Fund of assessment works in the Russian language, methodological development in the Russian language (grade 9) on the topic. Teaching materials on the Russian language The world-famous gallery is presented

Explanatory note

The work program for the Russian language in the 9th grade of a national school is intended for learning the Russian language at a basic level and is based on 2 hours per week. The academic subject “Russian Language” has a cognitive and practical orientation, i.e. gives students knowledge about the Russian language and develops language and speech skills. At the same time, general subject tasks.

The program is built taking into account the principles of consistency, science, and accessibility.

The program begins with a repetition of previously studied material; at the end of the school year, time is also allocated for repetition. Hours are allocated for speech development lessons and tests. In the Russian language course in the 9th grade, the main topic is “Syntax and punctuation”; types of complex sentences are studied. Goals of teaching the Russian language: - to teach schoolchildren to practically master the state language of the Russian Federation;

Use Russian speech in industrial and social activities as a means of interethnic communication and the language of academic subjects;

To provide a certain range of knowledge about the structure of the Russian language, its structure, levels and units (phonemes, lexemes, types of phrases and sentences);

To teach how to construct functional and semantic types of speech (narration, description, reasoning) in oral and written form, taking into account stylistic norms, speech etiquette, language communication);

Develop spelling, spelling and punctuation skills;

Instill skills in various types of reading; - to awaken interest in learning the Russian language, to prepare students for passing the Unified State Exam.

Thematic planning of Russian language lessons

in 9th grade

Topic and main content of the lesson

Repetition of what has been learned (4 hours)

Phrase and sentence.

One-part and two-part sentences. Complex sentence.

Isolated members of a sentence. Introductory words and sentences.

Control dictation

Text (7h+2r\r)

Speech styles (repetition)

Journalistic style.

Genres of journalistic style

Formal - business style

Fiction style

Comprehensive text analysis.

Comprehensive text analysis.

Compiling coherent texts about one thing

and the same phenomenon in different styles

Vocabulary and phraseology (3 hours)

Phraseological phrases (repetition). Phraseological phrases in the Komi language.

Winged words. Winged words in the Komi language

Terminology (common and highly specialized terms)

Syntax and punctuation Complex sentence (29h+7r/r)

General information about a complex sentence.

The concept of a compound sentence

Compound sentences with connecting conjunctions

Compound sentences with adversative conjunctions

Compound sentences with disjunctive conjunctions

Syntactic analysis of complex sentences

Analysis of the control dictation

Preparation for presenting a journalistic style on

moral and ethical topic. Text 25, collection of examination reports.

D. Granin “About mercy”

Writing a presentation

The concept of a complex sentence

Subordinating conjunctions and allied words in subordinate clauses. Demonstrative words in the main part.

Complex sentences with subordinate explanatory parts.

Complex sentences with a subordinate clause.

Complex sentences with subordinate clauses.

Complex sentences with subordinate clauses

Oral presentation of the text while maintaining the stylistic features of the text (exercise 99) or see m.p. in Russian language back 1U page 69

Complex sentences with subordinate parts of degree and manner of action

Complex sentences with comparative clauses

Complex sentences with subordinate clauses of reason

Complex sentences with subordinate clauses of purpose

Preparation for presenting a text in a journalistic style (exercise 82)

Writing an exposition based on a text in a journalistic style.

Complex sentences with a conditional clause

Complex sentences with subordinate clauses

Complex sentences with subordinate clauses. Syntactic analysis of complex sentences

Control dictation with grammar task

Complex sentences with several subordinate clauses

The concept of a non-union complex sentence. Comma and semicolon in a non-conjunction sentence:

Preparation for presentation with elements of reasoning (exercise 232)

Writing an essay with elements of reasoning

Colon in a non-union complex sentence

Dash in a non-union complex sentence

Syntactic analysis of a unionless complex sentence

Control dictation with grammar task

Complex syntactic whole (2h)

The concept of SSC (exercise 38)

Construction of the SSC: beginning, main part, ending. Connection of proposals in the SSC. Paragraph and SSC.

Direct speech (5h+3r/r)

Direct speech, punctuation marks for direct speech.

The concept of indirect speech

Presentation with elements of an essay, preparation

Writing a statement with elements of an essay

Compiling a humorous dialogue based on this example (exercise 272)

Control dictation with grammar task

Analysis of the control dictation

Repetition (Zch+2r/r)

Comprehensive text analysis

Preparation for presentation with elements of an essay (exercise 345 textbook)

Writing a statement with elements of an essay (exercise 345)

Comprehensive text analysis

Comprehensive text analysis

Comprehensive text analysis

Comprehensive text analysis

Section title

Repetition of what has been learned

Vocabulary and phraseology

Syntax and punctuation Complex sentence

Direct speech

Repetition of what has been learned

Requirements for knowledge, skills, and abilities of students in the Russian language for the 9th grade course of a national school.

