Feng Shui is a smart approach to creating harmony in the kitchen and home. Kitchen color: basic rules

Not only in China, but also in most peoples of the world, the kitchen is the center of any home, a place where the whole family gathers, where it is so pleasant to retire with a cup of coffee and where amazing smells waft during big family holidays.

Feng Shui in the kitchen will help you organize the space correctly and attract Qi to it - positive energy and the basis of all the blessings of life. By the way, in the language of the founders of the teachings of Feng Shui, the words “food” and “money” are indicated by one hieroglyph.

About the location of the kitchen

Since the center of any kitchen is the stove, which is favored by the element of Fire, the location of the kitchen according to Feng Shui is most favorable on the south side.

It is the south for Fire that is the part of the world that protects it. Somewhat less, but just as favorable, when the kitchen faces east or southeast. These cardinal directions are good for such an element as Wood, and wooden products and kitchen in Feng Shui are compatible concepts.

Things are not so good in the house if the kitchen faces north. His native element of Water literally washes away the well-being from her. And if the taps are leaking, then digestive problems for household members cannot be avoided. And they will be very reluctant to visit such a kitchen.

The center of the home is completely unsuitable for a family home. In this case, it will not be possible to avoid the smells of cooking food in all rooms, and this, as the rules of Feng Shui say, will certainly attract negative Sha energy, and then scandals and quarrels cannot be avoided.

According to Feng Shui cuisine, Qi energy must be given enough space for its active actions. The more free space, the more favorable it is for her. Keep everything you need for cooking on hand. You cannot do without a constant flow of fresh air, which means that the hood above the stove must always be in working order.

Feng Shui rules do not recommend placing the kitchen opposite the front door. The bathroom and toilet are also capable of “washing away” the well-being of the family hearth. What to do if the kitchen in the apartment is not located according to Feng Shui? After all, it will most likely not be possible to transfer it. In such situations, it is necessary to extinguish the resulting negativity by placing it at the entrance to the kitchen or in the room itself

  • pendants with “wind music”,
  • pots with live green plants,
  • curtains made of bamboo and straw,
  • round jars in the cabinet for bulk products,
  • ceramic products.
Kitchen Feng Shui is very particular about keeping sharp objects (knives and forks) out of sight, as their sharp corners symbolize poisonous arrows of bad energy. These feng shui rules echo the Slavic superstitions that believe that knives left on the table overnight are a bait for family troubles.

Color and light

Lack of lighting in the kitchen helps negative energy hide in dark corners. Therefore, the more lighting sources, the better. Ideally there should be an odd number of them. It is recommended to select the color of the kitchen according to Feng Shui, which suits the elements of Fire and Water.

Since their balance can be shaken by the predominance of their colors (red, black, blue), it is better not to use these tones at all.

The color of the kitchen according to Feng Shui is white, as a mediator between the elements of Fire and Water. The green color of the kitchen interior is simply ideal.

A little about mirrors

A mirror is not just a reflective surface, it is a guide to another reality. Feng Shui rules consider a mirror to be a very important item. Here are some of the principles of this teaching:
  • The mirror should not be placed so that it reflects the dining table, otherwise the cook may become exhausted trying to feed the endless eaters.
  • You can install a mirror above the stove to visually increase the number of pots on the stove.
  • It may not always cost a lot of pots on the stove, but a mirror that doubles the number of burners is also a very good sign.
  • If there is a door behind the cook, this is not entirely good for him. A mirror on the wall behind the stove, reflecting the entrance, will help save the situation. So the sudden appearance of a person entering the kitchen will not come as a surprise to the person preparing the food.
  • A mirror lying on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, reflecting the products, doubles their quantity and creates the illusion of abundance.
It turns out that a simple mirror, according to ancient teaching, helps to harmonize space.

The kitchen stove is the most important element

The best option for placing it is a kitchen island in the center of the kitchen. If it is impossible to create such conditions, then you need to at least not push it into a corner. According to Feng Shui, a position near a window is also not the best placement option, since prosperity will disappear out the window along with the aromas of food. The south side of the kitchen, where the element of Fire is located, is the best place for a modern hearth.

