Application form for a child's absence from school. Samples of different forms of statements from parents regarding their children missing lessons

It is a mistake to believe that the form of applications sent to an educational institution by parents does not matter. But it is the writing of statements and the phrases used in them that can directly affect the relationship between the teaching staff of the institution and the child. Therefore, there are rules for compiling school documentation that are accessible to everyone.

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Rules and requirements for drawing up an application

An official document sent to the director of an educational institution has an unlimited validity period.

Having legal force, it is compiled and written, observing generally accepted universal rules:

  • by hand;
  • document preparation standards;
  • data of the parent and child;
  • no errors and legible text;
  • introducing arguments;
  • signature and date;
  • director's resolution;

Only local requirements for each school on an individual basis are subject to change. Therefore, in order to avoid mistakes, you need to ask the secretary or class teacher for advice.

Spelling rules require strict adherence by the applicant:

  1. The application must be submitted without errors, corrections or deliberately incorrect data. The style of presentation is official. The main text is presented completely, clearly, briefly and not emotionally.
  2. The application is completed on A4 sheet. It can also be compiled in electronic form to facilitate the correction of possible shortcomings. An indentation of 4 cm is made on the left for filing in folders with documents and subsequent comfortable reading.
  3. On the right side in the form of a column there is an indication of the name of the school and the full name of the director, head teacher or class teacher. The applicant's full name is also indicated. This is the introductory part.
  4. After it, in the middle, “Statement” is written., followed below by the free-form content of the main text. All circumstances of the application must be described in detail. Below is the date the document was written and a signature with a transcript.

Design standards

  1. Left margin – from 3 cm. Right margin – 1 cm, bottom and top – 1.5 cm.
  2. Down from the cap - double indentation.
  3. Down from the word “Statements” – double indentation.
  4. The content of the appeal begins with a paragraph.
  5. After the main text there is a double indent.
  6. The date of compilation is indicated on the left(in format Without specifying the word “year” or “year.”
  7. In the middle is a legible signature, and on the right is the applicant’s last name.

These requirements comply with the norms of Article 9 of Order No. 32 of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated January 22, 2014. Correctness of filling out is the main thing that is paid attention to when considering applications. The essence of the appeal must be clearly described without any factual or grammatical errors.

Main types of school applications

These documents are classified into several different groups for their subsequent distribution to the school administration.

The main ones are:

  1. Those served by adults, and which are submitted by students.
  2. Appeals, which are sent to the director, the academic teacher or the class teacher.
  3. Statements, which require a resolution from the director and the drawing up of a corresponding order.
  4. Petitions, warnings and notifications.

Basically, these documented written requests differ in their main textual content. The regalia and details remain the same.

Cases of writing a statement to the school principal

Cases of contacting the director of an educational institution with an appeal:

  1. To admit a child to 1st grade.
  2. When enrolling in a children's health camp based on the school.
  3. To free yourself from the educational process due to family circumstances.
  4. To notify you of the reasons for missing lessons.
  5. With a request to change teachers.
  6. To be exempt from mandatory payments and fees.
  7. In case of transfer.
  8. When moving from 9th to 10th grade.

This is not a complete list of situations, since it is impossible to predict all the issues that arise during the period of study at school. Due to the school’s responsibility for each of its wards, parents should not forget to notify the school administration about all sorts of nuances before graduation.

Application addressed to the director- This is a formal request regarding actions that only the director has the authority to perform. The purpose of the application is to realize the interests and rights of the person submitting it or to eliminate shortcomings in the work process of the institution.

In accordance with the Federal Law “On the Main Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation,” it is possible to file a petition for a disciplinary investigation. This is possible with:

  1. Violation of the right to care for health.
  2. Unreasonable collection of money.
  3. Additional forced classes or attending electives.

How to fill out an application to admit a child to first grade?

Any school provides a template for parents who want to send their child to 1st grade. The application form is filled out at the educational institution itself. If it is impossible to independently come to school to draw up an appeal, it can be drawn up at home and sent to the director in an official letter.

