FMS passport verification by series and number. Check a person using passport details

The need to check the authenticity of a Russian citizen’s passport may arise in various cases: hiring, applying for a loan, issuing a private loan, concluding a contract, registering a housing lease, etc. Today, you can check your passport for authenticity quite simply, without contacting special services directly.

If you have access to a computer, you can check your passport for authenticity on the Internet on the website of the Federal Migration Service of Russia To do this, you need to enter the number and series of the document, the date of its issue in the specified fields and repeat the set of numbers at the request of the system. If the passport with the specified data is valid and no loss has been reported regarding it, the system will confirm the authenticity of the document.

However, confirmation that a passport with the specified number, series, and date of issue actually exists does not guarantee that it is not counterfeit. The fact is that the photograph may have been replaced, or it may simply have fallen into the hands of a stranger, and for some reason the owner did not report it to the police. The easiest way to fake a passport is to replace the photograph. Therefore, you need to take a close look at the accuracy of the design of the photo and the entire page as a whole. There are cases when criminals paste a new photo over or instead of an existing one, and then re-lamine the page. It is also possible that the entire page may be fake, pasted over the old one.

If the passport has a stamp indicating that the document is subject to exchange, this also indicates that the passport is invalid. Using a special colorless paint that appears under the influence of UV radiation, the word “PASSPORT” is written on page 2, and “RUSSIA” in large letters in the center on page 3. In addition, page 3 is covered with a laminating film, red lines and patterns are applied to it, repeating the words “Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.” Since 2011, a new lamination film with the inscription “RF” and a hologram has been used. A special three-tone regularly repeating watermark “RF” must be visible on all pages of the passport.
  • Passports of the new type are issued from 07/01/2011. Their main difference is the presence on the third page below the photograph of a machine-readable inscription containing basic information about the owner of the document:
  • type of document (in our case, internal passport);
  • the state where the document was issued;
  • last name, first name, patronymic of the owner of the document;
  • series, passport number;
  • citizenship of the document owner;
  • date of birth, gender of citizen;
  • document expiration date;

Additional information.

Naturally, it is worth checking the information in the passport for inconsistencies and typos (for example, an illogical year of birth, the seal of a different department than the one that issued the document, etc.). One should be confused by a too neat passport, issued many years ago and, on the contrary, a very shabby one. And the fact of being issued at an address followed by registration there a few years later may indicate the criminal past of the passport owner.

In the Russian Federation (RF), today the Federal Migration Service (FMS) is responsible for issuing the main document of a citizen of the country - a passport. In order to eliminate as much as possible the possibility of using invalid documents when performing notarial, financial, legal transactions or operations, a publicly accessible electronic database was created. The open format does not violate the legislation on the protection of personal data, as it is anonymized. That is, in the online form of a request to the register of invalid documents there is limited entering certain passport data

The list of invalid passports (expired, lost, stolen, containing erroneous information, declared invalid, issued in violation of the established procedure, etc.) is updated on working days and is an archive with passport data for which the service has not previously confirmed their validity. The disadvantage of this list is that the service is not configured to check the validity of documents. This makes it possible for fraudsters to use fake passports with data that has never been verified or used.

Options for checking passport validity

All information provided on the website has the status of a certificate. Obtaining official legally significant information is only permissible by personally contacting the territorial division of the FMS. A written request from citizens is also possible. You will have to wait for a response to such a statement within a month.

The primary and fastest verification of the authenticity of an internal Russian passport can be carried out visually. The appearance of the document has certain Features and protective elements:

  • the pages are stitched with a special cord, which is sealed under the cover;
  • The pages should not differ in color;
  • All pages must have a background grid;
  • on the 2nd page the watermarks are visible when held up to the light;
  • when the 2nd page is illuminated with ultraviolet light, the word “passport” is visible under the inscription “Russian Federation”;
  • the laminated 3rd page is decorated with the coat of arms, the words “Russia” and “RF”;
  • all entries are typewritten using high-quality ink that does not change its color, does not fade, or blur;
  • The use of handwritten text is only permissible when filling out the residence registration stamp.

Links to the Internet resource of the Federal Migration Service

Information portal of the Office of the Federal Migration Service of Russia with service services located at the link On the main page of the site there is a list of links to certain sections, including three useful services for checking documents in certain cases:

Checking invalid Russian passports - List of invalid passports of citizens of the Russian Federation - Checking the existence of grounds for prohibiting entry into the territory of the Russian Federation for foreign citizens and stateless persons through the Federal Migration Service of Russia -

List of invalid passports

When using the FMS information resource, passport verification is carried out according to the list of invalid passports. To activate this service, you must fill out a special form. You must enter the four-digit series and six-digit passport number in the windows that open. A separate window with the security code from the picture next to it is also filled in to exclude the possibility of using robots when checking the digital data of documents. Then the “send request” button is applied and the Internet service immediately issues result of checking:

  • “not among the invalid ones”;
  • “invalid (expiration date has expired)”;
  • other.

