Form 6 passport office form. How to correctly fill out an application for registration at the place of residence? Download a form and a sample of filling out an application on behalf of the owner and a minor for registration in an apartment

Rules for completing the form

If a new form according to Form No. 6 was found on the Internet, then you can fill it out directly on the computer. Then the applicant will only have to print the finished document and sign in the required place.

Most likely, this will be the best option. After all, firstly, migration service employees will not have problems parsing an incomprehensible font; secondly, the applicant will not need to spend a lot of time at the FMS office.

When receiving the form in Form No. 6 directly at the office of the registration authority, it is allowed to fill out the fields in your own hand with a personal signature at the end. In this case, it does not matter who exactly will write down the information in the application, the main thing is that the signature must be put by the applicant himself.

Accordingly, his presence at the Federal Migration Service will be required. One of the parents/guardians writes the application for the newborn.

For greater clarity, please provide the completed 2019 sample:

Name of the registration authority where the applicant applied Federal Migration Service of Russia for the Republic of Chuvashia in the Ivanovo region.
Full name, date and place of birth of the applicant Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich, born on January 25, 1975, the village of Ivanteevka, Ivanovsky district, Republic of Chuvashia.
Previous residential address Republic of Chuvashia, Ivanovo district, Ivanteevka village, st. Mira, no. 36.
Information about legal representatives When filling out an application for a child up to 14 years old.
Full name of the owner of the apartment/house where the applicant is expected to register Ivanov Petr Ivanovich.
Degree of relationship between the applicant and the owner Brothers.
Information about the title documentation for the living space (series or number of the certificate of ownership, etc.) PR No. 567849.
New residence address Republic of Chuvashia, Ivanovsky district, Petrovka village, Petritskaya street, building 24, apt. 5.
Applicant's passport details Series 9209 No. 568963, issued by the TP of the Federal Migration Service of Russia for the Republic of Chuvashia in the Ivanovo region dated 10/15/1990. Department code 159-856.
SNILS number 256 169-569-896.

You must complete the form with a date and signature.

Submission through government services

Thanks to advanced technologies, the registration procedure at the place of residence has become much easier. Now you can submit an application without leaving your home on the government services portal. In addition, you can perform other important procedures here: issue passports, make an appointment with a doctor, queue up for kindergarten, etc.

It is worth noting that to work on this site, preliminary registration will be required indicating all user data (including passport, TIN number, SNILS, etc.). After which you will need to wait a little. This time is necessary for government agencies to verify the accuracy of the entered data.

After registering on the portal, the user should log into their personal account and find the page of the Federal Migration Service. Next, select the tab “Registration of citizens...” - “Get a service.”

In the window that appears, fill out the submitted application. If the application is written for, then the application indicates information about the parent/guardian. Other data is identical to filling out the paper form (a sample was presented above).

If a minor has already reached the age of 14 years, then he must register on the portal himself. Accordingly, he fills out the application himself.

If a child wishes to register separately from his parents, the consent of his legal representatives will be required. In some cases, you even need to submit permission from the guardianship authority. In this case, the new place of residence can only be the living space of close relatives. And this fact must be documented.

The application is considered within three days, after which the applicant or the owner of the living space receives a notification of an affirmative or negative decision on it. If the application is approved, the completed documents should be received from the registration authority within three days.

Permanent registration at place of residence form No. 6

As mentioned above, when changing place of residence, the registration procedure at the new address is mandatory.

At the same time, summarizing the above, we can distinguish several ways to perform registration:

  • by independently visiting the registration service office;
  • by sending the required documentation;
  • using public services.

But regardless of the chosen method, you will need to fill out the form in Form No. 6. That is why you will need to know how to do it and what is needed for this.

Where can I get a new form?

When it becomes necessary to fill out a form in Form No. 6, the applicant wonders where to get it.

Application for permanent registration in form No. 6 is one of the main documents when obtaining permanent registration.

If you submit documents through the State Services portal, then you will be asked to fill it out electronically. If the submission takes place at the passport office or MFC (multifunctional center), then you will fill it out by hand.

It is advisable to do this at home in advance so as not to fill it out hastily with many errors already in the civil service. Take this issue seriously, because if there is the slightest blemish in the document, it will have to be completely rewritten.

Owner's application for registration at place of residence can only be submitted in person. Your relative or friend will not be able to do this even with a notarized power of attorney.

The exception is minor children– a parent or guardian carries out the filling out and submission procedure for them.

Submission takes place at the passport office or MFC where your home is registered. You can get information about a government institution on the website of the Russian Federal Tax Service or simply by entering the address of the house into a search engine.