Where it should not be placed:

  • facing the main entrance to the house, the staircase leading to the second floor,
  • at the door to the toilet,
  • at the door to the bathroom,
  • with orientation towards the door leading to the bedroom.
If the owners of the house do not want to see poverty in it, these rules for the location of the stove must be strictly observed. Ideally, each feng shui stove should have an open fire, at least from a gas burner. In terms of preference, the electric stove comes next, and the microwave oven is completely unacceptable. There should be a lot of burners on the stove; this is a direct path to well-being.

Don't use all the burners all the time - light them all at once from time to time to activate positive energy flows.

A dirty stove, kept in an unkempt state, attracts trouble like a magnet. Making positive changes in your life can start with cleaning your stove. Favorable changes will not take long to arrive.

Sink and refrigerator

Ceramic and earthenware sinks are not as feng shui preferred as stainless steel sinks. The element of Metal destroys the negativity accumulated on dirty dishes, and the element of Water sends it away. If the sink and stove are close to each other, there is a conflict between Fire and Water. It does not bring anything good to the inhabitants of the house.

You should at least visually separate these elements by placing between them a green plant, ceramics, and wooden products (souvenirs, furniture, household items). The refrigerator is a follower of the element of Water; if it is located on the south side of the kitchen, spoiled food cannot be avoided.

Ideally, the refrigerator can be placed in the southwest or southeast. According to Feng Shui, this will bring prosperity to the owners.

Something more about kitchen rules

In a kitchen arranged according to Feng Shui, there should be no broken, cracked, broken or chipped objects and utensils, stale or spoiled food. All this must be disposed of immediately, before the negative Sha energy can feed on negativity. Wooden items will be desirable items in the kitchen. If they are still painted green, this will bring harmony to the relationships between the elements.

According to the rules of ancient teaching, you cannot prepare food for loved ones in an irritated and tired state. Food prepared without pleasure, by a sick or tired person, will not benefit those who eat it. Such food is already poisoned by negative energy.

Quarrels in the kitchen also affect the products and the food that is prepared from them. According to Feng Shui, you need to eat “with feeling, with sense, with arrangement,” chewing each piece slowly, trying to evoke a feeling of gratitude in yourself.

Harmony in the house is not difficult to achieve if you arrange the kitchen in accordance with the rules of the ancient, but still modern teachings of Feng Shui.

Feng Shui (literally meaning “wind and water”) is an ancient planning practice that promotes harmony with the environment. Organizing the interior according to the rules prescribed by her not only guarantees good decor, but also improves the quality of life. In order for a home to attract health, it is necessary to individually customize the color of its walls and functionality.

The fundamental rule of Feng Shui is to recognize that the environment affects our lives. Frustration and chaos in the apartment interfere with well-being and material wealth. Balance is the basic norm of Chinese philosophical teaching. Positive energy is the key to good luck.

According to Feng Shui, the kitchen is the central place in the house, used not only for cooking, but also for family meetings. This is the heart of the home, so it is worth the effort to properly arrange the room.

In order for a kitchen to truly live up to its high position, according to Feng Shui theory, the following standards must be met:

  1. The cooking room is associated with the elements of Fire and Wood, so its ideal location would be the south or southeast side of the house. Geographical direction may affect functionality. In ancient China, the southeast orientation was considered the best, as it helped to catch the wind that fanned the fire in the stove. If the kitchen is located in the northern or northwestern part of the house, it cannot be moved, but by using other elements, you can compensate for the negative impact.
  2. The door to the kitchen should not be directly in front of the entrance to the toilet or bedroom, or in front of the window.
  3. An open kitchen has a positive effect on strengthening family ties, but according to Feng Shui, it is necessary to separate it with a partition or flooring to stop the energy escaping.
  4. The best shape for a kitchen is quadrangular. It is recommended to avoid pentagons and hexagons.
  5. The basic rule is to separate the stove from the sink. Due to belonging to opposite elements, namely Fire and Water, it is necessary to place some kind of wooden element between them to create a border.
  6. The dishwasher (Water) should not be located next to the refrigerator (Water). An excess of this element can extinguish a fire on a stove.
  7. A large number of burners in the kitchen contributes to wealth.
  8. Order, cleanliness and detachment are the three principles of Feng Shui. Therefore, it is important to properly organize the space and get rid of what is not used. There should be no unnecessary objects or decorations in the kitchen. Garbage containers are hidden in closets. The work surface is always kept clean and ready for use.