Along with the application, the following documents are submitted: a photocopy of the passport of the child's official representative, a photocopy of the child's birth certificate, a certificate of completion of a preschool educational institution, and, if necessary, a photocopy of adoption documents.

When filling out the application form, you must:

  1. Indication of the name and legal address of the educational institution. The appeal should be addressed to the director representing the educational institution to which the first-grader will go.
  2. Indication of the applicant's full details– the official representative of the child (full name, date of birth, residential address and contact telephone number).
  3. After specifying, in the middle of the word “Application”, there is the content of the main text, which indicates the information necessary for the school for its subsequent preparation of an order for enrollment in education. This data includes: the child’s full name, age, date and place of birth and residence, information about preschool preparation, medical contraindications regarding the child’s health.
  4. The text ends with the applicant’s signature and the date of writing the appeal.

Common mistakes

In order to avoid shortcomings when drawing up an appeal, you must follow the basic requirements:

  1. This is an official document and requires only the truth. Incorrect information and errors are administratively punishable.
  2. It is strictly prohibited for a “strange” child to sign a document.
  3. Maintaining a formal style is mandatory. The presentation is concise, understandable and clear, without entailing additional questions.
  4. Writing by hand or electronically on a sheet of A4 format.
  5. At the top left there is space for order data. Hemming distance required.
  6. Handwritten with blue pen only.
  7. If the child is absent for at least 1 day, specific reasons are indicated. Among them: undergoing treatment, the need to visit a doctor, funeral of relatives, etc.
  8. A statement is not a notice. It is prohibited to use phrases and words “I bring to your attention”, “I notify”, so as not to aggravate the relationship between the class teacher and the student.
  9. At the end of the appeal, for example, in the absence of a student, an instruction is required to assume responsibility for the life, health and education of the applicant’s child. Without this, the school management may leave the appeal without attention after considering it, since responsibility for the educational process lies with the employees of the educational institution. There must be an indication that the curriculum will be completed at home.
  10. It is possible to require other instructions from the director.

Many parents do not attach importance to the application form they send to the school.

However, the relationship between teachers and your child directly depends on how the application is written and what phrases you use in it. In order not to spoil mutual understanding, parents are advised to adhere to simple rules for drawing up documents.

Let's list primary requirements to the application written for exemption from study for family reasons:

  1. The document should contain the truth. False information and errors may result in administrative penalties. For example, you should not sign a document to a “strange” child, because you are not the parent of your son/daughter’s friend.
  2. When writing, you must adhere to a formal style. The information should be presented briefly, clearly and clearly so that the class teacher or director does not have questions.
  3. The document must be written by hand or printed on a computer., on an A4 sheet.
  4. At the top, on the left side, you need to leave space for the order data, which will be prescribed by the secretary of the educational institution. The distance is also necessary for filing a document.
  5. You can draw up a document only with a blue (not gel) pen. When printing the application, you can use the scanner's blue ink.
  6. It is worth indicating specific reasons for the child’s absence - even if he misses 1 day. This could be treatment, a visit to the doctor, the child’s presence at a relative’s funeral, etc. Don't cheat. For example, many parents go on vacation for several days, but indicate other reasons in the application. A tanned child will cause mixed reactions from teachers when he returns to school. They may begin to distrust you and him, become prejudiced, and show envy.
  7. A statement is not a notice. It is prohibited to use the phrases “I bring to your attention”, “I notify”. This will only strain the relationship between the class teacher and the student.
  8. At the end of the document, you must indicate that you take responsibility for the life, health and education of the child on this day. Many will say, “how could it be otherwise, I’m a parent, why would I write such a phrase.”

    Please note that the management of the educational institution will consider your application and ignore it, since responsibility for training lies with the employees of the school or lyceum. If a child does not attend classes due to vacation, then no one will go over the material with him again, but they will ask. Therefore, you need to indicate that you will be completing the curriculum at home. Of course, the director can put forward other demands, but this is considered the main one.

