Form of act on disconnecting the house from heating. Sample application for disconnection from central heating networks

In recent years, there has been a steady trend among homeowners in apartment buildings to switch to autonomous heating options. The increased financial capabilities of apartment owners today make it possible to provide heating in the apartment at a completely different, higher technical level. This is greatly facilitated by the emergence of autonomous devices and units that are highly efficient and cost-effective.

The desire to make your apartment absolutely independent of centralized heating is quite understandable and understandable. Often the quality of the heating system in winter leaves much to be desired. Barely warm radiators when winter is raging outside, unreasonable financial expenses are real prerequisites for completely abandoning heating in the apartment.

Alternative heating options. The reality and consequences of this step

The main argument that guides the owner of an apartment who wants to disconnect from the heating plant and install autonomous heating in his home is independence. A characteristic feature of our country is the rapid change of seasons. Summer ends quickly; the heat accumulated in houses during the warm period quickly evaporates. For many of us, waiting for the heating season to officially begin is associated with discomfort. There is still quite a lot of time before the central heating is turned on, but the apartment is already cold and not comfortable. There is a way out, and it just suggests itself.

Your own autonomous boiler can solve such problems once and for all. But how can you independently decide when, how much and what to pay? All these issues require careful analysis and a competent approach. The main problem is a huge bureaucratic work. To once and for all refuse the services of a regional energy company, you will need a lot of permits and related documentation.

The legislation in this case takes a neutral, dual position. On the one hand, the Law does not prohibit us from refusing centralized heating services, but the disconnection itself entails a lot of legal formalities. Difficulties for residents who are ready to install autonomous heating in their homes are associated with the technical nuances of landscaping apartment buildings. To make it clearer, you can imagine your house in cross-section. Numerous pipes, risers, coils, radiators, shut-off valves and heat meters form a single complex network. From a theoretical point of view, it is possible to switch off, however, from a technical point of view, this is a real engineering problem.

Any unauthorized intervention in the system can lead to disruption of the entire complex as a whole. Switching off one apartment from a single heating system will require re-equipment of the entire network and is associated with a large amount of engineering and technical work.

Important! All costs for the reconstruction and reorganization of the centralized heating system of an apartment building, associated with disconnecting one subscriber from heating, fall on his shoulders.

The entire system, in accordance with legal norms, is part of a single property complex, which belongs to an apartment building. The composition of the property of a residential building, its functionality and performance are determined by the homeowners. The conclusion suggests itself - decisions to make changes to the centralized heating system are made collectively. This requirement is clearly stated in the Housing Code. Disabling one apartment is an individual decision. However, unauthorized shutdown without obtaining the appropriate permits and approvals is punishable by law. In some cases, such actions on the part of the apartment owner may be classified as a criminal offense. Any work related to utility networks in an apartment building must be carried out by specialists, guided by the appropriate permits, technical specifications and design.

Decision is made. How to disconnect from the heating plant

In this case, it is necessary to build on the provisions set out in the “Rules for the provision of services for centralized water and heat supply”, which are approved by the Government Resolution. In accordance with the rules, you have the right to refuse the services of the energy company in the supply of heat and hot water. The refusal procedure is based on the provisions of the existing agreement between the apartment owner and the heat supplier company. Any contract can be terminated. True or fictitious reasons for terminating a contract for the supply of hot water and heating can always be found. Today, most companies operating in the heat supply market systematically violate contractual terms, not to mention neglecting existing sanitary norms and rules.

If you decide to abandon centralized heating, then you will find the following:

  • carry out, at your own expense and on your own, the re-equipment of the system to provide adjacent residential premises with heating and hot water supply in full;
  • carry out work to restore normal operation of ventilation and drainage systems in adjacent apartments.

All work is provided for by the relevant SNiPs (41-01-2003, 23-02-2003 and 31-01-2003). It is prohibited to carry out technical work without the consent of neighbors and other residents of your home.

Industry Orders and Directives become a significant obstacle to realizing your desire to become independent from service providers.

For example: Disconnection from the subscriber’s hot water supply is carried out only on the condition that the entire house must refuse services. Such restrictions introduce an unspoken ban on the refusal of central heating and hot water supply in individual apartments. Such norms contradict the provisions of the Housing Code, however, from a technical point of view, it is quite difficult to prove the illegality of the actions of public utilities.