Kitchen set

Traditional Chinese Feng Shui strives to harmonize all elements, so the dominance of one or two of them is discouraged.

It is preferable to choose a wooden kitchen set with a rounded shape to avoid angularity. Shelves are not used, all utensils are placed in cabinets with closing doors. In open places it is allowed to place round jars with bulk products.

Hanging cabinets are located away from the dining space so as not to disturb people sitting at the table. Drawers for storing kitchen utensils and other cutting and piercing objects must be provided. If they are located outside in special stands, then the sharp side should be directed downwards.


It is recommended to choose an oval or round dining table with a symmetrical shape. It is desirable that it be made of wood, since, for example, energy can easily escape through a glass tabletop. However, the use of an opaque surface is acceptable. The ideal location of the furniture product is in the center, but for this the room needs space. If the kitchen shares a wall with the toilet, it is not recommended to install a table in such a place.

The stools that many people love are not suitable due to the uncomfortable position of the body. For the kitchen, it is preferable to use chairs with comfortable backs, the optimal number of which is determined by the size of the room and the number of people living in the house.

When arranging furniture, you should not fill every area of ​​space. It is recommended to leave some room for freedom of movement. In tight spaces, energy flow is limited.


Arranging a kitchen according to Feng Shui requires good lighting, which means that no decorative curtains should interfere with this. It is advisable that the curtains do not cover the window sills. This allows you to control the order and absence of unnecessary items in this place.

A good solution would be roller blinds or shortened curtains. The last window accessory does not have to be of a strict shape; asymmetry and waves at the bottom are acceptable.


When installing this device, you must be guided by the general principles of the balance of the elements of Water and Fire. In order not to disturb it, the refrigerator, stove and sink should be placed not in one line, but along the vertices of the triangle. This method, in addition to balanced energy, will bring ease of use.

Products from the refrigerator are immediately removed after the expiration date. Spoiled food blocks positive energy. On the other hand, you need to constantly ensure that the refrigerator is filled with food. If it is empty, it is a sign of lack of independence.

Stove and oven

The stove is a very important element in the kitchen. It is a symbol of love and good luck for the whole family. It is necessary to opt for a gas model, since fire brings wealth. The oven must be installed so that the front door is visible. The microwave oven should be avoided as it destroys the positive Qi energy contained in dishes and foods.

The stove is located in such a way that it is not visible from the adjacent room. This also ensures the correct position of the person preparing the food: he will not stand with his back to the door.

Several principles for slab placement:

  • the place under the window is not suitable for installing a heating device;
  • Do not place the kitchen stove under a beam or sloping ceiling;
  • behind there should be a solid wall, behind which there is no toilet or bathroom;
  • The ideal position of the heating device is in the southwestern or southern part of the room.

According to the principles of Feng Shui, a pot of rice is placed in the welfare sector, namely near the stove. In practice, you can fill it with salt, which also symbolizes wealth.

The stove should be kept clean and tidy, and it is recommended to use each burner in turn so that the energy does not stagnate.


The best material for washing is stainless steel. Metal, interacting with water, helps to destroy harmful energy influences. As in all other parts of the kitchen, there must be perfect order. It is necessary to carefully monitor the taps: repair them in time and not keep them open unnecessarily, since flowing water carries away wealth. The location of the sink is acceptable in the northern or eastern part of the room, for example, near a window with a beautiful view.

When decorating a room, it is important to think about the colors in which it will be decorated. The main principle is not to overload the interior. An excess of glossy and metal surfaces in industrial-type kitchens is not welcome, as there will be a lack of heat. Additionally, metallic shades can slow down the energy of the room.