Let's look at how to correctly fill out an application to school - sample applications from parents

  1. On the right side there is a “hat”. You must indicate to whom you are sending the application. In this case, it is the head of the school. Enter his name and position.
  2. In the same part write who it is from. Please also include your full name, address details and contact phone number. In case of refusal or any questions, they will definitely call you.
  3. Title of the document – Statement – ​​written with a capital letter and no period at the end!
  4. Next, in the main part, write down who you want to exempt from classes. It is necessary to indicate not only the initials, but also the class of study, as well as the date of absence (01.11.16).
  5. Please indicate the reason for absence.
  6. Make a suggestion that the responsibility for life, health and completion of the curriculum lies with you.
  7. Don't forget to sign and date.
  8. In some cases, the director requires the signature of the class teacher , with whom you will need to agree on an exemption from classes.

Application to school for family reasons looks quite simple.





Business letter

This type of document consists of the following details:

    Name of the addressee (applicant).

    Formulation of the request (complaint, proposal) with a brief but comprehensive argument (if necessary).

Layout of application details:

questions from the Help Desk

Word statement Is it written with a capital or lowercase letter?
Is there a period after the word? statement?
How to correctly: Ivanov's statement or statement from Ivanov?

Word statement is the title of the document. According to general rules:

    The entire title can be written in capital letters (usually if the text of the application is typed on a computer or written on a prepared form: ORDER; APPLICATION) - in this case there is no period after the title.

    Only the first letter of the title is capitalized (usually in handwritten statements: Order; Statement) – the dot is also not needed in this case.

    This method of design (with a period at the end, the word “statement” with a lowercase letter) is allowed, but is considered obsolete.

With this design, the “head” of the statement represents a syntactic unity - a sentence: to so-and-so (from) so-and-so statement(and the period at the end of the sentence is accordingly needed).

Pretext "from" You can skip it in the header of the application.

So, the possible options are:

    to so-and-so from so-and-so... Statement

    to so-and-so from so-and-so... STATEMENT

    so and so from so and so...


    so and so... Statement

    so and so... STATEMENT

    so and so... statement.

How to submit an application for transfer to another faculty?

    The addressee is written in the upper right corner: To the rector(1st line) such and such university(2nd line), for example:

    (1) Rector of the Federal State University;

    (3) the preposition from (it can be omitted, then the 4th line follows immediately after the 2nd);

    (4) students of such and such faculty;

    (5) Your full name (in gender).

      Next in the middle of the line (with a lowercase or capital letter) is the word statement: if with lowercase, then a period is placed after the “statement”; if with capital, then the period is not placed. Next on the red line is the text of the statement. After the text on the right side there is a signature and date (the date can also be placed on the left side).

    Where is the date indicated?

      The “date” attribute is indicated in the upper header part of the sheet below the “document type name” attribute and is printed from the left margin. The date can also be indicated after the text of the statement, also from the border of the left margin, for example:

  • You are here:

  • Home
  • For fathers
  • This explanation is given about the reason for absence from classes

This explanation is given about the reason for absence from classes

Resolution No. 646 of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine in the 12th quarter of 2000 approved the “Instruction regarding children and school age...”, in paragraph 15 which reads: Students, At the same time, they did not release the initial mortgage, provide medical evidence and written explanations from fathers or other , how to replace them about the reason for attendance in lessons. The evidence and explanations are preserved in a special study guide throughout the initial period.

If the students were not at school, it stinks 15.

Instructions for children and pupils “... provide medical evidence and written explanations to parents and how to replace them, about the reason for absence in class” (div.).

If parents need to pick up their child from school before classes end, they are required to write a separate application. (div zrazok).


To the director of school-gymnasium No. 30

Vokalovy L.A.

(PIB Batkiv)

(nickname, name, according to father’s

the one from the fathers who writes

this document)

I ask you to let my (my) son (daughter)_________________, teacher (student) of ____ class, with ________ lesson in connection _______________________________________________________

(specify the reason)

_____________ _________________

Subscription date

To the director of school-gymnasium No. 30

Vokalovy L.A.