Who is eligible to apply?

Fill out and then submit the document Only the person registering can do so.

Things are more complicated if you register in an apartment that you are not the owner of, then The owner of the apartment must also sign your application.

His presence at the passport office is not mandatory, because you provide certified by a residential notary to register you in his apartment.

For minor children The form is completed and submitted by the legal representative.

Basic requirements and attached documents

The document is filled out with a black or blue pen, and handwriting should be as legible as possible (it is better to write in block letters).

The person registering must attach the following documents to the application:

  • a valid passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and copies of all pages with notes (if a child is registered, then the birth certificate);
  • a document certifying your right to own the property or the owner’s consent to your registration.

It contains information about the citizen who wishes to obtain a residence permit and the owner of the property (if these are two different persons), information about the living space, and a special note that the applicant has not been deregistered at the previous place of residence, if necessary.

Submitting a package of documents to obtain a residence permit, as well as assistance from the passport office employees, is free.

Sections of the application and their completion

Filling out the forms starts with indications of the authority where you are applying to obtain registration.

After the words “To the registration authority” carefully enter “FMS of Russia”, and then indicate the region/region/republic and city/village/village. There is no need to specify the region for Moscow and St. Petersburg.

The “Arrived from” line is required to indicate your previous place of residence. Arrived from city/village/village, st., house, apt.

Then you need to enter the owner of the premises. If you are filling out an application form for registration from the owner of the apartment, then after the words “Residential premises provided,” write “I am the owner.”

If the owner of the apartment is another person, then in the field you need to indicate his full name, as well as the degree of relationship.

The next point is to indicate a document giving you the right to register in the living space. For the owner it will be Certificate of state registration of rights with the date of issue (from and number (No. 000111).

If the owner of the apartment is not you, then “based on the owner’s application.”

Identity document: type of passport, series (first 4 digits), number, issued (by the department of the city Federal Migration Service) - these data must be written down exactly as they are indicated in the passport, department code (123-456).

Date of issue “dd”.month.year.

After the words “Signature of the applicant”, there is entry “legal representative”, you need to cross out this line. The signature is left without decoding, and under it is indicated the dd.month.year of filing the application.

The application also contains the field “Signature of the person providing the accommodation.” If you are the owner, then you don’t need to indicate anything there, otherwise the owner of the apartment will sign in this field.

The remaining notes will be made by the passport service employees, and then the completed form will be certified.

Common mistakes

If you wrote in illegible small handwriting using a felt-tip pen or a pencil, then your application for registration at your place of residence will not be accepted.

A serious violation is errors in proper names, geographical names or names of organizations. It is better to copy this data directly from your passport.

Pay attention to the date format, as they appear differently on different lines. Also, most people forget about the abbreviation “r.r” in their date of birth.

All words entered by the applicant must agree in gender, number and case with the data on the form.

After filling out the form, check it carefully, pay special attention to the dates, department code and passport number.

Features of the content of the document when registering a minor

When you fill out a document for a minor child, indicating it as the applicant, in the document you will see special fields where the data of the parent or guardian is entered.

In the “Legal representative” field, indicate the degree of relationship(mother, father, guardian, trustee), your full name. and passport details.

If the child is under 14 years old, then instead of a passport you must indicate the details of his birth certificate.

The final stage: cross out “Applicant’s signature” and place your signature next to the “legal representative” field.

Every citizen on the territory of the Russian Federation must necessarily “register” at his place of residence or stay.

To do this, fill out the appropriate application for registration at the place of residence. This form has a strictly defined form - Form 6.

How to fill

  1. There are rules for filling out Form 6:
  2. If the application form for registration at the place of residence is downloaded at home from the global Internet, then it can be filled out by computer printing.

If the document for registration is issued by a territorial government agency, then it must be filled out by hand.

At the same time, it is not so important who exactly will enter the data in the application for registration at the place of residence. The most important thing is that the form contains the personal signature of the applicant.

Attention! An application for registration at the place of residence of a newborn is submitted by his official representative (parent, guardian, etc.).

Sample of filling out an application for registration at the place of residence

What to indicate on the form

  1. So, if you decide to download forms for registration at your place of residence or take them from the territorial authority, you need to know what to write in the columns:
  2. the authority where the document is submitted (passport office of the management company or house management, migration service), more precisely, a specific territorial unit;
  3. personal data: full name, date of birth and place;
  4. previous registration address;
  5. information about representatives, if they are applicants on behalf of a minor (newborn);
  6. Information about the owner of the premises where the citizen is registered (his full name);
  7. the relationship and its degree with the owner of the living space are also indicated;
  8. information about documents for housing;
  9. address of the citizen's future residence;
  10. the date and signature of the applicant are affixed.
Important! An application for registration in Form 6 can be submitted not only in person, but also sent by mail. In addition, the option of filing through the State Services portal is available.

