Physical exercise during pregnancy. Exercises for pregnant women

When carrying a baby, every mother tries to think not only about herself. She is constantly worried about the health of her unborn baby. During this period, women reconsider their habits, fearing any threats to the child. They prioritize proper nutrition and leisurely walks in the fresh air. Many mothers also think about maintaining physical fitness, so they are interested in what exercises pregnant women can do to strengthen muscles and prepare the body for the upcoming birth.

The benefits of physical education

Some women think that after conception any physical activity is dangerous and stop doing exercises or fitness. But this is far from true. Exercise for pregnant women is incredibly beneficial.

  • They help prevent excessive weight gain, prevent stretch marks on the stomach and chest, and have a positive effect on the mental state of women. After exercise, future mothers feel less tired, their mood and general well-being improve.
  • Special exercises for pregnant women develop muscles and prepare the body for the process of childbirth. According to statistics, those women who did gymnastics and exercises during pregnancy give birth quickly and without complications.

Good physical training of the mother has a positive effect on the fetus. During regular exercise, blood circulates faster in the body. Thanks to this, the supply of oxygen and other valuable substances to the baby improves.

Physical exercise during pregnancy serves as a good prevention of edema, has a positive effect on the functioning of all organs, tightens the chest muscles, preventing loss of beautiful shape after childbirth.

Contraindications and precautions

Most experts firmly believe that physical activity is necessary for the expectant mother throughout the entire pregnancy. For it to be beneficial, it is important to correctly distribute the load and take into account the general condition of the woman. Therefore, before starting training, you should definitely consult your doctor. In rare cases, a pregnant woman may have contraindications to sports activities, which only a gynecologist can notice.

  • The doctor may prohibit any exercise in case of severe toxicosis, increased tone of the uterus, or painful sensations in the abdomen, which are accompanied by discharge.
  • In the later stages, you should refrain from physical exercise if you have high blood pressure or pronounced gestosis. There are a lot of contraindications, so it is important to trust your doctor and not violate his instructions.

When experts have no reason for a ban, they strongly recommend doing it. Physical exercises during pregnancy should be selected taking into account the individual characteristics of the woman and what trimester she is in. Typically, the expectant mother uses several complexes.

  • The first is calculated from the moment of conception to 16 weeks of gestation.
  • The second is from 16 weeks to 24 weeks.
  • The third is from 24 to 32 weeks.

The main criterion for classes is that while performing them, women should not overexert themselves. A set of exercises for pregnant women cannot include sudden movements, intense jumping and excessive stress on the abdominal muscles. Exercise should bring joy and positive emotions to the expectant mother. If during this exercise you experience discomfort in the abdomen, dizziness or other discomfort, you must immediately stop exercising and rest for a few minutes. When alarming symptoms continue to bother you, you must, without wasting time, call a doctor for an examination.

Set of exercises

In the first trimester, important processes take place in the body of the expectant mother. During this period, the formation of the baby's organs occurs. Nowadays, women also need exercises that help relax different muscle groups. Doctors recommend doing light exercises immediately after waking up and not spending more than 20 minutes on it.

  • It is advisable to start your workout with the ideal warm-up exercise - the cross step. Continue this specific walking for several minutes.
  • Then you need to move on to the second exercise - body bends. Spread your legs slightly and lean alternately to the right and left. 5-6 approaches are enough.
  • The third exercise is forward bends. First, exhale all the air from your lungs, then bend over. Inhalation must be done by returning to the starting position.
  • For the next lesson you will need a chair. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, grab your back with your hands and slowly do 5-6 squats.
  • At the end of the workout, it is useful to perform several circular movements with your feet. They relax the leg muscles well and prevent cramps in pregnant women.

In the second trimester, you need to pay special attention to strengthening the hip muscles. To make exercise comfortable, it is advisable for the expectant mother to wear a bandage to support her growing tummy and not continue exercise for more than 30 minutes.

  • Sit on the mat, cross your legs, make 6 turns of your neck alternately in different directions.
  • Then spread your arms to the sides and perform several turns of your torso.
  • Third . Stretch your arms forward, bend your elbows, connect your palms with each other and begin to squeeze them forcefully for a minute.
  • The “Cat” exercise has a beneficial effect on women in the second trimester. Get down on your knees and place your palms on the floor. As you inhale, try to stretch upward as much as possible, arching your back at the lower back. As you exhale, you need to lower your back down and return to the starting position.