(PIB Batkiv)

(nickname, name, according to father’s

the one from the fathers who writes

this document)

For these purposes, the secretariat must provide a sample application to the school addressed to the director. If the school uses an individual approach, it means that the individual characteristics of the child’s character, temperament, and aptitudes for certain skills are taken into account when teaching.

Today we will look at the basic rules that must be followed when writing an application to the school principal, and we will also talk about. Here you can download a sample application for the restoration of a certificate To the written application I ask that a new certificate be issued to replace the lost one to the school that issued the certificate outlining the circumstances of the loss of the certificate. How to write a statement to the head teacher or school director? A statement can also be written in case of illegal use of child labor, as well as suppression of the teacher’s prejudices towards his ward. Leave one copy at school and keep the other for yourself from now on. Your child should be protected from any outside lectures

The application is written to the director of the school; some parents write the application to the teacher, class teacher, etc. Types of applications to the school. Download a sample application form addressed to the school director. This article describes in detail what and how to write a statement to school about the absence of a child.

In general, there is no form for this statement, the main thing is that the essence is clearly stated: you allow your child to be released from school alone, and you take full responsibility for what happens to him. Why didn’t you write a statement to the police and remove your injuries? Education and studies How to write an application from a parent to school correctly. The most common reasons why you will need an application form to a school about the absence of a child are. Sometimes the application must be written not by the parent, but by the student himself

Tags: school, write, how, name, statement, director

Extract from the history of the child's development from the pediatrician for primary medical education form Agreement for the provision of cleaning services with an individual sample

Every child in Russia should receive a general education. This entails his obligation to regularly attend training sessions. But there may be situations in life when you need to skip classes.

basic information

Often, parents are faced with the fact that without a valid, from the point of view of the law, reasons, the child must miss classes at school. In these cases, many decide to write to the management of the educational institution with a request to exempt the child from lessons. , in whose name it should be submitted, what reasons for the student’s absence we will indicate in this article.


student– a citizen studying under educational programs at an educational institution.

Statement– an official document addressed to an official containing a request.

Syllabus– a document containing a list of programs, disciplines, subjects, in accordance with which the educational process is carried out at each stage of training.


Law No. 273 “On Education in the Russian Federation” (hereinafter referred to as the Law).

In which cases

In accordance with Article 43 of the Law, the student is required to attend all classes provided for in the curriculum. He is also obliged to comply with the requirements of the school charter, internal regulations and other internal acts. These documents, as a rule, always establish the obligation to attend all classes and not allow absences without good reason.

Absence from classes is possible only for valid reasons. These include illness, visiting a doctor, participating in extracurricular activities (competitions, contests, olympiads), and others. The validity of the reason must be confirmed by the relevant document (sick leave, certificate, etc.).

But in life there are different situations. Sometimes a child has to miss classes without good reasons, from the point of view of regulations.

The most common cases are the following:

  1. Disease.

Sometimes the child doesn’t feel well (stomach ache, headache, a little cold). In this case, there is no reason to see a doctor or go on sick leave. You just need to stay at home for a day or two. Therefore, there is no opportunity to submit a certificate from a medical institution.

In this case, the parents decide to write a statement. It is recommended not to indicate the true reason in the document, but to limit it to the wording “for family reasons.” Teachers, fearing for the health of other children, may require a certificate from a doctor stating that the child is healthy. You will have to spend time visiting a doctor and obtaining such a document.

  1. Rest.

Many people know that vacation packages increase in price during the holiday period. And parents' vacations do not always fall at exactly this time. All this makes it difficult to plan a joint vacation.

In this case, it is necessary to obtain permission for the child to skip classes. If you have a short-term vacation (2-3 days), you can limit yourself to the general wording “For family reasons.” Not many teachers will be sympathetic to recreational trips instead of studies. If you are planning a long vacation, and even to warm countries, from where the child will return tanned, it is best to indicate the true reason. This will help avoid misunderstandings and conflicts in the future.