    Students must know the studied basic information about language, the definition of the main language phenomena studied in grade 9, speech concepts, punctuation rules, and justify their answers by giving the necessary examples.

    By the end of 9th grade, students should master the following skills:

    perform all types of analysis: phonetic, morphemic, word-formation, morphological, syntactic, stylistic;

    compose complex sentences of different types, use syntactic synonyms in accordance with the content and style of the text being created;

    determine the style and type of text;

    comply with all basic norms of literary language.

By punctuation.

Find meaningful segments in sentences that need to be highlighted with punctuation marks, justify the choice of punctuation marks and arrange them in accordance with punctuation rules; find and correct punctuation errors; perform punctuation analysis of the sentence.

By spelling.

Find studied spellings in words, be able to justify their choice, correctly write words with studied spellings; find and correct spelling errors, perform spelling analysis of words. Correctly write words studied in grades 5-9 with unchecked spellings.

In coherent speech.

Determine the type and style of the text, create texts of different styles and types of speech. Prepare a report on a historical and literary topic based on one source. Compose a theses or synopsis of a small literary critical article (or a large fragment). Write journalistic essays. Write a statement, autobiography. Improve the content and language design of the essay, find and correct various language errors in your text. Speak freely and competently on given topics. Observe appropriate speech etiquette when communicating with your interlocutor.


    Sabatkoev R.B. Russian language: textbook for 9th grade of the national school in St. Petersburg: branch of the publishing house "Prosveshchenie", 1999;

    Russian language: textbook for 9th grade of general education institutions (S.G. Barkhudarov and others) - M: “Prosveshchenie”, 2007

    Russian language: textbook for 9th grade of general education institutions. Ed. M.M. Razumovskaya. M: Bustard, 2002

    Russian language for 9th grade. Lesson plans based on the textbook by S.G. Barkhudarov and others. Author compiled by L.A. Tropkina. Volgograd, “Teacher”, 2007

Control dictation No. 5. 9th grade. Zhurcheek.

If fate ever makes you happy and in the summer you go down to a swamp, and then along a narrow bridge you cross a river overgrown with sedges and water lilies with the gentle name Konoplyanochka, then at the edge of a small forest you will hear a restless melodic murmur.

It is always different: at dawn, under the quilted fog, the sounds are quieter, softer, more meek than on a sunny hot day, when the water, diluted with the heavenly blue, becomes azure, more transparent, and seems more resonant. The wind sweeps over the forest - the stream calms down, hides, as if listening and guessing where it, mischievously, flew and when it will return again. And when the water surface is touched by trickles of rain, the music of the stream cannot be described, it is so divine in the autumn weather. When the trees drop their golden leaves onto the water, in the murmur one can hear both the sad melodies of parting with summer and cheerful chants about the magical need for winter rest before the riot of the coming spring.

The stream gurgles to the delight of everyone. And maybe that’s why he has such a beautiful name - Zhurcheyok.

You will remember the fairy-tale song of nature, uniquely performed by the stream running to Konoplyanochka, for the rest of your life as the most precious thing, which makes your soul feel especially light and joyful. (173 words).


1. Highlight the grammatical bases in the sentence:

1st option in the sentence The wind is blowing...

Option 2 in the first sentence.

2. Indicate morphemes in words:

1st option: will make you happy, hear, unique;

2nd option: rushes by, subsides, comes running.

We make our way through the bird cherry thicket to the shore. It's the end of June, and she's just dressed for spring. The wild rosemary burns with a belated lilac color, and the birch tree, not believing the summer, stands naked.

The taiga, seeing the vastness of Lake Baikal, rolls towards it along the hills in tiers of greenery and freezes at the very water. Having felt the water with their roots, the larches, birches and pines decided not to swim, stopped, but the taiga pressed in from behind and could not stop. That is why giant fallen trees lie on the shore, blocking the road to the lake.

It's amazing to see April and June here at once. Behind you are the smells of summer, and on Lake Baikal it’s just like the Volga in flood. The same vast expanse of water, the same ice floes in herds.

Baikal opens late, and until the end of May icy herds rush through the water. In June they land on the shore and here, near a boulder, they slowly settle, frightening the animals at the watering hole with an unexpected rustle.

The water of Lake Baikal, clear as a tear, does not tolerate garbage, and in stormy weather it throws fragments of boats and driftwood onto the shore. Not a speck in the water!

The distant blue hills merge with the sunset stripes, and they are slowly obscured by the evening haze. (165 words).


1. Parse the sentence:

1st option: 1st paragraph, 3rd sentence.

2nd option: last sentence of the text.

Control dictation No. 8. 9th grade.

The river flowed through bizarre curves. Sparkling dragonflies continuously flew from bank to bank above the running water, and huge hawks hovered motionless above. Sand spits, washed by river water and blown by the wind, are overgrown with assorted flowers.