Useful ones can be significantly diversified and used for training: a chair, a bench or a special gymnastic ball - a fitball.

Late charging

In the third trimester, a woman becomes clumsy, so it is dangerous for her to perform complex exercises. The best solution for her is a fitball. Calm, smooth movements on the ball strengthen the gluteal muscles, hips and perfectly relax.

Exercises during pregnancy on a fitball are allowed after the approval of a doctor. At a later date, it is advisable for a loved one to be present at the training session to help if the need arises.

  • Sit comfortably on the fitball and begin to gently swing on it from side to side. Continue the exercise for a couple of minutes.
  • Then sit firmly on the ball and turn your torso to the right side. Fix yourself in this position. Reach your left hand and place it behind your right leg. You will immediately feel your back muscles stretching. After a couple of seconds, change position and perform the exercise by turning to the left.
  • Sit on the floor, clasp the fitball with your palms and squeeze it rhythmically for 2 minutes. It is useful for strengthening the muscles of the arms and chest.
  • Finally, you can stand up, bend your back and roll the ball around the room, smoothly moving your palms. Such movements relax the shoulder joints well.

If exercises cause discomfort and severe fatigue, it is better not to take risks and abandon them. Gymnastics can be replaced with breathing exercises, which are allowed at any stage of pregnancy.

Breathing exercises

You need to learn proper breathing immediately after you have become pregnant. Having mastered the technique, you can significantly reduce the load on the heart, improve the functioning of the kidneys and other organs, and reduce pain during contractions.

  • Breathing exercises should be performed lying down, placing a small pillow under your head. It is important to master belly breathing. To do this, you need to slowly inhale and exhale air through your nose, placing one palm on your chest and the other on your abdomen. This will help control that when breathing only the tummy rises and the chest remains motionless.
  • No less useful is chest breathing, during which the chest, on the contrary, should move and the tummy should remain motionless. It is useful to conduct classes in a calm environment, listening to pleasant music.

Properly selected gymnastics helps maintain a feminine figure and improves well-being throughout pregnancy. A minimal load in the absence of contraindications will only bring benefits, because it prepares the body of the expectant mother for a joyful and important event - the birth of a baby.

Physical exercise during pregnancy brings significant benefits. Leading an active lifestyle in an interesting position does not mean that you have to train hard. During pregnancy, the body produces a hormone called relaxin. It leads to weakening of joints and ligaments. This prepares your body for childbirth. Therefore, it is important to choose exercises and techniques for performing them that would not cause harm to either you or the unborn child. As your pregnancy progresses, you should avoid sports that can cause injury.

If pregnancy proceeds without complications, then there are no contraindications to physical activity. But first you still need to visit a doctor. Even if you feel great, you need to conduct a control examination before putting on sportswear.

Exercises during pregnancy without consequences

  • During the first four months of pregnancy, heavy exercise should be avoided;
  • the whole complex should not be attempted at once;
  • after the fourth month, avoid prolonged lying on your back, as this reduces blood flow to the uterus;
  • Be careful when lying down or getting up from the floor when exercising;
  • choose a suitable sports bra to keep your heavier breasts in good shape;
  • If you feel discomfort in the heart area, or your blood pressure has increased, diseases such as anemia, diabetes, thyroid disorders have been diagnosed, you can engage in sports, but always under the supervision of a doctor.

Benefits of exercise during pregnancy

Of course, every expectant mother wants to look good. But obesity and pregnancy are frequent companions. Special exercises will help you maintain your figure during pregnancy. In addition, they bring a lot of benefits.

Physical activity helps improve your well-being. Exercising during pregnancy helps restore strength and energy. They promote the production of good mood hormones, which improves your psychological state.

  • helps improve posture, relieve back pain by strengthening the buttocks, back muscles, and thighs;
  • prevents joint problems that may arise due to hormonal changes. By regularly performing exercises, you ensure natural lubrication of the compounds, which prevents their abrasion;
  • improves intestinal motility, relieves constipation;
  • promotes healthier and more restful sleep, freeing you from stress and anxiety that usually arise at night.