  1. Family circumstances.

An extensive and capacious concept, indicated most often. However, there is no need to disclose it, describing in detail the true reason for the child’s absence from school.

How to write

There is no approved sample application to the school principal about a child’s absence from classes. Individual educational institutions may develop such a form through their internal regulations. It is necessary to clarify this information with the teacher or secretary. You may be given a printed form that you just need to fill out.

If your school does not have a developed form, the application is drawn up in any form. Please note that this is an official document. Therefore, when drawing it up, it is recommended to adhere to a business style and follow certain rules of office work.

As a rule, an A4 sheet of paper is used to compile a document. But in its absence, it is permissible to use a notebook or notebook sheet. The main thing is that it is clean and does not have any other text.

The application can be typed on a computer or written by hand. You need to use a blue or black pen. Do not use colored font or ink, or write in pencil.

You need to retreat 2 centimeters from the left edge. This is necessary so that the document can be conveniently filed in a folder, and the text is still readable.

What does it reflect?

The application must include the following information:

  1. The so-called “hat”.

Contains information about who the application is addressed to. You must indicate the title of the position, surname and initials. For example, “To the Director of State Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School No. 16 of Saransk, I.I. Ivanov.” It is acceptable to indicate both the full and abbreviated name of the educational institution.

An indication of who the statement is coming from. The full last name, first name and patronymic of the parent, his contact information (address, telephone) are indicated.

The “header” is located in the right corner of the sheet. This is necessary so that the school director can put his resolution in the free field on the left side, a mark is made when issuing the order.

  1. Title of the document.

“Statement” is written in the center of the sheet with a capital letter, without a period. In this case, it is not necessary to indicate the address to the director by name and patronymic.

  1. Basic information.

Directly in the text of the application it is necessary to indicate the request to release the child from classes. It is recommended not to use the wording “I bring to your attention”, “I hereby notify you”. Such phrases indicate a unilateral decision of the issue by the parents, while the child is obliged to comply with discipline and the established order of behavior at school.

There is no need to provoke a negative reaction from teachers in advance. It is better to use the wording “I ask you to allow your absence,” “I ask you to excuse you from classes.”

You also need to write down that you are asking to release your son or daughter. This is especially true for parents who have different surnames with their children.

  1. The reason for absence is indicated (family circumstances, vacation trip, etc.). If available, you can attach the relevant documents.

Parent's responsibility.

  1. The child is required to follow the curriculum, including by attending all lessons. Absence of even one day from classes can negatively affect future performance. Since the child’s absence occurs at the initiative of the parents, it is necessary to write in the application that the parent takes responsibility for completing the missed educational material. This is especially true for long absences from classes.

Date and signature.

The date the application was written is indicated. It may not coincide with the day of its actual submission to the director. Signature and transcript are added.

For family reasons Most often, in applications to release a child from classes, parents indicate family circumstances as the reason for absence. Our personal life concerns only us and our family. It is not necessary to dedicate the teacher to its details.

Family circumstances can include anything. This could be a visit to grandma in the hospital or a meeting with relatives who come to visit every few years.

There are circumstances in life that are much more important than missed lessons. Then it is necessary to apply for the child’s absence from school for family reasons.


The application must be written to the director. In some schools, especially for primary school students, it is enough to warn in writing about the absence of the class teacher. You should find out about the specific procedure for releasing a child from classes from the educational institution that the child attends.

The application must be submitted in advance, at least several days in advance. It is highly undesirable to serve it the day before or on the day of absence. Retroactive registration is not acceptable.


Often the director is approached not only with statements, but also with complaints. Sometimes parents are dissatisfied with the teacher, his teaching methods in general, or his attitude towards their child in particular.

Claims may also be made about the organization of the educational process, the material provision of the educational institution, catering, etc.

From parent In accordance with Art. 45 of the Law, parents have the right to appeal to the management of the educational institution in cases of violation of the rights of their child, the parents themselves.