The colors that are traditionally associated with the kitchen are warm, stimulating digestive energy. These include all shades of yellow, as well as beige and orange. In Feng Shui practices, lemon is considered the color of joy. It creates a cozy atmosphere and adds energy and optimism to the room, which helps strengthen family ties and ensures balance in social relationships.

However, it is not recommended to use bright colors as the main ones. It is advisable to use them for decorative elements. If you want to make the kitchen more joyful, then on the dining table, for example, you can place a vase of delicious fruit or a bright bouquet.

To facilitate the selection of tones that should prevail in the design of the room, a specially compiled map of directions is used - the Bagua octagon.

  1. It shows the color scheme depending on the geographical orientation of the kitchen:
  2. The north suggests a choice of bluish tones interspersed with green and brown (water element).
  3. For the western direction, white and gray colors with the addition of metal are suitable.
  4. The east is characterized by greenish tones (Earth element) combined with beige shades. Houseplants are welcome in such rooms.

For a kitchen located on the south side, it is recommended to use the following colors: pink, light orange, white.

The northeast and southwest belong to the elements of Earth, the southeast to Wood, and the northwest to Metal.

  1. When decorating a kitchen according to Feng Shui, you must observe the following prohibitions on the use of colors:
  2. Water extinguishes Fire, so blue and black tones are not suitable for the southern direction.
  3. Red should not be used in northern cuisine.
  4. In a room located on the east side of the house, you should refrain from using metallic shades.

Western orientation does not accept an abundance of wood and plants.

  1. The kitchen should be well lit, clean and properly organized. Then energy will easily flow through it. It is recommended to clear countertops of unnecessary items, as they bring chaos and anxiety into the room. If the room looks too harsh, you can liven it up with a curtain, tablecloth, etc.
  2. The mood during cooking affects the Qi energy. It is important to think about something pleasant, to exclude disputes and showdowns.
  3. It is necessary to remove all ugly and damaged things, as well as broken household appliances. They spread bad energy.
  4. It is recommended to place a basket of oranges in a prominent place. These fruits are a symbol of happiness, health and prosperity.
  5. You can grow herbs in a pot on the windowsill. They are considered a sign of abundance. Other plants are also planted, but they are not poisonous. Bouquets and arrangements of dried flowers are absolutely impractical.
  6. There is no place for a wall clock in the kitchen. If you need to keep track of time, you can use a small alarm clock that should not be visible when eating.
  7. Water in the kettle cannot be stored for a long time. Such liquid weakens vital energy.
  8. It is necessary to use the stove as often as possible. This helps you develop your potential and increases your chances of health, wealth and love.
  9. There should be no uncomfortable places in the kitchen. The more comfortable the room, the easier it is to find love and support.
  10. It is better to take bowls for animals outside the premises.
  11. You should not prepare food with your back to the front door. Uncertainty behind or surprise at someone's appearance fills dishes with negative energy. When there is no other entrance, you can place a mirror on the wall so that the door is visible.
  12. If the kitchen and eating area are not designed according to the above principles, there is no need to worry. You can change the energy of a room by hanging mirrors, jingling pendants or reflective crystals.


Designing a kitchen according to Feng Shui principles is a difficult task. However, many of the rules of ancient philosophy coincide with the advice of modern architects and designers. Even without trusting the theory about the accumulation of good energy, you can get tangible benefits when arranging a room according to Feng Shui. First of all, it is convenience and harmony with nature.

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of the kitchen, especially in our lives. If you compare the kitchen with the human body, then the kitchen symbolizes the stomach. In Chinese, the words “food” and “money” have the same meaning.

Kitchen - this is the basis of abundance and well-being of the family, it is a place of communication and gathering of all household members. People who treat their kitchen with due attention and respect will never be poor or sick. A properly organized kitchen generates positive energy for the entire home and is a source of material and moral well-being for the family. Even just decorating your kitchen can have a beneficial effect on your prosperity and health. And if you equip your kitchen according to Feng Shui, choosing the right color for the kitchen, this will guarantee that your family will not have any bad luck.

Where is the best place to locate the kitchen?