Exercise helps expectant mothers look better. After all, obesity and pregnancy often go hand in hand if you lead a sedentary lifestyle. And this, in turn, does not make a woman beautiful. In addition, exercise during pregnancy activates blood flow to the face, which makes it healthy and blooming.

Exercise helps prepare for childbirth. Through exercise, you train your heart and increase muscle strength, which affects the successful outcome of childbirth. Even if labor is protracted, the increased stamina developed through exercise will make it easier for you to control yourself.

Exercise helps you recover after pregnancy and quickly return to your previous shape. Regular exercise helps burn calories, thereby preventing fat storage. Then the problem of combining obesity and pregnancy will bypass you.

Exercises during pregnancy for the shoulder girdle and arms

To get rid of excess weight during pregnancy, we offer you the following complex for the shoulder girdle and arms:

  • stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart. We clench our fingers into fists and swing alternately with outstretched arms. We swing up with one hand and back with the other. We perform the exercise at an average pace, breathe randomly, repeat from eight to fifteen times;
  • the position remains the same. We bend our arms, clench our fists, as if we were boxing. We alternately strike forward with our left and right fists. In this case, each blow is accompanied by a half turn of the body. We perform from 10 to 20 times at an average pace.

Leg exercises during pregnancy

Often the most problematic place for excess weight during pregnancy is the legs. But we can handle any problem, especially if we do the following exercises:

  • We stand straight, with our feet shoulder-width apart. We place a chair behind our back and rest our hands on the back. We do half squats while holding onto a chair. Repeat from three to fifteen times;
  • The next exercise is similar to the previous one, but your feet need to be placed together. We lean forward while leaning on the chair. Repeat four to six times;
  • starting position, as described above. Raise your arms up, put your right foot forward on your toes. On the left leg we make three swings up and down. Then we do the same movements for the left leg. Repeat three to six times.

Exercises during pregnancy for the torso

The following set of exercises for excess weight during pregnancy is aimed at the upper body:

  • exercise “Propeller” - stand straight, legs apart shoulder-width apart, arms spread to the side. While inhaling deeply, bend forward and reach with your left hand to the toe of your right foot. Then we exhale. We repeat a similar movement with our right hand. Make sure your legs remain straight. We perform three repetitions in each direction, gradually increasing up to five times;
  • exercise during pregnancy “Lumberjack” - stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart. We raise our hands up and lock them together. As you inhale, bend forward and exhale. We return to the starting position and inhale. Number of repetitions from 6 to 15 times;
  • Exercise “Angle” – lie down on the floor. Raise your legs straight up and spread them apart. We breathe slowly. Repeat from three to eight times;
  • the next exercise is to lie on the floor. An assistant holds the feet. We lift our torso, leaning forward, trying to reach our feet with our palms. We exhale at the end point. We return to the starting position and inhale.


Exercising during pregnancy is prohibited if:

  • inflammatory diseases of internal organs;
  • infectious diseases, acute fever;
  • acute stages of diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • diseases of the female genital organs;
  • tuberculosis;
  • severe forms of gestosis and toxicosis;
  • threat of miscarriage;
  • placenta previa;
  • presence of miscarriages in the past;
  • polyhydramnios;
  • high blood pressure;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • delayed fetal development.

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If you don’t want to lose your fitness even during pregnancy, then you will probably like the Prenatal Workouts series from the BodyFit by Amy YouTube channel. We are offering to you 10 effective workouts for pregnant women at home, which will help you stay slim for all nine months.

Review of pregnancy workouts from BodyFit by Amy

Amy created Prenatal Workouts while she was pregnant, so she experienced all the videos offered personally. The coach picked accessible and safe exercises, which are suitable for any trimester of pregnancy. There is no calendar of classes, you can combine videos as you wish.

Before starting pregnancy exercises, be sure to consult your doctor. If you feel unwell or feel discomfort during exercise, stop exercising. Amy suggests very gentle programs, however, your body may respond to the load differently. Don't be afraid to skip exercises or stop your workout if necessary. Also try to drink more water during exercise and do not exercise on an empty stomach.