Dry pine forests along the banks mixed with centuries-old oak groves, with thickets of willow and alder. Ship pines, blown down by the wind, lay across the river over clear water, like cast copper bridges. The forest stretched for two hundred kilometers, and there was no housing nearby. Only here and there on the banks there were huts of tar smokers, and occasionally a sweetish smoke of smoldering tar wafted through the forest.

The most amazing thing about these places was the air; it was completely and completely clean, and this purity gave a special sharpness to everything that was surrounded by this air. Each dry pine branch was visible among the dark green needles very far away.

According to K. Paustovsky. (130 words).


1. Indicate the grammatical basis of the sentences.

2. Find complex sentences and highlight the conjunctions in them.

3. Indicate which parts of speech express the main members of the sentence in complex sentences.

4. Explain the spelling of words: bizarre, continuously, sandy, variegated, thickets, fallen, ship, here and there, occasionally, perfect, gave, dark green.

5. Do a compositional and word-formation analysis: winnowed, nearby.

6. Do a morphological analysis of words: cast, surrounded.

Find visual and expressive means.

Control dictation No. 8. 9th grade.

Founder of the Tretyakov Gallery.

The world-famous gallery, which displays works of art created by outstanding Russian artists, is named after Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov,

A rich, well-educated merchant, he decided to use his wealth for the benefit of the people. “In all European countries there are rich museums where the works of the best artists of these countries are collected,” he said. “It’s time for us to have the same.”

The first two paintings, which were purchased in 1856, marked the beginning of this remarkable collection. Tretyakov carefully selected his collection. When he appeared at the opening of an exhibition, concentrated, silent, it seemed that he was only listening to what others were saying, but the artists were amazed at his apt comments and correct assessments of the paintings. If Tretyakov liked the painting, he immediately acquired it and never gave it up to anyone.

At first, permission from Tretyakov himself was required to view the gallery. Later, when he donated it to the city of Moscow, entry was open to everyone. (141 words).


1. Parse the sentence.

1st option. 3rd paragraph, last sentence.

2nd option. 4th paragraph, last sentence.

Control dictation No. 4. 9th grade. Summer day.

These foggy summer days are good, although hunters don’t like them. On such days you cannot shoot: the bird, having fluttered out from under your feet, immediately disappears into the whitish darkness of the motionless fog. But how quiet, how inexpressibly quiet everything is all around! Everything is awake and everything is silent. You pass by a tree - it doesn’t move: it basks. Through the thin steam, evenly spread in the air, a long strip blackens in front of you. You take it for a nearby forest; you approach - the forest turns into a high bed of wormwood at the boundary. Above you, all around you, there is fog everywhere... But then the wind moves slightly, and a piece of pale blue sky vaguely emerges through the thinning, like smoky steam, a golden-yellow ray suddenly bursts in, flows in a long stream, hits the fields, rests on the grove - and again everything became clouded. This struggle continues for a long time; but how unspeakably magnificent and clear the day becomes when the light triumphs and the last waves of warmed fog either roll down and spread out like tablecloths, or twist and disappear into the blue, gently shining heights. (153 words).


1. Perform a syntactic analysis of a non-union complex sentence, indicate the semantic relationships between simple sentences; make a diagram: 2nd sentence (1 option); offers You pass by a tree...(2nd option).

    Sort out the words according to their composition:

1st option: (c) high, thinning, spread out;

2nd option: the smoldering scrap will triumph.

    Find words with spelling:

1st option: " Not with adjectives, adverbs, verbs,” explain the spelling with not in each specific case;

2nd option: “Letters h And With at the end of the prefixes,” explain the choice of letters.

    Perform a morphological analysis of verbs:

1st option: turns black;

2nd option: come over.

Foundation for assessment works in the Russian language
9th grade

teacher of Russian language and literature
Movsisyan R.A.

Deputy Director for HR
N.V. Shlykova St. Petersburg - 2014
1st quarter
Control dictation for the section “Reinforcing what has been learned in grades 5–8.

A thunderstorm was approaching. More and more often peals of thunder rushed over the darkened fields. The clouds, weighed down with moisture, embraced the entire steppe, sank low and moved slowly, as if wondering where they could lie more comfortably on the still hot ground. The wind died down and there was silence, foreshadowing the approach of rain.
Sunflowers, juicy quinoa growing near the road, and burdocks, tartars, raising their red heads - everything became alert, sensing the smell of rain: the birds fell silent. Only one lark was still boring into the sky, humming something of its own, cheerful, as if arguing with thunder. But the peals of thunder that erupted so close deafened this proud singer too - he fell to the ground and hid under a burdock leaf. Numb with fear, the bird listened to the thunderclaps.
The rain was very close, and Sergei felt its imperious breath on the back of his head. While Sergei was wondering whether to take shelter under the awnings, which were darkening nearby, a downpour broke out. All wet, Sergei jumped into the entryway of the first small house he came across. (140 words)
(According to S. Babaevsky)
Grammar task.
1) Parse the sentence (with a diagram):
The rain was very close, and Sergei felt its wet breath on the back of his head.
2) Parse the words according to their composition: approaching, imperious, close, leisurely, raised, numb. 3) Make a morphological analysis of the word sunflower.
2. Control dictation on the topic “Complex sentence”

“The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” is the oldest manuscript.