The best location for a kitchen according to Feng Shui is the southern part of the house or apartment (south is the element of Fire, which symbolizes the main item in the kitchen - the stove). The eastern or southeastern side of the house (element – ​​Wood) is also favorable.

The most unfavorable option is if the kitchen is located in the north (element of Water). According to Feng Shui, if the kitchen is in the northern sector, this will make it less frequented and even slow down digestion. In a northern kitchen, special care should be taken to ensure that the plumbing is in good working order: there should be no leaking taps.

What should a kitchen be like according to Feng Shui?

General location

Kitchen area

In the kitchen, it is especially important to have free space for good circulation of positive Qi energy.

The kitchen should not be located in the center of the apartment, because... then the smells of food from the kitchen will spread throughout the apartment and attract negative Sha energy, quarrels and scandals will appear in the family.

Also, the kitchen doors should not be visible from the entrance, otherwise you will always be feeding guests who will come into your house in orderly endless rows.

Free space in the kitchen and easy access to all the items needed for work are very important. Also, the kitchen should always have a good flow of fresh air, so the hood in the kitchen is given special importance: as a rule, it is placed above the stove. In general, the more often you ventilate your kitchen, the better for your home.

The shape of the kitchen should be square or rectangular. If your kitchen is rounded on one side, or has sharp corners, or is L-shaped, it creates dead zones in which negative energy accumulates, bringing illness or even death.

The kitchen must be isolated from the living rooms. If you are building a house, place the kitchen at the back. It is best when there is a dining room next to the kitchen. If the kitchen is part of the dining room, they should be separated at least visually.

It is unfavorable when the kitchen is located next to or opposite the entrance door to the apartment: the wealth that food symbolizes will be easy to leave, and you will start to get sick. If the kitchen is next to the entrance, all possible negativity comes from the entrance directly into the kitchen.

You also cannot place the kitchen next to the bathroom or toilet, as is often the case in our modern apartments. The water from the bathroom will “wash” all well-being from the kitchen.

What can you do if you cannot change the layout of the kitchen:

Cuisine selection

  1. Try to always keep the doors to the kitchen closed.
  2. Hang a windchime or crystal above your door.
  3. Create a distraction: place a tub with a flower at the entrance, hang a photo or painting, you can hang curtains or curtains made of bamboo, decorative thread, straw, and so on on the door.
  4. To reduce Sha, use round containers for cereals, sugar, etc.
  5. Pipes (water supply and sewerage) must be hidden behind decorative panels.
  6. All taps must be in good working order: dripping water takes away your well-being.
  7. Use plant and fruit ornaments in the kitchen to decorate walls or tablecloths.
  8. The element of Earth (clay, ceramics, brown) will enhance the elements of water and wood in the kitchen, so add dishes made from these materials to your interior.
  9. Use symbols of harvest and prosperity: bunches of onions, dried peppers, etc. (natural or artificial).

It is very important that piercing and sharp objects (knives, forks, etc.) are stored in special closed places and not lying on the table. Their sharp angles generate bad energy and lead to quarrels and illnesses in the family. Sha also appears in sharp corners, poorly lit and hard-to-reach places. Therefore, the lighting in the kitchen should always be bright, and objects and furniture should be arranged so that there is no curved space and it is easy for you to move around. Kitchen lighting should always be very good, especially around the work surface - this is both good Feng Shui and very convenient for the cook.

Interestingly, in Slavic practice, healers say approximately the same thing about knives and forks: evil spirits can use sharp objects lying in plain sight to provoke discord in the family.

The main kitchen elements: stove, sink and refrigerator should ideally be located in the corners of an imaginary triangle, at a distance of 1.5-2 meters from each other. The dividing elements between the stove and the sink should be wooden or green, symbolizing wood. It could be plants, their images, or just the color green. If this is not possible, then separate the sink and stove with at least a wooden countertop or board. If this is not done, then the elements of Fire and Water will come into opposition and harm you.


Plate - the queen of the kitchen, its heart and most important item. Therefore, it should not be located in a corner. The stove should also not be placed near a window: along with the fumes from the stove, all your well-being will go there.

