The following tax period. Executive authorities: Reporting form

Good afternoon The son, a 1st grade student, is asked to write the date in his notebook as follows: November 16. That is, you need to write the month from capital letters. It seems to me that the month in this case is written with a small letter. Please clarify.

According to the rules of the Russian language, the name of the month should be written with a small letter. Month names are written with a capital letter only if we're talking about about holidays ( March 8, May 1).

Question No. 295069

is a comma needed? Before the creation of man, God created a chicken on the first day of the first month, a cat on the second, a goat on the third, a boar on the fourth, a cow on the fifth, a horse on the sixth (,?) and only on the seventh day began to make people according to in your own image and likeness.

Answer help desk Russian language

No comma needed.

Question No. 289898

Is escalation acceptable when writing dates? Specifically - when writing the year. For example - 2016

Russian help desk response

year . Wrong: .

But if the word year

Question No. 287118

Hello! Alas, I could not find the answer to this question: if cases of letter extension calendar dates, more precisely years? For example, in 2016 or in 2016. Thank you

Russian help desk response

Increment is not used when writing dates if the word year or the name of the month with followed by the date. Right: in 2016; the event will take place on February 28. Wrong: in 2016; the event will take place on February 28th.

But if the word year or the name of the month is omitted or placed before the date, case ending it is recommended to increase. For example: in 2016; The event was moved from February 25 to the 28th.

Question No. 287081

Hello, holidays are March 8 and May 1, in this case you need to write the name of the month with a capital. What about holidays on February 14, April 1, September 1? If there is no established rule, write about it.

Russian help desk response

The rule is as follows: “ In names of holidays with an initial number s capital letter the name of the month is written, for example:May 1, March 8» (Rules of Russian spelling and punctuation. Complete academic reference book / Edited by V.V. Lopatin. M., 2006).

From this rule it follows that writing any holiday according to the model March 8, May 1 is correct. However, the names of the months are consistently written with a capital letter only in the names of these holidays.

The history of codification (fixation in dictionaries and rules) of such names is interesting.

IN " Rules of Russian spelling and punctuation» 1956 - a kind of spelling constitution - indicated:« The first word in names is capitalized revolutionary holidays and significant dates, For example:First of May, International Women's Day, New Year, Ninth of January (emphasis added - If the initial ordinal number in such a complex name is written as a number, then the word following it is written with a capital letter, for example: January 9, May 1» .

However, D. E. Rosenthal, who in the second half of the twentieth century. expanded, clarified and even slightly changed the rules, and over time changes recommendations regarding the writing of holidays. IN« A reference book on spelling and literaryamendment” of 1967, the words about the revolutionary nature of the holidays are removed from the rule:

“The first word is usually written with a capital letter and proper names in the names of holidays, popular movements, significant dates, for example: First of May (May 1), International Women's Day, Constitution Day, Day Soviet army, Victory Day, Aviation Day, Artillery Day, Printing Day, Miner's Day... January 9 (January 9), Popular Front, New Year».

In the reference books of D. E. Rosenthal, published in the late 1990s–2000s. edited by other specialists, an attempt was made to expand the list of examples of this rule and are mentioned public holidays November 7 And 12 June.

However, such spellings did not take hold. Apparently, these dates are not perceived as names of holidays (unlike traditional March 8 And 1st of May).

Question No. 286417

Good afternoon Please tell me how to correctly use the extension of numerals when indicating the date. For example, send it before February 5th, it will take place on February 25th... Thank you very much.

Russian help desk response

Increment is not used when writing dates if the word year or the name of the month with followed by the date. Right: until February 5, will take place on February 25. Wrong: until February 5th, will take place on February 25th.

But if the word year or the name of the month is omitted or placed before the date, it is recommended to increase the case ending. For example: The event was moved from February 5 to the 25th.

Question No. 270898
Hello, what's the correct way to say it?
Today is Wednesday, the eleventh of September
Today is Wednesday, the eleventh of September?

Russian help desk response

Right: September, Eleventh(two words are missing in this construction: the eleventh day of the month from September).