“The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” fit into just a few pages of the ancient manuscript, but for two centuries the people of Rus', tormented by princely strife and attacks by nomads, remembered it and quoted wise patriotic lines by heart.
By the time of Igor’s campaign, who secretly led his squads to the Don and carelessly lost his army and the honor of a commander, Rus' had broken up into several independent principalities. The feuds of the princes turned into bloody wars, and the nomadic tribes of the Polovtsians, who constantly raided Russian lands, cut off the ancient route “from the Varangians to the Greeks” and disrupted the economic ties of Rus' with the southern and eastern lands. Their raids were accompanied by the destruction of cities and the capture of residents, but the princes, who had lost their sense of patriotism, were unable, due to continuous rivalry, to deliver a decisive blow to the Polovtsians.
Chroniclers, as a rule, only recorded events, and only a few of them decided to evaluate individual actions of the princes. But none of the ancient Russian scribes rose, like the author of “The Lay...”, to the heights of wise historical generalizations. The poem, however, was gradually forgotten, and only at the end of the 18th century, after the discovery of the only surviving copy, did it resound with renewed vigor.(166 words)
(According to B. Rybakov)
2nd quarter
3. Control dictation to consolidate the topic “Complex sentence with attributive and explanatory clauses”
Andrey Rublev.
For long hours, Andrei is left alone with his teacher Daniil Cherny, who reveals the secrets of painting to the young artist.
Daniel, apparently, was a painter of the first magnitude. However, his greatest merit is that he not only saw Rublev’s talent, but also nurtured in him an independent creative thought and manner. He did not suppress with his authority, understanding that everyone must follow their own path. To do this means to show a truly great mind, amazing respect for the individual, and an inexhaustible love for life. After all, it is not easy for a master to come to terms with the fact that his own student starts arguing with you, and not only not to make an attempt to cut him off, but to encourage him in every possible way to continue this dispute.
Rublev was lucky that such a sincere and experienced senior comrade was next to him from the very first steps. Andrei appreciated this and carefully carried his gratitude and respect for his teacher throughout his life.
From that distant time, a miniature has been preserved in which Rublev is depicted with his head held high. The unknown author saw in Rublev not pride, which in Rus' was considered the greatest sin, but dignity worthy of respect.
Grammar task:
1) Title the text.
2) Find complex sentences with attributive and explanatory clauses, make diagrams. 3) Make a phonetic analysis of the word distant.
Final test for the section “Complex sentence”.
Founder of the Tretyakov Gallery.
The world-famous gallery, which displays works of art created by outstanding Russian artists, is named after Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov.
A rich, well-educated merchant, he decided to use his wealth for the benefit of the people. “In all European countries there are rich museums where the works of the best artists of these countries are collected,” he said. “It’s time for us to have one too.”
The first two paintings, which were purchased in 1856, marked the beginning of this remarkable collection. Tretyakov carefully selected his collection. When he appeared at the opening of an exhibition, concentrated, silent, it seemed that he was only listening to what others were saying, but the artists were amazed at his apt comments and correct assessments of the paintings. If Tretyakov liked the painting, he immediately acquired it and never gave it up to anyone.
At first, permission from Tretyakov himself was required to view the gallery. Later, when he donated it to the city of Moscow, entry was open to everyone. (141 words) (According to V. Porudominsky)
Grammar task.
1) Find the IPP, indicate the types of subordinate clauses.
2) Make a diagram of one of the complex sentences
3) Make a syntactic and punctuation analysis of the first sentence of the second paragraph.
3rd quarter.
Control dictation for the section “Union-free complex sentence.”
Kusaka Kusaka rushed for a long time in the footsteps of the people who had left, ran to the station and, wet and dirty, returned back. Here she did something that no one, however, saw: she went up onto the terrace and, rising on her hind legs and looking into the glass door, scratched with her claws. The rooms were empty, and no one answered Kusaka.
It began to rain frequently, and the darkness of the autumn night began to approach from everywhere. Quickly and silently he filled the empty dacha; he silently crawled out of the bushes and poured down with the rain from the inhospitable sky. On the terrace, from which the canvas had been removed, making it seem strangely empty, the light sadly illuminated the traces of dirty feet for a long time, but soon he too gave in.
And, when there was no longer any doubt that night had fallen, the dog howled pitifully. A ringing note, sharp as despair, burst into the monotonous sound of rain, cut through the darkness, and, fading, rushed over the naked fields.
And to those who heard him, it seemed that the hopeless dark night itself was groaning and striving for light, and they wanted to go into warmth, to a bright fire, to a loving heart. (160 words)
(According to L. Andreev)
Grammar task:
1) Title the text.
2) Parse the second sentence (with a diagram).
3) Make a punctuation analysis of the second sentence of the third paragraph.
4) Morphemic analysis of words: silently, rising, approaching, from everywhere, monotonous, illuminated.
Control dictation for the section “Complex sentences with different types of connections.”