This situation is a widespread phenomenon and significantly limits our legal rights to dispose of our property. We become dependent on the wishes of other homeowners in an apartment building, who are satisfied with the state of things, and they do not intend to make changes to the existing situation for various reasons. If you seek protection of your owner's rights through the court, there is a chance to win the case, however, this procedure can take a lot of time. Arguments for refusing to issue a disconnection permit may include technical reasons that explain the impossibility of carrying out disconnection work without disrupting the functionality of the entire central heating and hot water supply system.

On a note: Even if the owner of the apartment has a debt for heating, this will not be a reason for the service provider company to disconnect. The network will remain intact, while the debt will be collected from the debtor in court.

Heat suppliers are monopolists in the heat supply market, who try by all means to maintain their sphere of influence over the housing stock.

Legal subtleties and nuances when disconnecting a central heating center

There is an option to turn off the central heating without having to apply for a permit. Many of us have rarely seen contracts with utility companies for the supply of heat to your home. A priori, it is assumed that the owners of an apartment building agree with the terms of supply of centralized heating services. In fact, the situation is up in the air from a legal point of view. No contract, no obligations.

Moreover, in almost every house you can find residents who have voluntarily disconnected from the heating supply and managed to equip their apartments with autonomous heating systems. There are practically no cases of prosecution for arbitrariness in this situation, so everyone decides the situation at their own peril and risk.

Let's consider situations where, in order to make your desire to refuse centralized heating services a reality, the consent of the residents of your house and neighbors is not required.

Apartment buildings often have incomplete technical documentation regarding the heating system. In this regard, it often happens that the elements of the heating system are not part of the property complex of the buildings. Despite the fact that in such a situation you will not need to obtain collective consent to re-equip the heating systems in the apartment, official permissions from regulatory and service organizations are necessary.

The reason is that any intervention in engineering networks requires mandatory recording in technical documentation. For each house there is a technical passport, which takes into account all the data on the operating heating system. Removal of radiators, insertion and installation of plugs in apartments, any other changes must be reflected in the technical passport. Guided by Art. 26 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation for further actions you will need the following package of documents:

  • application in free form;
  • registration certificate for the apartment to be switched off;
  • documents confirming the right of ownership (use) of the apartment;
  • written consent of all legal occupants of the apartment;
  • technical conclusion of specialists on the possibility of disconnecting and subsequent re-equipment of communications.

To complete the picture, it is necessary to attach to the package of documents a reconstruction project, which is developed by specialists from the relevant organizations and authorities. The design documentation must include calculations that prove the functionality of the central heating system in the house in the absence of elements of the disconnected apartment. In addition to the project, it is better to have a scheme for thermal-hydraulic calculations of the facility and an accurate calculation of residual heating.

A technically competent project is the first step towards obtaining permission. However, if the changes made may negatively affect the thermal efficiency of the entire house and cause a violation of the temperature regime in the apartments of other homeowners, such a project will be rejected.

Technical difficulties

If all documentation meets the requirements, the apartment refurbishment project has been agreed upon, the type of autonomous heating source satisfies fire safety standards and operating conditions in an apartment building, you can expect to receive a permit. Another thing is that such actions on the part of public utilities are not met with enthusiasm and the bureaucratic procedure can drag on for months.

Regarding the technical side of the matter, the task of disconnecting the apartment from centralized heating does not seem difficult. To solve it, you just need to invite qualified workers. Dismantling of existing equipment and subsequent installation of an autonomous heating system is carried out in strict accordance with the project, with the participation of specialists.

Otherwise, you may encounter a number of problems, first technical, and then administrative.

Power outages occur mainly for two reasons - debt for consumed electricity or unauthorized connection to electrical networks.

The reasons are different and the documents drawn up during the shutdown also differ.

However, in both cases, drawing up a power outage act is mandatory and is legally regulated in Russian Government Decree No. 442 of 05/04/2012. (new edition February 2017)

Disconnection from electrical networks occurs at the initiative of the energy supply organization.

The performer of the procedure can be a specialist from this organization or a representative of the housing and communal services management company. The document is drawn up by the contractor immediately after a power outage. The presence of the consumer is desirable, but not required.

  1. Act on disconnecting electricity in case of debt for consumed electricity. Disconnection is carried out after a preliminary (one month before disconnection) notification, which is handed over to the consumer personally against signature. The act is drawn up in the presence of the debtor or any family member registered in the apartment.

    The consumer must provide free access to metering devices and, after drawing up the document, certify the performer’s actions with his signature.

  2. Act on disconnection from the network for unauthorized connection. If, during an inspection or according to a report from third parties, an unauthorized connection to electrical networks is confirmed, the disconnection occurs without prior notice.

