Form of certificate that the transaction is not major. Sample certificate of small-scale transaction concluded by LLC or JSC

Legislative article 46 regulates the question of what a small transaction is and how to define it. This includes a loan, guarantee, etc. This article provides an opportunity to set the required size of a large transaction. It could be 25% or more. The size of the alienated property can be determined using data collected by accounting. The cost of the purchased goods can be determined by the price of the offered products.

How should such a transaction be conducted? This point is determined by the charter of the LLC:

    with the consent of all participants of this company;

    if approved at the meeting of directors;

    in the event that there is no consent.

2. When might a document be required?

There is no information in the legislative framework on the preparation of this type of document. But based on practice, it follows that such a certificate may be required:

    if you take part in the competition. Such a document can be attached to all papers that will be provided for filing an application;

    for a notary, if a certain share in the capital of the company is alienated;

    such a document may be required by Rosreestr.

If you are faced with such situations, then the certificate will serve as proof of all the powers of the director of the company. It also says that the manager has the right to dispose of the company’s property without permission from any authorities.

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3. What does the certificate include?

Let's take a closer look at what a certificate for an LLC should look like. There is no specific form yet, but we recommend that you adhere to these rules:

    the document must be printed on letterhead, or you simply indicate information about your company on a sheet of paper. After this, indicate the place where you plan to transfer this document;

    then you must write that the certificate confirms that the transaction is not major. Indicate the transaction number and write the law according to which it is not such;

    You should also pay attention to such points as: the date of the transaction, its number and subject. Try to include all these details;

    The certificate must contain the exact date of its preparation, the signature of the manager, chief accountant and affix the seal of the LLC.

In addition, please note that in order to carry out large transactions, it is necessary to obtain special permission from the managers or founders of the LLC, and it is also possible to obtain an agreement from the board of directors. These details must be specified in the company's articles of association. If you do not fulfill this condition, the transaction may be considered invalid. Such requirements are not disclosed, but we recommend that you comply with them to avoid any trouble.

4. Sample letter stating that the transaction is not major

(Please provide LLC details)


This document confirms that the transaction dated (date of transaction) between the company “______” and the company “_______” No._________ (transaction number), in accordance with the Law “On LLC”, adopted on 02/08/98, No. 14 and the charter dated ______ , is not large for LLC “_____” as of _____.

______________ (signature and full name of the manager)

______________ (signature and full name of the chief accountant)

A competently written certificate stating that the transaction is not large, together with other documents, is the basis for drawing up a document for an impressive amount of money, without a meeting of the founders and managers for this purpose. There is no need to obtain permission from them. If you are interested in this issue, be sure to check that all papers are written correctly.

5. Video instructions on how to prepare documents for the tender

For a guaranteed result in tender procurement, you can seek advice from the experts of the Entrepreneurship Support Center. If your organization is a small business, you can get a number of advantages: advance payments for government contracts, short payment terms, conclusion of direct contracts and subcontracts without a tender. and work only under profitable contracts with minimal competition!

beginning of the form
Appendix 10 to the letter of proposal submission

Certificate of absence of signs of a major transaction
________________________ on _______________________ for the amount is not large because ________ (the reasons why the transaction is not large for the participant are indicated).

(signature, M.P.)


end of mold

      1. Completion Instructions

        1. This form is filled out only if the transaction, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, is not major for the Participant.

        2. The participant provides the number and date of the letter of submission of the offer, the annex to which is a Certificate of absence of signs of a major transaction.

        3. The participant indicates the reasons why the transaction is not large for the participant.
    1. Certificate of lack of interest (Form 13)

      1. Certificate of No Interest Form
beginning of the form
Appendix 11 to the letter of proposal submission
from "___"_____________, No.__________
Certificate of no interest
I hereby confirm that the transaction between PJSC Krasnoyarskenergosbyt and ____________________ (indicate the name of the participant) on __________________________ (indicate the subject of the contract and the lot number, in accordance with clause 4.2.3) for the amount (indicate the amount for which it is planned to conclude the contract) is not a transaction in which there is an interest .


(signature, M.P.)


(last name, first name, patronymic of the signatory, position)
end of mold

      1. Completion Instructions

        1. This form is filled out only if the transaction, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, is not an interested party transaction for the Participant.