Old musician.
The old violinist loved to play at the foot of the Pushkin monument, which stands at the beginning of Tverskoy Boulevard. Having climbed the steps to the pedestal itself, the musician touched the strings of the violin with his bow. Children and passers-by immediately gathered at the monument, and they all fell silent in anticipation of the music, because it consoles people, promises them happiness and a glorious life. The musician placed the violin case on the ground; it was closed, and there was a piece of black bread and an apple in it so that you could eat whenever you wanted.
Usually the old man came out to play in the evening: for his music it was necessary for the world to become quieter. The old man suffered from the thought that he was not bringing any good to people, and therefore he voluntarily went to play on the boulevard. The sounds of the violin were heard in the air and reached the depths of human hearts, touching them with gentle and courageous power. Some listeners took out money to give it to the old man, but did not know where to put it: the violin case was closed, and the musician himself was high at the foot of the monument, almost next to Pushkin.
(162 words)
(A. Platonov)
Grammar task:
1) Parse the first sentence into parts of speech.
2) Make a morphological analysis of the word rising.
3) Perform a syntactic analysis of the 1st sentence of the second paragraph. Build a diagram.
4th quarter
Control vocabulary dictation for the section: “Repetition and systematization of what has been studied in grades 5–9.”
Windy, deserted, along a spring birch forest, dressed like spring, hung with earrings, overshadowed, along a trampled path, tightly buttoned up, standing level, in a blue raincoat; author's intention, acute conflict, indelible impression, intelligence, art of words, skilled craftsman, artificial, unique, again, classic.
Additional tasks.
1) Dissect the composition of the words unique, artificial, again.
2) Choose synonyms for the words fascinating, unique, skillful, again, slightly.
3) Form adverbs from the words artistic, skillful, intelligent, fascinating, unpredictable, unforgettable.
4) Choose antonyms for the words enmity, kindness, invisible, accumulate, create, weapons, sunset, love, connection, easy. 5) Using words or phrases from the vocabulary dictation, make 1 simple, 1 complex and 1 complex sentence.

Content-compositional analysis of the text.
The weather had been calm and warm for three days. On the streets (not) one could see a patch of snow and the dirty place was replaced by shiny pavement and fast streams. The last drops were already dripping from the roofs and the buds were puffing up on the trees in the front garden. There was a dry path in the yard and mossy grass was growing limp between the stones near the porch. It was that special period spring, which has the most powerful effect on a person’s soul: the bright sun, streams and thawed waters, the fragrant freshness in the air and the (gently) blue sky.
All objects were lit..(n,nn)s brightly and the room became more populous. Some feeling that was new to me penetrated my soul. The wet earth on which in some places (bright) green needles of grass emerged, the streams shining in the sun, the fragrant damp air and the joyful sun told me everything about beauty, happiness and goodness.
(According to L. Tolstoy)
Fill in the missing letters and add punctuation marks.
Determine your speaking style.
Outline the last sentences of the first and second paragraphs. Explain punctuation marks.
Analyze the composition of the verbs in the third sentence and give similar examples.
In the sentences of the first paragraph, highlight the grammatical basics and indicate ways of expressing the predicate.
Final test.

Morning in the taiga
Taiga was breathing, waking up, growing.
My heart fluttered and froze with joy: on every leaf, on every needle, grass, in the crowns of inflorescences and on living tree trunks - drops of dew flickered everywhere, glowing and playing.
And each one dropped a tiny sparkle of light, but, merging together, these sparkles filled everything around with the radiance of triumphant life.
Not a single ray of the sun has yet pierced the sheepskin of the taiga with a sharp needle, but the mudflat spread across the entire width of the sky, and the whitish depth of the sky melted and melted, revealing a faded, transparent, icy blue, in which the timid, not yet gained strength, could be seen more and more perceptible to the eye. heat.
The forests, bushes, grasses, and leaves were replenished with living spirit. Iron-fronted beetles and ladybugs began clicking again on tree trunks and stones; the chipmunk washed his paws on a snag and carefreely ran off somewhere; Our fire, barely smoldering, rose up, clicked once or twice, scattering coals, and began to burn on its own.
The sun rose in all its glory above the forest, breaking through it from edge to edge with bunches of brittle spokes that crumbled in the fast-flowing waters of the river. (160 words)
(According to V. Astafiev)

Grammar task
1) Choose a title for the text.
2) Find a non-union complex sentence, replace it with a union complex sentence.
3) Parse the 3rd sentence. Draw a diagram.
4) Do a punctuation analysis of the last sentence.

The world-famous gallery, which presents works of outstanding Russian artists, is named after Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov.

A rich, well-educated merchant decided to use his wealth for the benefit of the people. “In all European countries there are rich museums where the works of the best artists of these countries are collected,” he said. “It’s time for us to have one too.”