1. 20 Minute Prenatal Cardio Workout

An easy cardio workout for pregnant women, Prenatal Cardio Workout includes simple exercises to raise your heart rate and burn fat. Mainly various steps with the active involvement of the muscles of the arms and body. Amy also prepared some squats, lunges and light jumps. The program is also perfect as a charger.

2. 15 Minute Prenatal Core Workout

  • Equipment: 1 dumbbell (2-5 kg)
  • Load: standing and floor core exercises

This pregnancy workout helps strengthen back and abdominal muscles. The first half of the exercise is done standing (bending to the side with dumbbells), the second half is on the mat. Leg raises, side planks, and table pose await you. The exercise is not difficult, but it is better to do it only if you already had training experience before pregnancy.

3. 30 Minute Prenatal Strength Workout

  • Equipment: dumbbells (1-4 kg)

Strength training for pregnant women Prenatal Strength Workout will help you strengthen your body muscles, work over problem areas and improve body quality. You'll perform classic dumbbell exercises for your upper and lower body. The last 5 minutes are spent on the mat. The load can be adjusted with the weight of dumbbells.

4. 20 Minute Prenatal Pilates Workout

Amy included effective Pilates exercises in this pregnancy workout. for toning the muscles of the core, thighs and buttocks. The training takes place entirely on the floor. You will find exercises on all fours, side planks, leg raises while lying on your side, and abdominal exercises on your back.

5. 20 Minute Prenatal CardioKick Workout

This aerobic workout for pregnant women at home will especially appeal to kickboxing fans. Various punches and kicks at a gentle pace, squats, lunges, raising the knees to the stomach. The program is a little more active than the Prenatal Cardio Workout, but absolutely anyone can handle it.

6. 20 Minute Prenatal TRX Workout

  • Equipment: TRX hinges

TRX loops are not the most popular home equipment, but if you have one, you can try the Prenatal TRX Workout. This equipment will help you work efficiently and safely muscle corset. It should be noted that Amy offers fairly simple exercises with loops, so you will successfully cope with the program even if you have not trained with TRX before.

7. 20 Minute Prenatal Stability Ball Workout

  • Equipment: fitball, dumbbells

The fitball is a very useful tool for pregnant women, so Amy couldn't pass it up. Her Prenatal Stability Ball Workout program includes quality exercises with a stability ball and dumbbells for strengthening muscles and a toned body. The trainer has prepared for you various wall squats with a fitball, exercises with dumbbells for the muscles of the back, shoulders and arms, and various functional exercises using a fitball.

8. 20 Minute Prenatal Kettlebell Workout

  • Equipment: kettlebell (dumbbell)

So that you can achieve body tone and elastic muscles, Amy offers another at-home pregnancy strength workout, but this time with a kettlebell. If you don't have a kettlebell, then you can replace it with a dumbbell or perform the exercises without weight (if you are a beginner). The following exercises await you: squats, standard and lateral lunges, biceps curls, shoulder presses, triceps presses, back rows, bend-overs, deadlifts with one leg raised back.

9. 25 Minute Prenatal Bodyweight Workout

This workout for pregnant women at home does not require any additional equipment from you, except own body weight. You will perform simple strength exercises with active involvement of the muscles of the upper and lower body. The workout can be complicated with dumbbells; the exercises allow this. For push-ups in the second half of the class, you will need a chair.

10. 7 minute Prenatal Stretch Workout

  • Equipment: not needed/fitball

Regardless of whether you exercise actively during pregnancy, taking a few minutes each day to stretch is essential. This will help you relax your muscles and relieve stress. Amy suggests two 7-minute stretches for pregnant women: one takes place without equipment, the other with a fitball.

Without inventory:

With fitball:

Gymnastics in the first trimester of pregnancy is recommended for all expectant mothers. Before starting any exercises during pregnancy, you should consult with your gynecologist about the possibility of performing special gymnastics for pregnant women.

In the early stages of pregnancy, special exercises are selected, which are included in the special “Gymnastics complex for pregnant women by trimester.” The course of pregnancy, health status, and well-being of the mother and child are individual and depend on many factors. It’s better not to take risks, but to consult with an experienced fitness trainer or ask your doctor for advice on a self-selected set of exercises. Then you will be absolutely sure that gymnastics will not cause harm to you or your unborn child, but, on the contrary, will only bring benefit.