The stove must always be kept perfectly clean, as well as the entire kitchen as a whole. If trouble has settled in your home, first of all go to the kitchen and wash the stove clean, and you will almost immediately feel favorable changes.

Its ideal place is on the south side of the kitchen, in the element of Fire. The direction of the slab towards the central part of the house is considered lucky. If the slab is oriented towards the front entrance, towards the stairs, towards the bedroom, towards the doors to the toilet or bathroom, then this will lead to poverty.

The Chinese believe that the stove should have an open fire or at least a gas stove. It’s worse if it’s an electric stove, but a microwave is considered the most unacceptable option.

Your well-being also directly depends on the number of burners on the stove: the more, the better. If you use one or two, then periodically you need to turn on all the burners. If you hang a mirror above the stove, you seem to double the number of burners.


Feng Shui masters believe that it is best to install a sink made of stainless steel, since the element of Metal destroys harmful energy structures and helps water wash them away. The sink, as a representative of the element of Water, should stand separately from the stove, which symbolizes Fire.


The refrigerator, like the sink, belongs to the sign of Water. It is undesirable to place it in the south: food will spoil quickly. It is best to place it in the southeast or southwest: this will improve your financial situation.

Kitchen color according to Feng Shui

Kitchen color

According to Feng Shui, the colors of the kitchen should be green, yellow, brown, orange and white. In the kitchen, the elements of Fire and Water are most represented, so any predominant color in the interior is undesirable: red, blue and black, otherwise the balance of Feng Shui energies will be disturbed.

White color is a good mediator between fire and water; it goes well with metal objects, of which there are many in the kitchen. When choosing shades, try to avoid combining a color with the opposite element. Black or blue color should not fall into the southern zone of Fire, Metal colors (white, silver, yellow) should not fall into the eastern and south-eastern part (Wood). It is very good to use green color in kitchen design.

Electrical appliances

Electrical appliances in the kitchen provide good stimulation to the areas in which they operate. Therefore, you can consciously activate the necessary sectors by placing small gadgets.

Chef in the kitchen

The cook is given special importance: he is the main person in the kitchen. He should be comfortable and comfortable, because the quality of food depends on his mood. There should not be a door behind the person preparing food: a person may be afraid of someone entering. If the location of the stove and work surface cannot be changed, hang a mirror above the stove so that the cook can see those entering.

How to Improve Kitchen Feng Shui

  1. Remove unnecessary things in which Qi energy stagnates.
  2. All utensils must be in cabinets; Broken, cracked or chipped dishes should be thrown away immediately.
  3. Throw away spoiled food immediately.
  4. Place as many wooden elements as possible, maybe green. Wooden dishes, containers and even floors enhance the elements of Water and Fire.
  5. Place fresh fruit in a vase or flowers in the kitchen.
  6. Hang an old family photo on the walls - this way you will “invite” your ancestors, your good guardian angels, to the table, thank them and God for your well-being.
  7. Food should be prepared with pleasure, by a healthy person and in a good mood. The bad energy of pain, irritation and fatigue will poison the food.
  8. You need to eat without haste and fuss, with a feeling of gratitude. Don't eat stress. Before eating, take a deep breath, chew your food thoroughly - then Qi energy will help digestion.
  9. You can't quarrel or sort things out in the kitchen.
  10. Be careful with mirrors: if the eaters are reflected in it, then you will be constantly cooking and feeding, and the kitchen will become a walk-through yard.

If you listen to the advice of Feng Shui and arrange your kitchen according to them, your kitchen will become a desirable place for family lunches, dinners and just friendly conversations.

The kitchen is the most important and most used room in the house - the place where all household members gather and communicate. Therefore, if you are inspired by Feng Shui, be sure to apply its principles in the kitchen.

Feng Shui, the ancient Chinese philosophy and special rules for organizing living space to attract prosperity, is regardless of our faith or disbelief; to follow its rules, as well as to apply it in your home or not is everyone’s independent decision.

Before we begin, we warn you: there are many different teachings, schools and principles of Feng Shui, which vary depending on the characteristics of the object of application (garden, apartment, house). Still, the basic principles of Feng Shui for the kitchen are highlighted, which are the same for all houses and apartments.