Two paintings that were purchased in 1856 marked the beginning of this remarkable collection. Tretyakov carefully selected his collection. When he appeared at the opening of an exhibition, it seemed that he was only listening to what others were saying. But the artists were amazed at his apt comments and correct assessments of the paintings. If Tretyakov liked the painting, he immediately acquired it and never gave it up to anyone.

At first, permission from Tretyakov himself was required to view the gallery. When he presented it to the city of Moscow, entry was open to everyone.

(110 words)

Assignment (students' choice)

  1. Determine the topic and main idea of ​​the text. Title;
    • What linguistic means are used to make connections between sentences?
    • Explain the placement of punctuation marks in a sentence with direct speech. For what purpose is direct speech used in the text?
  2. Label spellings and punctograms. Group them. Give examples;
    • perform a morphological analysis of numerals;
    • decline in writing a compound cardinal number;
    • perform different types of analysis (phonetic, morphemic, morphological, syntactic).
  3. Describe your impressions of visiting the Tretyakov Gallery (or a correspondence tour). Use numbers.

I have never seen more charming eyes than Belinsky’s. Blue, with gold and sparkles in the depths of the pupils, these eyes, usually half-closed by eyelashes, widened and sparkled in moments of inspiration; in moments of gaiety, their gaze took on a captivating expression of affable kindness and carefree happiness. (I. Turgenev.)

Small stations of Russia,

Field, forest to the north,

In a poplar blizzard in the spring,

Golden in autumn and winter

In blue snowdrifts under the moon

They'll take the train and flash through the window -

And the earth will seem beautiful.

Because it's always behind you

Small stations of Russia

On the way to big cities.

(A. Chepurov.) (84 words)

If you look at a white birch tree in the earliest spring light, the white bark in comparison with the whiteness of the snow will seem a little pink. And the whiteness of the snow under the birch tree will seem bluish.

Sometimes, wandering your eyes through the blue snow, you will see a yellowish spot with two black buttons. It turns out that it is a yellowish white hare lying under a pink birch tree on the blue snow.

This is how the same white color changes when different white creatures in the forest are compared with each other, until the whole forest is dressed in a common color of green. (M. Prishvin.) (80 words)

House in Lavrushinsky Lane

Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov can hardly be called a collector in the correct sense of the word. He devoted his entire life to collecting paintings and devoted all his strength and resources to this business. Tretyakov is the creator of an extensive collection of art objects. All his life he acquired paintings, the best in Russian national painting, and then donated them to Moscow.

Let us move mentally to the middle of the last century to Sukharevka. We will see Pavel Mikhailovich, still very young, walking with a pack of engravings that he just bought. For everyone, he is a Zamoskvoretsky merchant, the owner of a house in a quiet Lavrushinsky lane. Pavel Tretyakov was not yet thirty years old when he set out on a path that he did not leave for almost four decades. His entire subsequent life was devoted to collecting Russian paintings. (117 words)

Pavel Tretyakov did not pursue any selfish goals.

He was seized by the idea of ​​creating a museum of national painting. He wrote about this at the dawn of collecting. Then they had already drawn up a letter of will.

The first paintings were purchased in 1856. He considered this year to be the founding date of the gallery.

Tretyakov had unmistakable taste. He was not afraid to buy works by young, still unknown artists.

At the beginning of this century, according to the drawings of the artist Viktor Vasnetsov, the facade of a building that is known to the whole world was built.

The famous Russian art critic V.V. Stasov wrote in his obituary: “Tretyakov died famous not only throughout Russia, but also throughout Europe. Whoever came to Moscow, he set a day for himself when he would definitely have to go to the far corner of Moscow, to Lavrushinsky Lane, and look with admiration and gratitude at all the treasures that had been accumulated by this amazing man throughout his life.” (According to E. Sturgeon.) (137 words)

Gogol does not write, but draws; his images breathe the living colors of reality. You see and hear them: Every word, every phrase expresses his thought, and in vain you would like to come up with another word or another phrase to express this thought. This is a style that only great writers have.

Gogol admitted that he could not create anything in his imagination. He only does well what he takes from reality, what he notices in nature; he is sensitive to every detail. Gogol's notebooks are full of descriptions of Russian life, customs, nature, homes, clothing, even foods... He is constantly looking for words to talk about the endless world of things that surround a person, about their brand, color, smell, about their purpose, about their attitude towards him of the person who owns and uses them. (According to V. Prudominsky.) (120 words)

A verb is not a separate concept, like a noun, it is a message about something. It is not a description of appearance, like an adjective. Once upon a time, every word was called a verb. Remember Pushkin: “With a verb, burn the hearts of people.” A verb is an action that repeats life. We are forever fascinated by Pushkin’s prose; in his poetry, every third word is a verb. The verb is the most necessary part of speech. It is among verbs that there are few borrowings.