    An illegal connection is recorded in writing and signed by the performer, witnesses and the consumer. The absence of a consumer cannot be an obstacle to disconnecting from the network.

Where and why is the power outage report form provided after writing?

The acts are drawn up in triplicate.

The first copy is handed to the consumer; if he is not present at the time of drawing up the act, the document must be handed over to him personally within 24 hours. The second copy remains with the performer, the third is transferred to the initiator of the procedure.

In case of unauthorized connection (without a contract or without accounting), one copy remains with the contractor, the second is handed over to the violator, and the third is transferred to the local inspector for further investigation.

Unauthorized connection to electrical networks is an administrative violation and is punishable in court.

In some cases, the violator is brought to criminal liability: causing serious damage, damage to property on a large scale, harm to health, death due to negligence.

Important! Non-contractual connection - unauthorized connection to electrical networks, without drawing up technical documents and drawing up an agreement with the supplier. Unmetered connection - unauthorized connection of electrical equipment to the network, past the meter.

What should be included in a sample act of disconnecting electricity for non-payment?

The legislation does not provide for a specific sample of a power outage act. The Government of the Russian Federation in its Resolution No. 442 in Article II, paragraph 4.12 recommends a list of information that must be included in this document.

Many electricity suppliers include in their forms a warning about liability for unauthorized connection to the network.

The act of unauthorized connection is drawn up in a free style, but with the obligatory indication:

  • by whom, where and when the act was drawn up;
  • how and what kind of violation was detected;
  • what the offender explained about this;
  • what actions were performed by the performer.

Everything written is certified by the signatures of the performer, members of the commission or witnesses, and the violator himself.

If an unmetered connection is detected, the report indicates the electricity indicators on the meter and describes in detail the procedure for disconnecting and installing seals.

What points should you pay attention to?

When drawing up the act, special attention should be paid to some points:

Important! The paperwork should be handled very carefully. Comprehensive information should be provided on all points. It is better to spend more time drawing up the act than to justify yourself in court later.

The apartment owner does not agree, what should I do?

The owner of the apartment must indicate his disagreement directly in the act, in all three copies. And then you will need to prove your case to the initiator of the shutdown. To do this, you will have to provide receipts for paying for electricity.

Confirm the absence of debt and write a statement. If the issue with the supplier is not resolved positively, you will have to go to court.

You can also prove the illegality of the action to turn off the electricity if you were not given a notice in person against signature, but the warnings were verbal by telephone or the notice was sent in a regular letter.

But what you shouldn’t do is connect to the network without permission, even if you’re right.

But you can demand compensation for moral damage.

Bring witnesses who will confirm that your food has spoiled; the children had to cook food over a fire or buy it in the canteen.

A certificate of high blood pressure and nervous disorder will also not be superfluous.

Each side has its own truth. To prove it, you need documents that will not raise doubts either among the opponent or the court.

To prevent things from coming to the point of drawing up a power outage report, you need to pay for it on time. And if the debt does arise, do not wait for sanctions, write an application for restructuring.

In accordance with the rules of full and (or) partial mode of limitation of electricity consumption, approved. By Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 4, 2012 No. 442, when introducing restrictions on electricity consumption (including power outages for non-payment), the executor of the restriction (if this is a legal entity or an entrepreneur or a resident of a private house, then the executor is representatives of the power grid, if this is a resident of an apartment building - then these are representatives of the management company or the HOA) are required to draw up a report on turning off the electricity. A sample of it is given at the end of the page. At the same time, there is no approved form for the power outage act. Therefore, such a document can be drawn up in free form. At the same time, when filling out the power outage form, it is mandatory to include the following information (in accordance with clause 12 of the rules for the full and (or) partial mode of limiting electricity consumption, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 4, 2012 No. 442):

1. Type of power outage (complete or partial);

2. Date and time of shutdown;

SAMPLE ACT ON ELECTRICITY DISCONNECTION (an act on the full or partial introduction of restrictions on the supply of electrical energy).

Date, place of compilation

The act was drawn up in the presence of representatives of the consumer ___________________________________ (full name), representatives of the electric grid company (guaranteed supplier)________________________________.

This act confirms that since ___________201 there has been a complete (partial) restriction of electricity supplies, carried out by ______________ (specify the method) at the consumer's address______.

The meter readings at the time of introduction of the restriction are as follows______________ (electricity meter number).


The result of the observation was an emergency rupture of the riser on the first floor at the entrance to the entrance. As a result of the rupture, there were traces of flooding in the ceiling, walls and floor on the first floor, and ice at the entrance to the entrance.