Such complaints may raise the question of bringing the teacher to disciplinary action.

Such complaints are subject to mandatory consideration and decision making. When considering, to properly resolve the conflict, the student and parents must be involved.

If a parent has complaints about the work of the school principal, the complaint should be submitted to the education department of the relevant municipality (city or district).


Often several parents of children studying in the same class or school have the same complaints. In this case, a collective complaint may be filed. Sometimes this is the most effective measure to draw management's attention to a particular problem.

The fact is that there are some parents who are always dissatisfied with something. The collective nature of the complaint at least indicates that there really is a problem.

In case of a collective complaint, it is drawn up from a third party. At the end of the complaint, the parents submitting it put their signatures with transcripts.

For teachers

If a complaint is filed against a teacher, the school management is obliged to check it. To do this, the teacher himself, the student and the parent who filed the complaint will be interviewed. If any violations are detected on the part of the teacher, disciplinary action may be imposed on him, including dismissal.

When filing such complaints, parents should remember that their child will most likely continue to study with this teacher. The attitude towards your son or daughter will inevitably be spoiled. Therefore, before contacting the director, think about whether it is possible to resolve the existing conflict yourself.

For some reason, many parents were faced with the need to write a complaint to the school principal. Such a document is considered official and must be drawn up in accordance with established rules. First, you need to understand in what situations it is worth writing a claim. Since in most cases a controversial situation can be resolved peacefully without attracting additional attention. At the same time, each parent must write a statement about any serious matter that requires notification to the head of the educational institution.

How to write a complaint to the school principal?

Any parent strives to protect their child from negative aspects. But often it is at school that they happen. In most situations, the reasons for contacting the director may be unlawful actions of the teacher. In such cases, first of all, it is necessary to deal personally with the other party to the conflict. If such actions do not bring the desired result, then a written complaint should be sent to the school director. First of all, you need to figure out how to write a complaint against a teacher to the management of the institution.
The submitted document must reflect the following points:

  • Indicate your personal information;
  • It is also mandatory to indicate the full name. teacher, his contact information;
  • FULL NAME. directors;
  • It is necessary to voice your complaints against the teacher;
  • If we are talking about serious offenses on the part of the teacher, then your further actions and your requirements should be outlined;
  • Your personal signature with transcript and date.

But still, the most common is a complaint to the school principal from parents against a student. In this case, do not rush to contact the administration of the establishment. It is necessary to try to resolve the conflict without involving additional parties. If the parents or supervisor refuse to cooperate, all you have to do is file a complaint against such a student. It is necessary to indicate your full name. your child and his abuser, the causes of the conflict and your requirements for its resolution.

Sample application to the school principal

The application must be written correctly and include the following mandatory points:
Full name of the educational institution, full name. directors;

  • Your data;
  • The essence of the problem must be presented in a reasoned form;
  • It is possible to offer options for solving a problem situation;
  • Your signature and date of your application.

The claim must be drawn up correctly and legibly on A4 sheet, using a formal communication style. Since the document is official, corrections are unacceptable. It is prohibited to provide false information or use incorrect or offensive language.

Collective complaint from parents to the school principal

There are also situations when several parents are dissatisfied with the actions of the teacher. In this case, it is preferable to write a collective complaint from parents addressed to the head of the educational institution. This makes it much more likely that you will be heard and your request will be heeded. It is drawn up in a manner consistent with the standard claim. The only differences will be:

  • The need to indicate the personal data of all parents with their contact details;
  • Information about the other side of the conflict (this could be a teacher, student);
  • The application will have several signatures.

Response to a parent's complaint at school - sample

After submitting your application to the school administration, you will have to wait for a response. How long will it take and in what form will it be? By law, you are required to respond to your complaint within 3 days after it is registered. Most often you will receive an answer in writing. There is no generally accepted sample of the corresponding document. However, there are some rules that must be followed:

  • Business style of correspondence is a mandatory condition of the document;
  • The claim is written in free form, but with all seals and signatures affixed;
  • In his response, the director reports on the measures taken to resolve the conflict and their effectiveness.