In our language, as in any other, the verb is closer than other roots to the folk image; it more accurately and quickly reflects the needs of conversation and thought. After all, the purpose of a verb is to express the action itself, the train of thought. (According to V. Kolesov.) (93 words)

Pavel Tretyakov is the founder of the Tretyakov Gallery. How was the life of this philanthropist? We will talk about this in the article.

Brief information about the life of the great philanthropist

Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov was born on December 27, 1832 in Moscow. His parents were merchants. Throughout his childhood, Pavel Mikhailovich was an excellent assistant to his father at work. He and brother Sergei were inseparable. From an early age they worked together, and later created the famous art gallery.

By the end of the 40s of the 19th century, the Tretyakov merchants owned five trading shops. But soon the family breadwinner, Mikhail Zakharovich Tretyakov, fell ill with scarlet fever and died. Pavel and Sergei took full responsibility for the family and trade. After the death of his mother, Pavel Mikhailovich headed a paper spinning factory, where he conducted business very successfully.

By nature, Pavel Tretyakov, interesting facts from whose life you will learn further, was a kind and sensitive person. He loved comfort and appreciated art. At work they spoke of him as a businesslike, persistent and firm person. But it cannot be said that he was extremely strict with his subordinates.

Tretyakov's early years

His interest in great art began at the age of twenty, after visiting the Hermitage in St. Petersburg. It was then that the idea arose to collect my own collection of paintings. He understood that collecting a unique collection would take all his free time, but Pavel was inspired by the idea.

The first paintings were purchased in 1853, the next year he bought nine paintings by old Dutch masters - they decorated his living rooms until Tretyakov’s death. A couple of years later, his collection was replenished with works by N. G. Schilder “Temptation”, V. G. Khudyakov “Finland Smugglers”, followed by the purchase of paintings by I. P. Trutnev, A. K. Savrasov, K. A. Trutovsky, F. . A. Bruni, L. F. Lagorio, as well as the famous portrait of the archaeologist Lanci of Italian origin.

The purpose of collecting Pavel Tretyakov was not enrichment and fame, but a love of art and the gift of his collection to the people.


The year 1865 was marked for the young philanthropist by his marriage to a twenty-year-old girl, Vera Nikolaevna Mamontova, who was quite educated for that time. The bride was brought up in the same family as him, and had a very warm attitude towards music and art in general. After a while, daughters are born to them, and later a son, Mikhail. But, unfortunately, he grew up as a sickly child and required constant attention. Mikhail's life was short.

Pavel Mikhailovich's activities are aimed at collecting works of his contemporaries and artists - democrats of the national school. The heart of the Tretyakov Gallery is considered to be the works of I. N. Kramskoy, V. I. Surikov and E. Repin.

First steps

Communicating with famous people, Tretyakov decides to create a large hall of portraits of his compatriots and contemporaries. To do this, he created a list of names, according to which Tretyakov accepted orders for portraits.

Pavel Mikhailovich chose the location for the future art museum in Lavrushinsky Lane, where he began constructing a luxurious two-story building for the future Tretyakov Gallery. In the summer of 1893, the long-awaited opening took place. Later, the fate of the gallery was decided by the people. It was transferred to the city of Moscow. As a reward, the autocrat offered Pavel Mikhailovich a noble title, but he refused, choosing the merchant class of which he was so proud.

The history of the emergence of the Tretyakov family of merchants

P. Tretyakov came from an old merchant family. The great-grandfather of Pavel and Sergei, Elisey Martynovich Tretyakov, came from the merchants of Maly Yaroslavets, known since 1646. In 1774, he moved to Moscow with his wife Vasilisa and children: Osip and Zakhar. Elisha later remarried, and his second wife bore him a son, Misha. In 1831, the matured Mikhail married Alexandra Borisova. This is how Pavel and Sergei Tretyakov were born. They also had sisters: Sophia, Elizaveta and Nadezhda. The father carefully monitored the education of his children. The Tretyakov family was a model of obedience and politeness. There were no quarrels or resentments between the children. The brotherly love of Pavel and Sergei later laid the foundation for the creation of the famous Tretyakov Gallery.

Tretyakov brothers

After the death of their parents, Pavel and Sergei had to take control of the factories into their own hands. Their work proceeded smoothly and successfully. According to written sources, the Tretyakov family was not rich enough. The Tretyakov brothers took the money that was spent on purchasing the collection from the family budget and the income of their enterprises.

Sergei fully supported his brother and was actively involved in charity work. They worked, rested and together founded the Arnold-Tretyakov School. It is still famous today because this educational institution was created for the deaf and dumb in Moscow.

Sergei Mikhailovich Tretyakov was the head of the city and a passionate collector of collections.

Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov devoted his entire life to collecting. There was one difference between the brothers: Sergei Mikhailovich regarded collecting as his hobby, while Pavel Tretyakov saw a certain mission in his desire, and later in his activity.