Sample act for disconnecting the heating system

Therefore, our readers often turn to us with a request to tell us exactly how it is possible.

In this regard, the reader is interested in how to correctly write applications to the housing office about refusing water supply, gas, electricity and other services. Law firm lawyers helped us answer this question. The main thing is to arrange everything correctly.

Your gas must be turned off 7 days after signing the application (this is stated in the Rules for the provision of gas supply services to the population. They are approved by Cabinet of Ministers Resolution dated 9. In order to resume the supply of gas, electricity and water, you will have to again enter into a new contract with the service organization.

An example of drawing up an inspection report for a heating system

(name of organization, position, f.

acting) general contractor (general subcontractor) inspected in situ and checked for the thermal effect of the water (steam) heating system carried out by (name of the installation organization) and drew up this act on the following: 1. Installation was carried out according to the project (name of the design organization, code drawings) 2.

During the work process, the following deviations from project 3 were made. All heating devices (radiators, convectors, etc.)

d.) are evenly heated (to the touch) along the floors and branches of the system

Report on emergency freezing of the heating system in a multi-storey building.

As a result of the examination, it was discovered that the heating system riser laid in entrance No. 3 at the above address, located next to the entrance to the entrance, was frozen. In addition, during the examination it was discovered that the riser located next to the entrance door to the entrance is not insulated.

Reason emergency freezing of the central heating system riser was caused by prolonged low temperatures, frequently opening external doors and lack of insulation on the riser.

The result of the observation was an emergency rupture of the riser on the first floor at the entrance to the entrance.

As a result of the rupture, there were traces of flooding in the ceiling, walls and floor on the first floor, and ice at the entrance to the entrance.

As a result of the examination, the commission decided:

Management company "Path to Success" Ivanov Ivan Albertovich

Maintenance foreman Evgeniy Mikhailovich Petrov

Maintenance master Sidorenko Oleg Semenovich

resident of the house st. Baikalskaya, 33, Dovydenko Ilya Serafimovich

Heating system flushing certificate

After washing pipes and other equipment, it is advisable to perform pressure testing. This additional procedure will allow you to check the tightness of the entire system and identify places where air or water may escape. Such actions are not mandatory, but highly desirable.

They correspond to the interests of both the customer and the contractor. Upon completion, both will be able to verify the quality of the previous stage. The completion of the work is recorded by the act of flushing and pressure testing the heating system.

Sample application for disconnection from central heating networks

I ask you to issue permission to disconnect apartment No. _______, which is located at _________________, from the central heating and hot water supply networks, and the equipment for individual (autonomous) heating and hot water supply, since the house is on the balance sheet of the Public Communist Party __________________________. I don’t mind_____________________ F.

I. O. I certify the signature of the co-owners.

Head of Housing Department_______________________________ Full name

On the document you must put the incoming number, date and stamp of the organization. All government officials must respond to you within 30 days. Sample claim to the Head of the Housing Office From the resident(s): CLAIM In accordance with the service agreement concluded between me, as the owner of the apartment at the address: , and your organization, I am provided with utility services, including heating services. I conscientiously fulfill all the terms of this agreement, paying fees in full and on time, as evidenced by monthly receipts. You are in violation of Art. 4 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” you are not fulfilling your obligations: this year, since the beginning of the heating season, the air temperature in my apartment does not exceed ... degrees, which is ... degrees below the established standard.

Complaint to heating management company: sample

Take a good reference sample to save time on finishing the paper. There are critical data points in every request. To enter them in accordance with the rules, it is enough to understand the rules.

The best way to implement this is to study the example given at the end. Maybe you found an error or inaccuracy, please remind us of the inaccuracy by filling out the form at the end of the page. It must be remembered that time does not stand still and many documents continue to quickly become outdated.

It is always necessary to check the relevance of the references to legislation contained in them. It is quite possible that the norms have already lost their relevance. A person is freezing in the house, give me warmth soon, housing office / articles / In fact, housing trusts should independently make recalculations in houses deprived of heat.
But this is more of a fantasy.

How to write a complaint to housing and communal services about heating: sample and example of writing a complaint

Next, you should indicate what the consequences of the low temperature regime were: dampness in the apartment, cold in the apartment necessitated the use of electric heating, which resulted in excessive consumption of electricity and increased costs) These arguments are confirmed by the following:

  1. The registered fact of my appeal and low temperature (the number was received by the technician of the Criminal Code Ivanov I.I.).
  2. A document drawn up and signed for measuring the temperature in the apartment from No.