Question No. 260622
how to place commas correctly: No later than the 15th day of the month following the reporting quarter, compiles and submits quarterly reports for all investment companies?

Russian help desk response

It is necessary to highlight the attributive phrase after the word being defined with commas: No later than the 15th day of the month following the reporting quarter, prepares and submits quarterly reports for all investment companies.

Question No. 257051
Dear Certificate! I regularly use your services, including viewing the Help. I would like to return to the current (I think it has not yet lost its relevance) question No. 256989 - how to write the phrase “Happy New Year 2010!” I beg to differ with your answer (although it is very detailed) to this question. And, in my opinion, you have puzzled many philologists with it. On the one hand, the answer is very reasoned, especially with regard to the definition of “new” (and one cannot but agree with it, although the tradition of writing a holiday with a capital letter does not really agree with this). But, on the other hand, why do you recommend only one comma to separate the year number? After all, according to the rule about clarifying members of a sentence, they should be separated by commas on both sides (see the same D.E. Rosenthal). In addition, it is obvious that the numeral in this phrase is ordinal, which means it requires incrementing! I personally came up with the following version of writing this controversial phrase: “Happy new year 2010!” In my opinion, he is the only true one. If not, I will listen to your arguments.
O. Gorina

Russian help desk response

Oksana, we cannot agree with you. Increment after the numeral 2010 is not required. “Directory of the Publisher and Author” by A. E. Milchin, L. K. Cheltsova indicates that ordinal numbers in the form Arabic numerals without increasing the case ending include dates (years and days of the month), if the word year or the name of the month with followed by the date. Because in the phrase happy new year 2010 word year follows the number, no increment is needed. But in this, for example, phrase: Well, here's to the new 2010! – there should be an increase.

Now about the comma. In our opinion, the words two thousand tenth should be considered an explanatory definition (i.e. one that can be preceded by the words namely), and not a clarification. Clarification is a transition from a broader concept to a narrower one, and clarification is the designation of the same concept in different words. Because on the eve of 2010, speaking New Year , we mean exactly 2010 (and not any other), the word new can't count anymore broad concept, A 2010– more narrowly, these words mean the same thing – the year that will begin after 2009. Explanatory agreed definitions are not highlighted, but only are separated from the explained definition of a comma, therefore there is only one comma in the phrase in question. In our opinion, an example from the reference book by D. E. Rosenthal let's enter a new, 21st century is an exact analogy with the phrase Happy New Year 2010.

Question No. 240320
It is known that in combinations like “from 1995 to 1999” the word “year” is written once, and there is no increment in the first numeral. Don't you think this contradicts rule 6.2.4? paragraph 2 of the book by Milchin and Cheltsova: Ordinal numbers in the form of Arabic numerals are used without increasing the case ending in the case of: “2. Dates (years and days of the month), if the word year or the name of the month follows the number. For example: In 1997; December 12, 1997. Not: In 1972; December 12, 1997.
However, if the word year or the name of the month is omitted or placed before the number, it is recommended to increase the case ending. For example: in May, on the 20th; year 1920; 1917 struck; The concert was postponed from May 15 to the 22nd; On the 20th of April..."
In the combination “from 1995 to 1999” we have the case when the word year is omitted, isn’t it?

Russian help desk response

This design of the period is explained by the tradition of designing dates; there is no contradiction here.

Question No. 231917
Where in this sentence should I put a comma: Three months have passed since I arrived in Russia. Thank you very much for your answer

Russian help desk response

A comma is required before _as_.
Question No. 224855
Which is correct? Expiration date: 24 months from the date of manufacture OR from the date of manufacture? Thank you!

Russian help desk response

Better: _Shelf life: 24 months from the date of manufacture_. If you need to use the noun _date_, preferably: _from date_.
Question No. 224318
Which is correct: WITHIN one month from the moment... or WITHIN one month from the moment... and what is the rule for spelling the ending in this word?

Russian help desk response

Question No. 223273
To question 223272. What about the rule from the “Handbook of Publisher and Author” by A.E. Milchin and L.K. Cheltsova, where the following is written: “Dates (years and days of the month) are written without increasing the case ending, if the word “year” " or the name of the month with follows the number. For example: in 1977, but not in 1972. However, if the word "year" or the name of the month is omitted or placed before the number, the case ending is increased. Example: In May, the numbers 20- th; The concert was moved from May 15 to the 22nd"?

