units, institutions and educational institutions that were not part of the active army at that time, for at least six months;
  5. persons who worked during the Second World War at military facilities;
  6. family members of the victims or deceased citizens belonging to categories 1, 2, 3 and 4, as well as relatives of deceased workers medical institutions Leningrad;
  7. disabled people;
  8. disabled children.

Citizen Sidorova is a disabled person of the first group, she has a need for expensive medicines which the doctor prescribes for her.

In accordance with the law, the list of social services provided to disabled people includes free receipt of medications with a doctor’s prescription; also, citizen Sidorova, once a year, together with an accompanying person, can go to a sanatorium and use a suburban bus an unlimited number of times. by rail and has the right to free trip to the place of treatment and back.

Composition of a set of social services

However, the Pension Fund may resume providing a package of services in kind if there is applications for renewal of payment from January 1 of the following year. However, it must be submitted no later than October 1 of the current year.


    In conclusion, I would like to note that the provision of a set of social services can significantly make life easier for beneficiaries, at the same time, today there are major shortcomings in this area of ​​legislation.

  • The measures of social support provided by the state are not always sufficient for citizens in need. However, the law provides for some exceptions that slightly expand the rights of beneficiaries.
  • So by decision medical commission A citizen can receive, with a doctor’s prescription, the medications he needs that are not included in the list of medications provided free of charge as part of a set of social services.
  • Additional social services may be provided and on regional level , therefore, a citizen should contact his regional bodies to be sure full list services that are provided in the subject of his residence.
Legal instructions will tell you in what order, before October 1, 2017, you can monetize a set of social services for certain categories of beneficiaries.

Who is eligible for a set of social services in 2017?

The list of beneficiaries entitled to receive a set of social services (NSS) is given in Art. 6.1 Federal Law“On state social assistance”:
disabled war veterans;
WWII participants;
military personnel who participated in hostilities abroad of the USSR and the Russian Federation, as well as on the territory of the Russian Federation;
Afghan combat veterans (pilots and truck drivers);
sappers in the period from May 10, 1945 to December 31, 1951;
participants in combat minesweeping operations conducted from May 10, 1945 to December 31, 1957;
military personnel who served for at least 6 months in military units and other formations outside the active army from June 22, 1941 to September 3, 1945, as well as those awarded orders or medals of the USSR for service during this period;
awarded the badge “Resident of besieged Leningrad”;
those who worked during the Second World War at air defense facilities and in the construction of various military facilities;
crew members of transport fleet ships interned at the beginning of the Second World War in the ports of other states;
family members of deceased (deceased) disabled war veterans, World War II participants and combat veterans, family members of citizens who died in the Second World War who were part of air defense teams, as well as family members of deceased hospital workers in the city of Leningrad;
disabled people of group I, as well as groups II and III with III degree of disability, recognized as such before January 1, 2010;
disabled children;
victims of radiation due to various accidents and tests (Article 6.7 of the Law);
minor prisoners of concentration camps (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of October 15, 1992 N 1235).
What services are included in the social package?

The set of social services in 2017 for the listed categories of beneficiaries includes:
medicines and medical products according to prescriptions, as well as special food for disabled children;
vouchers for treatment for medical reasons for 18 days, for disabled children - for 21 days, for persons who have damaged the spinal cord or brain - from 24 to 42 days;
payment for travel to and from the place of treatment.
This assistance in kind is included in the monthly cash payment (MCV) on the basis of clause 1.3 of the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated December 29, 2004 N 328. MCF is federal benefit provided to the same categories of citizens. The need to submit a separate application to obtain NSO is provided only for persons exposed to radiation.
How to refuse a social package and get money?

To get help with monetary equivalent, you need to submit an application for refusal to receive a set of social services to the Pension Fund. This can also be done via " Personal Area citizen" on the PFR website, through the MFC, Single portal public services, by mail, through a representative. This is done before October 1 of the current year, then the applicant will receive compensation starting next year. Current size monthly compensation in total is 1048.97 rubles:
RUR 807.94 - for medicines, medical products and food;
RUB 124.99 - for vouchers;
116.04 rubles - for travel to the place of treatment and back.
You can refuse all social services at once or one or two (Article 6.3 of the Law). An application for the resumption of the provision of a set of social services (social services) is also submitted before October 1 and is valid from next year. Wherein Pension Fund employees They report that it is more profitable for citizens who need expensive medications to receive this part of the social package in kind.

How to fill out an application for refusal from NSO?

An application for refusal to receive a set of social services must contain following information:
Name PFR body where it is supplied;
insurance number of an individual personal account;
Full name, date and place of birth;
passport data (series and number, by whom and when issued);
details of the representative’s passport (including the legal one) and the power of attorney for him;
the volume of social services that the citizen refuses;
a request from January 1 of the next year to stop sending part of the monthly cash payment to pay for social services;
signature of the applicant (representative), date of preparation.
After renouncing the NSO, the citizen will receive, as part of his EDV, the amount of funds that was previously allocated to pay for the social package.

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