If the data of an original document results in a result that it is invalid, you must contact the FMS department that previously issued this passport. For the convenience of using the register of invalid passports, organizations have provided the function of downloading the list in one file. If necessary, this verification service can be integrated into other information systems.

Checking passports of CIS citizens

The Russian Federal Migration Service does not have data on passports of CIS citizens and does not have the authority to carry out such checks. The site provides a function online personal data checks:

  • failure to obtain entry permission to the territory of the Russian Federation for foreign citizens and stateless persons;
  • validity of work permit;
  • employment licenses;
  • patent.

A convenient and necessary service for foreign citizens, where free online verification will save you from unexpected troubles and costs when entering Russia. To obtain information, you need to fill out a form on a special FMS service and send it for verification. A prompt response from the automatic system significantly saves the time of citizens who contact the FMS.

Checking the readiness of an international passport

The websites of regional divisions of the FMS provide a service for checking the readiness of international documents. To do this, you need to enter in the form on the sites general passport information or birth certificate information. In some cases, it is possible to enter a special registration number issued when applying to the FMS.

Electronic Internet services significantly speed up the processes of such checks, which greatly facilitates the life of ordinary citizens and official institutions. Progress is increasingly freeing us from bureaucratic obstacles and fraudulent schemes, but electronic services also provide fraudsters with additional opportunities. Therefore, we constantly remind you of the importance of using only trusted resources when entering any personal information.

Knowing a person’s passport details, you can find out a lot of information about him. But some of the information is confidential. Even without breaking the law, you can learn a lot about a person. For example: is the passport valid, does the person have debts, is he on the wanted list, is he registered as an individual entrepreneur, etc.

Verification of an individual using a passport

A passport is the most important document identifying the owner. All citizens over 14 years of age living in the Russian Federation are required to have it.

To make it easier to find information about an individual, you must have all the document data: know the series and number of the passport, the person’s full name, his date of birth and place of registration.

If only part of the data is known, you need to find the missing information. You won’t be able to find passport details knowing only your full name for free, but even without passport details you can find out some information about a person. For example: its number in the FSSP database.

Attempts to check a person only by full name may be useless, since most databases contain information from all over Russia, and with such a large number of subjects it is easy to come across a namesake or 100% namesake.

Check your passport for validity

You can check for free whether your passport is valid on the website of the Federal Migration Service (FMS). To do this, you need to know the series and number of the passport and enter them in the appropriate search fields.

The service will give one of 3 answer options: “Valid”, “Invalid”, “Replaced with a new one”. In some cases, it is possible to draw conclusions about a person based on these data, but most often they are not enough.

Find out a person's TIN from their passport

The individual tax number (TIN) consists of 12 digits. It can be found by knowing a person’s passport details. You can find out your TIN if you know your passport details on the website of the Federal Tax Service (FTS).

The TIN encrypts:

  • Code of the subject of the Russian Federation (first 2 digits);
  • Tax office number (3rd and 4th digits);
  • Taxpayer record number (remaining 6 digits).

Basically, the TIN is needed to check for the presence of debts of the Federal Tax Service, since with its help you can easily find out about debts and enforcement proceedings taken against the entity on the Federal Tax Service website.

In addition, using the TIN, you can find out the person’s registered address if he has debts. To do this, you need to go to the website of the Federal Tax Service or State Services, check the person for debts, and if they are found, by clicking the “pay off” button in the generated receipt, you can see the registration address, and by registration you can find out about the person’s criminal record on the district court website.

Why check a person using his passport?

Most often, the passports of individuals are checked in the following cases:

  • Finding a lost passport;
  • Searching for a relative or old friend;
  • Checking whether a person is alive;
  • Document authentication (for large transactions);
  • Search for heirs;
  • Solvency checks;
  • Search for the person who broke the law.

What can you find out from your passport?

Every citizen of the Russian Federation has the right to provide his passport data to search for information about himself. Knowing the series and number of your passport, you can find out a lot of information completely free of charge:

  • Date of birth;
  • Place of Birth;
  • Place of residence;
  • Validity of passport;
  • The owner is wanted;
  • Information about the availability of the car;
  • Family status;
  • Availability of debts to the Federal Tax Service.