Russian help desk response

Please indicate the correct question number.
Question No. 215583
I hope for your help: I ​​want to write correctly (formulate correctly and without errors). Place undefrosted (or not defrosted?) dumplings in (or on?) a frying pan, pour in enough water to half cover the dumplings. Shelf life: 3 months from the date of manufacture. Thank you!

Russian help desk response

Correct: Place the undefrosted dumplings in a frying pan, pour in enough water to half cover the dumplings. Shelf life: 3 months from the date of manufacture._

Reporting form

on filling out operational reporting forms submitted to the Ministry of Construction, Transport and Housing and Communal Complex of the Omsk Region

For all reporting forms: We carefully fill out all the lines in the forms, indicate the name of the organization, full name, and telephone number of the person responsible for the preparation.
The reports are signed by the head of the organization and submitted to the Economics Department of the Ministry of Construction of the Omsk Region (room 413-415) or by fax: 23-24-59 (form No. 2, calculation of interest for splitting payments), 24-48-24 (forms No. 1, 3), 23-87-46 (forms No. 4, 5, 6, 7), email: [email protected]
Managers managing several housing and communal services organizations should pay attention to the need to provide reporting separately for each organization (not as a set).


The form is provided by organizations operating in the field of providing housing and utilities who are not the main service providers in the territory municipal district. The reporting form is submitted quarterly by the 15th day of the month following the reporting quarter.

1. Lines 1, 2, 3 are filled in based on the data in the quarterly form financial statements"Report on financial results».
2. Line 4 reflects the balance Money on the organization's current accounts and cash desk at the beginning of the reporting quarter and at the beginning of the year.
3. Line 5 reflects the amount of charges for services provided for reporting quarter and since the beginning of the year.
4. Lines 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 reflect the amount of charges for services provided by the organization by categories of utility consumers for the reporting quarter and from the beginning of the year.
5. Line 5.4 reflects the amount of accruals for services provided by the organization for other types of activities (except for utilities) for the reporting quarter and from the beginning of the year.
6. The data in line 5 must correspond to the sum of lines 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4.
7. Line 6 reflects the receipt of funds to current accounts and to the organization’s cash desk in the reporting quarter and from the beginning of the year.
8. Lines 6.1, 6.2, 6.3 reflect the amount of payment for services provided by the organization by categories of utility consumers for the reporting quarter and from the beginning of the year.
9. Line 6.4 reflects the amount of payment for services provided by the organization for other types of activities (except for utilities).
10. The data in line 6 must correspond to the sum of lines 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4.
11. Line 7 shall indicate the amounts of money spent by the organization for reporting period and since the beginning of the year.
12. Lines 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 7.5 indicate the amount of expenditure of the organization’s funds by cost item.
13. The data in line 7 must correspond to the sum of lines 7.1, 7.2,7.3,7.4, 7.5.
14. Line 8 reflects the balance of funds in the organization’s current accounts and cash register at the end of the reporting period.
15. Line 9 reflects the percentage of payments collected by the organization for utility services provided for the reporting period and since the beginning of the year. The indicator is calculated using the following formula:
line 9 = (line 6.1 + line 6.2+ line 6.3)/ (line 5.1 + line 5.2+ line 5.3)*100
16. Lines 9.1, 9.2, 9.3 indicate the percentage of payments collected by categories of utility service consumers, calculated using the following formulas:
Line 9.1 = line 6.1/ line 5.1*100
Line 9.2 = line 6.2/ line 5.2*100
Line 9.3 = line 6.3/ line 5.3*100
17. Line 10 indicates the amount accounts receivable organizations as of the 1st day of the month following the reporting quarter
18. Lines 10.1, 10.2, 10.3 reflect the amounts of receivables by categories of debtors.
19. The data in line 10 must correspond to the sum of lines 10.1, 10.2, 10.3
20. Line 11 indicates the amount accounts payable organizations as of the 1st day of the month following the reporting quarter.
21. Lines 11.1, 11.2, 11.3, 11.4, 11.5, 11.6 reflect the amounts of accounts payable by categories of creditors.
22. Lines 11.6.1 and 11.6.2 indicate the amount of wage arrears to the organization’s employees as of the 1st day of the month following the reporting quarter, including overdue debt (if any).
23. Line 12 reflects average number employees of the organization for the reporting quarter and since the beginning of the year.
24. Lines 12.1 and 12.2 indicate the average number of workers and administrative and managerial organization personnel.
25. The data in line 12 must correspond to the sum of lines 12.1 and 12.2
26. Line 13 shall indicate the accrued wages fund for employees, the number of which is taken into account in line 12, including for the reporting quarter and cumulatively from the beginning of the year (including payments social nature).
27. Lines 13.1 and 13.2 indicate the wage fund of workers and administrative and managerial personnel of the organization recorded in lines 12.1 and 12.2.
28. Line 14 indicates the average monthly accrued wage employees of the organization recorded in line 12 for the reporting quarter and cumulatively from the beginning of the year, calculated using the formulas:
Line 14 = line 13/ line 12/3
Line 14 = line 13/ line 12/ number of months elapsed since the beginning of the year (3,6,9,12)
29. Lines 14.1 and 14.2 indicate the average monthly accrued wages of workers and administrative and managerial personnel of the organization recorded in lines 12.1 and 12.2, calculated using the formulas:
To calculate the indicator for the reporting quarter
Line 14.1(2) = line 13.1(2)/line 12.1(2)/3
To calculate the indicator on a cumulative basis from the beginning of the year:
Line 14.1 (2) = line 13.1(2)/ line 12.1(2)/ number of months elapsed since the beginning of the year (3,6,9,12)