        2. The participant provides the number and date of the letter of submission of the offer, annexed to which is a Certificate of Lack of Interest.
    1. Plan for distribution of work volumes within a collective participant (Form 14)

      1. Form of a plan for the distribution of work volumes within a collective participant
beginning of the form
Appendix 12 to the letter of proposal submission
from "___"_____________, No.__________
Plan for distribution of work volumes within a collective participant
Name and address of the Request for Proposals Participant: _____________________________________


Name of work (subject of the contract concluded with a member of the collective participant, indicating the scope of work performed)

Name, company name (if available), location (for legal entities), last name, first name, patronymic (if available), passport details, place of residence (for individual entrepreneurs), postal address, contact phone number, email address of a member of a collective participant

Belonging to small and medium-sized businesses (yes/no)

Cost of work

(contract price)

Place, conditions and terms (periods) of work performance

in monetary terms, rub. (without VAT)

in % of the total cost of work





(signature, M.P.)


(last name, first name, patronymic of the signatory, position)
end of mold

      1. Completion Instructions

        1. This form must be completed only if the Proposal is submitted by a collective participant.

        2. The participant in the request for proposals indicates the date and number of the Proposal in accordance with the letter of proposal submission.

        3. The participant in the request for proposals indicates his company name (including the legal form) and his address.

        4. In this form, the leader of the collective participant indicates:

          1. name of the work (subject of the contract concluded with a member of the collective participant, indicating the scope of work performed);

          2. name, company name (if available), location (for legal entities), last name, first name, patronymic (if available), passport details, place of residence (for individual entrepreneurs), postal address, contact phone number, email address of a member of a collective participant ;

          3. belonging of the involved members of the collective participant to small and medium-sized businesses;

          4. cost of work (contract price) in monetary and percentage terms;

          5. place, conditions and terms (periods) of work performance in accordance with the Work Schedule.

Certificate of small transaction - a sample document is drawn up in any form. In the article we have provided it for review and download. In addition, by continuing to read, the reader will learn in what cases such a certificate is required and why it is compiled.

Certificate that the transaction is not major: general provisions and legislative regulation

A major transaction due to the requirements of Art. 46 Federal Law “On Societies...” dated 02/08/1998 No. 14 and Art. 78 of the Federal Law “On Joint Stock Companies...” is an agreement that is not usual for an organization, and the price of the agreement exceeds 25% of the value of the company’s assets. This cost is determined according to the latest accounting data, namely, the date of its execution.


Large transactions cannot be concluded in the same manner as ordinary ones. As a general rule, they need to be approved. Otherwise, such an agreement may be declared invalid.

  1. The deal can be approved by:
  2. The only participant (if he is also a director of the organization, then approval is not required).
  3. .
  4. General meeting of the organization.

Board of Directors.

General Meeting of Shareholders.

In what cases may a certificate be required?

Due to the fact that counterparties do not know about the book value of the organization’s assets, they cannot determine whether a specific transaction is large for it or not, they need confirmation of this. In confirmation, a certificate of the small size of the transaction can be drawn up, which indicates that the agreement planned for conclusion is not recognized as a large one.

  1. The certificate may also be needed after the transaction has taken place. The document is intended to protect the company’s partners from possible challenges to the agreement if consent for its conclusion has not been obtained.
  2. If an organization sells a share to a third party or company, and the notary requires a certificate to certify the transaction.
  3. When registering rights to real estate.
  4. If the counterparty asks for a certificate.

Certificate of small transaction size for LLC - sample

As we mentioned above, the document in question is drawn up in writing, in any form, since a unified form is not accepted.

The certificate reflects:

  1. Information about the company that issued the document.
  2. Information about the addressee (i.e. the recipient of the certificate).
  3. Date and place of compilation.
  4. Information to confirm that the transaction is not major.
  5. Signatures of the persons who compiled the certificate. It can be signed by the director of the LLC.

A sample document is given below:

Limited Liability Company


Moscow, st. Tryfenova, 43-22

I confirm that agreement No. 12-345 dated May 17, 2018, concluded between Zakoved LLC and Veres LLC is not recognized as a major transaction due to the requirements of Art. 46 Federal Law No. 14 dated 02/08/1998 (the contract price is less than 25 percent of the value of the assets of Zakoved LLC). In this regard, approval of this transaction is not required by law. This certificate is provided by Veres LLC for informational purposes.