All certificates for filling out Form 6 can be obtained directly from the territorial government bodies.

Download for viewing and printing:

Registration deadlines

  1. When applying to the FMS with a full package of necessary documents, the deadline is 3 days.
  2. If you contact the passport office, the period is up to 6 days.
  3. If there is notification about the readiness of documents - up to 8 days.
Attention! There is no state fee for registration.

Every citizen of the Russian Federation is required to fill out Form No. 6 according to the template. An example of filling can be obtained on site. This year, no amendments were made to the current bill. Now we will analyze in detail how to apply for registration.

How to draw up an application for registration from the owner and where to get a sample? These issues are primarily of concern to the population when going through the registration process. What is Form No. 6? An application with a state number is an application for registration at the place of residence. That is, this is the consent of the father and mother to register a common newborn child on their territory.

When moving to a new home, property registration is a mandatory procedure. To fill out a circular, you must visit the FMS office and fill out a form that states:

  • address of the branch considering the transaction;
  • personal data of the owner of the residential premises in question;
  • technical specification for an apartment, garage, land plot;
  • personal data of the husband or wife, daughter or son, other relative who must be registered in the housing in question;
  • a circular about the birth of a child if he has not reached the age of majority;
  • an order confirming the transition from one place of stay to another (the shared owner does not have the right to register a new resident on a temporary or permanent basis without the consent of all residents);
  • date and signature.

To submit the necessary circulars, parents can contact the MFC (multifunctional centers). There are such branches in every city. The procedure itself is free, but you may need to pay for the services of a specialist who must notarize the documentation.

If it is not possible to visit the MFC, then you can submit the required package of circulars via the Internet by registering on the government services portal. There you can download the forms and print them out.

You can fill out form number 6 in writing or in printed form.

To register in the property management, you need to fill out the first part of the circular. Below will be the second part of the order, which should be filled out if there is a need to remove the baby from the registration register from Rosreestr if he was registered at a different address.

Living in an unfinished construction project is prohibited. When filing a claim order in court, it is necessary to provide compelling arguments that people can live in unfinished housing. The Trial Chamber will issue a decision to suspend and cancel the petition in this case, because people cannot live in conditions where there is no gas, water and electricity, and therefore cannot register there.

When filling out the form for registration of disabled children or minors in real estate, the assistance of their legal representatives (parents or guardians) will be required.

The owner of the property has the right to register a foreign citizen if the foreigner receives Russian citizenship. Persons from another country who come to Russian territory can obtain temporary registration.

What is the duration of the procedure?

The applicant can receive a certificate with temporary registration or a stamp with permanent registration in the passport within three days if the necessary package of circulars was submitted through the FMS office.

If the documentation has been checked at the passport office at the place of residence or the government services website, then the process can last up to seven days. In some cases, the procedure may take 1.5 weeks.

What is the difference between the forms?

During the registration process, you may be required to fill out a form with a specified number. Many people don’t think about what these codes are for. In fact, each form is responsible for a specific procedure.

  1. A form with the number 2 in the corner is issued to a citizen if he has left the registration register of his last place of residence.
  2. A form with number 3 in the corner is issued to persons to obtain the circular on a temporary basis.
  3. Sheet No. 8 is issued for registering a child for permanent residence.
  4. And the form with number 9 in the corner is a regular registration card.

It doesn’t matter who fills out the application order, the main thing is that the signature is put by the designer.

Filling out Form 6 through the government services portal

You can submit an application order if you register on the government services portal.

  1. In your personal account on the main page, find the item “Authorities” and click on the “FMS” rectangle.
  2. Then you need to select the online service “Registration of citizens at residential address.”
  3. Next, select the “Receive” tab. The system will ask you to enter your login and password.
  4. On the sheet that opens, write down your personal data, as well as your passport details. After writing, check all the data and click the “Next” button.
  5. Then continue filling out the form. If you don’t understand what needs to be entered in a particular window, the system will provide hints.
  6. After which the portal will provide several addresses where FMS branches are located. Select the address closest to your place of residence and click the “Submit a Writ” tab.
  7. In three days you should receive approval that you can visit the FMS office. Don't forget to take the collected circulars.

If you do not show up at the department within three days after the invitation, you will have to submit the application again.

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