If it is not possible to resolve the conflict at the local level, then within 7 days the director is obliged to transfer your application to another department, for example, to the Ministry of Education. The duration of consideration of a claim in any government agency is 30 days. After which you will receive a detailed answer indicating all the points of solving the problem.

Statement to the school principal from parentsusually compiled for school students. Parents who have to write an application addressed to the school principal should adhere to the basic rules for drawing up such documents. This will be discussed in this article.

In what cases do they write a statement to the school principal?

An application from parents of students addressed to the director can be drawn up in a variety of cases:

  • for admission of a child to 1st grade or expulsion from school (when transferring to another school);
  • with a request to release the child from classes for a certain period due to valid reasons;
  • with a request to exempt the child from physical training classes due to illness or injury;
  • to explain the reasons for the child’s absence from classes on a certain school day;
  • with a request to change the teacher, transfer the student to another class, repair the class at the expense of the school, etc.

Rules for writing an application to the school principal

  • When writing an application, it is important to strictly follow the spelling rules. Applications containing errors, corrections or false information should not be submitted.
  • When presenting the essence of the request, parents should adhere to a formal style. It is important that the content is presented fully, clearly, concisely and without unnecessary emotions.
  • It is recommended to fill out the application on A4 sheet. It is advisable to compile it electronically so that any shortcomings can be easily corrected.
  • On the left side you should leave a small indent of approximately 4 cm. This distance is necessary for comfortable reading of papers filed in large folders with materials.
  • On the right side of the document there is a column indicating the name of the institution and the full name of the official to whom the application is addressed. In addition, the parent of the student who drew up the application indicates his full name.
  • After the introductory part the word “Statement” is written.
  • The main text follows. The application is written in any form with a detailed statement of all the circumstances of the case.
  • Then the parent indicates the date of the application in the lower left part of the document and puts his signature with a transcript in the lower right part of the document.

How to fill out an application for admission to 1st grade?

Many educational institutions post on their websites blank samples and examples of filling out applications for admitting children to study in 1st grade.

According to the provisions of Art. 9 of the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated January 22, 2014 N 32, in the standard application for admission of a child to 1st grade, his legal representatives note:

  1. Child's full name.
  2. Information about the birth of the child.
  3. Information about the place of residence of the child and his parents.
  4. Contact details of parents or legal representatives.

In the introductory part of the application, parents indicate the full name of the educational institution where they plan to send their child for education. The date the document was compiled is indicated below. The application must be signed by the parent (legal representative of the child) who compiled it.

When considering an application, the correctness of filling out the document plays an important role. Therefore, parents who wish to draw up an application addressed to the school director must strictly follow the basic rules for filling it out and clearly describe the essence of the complaint or request, without making factual or grammatical errors.

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We all know the exciting story about Robinson Crusoe. But few people thought about its name, and here we are not talking about a prototype...

Sunnis are the largest sect in Islam, and Shiites are the second largest sect of Islam. Let's figure out what they agree on and what...

In step-by-step instructions, we will look at how in 1C Accounting 8.3 accounting for finished products and costs for them is carried out. Before...

Usually, working with bank statements is configured automatically through the client-bank system, but there is the possibility of integrating client-bank and 1C...
When the duty of a tax agent is terminated in connection with the submission of information to the tax authorities about the impossibility of withholding personal income tax,...
Name: Irina Saltykova Age: 53 years old Place of birth: Novomoskovsk, Russia Height: 159 cm Weight: 51 kg Activities:...
Dysphoria is a disorder of emotional regulation, manifested by episodes of angry and melancholy mood, accompanied by...
You have entered into a relationship with a Taurus man, you feel strong sympathy for him, but it is too early to talk about love. Many women in...
Stones for the zodiac sign Libra (September 24 - October 23) The zodiac sign Libra represents justice, the kingdom of Themis (second wife...