Director of Zakoved LLC O.V. Ivanchuk /Ivanchuk/

Thus, despite the fact that the law does not require the preparation of a certificate stating that the transaction is not major, in some cases it may become mandatory to provide to government agencies, counterparties, and other persons.

We are participating in a large purchase. The terms of the competition are a little confusing. In particular, it states that, among other things, it is necessary for the tender participant to provide a letter stating that the transaction is not an interested party transaction (provided that the transaction is not an interested party transaction). It is clear that this is a formality, but how should this letter be drawn up, who should sign it - and in general, why is such a letter required if it is already unequivocally clear from the positions of the procurement participants that there is no interest? How legitimate is this on their part?

You are advised by:

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There is no set form for such assurances. Customers have the right to set such a condition, however, the requirements for the submitted documentation must be the same for all participants in the competition.

№ ___________


I hereby notify that as of ____________. in the execution of a purchase agreement between "" and "" there are no signs of interest provided for in Article 81 of the Federal Law No. 208-FZ "On Joint-Stock Companies" / Article 22 of the Federal Law "On State and Municipal Enterprises"/ Art. 45 Federal Law Federal Law No. 14FZ "On Limited Liability Companies" / (indicate the rule of law in accordance with the type of legal entity).

At present:

The company is not in the process of liquidation and reorganization or in a state of bankruptcy;

Is not:

A subsidiary business company, in the authorized capital of which more than 50% of the shares are collectively owned by the following legal entities: state corporations and companies, subjects of natural monopolies, organizations carrying out regulated activities in the field of electricity supply, gas supply, heat supply, water supply, sewerage, wastewater treatment, recycling (disposal) of solid household waste, state and municipal enterprises, autonomous institutions, as well as business companies, in the authorized capital of which the share of participation of the Russian Federation, a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, a municipal entity in the aggregate exceeds 50%;

A subsidiary business company, in the authorized capital of which more than 50% of the shares in the aggregate belong to the specified subsidiary business companies.

This certificate must be signed by the general director of the organization, the date must be indicated and stamped.

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Certificate on the small size of the LLC transaction- a document that is drawn up in accordance with the requirements of the law, intended for registration or notary authorities. The paper is drawn up in order to remove the responsibility for verifying whether the transaction is classified as large or not. When filling out, it is important to indicate the necessary details and submit them upon request to Rosreestr, the government agency responsible for registering real estate.

What is a major deal?

First, let's understand the terminology. Information on major transactions is discussed in Federal Law No. 14 (Article 46). This category of transactions includes collateral, attraction of a guarantor, lending and other transactions, the size of which is equal to or greater than 25 percent of the total price of the company’s property.

The mentioned article states that an LLC has the right to amend the charter and set a different value for a major transaction (it can be not only 25 percent, but also more than this figure). The price of the property being sold is calculated using information from accounting records. When it comes to buying real estate, the cost of the offer is taken into account.

Information on the total cost of the transaction object is used for a certain reporting period.

Sample certificate of small transaction for LLC

The last date is the day on which the decision to carry out the operation is made.

The company's charter specifies how a small transaction is organized with the approval of the LLC founders and (or) the board of directors, as well as without it. If there are no special instructions in the organization’s charter, the norms of Federal Law No. 14 (clause 3) are taken into account. In particular, the approval of the founders must be obtained in order to carry out the transaction.

When is the document useful?

The legislation does not provide clear instructions on how to draw up a certificate of small-scale transaction. Federal Law No. 14 makes no mention of the execution and transfer of a document anywhere. From a practical point of view, the paper is presented in the following cases:

  1. When holding a competition for government procurement. The document is included in the list of documents that must be submitted along with the application. This requirement is specified in special order No. 3308-r.
  2. When completing a transaction for the purchase and sale (disposal) of material assets. The paper will be required for Rosreestr. This recommendation is reflected in Order No. 789 of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation.
  3. When an LLC sells a share in the management company to another company. Here the document must be certified by a notary.

In the situations listed above, a certificate of small size indicates that the director has the authority to dispose of rights or material assets without obtaining approval from the founders or the board of directors.

What is a certificate confirming the small size of the transaction?