Hello! A deadline for submitting information must be specified. Is it correct to write before the 20th day of the month preceding the beginning of the quarter? Thank you

IN official texts(For example, job descriptions) such a formulation is possible.

Question No. 283868

Good afternoon I have a question of the following nature: is there a rule in the Russian language for using the pronouns “everyone” and “everything”? In which case do we use “e” and in which case “e”

Russian help desk response

The question is not entirely clear. All– this is the form plural place of pronoun all. All– neuter singular form. The choice of form depends on the structure of the sentence.

Question No. 260622
how to place commas correctly: No later than the 15th day of the month following the reporting quarter, prepares and submits quarterly reports for all investment companies?

Russian help desk response

It is necessary to highlight the attributive phrase after the word being defined with commas: No later than the 15th day of the month following the reporting quarter, prepares and submits quarterly reports for all investment companies.

Question No. 260409
Hello! Is a comma necessary in the following phrase:
Every year before the 15th of the month...

Russian help desk response

There are no commas needed in the above passage.

Question No. 257051
Dear Certificate! I regularly use your services, including viewing the Help. I would like to return to the current (I think it has not yet lost its relevance) question No. 256989 - how to write the phrase “Happy New Year 2010!” I beg to differ with your answer (although it is very detailed) to this question. And, in my opinion, you have puzzled many philologists with it. On the one hand, the answer is very reasoned, especially with regard to the definition of “new” (and one cannot but agree with it, although the tradition of writing a holiday with a capital letter does not really agree with this). But, on the other hand, why do you recommend only one comma to separate the year number? After all, according to the rule about clarifying members of a sentence, they should be separated by commas on both sides (see the same D.E. Rosenthal). In addition, it is obvious that the numeral in this phrase is ordinal, which means it requires incrementing! I personally came up with the following version of writing this controversial phrase: “Happy new year 2010!” In my opinion, he is the only true one. If not, I will listen to your arguments.
O. Gorina

Russian help desk response

Oksana, we cannot agree with you. Increment after the numeral 2010 is not required. “Directory of the Publisher and Author” by A. E. Milchin, L. K. Cheltsova indicates that ordinal numbers in the form of Arabic numerals without increasing the case ending include dates (years and days of the month), if the word year or the name of the month follows the date. Because in the phrase happy new year 2010 word year follows the number, no increment is needed. But in this, for example, phrase: Well, here's to the new 2010! – there should be an increase.