In the kitchen, Feng Shui is used to create a constant flow of Qi energy and its unhindered circulation.

How to arrange your kitchen according to Feng Shui

What does Feng Shui say about where to place the kitchen?

Feng Shui about organizing the kitchen space

The design of the kitchen, its interior decoration and arrangement - all this should provide comfort for the person preparing food.

Dishes, utensils and necessary equipment should be within easy reach. The kitchen must have good lighting, high-quality ventilation and space necessary for a convenient location and unimpeded movement of all household members around the room.

  1. Sharp objects, as well as knives, scissors and forks, etc. should be kept in closed drawers. Sharp angles give rise to negative Sha energy, which negatively affects the well-being and well-being of all family members. Order, cleanliness of windows with window sills and general cleanliness, sunlight and constant ventilation of the room will neutralize evil energy and harmful information flows and rid the kitchen area of ​​them. Do not quarrel or sort things out in the kitchen under any circumstances. If not stored, immediately throw away chipped or cracked dishes and broken items.
  2. It would be simply wonderful if kitchen Feng Shui turned out to correspond to the rule of the triangle, according to which the most necessary elements of the kitchen (sink, refrigerator and stove) would be in the imagination in the corners of the triangle. The distance between the corners should be at least 1.5-2 m to ensure the greatest amount of convenience and the least movement around the kitchen. Moreover, with this arrangement, fire elements (stove, oven, etc.) will not come into contact with water elements (sink, dryer, etc.). The elements of Wood (boards, green utensils, plants or images of plants, wood) are designed to separate the opposing elements of Fire and Water.
  3. Gas and water pipes should not be visible. When in sight, they attract negative Sha energy.

Stove and feng shui

The stove is a fire element, a symbol of well-being and prosperity. There is no need to place it next to the window, otherwise the money will disappear through the window. It is best for the fire element to be near the southern wall, because the south is the homeland for this element.

The stove can be installed next to the wall leading to the center of the apartment. It is advisable to avoid placing the stove towards the entrance to the house, towards the stairs, shower and toilet rooms and bedrooms.

An excellent solution for a large kitchen area can be a kitchen island - a stove installed in the center of the room. The cook will be equally comfortable working with the stove and communicating with guests, seeing them all. Fire should not be near Water, so a sink or refrigerator should not be neighbors of the stove.

Separate them all with Wood elements: green-painted items, green-brown tiles, cutting tables.

According to Feng Shui, it is better to cook on a stove or over an open fire, because the electromagnetic waves of a microwave have a negative impact on your well-being. However, different families have different needs and different degrees of need to use certain kitchen devices.

Where to put a refrigerator according to Feng Shui[

We found out that the refrigerator belongs to the water element, so the southern part of the kitchen, according to Feng Shui, is clearly not for it. Mirrors are good “friends” of the refrigerator because they double the objects reflected in them. Place a mirror on the bottom shelf so that it reflects the food on top, and according to Feng Shui, your refrigerator will never be empty due to the lack of food in it.

The sink, like the refrigerator, belongs to the water element, which is responsible for family financial well-being. Both the refrigerator and the sink should be clean and tidy.

A leaky faucet will almost literally wash your money down the drain. Do not keep dirty dishes, grease, rust stains, debris in the sink, or clog it. According to Feng Shui, the most desirable material for washing is stainless steel, since Metal destroys the energy structure and allows the water element to better wash away negative information and energy from dirty dishes. As a result, the dishes are pristinely clean both physically and energetically.

According to the principles, a kitchen without a cook is not a kitchen. The cook's place in the kitchen is incredibly important. The cook who stands at the stove is in a "position of control" and must be aware of everything that happens in his kitchen kingdom. He does not turn his back to the door - this fundamentally destroys the feng shui balance. If this state of affairs cannot be avoided, and the door is still behind the cook’s back, then a wind chime suspended above the door or a mirror surface, with the help of which the cook will see who has looked into the kitchen, should notify people entering. The main role in preparing wholesome and healthy food is played by the cook’s peaceful state of mind.