The exercises should be easy, so you should stop doing them if you feel worse. After all, from 4 to 12 obstetric weeks is a rather risky period of pregnancy. At this time, the risk of miscarriage is high, the hormonal status changes, causing the body to be under stress.


For the health of a pregnant woman:

  1. Exercising promotes the production of endorphins (happiness hormones). If the mother is happy, the growing child is happy.
  2. Proper physical activity can help get rid of toxicosis and dizziness.

For the course of pregnancy and for the embryo:

  1. It has been proven that pregnancy is not a disease, and the opinion that pregnant women need complete rest has become irrelevant. Scientists have proven that maintaining muscle tone throughout pregnancy helps the female body prepare for childbirth.
  2. During training, blood circulation is normalized. Therefore, the placenta is enriched with the required amount of nutrients, and future babies are protected from oxygen starvation.

Can exercising at home during pregnancy be harmful?

Gymnastics in the early stages (in the first trimester of pregnancy) gives pregnant women a positive attitude and pleasant sensations. Therefore, any discomfort during exercise is a dangerous signal, indicating that the body does not like something, for some reason it resists the chosen physical activity and you should tell your doctor about it.

Attention: Gymnastics cannot harm the health of a pregnant woman unless there are contraindications and it is performed correctly. But if the load is too intense, there may be a risk of miscarriage.



There are exercises that are strictly prohibited during pregnancy:

  • Gaming.
  • Contact.
  • With lifting weights.
  • On the press.
  • Horse racing.
  • Exercise equipment.
  • Somersaults.
  • Jumping.

Sports such as roller skating, horse riding, and ice skating are also contraindicated.

Physical exercises at home and their photos

All exercises must be done softly and smoothly. Movements should be combined with breathing.

Take a look at the photo in which poses you can perform gymnastic exercises for pregnant women in the 1st trimester.

Exercise is the key to the excellent physical condition of a pregnant woman and the health of her unborn baby. Physical exercises are recommended at any time. The level of load is determined individually and depends on the woman’s physical fitness, as well as the duration of pregnancy.

Exercises for pregnant women: its meaning

Unfortunately, not all representatives of the fair sex in this position understand the importance of physical exercise and not all do it. Some people don’t want to do exercises, while others are simply afraid of harming the baby and don’t know what kind of exercises can be done during pregnancy.

It is worth noting that physical activity has a positive effect on the muscles of the body. Thanks to it, you can keep yourself in shape, not gain excess weight, and prevent the formation of stretch marks. Breathing is trained during physical exercise. This makes a big difference. Thanks to proper breathing, childbirth will be easier, and the likelihood of asphyxia in the baby will be reduced to zero.

Physical exercise also affects your psychological state. A woman who performs them daily feels a surge of strength and vigor. Exercises for pregnant women give energy and good mood for the whole day.

But not all pregnant women are allowed to bear weight. You will have to refuse physical exercise if there are any contraindications. To avoid harming yourself and your baby, you should definitely visit a doctor and discuss this issue with him.

When is it not advisable for pregnant women to do exercises?

A woman should not exercise if:

  • there is toxicosis, and it is accompanied by vomiting;
  • I had a miscarriage during my last pregnancy;
  • the uterus is in good shape;
  • gestosis is observed in the second half of pregnancy;
  • the placenta is too low;
  • have any diseases (for example, ARVI, gastritis, diabetes);
  • abdominal pain occurs.

If morning exercises for pregnant women cause discomfort, then it should be stopped. Thus, when choosing a set of exercises, the expectant mother should not only listen to the recommendations of medical specialists and instructors, but also listen to her body.

How should a pregnant woman do exercises?

A pregnant woman should exercise while in a good mood and feeling great. All movements must be smooth. You cannot make sharp turns or bends, jump, run, or lift weights.

If you experience symptoms of poor health while doing gymnastics, then you should stop it, take a break, and then, instead of physical exercises, do a few breathing exercises or completely free that day from classes. During pregnancy it is unacceptable to overwork.

You can’t do exercises with the goal of losing weight. Physical exercises for pregnant women are designed to maintain muscle tone and prepare the body for childbirth.

