Form P21001 (new): a sample of filling out an application for state registration of an individual entrepreneur. Samples of the main documents of office work Various forms to fill out

The section presents hundreds forms in MS-Word and MS-Excel, as well as in graphic formats. All of them are kept up to date. All forms, samples, forms of official documents in the online version of the ConsultantPlus system. Links to the most important and commonly used forms are provided directly on this page and can be downloaded directly into Excel or Word.

You can find over 80,000 forms, forms and samples of standard agreements, contracts, constituent, organizational and internal documents, forms of tax reporting and accounting for enterprises, insurance, banking institutions in the information bank "Business Papers".

Accounting Forms

The list includes the most important and widely used forms of accounting statements approved by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. Accounting forms not listed

Reporting forms for organizations other than credit, insurance and budget organizations:

Forms of tax accounting and reporting

The list includes the most important and widely used forms and forms of tax accounting and reporting approved by federal government authorities. Forms of tax accounting and reporting that are not in the list can be found directly in the documents that approved them.

Forms of tax accounting and reporting on value added tax:

  • VAT return
  • Notification on the use of the right to exemption from the performance of taxpayer obligations related to the calculation and payment of value added tax

Documentation support of the institution is not such an easy job as it might seem at first glance. Office work in a preschool educational institution - samples of documents, orders, correctly executed - this is the base of any organization. Document specialists have a serious and responsible task to comply with the rules and regulations when compiling papers and working with them.

Classification of documents in office work

For successful document management, you need to know what types and subspecies the paperwork divides into sample documents. In a modern office, in addition to the usual papers, there are also emails that are also part of the management system. So, the main documents of office work:

  1. Incoming, i.e. coming from outside:
    • requests;
    • notifications;
    • orders of higher organizations;
    • advertising information, etc.
  2. Outgoing, i.e. sent from the organization:
    • letters, including emails;
    • inquiries and responses to inquiries;
    • accounts, acts;
    • power of attorney;
    • certificates, copies on request;
    • reports, etc.
  3. Internal, not outside the enterprise:
    • order (a sample document of office work can be found in the article), orders;
    • regulations;
    • contracts;
    • confidential and labeled "Forceboard" - for official use;
    • memos, statements;
    • accounting books, etc.

Internal documents can also be transferred and registered electronically. But this is not always acceptable: important regulations, especially personnel regulations that require familiarization of employees, must be printed out and signed.

Keeping electronic registers is becoming an increasingly popular way of accounting. Such logs should be protected from retroactive changes so that they can be trusted in the event of a dispute.

When it is entrusted to conduct office work, sample documents will come in handy. Many of them are drawn up in a free form, in compliance with the corporate rules of registration, if any. But having some paperwork documents (samples) on hand is very convenient.

Request Sample

Thank You Letter Sample

Sample information letter

Sample order for the allocation of material assistance

Sample order for core business

Help Sample

Sample Notice

Organization of record keeping in accordance with the rules

Commercial organizations usually determine their own internal rules for document management. Letterhead paperwork can be designed with a special design. Sometimes they claim several of their types for different purposes. But we must not forget that there are rules for paperwork in office work - GOST R 7.0.97-2016. It regulates a number of requirements for paperwork. Of course, the secretariats of state structures must strictly follow the sample paperwork for office work, but some changes should be taken into account by everyone.

In accordance with GOST, issued copies must be certified with an indication of the organization and case in which the original is stored.

For example: "the original is in Polet LLC in case No. 01BU/2016/03." The case number is entered according to the nomenclature of cases.

You should also adhere to the standard regarding the registration of incoming documents in office work. For this purpose, a special journal is kept without fail, where all incoming paperwork documents are recorded. The journal must contain columns: date, number, name, from where it was received, to whom it was addressed or entrusted by the management. The number, in accordance with the entry in the journal and the date, is indicated on the incoming document.

Outgoing sample documents are registered in the same way. They should also have a journal. Accurate record keeping in the registers is very important. It plays an important role if the deadlines for the execution of documents in office work, the dates of instructions, the loss of important papers, in the event of litigation, and also helps to establish executive discipline in the organization.

Letters must also be prepared taking into account the basic requirements: it must contain the main details, name, address, telephone number, signature of the head or responsible person. They are drawn up on letterhead, this standard applies to all outgoing letters and certificates. Examples of documents are presented in the article.

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To get started, select the appropriate item from the following list:



Funds/personal income tax

Accounting statements

Accounting policy 2019

Statements and notices


Tax reporting. tax returns

Tax reporting consists of approved tax returns.

Tax return is a written statement of the taxpayer on the income received and expenses incurred, sources of income, tax benefits and the calculated amount of tax and (or) other data related to the calculation and payment of tax.

A tax declaration is submitted by each taxpayer for each tax payable by this taxpayer, unless otherwise provided by the legislation on taxes and fees.