Feng Shui colors for the kitchen

The best colors for the kitchen are natural colors in warm shades (green, brown, yellow, orange), white is a very successful color. It is extremely undesirable to emphasize the preference for Fire or Water in the design, using red and orange or blue and cyan tones, as this will upset the balance between the elements. White color is a symbol of the element of Metal, and it is an excellent mediator between these two elements and, as a rule, is combined with metal kitchen items.

In addition, when creating a kitchen design and its decoration, Feng Shui recommends not using the colors of elements in areas of elements alien to them. For example, the color Wood should not appear in the Metal zones, and the red fiery color should not be used in the Water element zone.

General Feng Shui rules for kitchen design

  1. Sharp objects should not be in sight, try to avoid sharp corners;
  2. Use kitchen appliances for their intended purpose, otherwise the circulation of Qi flow is disrupted, and energy will stagnate near them. Get rid of broken or broken objects - the accumulation of negative Sha energy in them contributes to family scandals, conflicts and discord.
  3. Each element has its own color; you should not create color combinations in areas where the opposite element reigns.

Be careful when using mirrors: the constant reflection of people eating provokes an endless process of cooking and endless eating. The kitchen should not become a passageway!

Attention, TODAY only!

If you decide to buy a new refrigerator, remember Feng Shui! Despite the fact that this science is ancient, and refrigerators appeared only about 80 years ago, it is still useful here. Thousands of years ago, when there were no refrigerators and people used cellars and snow to store food, feng shui was centered around the stove on which food was cooked. The stove is still a symbol of a family's wealth, and keeping it clean is essential to maintaining good feng shui. Nowadays, the refrigerator plays as important a role in the life of mankind as the stove. According to Feng Shui, a refrigerator symbolizes health. Therefore, this is a serious and responsible matter.

Before buying a refrigerator, plan where it will be located.

Before buying a refrigerator, plan a place for it in your kitchen or another part of the house. The refrigerator should not be placed next to the stove. According to Feng Shui, the refrigerator is the element of water, and the stove is the element of fire. The proximity of these two elements is dangerous, and, being near the stove, the refrigerator takes away the fire from it, creating financial difficulties. The distance between them should be at least 50 centimeters. Also, they should not be placed opposite each other. This is fraught with frequent conflicts in the family. Also, the refrigerator should not be adjacent to the sink. It is best if the stove, refrigerator and sink form a triangle.

It is also important to consider which direction of the world the refrigerator faces. Usually refrigerators are sold in white, but your refrigerator can be a color that will bring the best luck to your home. Fortunately, the modern market offers a wide selection of not only sizes, but also colors of refrigerators. You can order a colored refrigerator online or in a small store choose it from a custom catalog.

The color of your refrigerator can bring good luck to your home.

So, if your refrigerator faces east, it may be green or wood-colored. It is better to choose a refrigerator with a “view” to the south in red or purple. However, a red refrigerator should not be placed in the kitchen. A refrigerator facing north can be blue or black. Standing in the southwest of your house or apartment, it can be black. If you are going to place it in the center, yellow and gold colors will do. Metallic and white shades can be found near the refrigerator in the northwest of the house. Colors that match the sectors of your home will attract favorable energy to those sectors. And the colors of the directions will bring a lot of positive energy to the refrigerator itself.

Pay attention to the refrigerator doors

Watch the refrigerator door open. If from left to right, energy flows from east to west. And, conversely, if the door opens from right to left, then energy flows from west to east. Sometimes a refrigerator may have double doors. This symbolizes both west and east, north and south. Here the position of the bagua is special, upside down. North is below and south is above. By removing excess from the surface of the refrigerator, you will attract fame. Improve your career by cleaning under your refrigerator...

Choose a refrigerator according to family size

Choose a refrigerator according to the size of your family

The more loaded your refrigerator is, the better, as this symbolizes abundance. Therefore, when choosing a refrigerator, consider the number of family members. The larger the family, the more food is needed, and, therefore, the larger the refrigerator should be. However, it should also look proportionate in the kitchen. In general, the kitchen should be spacious, light and clean. After all, it’s not even about the food that is prepared and stored there, but about harmony and comfort.

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