Now about the comma. In our opinion, the words two thousand tenth should be considered an explanatory definition (i.e. one that can be preceded by the words namely), and not a clarification. Clarification is a transition from a broader concept to a narrower one, and clarification is the designation of the same concept in different words. Because on the eve of 2010, speaking New Year, we mean exactly 2010 (and not any other), the word new cannot be considered a broader concept, but 2010– more narrowly, these words mean the same thing – the year that will begin after 2009. Explanatory agreed definitions are not highlighted, but only are separated from the explained definition of a comma, therefore there is only one comma in the phrase in question. In our opinion, an example from the reference book by D. E. Rosenthal let's enter a new, 21st century is an exact analogy with the phrase Happy New Year 2010.

Question No. 242361
Please reply as soon as possible. Can I say: Due to the limited number of seats in the hall....

Russian help desk response

The phrase is correct.

Question No. 240320
It is known that in combinations like “from 1995 to 1999” the word “year” is written once, and there is no increment in the first numeral. Don't you think this contradicts rule 6.2.4? paragraph 2 of the book by Milchin and Cheltsova: Ordinal numbers in the form of Arabic numerals are used without increasing the case ending in the case of: “2. Dates (years and days of the month), if the word year or the name of the month follows the number. For example: In 1997; December 12, 1997. Not: In 1972; December 12, 1997.
However, if the word year or the name of the month is omitted or placed before the number, it is recommended to increase the case ending. For example: in May, on the 20th; year 1920; 1917 struck; The concert was postponed from May 15 to the 22nd; On the 20th of April..."
In the combination “from 1995 to 1999” we have the case when the word year is omitted, isn’t it?

Russian help desk response

This design of the period is explained by the tradition of designing dates; there is no contradiction here.

Question No. 237951
Is a comma necessary: ​​“The report should be submitted monthly(,) on the 1st day of the month following the reporting month”? Thanks for your previous answers, they helped me a lot!

Russian help desk response

Correctly: The report should be submitted monthly - on the 1st day of the month following the reporting month.

Question No. 225335
In a sentence. . .not later than the 5th day of the month (quarter) following the reporting one... is a comma needed after NEXT. Thank you

Russian help desk response

You need a comma before _next_.
Question No. 223273
To question 223272. What about the rule from the “Handbook of Publisher and Author” by A.E. Milchin and L.K. Cheltsova, where the following is written: “Dates (years and days of the month) are written without increasing the case ending, if the word " year" or the name of the month follows the number. For example: in 1977, but not in 1972. However, if the word "year" or the name of the month is omitted or placed before the number, the case ending is increased. Example: In May, the numbers 20- th; The concert was moved from May 15 to the 22nd"?

Russian help desk response

Please indicate the correct question number.
Question No. 222025
May 22 - 23 Are the numbers of the month written with a dash and spaces, or the same as 10-20% - with a dash and without spaces?

Russian help desk response

Between the numbers there is a dash without spaces: _22--23 May, 10--20%_.
Question No. 212793
Do I need to write an extension? within the period from the 2nd to the 10th day of the month following the reporting month. by the 10th day of the month following the reporting month.

Russian help desk response

Increments required: _from 2nd to 10th; until the 10th_.
Question No. 210183
Hello. “The day before yesterday I cured him with my own money... and today he is ready for all nasty things...”. Please tell me what the words “third day” mean: the day before yesterday, 2 days ago, Wednesday, 3rd of the month, or something else? Thank you.

Russian help desk response

Question No. 207816
Hello! Tell me, what is the creative form of the neuter case singular of the pronoun NEKIY (a certain institution)? Thank you!

Russian help desk response

That's right: _by some institution_.
Question No. 204231
Good afternoon I would like to receive an answer to this question. In legislation, especially in tax legislation, the following combination of words is often used: “the advance is paid before the 15th of the month...” The preposition “before” means: 1. pay before the 15th, i.e. the 14th 2. Or pay, including 15th. There are a lot of debates on this topic, I would like to know the correct answer. Sincerely, Irina.

Russian help desk response

See [in Difficult Words].
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