There is no single form for such a document at the legislative level, so the paper is drawn up taking into account general requirements. Let's highlight the main ones:

  • Filled out on a special company form. If the registration is done by hand, the company details are written at the top, followed by the place where the certificate was sent and the name of the official paper.
  • The “body” states that the current document confirms the fact that the transaction being carried out is not a major one. Here a reference is made to the organization’s charter and Federal Law No. 14.
  • Below are the details of the financial transaction, namely the day of registration, number and object of the transaction.
  • The day of registration is noted, and the signature and seal of the LLC (if any) is affixed.

In practice, before additional confirmation is presented, a major transaction can be carried out after a decision by the participants of the enterprise or the board of directors (if there is such a requirement stated in the charter). Failure to adhere to this requirement may result in the transaction being invalidated.

Having a certificate of a small transaction along with a package of accompanying papers allows you to execute transactions for a large amount without gathering participants or the board of directors, as well as without obtaining approval.

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1. 1General information about the request for proposals 5

Certificate (letter) about the small size of the transaction for JSC

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

Certificate of absence of signs of a major transaction (Form 12)

  1. Form of Certificate of absence of signs of a major transaction

beginning of the form
Appendix 10 to the letter of proposal submission

Certificate of absence of signs of a major transaction
________________________ on _______________________ for the amount is not large because ________ (the reasons why the transaction is not large for the participant are indicated).

(signature, M.P.)


end of mold

  1. Completion Instructions
  1. This form is filled out only if the transaction, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, is not major for the Participant.
  2. The participant provides the number and date of the letter of submission of the offer, the annex to which is a Certificate of absence of signs of a major transaction.
  3. The participant indicates the reasons why the transaction is not large for the participant.
  1. Certificate of lack of interest (Form 13)

  1. Certificate of No Interest Form

beginning of the form
Appendix 11 to the letter of proposal submission
from "___"_____________, No.__________
Certificate of no interest
I hereby confirm that the transaction between PJSC Krasnoyarskenergosbyt and ____________________ (indicate the name of the participant) on __________________________ (indicate the subject of the contract and the lot number, in accordance with clause 4.2.3) for the amount (indicate the amount for which it is planned to conclude the contract) is not a transaction in which there is an interest .


(signature, M.P.)


(last name, first name, patronymic of the signatory, position)
end of mold

  1. Completion Instructions
  1. This form is filled out only if the transaction, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, is not an interested party transaction for the Participant.
  2. The participant provides the number and date of the letter of submission of the offer, annexed to which is a Certificate of Lack of Interest.
  1. Plan for distribution of work volumes within a collective participant (Form 14)

  1. Form of a plan for the distribution of work volumes within a collective participant

beginning of the form
Appendix 12 to the letter of proposal submission
from "___"_____________, No.__________
Plan for distribution of work volumes within a collective participant
Name and address of the Request for Proposals Participant: _____________________________________

No. Name of work (subject of the contract concluded with a member of the collective participant, indicating the scope of work performed) Name, company name (if available), location (for legal entities), last name, first name, patronymic (if available), passport details, place of residence (for individual entrepreneurs), postal address, contact phone number, email address of a member of a collective participant Belonging to small and medium-sized businesses (yes/no) Cost of work

(contract price)

Place, conditions and terms (periods) of work performance
in monetary terms, rub. (without VAT) in % of the total cost of work
TOTAL 100% X


(signature, M.P.)


(last name, first name, patronymic of the signatory, position)
end of mold

  1. Completion Instructions
  1. This form must be completed only if the Proposal is submitted by a collective participant.
  2. The participant in the request for proposals indicates the date and number of the Proposal in accordance with the letter of proposal submission.
  3. The participant in the request for proposals indicates his company name (including the legal form) and his address.
  4. In this form, the leader of the collective participant indicates:
  1. name of the work (subject of the contract concluded with a member of the collective participant, indicating the scope of work performed);
  2. name, company name (if available), location (for legal entities), last name, first name, patronymic (if available), passport details, place of residence (for individual entrepreneurs), postal address, contact phone number, email address of a member of a collective participant ;
  3. belonging of the involved members of the collective participant to small and medium-sized businesses;
  4. cost of work (contract price) in monetary and percentage terms;
  5. place, conditions and terms (periods) of work performance in accordance with the Work Schedule.

1 … 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

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