Reporting forms for insurance premiums in the IFTS, PFR, MHIF and FSS

Reporting on insurance premiums to the PFR, MHIF and FSS consists of the following approved forms:

1. Calculation of insurance premiums (Form RSV in IFTS).

2. Reports on personalized accounting in the FIU (forms SZV-STAZH and SZV-M).

3. Calculation of accrued and paid insurance premiums for compulsory social insurance (Form 4-FSS).

Accounting (financial) reporting- a unified system of data on the property and financial position of the organization and on the results of its economic activity, compiled on the basis of accounting data in accordance with established forms.

As can be seen from the definition, in order to fill out financial statements, it is necessary complex accounting automation.

Accounting (financial) reporting organizations, with the exception of the reporting of budgetary organizations, as well as public organizations (associations) and their structural divisions that do not carry out entrepreneurial activities and do not have, except for retired property, turnover for the sale of goods (works, services), consists of:

a) the balance sheet;

b) income statement;

c) annexes to them provided for by regulatory enactments;

d) an auditor's report confirming the reliability of the organization's financial statements, if it is subject to mandatory audit in accordance with federal laws;

e) explanatory note.

The composition of the financial statements of budgetary organizations is determined by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.

Forms and forms of accounting (financial) statements:

Statistical reporting Accounting forms and unified forms of primary documents

The procedure for applying unified forms of primary documents:

In accordance with the Federal Law of November 21, 1996 N 129-FZ "On Accounting" and the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 8, 1997 N 835 "On Primary Accounting Documents" of the State Statistics Committee of Russia, in agreement with the Ministry of Finance of Russia and the Ministry of Economy of Russia , approves albums of unified forms of primary accounting documents.

In the unified forms of primary accounting documents (except for the forms for accounting for cash transactions), approved by the State Statistics Committee of Russia, the organization, if necessary, can enter additional details. At the same time, all the details of the unified forms of primary accounting documents approved by the State Statistics Committee of Russia remain unchanged (including the code, form number, document name). Removal of individual details from unified forms is not allowed.

The formats of accounting forms indicated in the albums of unified forms of primary accounting documents are recommended and may change. When preparing accounting forms based on unified forms of primary accounting documents, it is allowed to make changes in terms of expanding and narrowing columns and lines, taking into account the significance of indicators, including additional lines (including free ones) and loose sheets for ease of placement and processing of the necessary information.

Application for state registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur.

Document preparation service for registration of LLC and sole proprietorship,
as well as the documents themselves.provided absolutely
free of charge in any quantity and without any restrictions

Form R21001

A new form R21001 of an application for state registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur was introduced by order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated January 25, 2012 N ММВ-7-6 / [email protected] and entered into force on July 4, 2013.

You can find a sample of filling out an application for registration of IP below.

Requirements for the design and completion of the new form 21001

Please note: from April 29, 2018, the applicant must indicate his email address in the application for registration. Documents confirming the fact of registration (EGRIP or Unified State Register of Legal Entities, charter with the mark of the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate, certificate of tax registration) are sent by the inspectorate not in paper form, as before, but in electronic form. Paper documents, in addition to electronic ones, will only be available at the request of the applicant.

Among all the innovations made to Form 21001, the following should be noted:

  1. the new form 21001 focuses on machine readability, so:
    • all letters and numbers are written in special cells
    • all letters must be capital
    • the size, type and color of the font for filling out form 21001 are strictly regulated
    • abbreviation rules for documents, regions, location names, countries, etc. are prescribed.
    • the re-filling of previously entered data is minimized
    • added barcodes
    • strictly defined rules for filling gaps, hyphens, lines
    • defined rules for aligning letters and numbers for all fields
  2. OKVED codes are entered into the new form starting with 4-digit ones, and, unlike the old form 21001, the names of the codes are now not indicated
  3. TIN of individuals, if available, must be indicated
  4. a field has been added to the new form to indicate the method of obtaining documents on state registration: personally by the applicant, the applicant or an authorized representative, by mail

You can find a complete list of innovations in the article "".

Examples of filling out Form 21001

A sample of filling out an application for state registration of IP you can find by following the links:

  • Sample of filling out the form Р21001(PDF)

Taking into account the innovations in the new application form, we recommend that you fill out the application either in special software or using our service:

Document preparation service for registration of LLC and sole proprietorship, as well as the documents themselves
are provided absolutely free of charge in any quantity and without any restrictions

In any case, check your documents with the sample application for IP. And to reduce the possibility of error to zero, our users can now use the service free document verification for business registration by 1C specialists:

Since 2019, applicants who submit documents for registration of an individual entrepreneur through the website of the Federal Tax Service or the public services portal are exempt from paying state duty (Article 333.35 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). However, this is possible only if there is an enhanced qualified electronic signature.

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