Exercises for pregnant women in the 1st trimester

The first 12 weeks are the most important period for the expectant mother and her fetus. At this time, dramatic changes occur in a woman’s body, and important organs are formed in the fetus. Exercises for pregnant women in the early stages should be aimed at training breathing, maintaining a good mood and good spirit, and relaxing the body.

Morning exercises in the 1st trimester should be performed every day for 15-20 minutes. You can start gymnastics with cross step.

Next exercise - lean forward, while exhaling and returning to the starting position while inhaling. It is recommended to repeat this 5 or 6 times.

Then, placing your hands on your belt, you can perform backbends while inhaling. When returning to the starting position, you need to exhale.

You can complete your daily morning exercises for pregnant women in the 1st trimester circular rotations of the feet and standing on tiptoes. This exercise will help avoid leg cramps and varicose veins.

Exercises for pregnant women in the 2nd trimester

The 2nd trimester is the safest period during pregnancy. This time is favorable for physical activity. The likelihood of miscarriage is low, so simple exercises will not harm the fetus, but will only benefit it and the mother. In addition, charging will bring a lot of positive emotions.

Toxicosis at this time will no longer torment, and the woman can enjoy her position and physical exercise. The recommended duration of charging for pregnant women in the 2nd trimester is no more than 30-35 minutes.

You can start charging in a sitting position, crossing your legs in front of you and doing head turns to the right and left. Then, spreading your arms to the sides, you should make several smooth body turns.

The second exercise is aimed at strengthening chest muscles. It can also be included in exercises for pregnant women in the early stages. A woman, bringing her hands together at chest level, should try to close her palms as tightly as possible. By performing this exercise, you can feel the work of the pectoral muscles.

Then you can sit on the floor. The buttocks should be in contact with the heels. It is recommended to spread your knees slightly so that your tummy is not compressed. Hands must be extended forward bend down and touch your forehead to the floor.

You can finish charging rotation of the body. The pelvis should remain motionless while performing this exercise.

Exercises for pregnant women in the 3rd trimester

In the 3rd trimester, it is very difficult for a pregnant woman to perform any physical exercise. At this time, it is recommended to exercise on a special ball - fitball. Exercises on it are interesting, comfortable and safe for a pregnant woman. Thanks to exercises on a gymnastic ball, blood pressure is reduced, heart function and blood circulation are normalized, well-being improves, and mood improves. The fitball allows you to perform exercises for your arms, chest, buttocks and thighs.

You can start daily exercises for pregnant women in the 3rd trimester while sitting on a ball, gently swinging to the right and left. Then, taking light dumbbells, alternately bend your arms.

A woman in a position, sitting on the floor in Turkish style, can rhythmically squeeze the ball with your hands. This exercise has a positive effect on the pectoral muscles.

You can continue gymnastics turns in different directions. While sitting on the ball, you should turn to the right, placing your left hand behind your right leg. It is recommended to remain in this position for 1-2 minutes. Similar actions must be performed after turning to the left. This exercise stretches the back muscles.

Next you can roll the ball in different directions, standing on your feet, spreading them shoulder-width apart and bending your back. The fitball can be rolled back and forth, smoothly moving your hands. This exercise allows you to relieve tension from your shoulder joints.

You can complete the exercise with an exercise for strengthening legs. A woman should lie on the ball, with her feet shoulder-width apart, and roll back and forth on the fitball in this position.

Exercises for pregnant women in later stages can cause uterine tone. There is no need to be afraid of this. Such is the physiology. If you feel pain and increased heart rate, you must immediately stop charging. It is better to do some breathing exercises instead of physical exercises.

Breathing exercises for pregnant women

A pregnant woman should do more than just physical exercise. Breathing exercises are very important. It is known that during childbirth you can reduce pain with the help of breathing, so every representative of the fair sex should know specific techniques that will help her in the future. Before giving birth, they should be performed regularly, as they serve as a kind of relaxation.

One of the exercises should be aimed at training diaphragmatic breathing. It is necessary to take deep breaths and exhales, placing one palm on the chest and the other on the tummy. You should breathe through your nose. It is very important that the chest is motionless and the stomach rises when inhaling.

The following exercise should be aimed at training chest breathing. It will be the same as when practicing diaphragmatic breathing. The only difference will be that the stomach should be motionless, and the chest should rise when inhaling.

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