Happiness and love of philanthropist Tretyakov

The biography of Pavel Tretyakov indicates that he became the last of his family members to marry. This happened in the thirty-third year of his life. His wife was Vera Nikolaevna Mamontova. All her life this woman was a guiding star for Pavel Mikhailovich. Vera Nikolaevna could not come to terms with only one main rival - her husband’s art gallery, on which he spent his entire fortune and most of his time.

At thirty-two years old, Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov was the only bachelor in the family. Nobody expected him to get married anymore. But soon he announces his engagement to Vera Mamontova, and then his wedding.

Pavel Tretyakov met Vera Nikolaevna at one of the family evenings at the Mamontovs’ house. Vera Nikolaevna grew up in a merchant family. Her femininity, high intelligence, and love of music charmed the patron of the arts.

The wedding date was set for August 22, 1865. To the surprise of everyone, the marriage of Pavel and Vera turned out to be strong and happy. Their family was large. They and six children lived in the house. Vera Nikolaevna maintained warmth and harmony in the family throughout her life. However, their family life was not so rosy. The husband was strict and kept financial records. New clothes were bought only after the old ones had worn out. The fact is that Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov spent all the family’s money on replenishing his art collection and on charity.

Despite such huge expenses, Vera Nikolaevna never blamed her husband for this. She valued his love and always agreed with him.

Grief in the Tretyakov family

Not all of Pavel Tretyakov’s children were able to become the pride of their parents. In 1887, the Tretyakov family was overtaken by an inevitable misfortune: the youngest son of Pavel Mikhailovich died, seriously ill with scarlet fever. Another blow that followed the first was the doctors’ verdict that the second son had dementia. Unable to bear such a surprise of fate, the philanthropist withdrew into himself and became completely detached.

In 1893, Pavel Mikhailovich’s beloved wife suffered a mini-stroke, and five years later she fell ill with paralysis. And then Tretyakov realized that Vera Nikolaevna was dearer to him than anything in the world. He himself fell ill from the experience, and on December 16 he left this world. Vera Nikolaevna passed away three months after the death of her husband. In 1898, according to his will, the gallery became the property of the city of Moscow. And in 1918, by order of the leader of the proletariat, it received the name of the State Tretyakov Gallery. During Soviet times, the Tretyakov Gallery collected not only paintings by artists of the 18th and 19th centuries, but also works by artists of the post-revolutionary period: Kuzma Petrov-Vodkin, Yuri Pimenov, Semyon Chuikov, Arkady Plastov, Alexander Deineka...

Death of a patron

The merchant Pavel Tretyakov was known not only as a collector of the collection, he was an honorary member of the Society of Connoisseurs of Art and Music. He also took an active part in charity work. At one time, together with his brother, he founded a school for the deaf and dumb in Moscow.

At the beginning of December 1898, Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov fell ill with a stomach ulcer. Even in the last hours of his life he thought about business in the gallery. The last request of the dying man was to save the gallery, and our contemporaries did just that.

Philanthropist Pavel Tretyakov was buried at the Danilovsky cemetery. Now his ashes rest in the Novodevichy cemetery.

Substitution of a famous painting

In 1913, the mentally ill icon painter Abram Balashov, while in the Tretyakov Gallery, cut up the artist Repin’s painting “Ivan the Terrible Kills His Son.” The faces in the painting had to be restored again. And the curator of the gallery (at that time he was E.M. Khrustov), ​​having learned about this, threw himself under the train.

The surprising fact was that the artist himself did not notice any changes in his work. This saved the gallery from collapse.

Interesting facts about the Tretyakov Gallery

  • In 1929, the Church of St. Nicholas was closed in Tolmachi, which immediately became one of the treasures of the Tretyakov Gallery. It was connected to exhibition halls on the top floor of a two-story building, which was intended to display the painting “The Appearance of Christ to the People” by Alexander Ivanov.
  • During the Great Patriotic War, Tretyakov's collection was evacuated to Novosibirsk. The meeting occupied seventeen carriages.
  • The history of the painting “The Rooks Have Arrived”. This picture was painted by the famous artist Alexey Savrasov. After the death of his newborn daughter, he tried many times to repeat his work. It all ended with the artist painting the walls of taverns with a copy of this painting. And with the money he earned he bought himself bread and vodka.
  • In order to get the desired painting, Pavel Mikhailovich paid for the artists’ trips. In 1898, Osip Braz painted a portrait of A.P. Chekhov, which Pavel Mikhailovich sent to Nice. However, the writer himself did not like the portrait.
  • The well-known Malevich wrote four versions of the famous “Black Square”, and two of them are in the Tretyakov Gallery.

Immortal Legacy

To summarize, it can be noted that the meaning of Pavel Tretyakov’s life is his famous collection. In Russia, a rare person with such obsession and fanatical desire tried to convey “beauty” to all people, not paying attention to prejudices and social inequality. There was truly a great man who loved his Motherland and people, Pavel Tretyakov. The Tretyakov Gallery is his greatest contribution to world art. And the memory of the man with a capital M, which Tretyakov was, will never die!

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