Based on the above, I ask you as soon as possible:

  1. Organize the supply of heating utilities of appropriate quality.
  2. Recalculate the cost of heating utilities for 201 in the amount of rubles (I attach the calculation).

If the requirements are not met, I will be forced to do so by the consumer protection authorities, the State Housing Inspectorate, and the court. Date, signature.

Sample application for housing heating

Certificate of delivery of completed work Certificate of acceptance of completed work Certificate of acceptance of completed work form KS-2 Certificate of delivery and acceptance of completed work under the contract Certificate of delivery and acceptance of work (services, products) Certificate of delivery and acceptance of scientific and technical products under the contract Acceptance certificate Certificate of completion works of services provided Certificate of work performed transport services Certificate of work performed in construction Certificate of work performed rental of premises Emergency report Certificate of arrest and seizure of funds Commissioning certificate Settlement certificate, sample filling Certificate of weighing of goods Certificate of return of property Confiscation report Certificate of opening Certificate of opening and inspection of residential property at home Act of opening the premises Act of opening the packages (envelopes) Act of opening the parcel Act of on-site (tax) inspection of individual entrepreneurs Act of on-site (tax) inspection<<< Самые популярные товары в Интернет Магазине: Вентиль V229-150 25702.60руб.

Heating claim

Therefore, residents themselves need to declare their rights. The salvation of those who are freezing is the work of the freezing people themselves. According to sanitary standards, the apartment cannot be colder than 18 degrees, in a corner apartment - plus 20. In the bathroom, so that you do not freeze during water procedures, it should be 25 degrees.
In the toilet - 18, in the hallway - 14. Is it much colder here? The “Rules for the Provision of Utility Services” stipulate the recommended conditions for reducing payments. Type of reduction in the quality of services. For example, you can not pay for heating at all if the temperature is below + 14 degrees. If the apartment is a little warmer, then a reduction factor of 0.023 applies. The hot water temperature must be at least +60 degrees at the water intake point. The specific procedure for recalculation is determined by the city administration and the City Council.

Heating complaint against the management company: sample documents with instructions

Rules approved by the above-mentioned resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation, when providing a utility service of inadequate quality and (or) with interruptions exceeding the established duration to a consumer in a residential or non-residential premises or for general needs in an apartment building during the billing period, as well as during interruptions in the provision of utility services for carrying out repair and maintenance work within the established duration of breaks, the amount of payment for such a utility service for the billing period is subject to reduction until the consumer is completely exempt from paying for such a service.

Sample complaint about poor heating

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Certificate of absence of heating in the apartment sample

Based on the above, I demand that you immediately take measures to eliminate the accident and restore the heat supply to the apartment, as well as ensure that the cost of utilities for heating is recalculated based on the rules established by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation (for each hour of exceeding the permissible break, the payment amount is reduced by 0.15% ). In case of refusal to satisfy this claim, I will be forced to go to court with a statement of claim for the protection of consumer rights, including a claim for compensation for moral damage. 12/24/2016 Sinichkina U.O. How to make a heating claim A heating claim is a consumer claim, because we use utilities for personal purposes.

Certificate of absence of heating sample

Sample complaint about poor heating in an apartment: To the head of the Management Company (HOA, housing cooperative) In accordance with the terms of the agreement for the management of an apartment building, concluded between me as the owner of a residential premises located at the address: , and your organization, the contractor is obliged to supply utilities of proper quality and in the required volume, and the consumer fulfills his obligations to pay for services in a timely manner. For my part, I fully fulfill my payment obligations, which is confirmed by receipts and payment receipts. However, your organization supplies heating utility services of inadequate quality, which do not comply with the standards of Appendix 1 to the “Rules for the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings,” approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 6, 2011 No. 354.

When called on the same day, a site technician must appear. His duty is to draw up an inspection report of all premises and indicate the air temperature. He should measure it not just anywhere, but in each room at a distance of one meter from the outer wall and at a height of one and a half meters from the floor. It is believed that air of average temperature “walks” in this place. Be sure to keep a copy of this act for yourself. If within two days no one came to the rescue or there was no benefit from this visit, it’s time to move on. Step two - you need to submit a claim in writing (we publish a sample) addressed to the head of the housing office.
Even better, addressed to the head of the district housing trust or, as they are now called, the management company. I advise you to simultaneously contact the housing and communal services department of the district administration (each office has such an office). Write the application in two copies.

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