But each government service provides a minimum of information that can be useful mainly only to the individual himself. Meanwhile, the CheckLic service provides detailed information about every citizen’s action recorded in any government database. For example:

  • Court order if there is a criminal record;
  • Brief credit history and credit rating;
  • The amount of debts including existing loans;
  • Registration as an individual entrepreneur;
  • Extract from the work book;
  • Debts of Legal Entities in the management of which he also took part.

Previously, this information was only available to social services; Ministry of Internal Affairs; the prosecutor's office; bailiffs and other government bodies. But with the advent of CheckLic, it has become possible for everyone to obtain detailed information about an individual using a passport.

The Main Directorate for Migration Issues of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (GUVM - former FMS) is an executive agency of the Russian Federation, the main task is to implement state policy in the field of migration. The organization has the functions of law enforcement, supervision, control and provision of public services. One of the most popular sections on the service’s website is checking the passport of a CIS citizen on the so-called “black” list of the Main Directorate of Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for a ban on entry into Russia.

Online check of a ban on entry into the Russian Federation

In each constituent entity of the Russian Federation there are activities, information about the activities of which is provided on the department’s website. Since progress does not stand still, the service’s Internet resource is updated every year with new sections, which not only contain current legislative and regulatory information, but also provide access to various types of services.

The “Information Services” section allows you to check the authenticity of documents that were issued, as well as some other information, for example, migrants can check whether they entered the territory of the Russian Federation as a result of any offense.

The relevance of such a service is explained simply: many foreign citizens find out that they are prohibited from visiting Russia already when they try to enter the country, and this, naturally, causes a lot of inconvenience both to those entering and to employees of the border services and the Main Directorate for Migration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

In addition, such information will be useful to Russian employers, because if they employ an illegal immigrant, significant administrative (and other) penalties may follow.

The procedure for checking the passports of citizens of CIS countries in 2019 for inclusion in the “black” list of the Main Directorate for Migration is characterized by a high degree of efficiency. There is no precise information on the site about how long a decision/answer should be expected, but the relative shortness of this period can be judged even from the fact that there are no queues in working with the site.

In addition, the online resource database is updated daily. But there is also a significant drawback: the information provided through the GUVM website is for informational purposes only. If you need legally significant official information, you will need to contact the territorial migration service office.

Instructions for checking a passport on the GUVM website

In addition, the proven and high-quality service of our partners will help you find out whether you have a travel ban, which will provide you with information about the presence of debt on loans, fines, alimony, housing and communal services, etc., and will also assess the likelihood of a ban on flying abroad.

You can find out how to properly lift the ban on entry into Russia.

How to check the “black list” of migrants of the Main Directorate for Migration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs: video instructions

And finally, the most interesting thing is the restriction of travel abroad for debtors. It is the status of the debtor that is easiest to “forget” when getting ready for your next vacation abroad. The reason may be overdue loans, unpaid housing and communal services receipts, alimony or fines from the traffic police. Any of these debts may threaten to restrict travel abroad in 2019; we recommend finding out information about the presence of debt using the proven service nevylet.rf

A general passport must be presented when making various transactions.

Participants need to be sure that the document is not fake, and the executed transaction will be legally legal.

In this article, experienced specialists will explain in what cases an inspection is required and how best to carry it out.

Why do you need to check the validity of your passport?

Every day, citizens, as well as legal entities, make transactions that are important for their everyday needs or activities. But there are often cases of fraud when concluding contracts.

In order to exclude a possible scam, check the documents before agreeing to sign any form

Let's present a basic list of situations in which it is imperative to check your passport for its authenticity:

  • acquisition of real estate;
  • obtaining loans from banking institutions;
  • registration of a transaction for the purchase and sale of goods;
  • participation in tender procurements;
  • registration of a premises rental agreement;
  • hiring a foreign citizen;
  • rental of residential premises, etc.

This list is not final.

There are many legal ways to check a general passport for its authenticity. Here are the main ones:

  • personal visual inspection of the document;
  • check on the official website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • available online services on the Internet, etc.
Our experts recommend using all available verification methods, and not just one, since even together they cannot guarantee the validity of the document with 100% certainty

Let's tell you more about each method.

Visual inspection

What you should pay attention to during inspection:

  • validity period of the document.

A general passport is issued to a person when he reaches the ages of 14, 20 and 45 years; only one month is allocated for its replacement. If you do not exchange it in a timely manner, the document will be considered invalid;

  • the last page should contain information about all previously issued passports.

If it indicates multiple replacements of the document (with the exception of reaching a certain age or changing the surname after registering a marriage and other legal grounds), this should alert you;

  • All sheets of the document are made on special Gosznak paper.

If each sheet is viewed using ultraviolet lighting, the inscriptions “FMS of Russia” will be visible.

  • on the sheet with the photograph, upon inspection, holograms of the Russian Federation, the inscription “Russia”, and the Coat of Arms of the Russian Federation are reflected;
  • starting from the fifth sheet, the series and document number are stamped at the bottom of the pages;
  • All information is printed using special paint that does not allow smudges or washouts.

An exception may be a registration sheet or information about the birth of children; this information can be entered by government officials by hand;

  • The passport sheets are stitched with a special thread and in a special way.

The stitching method protects the document from the possibility of independently replacing sheets or counterfeiting them.

At the initial stage, an external examination of the document will allow us to determine by visual signs that it is not counterfeit

But this will not be enough, so further verification can be done on official government websites.

Checking the authenticity of a passport online on the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

One of the accessible and free ways to verify the authenticity of a civilian identity card is the official website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. This resource reflects the latest and most relevant information.

In order to check a document, there is no need to leave your home; you only need a gadget with Internet access. In the “Services” section you will need to enter a minimum of information to receive an answer:

  • series;
  • number;
  • a spam protection digital combination that will confirm that you are a human.

Next, click on the “Send request” button. After this, the result of the request will immediately appear. If there is no information about the invalidity of the passport in the database of the Migration Office, you will immediately know about it. In addition to a simple search query, you can also download a complete list of all invalid documents and double-check the information in this list.


The information available on this site does not guarantee that the passport you are currently checking is valid.

This system is imperfect for the following reasons:

  • incomplete information about the citizen’s identity is provided, you can only find out whether the identity card is registered in the Ministry of Internal Affairs system and whether it is valid at the moment;
  • the list on the website is updated daily based on citizens’ applications, but if a person has not yet contacted the Ministry of Internal Affairs about the loss of a document, then the database will not contain information about its invalidity.

Online services on the Internet

In addition to the Ministry of Internal Affairs website, there are many other services available on the Internet that allow you to check your passport. But they can provide this service for a fee. These are mostly accessible and easy to fill out forms. You enter a minimum of information and receive a mini-report. Before sending a request, double-check the information entered, since even one incorrectly specified number can indicate that the passport is invalid. A negative answer will be received if the passport:

  • was lost;
  • stolen;
  • untimely replaced with a new one.
If you discover that your document is invalid, immediately contact the Ministry of Internal Affairs to find out the reason for adding you to the list

Through government services

What information can citizens find out on the government services website? Upon initial registration on this service, all information will be verified with official data from government agencies. The user's account will need to be verified as they will subsequently be able to use the various types of services available from government agencies. For example, obtaining a driver's license or international passport, etc.

Therefore, it will be checked that your personal document exists in the database. Processing time ranges from several minutes to several hours. Once the verification is confirmed, all services on the site will become available to the person.

If in response to your request you receive information that such a document is missing, do not panic. First, check the correctness of the information entered; if everything is indicated correctly, only then contact the Ministry of Internal Affairs for clarification.


If you received a new general passport yesterday or today and are trying to register on the government services website, information about your document may not yet be in the database. The form is submitted to it within a few days.

How to check if there is a ban on entry into Russia?

You can enter the territory of the Russian Federation by obtaining official permission from the consulate of the receiving state. But not everyone can come to our country. Some people are blacklisted; it is formed by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. It contains information about citizens who are prohibited from crossing the border of the Russian Federation.

The main reasons for the ban may be the following:

  • the rules for staying on the territory of our country have been violated, for example, the permit period has been exceeded;
  • the foreign citizen has been repeatedly held accountable for offenses committed;
  • False information was indicated as the purpose of visiting the Russian Federation;
  • a person uses false documents, etc.
In order to avoid getting into an unpleasant situation at the border, it is better to make sure in advance that there are no obstacles to entry into Russian territory.

To do this, a foreigner needs to send a request to the General Directorate for Migration Issues. You can also find out this information on the official website of the department.

In the event that a foreigner discovers that he is on the blacklist, he should find out the reason for inclusion and possible ways out of the situation.


A general passport is an important document for any person. Store it carefully, prevent loss and replace it in a timely manner. When concluding contracts with strangers, always check the documents for their authenticity, this will avoid possible risks when making a transaction.

You can check the authenticity of your passport yourself or contact our specialists.

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